HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1881-01-14, Page 6THE IRISH TROUBLE,
League Meetings Broken 1
by the Police.
Parnell to Take fli. eatSin the
of Commons.
ELONDOti, Dee. :;1.-A. Dublin de pa h
says that twent,- land meetings will b 11 d
on Sunday, but it is arranged that ue
the traversers shall participate, n d
Mr. Parnell intend to go to London r
opening of Parliament.
Provisions are being sent to Irela d
the troops. A large meeting of th la
owners and tenant farmers was h ld
Enniskillen, county of Fermanagh, -d
Resolutions were passed denouuci t
Land League, and codling upon the G ve
ment to preserve order.
The Times sari the new Irish La B 11
has, we beheve, beeu framed with vi Iv
of supplementing or repairing cert 1
fects which e:,perience have shown ex
in the land act of 1e70, and not with vi4v
of introducing- new principles revers
The bill is little likely to satisfy
friends of Ireland who are engaged t e
midnight drilling of deluded peasant Te
proposed movement" of the dying co m
will exercise more persuasion wit t e
malcontents, who may be Fenians ea r
new names, than any legislative me eu
A Dublin correspondent says h h s
authority for Stating that the- lvi
'columns were found necessary in` 44pn.
quence of the night . drilling_ of drnik1
men, the police patrol iu many as s
having -had to avoid the .parties drii
The attendance at 'the trials is u
smaller to -day than on the pre di
days. Mr. Law. in concluding his s e
said the principles taught by the me b s
of the Laud League had been called ie
can principles, but they might .be
properly described as fed Republicam
- Nihilisin. He expressed the hop t
when the mischievous new gospel w
abandoned, thoseWhom it wISno
duty to proseente would turn their t
_t� better account for Ireland's sake:
Loxeoei Jan. 1, 1881.-A Dublin c -r
pondeut says it is stated on good &utori
that the Government has, resolved t
hibit all Land League meetings on S d
Two constables have started for 1a
. with Hennelly; Who was arrested at T to
England, tor- complicity in the'enur 1f
Lard Mouktmerrise
• Loewe., Jan. 1.-A Dublin coerespo 1e
says Mr. P*.nell, who: ,waS a,ppaxen
different while the case for the Crow ,w
:•being stated, has developed much we, hf
industry in :regard to the witnesses,
ing- copious notes aud passing theni
counselit is a curious fact that one
traVersere, Gordon, ht' not up to th
sent eveu creme to .Dublin, dd. t.,he*
has never once inquited after ffiro,
. stated he is 11 in. tile VieLit of Ireland.
Grown does npt trouble itself in rege,
• the whereabouts of the defendants:
has given. the traveisers much satisf
and it 15 probableBieear, aexton and
Will go to the meeting of Parliament':
Rome despatch says in Oder to a
repetition of the misrepresentations
gard•eto..the state of Ireland in _Ca Iolac
newspapers; the .-Pope has reqtieste
• CathOlic journals: to submit their :a icl
on to the Vatican authorities.
• A`Cork despatch says hertS, of
visited the house of a Men.- named D
and:shot- him, inflicting adangereue w n
:It is believed the affair is coineate
-,Fenittedsm. - •
LqN.DON, &OZ._ Land League e
ing was held to day neat Killarney:tg
thousand persons were present In rrd
net to come in contact with the Rohe t
meeting; which was called to take pl e
Drogheda on Sunday, and . which wa
hibited, Was held there on Saturday.
Heady and Da -vitt had made spetcliel t
magistrates summonedthe chairman t t
the meeting, and: the Riot Act was
The people dispersed quietly, • Ten
_ sand -persons .were. present A. ha
- Land League meeting took place at
castle On Saturday,• and a meeti
• which 3,000 persons were present,
the same day at Killalla-
A.meeting to - have. been helctat 01
kin to Was prohibited -becaus
authorities had reason to 13(AeVe 1
been _summoned for the .purpose of t
feripg with thetrue administration
laiv and a fair and impartial trial
treverserS, • - - •
- Mr. -Parneitopenly. expresses, his
tion of taking his seat in- the 'HO
Commons at the opening of the sesSi
Thursday next, and in fact of ad.opti
Peliey• of "pleading the -Qheen'efproe ‘ne
tion against the Queen's Writ," in - sp
.- the warning.already conveyed. to -th tr
versers that they will absent them Tv
from Dublin at theft peril.. -Very t
public interest is felt in the trial. -E er
. body feelaepnvineedthat it cannot po ib
result hr. a conviction I even h
State& that nine of the jurois are kno
. be -determined to tender a Verdict
quittal; be the evidenees or eliargea h
they May. Tho entire -proceeding s
farce, and. even the reports in the p e s
are now very little read;
A detachment '-of the Rifle ]3rLa
. passing throngh Tuam to -day was at
Two arrests were made. •
Railway Men's Wages. • '
The following is the Ilew
to be received by the Erie railwa
ployees : Passenger conductors, 19
month ; freight conductors, 62.50 to
• • day; engineers, 52.80 to 53.20 per day
men, 52.50' per day ; :„Etrakemerie .51.
- $1.75 per- day a. baggagemen on e
• trains, $60 per month ;on- local train
to $50 per month. The latter- have
'reduced more than any. other ercipl
They have beensubjected to redii
-and get Jib -increase: eStatioh agents r
from 40 to 1,50 per month and in
instances more. Corrimon- trackme
51. per .day, except foremen of gangs
receive from $1.25 to $1.50.
• . The Sioux chiefs at Washington ha
ceived permission to take back with-
. to Dakotathe children now at Ha
and Carlisle Indian schools. The
have good..boarding Schools on the re
e s
Benevolent Wixham.
(Detroit Free Press.)
At a meeting of the Ladies' Benevolent
Society, held the other day, it was resolved
that a committee of four ladies be ap-
pointed to canvass for donations, and in
the course of their perigrinations this com-
mittee yesterday dropped into Mr. Wix-
ham's office. He received them as a
gentleman should and after the usual
formalities one of them began:
"Mr. Wixham, we are asking aid- for
benevolent purposes."
"Ah 1 yes. Benevolence is a bump
which' should be cultivated. Are you
looking after poor folks?"
" We are."
" Very proper -very proper. You all
have children of your owh ? "
" Oh, yes."
"All of them are well fed, well clothed,
and well cared for, are they?"
Yes, sir."
" That's very proper. I presume their
stockings are properly darned, buttons in
their places, and they say their- prayers
when they go to bed? Am I correct ?"- ,
The women looked at each other in -a sly
way, and then at him, and one of them
" Aye shall be happy for any contribu-
" Yes'in,. yes'm. You don't want this
contribution for your own families, eh ?"
"No, sir!' answered four voices in chorus.
" Well, I am somewhat inclined to bene-
volence. Hardly a day passes that I don't
do some:ling fer charity. Here's an old
account 0126 against Mr. I know
he's hard up, and having a close- time to
get along, ancl yesterday I cancelled the
One of the canvassers turned red, white
and blue, aid looked out of the window.
That was her husband, but Wixham didn't
know- it.
And yesterday I found a poor, forlorn -
looking little boy out here crying with hun-
ger and cold. He said his name was Tommy
_ , and he lived at No. 36 etteet.
He hadn't beeu. washed or. combed for a
week, and -I fele sad.for him.. I was going
to take him home and feed him, but, he
'slipped away. .-
- :Another woman suddenly looked Out of
the -window, and her pulse ran up.to 120 a
nainute, but Wixham was as innotent as. a
lamb of any knowledge that was -het
'• • •
•." Then.you won't aid . us ?" queried the
Oh, yes-, certainly I will. -1-was simply
figuring to seb how much I could spare. I
signed a note with.Mr. last fail, • and. I
had to pay it yeeterdaya That Makes me
feel rather poor:"
The third 'woman didn't thin red but
'green,- but Wixhaari•eOuldn't have 'possibly
known that it was her hilsba,nd.
" Let's see. ' Let's .see1 wraut to, give
you all I can spare. —street,
owes inc four Months' kopSe tent, tInd 111
give you an. order on him for 520.?'
• The tour women rose up They rushed
in a solid body for the: door: They- went
out in a beep, Some were ted and some
were pale, . and all Mad.. They tried to
sp.eak, but they couldn't, and as they
hastened" to get away fromeach other Wix-
ham held lip the half -written order and
".How -very singular 1 Perhaps
they ' thought they: couldn't collect the
Money.'' -
-Scientific Pickett);
'Aceording to Pref. Tait_ aaflash of light-
ning ten mutes in length has been • recorded-
by a trustworthy observer: 1- •
- _ .
Thecelery-growerapf France have united!
in an offer of a prize of $2,000 for the .pur-
peso of encouraging investigation into the.
nature of celery rust, and•the discovery of
remedy. •
During -the recent severe storms in -Ger-
Many; the .iubterranean lines ..of telegraph
haVe.ptoved ro much better than the others
that the 'Geemaar Government nowproposes
asking the Reichstag for authority to greatly
extend the underground systent. • -
M. Pii-ot has called . the attention of the
FrencleAcadenay to the fact that neither
insects, -scorpions, ; tarantulas or rettle,
snakes are so far as his knowledge etteeds,
everphierved ' among the, absinthe plants
with which large trade in North .Ainericce
are -coveted. - This. ;leadsehine to suggest
that the manuring cf land with absinthe
might be fatal.tO ?the- development Of the
grape vines phyllotera. •
During a recent boringfor avater in the
Whitmore, district, Victoria,.. a- tree was
passed through for a distance of six feet at
a depth 4250 feet. : Several _fruit • stones
were brought to the 'surface. some
period in the world's history a grove Of trees-
prehably OdeupiedthiS spot and the great
.depth of earth now covering the -remains of
,the yegetratmia indicates avast hipie of time
Since it floutished.! - •
,Froin Observations made during nearly
twenty ;Years in a forest in the 4" -ata, it ap
pears to be proved -first, that when light
strikes the ground without being Sifted by
. ,
foliage, it stimulates the production of car-
bonic acid- in the eon; secondly, that the
growth Of Wood. is diminished 'when the
:underbrush ia eo thicliland tall as to. im
-pedstnepassage of sunlight to the.eoile and
itsreek action on the branches Of the
frees and thirdly, that mould in top great
a thickness becomes inert; and ;thug re-
mains:1.6r many years, as in the case. with
barnyard manure when-. too deeply butied.
'-,-The adulteration of tea is carriedonte-a
surprising extent. MeAnssen, an eminent
French chemist,. has investigated the Sub,
jecte and imade -a report . to the Paris
:*Acadeyeof -Mance& He finds that a great
'varietY--6f . substances are used as adul-
Wants, such as •Prussian blue; indigo,
gypsum; chromate of lead, arseniate •pf
copper, sulphate of iron, steatite, carbonate
of magnesia, plumbago and kaolin. The
Chinese often Mix with tea the leaves and
flowers of other plants..
In bamboos, the -flow; of sap takeSplace-
it the beginning( of the rainy season; but
vigorous shoots rarely grow before.: the
thunder - storms, which generally precede
the harvest The rapidity of their growth
increases with the violence of • the storrie-
amounting to - as much • as -seventy_ feet
within thirty-dayin Spree instances, the
vegetation being Most active during the
night -These facti offer a curious . confermation of the experiments of Dt. -Siemens
on the influence ...of electricity upon plant
grewth. • -
-. "-The inconVenientyOunglady " remarks
shocks to everybody who shakes hands with
her is not an original phenomenon, to say
nothing of the Canadians who habitually
lieleetteetthe gas with their fingers' ends in
quite modern times. Virgil r'tells us that
the hair of Ascanius emitted a harmless
flame, and Servius Tullius is known to
have shot sparks out of his loch at the
precocious age of seven. A more exact
counterpart of our female contemporary,
however, lived at Verona about a couple of
centuries ago. Cassandra Buri was unable
to sleep in linen sheets because of the fire
emitted from her body on getting into bed.
Such were the crackling and blazing that
her maids often fancied that they had
dropped live cinders out of the warming pan
into the bed. This is the dull season."
Amusing Mathematical Quid Nunc.
Let one who propounds and understands
the problem telt a third person to write
down any number, large or small (if a large
number the problem will seem more re-
markable), without letting him see or know
what the number is; write this same
number backward-i.e., make the last
fi-gure the first, the next to the last the
second, etc. ; subtract the lesser from the
greater ; multiply the difference by any
number w hatever ; rub out any 'figure in
the multiple, and (provided the figure is
not 0) add together the remaining figures
as if they were all Units, and tell what is
their sum, then the first person Will be able
to tell what was the figure rubbed out.
-Explanation.-The difference between
any nurnber and the same written back-
ward will always .be a multiple of 9; of
course, multiplying this difference by any
number whatever does not alter this condi-
tion. The sem obtained will still be a
multiple of 9 ; for instance, if the sum so
multiplied --is 7 times 9 (or 63) and is mul-
tiplied by 12, it will be 84 tithes 9 (or 755).
The, figures expressing any multiple of 9,
if - added together as unite, will always be
9 or some multiple of 9: If one be rubbed
out, the sum of the remain der will be so much
less then- it multiple of 9, thus: if the sum
of the remaining figures are 56 the figur -
rubbed out was 7, that being what is re.
quired to make 63, the next multiple of 9.
The, reason for excluding 0 from ' the
figures rubbed out is that if 0 or.,9 be
erased the remainder will still be a certain
number of 9s, and the' person propounding
the problem cannot tell whether 0 or 9 was
rubbed out; but if 0 be excluded of course.
the figiire rubbed out was 9 (for,it must be
0 or 9): if the sum given, after rubbing
out one of the figures, be 725, 7 land 2 and.
5 are 14; and :I is . wanting to ihake it the
next multiple of 40 (18);-: --whidh was the
figure tubbed out, : I * -
. _ ' .
. •
A Cheap -ICe-house; .
-An ice -house : which, Will - an wer every
.131-erPose can he built for it 41:1.841i Mali, and
When it is finished it 'Can be.Ifilled Without
any cost- except the labor of the iermer, and: -
his team, -When once prpperlylfilled; it is:
a sotteerif -conifort; luxury and -even profit
an summer. . It is :next to linhossibleto
'make gilt -edge butter Without it and Loth-
ing- can !supply its -place..epan Ithe 'table::
-An ice -house need not be,. 'and !Should net,
be; adelehorete or .costly affair. A Square
building whieli will ' turn Wind, :and water,
properly -located, . is - all that IS -required;
for the .secret . of keeping ice'. is ' inuoh
mote-, in . pecking.: 1,than in '. housing
it; - -but : -good drainage_ is. 'absolutely
necessary and so -is geed 'Ventilation.. A
pile of iae Six feet high,' eight feet long and
eight -feet wide; Will make 384 ctibie feet, or
. . ,
enough for : anritdiriary tainily. if :we
could get nue solid cake of this size and,
plebe it . On the :northeside of .s building
where the. sun would e not strike it, J and
covet it . with sawdust l enough :to exclude
the air from every part, it wouldkeep with-
oht any. building orether protection over
it, but a house helps tekeep it. Locate your
ice-hoitse, if possible; on :a side. hill where.
Water :cannot . stand. under it, -,and on
the -side . Of a. building which will shut
the sun away from it. . Build it large
enough to .igive eighteen inehee :of spaee-
between the ice and the:boarding on. pech
-side. . Cut the blocks as smooth as possible
'rand pa,ck.them : clese. together, I filling the
spaces with ice chopped fine; so pito' Make
'a solid mass. When the . pile is -complete
cover it thickly with Sawdust, packing the
&nit in theespeces at the sides and on the
top as completely:as it:can be dene: - If -the
sawdust ie two or three.feet deep on OP all
the better., Then see lthat your house is
well ventilated; _ The large; the mass Of
ice, the - better it Will keep ;..and. a small.
supply requires nePte-packiieg than a laig.e.
one.: Straw may be .inade . to [ take the
place of sawdust, but it is not as good. On
Many farms an ice,hohsewhich.Will answer
sleety ' purpose. .may be liniltinside some
other building.
. A Dickens of it
"Mark Tapley "'IS' not dead i ,He still
Hiles. He lives in Hamilton, Said holds an
editorial position on the 'Speetator. • He is
as cheerfel " at ever '- fact, he is
actually' facetious on the etibject of • the
syndicate bargain, and Mr. Blake's visit.
It is easy to see that his " 114:14" is Paine
fully forced -which proves -that ithe writer
has some latent sense of prOpriety.- though
he tries lifted to conceal it. Ile knows,
as well- .9.4 we do,' - that - the bargain
is a matter pf the , gravest concern ' to
the. people of this Dominion; and
that the people OA a whole: entertain it
decidedly unfavorable Opinion. of it- But -
he also knows that if that opinion Manages
to get utterance through Parliament it will
result in the discomfiture and ekirhaps the
defeat .Of the Ministry. Such al denotes;
Ment he koOws would 'bo a trivial circum --
stance in comparison with tI4- disaster
which would'. result 'frbin a teriiporaty tri-
timph of the Government, and yet the -in-
sanity of party leads him to act the tole of
a -patricide. - He csain,ot _de so seriously,
however; his feelings no doubt revolt
against that. HiS only resource is to try
to be -cheerful under the melancholy. dlr.
Onmstanees, and we:hope he succeeds to his
own satisfaction. -Grip. •
. -
' "(San I ve my son a college eaucatiOn at
home ?" says a proud and anxious father.
iJertain1y,a replies an expert who knoWs
'all about it. "All you want is a baseball
guide, a racing shell, and a few packages of
cigarettes." • -
A Calcutta despatch Says- the Ameer
Abdurraliman is still._ far from:feeling his
position assured at Cahill. The situation
is most critical and it mould not be sur
" m t
prising if within a. few months he should tlectrician, whohe netvapapers
he.ve lately disooveredadmsteringeleetrio_ be obliged to fight for his throne.
Interesting Statistics of Cattle Exportation
At a dinner in the Albion Hotel. Toronto,
yesterday, given by Mr. H. J. Frankland
to several gentlemen intetested in ;he cattle
traiae, that gentleman, who occupied the
chair, after thanking his guests for their
presence, went .on to speak of the newness
of the cattle exportation trade, it having
been in existence for but five yeaas. Even
now they could count by millions the dol-
lars coming into this country from Great
Britain in return for that trade. He could
not see why they should spend timusands
of dollars in the United States purchasing
cattle when the farmers- of Canada had
every facility for raising stock thanaselves.
He noticed gentlemen present who had
recently spent some $40;000 ir, Chicago
purchasing live stock, which was shipped to
England via Canada and Portlan . Cana-
dian cattle raisers could keep his trade
within their own country if th studied
the subject of blood and ancestry in ive stock.
Mayor Beaty alluded to the xtraordi-
nary fact.that 100,000 sheep a d 50,000
cattle had been sent across the Atlantic
this year from Canada. At a r .asonable
estimate this would represent thr e or fonr
millions of dollars, and it showed the vast
results which would ultimately ccrue if
the farmers would only realize - he enor-
mous advantages of this trade. Another
feature. for consideration was ti at years
ago they imported cheese, and iow they
exported many million dollars'_w rth.
Life-saving Service.
• On Christmas day an old sailor • an stood
on one of the decks and looked ou over the
frozen surface of the harbor at he thou-
sands of flying skaters and the iceboats.
"Why, Jimmy, is this you? " sai a friend
who stood beside him. After hearty
shake -hands and a few inquiries a teeother
friends and the ditty weather of last fall,
Jimmy said: "There's many it lad got
his call this year." "Aye, th t there
has, and if we had a life,savin service
like they has on the other shor, there's
lots o' the hoys as would be her to -day."
Who is respensible tor the non- stablish-
ment of life-saving •stationsit maters not.
But if he had been a witness of e above
Meeting, and had considered the 1 ss of life
there has been on this lake alone for want
of a life-saving seevice, he wohld axe felt
the justice of the remark of Jirnm ''sfriend.
Secretary Sherman says in his r ort that
information has. been solicited lay other
countries preparatory to` intrad
servieefor themselves- It is to
Canada is one of these. countries
can well afford: to take a leaf ou
book in this matter,
BODY-, IrOliNitt- AT _TIIE
Discovery of Mrs. ..Leydon's
Suspected Foul Play.
,Ciirron, Ont., Jan.'
-who has b.eon missing from her
the Falls on the American- gide s
Monday evening, was found _this
by a Mx. Scanlan on his way ho
church a field :adjoining t
'Ladiee' Acadetny, about three -q
it mile from the village Of the Fel
stiff and partly covered -with in
had been -visiting .at Mrs. Harri
neighbor s„ last Monday evening
forhorim about 10 ;o'clock, aped
right. It is said she had on
about $200, and as the place
wasfoundis in ariopposite directi
way home, foul play is suspec
coroner has the body in charge,
held -a . post mortem eiamin
isacireow Morning, when -it is
some startling developments will
known: .
Melancholy Accident- tit Two
MONTREAL,- Jan. numbe
dents ale reported as happening y
Mr Armstrong, an Undertaker,
Henry Walters- Were knocked
paisina_ 'sleighs and both Were v
wound;d. A Still more Seriou
occurred from -tobogganing at..
Antoine-, :As -Messrs. Guy add Fr
Coming down- the 'hill at a rapid
toboggan struck a: tree, throwing
pants out with • great . violence. .
was taken iup insensible and bron
general hospital, where:the docto
his injuries, which are internal, t
Mr. Fraser,' it is feared; is pernia
jured, his spine being . affeeted.
hour to7hight both gentlemen wer
andin acritical:condition.-
-111Orirart of Petroleum.
Petroleum is themostdanger ns sub-
stance, when cateleesly Used, that. "s menu--
factured. • The fruitful source of 'keciderits
at the present time ie - by kindling fires.
The girl . or. -wohicin who: conti ties- and
ging the
e hoped'
for she
of their,
ece lra.
e from
e Young
rtere c:of
4, frozen
W, She
aton's,1 a
ntly all
r person
ere •she
n t� her
d: The
nd will
Mn:- to -
lib made
font al
of wee-
and Mr.
own .by
ry badly
eer :were
rate the
he ocriti-
r;- Guy
't to the
be fatal.
utIy in-
t -a late
Very low.
persisti in pouring oil from it c i;a on Ito
a fire, or where fire his: been tor is to
be, will in all probability s enet ,or
later. lose, her life. It is rabou ,as cer-
tain' as anything that can be inagined
in this :World: The Small amou t of oil
that remains in a place.on the wo 4.lor coal
immediately ignites with 'a very erge 'vb1.-
unie of gas and terrifip force'. Ti'natural
thing for aperion to do is to tip , ack the
can in such a case, and that ovemeht
causes -the upward stream- of b •thrig gas
to follow the oil into the can, the ex-
plosion takes place with most ,r nous ef-
fect: The papers' daily record Bitch acci-
dents, and yet the carelessness 'goes -On'.
There is -nothing that can be said tihat.wall
make people -appreeiate the- nate e of el%
oil. It is perfectly safe if .prop ly used,
but most dangerous if fooled with t
. ,
There is something deliciousl
in the way Mr. Sankey combine
instruction and religious fervor •
samb breathe Be sings his solo,
hus instructions, -and trolls out th
in the ' most indefatigable man
varies thet-Proceedings.in this wis
"What must it be tu be there, tu
ph, what must it be tube there.
sing -chorus) ; Oh, what Must it
tu -be thdre (that's good) tu be th
pianissmo)o-_oh, whit must lit
there .' (There now you.sang that
have: him again, and be
mita that pianissimo ; _Nowl)
ithe." etcit. adds so -mulph_to on
ons. feelings to repeat the senile ve
the exact emphasis on the tu -Sit
co Call. ' •
'lin the
outs Out
- chorus
ler,' and
ie therle
(Now all
re -(nifve
a- to lbe-
ery well
ure You
at must
se to get
Crushing Defeat of the Tam -
bookie Rebels.
Address of Sir George Colley to the
Loxeox, Jan. 1.-A Cape Town despatch
says the triumvirate have issued a procla-
mation defending their action and offering
pardon to all opponents. They agree- to
retain the present officials, to admit a
British consul, and to indemnify Great
Britain for her expenditure on behalf, of
the Transvaal. The triumvirate have pro-
claimed martial law. Governor Bellaire
at Potchefstroom is closely besieged. His
position causes great apprehension here.
Col. Lanyon, British administrator for the
Transvaal, is still at Pretoria. He has been
summoned to surrender. The excitement
throughout Cape Colony is intense. Com-
munication with the Transvaal, except
through the Orange Free State, is entirely
interriipted. The Boers' account of the
affair with the 94th regiment is: "Com-
mandant Joubert, with 150 men, met the
troops and requested theieer officers to await
Col. Lanyon's orders, but the officers in-
sisted on going on. Joubert then com-
manded a charge, and in fifteeu minutes
fifty British were killed and many wounded. -
The remainder surrendered."
A Durhan despatch says communication
with the Transvaal is wholly iuterrupted.
A Pieter-Matitzburg despatch says the
garrisons of Standerton and Wakerstroom
are well entrenched, supplied, and confi-e
dent. They have not been attacked. The
Boers have abandoue(1. Utrecht, having
offered no violence. The magazine was
broken up, but the -bulk of the ammuuition
has been removed. Fifteen hundred troops ,
are already on the way tcr the front with -
two. cannon and one Ga,tling gun.
A Durban despatch soya the Dutchmen
of the Orange ifree State are greatly ex-
eited. In Cape Colony the revolt is eine- •
eidered a; terrible' calamity, and the auther-
hies do not • deem it advisable to denude
-Cape Town- of its garrison. , Sir George.
CedleY has issued an address to the troops,
saying: "The stain upon our arms must •
be quickly effaced and the rebellion sup- -
pressed." But he trusts the officers and
Men Will not retaliate for the outrages, and
avoid punishing the innocent for the•
guiltY. He charges them to remember that
the Boets,though Misled and deluded; are, -
in the main, a brave, high-spirited people, $, •
aetuacd by feelings entitled to our respect
NSW YONK, .Tan.-.1.-A%London special
torrtondent telegraphs : Strong rein-'
force ents are beim,- ordered to Natal, and -
there is not the Slightest probability that
-the Radical demand. for the withdrawal of
the British- forces from the Transvaal Will
be complied. with. Thanks to the South
African and Afghan outbreaks, it is expected
that the armyestireates for the coming, year .
Will exceed £20,000,000.
11 the forces of Cape Colony cannot cope
with,i'the Beers they meet with more soc-
cess tin the *TX. wi▪ th\.the ,Tambookie
rebels, ' as the Premier at Cape Town
telegraphs - to night that the troops.
tender_ 0ornmandant Frost and Colonel
Wavell have gained a signal 'Victory over
the rbsls kilhng 80,. wounding 200, and
capturing 8,000 cattle and 500 sheep: .One -
blirglier was killed and three Fingoe allies - •
were. Wounded. The Polos Are reportedto
be quiet. I understand that the Govern- •
inenti fears. that the Boers will .have ac- -
quired the mastery in the Transvaal before
the relief•now on the way arrives there.•
A Durban despatch says- it is reported •
that f troops are sent from England to
fight the Pipers the Patchyrien in the free
states will make common cause with the
The News ..says that beyond a few be
leagured partieS. the Transvaal has com-
pletely passed out of our hands, and if the
Union Jack is flying .at Pretoria by April
we shall not aCCUfle the troops of sloth.
• . ••
Attentpted Murder of n Whole Family by r
a Young Belative. • •
CIIWAGOi Ill:, Jan. wholesale and
cold:blooded murder -occurred -one mile
south Of Otis, -Ind., on Friday night. Jas. -
Augustino 'and family lived there many
years. -They were possessed of consider-
able property, and generally had a- good
deal of money' in the house. During. the
afternoon Heiity Augustine; nephew of
James, came from Chicago to pay thein
visit, and tried vainly to get them to drink
from it; bottle which proves to have contain- ;
ed poisoned whiskey. About 11 o'clock -
atnight he got up from his bed and
'sought the bed -room of James 'Augus-
tine, and levelling a revolver began firing
Mrs. 1 Augustine was gQ badly wounded**
that ishe died to -day. James Augustine)-
wasshotin the breast, and will probably
die. .Henry ran from the room after firing.
several shots. . The sons hearing the firing:
came'down, and Christian Augustine -de-
manded. of Henry, whom, he met in the
kitchen, what it meant. Henry replied -
with -a bullet, which killed Christian in-
stantly. He gave a parting shot at the
yotinger'brother, James, which only made
it slight flesh wound, and. then coolly .went
to his uncle's room and demanded adinis- .
sion, !assuring them thaele was all right .
and wanted to help them. James, the son,.
got the revolver from him and put him in
the kitchen and locked the door. Henry
*aped barefoot and hatless, and has not
yet been captured. Lynching will probably
fallovv the capture. i
, •
'5•L'The English High High Church papers
furious over the. imprisoned. Ritualistss
The Church of England Review writes:
"We are threatened -with disestablishment
Let it come; and let .the archhishops who
generated the Public Worship. Act and .
pulled the wires of the Privy Council -let
themSee to their palaces and peerages and
thousands a year. • They, and not we, must
be the losers. . We are no Radicals, but we
do not think the establishment worth de-
fending, if its chief blessing is that its .
clergy can be imprisoned for their religion
while no other men in England can be so
outrageously treated. The primate maid° .
the mess; let him get himself out of it ak.
best he can." -