The Sentinel, 1880-11-19, Page 4The Crab Tree was* risached in ix COMMUNICATiONS. i 1111"utes five seconds Hanlan leading -by tWo clear Oro am to do, hThis lead OF was increLsed boftra reached. TO the Editor of the se7itillez: DEAR SIR.--lu your last week's issue ckett 9:,;4. -or 3rd Clh,8f3 Gerti 2 Bridge, at which P'Uillt the time tEE I nnH.T - ;vas,- Havlan 9: 3 1, J.'r aid viat tie wurd "loya" ill one of NJ) ficaty-i for tboi3rd. 4di f , t I llellc,3forwaid It was cle Itali3t' dialects was chewlend t'a Der)-artments ) t) PLiickrio�v Sobool. ar ilit If&u ayn. and 5 - I S Great- Xes(oratlirc,. TO y lan had matters all his own a ix' Now, when I read Salary for the 3y.d ar(d 41t., Deprt�,PDt-11 A INM I I.,; t; 'ri) r I i F wa to exceed $225, and 5th illilnediatel- rat3hed to my be Eavt Indian I)er I P1117.3 ABOVF A! wa8 as fresh as a daisy, while Trickett Unlium. APPlicationa rectik orl ri-no-eneil for its miadical yij*tjj,x,' I 11 . edp 5o: the- 6th tie was already bO innifig D I -how sips of t ot ud to inforin her of the fact, - for forming une(piallei b7 �.nw T ot December. Thd 0.111,1LILVIII On J)'0ing 111"3w that such thilic-'s, ero interestj n Ily thotminds Uf s1wetatvrs iod for Bee. P hAlf abQUt h,,r protto XoT- lltl"1880. 2-t fek, bowed unce tb4t 7&-Illueliy and lea-ait g 1), a tu ail Women, 'ci tro an# Irel)eat- ry at word, -but failed iti eve d It -eral points. Ojr tile I)OVO,.% MY luve Evinced the. greatest curiosity. -ER vlt:-��q it ii; It., A 1; A t be% %S a A. Ec, TR Y46 est, Ilalllaa stoplit-d. d . ead and calinly 14) (:(o do we try once wore. -ed yan 6 K oked aroi' One hundi but wyjaws refused to njovo, so grvat ; kSTktAYED. F o --%l tq Irdier on hadibben their straln. _P fie actually I.ty down i it ti � Tben al joye le oF lier v.tk will) flasbilig ey es and curled 'lip the sillmeriber lot 14, cou 14 XV W *wanoml, f 0-tt and mopped his fvreliea I with a told oil (ir abinit the Ist of e The Canuck Once Mor'' pid t,p wly et sponge, roin tiiis point lie played ule she had taken nip fur an educated- w. ie steer, abotit v year anqi a ha'lf A ny I " pers( It ving -,s:lc I In 1) . I n rAi- tO the Front. ist as he. p young U1811, bolding tile position that 'Dwatit'gli as. will -,'lead 6) ­fi,t of pris-i-. (744, keased with Trickett fur a] I t: r) I , f th eco'very of the aine I -OLA of the couris. did, (I a a cl willtbv revartled. NVICK, (Jilt. Ila. Ian . won 111 eik) and I haf I deceived br) and she as suro her "pa". 3t. asily bv nille lellpths clear,, b ut- lie would ueknow., P. O* -bave Inalle the ditfurence inuch )uld llava- nothin TH -E WO B.lu __nLj 0" C HATU 11 K U0 -1 g to do with Illu. when she IT if lie lia+t choen. .rilt time, told hini what.ba� Occurred' &.01 �f 1! cl FA fj� ir t lie fall courso was left the house which I had e�fertid but STE, Bt It ti. Fri e -N _V4 I-A*,:)Y Ihour before Nrith a 1i"Ilt 4114 will!].] Mvi he t. bu ,jr 0 0 A Af C, TO THE pil-1, A11CF.Jj,3.:A-j I NJ I'1111CRETT ........... 26m l'3sec._. a I S B -'S 0 F TH R L Rill, t the hope t 4uon be mi or aliwit the: Ist of' , his race art I vanil �,r, [NOTE.—LayeoCk- WOL care nut now to work,_Wr it % je. AMI A yr o I The owner is &I lyl COLLAR itt saii!3 courail a d4 oz- two ago in I t have 4 -'� I ax in a sad tain, I -ted to inovt proj,ert) Lyrexpen e, and- 'rile I&Ig I ilia wh c r e. 1 a work for. take the anfina I avray. 0 inindi -indeed, and my feelings I 1fave trio . . . . ... ............. ra tat -is. The greatest disappointment was Holyrt I d to express to you in this letter. ......... 211* jol -P i nifestod. by tlie�Anst Now, I ditOr what would you do in Full Particulars qfthe Race. e IN'llan Was vociferously the red. on- like circumstances. F0 PK is I iq arrival at Wrtlake. Gu.ns, wore oly- a8 file riYer flow,, -.deep and -I migiit -4 -100 AC ed and bells wore -rung as th6ugh 9- be, tempted to ca. 9t m yseli into i 4 '-rrea�t vi-.tory hFA b OF ten; aebieved. .; I - 'Truly, -114Y tirabered land for 15.—There was cannot swim VA:LUABLE k in the You unty oil, bAng conjp)sed or.j 'the eoVtherly- 'I'll If of, Lot 6 tit the ra t Itatilan, bae been. inundate 1 With f Hur JA Alss rV gratulato Con. 12 ...owlis, "of ML�eld- ipent we;ltliL!r wa-T wet, not-som" oli of*. our,tiedders coilpty. Small, P -d odis a- F $en eii ­�llowed,-)f rejuir T1 r al,.S,*.I?.P Y ally -lie r e -i i' 6 Rj 'GkO --8ANTjy-- E -.w4. ri -)ronto- Coll c-0111muniate with Lhis y6un of baliiiice, . Tor f par - f .despachek froin ilie Af afne -the r -of �T g mn yp j t the dewpost laTrp the.- ikt -Kan .-ol . — pa tof I we -i -WIL11 11111 -it.. R _or. A 1,11 ]K JIN-])g CV lit) qu erift r 1-k 4 . t c. , A ... � --I. --- - � , � . . I 6e- I- .11 Goy'ernpr P, Tlfv,. L hek, but tit, ZO- OY 1A e So n tin e i -G erno of .0 ii t, an� It ov SIR !(:i water from .,e $..w ia 0-0-7 ;re itor 'in your D I T re.61iolt.41nan tht rt- art ex OF! IVATE. 10 TH -TnE bit Con. tj y 0 ay I TrickA a defi,,at (fol ou ra on t -corr 3p to Ihi;i t! fi t-Ifthat 11rinlan i H ad i6ur_ N1, s fajIv;� nt. ze s eer cli tere r -lo e oi.<16. 'pt. I ivi - 11-61 4: ihe' lair h-il.12 �,hat the ufault saui& aw We Vot fli in-ki; th-'it TriAett I du Uy, wt!ll as colild li4 hoped with- Tue. tor tdl"� Ti s s. � 080 t o vear old 1 li, - t i,at V Triekott; and, dropped., m e it note or' if he still A - oand _-O n t lie' i, re. 116 - - ' ' AMOS A tt fen wi. IS Ilia w V t S,e I Lai t itl re -,-f-,A tjie w ee epi 3TI, ll*- 1.11 lt� dm* f ri I) s' eeby er, ari ad er I )f ihat h&,. D!r,., R frax Z2 1, last, find. Fnince lip was over-tr-anieA kiehC6 will at' lie" tsuaby is fr V%'I T W - D rricf. I 1�. . _�s lit, -aptich of M 3 4 I -We( alu.611 longer. I, -too 01 6. rotit ly 1,1811 naturo ollrs t FE Y A -�El -gt)jjje - 1'r.r 14( long, -and 4 t4aWiLtil'-eligiml JOHN AL .13 e-. v T fie wa-S 6ulff"611" fof tho tho CA�& ?r S OYI r 111E E-�To J,HE .1 t Illust; .11--o' iy� or tt ti, nI b subs6riber le)t 41- con. 6 -as sufferiii. V 117(� 1.4 aboli st i -f (T�tober. -a ed 2 4 ­.yom�s.old--­Tbeowr but Wie er is sted to I rove L u I - -!�A 111T 5 A Ur hat, - , re�itjeilC 1 M 1rourty,'pay. emljeii�ei*aii'(.It,,',)zelley-avtT4,ir.* -I td, -t lio never oii'21�t ul t. Geo -.W ..13 5' 3 t t Pst fa th PX - - 'b ie Irides or, ie If 0 -0 MS. .7- Wlj�Lo, to* Catherhw dau-11ter of. a I fr,. t,!* ti Ve of, tho. �l ag t I - 14 Will - before -Wawa PORTRAIT DS U K E. �viw The o 1d.4. 0 It y ye, Jetehliali Alton all of f -)Ill si I.T. ain C b, t 0, �IVEBSTL. A away 1Vf jven 1010 Tri k( 0. t4 -on, ues( a-yj ov. V ("if X Ite C. lister 'oi�- shfi6ld- te� Tj Uath(rin "daughter* of 'th -jkta as 11axilan. AND his sui,,kii t9r-t, --an(: I Dot reaefii oo A- (Ar both ii-, y L�tq "I " tl,e -RE. OLD -STUCK VERT 1R_% 'I' 0 tit by- ill' r., al -i t Thes. We Th 11ST .Ril on q .Patrick Caitwi of the �8' to-lirn ship. WEEKLY -_11B -A 7 yeiteri,luy thing d;vy ews I ?aper ur the y N 'ar m - of ol-�4e W r e ou'll a. It ic. '96110.0. 11JP MALK�KETS. Wei9t. A ti PubN n 03 -ks, -a - ..]fall %J7 th hf-4 '1.00 its talked-a­bou-t f g tilt). in tSpitinji Wheit AM - 0.9 - 0.98 -8 -5.00- U -R SPECIAL� FEA E$ wnd. Ills �c a! te jree. o T el-, caia. 1 8AO f t 1, u scrib a. -at in o_ St 0.56 '0156, Tn a a of Cott d 11". of 1 N 7"0 'et -1,4wrence,_ 091- Oats eai soundell Tii&ett 0'30. 0'*30.. 2.Aqriculturalpag� byR6Vf 4' 4hain. Mitluted of t.wa. former P * . I � , r W_ F, % 0.60 Q'W: - .3 h art Disease, b roniinen�V_J'J�y­ ag o47- �.47' T ar6i'd ai' almo" n.k 113'.) (14 li iaiDc 01 )d on fll,6tio 41 I -seen wool - st J. H. W "sarritL sa ary, chers' ,"o um.n,. aj sq., W "Ilia e, t Moved by' Geo.- T y K` d by IP,ane Durd;4'n e per"ib hee-ral at'l ro-ve.1 0. is, 0.1A V -Fe e loin-, V4004 016- #i16 6..'Tea y Butter L is I _ , , P, , � , 0.25" train,. Esq. , - - ; ­ I JL -5. FrG buov ' r-111 wh'df A Elie Seerip Ray, pkr ton 6' 7,00' 4: tega �W. -H! 73ar- U, floill to ta rapirted I -t:-) art., g, 12A Middleton, and a .50 5.. �y P t r uik an I; ing oul, D Ug"las. �-ee -easil* toward.thc; '05 Voinp c or onacil bi'k,Giubam. that: lb 0.05 0.06' -,8 Tempt�raricei-Sabbath_-Scli blLesson. etc.. n a qet� Beef. pr 100 ...4.00, -Letteis edutest. Lct tok pa-driomi wit" i of Trav�l in Fordim v6n,itrle i. I -ton lie -at. iranie Hides. , .9. ) (�. Teli4bl e- News And Ci)mi" r.ci lits. alfi(le Lco. on tfleir 1) zerl 10'. l, Re I a es go 'Iry th', tj ti, --,r and I. t t Teleiraifia- f�� in. ail ON rz the 1.0 C� 'a s wo fav:�nrably., mi. rIV Ll ellan 0 at -all tiloy SaV" Ill t cet ar h ;r f 1, Salary tu- be,;$250 ItTERMS MR %V AM oft' er. HN G A no vic. d:. Ing q, oil QIT-tyr,-1 that -Miss 'bscriptions,' d- Tlie�y I'llell. g - - . , . - . I . I - ...; * .8 i 6r. QT W- fitone', poitrait _(n --�-In the inatte' 'of loved b -D t, t �.;P. d y A. e and .t AN co, I g) rgess be� by -the Boar F at r -0 Ive $1.35, ori$ LA5 r i I t t I$1,60. In clubs th �or� rai iew V C3 -.--m ekett- lookol gs� ei6-behj;,-- iia seciJuder b bein nd balance'of it ie sahry 49 hLet. year, 9 t f �frm t�, liard as ct to Ti OL _.V 'Ila in ry Il.qlsj go�pts' -Want Live A i1thtion (I f �o M i,42 7 colmnunicaii6h W'..-, S r. e a Y-*. T pen mit a ( ress 0i eCtLInn ltt0 tfe6 �aniples intif, V10 (;on Ut, w,.arid, ha a E it*�­ requird, -SHERT briii bee 0 and ter I try of -$276. for t1jo-y 1.88I.- 6r iust affer *hi6h i�xazi be paid. 4OHN 0ANVER It c divid-ei, uvo Dr-AfcCrininio e 'and- d. by yc ad luklic'.. C .111 i'OU lit -t ffrw. olidori, Nov ifth,_.180 .358-20 vertiserr. Offi UA SH ift- A CHEAR FOR y . itensclie that tfid: -d I ti '6 for ill 4. feniAle Tech is: hold�l Tho ._of Iiij je o6; Aa His) I2 3rd -GUARDIANS ..3rd 40-L and 6th 'Dej�. rtivenz 8-- RENT I Eke - an vits I -Depai,ment 1i it -0 - vy forthe-.5th . the bKo.bzeit s li. th Wi si. f K I at� COV0."t eiil.� -ptir -Eind es 0 Ill b 260, e4,r,: _3rd. fi d 40, _df In Qirll'- the- Pit: I tbutho 'tieh-. a perfect 'CilLil�:n 41n. the hiattei dj__� L anhou 'each o a. retary. MAr9 H4ds&n,,' enriy. 'e r6t JZ-11iiabeth d:p ysical.�b iviy as -it lo(,)k(.(! f %y an year. �a looki d stillen James Hudson and -Geo is seht(Af seen'� Tri-ekoU Lu� now t L T 1jrA I r e oars. a on a e receive up b d-- O'I\TG--, TIYEE irri while his -1idm -Hudtoh'� Infir ia--w 'if LASS lie D�,,'Iy IQ4� atj d POST ;%Ila det grasp if Werer ed, the �J)ep Me re inh be rtvated with- 8fei�.l -nails U the 1du 7 -fra;l _W0 0 Oveo thati wo h 'first, Ttiesda o f ciery P UfUt,L expiration of'.11 �ehty day'�'fr.6 mens wid-seconded thaf,tbe j�B ait. - sinstead fthe,date �eie4. Ellen L ridaY: I ffudson., of 'the To'wn- r:- y leship-of-Kiriloig,jit tbe_fJ%,(jijt- - (B c5 1 1 , . - 6 nlojh - - .1 TE E'S' a -1 -Oat,..�. �,Aio yo;r _o'A ) - .0 N-ar4 -EltzAel;h;,H. th erL f Ga ly- T. -L&'Wr' rtee,' d -by: 801i'L -:-JAMes A-ludson, ov�d I y n -examine ra UL -thdt- the. Secretary. f t ininediately b Willis; �Hiloon �11 ell EIVISia-,tjel E lip. 0 0 CC' M(I '" n1i%I?.Pdu,Iy tile' -,the-infii;i;t and only ebildren-o. And- e�peci Kirilogs -owns I yt )n! -vou pr h, n0 attharized W. prn,curi School -w r Ae of said T e -io of t6 1. Up �orneivhgt: tilt I, w.il' ;'choGI ptarp6i decased ana r nual.lor ,R, P y to the -Tild�e'of the Sbirorater C4 uA of 00 Y. 'a I . .- "Is �ad a d s'geonded. that n 3 b bi -W a Iitrw tle.countr of Brime to be appoifited Q. .!difA4 olfrn to i eet aggin o -gulif meet- -.6t. as PT -fi _ reh ' the �Mar4sr6t Elizabdth _H idsonj- PU se to Henry .-Jib Hudson y catiied. mes bud G4ojwa Wilitain 'y Ini. aQ url Hudson.. . L I Z,.: . . 1i �9 Dafid this 19th- day -of' C f IW L -at Ricsif .�Prurjes 911� yer D ane.� and- xja dkor - h liar BLLEN JW -8ug asona ara arQ't,6 bd 13t R -,e bl, B y. her At, Cj ID VAT f II