HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-11-19, Page 5.444444441.1110144.1041.0444444,41. EMU I WHAT NEXT S)'. L1TTLE Ouse Painting 'rid Decorating 1:46 bought out -Mr. W. S. llolmes interest the ce,yl-Pr..visiu c [rcke ..TSI T.I S • :eel hes ropleeti,':ie'l the an with a \ 1: FREFi ST I To v. -hi:: he has added a First -Class Stock of BOC.SS AND SHOE ad the k•ery best quality unci worl:mas'hi ,to be ,30.113VERY -CHEAT t;Ii=l::ne.:il er the place. --NV, S. 1101 nl'I ettinYl. 11, Ca GREEN La'st. 0, W. EN N ETT Is prepared to dib all kinds of HOUSE AINTIN(=, BAWER HANGING,- and CNLSOMINGinthe IGHE T 'STYLE of -A T; and et the lowest cash prices. A'1'ISI' ACT 1O Y_ CillAIiANTEI:D. t1l orders left at Mr. (Corri,, an's Book Store ill meet with prompt attention. G. W. BI NNETT. Lucknow, ;Lay !I s 1880. N,Ir 'T To 0 tR 1►,t.:F tam A C t DeiiTepesi t o a$1. l sir' the -i paint a 6I3 Short o 0 Money toLoan.. On -Real Estate, at reasonable rates, on terms of p aynlent . to - suit Borrowers. ELLIOT TRAVER• OFFICE ---Next to Post. (ice Beef 6y the" quarter or half .quarters tie t'e 10 emits ter hcuud. green-% eele#ovieruiv.24 100; PORIU Lucki;otits, NT:Irch 11 ( JOHN f3icNNETT'3 A I4 G P' § rAesTORY ret (iii Willoughby Street, near the` ..'. M. Church, mi i -.he premises lately - - occnpied by Mr_ Archie cOorvie. - Ali i;O0(i% in the Faun -int, :Hill line coxutaf tly on hand OLD MILLS REPAIRE D. And made as good as A life 1(ri, eep'rience in this_ line should he a sufii(dt uL IRAN pr).pe w::rl; i 0 tho •e reentr-.fl , e=peire N and a reaeo iable.one, to JUL .Lueknow Qet, 9, '8:0: ORGANS; ORGANS, ORGANS, SEWING MACHINES. SEWING MACHINES, SEWINGMACHINE'S. Treleaven CAMPBELL STREET, Ll~k KNOW.. • THE .NEWEST COON! THE BEST COOS ! ! THE LOWE T PRICES II! —• MARK THE. SPOT4— A Monster Stock of Wool Squares, Clouds, Real Lace, and Ladies'. Underolothing to Band this week. d Gout's The Completeness .of our Stock in all. departncents, and the Etilogies of se brat Dis nrterest'ed Parties, peomptus to invite attention to is SOME OF .THE LELD]NG ry The Dress'Department. 1A.( ---IN FICENT` -hl this Department we showleW fleas of- , lmost every &scrip -tion, 1 DISPLAY] l)ositivei tturivalled in Luokn,a, rz inezenzeord4 -AT Till -- CASH STORE. Ladies' Alalz Iles, a1. less tlta•�� WHOLES'A1_E_ PRICES 1 Latest Styles -('):er 100 ti choose from. Ladies' Cor -etas from 2.i Cents up. Ladies' Hosiery worth G(sc for 35c. Men's Dress Shirts from 50 cents •e. Men's Colored +Shirt: from 25c up. Men's linen Co]lrrs worth 20c, for 12je. Men's Duck Pants 45 cents. . • Twenty Yards \Vincey for $1.00 0 ] 8 In great variety—Less than Wholesale. Tea worth 75e for 65c., er 5 lbs. for $3 Tea wp:: It Gc for 50c, or45 lbs. for $2.25, E3UTTER -AD EGGS Taken in Exchange, at the Highe - The Trimmings) to Match These.Goods Consist ,of Black and Colored Sits,• Bh.ck a id .Colored ,f5 tine, Black -and Colored Du hese Fringe, ' Black- and Colored Vlk_krin4e Black 111(1• CColored'vV of Fringe, _' _ Black and Col,,redrocades„ Black and Colored Velveteetns. P,:mpadour V eleet' ns, Rc c. The Wi.ncey.:and IFIa-rinyel: Depart bent are full of Reliable'Ueods. MJne may saved. by purchasing these; Gat Ids het` otton. I E_par*'7?— :t . Devi ^(1rnmtnent, as we have reputation foe Cheap Cottons fully es a$lishe(i' Mantles and Overcoats -reeve Rebs;o"d more tha:u•nsulL-eittention thisseason, vu'thelarge quantty already fair ui ic. tit,ou -that tai prices ire right NVe- show 141autl"es ftp ,': $.�,50to,12, :unc-i. Oveicoats'from $5: to_$18 S :eco iv1t1-not pertlsame t a .a nentmon ofour,ef.TW .LS,T !�T and H0l✓3' li3'l CAPS nt:cl lrl:Ut;1 11Th;5 but ,an ihpection will 'couyince'th t Most sceptical that -the prices 'are right We`insis,e iA pett]gn w Ja H. MOA • Gold _ik ti 1-Tavi,ig eparod neither tildenor ex Ii4 L 74-6 e 4B2II -tingthe different markets, is prepared to give benefit of the Off th. e eutbi. inst„ and following day. OPEN F Wkbn I'will exhibit one of the most elegaz - - graced our town T S .. Which fashion '1 OF'MILLiNERY. arge and .hzudsogieShow-rdom will be, .. l�T PECTJO d attractive stooks of Millinery Which ever newest designs: in • _ OST.' 1'\ . een pleased to say W0.1-3.1\1 PORTANT • Oueupying a cnnspicumis -place. FLOW ORNAMENTS;. BIRDS, GI, V: I am showing the newest in every'hi igji`eta - j. _ and CA i I NOBB S1J TS Persian -Lambs; -Cloth: Capsk F Remember you arecar;) illy invited to} is deny or not, All are welcome. I will thin l:t VilliERE YOUR DONE • FEAT RIBBONS, •LACE S, TIES, NI BIAS in endless: profusion •. mg to it.: Full lines of SCOTCH, ENG LISII N TWEEDS. DE TO, ORDER. t Hats, in all they Latest Styles.- my Rooms, rsn matter :whether you want to- favor if you will come- and See me. KINN 0 ET ate maker E? Vww TIa ]oat -rte tree a :large -a h- arietl` stock. o C;LQC,1(S. . WATCRIS'JE %'ELLEPY and PLATED 11'AI1'�'', coiuprlcuigtlie newest styles oa CLOCK )LD aaci';CTLYLt'�LrCHLS _ :.: • 1ASES; 4c. niarke't., Etna preipared :to sell at 4 - solicit a -call from -lint purehas ra before haying atisfaelion .10 _I, --JUST. RE -OWED!. 'Me -it's CALF, KIP 'and COARSE BOOTS, BOOTS, -Steck No. I, at prices it; ' meet the wants of the A lot of MISSES' and CHILDREN'S' BoOTS on hand, . • and RUBBERS in Stock. Partles getting a number of pairs -Of hoot? at "once.will get a great reduction than by singlo CAP,L .-A1+40 Euptint STOCK:. maliTs.7pR, ALL,: Jawig,- -GORDON:. cAlifi-PBELL ST. He'*111- keep i'eguldr supply of fresh in 0.at. of • hilldS -at reaso4able prices. REST MEAT SUPPLY IN IGO SILENT— Meats d'elireted to any part of the, . villev on the shortest notice. . The Highest Market Price -paid for . and what did you thi ' fer. ?.."' asked. Brenner somewhat; Hen - Door no aeting:- brarie Another supply of Masson'e ce BROAD CAST SEEDERS. with -Quantity of grain sown. can be inst Always sure to pleaee. Intending p Grain Drill before Pluethasing elsew always oh hand, and- cdstomers car LUC Noy:. Med BEAVER- COM BIN -F.1) SET and iehaeere-would do well to exafiJine tfiellieaver Seeder and ng Wrought Iron Gang Plo!..vs and istle Cutter Plows • chilly On MatChing Maple Flooring.' A' well Stair Building a, Speciality. Giye nee. sal. E & ROBERTS9N. SuceesS. Tliesepleveare now lie: Ili. -.fitted with .either. t'ue celebrate(' Suit:pm chaser; and their eeeee five year's Fositiin.t.i.e.t itezozAjox provaI ef;all Who haVe seen It; and ha!, proved an imrtie'mte Manufactured hy Gilles & Martin, ll'egswa,ter, land are eniteba Steel,.or- -Chilled Cast Met. Mould :Bbards to ing-Machinee._-, Plow Castings,. reaper 0 threshing! Machine tid,.., roLice.ti Wringera from the be.st.rnanU'e.acturereesuch.as the Liin ' a ...establiehed :fact ;that they are the leatevng Seiving Machines, PLAIIINu • Subseribei in thanking- the gen •ally for their patronage durie, past y ars would agaitrremind.thern. tiro- - he b es on hand a SEAtUNEOPINELUMlltli Urabistiii of all kinds of T;umber -used genese ally. in busework. And ' hiving put in a planer jufmlereetfon With the mill he intends kpaes neriact ,k131 tii nvnyiedgol di lc_ ba fisDeh noligdSioeaSgi ItIg.dtlaI:huresdLi as- ULoi teal, irtere!dt rile el, .at nuali 4AS: GAUNT,. LOUR P. 0.e$3111,4110