The Sentinel, 1881-01-28, Page 7IT ..mtiVeAsF*1....WPWRZ-ftwr4. ..1,11MAr•-u&S#2-7S1,-.7.m. • .74 ‘1711,-I.....141,[0.* IN THE NORTHWEST WILDS. SPORTING NOTES. Exciting Experiences of the Northwest Mounted Police—Blding on the_Plains with the 'Thermometer Forty Degrees Below Zero. A correspondent writing from Fort Walsh,. N. W. T., gives a graphic account of the late visit of Col. Irviue and Capt. -Cotter to Sitting Bulls camp at Wood Mountain. The writer, who is one of the detachment of mounted police who accompaniel the officers, says: •• Colonel Irvine undertook to make this dangerous jouruey during the winter months, to endeavor to explain to Sitting Bull his position, and . let him dis- tinctly understand the consequence of his doing anything against the laws of the country he is iu. It would be hard to des- cribe the misery which must be endured on a trip such as we had to Woad Mountain and back: The thermometer registered 30-0 to -10 below zero daring the whole tithe. we were out, and the snow was particubtrly heavy for the time of year; The trip (Iowa occupied six days, and was finished at 12 o'clock one night. after a pull of 76 miles since -daylight. • Colonel 1 rvi ne re tu ained at Wodd Mountain for teu days, until his horses had picked up, and during the time made a thorough inspection of the post. The return to Fort Walsh from Wood Mountainwas one of -the most :severetrips in police annals. During the seven days we were out a storm was blowing in our faces,- while the cold was intense. The snow was. deep, and on _ the seaenth day.„ while 30 miles from here, the whole oiatit got •stuck in the drifts, the waggons were left on the prairie, and we rode the horsesin bareback, gettinghere at midnight half atarved and. With our faces and hands badly frozen." CRICKETER'S SUCCESS. It is stated that David Eberts, formerly well known in Western Ontario as a cricket bowler, and who left some three years ago for British Columbia, has been admitted to the bar of that province, and- has stepped into the office of his brother-in-law (who hastecently been appointed judge) with a _practice of between $5,000 and $6,000 per annum already secured for him. THE TURF. Lumps (141 hands high), by George Wilkes. is the smallest trotter on the turf, and Dr. E. II. Pritchard, V. S., has at his stables in Indianapolis, Ind., the largest trotter on the _turf, or that has ever been put under the turf. He is a sorrel, 19 hands high and well proportioned, with good action. Ile is 7 years old, has no record, but has trotted a half -mile in 1.12, and a full mile in 2.28.—N. Y. Sportsman. Mr. Palmer, "mine host' of the. Palmer House, of Richmond Hill, has sold his trotting mare Della Waite to Mr. Bart Tumbleson, of Aurora, for $800. The amount won in racing stakes in England, including added money, in 1E377 was nearly a:195,000, and during the three following years this amount never ceased to 'grow, until in 1880 it reached nearly .C217,000. Despite this there were but 2,026 horses stripped in 1880, which is less by 500 than the number raced in 1868, 1869 and 1S70. . Mr._ John W. Conieyl offers to trot Director. against Sweetheart; mile heats, best -three ive, for 810,000, the race to take place at the Chicago driving- park on July 9th. c. • ATIII.ETICS—IIOSS AND BIBBY TO WItEkTLE. • • Says the Turf, lield'aud Farm "Edwin A CB:1.W* AFFECTION. Bibby and Duncan C. Ross have. concluded: - to try terminations for $250 a. side: They Stow it I.ed to the Arrext Of a Criminal L. - will wrestle at Turnth . Hall on e 19th, : (New York 'FatherWorld.) . catch-as-catch...can. American- -rules, best The arrest ontlie.chargeof embezzlement three fella out of five. If the affair is of Dhle Bryant:, sewiagmachiiie agent, honest, Bibby 5hould. win:' 7 which, °centred tat the New York, Lake Erie. - - , .westera - railroad, depet, Jerseaa Cit, :Ala Loftus Caddy; of AmberStbutg, had on Friday atigItt, Was preeipitated.by..the; the misfortune recently to .lose by death persiatent affeatien ef-. his-: little__ danghter, his -Llewellyn -setter , bitch er-wend-91-iViV -Bryant. laid -been for many- years.. manager from the famous kennel of L H Smith of of the Singer Seating-- Machine CoMpany'a S-trathady- She was perfectly trained,and branch-- offiee in Albany, -.and- had the Withinthelast; Month Mr: Cuddy refused iniplicittonfidenceof the conipany.. Recent-- „a250- for her ly .b,editine ,iLequeinted- with ---, pome atairaaaa-mitVaita -6AitE-: rakaaa. -• . . _ Albany 'Ispertinn • Men . and Seen , The dna roar Of the curling7stenes On the into disSipated biabitsa In. abort time keenice is accompanied by the- frenzied -21iad. eiiibeazled: 83;000? of -..the com alibuta of theapartlsans kS -Berne shot- of.: pany7s fund a - tiad . being unable to great raoment Is beIllil-playea.. Respectable, feplace it, fled to New-Yorkawitheutgiying .father's, of families, ane'd kirk elderaTt-ahoOt, . - an hint t a his destination to hia. wife- :ate dancing asit they Were-onhot girdlesand 'His. .prolmareT• tib'seace exalted :stspielan, .posSessedby den:long, The Stone deliVer- andathileanipaily ordered ay ;iiiiaeStigatien ed or rather barely dropped, from, the of his book', , whieh. -.remitted in the discdva -Strong Liana- 'Of Sandy,: the airittla is gliding ...ery of 1u defaaeatioaa Detectiae- Dwyer,_-ef forward on its fateful missiona"Soopher Up -1 Albany., Ni.rtiS. :infringed with: the-casei and soop her -apt" "a,'nal let abeelaletabeer feeling assured, flutt -Bryant' atould. sootier • The broOnia are being -.flourished ..oaerathe or hitbr aconiaitinleate- with. -his'. Wife, 'Shapely".brown. boulder from the-nernoek Shado-lf be -r"- Continually.'.' At the end of of -Water,: bY.-fingers that burn. -lend it. sever:xi-Weeks -MraBryaat baokeup house a -legs and direction.a--:- The voice of the -Skit) keepiaa and took the train for New York, 'doniiinttes all 'Leae aline Ileave.'alaine,. The deteLtL ta onthesame train, lt.Iraa" ,will ea Slie:S:a there, right enough!''. several days, consequently the water was at a very low temperature, and despite the advice of lookers-on, he persisted in th attempt. When nearly at the Other end of the tunnel from which he started a scream was heard, and the poor fellow sank, his body being recovered in a quarter of an hour afterwards. At the coroner'inquest, held on Tuesday, Addersley was censured by the jury for allowing the soldier to enter on the rash undertaking. Miss Pinneo, of California, has challenged the feminine world to a twenty -mile saddle race for $10,000, and also, it is presumed, for the title of championess. Miss Curtiss, of Kansas, has accepted the challenge of Miss Pinneo, and Miss. Jewett, of -Minne- sota, who has beaten Miss Pinneo, will perhaps be ready to ride against the winner. Joe Thompson is stated -to have lost $100,000 on the Melbourne Derby and cup; Branch 850,000; and Joseph, of Sandhurst, $35,000. A laborer, earning 5 slallings 'a day, won first prize in Abbott's (of the United Ser- vice Hotel, Auckland: N.Z.) 510,000 sweep- stakes - on the Melbourne Cup. MISCECLANIEOUS *ITEMS. The- Englislapost-offic uthorities .have just given an order for 20,000 telephones. Rev, E. Hammond is couducting a series of revival meetings at WyandotteaMieli. Mr. Gladstone is said to write on an aver- age seine 100 letters or peat -cards -daily. An -unknown disease has broken out among the cattle in the Ottawa district: .Brvantseeure-drloilailia for herself 'aiid_ttVo .And silddenlya as.the stone has skirtedthe daughter* in NeWYpakialithe.timecloaely. very • edge - of ;-: -one : 'or: athe. : enemy'a.. __wateheit-ba he detective. - Friday eVento,,". i_surest... guards, i' a -_-' 7treillendo145':,. • move - she - .afinthe two eliihireaIeft.the_house.and-.inent ,ia.':'te..,be. detected : in the iliandle. proceeded- t() the l'avonia TerrY,' at 'the. fge.. The crafty . player, with -ia dexteretis tura- -ofOliambera streetavhere they .took theboat, of the wrizSt, has comniuniCatedthe Iiitherte: ler. jelb.-e-ti City, -the detective. still foliciWih,,... iiiiper-ey- tible -‘,` Side." . The -;:-et-Oliei in 4 On.reacliimaJeraey City, -1),:fas27---Bayaita, in- _gracefill -_: parabola, curls gently inward. --itead _ot, geitig bite, the . railroad. depot, - .takeS'an' "lawick"-. off the .imier ,.ed,aie,of . walked-- slowly - lip' .latvonia aveaue: • She another, and. -circlesa in to he " a pot- - 'passeda- iiiaa who wita lounging carelessly on the '-verytee. sWlia,t--.-yella of applause . . . . - along . the aidewalk, a.iia a slight eachange .aad-- triumph rend the -air la.-.."-Shiftathat, of -recOgnitionyWhieh .nin, not eseape. .the ;if -:-Ve kan, ay.leds l'".-- shout -ST' Bedenclench, detective's - Obsertion.---Plissoc-1-1-vet-weell-- '41 ,-friendlai'.-meekerY - . While' :DreePdally.. them i- The - .werrian " anal .-elillclrc..i----.ilien- ellifes:aad rakes in Wild.but irepotent.disa. . eressen 'ver to the, depot, said toiak scats in . oust:, . That. .great shot of -:the Suiith'si has • _ the W.1.14in,•iobriif - ::A- few minutes. later; decided :the. " eial-"-. and the -garde ; for in • the man Walked.inta the.-Weiting,rodin .and- -,:va.in does theschoolliniater-amith the laird- , Compiereed. peeing. up and, down. ,-: As hd- tollowinvio . neutralize : his play-,7-try.`:te. •.-:turnedi Mra---Brylint's. youngest "child saw -break a way to that winning...stone through. '': -big face,and-hanuechatelyexclaiined f L--':011:,' :the acbiancen aliarcls.of Bodenelench: -_-: - ., a maintna, thera'S-liapa-r - ":11-uali-khilda for. . : -.: - . - • _ : •- - - - . CIIRLINGTI_IFI navar SCOTtli.`31tiTCH - ,.. God's sake,..luish r eaclairried the '.-rnother, . - - - • • - - .- 77-- -- 7 " ;.• - 'At the smile:tittle tryingte restrain • the girl. ' :The great' North yea South Match. of the ,,,..-*4-6,-,&-ti.v6-rifIg=tp 7breakil-w..ay.i. --Eta:- -Royal._-•_Caled6niaii-__Cluh__.-__ati-Carsebreek, _ cite -at -a tverefanitress. haweaera-an:taa-aalaa • Saotlandaliaabboaapostponed for an indefi•"•- -' laroke-fram- her graaairandakunnitag-ever to. ;•viite.- POTied to:A...want - of a ice. .7he ,-disap... .. the meal .j.6,•aliilla excleirned:'.'repa, papa,: Pointnient- Wag' kee-nlarielt-hrthe-ScOttiali- ,--.h6,re's- mamma!' . 'The man pretended net ' .curlers.a - ...,.. '....' -• . -.: -.. -__ :- , a a to. teedgilize the little girt, :-but she per -gist= . a ; ---s- - -.:.'ek 1IlCit 'S. Girif - -•: . ' ' . -- ' . :ea, and -just -then Deteetive .1.1wyer-- stepped -: The•Thorold-POst Says': ' 4The paticin. Of . ..., . _ : ,.. - • a -up, awl,- putting his hand on the-:- nian'e -the Lorne 'Claba_MiaaJohia : McDonagh, - : ahouIder;staifal a- I Want ypii,-Itr.*Yent:7.- MaPir: _---- elect- of Therolda-hae-clonateds a : Bryant aelmoaledged, iii -s identity,. _awl - lie liandsonie silver. medal te be ' con:Toted -lot Was-takelt to: thd T-Wenty-second, 'precinct liy. the Curling Clubs'. of the coaatieaot -Lin; station: hii-iiSe.:, sita wita' -arraigned before- eolwariil. Welland." ' .•.- ' - ::: .:•- ' -:'. - - - . , . . ... . . . -. • • . --tliepoliceltiStice, yeaterday ineraing,--arid -- - . • .- ... a -azosatiaaaisnaa- • •'•made -a. faiIi aonfesame :Of _ his guilt. - He , : 'Phil.: Teerson_ ;writes; fawn__ the 'Bull's also -. explained' that fie 'had :putchaaed. 'Head Iletel;; Denmark Hill, Landeuagrig..:- . ticket' for. himself at.id farniiy:,. and -intend- Iles;ring ,-frona- 'several_ -frienda ' in Canada ed. th Settle- in WisConSin,-but tne child hid that H.aight, Of HamiltOn, is.Sadly.iiCwerit-;. ..-- -utittittiziglifrustrated:hinia - The prisotier" of a_mateli„..and not able JO- get "Etry caie to. and 1d5 Wife had a very.affecting.iaterview.".' .takehirci pii,',1 ahall:be intiSt -happylcagive He consented" terettirn. to.. Albany . -Without .:14•Mas, five, orteninile spia,:‘‘ fair. heal-atail• aareqiiiaition. and thedetective. started- aiff toe,' for -$200 a side,- -,.&_-lorf.eit to Mail ' -watIrAtirr.:37:6Eitptilkt.y: '. . - - - will be covered by--the_prk my_ receiving.con;- . . . ' - . . --:---,'_- .• _ . . . - .. ditiens-;-. the walk tO.take.-place.in,Jime, or - Dviii.7*-801i0-:- 4-- --Ali41161"---'Peci.ilia.- °it- :later_it it slats. Mraliaight.better. labial - cuiestancea attendedatlie- death of a man* ' not be able to re.tarn to:Caned-a before April. • Lewiatoii a.few .:da_aa ag.oaaThe-- riam WaS -• - The- two - noted. -'.EngliSh'- -prefessional 'Mt: Lawrerileelaecles.„ a. native of E.nglaud, -short 'distante 'walkers; ' 'Harry - Thatcher -Who lest his Voice_ ciaer wa.-,eaa a,go;_aad,- Who ancy:William.pealiala ....had.: an bdues- con - di(' not speak 4-iiicird lintil- ---tbe nig.bt:Iire:-. -test at the "Lillie' Bridge: ground on Dec. vicnis to WS cleatha' -.Ha _awoke -1,1i3 AVi-fP. 20t11 for : $500'. and-. -the' Chanipionship. befo.re moriiinz' shoirting -Mut laykliina- Thei:e rwita Wretched. afeathera rain _falling. When it bee.oine light hel-P:11-0:6" Iii---sfrievids' -fast ;when ----tlie-Y a took' their :- positions. • put.hirn on. a aofa ayd wheel him- into the Thatcher won by - thirty-three -:yarne; the tutting -tem -1i. "• _NOW-, Is Want rybil: te 'Put. distance Covered being setter' miles and -823 mc before the lOokilig-ghi:ss-so-I e411§e.e Tn-Y-:-. yards. - The time at the mid Of ev-ery:inile at -the idea,. but bad te demPly with his re- -- •• . 'ease.:x-feoellpotWft,-rthtuaet ffuOi4.edaicsh4iiiincaen.: lape:ni ne g, . i7trrihe.-.. ' _136if die," he Said.. : is- friends,peohipooh, ed.,' :.wati;r4s f - •-1:1-1-6a--- ' Ifs' folded .bls'' bands: bnl(-1° ;his •21As.:; two, -1-5m. 18s, ; . thr.60,- -- 23m; 24isa; breast, 'farmed:his ceteward the inirreal tc;Lit„ 3ani. 35s.;- fiieaa9m.--45s. a six, 45m- -, and in it few monte t. ;Vvis -detall-13aPgor 2s.; seven, 6.8In; Sks.- - ' -._ . - . - (lile.)13f,Vhig, ' - , ' a V .- a . ... a - ,, ,..-- 'a. -. - - . • . :While -the. Iate.lgra. Cross (Geerge• Eliot) :, .. : . - miscapiaaamis.. a authors. Publishers wbo pay Eood prices cannot compete with those who steal their works. It is a melancholy fact that crystal pal- aces do not pay. That at Sydenham has been it financial failure, and now the Alex- andra Palace, on the northern heights of London, with its beautiful park c f 470 acres, is announced for sale next m anth. The expense of keeping up these 'laces is so large as to absorb all the profits Beaconsfield, it is said, wrcte " Endy- mion " twenty years ago. Therofore, young man, be not cast down that your contribu- tions to the papers have been reected. In- stead of sending them to an unappreciative press,- stow them away for twenty years. At the endof that time they may bring you rouph gold. At any rate, it is worth trying. Stow them away. - It is said that the cut of logs in the Gati- neau district this 'season will be 100 per cent. in excess of last,year's-operationsa Mr. William White, who has for Six years past been station agent of the Grand Trunk railway at London; has be -en pro -meted to -the Torontoagency. .Rev. J. A. -Baldwin. (Baptist) .has,pwing to lack of strength for the work areSigned. the pastoral charge of the Watthrd,Ab in star,. and- Brook churches. Judge Fournier has decided that M. Doutre is entitled to 58,000 out of his claim of 510,000 in addition to the 58,000 paid him by the late Government for his servi- ces in connection with -the Fil-hery Com- misAion. This decision may be -followed by similar demands from ot-rier counsel who consider that they were underpaid for their services. . A destructive fire tbok place on Christ- mas day on the estate of the Duke of Ham- ilton, at Easton Park, • near Ipswich. A large portion Of the extensive Stabling,was burned down but the horses were all saved. The Duchess of Hamilton, a sister-inrlaw of Miss Yznoga, Of New York, now the Vis- countess Mandeville, boldly enteredg the burning Stables andled outherown favorite horse. • • .. Iti Cork county alone the sum eapended. by masters of foxhounds exceeds 5100,000 a Year, exclusive of that spent by those taking part in the sport; but it is feared that Laud League' obstruction:may lead to packs being given .up.' 11r.: Staapaile's harriers are advertised for sale " in conse- quenee of mobs being seat to he medtsto- prevent hunting." - • The-Gee:0k' press continues. ta eonsider war withlTurkey °ply ayestiou -time,- ' * Mattlie* Gannon, torenian o it packing house at Sabula,. Iowa, got caught on , - shaft and was stripped'of his clothing and; _ dropped dead to the floor. - I- - Mr. William H Vanderbilt onCliristma,s day, made each_ of his daughte preseit, of 1,000 shares af. Lake Shore stack-anarket 'value of ea.ch gift, $137,000 -' 'ail Gre:ecn co:intim:tea obstinat will collectively" reiliOnstrate already been -warned that. s e ',ash:1g the syiapathy of the po. .. .. , .. . . .. '-.A,despatch front -Bombay s .the trial of the ,Kelapere • co -Wes,shoWn that a inaSsaere--.of 'had. twice heea-iaverted by 4-m • -- '- . .: '- - -..• a- .• ' * a . Beaconsfield- ascribes all It tla worcian. ' A.- clam ..1`aid - all .1iis troliblete tlie same seurce.- .Adarii, we. are ashamed, Of -you. Beaciafisfield,ythu are a gentleman alp . the pOw , She hail - is rapidly s. • y thatt at spirators it i'urepeans a,ceident. !greatness _ ' The e•apenees ineurred in rec ;Verlag and re -interring- the body- of. Gilb 4, recently . . resuareeted at Seeley's Bay- by.students, have. been settled and the matter his, been, d.ropped. ° Mrs. Scott:Siddons was run awayAwitlt and flung, aut of a -sleigh at lioungsfewn, Ohio, on ,Sunday. She is .1illing her en: aag,enients, notwithstanding a lanie TEA TABLE GOSSIP. —A newvring to Osgoode Hall is to be erected. —A Pig wassoldreeentlyin St. LaWre/100 market, Toronto, for 35 cents. —Put a bowl of quicklime in a damp closet and it will absorb the moisture. —Sara Bernhardt is supposed to have got the idea of her hair from a .I-apanese um- brella. —We live to learn, but death comes to thousands ere they have mastered the_al- phabet of common sense. —Familiar quotations—the price of stock —There were ten -foot deep drifts in New York state during the late storm. —It is easier to conquer the world twice over than to make a woman confess that another woman, her rival, is beautiful. —The late great frost in Florida • has almost 'destroyed the orange crop and oranges may therefore be dear after all. —A fanatic is a man who thinks the .whole world a pack of fools because theYN, won't look through his green glasses. _and to regard it aS MeV' able; .even after arbitratioa - The ;representatives of the . pewers halite -been instructed te take:collec- tive aation to -.induce- Grece tO : accept arbitration.. By a royal .* ecroe; just pub- lished it is abowia that the raatedla -army ininibers.52,3i0.. reenaexcilusiVe of t4',re-1. ,servea, .. , . . . ; --In the MaCree. case A. W, Brawn was . . . agaitalareu,ght before jii. ge.Ball',1a-t -Chat- ham - yesterday. -• '' The evidence' of Dr.- -Fowlek,' -of 'Buffalo, - the coroner before whom theinqUeSt was held tvaa - taken , . , .., ... ,. Dr. -Fowler also produced their *ilia"! evi-- 1, 'donee taken at thea iaqueSt.. b ,-. I3uffalo, .ivlitcIi. was read. :Fella W. -Wilb ek, ;clerk- / Of-thF e .ranklin HOuse; Buffalo; .. was °- also; examined, an-cl: the.case.vaS -adjeurned.: o. . , . • ._ - .. - - - . .shotIder.- : a : ' .. a .a.., .. aaalr. Digby' y:Ilell;the wellkii wa voailist aild. -authota, :leaves.. the.-.Oon-illey: Barton. Company to join. Augustin p y7s .--..C,Oiii,-, Da pany,-. on January - , the. 17th: hat: -1S. theplaec c.e ferahim. a. a . - . a ..' - - . a; a -Li' . ' .. . • jeeepla Getioita Cif, .St... Augustine.(Que.), ' while Visitingfriends- et Chericsbourg, -died apiiteSaddenlyein r.linesday night :froin in - flaininationa Whiela:Spread. frii re. --e. slight' seratch on Wst,' his wrist. _ ' _ . .. . , . .. . . . - . .Robert .Snaith, • -tae murderers :Who.. es. , caPed froin-Linieriburg (N:S;) jail,. :is :etill -free,.- The: Officer's of justice are cOntinuing. the Search for Irina; --biit .are without..aliy- • .. .Clue.to his. whereaboata;:- , ' : - - : ' '.. .,7August Leftlea's ,t,if.,. bed. pi euinonia at -Vona sali, Lac,- andThe-was--. advised to lay, ti,. warm flc.i,t itoii on her chest. Ile ;was drunk When. lie applied 'the--iemedy, and cauped. her-deatli by iiiing-a red-hot iron:- -I, -, In ; New '-York.. 'bridesmaids: carry: bas- kets with ribbon hindlesin- pis* of ben-- - yarace hist sumnaer; -rumors got into It takes about $2,500,000 .pay- the anwas m the newspapers..that her. husband had at !mai expenses of 20,000 - hounds which tempted suieine, or had _fallen iuto a canal, are Ba,id\to beownedin-Great ;Britain. that sonic -trouble, at any tate, had be, Yale'acrew are already rowing,. prepara- ..fallee. -The' London Examiner now tory to their neat "match with Harvard„ gives what it asserts -a-±he- truestory of .The lightest -trian training weighs 115 he -Venice adventure : " While they were pounds. . . 011 their wedding trip—it-is no use now to Duddle 'recently -ran a .mile, race conceal -the • sad facts --Mr. Cross lost ccin:: aoainst itobert Qua:mains, nearIVIanehester," a trot' of. himself at Veriice,--and. threiv hina- England, _for. 'MO it side.' Diiddie won iri --self from. the _baleany :of their* residerice. the fast tinie of 4 mina -:19a secs: - • - Happily,..thc. and_Rot- the groundreceiv-- - -The "National Rifle - Assomaaten of. 'tlie ed. him, and lie survi.ved-,`•- but only to be United States _-his elected new- men as - - - - - -- -placed in ,for- the insaile:" a This directorsaahd .resoltiect to 'send no"team to. - calamity, and its consequent Borrow- are Wimbledon next - - believed- tc; have 'greatly haatened Mrs: - - few weeks- ago, in :England, a yoting Cress' death. • ' • • •a soldier nanied John Hilton made- a bet of it German lately- married says : Id of beer that he -would swim through righttliat the recent.practice,of stealing all coloring it and clitsaiag it its -s. low grade; Child. it wad of paper should be placod vasylist KO' easy as..5t needle -coed yolk out,: a; tunnel - a qua,r_ter of' a Mile in length, on -publications net: -.protected andi,6uing them his thought t,he iiivestigation• .wi0 prove the mouth and the child instructedtot, hew' .0, bait a -Canters eye as t�getder behinclti vord i-th :dand LiveiP* mil- canal in twenty in a cheap form is not only dishonest,- but of great -advantage in thetriids of these bard. It is the -motion of the jaw that Mit it Ar-nnians;' • minutes. A keen frost' had prevailed for iiacheapening_thabrain work o American teases. . • tops the flow of blood. quets. . -.The- -liaiketS :.are often in 'lime. Angot_shape, of brained straw _ Sometimes . . _ . . . _ Snialler, rciimd-or OValones-are carried. - Under' the provisioas of the Civil Damage - kat Mrs.'Ellen-136rider, ef Brolaklyn, N. Y.,; recovered •-$700 damages from -David and Edwardz.Sbields; saloon -keepers for selling lier husband ' liquor -despite her frequent . . . . . • - ._ . --. protests. ' - • . . . - ; ... . - . =Darwin rises for work at 6. o'clock and (foes to bed before 10. His 'ttonlile is. -One of -the- Stoinacli cansed .by hiS five vear-a'. . . . , . .- a . _ 'sea- voyage Icing age: Mra:Dartvin reads to. hiin-the novels of - the daY.-: HO is inhis f, 72nd year. ' ..---. . ' • - -... .- It. fainous horse, or rathea horse..that might haveliden faanous, haa 'just -passed :away ; a:is wit, the white palfrey. on Which it was arranged seine eight years . ago tha.t- the . Count of Chathbord she ln.- make. his. it trieraphpait-en-try _into Paris. A sound Scotch divine, tDr Ait en- says - f:. 13erliaps_we":pay,teo listtlle ettelition.-,o the .ravelations of dream :fife. ..Nt all events we carry oarselveainto our sleep, an our - i - , drealhs aften betray_to us what ve- .really 13 are: -If -our life is -.1danielesa -a d. single-, hearted,. -so will out :drearns be li. pyi aud realized ; if our life l'a-the reyerse , it s re-.: in them °nip:lost cherishe& visio s vir be: welded to tain'alla its; deforniity and re--, Morse -and bitterness will even olleW ns: there.' • f ' . ' ' ' —It is truly said that there is only one way not to get cheated in a horse trade, and that is not to buy the horse. —" Charley," said he, "where do -you live now ?" "1 am not living anywhere, I am boarding." —A piece of muslin put next to every layer of leather' in a sole wili prevent the shoe from squeaking. —An editor, who was tob" that his last article was as clear as mud, said, "Well, that covers the ground, anyhow:" —Farewell is a sad word, but if we could • only eontrive to say it to some of our bad habits we should be much happier. - a -A disfigured man feels -bad, of course, aboutbeing marked for -life.; but when he is Marked for death heanustfeel worse. 1 -Let a young man once get on the trail of a young lady in a crowded ball teem and he twill -find her very soon anclAnd het man..i Sela•nd-So is .not in." -‘f Then," said ,the:_ _ • ' • _ • • • ----. • . . ' Lawrence Oliphant firmly believes that a .majority -Of the ,Jews, if polled, would be in favor' of emigrating on reasonalile -coridi- - tions to the -, land Of the.Great River and the. Great Sea; iiild-he is -ethusiastia in his belief in the possibilities of'the couiatry. - The Master and officers of the German ., barqte. Diniliel, which arrived.on the 5th.- inst. - it--.Qtieenstown fronil ernandina, Were Charged with ill:trea ing a British Sailor duting the voyage.- The mate was -fined £36, the oarpenter Li, :Ind the others dismissed: - - -If,".-sayaMias Buckley in her new book; ci_ Spienceifor children, ". we Could take One, _of each species Of all thebeekhoneld atliknala and add to theni all the:Species ..1-,,f-Treas,! -molluscs., prickly s inned-aannals, lasso, throviera: 'sponges ' and lin ae and flint builders; ' -all-a:these tegetlier,;Nowa -.014 rilake iip,5o.oba species ';i• one-fi ill of -the ro ,.enirri 9.1S, of the -globe ; the Other f ur.---fiftlis-, r .. or 200.600 Species,belong td.the iringeLd and jointedffooteci ariiinads, and oftheiie. la0,000- -are the :six-leeed insects.' - - r . -- - • --.-A LOndonjinirnal. says .that. on glirist: 1,iztaglaa,y Lord and L4ay1Lbplps14Otougb, 4 their -London .tesicience,'entettained..: Mr. ' 'lifter's .-A..nierica,n . 'Midgets; , The -;-fa4- iiitiire,. dishea and. plat -es , wet -actually „ 1 _inadeapeciallY to suit the. sizeof -the little • pe,iiple. The food aalaa-- terrea onded : iii size, eaerythingbeing.Og the -iniSt Minute size.• The Midgeta. stayedabutthree lionrs arid weretheroughly . delighted 'With. the-entertaimpent.: 'Ph -bee -are the Midgets who a year ago were et tliaCchanie !Hill inthis city.; .- ----. , --.- 1 : - r,-- The -LondonE xamin er aiya ti -fit - George Eliot's husband. Mr. dross, .'..-betrayen- evi:- ... deriaerof nisanitY.soon _after marriage and. thtew himself over. -0,-lialCon:.r at : Venice. Re luckily fell into. time water .-,Aha ,,ivii,reszl, , ._ . . . but he bad. to be plahed a a lanalje ciaylura. ‘!. Bravely Mrs. -Cross set- herieltto faCe.her noW doubly -lonely. ..life,i, hilt.- -the struggle, not surpassed in intensity by: tlet--of any Oft her hereineSi did aoillaat long, and -slip ia'n6W 'cone 'itt the ace 1 -of 60..-' to the rest s , . age of . that Mast have tolher aaa relief." ' • -1---The boy was tom hy the setVant, boy, ',`,r win sit on the steps until he conies . • ' • i -----The •nainigter who -divides his - dig- - !oil ;" conrses into too: many heads will find it . (Tillie* teprecure attentive ears lot 'all -ofthem I -Itis ri2Ore comfortable to keep house - on the point of a cambric i needle than to,- lii;r .ini. a fashionable set and not be in the asi-.hiN°Lio.trarnP-wi.11 'g';'.!awalY-emptc-•:'11.6111 ;ea' from the good mans door—not if he can . reach - an* Overcoat from the good Man's: - liall-rack. -. - _ a ' • i --A cerrespotident'Aells a- story 'about_a Baltimore. girl whose inOthe : tranisfoamed II her from a brunette to a. •blo de -iii. marry. her to a young Mali. only .to see her die Within a - year- after her wedding of an eruption brought.on :eyhe-s bstaeces„ used ii. 'coloring .het -,hair.-. ' -• - - .. . .. .. . , . -. ,. .. .. ... . : -.Many remarkable incidents took place at the latd•Enolish election- hut. 'probably no more extraordinary- item occurred in any election agent's. aecount.than -in . one fur- nished When:Sir Francis litiridett stood for Middlegeit:- ‘.„‘ To 'extraordinary •-- Mental- anxietY,'on your acconfit, $2;500."-:' . • ' - - - • - York - • ' . Mr.'Carleton, .the Newiji_ publisher,: 'argues in -behalf of an inter •ational `copy; I ' - : - =An ancient eage. once said.: -"Tire goe-&,. neSs of gold is tried by lire, the 'goodness of x•fomen bygold and thecgoodness of men by —The Athenmum finds that the present , system of examination cultivates a danger- . ens tendency to 4 ' cram," without advane-' 1 in knowledge:7, - ._ 'Young gentlemen new carry little per f e 'bottles, which: they use at the door - when they Make a -calI. This will>ptobably „ . . -nun the clove trade. =The .prailtford ripeiters. -were: voted :.. $20 each by tho Board of Aldermen the other night for attendingandreporting pre- ceedings during 188_0.- . - . • .1--A certain musical critic is so- hill of • . - • .. .. usic that lie eats Soup with a ton.ing fork,. %e presumeft is also natural for him to ., . p _use and rest -at a bar. Ment far. refusing to -take his. hat on i, -----The Supreme Court of Madrid has just c ndemnena man to twomonths'ini,prigonr eeting a religiousprocessionin tliestreets." ... —ii- What shall we teach our girls ? " -asks Mary : Ain& De Vere in the Indicant:palls „ Sentinel: - HOW to make aslipperthatwould ' fit seniebOnY would be onegoedthing;Mary. . , —. —The collector of customs at Oliftim has been informed from Ottawa that .eite or. morefenaale .0118tOill searchers are to be -- Sent tecaoh of the .suspension bridgesi at . once. • - - The Portuguese Goverrimeat has deter- mined upon -founding agricultural colonies .of Europeans in Angola, and; the .cu.storas. d.uties levied upon winds alaspirits are to beset aside for . that pnrpose. A -load of 5'5t 000' 000' to be repaidby the -African col- . i • - 1 - ,- - - col- onies, s to be raised for - the, constiuction ofroads and public works; - and, in . Order still further to show the interest which the home Government takes_ in- the .project, Don parlog, the crown prince, Will pt,y_ .the bolobies a visit, attended by file Minister Of the Marine., ,At a -meeting -in Dundee, Scrotland,-.Dr, Jahn'. Boyd •Baxter, -procurator fiscal, an- itonncen that he was "in a pO ition,. With the assistance which had -,been tendered to him," to _Offer a sum .of. £125,000- for the establishment of - a Cellege.in that town -sirnilar t� the -_Owens: College in Manches- ter. He suggestedthatthe peoPle Of 1)iiii7 d ee•Should raise' a- IikdigurnH-makingin all -2250,000a.ad the•meetiag separated with the anderStandiagthatDr.Baxlier's schenae would be' brought under public considers, - don.' ' --' -:: 1 - : ' • Assistant Secretary; of tbe Treasury French, who inane a teur in! Te southern - - . . - - statestoinvestigate ithe met ods of the manufactpre.• of .sugar,- lies returned to Washington.. He- is :Convinced :.-that the sugar cannot be-Colored-in:the course of its Manufacture; and coneequehtly: the dis- coloration is effected thereafter. There are- severaimportant cases pending; involving attempts to defraud. -the` Gedernment ,of revenue on high -grades of sugar by dui, . • —DiumvilIe, Which, by winning itg suitwith the Silaby Steam Fire 'Engine "Com- pany, has secured a `clean .-finsaichil sheet, talks of adopting the Holly -system of fire- , protection. --tensus commissioners :will -beaP- p inted about the ist prox. The Chief 'commissioner for Manitoba, will be Mr • Hespeler, it is said, and for the Northwest Territories MT. Spence. is all very well 'to talk poetically about the slender •-thread of fate, but the , ugly truth is that a man's fate generally - depends -on the number- of hours of honest - work he puts into every day. -- ' —A member of the Salvation Arniy• ha composed a hymn, which begins shoala ail the banks of England break, -1 • Bring in your cheques to Zion's bank, 7noduyld.ouEwngilliagned'tsthbeamnk-ch:siist3mdafl_ied: THE SEASONS—C"INDEN8ED. able insty,loud and long -nil -tinned sneeze, Long sultry days of linip and languid Rase, 'The ceaseless marmur.of a million fleas, and then One steady, stiff and solid freeze, - - —Newspapers are well acquainted with - that man who has it great idea which he wants advertised,.whose eyes stick out side lights of a steamboat, who swells bigger andidoes lest thin any living Man. They are tole met with every day. - regiment that --served .sometiine in , , Canada,and not a -few of whose officer:4-mo to American cricketers—the Twenty-fifth Own Borderers—is to . retain its proud historic title under. the- •Childer's reorganization -seheme. • - —The men who talk -.about mailing to Rationize it .newspaper .which does tiot- agree with them, though :it gives all the news, are men- whose patronage helps no - newspaper. Most of -them-. do not know 16.--*ThereaLtUdon CO-Urt Circular, :having :having heard that Edison, as a means for Produe- ing incandescence, usesinfinitesitnat shreds--; . qf batnboo,.procurea-at great expense from 9:113a, suggests that this new light filioulabil; patented under the title of " Edison'a Elec- tric Bamboozler." _ ,.; .; —Bleeding at the -nose -011H be stoppoiby vigorous action, of. the jit-tVS, AS if in tho. process of mastication. In the fiasco ..• -Itkopnee _ a