HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-01-28, Page 2THE GREAT TELEGRAPH DEAL. / alliances in Wisconsin, Iowa and Minne-
sota are holding meetings in a similar
spirit. The railroad corporations most
Consolidation of the Three U. S. ! directly concerned, meanwhile, appear to
,` calmly look upon these demonstrations
Companies. pretty much as matters of coe. ee, and are
apparently so secure in their position as to
HUNDREDS LOSE THEIR ALL. ; give themselves no anxiety on the subject.
If one be pardoned a passing reflection, it
NEW YORK, Jan. 13. -The oldest brokers might be -remarked that there is nothing
in Wall street say they never knew of such like serenity of mind under threatened
a deal iu which the public lost so much trouble, particularly as in the case of these
money as the last one - in the Western railway corporations it would be uncivil to
Union. Hundreds of small operators lost suppose that it is not the natural cense-
all they had. The World gives in great queece of a conscience wholly void of
detail the ternis on which the tele- offence. -New York Bulletin.
graph consolidation was made. It says
the negotiations commenced on January CURING TIRE QUEEN
2nd, with only three persons in the secret.
It is understood that Vanderbilt made How a Man wae Punished "-Cheretor in
the first overtures of peace after notice Hamilton
had been given by. the Panauia Railway Mr. Wm. Maxwell, who nas started for
Company to the Western Union Co. to re- I England, tells an amusing incident that
move its offices from the line of that rail- .once befel himself and chum with whom he
way. The -lawyers of each: company were
- given a memoranda and from thee were
instructed to frame an ironclad agree-.
mt. The lawyers were busy with
this document all Monday, andwhen sub-
mitted to Mr. Gould -.he and Judge Dillon
reside important insertions and additions.
These changes were approved by the W.
U. interests, and a final meeting was
• arranged for Tuesday evening at Vander-
bilt's house. There were present Messrs.
Vanderbilt, Barger and Schell, represent-
in,g the Western -Union and the Atlantic
& Pacific Telegraph ; Gould, Russell Sage
era; Fred. _Ames, reptesenting_ the.Amera.
Can Union. The preliinivary agreement
Was signed by- -these.: six eeetlemen.-
- Tbe new company will be called the West-
ern Union Company. The present Capital
of the Western Union (41,029-J83) is eo be
increased to ;2,80,000,000_ flee American
Union Company, it is • sell, is - not
• mentioned in -.the agreement.. -The new
• cable will be.consideredby the new- board
:. of- direetora of the consoliciaeed. conapany.
-Thereiveill be one commen trees:114 and
provision made for- cioeine Up seveial corn-
• peeing officesinprincipell'eitiese theetlifee
.cotapientee 'tire' !IOW 'merged: into One. This
• wilt hived:ea a traeeter t 'the new company
by the various- railroads Lied -Corporaticens
• of all righteofevetty. and the like preyimisly
wanted to the American. Union. and Aeet.
P Comptuies," -to seure fr the neW
poly an ins-'hiner410-.positianin Case a rival
ecerporiition---eliould atteinpt todiSiente the
• right pf Way.-- The- protita,el the lest Upe..
e ward turn of. 'neatly 30epere cente in the
:Western . are said to -have been-
-a - sedured hvotilsealieut feur'large-eperators.
Vithizi t• past three days,. nearly__ 100,000
sIiart., cf irt" stock have-lieenecOeered.
Yories-;_Jaheleeee-Tlee,. Graiibie. save• '
it is emdersteode that. the telegraph- eoinbie-
- nagoleeeas effeeted. on a bake: of•.',.e301.900,-..
s 000- capital,:oNvhh-- thee
- will 'have- ie38,000-0-00., -Ante:emu -Unieire
S15:000.000, :tied !tit Atlantic „tee Peei fie'
7;004;600-e Tiles the Weseek-e- t:nion _gets
•' a. scrip dividend:of:40 per cent.; the Ameri-
can Liiioii goesiet at per, and the. Atlantie
-- -e
- &Pacific it _50.: It ee mainice: taat- eapre-
-willbe-.no_difficeity in earainie e Per -cent.
_ - = .
on 80000000- witneut onerous
rates.: Itiseuaderstood :that the Imre eablea.
-Will be vigorousiy-pushed.seThes'-erieration-
. -is considered' one:of the. ShreWdest -aed
:mast successful Geuld ever planne(l. It -is:
estilnated that his profits will rine -np into-
-the enillions. -
.11.nnti Sales; illoinesteadS ant,1 E.keauptions.
eetnrn, e•re'sented to, the.
House of .:Conirtions: last ,-(TueSday) eight,
• giving a 'eseeteinent of the total number of
. acres sold and taken up ;from:, the acgieisis
tionof the NeethW.e.et Territory to thee31st
of Octobei:e. I880_.;: in 1872, thee:limiter • Of
acres taken up wore 56,800.; in -187.3e155,-.
"C60:;:- in 334,694; -iii 1875; 156,702 ;
in- 1876,. 13,i(1; itt 077, -423,98:-.1"; itt. 1878;
" 709,260';',in 1879,1,096,817 e_ind 'up to 31st
October, 1880, os2,227 acres.- Duringethe
total period -nreined 1,819,450. acres veete
ta,kete uP as liorciesteads, acres
r • . _
preempted, and -,922,515 paid for- in Cash.
Totel number a 'acres taken lip, 3,749,075:
. The homestead feee.aineented to -:113',716,-
:. the preemption fees:to..,512,908;ethe scrip
_ 'Sales to -15570,670, the.cash seles to 12.153,
: the total receipts .e251,777, au1;the
aeneunt tineellected r -55o
Thr,Crethility of ▪ a ▪ ,Britishrrztrnarr,.., -
•:The.- :superintendent of Police. 'at l3ticl-
-_ •lingtons lias. beene_eoneenuniclited.*ifti: for
the fairpos-e- et -apprehending tearriping
_ - _
gypsynatned Elizabeth Yonng elias Gray,
•. who, it IS stated, contrivedto extract over
_. 2100" from janaee, LOwther, fatiner„
Buck:fon.: _ The _charge_ was -laid; by :Mr.°
- -,eIenwtherehimself who :stated_ that. the
-wointineeme- to ehis hous.e encl.-Offered to_
hiaftertuiaeby -palmistry' and :other
t') do SO, and-, ga.v.
• 'Eerie- Shortly- afterwards she' returned,
•-- saying .thit the phieete could eot be -moved
wieheift t ie cheemea -gold ;elle :•therefore
gave her lf a. sovereign. She returned
•-. sec 0e:hieing,- fie She stated,' foima
• the • _planets: eintvilimee, to exercise: • eveinato these advantages, s'atiefaction will
influence for so paltry a siim.eMte-feowtheie _he:elven tO the just dernatida. Of :the Syncli,-.:
then parted: with .C5, but stilt"the heavenly_ :cateeesiiecially whee we:censidee.thet.this„
'.boelieseeliePlayed no interest in Iii..fortuttee; syndicate,. far .eeeniateetepting to monope;
Ultimatcly, on the easSneatice. of tI,16,gy-p§Y. the aff.air,Tlea-ves-seeiliare to:Capediate:
-.tbat £10()wouldbring uetold millionaire re, i•eelaeaheee who will ha.eansea -e.,e,aee'seae,
that ellen Was. given-iher, 'andeitietthae theenselyee' with the enterprise': " •-• -
:0MS:eV-ere -gi-e-eilleY:-.the-gyoy an. the --•- -=-
;doers in the : eheuse -were-Ice:be_• lrept!-- Th0 Troll 4,1roworie.-Ammoctlition, •
-open till raidnigli,when: a. • huge- obot 'T)ie -directors - of the -Fruit Growers'
woield -arise fretee the fleet -7'e A.seeeeiatien Of Ontario have decided tbsend
iig nearrthe• etaie-ease.. „Feeling that ,slie one 'if the following- articles to mei:inhere
'_had gone_..as-'far _she_ .COulde the gyeesyeefor:_1881e=e-Selatieqiia: grape, -. tWO -poeinde: ef---
•depexted.after-boAowing Dempaeye potato =(le*); l:iydeeeigea --p'anie-
- ore her clientaWhor if is reporte(1; ,is not the _culata, a nevilia,rdY shrub, _Wealthy. -apple
person in the -neighborhood' Who -has, een-eve), one yeat.rildtree.
beeii viceienized by. her. -- On the, -.in-farina-I:: The distributed aiticleaate-not intended
gen heinggiveneetvarrantferthe apprelien: BA -II return, for the dollar Tanintele-fee)--.--but,
'itiOn'ef. gee: gypsy was issued, andetlie result a,s 'being intrusted to the euro
• ife.reesealted with eneicieity,--and7ineerest.---..that they may give to .others the benefit of
••BeasternINIeraine-Nesese • - ' •- ee-their opinion in -.regard - thereto:::: The
. . directors have had much difficulty
. itaitwai 'otiprcrionw: ing large. trees, '•and _the Executive- Gem-
. 'The Nebraska Grangers laree4g-pin e11. the mittee have -deeided.,:" for - the -present at
war path in fiillieeint. Farmers' -Ailiinees" least; to sini-d_ out nOthingthat Could -net :be
::•are their_ new' --mane in that State endsent direct to- each naernber by niaiL.
theoughent: the W1IOid Northivest: After : • • gydrangee Painetelata,a-aThienewehardy
• two days"-seesieu et elOrriiiheetast Week, it _flevectitig elerul? 'froth'. Japan has 'proved i.
:.eve.SIdedlared..(we qnote). :notorious. feet. ' dtiring': the hist :Whiter, ,..aurl :the,
that rail:Ways.: built .133i eetional.'and etate- branches above: the--.snew line is perfectly
• :aidell'ave.-a,bueed privileges:Ciinfefred Upon -..sCatuid thPl.'Pregen t time of :Writing, Afteri
-Thorn by their charter diserirninetione - :.the cold seep -We -have had this. Winter' we
:leppreesiVe efrections, ,Wiiterieg- stock .ande'-reay be safe 111 saying itaiseperfectly har.dy.
epeplingearningse and, bee it total 'disregard.' It bleorias in ; the latter part of: suininerd
. of SE,CEi- 1 aiid 7, Art, 11, 1S.teleraeke_Conetie. . when most of -1Ioveering shrubs eare-done
,tutiene" and iecettesting the Legislature bloornnig. Thefloivers are:borne hi -late-
• :noel.- sitting ".to pas laws f to enforce the •-clusters �f paineulis- on- the.-• end- of the .
Obiletitutional provisions anellereeidepene branches, freni: six inches to- onefOot-in
fei-a:: violation of:the: sanieY.and nearly as wide. ,The floWers
was on an °extended epree when he was
along in the twenties. Ile does not know
how they got there or where they were
-going, but the two were waitine at the
Great Western depot at tiamilton,'Cauada,
for a, train to take them somewhere. Ihe
day was the 2,4t1i of May, which, as we all
kiiow, is Queen Victoria's birthday. A.
great many red -coated soldiets were on the
streets, getting ready for a grand celebra-
tion ; bands were playing " God save the
Queen," and men Were yelling themselves
hoarse with the same sentiment.: The two
Yankee pilgrims watched the . proceedings
silently fer a while, and then One of thein
-history has forgotten which -yelled out
in a very indiscreet voice, " — -- the
Queen." Instantly there Was great uproar
among the soldiery and 'populace, Who
looked at the two men as, if what they
heerdthein utter was beyond belief ; 'for
the Canadians loved • their -Qiieen, and it
seezned: to them simply like putting _a rope
around one's neck to utter such a remark -
le eentiment as that: Theetourises were
narnediatel y surroundede by' an excited
crowd, alid such pleasant :exblarnations as
e Treason Hang tbeni !":“ Sheet th,eM !"
etc.; greetecithe tiow tiforoughlyaffrighted
bla.splieraers of the Queen'. They were locked
lie for the nie,lif and- strongly guarded. It
-wae filially decided: next morning to teke-
them before a magistrate to be tried for
uttering - eeditions language "oeleailitted 'ti)
being- scandal upon 'the peace' and dignity
(If -the Crown. -After much. grave consultee
tion it was deeided :by the magistrate to
fine -:the 'prisoners :twenty pentads --eache
whieli-they paid, and Were disaharged With
tt reprimand. They -took- the cars -aud
started:for Detreit. -Mt, the :ferry
boat erossingioeier theriVer- Ircnn 'Windsor,:
lills cOninanion wenteupe to thee:Wait/
and said:: teen, -£1,f6 IWO -i 11 the ited
States yet? ' "-Yes," said the capteiee
the Oxen, anyh Ow. r;-. wie I I,
has never seen his .cemparlion of that,inci-
dent from that ilea, to thiSeandthinke there
is nreelouht.that soole'dieeP tram MS ex-
cesses,lelinire. Advertiser.
Iverson eaetri Beeiiitoot Suiui..
• --• iNlentroifl - jir." •
• Ire- It !1 i 11 fu irined- that the delegete. of the:
syndieates. in -.Canada; Alf,-:Legrti, after -a.
tri p to b-as-,rotarned_to
Almitrear; :.Lt the. "Windsor ..lIotet, ..where
. _ .
is'aw.a.itieg a:newer-from tlie Geeerninent
to eettle.legielation:.en• ..Stigat end eitablieh.-
tit mice' Bertliier (en :haut), the first
enentifacterye .Whiele: Will: he -followed, by
'three -others if the result answers to the. ,exe
peatitionePf.tlie-studiesof Mrefeegra, who
is an authority: onteehnic.al: knitter:a -in ,his',
eountry„ if we.eretejedge,:-et -1-easteley the
-eetract we eitibilsh froin a -special review,
Le Journal deaFabrictints-de-Suare:::: The
:JoUrnal 'ea•es To itrilve- tit tlie teinark-':
able! results . that 'pile- readers can Under:.
. - _ .- •
-steed ..'ae _well. as :eve" heee'done, 4t.the
sugar. ineteufactery .,of Mei:pile ineF.tance;
• Learee. jun., . superintendent- of: that
niennfactory : muetliave • deVcitecl tbree
- - -
years itt ptefouncl studies on the_gfibipot-
enaola,eSes.. If that eng,iiieer lias, simeeeded.
'at"' last e in: readerieg, the "Alitaititiry.-eyeeene-
:practieat aed ecOnortheal; ifit were 1u051libk
for hiei-to.apply. it on a greed "scale, :Mee
central. eugarmanalactety Whiele Collate :no-
. lees -than -fent refineries (ratanes)eiriadile,-
weetete it willingly, to his
-petSevetaticee and to 'the intelligent -cone-
. .
bination of his knowledge . of :chetriistry
and of theniechaniani..ef sugar e menuftic-
Ante. that liNfr:: L.eertt .0e-Veel::thet •brilliaent
..saecess:" eWe believe • the: -.-,_ Federal
Government will -Understand = how' to
.appreciate • elie ueefebiese- . of :theeeeetale -
:lishnientcuf the indtistry- „of':• beet -
rant sugar tliat we ibtOld to.establish-
in all- theaprOvincea: Of the ::Dominion -
%which - will give a Tresh stiuiultis to.:our
:ti,gricidture," The results -obtained-by' -Mr.
A. J LaVallee: last fall; ine the: proviriceof
-Qiielidee.When :,-Inel'enderiyored. --to 'get -ben- =
etkeeteefot -beet -recite 'frsineltlioed
areendiaetions- suffieient to peeve that they,
-ate' itripetieeit to -deViite -"their
laburs Without-deley.toindUsteiel,agriciil
tuee. eWe- do not .doubt, therefore, that
are white, changing to a pink, and remain
for several'weeks. It is one of the grandest
flowering shrubs that has been introduced
for many years.
Wealthy Apple—This new apple origi-
nated -in Minnesota, and is pronounced
perfectly hardy. Fruit large, nearly round,
color bright red on a yellow ground. Flesh
white, sometimes stained with red, tender,
juicy and melting, ripening with the snow.
Quality very good. .
Senasqua grape is a, seedling from Con-
cord, fertilized with the Blac0Prince. The
branches are of medium size, berries also
medium, purplish black, juicy:sweet, and
of very good quality. The vine is vigorous
and is said to be hardy, but how far north-
ward it will be found to do well lia,s-not yet
been ascertained.
The Dempsey Potate.-This new potato
has been 'raised by Mr.' P. C. Dempsey,
president of the F. 0. A. of Ontario, a skil-
ful hybridizer and successful ponaologist.
This new potato is likery to prove valuable.
British Colonel nisei' Front the Banks
(London' G lobe.) .
Last night'sGazette contains the announce-
ment of the retirement of a distinguished
officer, who in his own person proved that
although the British soldier • may not
exactly carry a field -marshals baton in
his knapsack, he nevertheless has high
rank within hie reaela circumstances end
his own conduct being :favorable. C,olouel
Wadeeon, V C„- who now retires from the
command of the Seventy-fifth 'Stirling -
shire Regiment --under the operation of
the five years' limitation of .- command-
eetered the Service some thirty-five years_
ago as it full'privet : _Without any
'fort of influence at ens - back nie
worked his e way st edily upwards
through -the - non-commissioned ranks
-e-it was -far . :slower work ' then
than - new -Mita the outbreak of Indian:
Mutiny found him in •-th • Position of recd.
meatal sergeant-inajor.he -Seeeney-fifth
• - ••
15 eh* , eidered--clesen.to, D, llai- with -Goneral.
Anson'acoluinia. *formed!' art of the • force
Whieh first carne into:set ous collision witli.
the.: revolted '''Sepeys,. who turned:0A hi
L., .
etiormouti-strength' to r -_ht ck the .northern
read to the- Moget eepete ..After se desper-
fight at Baidli-kiser le' 'the :. Mutineers
were utterly routed, evit theavy'ldis; the.
:.Seyent-y4iftla:playing- 4 prominent partin-
the. business -be ''carrying atsix•Lguil battery -
1 .
at .the -point -o,.f the: be °pet. - - :When the
'general:offered' in ,bOeSee tieeee.to- 40--az1V-
tliih-g lie could for the .gel ant corps, Colonel'
fle-rbert, ellie: _conunending- officer::: -asked,.
in the nanie7. of the Officers; far, •the ' be-
etewal ofit coenenissiou oil I SergeentMajor
•-•Wadescine: - -This apieointinent _Wire ',duly_
gizetted on: the; 2nd Of 3 true; 185.7eigid time
emit eirieeeseele rapid priniaotiOn felioered
that - the lieutenantecolonneey ---: elide coni- -
Aland: of the regiment We elattaieedeinless.
than twenty' vrar-. ;rithuinte the. purehase
of: - lesintee :step -And -W:fliprit . _the _euper:
. . -
eeesion cite sinele coinead . I': Celonel.Wiedee
eon- Wen theY. C.:bee tWOOnspieeielaideecle
Of daring at Deane eehea; at- theimminent
e . - -
risk -of his oWn- 'dee- lie .. axed:the .lives.Of
two Weundedsoldiets 1)61 4eingeto his regie:
_rata ie.. rieceueic -of .:hil ietoehanci: fights
.tvieli- native soWari.;:, . )ii
e.. . . . ,
' I
1.)og Giailiy.- .i)1 ,, Intiezziontent. -
(From the Atlafite 'G t stitatione - : .
- -Dr....MettelleeS 'leer -eel reed - pointeteJeff
carries notee.:gps 'for • bep fand: fetches:lee'.
-regularly: !"-J_;18.st:Week Jeff was sent fur ice.
He -started with-atowel; ]iii oneeabrnereet
veliiali e the Make' 'wag. - tied:no, :ijelaf-§aw,
that-nickel:Put in.and iinniediatelytempta--.
tion ; asSailed,_ him'. Ile 6-etild: - buy ice On
credieee but beef. was iWtiy:S da.Sh. -., .,Tie
labored with teenpeation ntil, he ere -ached
-Huff's 'corner, nearthe ice --louse - and then
he yielded:. Doyen. hi the dirt lie_ereiiehed
-and, after tussle, jt th • keot Untied. Iffe
- . . nr. . ... . . . .
biiried the nickel; cartiedet e :towel in, re-
ceived the dee . and ;cerele te.=4-ut -not: for
the nickel: . Ob no' !.: The doctokairiustebe
leftreinelet the inapression hat: the nickel
'had gone ..fdr-Ice. . The ie e „Was.citeried tie
,elie: effiCe and Jett, canie a,ek- -like a fliaili;:
secured lije: cash, -.gene 11:: to..itheeleeef
steed ancl in its-fese inin. e:wMe observed%
homeward bmind with his timer.: . e was
netafraidlo:carry it -home -elle: teasoned-
,... . . - : .. :
that thedector would-, suppse: eome one
had given it to:lhirie. - - -:---• . -- - '•
bat. -
1c,ach occasion
. •
iu fair eoui-
- HOw tolTr_ent _Fen
, A correspondent writel
of the: body _gets -frozen
thing to do -"is :to 'appr
Keep .away from ilier.fire.--
cen-get it ; if not, use, th
water..: 'Last whiter our
years froze:his-feet -.while
considerable distance from
cried all the, way •beme
"11 Any- part
e 1Tery worst
heat -directly.
Tse inow ifyou
coldest possible
ittle -boy of 5
'ut coasting a.t
the house. Ilt
and the case
_seemed- pretty: bed. - . I - ba : neht a big pail-
ful of snoW_and put hisfeet into it,. rubbing
'theri with the sue W.' But : yliande-Coeld
not etand the colde. I w elarniedetesee
hini. keep- his feet inth snow so'Ione,
but he - could not -bee thein out -- Opt
it. -:Tt--wite holt an hour 1 fore _lie -woUld
take them but and, then ..t - pain waa. all
gone, and vviien I had -wiped them dry and
rubbed eheni it little he WL entirely coin -
:fort -able; put on hiSetockin ft and shoes and -
went tnPley,e.He -never-:afterwards had
any trouble with -his feetoii account of this
freezing.' Ilia aistergot lher-feet extreinely
cold, and put thern at once to the fire: -Het
case: at first was net se bad &her' brothpes;,
and 'the result waemeth worse. - Her feet
were very tender winter,alle--end She atif
. ..._ _ .
fered teem - chellblains. ; et: feet hed- a
swollen, purple leek, end She :lied- to take a
larger sige.of shoes."
Tyke Gient:BayS of he Year.
. -
The fellOwitik is.. a list Of fixed..and melee -
able festiValle which -may' e found inter-
esting,: to readers:- .,Septuagesima Sunday,
Febniefy - fl3t11-; QuinqUe1 elerna,---Shrove
Sunday, February 27th ; ASII Wednesday,Mercla 211ed; 'First ,,SUndaer in Lent, March:
-6th; - St. Patrick's day; Ma ch 17th ; PaIni
Stinclay. Aprtl 1-Oth ; (Lnid Friday, April
15th; Easter- Sunday, A L.evi
April- 24t1i ;-- Ito etion -Sunday,
-May 22nd-;, Aseensionday, May 26t1 -;"Pen
twost-k-z•Whit Sunday, .Junb 5th Teinity.
June 12the :Corp s Christi, June
16t1 e St. john :Baptist, -.Lune 24th ;.: St.
Peter and St. Paul, June -29 ; MiChaelines
day; September- 29th; day;
November=f1st; First Sunday in Advent" -
November"; ; St: Andrew's -day, No-
vember. :0th;- Thomas Iday, December
_21st Christmas, .pereembe 25th.- .
An Entire Village Enveloped in the
" Beautiful "-Sufferings of the
Inhabitants -
.-k. letter from Berryville, Clerk county,
Virginia, dated the 8th inst., says : c" The
relief party which was despatched from
here to the snow -bound village of Paris
succeeded in reaching the place yesterday
after an exhausting and dengerous journey.
The sufferings of the 300 villagers who have
been bilged in the snow since December
20th evere something appalling. To -day
Charles A..Watson, one of the relief party,
returned here: Ile says that they wera all
painfully frostbitten d:uring their journey.
The relief party, which sterted out in a
large four -horse sleigh, made rapid pro-
gress for five or six miles, but when they
reached the foot of the mountains the
roads became almost impassable. Several
.drifts were encounterecl - of immense
depth, while the men were . -rendered
nearly helpless by the cold. One of the
horses got stick in a snowdrift and had to
be: abandoned. D'uring 'Thursday night
the Patty only made four miles. The crust
.of snow was not quite strong !enough to
bear the 'sleigh, which broke through again
and again; compelling the half -frozen men
to get out and struggle through. the drifts
oe foot. They kept:bravely on; however,
.and reached the village by 10--a-ena. Friday,
having :ineaneihile lest -anothei horse.
Not sigu of life could be seen, and the re-
lief _party. .at first thought 'that they
hall arrived: at : a 'city ' of the dead,
oii. .the twa horses thee I lied survived
only , to . die themselves. Trey urged
:the - - night; and traversing .the ..niaih
street, finally -keeehed:whak thei jUdg,ed to,
be the scheol-house -where thecomMittee of .
fifteen:had 'established th mselyes.1- The
'building Wittlippiiit hidden frore vieve-, ,bet,
in: answer - to - the t-a."-icauti3- f the partY; ,e,
-faint --responee ..eeasT heard ,144wed by -a
mares head emerging...front an openingonf-
in -the avellatWentei feet '.ab ve the-gtonne:
Ile proved to be Mr. Wrig t, the energetic
head i.efe the committee.i ' Mie Wright
'qUiCkly-enininoee.d.his me :,..aed liad:i the
relief party .carrieditito brie. of the honseS;
whiela;inlaciner ;-(4 their - arrival, was seen
gleeiing Witheageneeone tire. .:Iiitheeth4.-
,occu.pied:_heneee only ' einall ._fires were
burning, as- 'the- fit61 badfbeConie'verY low..
Nearly all Were sufferingfrom sgyerefrost
bites -eziaiii_Nverealmost- incapacitated' for.
-*ork, The pornen and childrt liedrelS .
:euffeeed .4 greet -deal, -althoe-gli' :given: the
ee arm eet e Twine. ,-anel 'esiipplied twit11.-- QI-a•
elothing..in_ = which -_,.te aerapetherneelve4.-
After the fonr-vieitprehadebeeneneele elent
foetal*, lileiWrielit etnianione the come
inittee; Who 7§41ce last Monday. ii:N":- been
-goeekningthe villa eis 3,eithaail iron etia:
An inventory of _th : etock Of fuel and _pres
viecons showed th t theesi. were four Cords
of wood elide, -nun:dice- of old:biuldiege left
with' aliiilis to lie41- -the -•fire .going e•Th'
Icorninittee lied seieed the stock of.-. :the -two
-.village groeereastoreS, whieb, together with
the frozen :gerne",efurnished a supply , suffil-
.cient teeallay _all .fears of - "iinneediet
starvation. '' The .cOntents- of the sleigh,cerisieting- - of:, _. medicipe, '. Bolt 'linen
for bitialieges,- - .einined- fruits, pre.aerve -
m•eats-,.: wine r -aindl.:.:liOnorS,- p oved ',are
inyaluable 'addition to theit Attie store. Th
elector Wheforneed- one efethe relief peat
at- onee 'went_ to -Wink: in ' the:. hoepitel ; ro
lieving the- exhansted ° rila'seilciari. ilecharg ,
whe., with -nearly ,'a :hundred.- leases. to cer
.for,..beid net -been tobedfor over aweck.
.Thi---conunittee eeepresSedthe opinion that
they would be: able to get eleng for another
week 'withelit -furtb0::-ata, -T.proyrdea- the
snow -ceased-ea:lid a- 'cruet -. foemed. -.!-This
:Would allOWforage iparties -walk without -
serious trouble; andethey--eolildthelideabte
less' preauree fuel. '. =The-, cotermittee thaete
eriad'e Lpumboi: of' eaCellerit:reiles:fer the:
:government -•ef the: village.- Inithe early_
part of the Week40.JST•44:0113ts..vrerenittd4.
tor"..keep .ceinarennicatiene open by clittiiie
tunnels • throughethe ' inereeiese drifts vehicil
'eveeYnielit fogned around merry of thedet.
habited leeuees. eIhe werk*astertiblyex-
hausting, and: the committee -determined to
step.- it. - A- •nutuber of 11011 were -detailed
to..eaeli inhabitedhouee. They. ere .giv.ene
Evahi)plY of prcTeisiOile aerie eel; . one' man:
. .
Was- planed in cha,r_ge, 'And the now wag
then allOwed,"to accumitlate at will. "A.s: 4
ecitieepeence, one-half of --fli. villagers were
Prisdete when' the 'relief _party l- arrived.
Every . nierning eaCh. house: furnisheS ite,
.quota e of. -.Men,. who re lowered-B7'y ropes or .
laddeesefisein _the roofs et the half bilged
:dwellings... ' These '-ne.en -make a, tour- of the '
villegeeaseertainthe condign* of the sick' '
.andethen :depart on -their'starch: for -fuel •
arid birds: = These letter', ae well "as deer,
foxes, :thous and chickens ere succumb.
ing: . to the -cOldt. by . tbousands,-::--4nd
the :villagers, by gritheeingi them - before
they- are. Covered ' by. thee new, obtain. a.
wholesome and agreeable 'Snplily..Pf fond.:
The dailie-struggle through tpo snow IA 'at-
tended:. with -. varying' .iniecess;" the party-
-usually returaiegabouteleerie Mr. Wright
ellen gives to.eaelatnan a'gertere4-drink Of:
whiskey or brandy; a-nd ,the e.xhittistedlile
lagers return-to-the,ir-hetuos, these 'ineide.'
hauling them in theOugh.--the windows or
-roof._ -Mr:. Wright 11p43 every - tdrop Of -liquor •
the village -containe locked iii hie civen .
hol'ile:: At Bret -the liquor vas in charge of
the Committee,- but the chief .found the :
they were not -all telbe. relied up0i,...'everti -
getting' -gloriciiislyeedrunk.': He thereupon:
had -the barrela -rem everl-thrOugh lake • srio*,:-
:with great difficidtyito:hisown.house,whene
eitherhe' or his :sons niOuni gntird at all .
times: -. Many of the honseal, by -direction
of '. the - conineittee-1- haeo been, partially
e i, ., • i:
torn -down inerder to get supplies of fuel,
11r. -Wright expressed the: wish that Some
ein'e :should be ' despatched back to Berry...,
-yillo the. next- Morpiiiigito relieve the anxiety:
offriends and relatiaes of the ' Snow-bOund
villagers. : :Mr. Watson Volunteered for the
dangeronajourn4, 7 114....leit the _-village
early gene- metninge and-beingleupplied --With
aelreish teare, found +tech less diffiCultr ilk
getting through theatiow. ;- The ice cruston
the -Surface .had ..-becgree trolig. enough to :
bear -hie -sleigh, and be reeched here With -
out mishap.. - The- eriew hes - ceased falling,
and as the,iee criist.becomeS hard-. theenlf,
lagers erehecoming liopeful.„and -confident
Of ultimate :It is prob bib thattheY
Will Seen break the blookade
. . . . _ . . , . , ,.
. ..
Ruskin has a. big nose and ears Stiff
side whiskers
111CoTiAN D.
A large farm in Berwickshire which was
let on the old lease at 21,050 a year,
has just been relet at 2750 a year. •
The " Flying Scetchman " runs. or rather
flies, between Edinburgh and London at
the rate of between fifty and sixty miles
an hour.
There are still no fewer than about fifty
of the principal farms, beside smaller
holdings, in Scotland, to let. A good few
are in the southern portion of the country,
The whale fishing of the Dundee vessels
daring the season concluded has yielded.
2110,000, being £20,000 less than last year.
The decrease is due to the fall in price of
The sun never seta upon the Second
Battalion of the Queen's Scots Guards.
One of the officers is a 'military secretary
in India, another is an aide to Lord Lorne
in Canada, another is an aide a't Capetown:,
and a fourth is a military attache in Berlin. at
A fore and aft schooner, while lying in a
harbor on the northern coast, in the absence
of the crew,,was boarded by rats in such
numbers that they ate away all the stand-
ing rigging, including head stays, and also
the jibs, foresail and fnainsail. All were
destroyed beyond the possibility of repair.
A fresh indication of the greet revival of:
trade on the Clyde is found in the fact that
the large shipbuilding yard at Whiteinch,
closed two years ago by the failure of •
Messrs. 'Wingate Co., will be opened in a
few weeks; a, limited liability company hav-
ing lea,sed the prerniees. Messrs. Wingate -
employed over onp thousand hands.
-- The Earl of Perth 8,nd Melfort, disregard:.
int; the family Motto of " Gang Warily," -
has .passed into bankruptcy with debts
£14,000, assets none. Ile is hereditary
Thane of Lennok, it title created a few
years- after Williann tbe Conquerer landed
in Ilestiries and Where there was not the s.
remotest eVallee of a Drummond ever being
subject to the Sodthron.
:i dastard1V :attempt was . made" to wreck
atrein on, the Highland railway _the -other
day:- The driver of it train la,den with.
valuable stock - felt, it shpele'whon. leaving
Torres. Search wi5 Made, :aud. it . was
fontid • that the 'engine had cut: to pieces
three metal eitairs which :had been rnalf4•
ciouily "liked on the rails.: . This is the fifth
:attempt of tile kine madeln the neighbor-
hood el/Rhine- menthe '•
Several:of thSlargest proprietors itt Snot -t.
land have just 'granted their tenants thef,"
immediate:advantages:6f the Ground Game -
-Act, cled 2 ig Lord Fife;Lara Bradttibano,.:-
Lord Dalhousie and, Sir -Jatnea Ramsay, Of ,
Banff, e11. all ef whosepropertiee the shoot- -
hies are et great Area and in high 'eepute.
IL Scott, flier:lessee-of tlie-sbootiegs on
-the exteimiVe Fotherineham estatee in For. _
farehire,lae also granted similar rights to -
his numerons tenants. - • ' -= '" . -
- . .
• _ _ •.• -
.14talepit.Scii Stihttrs.-
,-! .Xeve_r get out ot ,anybody's road.-- a
If iiiiy„one is inlyeur reed -don't go round.
;through Iiiui..
-.Don't:burden 'yourself with Any extra
:wrapee -shieetingispleasafite,Oecasionelly,
-When You find yourself falling bringsome
dueelee doeen with OU andhe sure to keeee
hp top, -
If it green skater ...aska: your _assistance;
don't give et ;..- people might take yen. for
.greeny. -• . - •
Ifyour, straps ;And: 1.)11Pide.5. get out of
Or46r, §we'ar_a,ti thOrn bottled anger ie bad
for the soul. t
If yeti happen ti; own :Skates 'don't lend
thetu. to a little brether,i.a little sister, -or
:any one elee: ' ';• -
. If a:pretty girt eoines along and ea.peiies. ,
at your feet inok her up tenderly and. offer
her yOutearni. " , • - •, -
Don't Ilearnto -skate bythe old-fashioned -
imethod; -try spread :eagls at Once. e
Ifyou get uncomfortably warm,' band
Your ulster or Seal stacqueto the first one
Who Opines: along. ..They'll," --keep :it
pleasure,: •- ' , "' •
If your 'Sister takeS•a- tntrible, . make out
you: don't see her Lit's terribly .stupid work
to play the agreeable an olelpo'ke like her: .
af you fell, dont be in -a hurry 'vetting
• - -
up; you &retake a rest, and if a dozen trip
and double Over yeu it, witi-only Make sport
for the -ctowd.-
Skaters would do Well to remember that
love_ on skates always funs smo.eili. -A 101-:.
low that. owne_e good 14ir of
skates, ti. c�m-
niandiiig ulster and:a jaunty cap 7 C131;11 have
pick.aeid choice of girls. - , •
Always carry teenparance -tracts abont
you etileilit .XOU :to leave YOUr girifOr -
it few .naomerits.tofgetn'hot. lenionade„:tell -
her you see a :fellow 'in the -distance you
want to give it trapt to ;:.-she'll believe you.
If you give.ber apeppermint lozenge when
-you -come :back 'she'll believe you more yet- -
. - .
Pork rackei.s [tad ‘Vholesnle PiIio
.The third amnia' meeting of eterio.
Pork. Packers- and. Wholesale Vision
Dealers' Association was held oi the :nth- ,
instein the Board of -Trade rooms, To-
ronto. . There was a _good, !attendance,.
Correspondence With -elle 'Government re,
gardingdefailed Statistics Of importations _
of hog- products, and with the different
railway cornpanieS.:in ..tefereneelo the de-
liveries of hogs -.at the: :varions picking -
paints; was laid before the" Meeting. It is
expeetedthat next Season. this information t
Will be complete -that it will' prove of -I •
great advantage, not 'only_ to pork packers,
but to hog raisers. I The Value Of . beg pro -2
-.duets' handled by :members of. the' associa-
tion :dining. last Seasen was considerably
above'ane-- million -dollars; , The:following
.gentleneen-Were eleeted.office•bea,retee: Fre.7- -
• - • .
Sidefit, Mr.rTlios.DaviSon, Toreuto Vico-
president,: MreJehill Yorke, Aylmer; °See.
retery-treesurer, Mr. Jae. E. 4 4. Benne,-.
Toronto. A cordial vote d OS, was
passed to the retiring president;
Fearnian, of; this pity, after which :the -
'meeting adjourned mita .4-th of April nest'
• - •
- :We/ghta and-Iflernnarri. ;* •
A:return tespeotingthe 6peratioh of the
Alrdights and; Measures ..Act :submitted to
Parliament, shows thatr: fienn Ji4 ]st to
Deember. ist list year the revenue- was
312,785, and the ,expenditiire :$26,222. The
revenue .forthe eeeond- six -necintlia; of. lbw- -
saline year wagS1,682. Tho foliowing is
".s. tatem,eut of thC:187:8e41183.8::9 eXP.:motli- •
tura-for the y6E/reel, sa:29,8: :-s- 13,685 s).7.090:.
xe:vreelin. udeituro . .07,34 •
- - ,