The Sentinel, 1881-01-28, Page 30 AGAINST TUE LAIV. pounds, if you will draw out the agre and by the reform effected in . their I e- Inent." ju, liCILture, a i)iji Nvill ago6in be laid (Coutilluold froul Second vage.) before you for the lnirl)ose solidating the sul)erior This Wassooll done. WlienLaura re- of Con court,;, estabiishilig a uniformity in I)ielt( looking at tileal, half I)ltylllalv, ll,�If_coll turiled with the two notes ill her hand, Mr. I practice, all([ niabong further provisiou for ling tempt' I its they Iiroceede'dhonle. oil, Johnson had his agreement drawn out ltlhll(f� (1110 administration (,f justice. how b ittcrl V Llitt girl felt tho disgrace ready for lier to Sign, and had 'lot evon for- ao At last thev re, --lit-I the old '01'ay stone gotten to put it Stara oil bouie wile p Aniongst the other'measures to be subinitted A. re I)t)ct(,r Keane itild his father Ile then "ave Laura a receipt for the tell to You are It bill relating to ritiINVILYS and 11111,kil before Ilud li"ed and died. And ti pounds, aild proceeded to put down the I wovision for the greater Safety of railway Ilk EXTRACT OF W1 LD y t it I I r iwotectingelile I at 1)1()Yeeq it"(' the 1) 1 "c: 1)' 1 f numbers of the two notes which she pre had beell vcr% Illuch re.,pected. !,;it I'llu call a collfary (1 -tor earn in s public interest in StI'L11111S 11.1111 rivers within tile Populated (list sca"Ity- -','tell to Iiiiii, ill Ili. pocket-booh. - 1('9isI;Ltiv­utIl()ri`tT of tbe province; u bill giv� ric'. bevotid a bare I alWays take the number of any notes ing stallilitY to 11,11tual insuraigee coll-1- fatlit-r 11 Ltl' 'IN' which I receive," lie Said, with a scIf S; -ith tile (Ille'stioll of Lauras been able to s; e %-ery atiS ()I)( IN which have, loi­., been it source of let 1)rovitice. art Sank its she coml)laint by the faritiers of I: little- 11C 1111.11 d Col. poor Iliall fi I air, aild Laura's IlL Cia"C (d lifu, 11i'i I st"liours embittered by heard these words. A .1;I:El)l-"1) JtEpolol. knowic.1ge - And 1 must a,, 141i ILII(l the SpcetZtele of 11 is ain express my regret wife's besetting sill. Miss Laura", lie s In view of the mally'extel)sive .1-le'lleficial aid, ­ that this Ila, oc curr- inwroveitients in our laws effettea the I)ro- As tile girl U11.1 her 1110dier went into tile ed- B - vilice obtained, full 'It we alust li%'C, I-teell vc'LrS it 9 .vou see, and busi- of tilt go, cot:troi over c PUSSZU'e, she NUNN` tile two lllj�ll 4 liess niust be attended to,. furtiler iA."i, tII its loettl affairs, and ;Iatioll tile 'Tc Yes," said Laura ; and she bowed and lwesellt sion I cc) 'uniend to your serillils Con- diiiiii-room. 'rhey hita t1luir PiPes in their $vl"cll Avill ell9i'90 Y0111* Itttention diin:w months, alld-wiliked at each otiler whou Moved away ; and, a few alillutes later: Mr. the (iiiestilon Nvlietber the time 11 as not they perceived Mrs. Keane. But when Johnson and his bailiffs were gone. c0lile when the pubic interests inity be sufficielit- they saw tho pale olistressed look of her ly I-y"tected lki'll ',It the stille tillic a considerable 3. IfTo be coiltilltle,l.) saving (if exiiense be etfucted byCollfining futu -r-4- VB:T?`,1TAN'% WORM. POWDER IQ a safe, 4,vP,,e and effectual destroyer o1r legisIntion to every alternate annuat sess, re 'n -t- .11 in. cltllureR or adults. PrIce 25 cents, or 5 You it,, kltluglitt�r. th,%, laid their pipes down, ion, ex- fl.d-r-ose fronik their chairs, as - cel)t in cases of sl)ccial urgency. rr�;:rITAIVIS NEW 1)031EST]IC DYES nre. perrect in every color. For ^A fl Laurit eirter- and dueabi . lily they have no equal. Mee 15 cents Der packager �q roont. THE ESTIMATES. %Vill UL,,�, I - ONTARIO LEGISLATURE, . �-Je liliss"' said one of The 1)ub] ic accounts (of receilits and exj-)ciidi_ asked Laura. pal,, ture for the ipast year and tile estimates of "I'll do tilat aud treniblina 1- iuust Illollics reiluired for the current year will be laid ....... r'-' *("I. The estiniates have been prepared & 'low. gladly enrou, I,,,, said SPEEal'?,mnino, Ceremonies N, ith eZI-Y re -T . ard foi, Ceollouly consist , elit with the Illall W,d 9 13 v n s changi-11,, Spokell. And, after ex- the imblicini'�rest. ors W L a. fe'V_words Nvith his tte, he I trust that thelabors of tile session now com- Wi e. qu aura Contrived to when brought to a clorse,reflect H ent- awz V, alld L, )III m Then site 6 ( tit fint wisdoll, antl liatriotism of the RETAI 1,. other UP -stairs. �get her filitl Ilkort.-I I I WHOLESALE &_ to seek for Alaud. %latiolIt Fore .."Putly beitieticial to FOR BrIlixies -and 'Forei., -Not HE undersignied will as -herewfoie an- avor '0N'UXPT1V"RS,, This Sellsiti�'Lk Ilervous, %fin'llovued]. T C we's passionate -irl Sir Frederick Roberts a fearful'state de t satisfy all �ASH CUS'PI)M_ her. She ivas Iact When La TORONTO, J Ild was the a her day ALL Fiftl wce what Physicians &Lad the People una fouf1d an. 13—The first*opei aalmOuslY elected an bono re over which Lieut. COD LIVELL OIJ6 AND HYPOPHOS- fiy by the coach in the Len"islatu I i119 of tile of rary einber any about SCOTTIS' EM[TLS1O-,V Olp (80�called)dra%villo_ . " the Army and Navy Club. wrote, room, where she usually Robi -Governor I deal in "QUOVS only- PITES, as a remedy for Consumption. WIth her hands pressed "Ison. presides, was The Czar does, 110 -and -aial I& k ears, over, attended 'with -great t like the col m genuine. art0es. eep and to shut her ecla t glare of white a. and Wasting Affections: - .Out 010 hateful sou this the electric light ads below, afternoon. The, afid has, ME88,111S. SCOTT & BowN Ir neto wr 20, 1878. printed on collard or, . honor -was made up lamination of the Winte the Su Cleat St,ock of the b GENTLEiIEN- 1havepre her mobile and expre. -to employ it for With sliame and despair ini luilitary quebtly decided not Conse- A f1i We Countenance. 'the at il r Palac 1 1 - Afealcal and other �-St br4`d, fO Sion Of Cod Liver oil", etc t's Emul- Maud, dear 11aud -) - - - - Governor -General's Body,,, presen t. 6 -for. the mrposesall�,`aYs ariband. .1 y pActf, arn ' "aid Lbura ; -and det . aardl -(a I used it in my fami Put her - I.-; roulitl itebrileatof artill Special rat( ]Y. k- am greatly pi -an "Do voll Ir 'rl's- form of ti, cry r. -s t-, dcalen bu with it because ot i+- easea - - -%ad two camnaa; Af Budget.,. a well-krin- 4 - Que s t in uant e, .11 L- - .. z tr - - Bristol inere "i. ities. good results that follow it,, leness and th i twu ed th poor the 11 U11111 Rifles. -On-the flocvro� Use. . e it -very Service I have fouua- -were a number of Torontos croftilous diseases- and and r hea e Ouse f I is 'colonizing a large -property he . . I her' 8 to, the, so able in s ilouecZ '0w sister's nio9t P uth of Lake OR AM be d fell on rominent ci"t' Possesse S 11perior Pultr0nary affcct4ans. s, yes clerical aura. kindly. Ae I lood o 4 i emigrants from the neighborh Ye- said L I ld a lar lzous,­ both Jay and Br stol.- f All= i espectfully`yollrs, gerepresentation of ladies. 80-L-thevwill a I IF 24. A M. LANG, 1�r. rIO away D ulee kBro V LouisVILLE, KY., 1anuary- r Mr. ilQlku,-Oa , ivered. the followia�o cannon; He de- w P �as way, N� ber'amid the-boomina -of t' � le Illahara�iah-Dh 2701 L "no, don't trelab Dar- His Honor entered the -Legislative Chain tast.j,eartl R preseritly- I have 'sellt io Luck -no J-1 I Qu '-d and haVk)� 116 lives in England, too� 7 - - - - - - ad address, 'after.*wbidh. se �game, This C se to --7-7 - - � I , .. - 3 sollie Illoneythaf Iwill givehim.,", A -Ile- House adjourned: : - :1: ", - . I I . 1. dverti4 4 I�A fifteen' 18, -"Oil, -sefid him g out a li seaso GEN rLEMEN—Far. t6 A.Way-sen(J. n he a e have aw-ay! !'-cried­-Utad� them. The 11' 010asaut3 for side aul 3,000 ta and kil I livi�r Laura 1,000-h4wes h hospit ed �oiirCod it will 'es ,near Thotf e in P te- "I Private Practice ord. iri-e if theyd ULILlernell of the e e -reX9 with- �3 Pleased Is - better Val-, ere--remar -This pa -_r ck� not 'to 1 or -.bbrhe -k eitt �t- balls -cart be -ta e in -Dublin at -!a' 'wbe S f 8 Ale- t yiot r W Word's Ab - i tll� . % er t* th Said thcise 0-Cclisloll Silled 11 the Chie all Like rst Lc eer iary,* 1,er )(Ige wekeXaiiY--pIcasaatSocial paration oil PtiOD rell�s te urif t or t reu aVel Unit to a. ' pecialjy 4PPIk s d e age a get so and All Ir .,j latj�%, t of ex cm amo Ii -;-D xed, -P f aF a --V hnex nA, Ci Vt uL ci�fe and agge�ts_tbatsbrne'l' ailid distres, -of coln'l 'COTT & OI�'�%­E re bav lies.".resiaiiiant whe 'U§e Scott's Emulsiairof, the r Laura 0 Inc ll,,t yedr . Id lot f of:the ai ou d Liv" was abroaii, alt(L (if or e -i mitted and Qn oil ink d d ad here, t ei 'I' ec to lie -I might refiesh t1le w qe(l th tllc'r�,c t raselVes Mote 9u he riou%-instance� i -to and 111haveound e- Pzt throbbin froll, Whic-Li S Iyan ley 116 Oita easilS tdken;.read1IY a, row, -and lande* I a - l 11 similated and poor xceedctf th w cau:with tj .1Y 1mf!ro ves the niitF.tjo� rapi it thel� be t.sh. .1 co "Ohle OE th lait bessic)n.: -ea ie eternal Ae wbOl i and nsider- bouglju, 'ill th -t-Emalsion 11 ever -used YS arld e morninti for 'AWA11D. -Gl:ITQN AT oreb hAU D 1_e',r0tt0d that tlic Doni-ili, paper ch' ews tells to obtain III(, ei 6uld� OTT &-EO Show uo t Ii would 1108. , . 9 peo i IIs natural J ndianapolis,,11141. pro ect, e 'efv6, -�wedy ol, Cod L -vitriol.-- Fidelity -w. :r given. youi r l6rislatioll D . ave CGIIIPOse'herseT 0 (1 vor 7 , btaill from plo 811 av-v uld lily- ell '10 of -thti, udeavor to t6 t f ..GOLD TLA, ould,obe-the best pre iver.( acramst M est- o Canada 0,�), CNC ink V t Is m':ld-C 0 can - than any In-affe &rt _tb ad given e commen fare the a IJ- ty Stit, led with ithe' th-'edilejo When ded ble'gliower. t ii THE remedy for wj�ak lungs aijkd baA But Ni -11 9 -Pluk is the-bist -fJille-s tokiii- t trial, �nd- am.gla erIy and IV introduced int d that tea'm say I 111-1 Soda Ontario. III, th 011`t��- door: -b - ' . v t distinguished 01-0 years a4�boOy Thay-be �but se ected fine old BijklIt' IlLs by, ili6 tw(y (jo tator� ch bath. the li ris commend it. osen, most faithful L -6t knew�,6rt thetil-till-thc F,� hiLd'bO 'us then.. indic, ePP ICZLrAt woulil dlli�ent resear taillAblC'frQM the mst . ose-41io, are. tliieatohed b after it ii d, -UP2 ches -bot thi,,4�djn rea - �v for tha iza you r edicine It A or brought to-liglit dt,, 11 itk,linerio�a mi, edy' -ered by -a che: de absoliitelypureand ncitl -in,, th ) r y am .Ai id L disci3v d stren t a-ainilim _�_Ur cer,l on thill Ions. mont:Fi6kiaa mist Of nd inka� De Ter, fas an ink Ish soon thaiare tah laten pi 9'a On cars raly .1lIg the tltllrv- Tile resuic of-. tile i I . .0 a,pste'Which . - It Is"soid by -all,' and, pres�tlt' C ace f ad6s6ri 'ad indeed re� bi well respdctd i6l bi I'a -of tlk� D 00 fheroarmd-,�lo I' 'Ind - Re ke 'it_ lours Omni on, EDE one little-ih� the.: ti -021 Doul inion rils ilia RSTADT aargoLxteut,of TT. ..ton, The,'Su IV. . .1 , - - ... said.- , - 1, 1 aalves hIs to defor the se�ticlu_�Il t Went Y mantifi.cturbd by f felt6t y dtity to let -yo ot to ti -le, juilat of r istriet of tb6se f Sit Iguards of or is f c ri, - b", , - ourti or avbrite wife aF� "A 41NI 5- Pw t dbexi­ wo C) uk'n h eft sre enyed.from the with ILI] ti at Se of I , ­ our Emulsion P h ad' i� re to of olltl6io"tilo fr th' h f4year aura r lly� I, , , ie age bf lust die ­jivellur 34 e b ie he be()to' his haictil ee the' Ch bad Coat, itIL and ,on E. Gorsuch 4 t CA a�L aSSLI-lafd ��'fiiclr th c twenty -cars TljT t ie usual �mttd -me that -left In 1 - L qico I- er grjtve.�wag - Wit' 4 Mal t]"ket bi,,tt, I.' I [if ng.wa s t (-11tolti C -VADA. resciib6d PAC �0116 6f the in tile t k, E isea ed, -And qhe ie, st"llction 4)f PLU"C v eig fuilctli�' P` Aft morliellt C0,117- - - lnes -or - taking t Vim bottl egan to very' bitte d co-itti this th bctwee, -Her . t e. rapi uti e us k-OUIL IS (if-, atan as t crests th man�. ti di Ithy a smeet oill'ithe grave - her a en ten- t hea credlitor-al nate ance to III was brokeu� no a e cit of poor,, and. t more.' 117le 'he' a' 'he him it , . n_ it 1[ wei (I �bk bout--�') o g ..it eenIlIdde foll- are of -I e fur 16i - ts_NVas destroy g leh 'and, the -rooras c16 , f pouridp -ours e ARO -(HA t rr itted, to' ATI7. I,- --.,Tlie,-CoIos P Y it I ­ i o Yoll (.It be w It zlate 3 t maeeall Ila TVICA�t, Ell Iti hon, s e ojesti6, 0 Ype of �L alih ta TILK �tZ;ICIC itpl)0i it la�eordereii to - Of which -tile buildi, U�%. S6T)ten iber 1-5, 71 Wa 7, te(l to f "t Il(ItIlre into. as - Posslble,� ir6,'rb6iY4l ac t 1� ait�te to y.o a, a I-efs1fe Ell 'jild S Pon 10-14 6011t U bat aW it n6ti ce upon your bottles 6f late S 0 of- 114- 1111rclu tile Inflexible, a i to� PeUkilig rep, trtttziblin(� V-6tiny Icet6d 1, e.- This ha�ql Prowd, true for off e, purposes h P -to dio last 1�farc -ell aritctoE' I, fl) , - I -S e& n my ea.9 17111'Ition, of 413 sh t h DOU*t of -ullij-11 d6 tl�e L given 11 be 6i altbou( Ii tb the bes t m-edi6al lalfAlie -wei, Y a�boii t e ofiall -aid made - - vol, 11, Illsion of Cod Li hushinda d'� it of-- Iler-S, ,,be oal -us bae-k. tre trIt-,,t. tilit t4ic - _40- ton 1Y pp ie And %ret 'I -16aders bi Ament lavina bee- iurage islo.heAll;4-beyo oling d X lizzle-load, 80-t and it alurderous theif. t .1 n -proved to -Val Iver Oil he Ilia so to IV -ill 'Suiiullitp 10119 the, powchs ers, . I'the exPectiltiOns -of hun- A exp-pe-tillf, to hear my de -ath ever correspondent it -diltv fl, Cut - ­ .1, The w4ond ioiddlikeitc- Y d J ly'curea* it . ( L . ieri Mader . n­T1m­ -take it-foi. -a- it'll eats, 01' -%�111be-P.erfeet wlifell. I e�-s _7S6ittod- b -t -atful . --tlic ib6,Lo lutelli", t Ith k With -ie ect IL' that the s 116,ulldl e. -to You 0L t hivay� be I14freed-theirs moull eli-9, Jar' JP h thht I -Ile, it the ti lse I. _V. In reco -.9 Without III'), �O . ier" nort helivery co b prin a 1posvil tl dtitill -',hard the feeli0g­ of d ---:t6 -cat-c hafr_,� It Ivitli in til 01 -Ii-ObS ofithe day fbr 'the 9 tj up . 1 reception' of t 'the Count iis�, lunorary freedO hC -at orrect -111 di J�, -60 i 'In - f -t the 1jublic" mont is arlb utners-same-it 40' ecured rfy lse� gre it prize in -1-1 ;lt RY H. P sieopaio�, Ors e jui t 11-ovincl, Liable i General tht-a F-- Crye oin he MACKPLEAG- 0 er haow a . e A ----- -- -ab-out ta,-foil _d reli lk-e - rtlett.- ong; I)cr no Vrteraa. dall iCI)i The death i h tlllsj . announced -E 110 eri.- np vi, RE e 0 ri A. 1 4 or- r( hi C Itis- --D 0 Ica- s of J.1 L �j Awn b Cie P. Joh -46D I AJR Pels inp. 7111(. e0ra C miral IV ,ya � 11 , at -,OF 2 Sub: 'his -resid& E dee, Littic'Badd0.Wi_h.ear C Of g1dad oil - . ecem er coin - William - KEI r KA13L fee Ina; very Sit t tb -11 exed to ll&vc-afo� so, agel-of aWe ill iLd t nearly U were unilerth f the on-eliter6d the-, nvy- in ,Tklly- f0l'tiler and r 1803, rd Percival I'l `111 Ire -'hati -factor ford -Ea drb�:en Iona threc helms ea ANER -C condifibil'- 0 J611 heawt - L TritfjJggr.,- -mostr6sl ect be-sp-Q4' to equelitly it, vas tb p at ho.,rq-of: the en eto 4 a - - I'� - � ''i . I , ; u At- �t at-cei Y quet In, -1874- lie skt ed* 'that- -years ago litioil Of ibi�P it-blic generally'- to - the -fa P L-blir oe came -%-4hore- t1liAY--sev thle­at- ke how InIM111 WT�, ol t .& _; b Iltid. a], Pcrts ba 11 t, or c -aye- the er seen Sal t' -Water . ) many Parts of the -lobe -SPLTR16tS.I1, sruiotliinti fo,,laadjf 'Pporte(trnostfa�,61.ably fiev had- - t C bat lie7* mu -TIONSof ir ion of- their; to, U knew il-othi f cra­ 11 'Onclads f' I -,could- Y nl(;Ilv -by the (jilIr Dg'O. exc-, felt, w, - View �recohs y nd,t since, a all Seen 5r I Ointment., r sDie 'tilne'llas. not yet hef '11(lRbear ept is to a A' UJIl lse th -PaP6r.-`,. Admir I on.-thei 1 f ' Is some �addresq. rh John t 11(lently one; but 1--eo Commission sbuls f result anuary. � 1) the 11- . .. I - . ; - I __ N lell)ate Were -- dated as- lieute-na ftur .6u b )XZ a ­to see-urb file -col W��Ild, -1814 .31 (10 -not lIoNN, Par -U n ti illy- _COmtnander,:Janl�a -my -A edlemeA g, and th ry f th' e e early ts there', the co the vrovii tfo.n of Deciember 5th, 0 be ag- ;rear-aArniral 1842- A cost. A'O Jug - ay 20th 1862--- ce' Ill me' Oxf Qn1Y MfAdo Ot -ule uVoll, alrea(ty vot on- I -S t. edfar that, VI The reportS bf yarning- the Publi �o the several deliar was awarded- tb" illSt being, deepi -ation an--directionsa moot, s.lature. admira i8tly 5331, brdSfre�,t. Lond'i 1, -,October le. cou oth C�Upks of and a. 1, re rri-jr4l; July Tu is make is a -ca Till 18 7t ittlk� 75. axc�d to the d�I_A 4 - TIONS he,- PO, 'N' lieservic ef the medail of-tbe R mterfeit.�- - AT,,; b gold, 491 ed - b�.- c6l no PECIFI[C. illip iti e nth,t nallagerilelit Ir the 11th Of, No,�embiar "eted -io de hf(V& _orr feboat In_ to audacio� -t" k ry, -and-. I ova Natiobal.'Li his to ithat tIlc­ Several- illstitution under stitlitioll n thek, .they 4 Sal low rituell girl's laid before yoll,_ I ald_gad- bp�misled by� t ;he tv, I kel � �a 0 us. ric lit _�GREAT sit, of 'hc se P, -!Or �e _�&Jla ti ff nouuc�., Eii-TRADE, . countrh and that otb6r� to.v�h­ �:M Y r�� mg -O i'wltb twe N�D' :011;T, On a -its ai purchp T6n Y. in t ig, i to tbtl CO - WtlllIujtY`ectiv01Yi)erfori s Own; lie. -unfailffig -1.4 -very little given are re e'd Vendorsat-� one-half the-. Price of ich lifeboat, fro Ive di� s'ed b RpHiD i, presently, f Ily Coln -land 'd P1 s and-.0i'lift6ent cl*6 for sI-ILE0 wjtjA�tho aid all leci tjli)=. caeleven pe Ine i . an sairing answer or( rsons fr -t e 'en ine Afedici "16 sod,to you nun - h call 91 y6u lid, l 1W e- 11 ufae k ak3less ed., 9ura; Duke wred ed at'Didke' t� -ve Y_ most e.arficAly at sense. 6f fis, hea7 polueation, a', Weat k Note* mp 0 t e n CY, still -I feel -sure I .1fiAy aPP01' -to, th Spbriiiatori mgrocer, gazi a ra, satile :The. rdl)ar; of 'Ven Te hi as ha to show I 'Cold:Friday, rable tel-ly. g c("lt( -1A`LtivcJY at his asl 114 fioni'allhon6 re upon� lstill_* 40 sons, t" ..,and alll)isea�ei gh t 4t fidl "the edit 0, as "ny.agrafidsiie' ct f6r tar as-ifiav lie- in th B6 0 Y llim cation tale. er, -e-nouncin, -thi, exr-po ­ w as -A 'tl -r countrIes b to C" cokoi)a;rcq\vjt 411 staadar!k�Ot Oxcelletic rms:.a sithie ani the�Pdbfie_as- 11 othi- L h 4 tekriblo wi d g, as -a 'he as attained, nter rand. t ith in(-, - that -no - eff6l. e -da tila Of the; Year. grec iv wdMtlier.1 On Ffida:�-FW youll a 1-807, tb -h Pot and B-0 mory, if t§� Opened mild'. x of -the Qen.ain-� Its. use as lo98�413ofe_ to -mahithin. it- in the futle. Rain. fell, cji -ine bears.the. Versa] to- sno� e stanip wiJ13 sof - -in e it, writt(,Ix and i -,r give. state of ngin ih P in in the! bac -a] 6e ment Whilckmarkoa improiPP -a -friaid wa�e of- ane HOLLOWAYS re-cklaiige', an yotell, that ency. i and followed b - lc,- PaY --the, 6thertcli Illay.be obsdrved y ords:-­ tl th rs xarn ILLS AD tan, the - - - 0 many -6ther e il­ext a4ens6s oi that 6 ectucatio d 1OXDON iengravM - ther�` 0 ea t to ln� a le cou" in' elementary' pled Severity, and acco mpanie by- &-high lab (in, -th Coitk eri tireeYelitstban voll to frozen t anged-to a -hurricane; The'.. D think; fair' ff W ad which Ch iatbe add�ess s`mPtiOn and cen. made a tile-dopaitaip rebs were broketi` 01, i -Where Withdraw.,fh' alone tfie� -_a�6- AUnufae.j. ON- un )hiei; which w :Gratifyi rig progress 533; OXFORD S re ati re Gravie. parti tREET' L Cal irs room -10 sen( P, e'deire Offe, V�rties in 1118. a2ld 0` U 0 it at -previously � 'IS b of-hlgh6i bytbe doicia: Id at ex t each"as. it .11y' beari C e D( giving 'forth a report li 0 7 every one g4 rljh- -8 -d- a ura csttftedax tb vory-.in, -nd T Sat the- 0 a Was ice -bo I Trade lq�rk ar KED C7 b -litt LM RO-PO. Million. Whol ke 'a. Oe ddre8sk qr�.Co is Id y all Drugi;jsi oa mQme commend Wed - en, 4dIfnistra - tion of j f 'Portiltitsubject of tfic- traffi6. was &IYP - I `;,; � - ad U pa t careful attehti -Ottawa -j6 f �es r $5 -or wil Med i IcInes are -ee by u ail 6n j ipt oft term- -cL cc tO Your Continued all every - red in ence, any one t r Stopped and out;-doof sport,_o rem-emb6ring- I is 8 Of-thiese'. di ort suspende ro anomaly, 0 may cee 'th hbr- a death in-thir the man,� 0 )P- PrOtitink-by, the _ece hGreat BrL examp -by Very- wefl, ,"--b tes- sai ich t e inortality', A1114 ican, oant ri f., ge e. -ten t tX 0 . . i �. - - - �eit for Sale Will- b -THE jrmAy )MD]rCINE C0,41 ke :alld rab e among- wild -an4 -clite 1 8 1 - e prom Ila e -domestic animals i4e Tororito..-Out- -C V L Ing 0 a-,Pl gilual "to. the *Vag. b V10 13 110 Y Alldrnggi�s'ev.,444 agiie.. __3 'Lj, 7A V XFORD3!CREET.LoIrDo bwh re iand' the Uniteatg ;es, le n' xetaidr