HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-01-21, Page 4t t� l= • • • Ta;". 1.114:1:Ty TO. 1•T -1'E Ai.-tt'.tt tr\c; •rtt T11E 1)11-t. Ptt1..: L11417.n„ow, 'Tan tgtrly :trtit-le on t n� km: er st:g ti' c iesl.:l., of a le13ttr1...r lox 1.4 t:u•ter'y, fr tut ioilotci;ig l'lte v.'o•:tin-A 1 tln:uttlt• ser i frit, iiie Stint tt 1)11731110. a11t1 in tl :.eras of 1 tni l ft, int acre,, p1:6:,tit1;,' it i(t tar -tilers :tutu. troublt, titan y't1,1in , from 1;1 the- acre, beim.; an trstiiratetl cit c t11ve t Yt1Ctl.t1121 e t(- l .Li tl l by f:t i :_.c•;1 per- t.t i` ttzh t1 it 1M11 c,t'(1, fi• It ll� �;e LS_ eft 1 - 1` i'tren 3 tN41 he tiaras c'tllc,-a� iii :ii- t1u t <xiIt'-.d ill tC't`l,_ht Tile` fot:iler loon etp a.1. -to ;Abe- - rlt�4 -,i arfil-1-tiler its tile; snit, tit t°ht3:ot;tii;; _.. •. i. -ti °,tli:iLll!j.:i} 1 .(t all`(-�ol-t'atrue 1t to OER .'1 it"I11c. 1 t'tt'd, fieri 1(:! rift, St 4tttltk- t: C(EFIt`1t�1 ?itti' 1Tif`tlrl l r - - _i rls t 1 tiiittiStt (t�,l •til(' trill cl '<:1[lty to luoli, dist( atl t7 11 it., ]tttjnilar shown.' a w' 1i1 11('i ii c'intF() -1 ;Tire t ':1i rig l -e theirlr pl'^t l.t' btl lilln�:of th ` :of t -1t( Ai :et -t -r iuoirdtt.g4 , hut: the t ii tin. S_ieevili,n .tile :filrar_.-etct a 1(l 111'lhlLr! i tilat ti .to- o St;$• &t} :ll illi 11.11Stnj'Ssr aTi sttiall sublet 10,1 t, al.l Of - 114 l( 1=111Pi : elle llie , over to =It fur \i: e t. tiii0ugi1 fur. then' :to -:lid e belong to 11 ii `1d -it is s:i C.)U11o1'Y,, t,`11 .5erfs tf rile .,Will i11 ' ltk` rail tt cry. _ rililt to (aur tui; re I,`. ti tl1G ti E alrc a(lyl,ec lilitilll trio 1. 1r�o.=Yz N1,`Ttt Alt( !'1 FREELY }'!c: uF coNsctENCJ; WE ,Ii :441'1Es. (t 11,er contains a ,1i'4i,)4i of groty- t 'ei11 O:i :rio, 111e It to the 'Filson-. tt;h we clip the. ant' last hinter nt purl x1111)- t rade , : t as cast C,f e1`? l,rirg rented 37 nel•s; at, w3 per this sed, and t sed they re-. hi cullivtton leo . of corn, and 11, tc,ns otc.[ne to t [ rel e. of 1-1 tons;. ciiltiyatiDO; lutr $2„:.06 per. tori, Dore - Lor the 5, Glee C.)tnpany reel, the fariners x1(1 1 and with -the. latch- -tlfe crushed. 3.5 - husliels (;t tl'{tni AIt at_rt. -ot (l)nal-as .feed; --to rii ai.cl, if -.anytI11!i1_, lift}t-inn 1p(s(1. Of the lt ;iv eg;,of t i' 11nt; jlrun'rt es 1fl1(thy:= `l ht li n fresh.' rltin ih railway will prove to be. The Com- pany may construct the mils of tlt e mad with steep grades, sharp curves and wooden bridges, and furnish 11c more equipment than is necessary for the ci,nstruction of the road. Having; by tins means secured possession of the part of the read c.ntstruckd lty tire= Government, they can droll issue bunds at the rata (,t ten thousand dtlliais per Mile for the tivIiule length et the ie -•t1 and all its Inapt -14S. 4112iieso bowls can bo taken up lty tftu :;w;lto=Cotnt:any under another name, (kr any other American c ,lltliauy. 'l'huy ' ;111 also sell all their lands at tl:e• enhanced value givetl to diem by the const ruction of the line and its Yarittus blaticlttts, trhieh will then 1)0 at 1E:.1st equal to seven and a balk (htllar:�- pier acre. :1y the railway bottles, in addition to the. cash subsidy paid by the Government, Will 111:Jre than pay for :ill -tile: possible outlay whirh the C: nll1any may incur in tl1u construction (,f the. road, the pro' coeds of the I u1,is; less live Million dollars- depos dtcilvh th(: (tiovt�rinuent,_ ttnnunttl g ti) over 01x1 hundred and eighty million dollars,• 1 ba poeke+c(1 b tl>tl Svndic4 , tt h , ill -t-1 i-tl per1W the bond older . Ni•11.1 rim ,: be`•ono of tbernseives, or- "---N"1:1;.. (;ould or'tTl Fail ilyibllt,, to `force -lose 'II the whole -road and allt'rtvaltl•rA1110:-.1� st=C}i portlCriS of libel tt1 . pay, t.ltero. bein Ifo 1L,tls arc Y - 1 '.;i uli ans wl er(iiv: they tater t, CU1ntir-lIe to Coictin ie to op%eia'te• the uuplotitable ends. t t1t ar It k l; 1 1 [ll r It s ( It 1 ftl 1t 0- i 0 L io SS ri Y. e u -i eo i'u'tlt feel-. - '1 _lie r' beitic 'thr's!►e,l, kesolt.ition. (f Coll tio1e13Ce _- • -nanu:eatK�.abrsi'K01P .4•Jk LICT Cr.:1ST W .•.. --- - h G-REAT OLE A RI N SALE the -ilio I,uclnoty p b f (it1Ctlo i:til o the t X10 -, • S lt11iLT' i tCt'Tk 1 �•(i:ttt 11 it cY it.C1j11 la I f•'IIeiS1 r y t tu. 9 c ir't(t i' t1t• gilt �i ,nl or It t . el13f3a a f t �� r4` M t Y V V V , j ., (� ` 1' 1.•11 �R ` 7 l l ''(; dUi1:13' 311:0 t•�'lil j''L ('l:o':'E T(11�;(' ;1:�;:1tC f rfltest' Goods :have peen t'o1:;.�i- t at ;Me. (sal 1 t. the • t' 11CC5 ••.'1(vr � i1, � '4'E:1 (z., r.!( secure 41, • share of t e,rrcatJllgait1S.lClire icre g3. hi 411 �: �'�; � cosi-tc; l�.,t- c�e'���o±u. early it `1 avC id the ritu11, record 7 Old Stall(! -Opt i Come- eta r :L fTi l r -4t ;^-rri :,;,.;;,„t F y.S r tt i.- , est rr • 1 l,ln t,11EcF l -l.i .c1.'riciS, ,1Tf liS - t S it () tit til ltthll (r(1* t>[t >ntlill , tit. 1, (j f � �.-....,rd •rrtt•t•ti uti[1;i1- (!� its ,.lit t y' � x111 tflct• t i'l,(Pt'• lsi i1( t cliill_1 t• S1,ock of New Goods to Ilan 1. _ THE MARKETS* • Spring Win. ' , r 1;.a•tcy . -. t ht is 1't -at Yot at;:t �, per bog 1Ti!y put tttn- -1t 1 ... • Pulp: 17ex cwt. - 13uttt . 7trk yam,her.11 - (..e - se -. 73t pf Per 30 - lil_cei sking £ L 1 on • 0;:i 1.410 f• ..l;0 rt 0,1 t:,_tco : • 0.2S 0:30 0.69 0.(,2 0.35 0.:S5 2i 00 8.00.. (1.c1a '0.27 tl04 til, - 0 ,144 (l.1 r' (,' 11 Oita;- 0.EU. 00.(c, i1 Crt . 4{til 9:4 7.0!'< i .'• 0 ;[.00 1:U cb 1 :. pit.._ 1t. ]•(;33,Sbti.it,t 1O.1 s; (11" tcrais- of )a. tient tt)- c i ``(\v115.. - .,Ltlt -� x. _ . . 3re11:.:11 : NOTICE. -Every old subscriber to G+'fj w140 sends in the arae of -a - new st;bscnber with the.;; money .(Sz), will. receive a copy - of !this Almanac for bjui : f, and one for :the new-subscnber,. Names may bi - neat era Bedrselias Ce la Bentiough Bies, Tomas& .,�: 111".° .WislierP to iiifo tile public thane Itis! - nn lier4r•by the Part - 29th la if • Wks its it: Miss(Ig' and. esfieciallly his • 413• 1S ,�rt�°>a<.j alt r; F •4.4 q'T- jr r e �� ' 'tti� ', T t.k• ;1e1]c •:� ;,><z, �.i.� Y ft ..1,11L1 -A 1:,- 1.-- t 1 ---t-771-471 i colos,:ai fortunes. drtunes. The itis -are- feeling- this 1st gri-tvat le ISSueS.raised in this, aste .of hen this .- - 4AVe rifen 1 4111)1,6u_ of their Thd-..farifiers of the - get Jusi- Inter- lie 'serfs -of -the in lands,„ _Pt done by the ()stens the Comp ing the -,11 Why- -pro issuing s wanly 11 11 tf 01 ar :can have no result- but e North West,. and. nO 'an instrinuent-to ;tirt feu of the subsidy. 11(1.S''' of the nilway dur- 6)1 year& _after they aro . strange _to .outsidern n should be made for *e an .am9unt of bonds of 4• c,ire )p4- 49- 1711tevi • rt'oble just You tkitTliii•tii,c'ks plaTeil ti If 'trot )i -es reeke-iY ware Of witimn7'.i.i•4. ill for Sale tuckii-Aiw Jan: 704' ' • an sta Ti hiLT.,00 ARE YOU GOMG? ithe ;ocx of ;rand C ind SR i; hand 4123 1/ - mirunce c'-ointgiky Will be Ile,h1, in' the Village . your -.Directors; hav-;the. pleasure, to gto-te 'Of .all theitItinin4 that .yoivpr_opose, And \Viten_ a-tlas' yon look . kid sow I 'think To'ansWer this at leisure, - I Sincerely hope dat"de heifiCs 'will git .ober will' ring and de money Ind ItORE F rg s whole finlining a.c•.reportwinnetittallcd by.. ally -Witilin Ake .1.aSt :twelve tootithi4-, without 4a ecipt . ot - Price... --.A( 4lres.4, CT.' IfigitCii HART - end DY'pepSia. for -113- ye-ra- I was induced to 'try FDA: PraYa Ittuits and_ rille; I have- used- • 0. SEcoRD. was,introduced for this disease and its. that ',the' e not a druggiSt in file !T*o doses *ill relieve any -esio, -Reg. i'vitj sisal_ 7 eta. CriEic sare 7.-efea e)11) May easonr- LEtoktiovs. may 18, iss