HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-01-14, Page 8.1 • laralealrellemeleer1 tttage au PEnsosAi,. of the der..1 in•.; at present w E. CaLierJ1 IN Excl.' AN wood And it y , ziven,F, opp; 110RSE25 ),1A bo at. of Lu ii g t.p 'tied to.7 y sound. t;1os33 NoTne.—A.11 nwt:11, ieltlo tile will be plocuct Please fur:hcr cobts.- TtiANKs to return 11:s tht trieltits w 11J took and: pocket--," of who-. re-fued LJ eall arutind at. ,t. theta z -A. trfarter nen Carter.; _tett, it AVidli...eiti•u ni:glicit!.1.. to . btr.L.1" ifocv lie. is s r . be h.elttlii • allast.;,„.rh.loy _ , a--suc 'eta. tr. CV .14:, t. L49-, ' -X\ our -id- • _ ttlt -a.- Wu. T, _ . • wilat s u it- it Of _\1i. .J day:eVailing-fiekt - - -expected, clelided to til1. •be--occ.uativid "t1Pact_ tel': ft 7 in.vitatien is: to • 0.. b.:=• • ,1,11G-1, WI* tIiefu1owiigoill f he - t.eligui - • -.$oli; J. vitt. Tee; ' • N: LWf el I. Rriirji ea, Peat lea; S. W. • :St; Gr•;f•-e-.r. ( _ Joun-N-Ax„xsTre, c.irovo a1.pt".I _theergi g. •AL has ‘. onto Pee3ton, ...tint on nis-aus;,u ireptabli•Flecti • in* --A.-l.-- -1(4con.t. ,-() • roxt oAlig-hiS saer',tof_this. o 'NfogEs 0.,vrEs .Itave-reeeived:.1r. (-.14intpany, cop.. - "-almanac issued , propnet,7 W 11 oar, s •=tvio years, .fOr •ha -a- Oetni- ntar've . -hook, which -con • of the -,..we,di.cr ---r3c.Ord4 of the p ;almanac matter, map of the eonti 0:e -climate of\(.;a gctierall,'3f' 1)081+ . . _ ,---..,prognosties for 'book is neatly- pr ttactige- .a. . perusal.• It fo Aoree- • 4 th broth, r, Mr. 11. 1;e: of this village. •J•r- I irintiv acuto; EDGE TooLs REPAIRED. ----Mr. John ‘.., . I io-, I-1. Cemtroa, 1 L.-. k, Lv io.don, is sta- t 1 1 - Cortlwoo,', vi - L in exc.:11,11.ga i'vr • at J. G. Trt-- Bunk. --"f!„e mid•.-rsn.-nett ( tit- , Latknow, on .. f,•r the purl ose I : -,...u..;fit hm horses. fro \1(t Int pt4 f(a_tly 1,..; olLtar. • i,:detted to R. 1 1, an, reci,„i•Sti II 10 , thir:r aceoutits er 1 fot et 1- u int' ...-,citht and save 11 • ati:er y (lesire,( k to 11 pauens and t to ti ". itzconi If thip-a., • - . e Lin a v vt 1-1 .tiliftv give io to..t.h.! next Car - •r 1 - I ' uj 1.34; (.1 1".Y="'' t Le ex,ii.f2r., lher • is pat.irktg ap ii iis • - doe st. tulle two,- _anti tinie...f4 it., • 'conceit, tit t'Firetnti e,i os is-. ef,--._; lirepartt.1„. „ v-:;.'1,tt • L and te...f ire LIig 1-3 dire. J.- ti and har it. - : X ilkerttin - not Ida:. the:. town -1.4-- -'1).112..te:11,•.!nenw tvieke(it:St ,n. r tvic..lve case, k ✓ 11110;111.St 1.et: • y f t (.• W-1 11 I r) fh J.` 101 1,1 fae c, • y of tit° ine •I tr.:•:an; nu s(ri'ait • tibie way. tie (41'0 int-it:LI:ion- it- lita!-fruutlift-1-1,3 -eau r) . ,the rintors- est) soi)111.s- of 1)1 „atto e. , - - - AlcWilliams wishes to announce to the public generally, and to those Ino4e partied irly who wish old jumped, drck-:ed,t1mpered aod ed first class ; _Masons' Hammers, Mid Picks dr•eased, and Chis -Is and all Elge l'ools axe d and •ired in the best of style,. that, he 11,..s now in his employan axenn.tker of forty years experience, and a CILA:(4-iss workman. Ile foels con: fidt nt 11..4 can give the best of batisfac:. t.ou. Butcher 1\t7iye2, and lirawing made to order. Bring on (Id axes al.(1 give hint a trial. Ito also -h:ts (111 hand ant! trill inantifr.ettire to order Iron Latrows of ad _teeth. 60 teetit_an 1 72 tet th SI 001 Iii.aniond, in all ty les, from $10 upwards. Give Ulm a call. A i;00TBLAt.-.Ws StIrsE's.-4 travell- ing pealentall' _of name for a - tranip------_of the Inothl..ek perstiasow, has Leen mal;ing his stay in this.‘,iliare for son.e- weeks. lli- iii.1l(tUC on• Friday last not cond. ,t4i -up to Oies.t,allitat- fixed iuour villago for decorum, he War; brought to an inter view With the Reeve. lle thought lie WO, be 'dealt. leniently with as he hati . riev et' appeared .ht fore tile' C.;irtirt before sotn.3.five yeals ago, ills • pers_onal .Propetty., _ir. addition to - his. -was found to coh.sist of .-Ame . •, , cent,' a tine -tooth.- frcrn_ .111S boardinghouse...7-- and ciye or -si:i- s-pir;s. • A'..-"teasonable.linesOU14 not,be_ otif of lilis, aP(r_ Sitya*:;.= disciit(rged- tat •cendition 'hate -Atte, villtii/o re,;:t day'. (WWI .do,...aitil.:-trit.Afoittlay in..741.:tvoyk- di?ordetly -manner • anti - bari(-1 •ail([ es -11 e.Jited to the.. lock:Lop: -ala.v. (scat)ed. and was•Ve.-n by Sonia ' ialiiiiit_litt:t.-.-.4rittLe-eo.itt Of the rhad„. At i.i- Iast• -.1tad:' -burst: -.-the. f antli lii;it 1171710 cOuSta bits L•Averti,::111 ptruit. t jitst well hat. the village is it1 Ile Is siti4 VILLAGE COUNCIL. -- A rtieemg of the Village Council was -held. Mr. \N"?. If. Smith's store on Mondey evening lastovhen the 1.1: lowing members were pres-ent Geo. Kerr, Reeve, oral- CAti.eidlurs Berry, AL...Hardy, and Campbell. Al': r:r _the r, a dog of the minutes of the previous meeting, The Collector, Mr. A. -"McGrory, -:sked fAr ( xtenei)n of die inne 1.0 collect the t.ixes, as over $1,000 N'et remained uncollected. It was inovoil by Cour. Can; p" el', by Collin :\icl tlsat. tinfil er;_tendA to 13117 ..1.'he Rev.- R. C.- Ilentlers" anti. John F. An !Jew§ up') •arod before the Conn - el ,ts Conintitaje from tlio T11.16tves 01 11 e ot filo 1\1.:•1 11 .d jst rega--itting tit t the:r l'itrson: situated :n t;:is 1-13 ex.euipi from taxes. t,...ok oil the -,bot F4iojec'., :Own it Was ser:..;: gesi cd that thetaxeshe paid in tho that'the' Clerk be -in,trat;it; tii I. it pi tvi.to on the limiter, olvi 11 is b.:. found that..tEe taxation is al.tite nieney %sill reftintiol. Movvd donn. Can:oh-01, c' Id by tOun. tcnit0ja,ines 11,.;wt-y paid- for.reinoving the s.notr 1;11. the bridge in-froilt.1 of the The Coancill the_ru.adi 11711 1. 11) 11('( . • . .a01.!:lottititt-iii....0...1 tiro. •-thittl.• -1\1-0014 , - - ;-faiva/. ..- 1::S1-1111fi't--1. f'r:111:il'Itti'l-SitiT-2:1-1.:•:latg:0":11:SIt'‘;11-'1"Nni::rillii'licillille,'T).)1111.1ti-..i'eli.‘e-&"'t'111.11.1'11(:'1.111-:43:1--76C1'1-1-.AlaillirtePl'i!lilVia:1(11(11-1%'1111(-1:r.1:::;111,:nillell:SSII -..litt-g.11'-,11-1:1-Itlet;(,:'rt,e1:1-.L1,‘fir.:1:11::::'1.11s'' -:),titi11.1:--:liiige:I. -. i 1,a 4.t • . ' '"1: itli°11D1:01111 ic,i-til_ :, tlit (1: Id 'III ,11,1-'11,1'1._111.1:::::: en,j0;k11 -.-1 „ urrseiltr a ' , , .i r. eil::'-ri II; le --J: fil.J.,..;(ifeuila.-1%).c'els fatill'litils•--,t2Yllilacle::-ei.ess a iLit : ('s- t.ah to "` .. . 1, c• -Iv in '-•••(•;•ir.-, F;t1i their chart -leers. 110oit:- txt1t)(ii'ilasfil,1::_t-, ;16;:stin_101 t%'•I'let. illolv,:ress:s1 1.1::: oirli.,....ions we. sivia Im.-p1,-...,,..,(1 to rec'brI::: t -at made no iat,,tial diff.•reitt...P. - „apt. o oh., sbit " .3- '•-•'c C \V- ' k ' if • LLAPSE The Roof of the Fire' Hall Caves n. t * 7 130ft.4''' tregl)r ; 1.11 . - ' Glow •," - .111C1 p 1') 74.• IL 'Pays i J. ' " Bcrinitt ;- " I • 1" pw:. At a the citi-4ims of t -lie "Itoelc-:=T -Sit; I Ye , - ;ristie _ CO a re,i1iza!ti671.ol qf the Iu1ldnL itt filch tlie : boe11 thus _ • ,:er-3il,n;11.eti Flrd }fall: • 1)t•I'1419,7 (lax iiglit'tlit)-roof, -TO, to - - : • - u -ie 7 fi,-..ural ive•exprs,-i-or• - an; %ti1l Ll (1(17777 16) l.1- -acciattulaiion air si,of,t, .ve WAN-- -a•id it .. -011 71-,rectly O. r 1 lie' e114117e, As 80)0 as. riiectinv 'of- 11.).(4p, t1(.3.fifettiett :r wo4- I er_ed- to reran: Plb 170 0)). .,Whel?- the vvrti finit (1,....urs.were_opelle,-1, a rather. iyatigh -8Yet-ti•I -Prre_seriSetl. -i1-801.Er..1 110 e7ll71c V-. G., 1. was 'covered of atrd '• , J7 shotv, everything seentirtg....,,r. • -,•1 :6; hapd 1.1) ri 1H fit care Wag:to S.-. engine: oral hise..re,•I:out, an'inanv - . ' xtrillincr IrLiulS set,to kirk with liltehtl-- ,f.`v-u ins r •1 '1_1111:r.ii; VCI. and ft r a while (1,771)kof. . • " . . . 4.d.4(f.(lr, 1.);ingT., 40:1 Small L. S. -S.,' J; the itttc•r Ocea- • tiwrioti: hirs 1,0 aitit: promiscuously. •• -7Fhis wa.q•gOon:atte intphisneil, 777471 . . -. - p.rove.,1- sertons (1,1tn1t'o had e ififiiete-f; the I.ireAing :of, the rf te4‘v. itifil VI -1'Y h-ludle tf brie_ of- t1),1 brakes ()f 'the ta,,,-Niiyis,-;ft, 'has eu.,4`7ne, 1),in.;1.,1.1.7...(3 i'ilii_f -i..juiy.`,.- "...Just .j In Ny-1111(.111 i.i: what r._ -psi): cied-;'/ '..ve. (.3 'the -.general _ . - . _ -op! poilt.tHr lorith- ,renialk,-itti(i hot kl-1.y _flattering, com 1.11- 1 e 073":0•_e-olelit of _• s-- i‘ wbo vt,t,et1 itgairi,.-t inQii.„, I o i.......t..Se 1 4 fLIM-o• , '-'V t- C- inp r4_tu-"t"t' e r I - elan f-ltw. It- w asindeed ..,- _ ," (.."••... % .... ..- fr /. 11 -lid .1•Nr:-. Little ..!'iSlialsItipruali .lf,asy,".. 11.: .S•,:itr.etvalle-; ."..S.II1V. .11:11y: 11;1- lis ' Mother .... . ,. . . , , • . .. .., li Pc:ii-t. ; e.'(_t1.[•,i• ," .•3--...- -.\alriraces:;- •-"Coi'v • - ' 4 1/ .r.,-- ,4, -,, "Ceell (.q.,;.' .T. - Litt:11?. ; _. ‘,.coi. 2,1.1, ,e..s,....,, ITariLy.,:\Vilibily1 -- c'S.olili,..n. ,11 •y," (;Feo. i... 4: Sirlil (1O;Lsy,'- John - i•i-iss ;. liitV aii-,-i.,"....(16-o,. -.1-'0i.•it-.; `!1.4b1,118.-. vph -.,t,ilicitinsyc)rtly,"--.D.- A...M.cii:(itizie ; ''.,Ii..ifirt.1.-2-0--bvvft'' .1.)r. Teliti:o.it •,' .-"Sit: ,,, Lie,14......e,-,i. -p ohlowtiyour.vegtOr!.!chi". J. tri ..:: \g.ici:elic, 5.:1,11,1,,..::,xili,lt::::,, e';,..z'lii::11,.4::.;tiv_yl. jeli.-a:.::cnarta.:7_3-ii......eii;vi:I.:;:i6ii.,:l..,:-;:isjs.;:ce,?1,.. .(_;:._:ti..1t,r.1.t.i..ii..i.-.:illilicge..t. W ipt-oll yeti rch 'Esky," 1-): E. --Coniertiii ; • .1-;_sar;'(.R.- -.Ai., -- low...-;'.; `..tlf?ig Irtjtin .T).1 -e,•.'_.- . ' . . ' - ‘‘Catfisii-..Ne.,"': IV. ..Tweej;,' "..\\rili .Itisliir:ar., IL _ (-tic ., .. "icipht, ' I,Itio-West`Qvieen of °-`,Ifittunn ,E11' te.,17/. it j Esa: hello-Will:Tr. • • • Thete were also:a few who -hal. conielW;Ili th-01'.1acr's_wasbil fo_rtLe ocCasioiavhcin no -tpiicial characl€ r cou1,11: 0 -ciiven 'For the best :comic- dre,=F; Peart; .311-• the -eharacter rriVen ove, secure . s • . :3 - ifrize ; J. Qiirrstica 2ol ;. _MiSs_es lEdjtli Whitely- -and Elsie• 111c-Ltren got Ist • `..?.rni-• 'prizes . reSpectively, -for best dressed ladi€:s.. - • - • . • l'rez,"s a, in ufer of th-inlifultiess.that the mig- - - • :`'-•11"71aftertoh •1I when it did • oliIy i few 11 . hours befiird kjuntber oE nre:In hers-. ( . ear's rartY..- - wpre..sit(i!lee'rowid thu •- . „:„ 7.: 7-'7"7„-:t : :11.11,44a0I1-- -t 'under where • the- root:- fell, - 01 Mr. j_11 -Qi. -Bal -19011r 12'1-111.tt 111- '•-•-"11 el -the roof .falleri their IlIlt. vkould W7est Wawnlios1,1,- -a .14rge -party of -ro th.e have been Y.lie (1)nse(pleilet'. \.w vi11 latieni to: thei Utther of fifty asst3ml-fied, tI aful'ikr-riI:eat'and- •.-141i/10 -together fa -eel' bilti tife ofi-the • t . • ‘•,_sp-!9ny potto :ciWizorts. Iear......i'm5pg.-tivote Present' Were 171 et IS 71 Caweiou- for- ' d f (1IIit statir.t' trl - () ItIVI t.lIejL I, 7 h: 'first - t eat hers e,thti ari6 o ea: titer 3 oairrug the past in=t--tho her. _ yke4lier $81, IL- • - ear; va-riety ol gitres .N.re,Ithel alLL artiatts. on. wetcbr..?log-' Urcre. 'number id i1.4. use.' " jias. A very at: -w7311 worthy.- of _LtiI1l t)40,. - - r '- '§ifnie -.who had .ifot nitii...sififio ;fiey--"Jolt:. _ - : . . . . - ..y . : vf) ti 11 g kitownillie hy-la•sy to-- '13•Itil 0., --the PH acid,. a_ 4-,rio1-of-. 8-' ,yeers,.send ...it R d i r-?-ttp ectable _ l'i re- '117711.-..17.3:tipp;sin7Z sl a ri rig ,t:11.3t. i.:1116 144., :-.11Ad "re ni-eiged. ;now tnat, the Oiller .half (iftlie.ii-)Of bad • -trorajyOntli;to ' rianhood," and now titi..ir efdleti Ori...t. he •-etigiii.e,- Ont1.1-sarashed..it kii brigliteniDg.1(.9. liit'shoWedrtranes (f old - :as to render it :efifit for Use, es.it *titOidi .tiiiv;. It yit-aa --..jOyft11--,-Sig.,11t -t-O.see _so - al rt!oSt .cc.rtai nj yr Thai()..: (.Ine,• weal() .-4.e_ Diaity relations lAiliglelogefr her; fox the . . . " • . noC-t)o Ifl a.-nico fix'717010'a,- fire -to-start - sole - reCallrr the-. •••••• ",•.••• oto party icirined a circle and sing "Aut.; Lang S.vna," after which they rarted to ga t, rspective bottles, 711 scenting we 1 pleas:L-1 ith r.:e events of the t.7117. It- -Cr— tik Brute 'oinEtty The Bruce youiry sonnel a- 1881 ‘v Id be compod.3d ef the foli.owing mew - 1 : I • • mac,- ,..r"orter. 1. Ltliit1IJ. r". -1%11-licher. 1...).1r(tt I 1 / 1--••••.t,;„ .11• 'folt :11 1,. I 2, 1), 11rw-.1. I inlay Iloo;I. Dicks-Ja. I, .1 12., Fred. 1.11.1c1J.t. (1"clensi-; 'tini. Scott [-N. Mc fetvre. Eltlers1ie .11„,142„..,or:' !I, 1 )outt:'.1•1. reL•n• r1. 111114 7ley.;(ts1••t.•54. • 11Uroo 1) 1 1;;t1ilers'o!./ no. .1.0.1.:1)onald. N.ilicaraue ri _ 7. N cl3k11l' )1-. 1-1rati:ey '1>linloss A inal,••1 . 11)entarle ' ;1.- St. 1-111.-tinds,1 Arran. - lirat:t Carrick S • Ki twat iljr.Frn ,`.Valketton Clu-sloy : lOicknow Tara - Treswater, Tivert•ol ; Sorirtiutuiprun.' NVi;•-:rtub. • Lir Sec. 1j.n. --- I? s 'gr.. y•-.41- .i.,..3 ol..a, ,, 1:,7,1-tlg, ,:i.ai: sit.:tto g:sittitif.t _ -elaSs in-P.,:r.14 iou ',.•i • i , tit) (t_ )1 01, I) IS r-,•ttuirlf (1. : I • x% t 01,1 ICJ , . , 3.V.t iiat .W{! leant. 11631ro-,,1 -Frisi f-1th ,1 .::vo tag ---..;11 . - , - - . -.- .. .t.fil..;if :al,),l(le -;':.lear.: o11 qi. .. -. -.1t1.:.1.110 e7i-t-1•-i.,-70..1 heft: re'.. I.)) v I. i I el ,:i3-fure ',- I 1;-tiv- -)..... v -,,:i -... , • 'irairethel-im, - 11.1 . 10, ''.1 L.1.!..5.zt!rrr,i17.1tfi, . : i 1:1 g li i !:01 1101 1 ' , .-...4A 'i -..1::coi : bytt -. .1114. j Ini -__Ilf-thil -"!.;• 1.'.-;..11.75 ..ttot.: --in ..11.U.itii-1it1e of bn --ii--7-3;- -,, • ;IRirever-i-,: .afr,or:141,--iy..g4 ;..e..3.....1.71t!, 1, tliey- kept it i up - until ,-3-1-11'elec, i-.-"-IliAt utortfil),f."--1-:-- _,--..,.,- :.-_', - „. . . . , -, - ..1.1-.-.1c41,-)ts:.-it --:...---..,S1r.-;(4-er =.:".1-1,Irray-ftnnt i - ,' - IP9trolti tunl. .M -r.-- 11-1 - Mrs : 'A titic-NPli fil. iiii '7:C0'," :Ill,. a, lre-NWting - -..-- veiiir=irked. tit ro • -„ti11I74, lieii 171 i' 4 sitieePiled in tali- - . -11111St- :11, 117(1 Ltst-i1t1ett((3 Exb.mtiiiration for I • High Selool :air;1)=4it .1•t .iel e;eic;ei. )()rnol.e. t; 411 -e )' ry No bricks nor broken erocic'ry ware For rue Were ever bet ; Because 1 aw a brick myself, A go;•tl rel une "you bet." Of .‘,.vakettiog rip the sleeping folk, 1 Lever ;Ito afraid; I corms in 71-117 177 ULI0l1.IV y gaint is too wt -11 pikyttl. It's me can t•ut the pul-ty dash, is lid tie,k;.- the 1...•ys 1 k blue ; I've got a ; gQL a 1.1(.114-: 1 o gi t a c .tter to,}. 111 1 urt ; 111 1T7V0 ; 1111 tv-• aroun 1 171 cr.': wts rf 0767' 14 ; 111; ;1 ; as I 11 -Ave ;lone lief;•rt• 1.11 Welte 3 t; r ale pPi iliIt, ;len; ;,;:i1, it up at 1 1•J Jou olo-r 1s -dey will be 14;1.1.I.:11t 71,4Xt77iC 1 Writt'. tlsrlst2itas 'Tree (mei PresenniticaF. _ . d the 1y P 1 Is 11-, con. 4, had :t pleasa (010 tIIjllIrlt in .Frir s'Ir a 4 e. "110 LCLiIL.hitv n_•,- 011 717 ti 3 (II or i r. Tit d at tae be,1 7111 rel Prizcs fot the etitldre,i, the w hide pie- tt.n.ted a Leautiful 76p7 ei7tanc,3 and waS- grow ly eejoyed by all pr, S. t. At 1 tk ha"ii ' 1109.1 (1i4:71itifed, sport 721 10-U-4 from the teachvis„ Imo tho vinlitriat (ial.111:5 wrtnd. and.4.-..."\• .tyaCher; paii_tif -Vases' and .a - lizutiP•1 ' Pertthier:m I lit1 te 3.i1t1-14:"" artehding :Our:r the to ..ytjU • out:10\-e• tur yuo, pOsonall7;u1.1;d:ottcr 0:1 y(i'ir-tf.tio•rts „our '700 10 Oecept.-thiri.-pri;s0t •as J7U• ex -2 p107030117 01 -our 1(1heavf-41-1 uray be leas' x.--(1. to - - _ liestow-trison-v.on -ligt;10‘,:on;L. -c1;:us — - . , Pattirson .-rit-plivd jn $.1 -tit able -thrmS- .expegsi!•,, her 'son wise- rid olees. tire, ;and: thankitgAho- :children ". t.)reir. paren'ts for' -k--X7?1;:;:.))..{)%11 their god will-at:L4 :appaquietioh or h,er- ltpuibie:efforts' Alter Tairttilunev-ts , • 9 5ente titut-ein titanso- I-het-Its, %Alien all re.',Unted igIt'ly 1,11 as.,(1-- 1,V.4 tit -the_ lan,„•-„ncr 111 Itro, spf -14 -.And -Jat:11 c•(-.-1. kb 'fLu't 'ell ,-11'); • " -1 1'111 g6ir74 )) anotlutr 1111700, •Ami try -ev vjiti !tri.! _ ) tii.ic 7161 711• • r 1).111. = 71. .,....,1,1. iir. t 110+ III , re 717,1 „tn.!! ;•iiii,;i_<;;(1 ; ,!: ,11;t1t;r1z7,TI, ..; ;f h. . '1.J. : iIni c,; t..,.1.1,f ilexel , .-• 1 . t,d ti, 1,-4; f--1.) 14 fat 'l vz:1- in .a.,n i,4 far t1771. til! et, ' ''' • 1 j •,• il' to lin,i 1....;; h ;%11:;'Loi 111.'1-illp 'tjctkyiti umerbPrudC'z' - .1'11:It iib ,1 oil,j.,:cl,; 1.lAys,,lf r.'e , - . . rr i ..1' it:'..' Alf) -.1(10y ifighlt”--.. Al ,e.,:is. nig fi for 3.1.1e;* iy *thP t spits we 'opst,, , 0700.-tt 13 741040 it ,_ :..Q•fl tt.1}-. c,:trity rezt-- 1,-17 d,'i b blse it., • - • 312/-41-1 Ent ite .1\ aye -d ,.,7_,:r:10-1(- Ittniyipt.-..incli things, - idtroe Ak 4 - - .cap 3 ...V--1-,,T)--..A111 1};(4, - s.11.-7 14, rt; to.triv-f- tiny credit -to ,r,Nkars ielsec Jt7i1tl.1.6.-1:02; a.- _ . , erume T'fllT subscriber hereby informs the,pnUtc. 1. th.477 has opened ' C 0.71,NT VC- Tre'leav--rtN-ne. buildinos -Trbere he- lira have weekly d1 atticres -leftfor sail.. rate,'. , TRELEA.T1N„ -Roknow. • • - I ',1151.71-4-110.1XLV, The Llro.esi- -tnd _ Best Selected St6c.t: _ - ver pi -ought L1'k from $7, to 0201, 3 CILOMES,iroin $3. t0115... CIRCITLArtS, fgoBi $5 to $10.- • - Flal Iriejr/(11-n. oudg, §quars-)s, Children's Jackets, Hats, Ca g, c .in. all the latest and Inostfashionablo - • LINES OF:OSTRICH FE T !-Ear 9rparnentq, Ties, Laces, Bon, psl, Fringes, and all kinds ofFancy 'Goods endlers Profusion.. di:.:;a bled engi oilamity of the -past, a4-.1ighteiying. the.•caes of - ne was:propluluy-I forLijekrio by A 'be: t Le future, riongling -toga her .4nd. . • - ..Ribbon coull scarcely thave • beer) . •Apt a -bri,,ht iiit;idenE- in their •rse-t-. - averted, • Nfie do .ftei.je tlia` -this -aoOn for - rao-ce nia.y upon: Ilie.itni041s:- of:: :the: eitizOnS-Ilie 14.eneeewity ot-.-proiitt. tug..-bettor,.qtta.rtets;.lor so valoa1,14 .14".Or°.the.. p esenf quA' 12 toerori &'&111.1erli B1acKnhith Shop. Tao l'ire.:-11411 -is:. being repaired.-..hy the . .0ten.. After partaking ot a si.riniittl:'• -:,,us"repasts, 'Ate'young folks enga-gr'd 111 ,Dterry • W.Iii14 the old folks,. .-rocOmited- mai y oh- in-cidchtt which). too lt -place their lives briagi - forth niat.y expressions.of pleasure; • - A very dOigbdul eveupng was Epent. by 'pron.:- berg of the part* engaging in reeiNtiobs „and Nece,1 _inusio„ and ill dosing,- Le-. ‘. 4!" RNING TO ORDE ipmjc-r-,cipoR TO F!OST: - -