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The Sentinel, 1880-11-19, Page 3
4 t THE FA Gossip of Eccentriciti LY CIRCLE. (Compi THE MOST F Most of the lately been desi best at front, no more to the side no longer a repet Arranged or tri Sometimes cord -trimming; in oth Jacket bodies fo tinue fashionabl length as ,those w cut square all ro sloping from the 'the polonaise sti For carriage dr pointed back and Black, in velve as much wo trimmed with very elegant a being used in lar jackets made enti used, and somet - skirt is of broc being made to rei too short a time ' able for - these a shall most probab patter/as: In ° sle there is not -Much puffed at the to above: • ° Walking much narrower a able colors are th spotted material • colored balayeuse at the bottom Fashionve aclm-re w iily, says. the fashion; " The- Prize that circus-wome time immemorial,' -the Jersey. Whet well -made, the Jet ing wlfen a wom' • irreparable- outrag worse still." • 000D ADVICE ial Interest to adies. p'. o' Fashion, Etc: Aunt Kato.) ABLE COSTUMES. nable costumes have so as to appear the ration is being drawu two sides are now f each other, but are in different ways: tassels are used for es bows of ribbons. ping wear still con- y are about the same st winter ; some are thera-have the fronts f skirt to -the sides. tinues in great favor. the style which- is Is most fashionable. n, and silk will be as ever ; velvet. brocade -has a Ince. Brocade is otities -this season f it are 'being"_ much a large part of the Some attempts are uce plaids; but it is they were . fashion- is to succeed we ve brocades of larger for ,morning wear ge, except in- those ich we havenamed es have the skirts otter. The fashion= us shades of broth; "still -fa, are worn axirts,—World .of: A worthy wife o and whose life -was and peace, gave t1 w. advice to a marrie Mice:. The advice •suited•to all roan. - to those entering t publish it for the b " Preserve sacredly own house, _your m - heart ?• Let no fat or brother, -ever•pres you, or share the joy • long to you: two alon build 1=ourquiet wor dearest earthly frien •' of aught that:becom Let inornents of alio - • of it outs ab,°nce.4.- - all will -come out morrow's- sun still- _ Renew and:renew. ye good,and thereby y ` together,. contented stronger-- than death, truIy one." - SCHOOi;s OF It:wouldbe an -ex schoolsjo•oung'-wo which have recently temburg, were, opened -course of -training for . parted at them can ' greatest -Utility: schools, intended for t farmers and peasants, the winter months, an - modates about 30 pup • being about 25s, while 9d a day is charged fo. The manageress of the pupils are taught cooki cleaning, qtc., whf village :..schoolmaster 'the afternoon to give t iny�i�ld writing. Ame lectures on natural 1i medicine, so - that - n whichas likely to mak • them. .The: system of which was first appli also making its. way though many of the n like :the ideaof having their schools. the -rudiin calling, for .this is wha system practically - am . •- might be introduced, w - cations, -into: England i but more importance a temburg experiment,. t short space of time do and which if suecessfu would :do much. to • lengt .' agricultural. laborer and London ?tews. pent, the' Jersey, is Sian, - going out of f Wtales discovered worn - them from hat was the end of Annan is young and simply iiubecomrt s suffered from the time:the Jersey=ls hearted. There are unkind people in Avery relation, and the only specialty of a woman's suffering from unkindness isthat she is commonly almost like a bed -ridden creature,for whom a single thorn or even a hard lump in her bed is' enough to create a soreness. To those who can get up and walk away, the importance which she- at; taches to the thorn or the lump seems inex plicable. - HOUSE DECORATION FOR ,PARTIES. For the benefit of ladies who propose giving balls this_ winter; and who have money enough for the costly luxury of elaborate floral ornamentation, we mention a novel and very beautiful style of decora- tion that was introduced successfully- in London last summer. Instead of garlands and bouquets of parti-colored flowers, each one of the long suite of rooms in the London mansion was made fragrant and beautiful with masses of one particular flower.. As, for instance, a bower of Marshal Niels opened into an apartment richly decorated - with Jaqueminots, a, third was massed with field daisies, and a fourth .- ablaze with scarlet geraniums. Smaller- rooms were 'made fragrant with violets and helitrsope, and the staircase was lined with ealia lilies in pots: Itis. unnecessary tai. say that the husband -of the lady who originated and carried. out "this striking idea -had a large balance at his bankers. - -MISCELLANEOUS JOTTINGS,-;IIECIPES, ETC. A little ginger put into sausage meat ire- proves mproves -the flavor; - - _ A -small piece "of; charcoal in the pot with -boiling cabbage removes the smell, If your 'coal fire islow throw on a.,t'very _'spoonful of salt, and it: will h '' ' • - much. -• soup, use cold water • In boiling�0ices, If the meat`is want- to extrtge'f .alone, plunge'iu boiling water erlolice. . - • - Rub the part ou each -side with yellow soap, then tie up a piece of pearl ashin the cloth, and soak, well in - boiling'. Water. Afterwards expose the stained': part to the du and air,. until rerno ed, and. repeat. if necessary. • An apparently valuably Method : of pre- serving raw meat, dust- patented, ;promises to -have a -great effect: upon our ---markets. According to. a Medical- report,. Meat six :months old was found to be perfectly sound and- .good,' the' muscular fibre unchanged id the nutritive 'properties unimpaired-. Tire Material employed is:: said to .be.less xpensive than salt and•not only wholes©me• t: pleasant to the .taste. Although sleep is a natural and_involun- ary state, it' may bo greatly promoted by naintaining a _good - state of :health by aify .opeivair exercise, or by riding,. -or ailing with' the face -exposed.to•the-air •; y having the - stomach • free -from a heavy eal or any indigestible substance , and y the inind being undisturbed- �vith'Oates.. Over -fatigue, indulgence in food or drink. beyond :.what ...nature r-egtiires,- want -..of ^roper exercise, and mental disquietude, e:all ,cause• ot.sleeplessness.. Breathing. a confined _or overheated apartment is so a not unu_ seal cause of broken slumber. N othing is. more remote from .selfishness. an generous expend tiire•in-building up home, and enriching it with. all that shall Ike. it besutifizl without and lovely with- A iran.who builds a'noble house- does for the; whole- neighborhood,, not for him. L`- alone. He who surrounds his chit en wltin•bogks, refines. their .thoughts by' ��liarity wit} Irt. ie training• them for the state. In no other way •could hespent;- much :money_ so 'usefully, for the state. thatactuallyrears. good :citizens pre its to the -state better:properties, far ler than ample funds' or costly build 9. . s an e ni:tEf) .PE.oPLE. by b -m b y years' - stand ng, nade - of sunshine- iiiwing• impressive: of. her acquaint - good. and so well aople, as .'well as ate, that We here: of such. persons: privacies of your state "-arid your Mother,. or'sister to come between sorrows''that- he- ld/ mutual help of allowing your be the confidant s"--"4sticpeace. , if they 0c.our, no;never-, speak. then confess- and Never let the on at- 3'Ftrinsve.n•' • t thing: if some in:tiler to those minded: iril.Pur nglancl„ at ' the hold tinges irn- il 'to be of the righters of sthall nly open during Of them accorn- equivalent to d and- lodging. 1 sees that her ashing, house: - he -ordinary _employed: in, essone in read - man also giaes and. do/nestle is- negketed hellaavaives cif orth Germany, s dO, net Much, ch the lacia..jd f their .future to. That it belle enough, s to the Wur- ondert -there, this Country, - e lives of the naall farmer: ta TifINGS DON - We- dor/amend. to loylia not understand Why thi *at home, arid may -cony -sYmpathy" on the wif ing extract froin an. arti porary Review. The that an incalculable: am invalidisni 'arises from n ' Sonietireet, of Course, it nest and erneity'which lack of the .affeotion, :a plants' :' for sunshine. is- the. simple .Oppres ' pleasant fanciea, and lop ...bent - whims,. till there :-:.he suffers doubly, since bands who do etnot go right t„ the follow - the -Content- r maintains. of . feminine 0 bid the de- itive unkind - or oreatnres is, the/nem re, and ton- e; as sicklY raetinies it of an iron ruises their o -dap left in More.- Not zp frequent as ofteu fu it gplii.re—fo .P ar in th in. it dt n. so - lie nob ing Orange Pie. -7 -Ordinary Dundee Marina - lade answers eveky•Inirpose, providin0 you thin it first Witha. little water. Takefour eggs and beat Up Whitet and. -yolks apatt ; to the Yolks add foniOuncea of pulverized - sugar ;!pOund very fine four soda-craekers; and mix it with yew- thinned -niarrnalade ; anix.itwell together, and put in the yolk of eggs which has been sugared ; make a puff paste,gancl lind dish-. -Bake the crust first ;. then line with the marmalade naix- ture, having added a'very little butter to it:, JUtt before taking ont of the oven put on top the beaten white of eggs: Tina 'Oven. mint, be very hot. .Just when 'the white - of eggs commence to • harden:. remove the • Shetland woinen are- noted for their -abi- lity in managing 'a boat, and Adiniral Thomas; who was- -in . Lerwick tecently; offered to act as 'cbievialii-to three robust. 'Shetland women.- in- a contest between' cutter. _The Match wag keenly cOntested; bat- Was eaSily won by. the Shetland women," who ba -ad two oars each,. and pdlled grade- • abseonsion of W. 11.•: -.Blake- frob:. Exeter seitiog a wife : and two children. 'His brether and- the Other partner:, Ilieks, have also abscOnded, All the parties. wentto neas with Will suffer ; but .several gentle - "men in -Exeter, notablY. Mr. James Oke, the genial 'and popular prOprietor of the. -Central Hotel,. will . ruirie4 through endorsing fpr' the scampsa haying been led to cio. So. partly out bf kindness and for no Pecriniary benefit -whatever.. The hanks interetted' are the Exch-ange Bank, Pa,rkhill, and.' Me.lson's Bank, Exp. ter, but they hold security, '..and it is not' likely they, will lose -Very heavily..., the firin obtained money Under all sorts of false pre-- Irishrnan knowi -he*: to wittily de.with' 'this . uniightly. heap of rubbish.. Rat?" " Dig a hole and btiry it," answered the dirt I. dia.-orit of- the hole Well, -enouali. for the Whole of it.' . The Limerick. Chronicle states', that notices hayabeen Pested np on the. gate iers, of several Roman.. Catholie chapels - Ton the p::..r.i.S11 prieSts and. their curates join league mad: p:Irishes-, or if theA- do - n1 Prcittier quite Unfounded:- ,eate. and theirsovcii res THE CANADA'PACIFIC. NAMES OF TIIE 11HE19IEERS OF THE SYNDICATE: THEIR CONTRACT AND THEIR PROSPECTS. AGE1•CIES ' IN EVERY CORNET;, OF GREAT BRITAIN. - Paid up Ca,pita1,g�0,000,000. A special despatch from Ottawa, dated Tuesday last, contains the following infor- mation, which is so circumstantially given - that it • bears the . imprint of inspiration : The arrangements with the Pacific Railway Syndicate having been concluded by the Government the Dominion Parliament will meet on the first Thursday in December to ratify the bargain. The House will ad- journ over the - Christmas holidays and meet again early in January. to. finish the, ordinary business of•the session: A slight hitch occurred ;in the signing of the con- tract: Mr."Greenfell. - of Morton, Rose & „Co., - of London, also held a power of at- torney from' the house of Reinach of Paris and Frankfort rrom" the Societe -Generale de Paris, but the instrument did ' �e Fest him with .plenary p°weir cable to l lie last moment he instructions. ins principals for further These , are now- on the way. o;ut,�but Mr; .Gieenfell was" instructed by. cable to sign the contract and has done so. The arrangemen_, is still a state secret, but the. following particulars May be 'relied Upon: One division of thasyndicate is -Com-, posed of Canadian capitalists,: -the chief among them being Mr. George Stephen, presidentof" the `Bank of_: Montreal ;• Mr. Angus, forriierly manager' of --that institu-. ion and now general manager: of. the:St. Paul &. Pacific railway ;"Hon. Jas. Cochran,: -the well -known -Quebec cattle'breeder, and Mr. McIntyre, "formerly.a - dry goods 'mer-,. chant in Montreal -and now the controlling' spirit of the_ Canada Central railway, which will :he th. -- Montreal branch of the Canadian -Pacific railway. These gentle - Mem are the;princ-pal subscribers, but it is represent 'others whose disclosed until the coni rliament. f or its charter. probable that the names will not be piny applies to -F ;E'er instance, it is understood that Messrs. Stephen and Angus represent the interest of Mr.- Donald-: A}:..Smitli, formerly chief factor - of the -Hud On's Bay Cohpaily and one of: the tivealthi Two years.ago Me bought the St. -Pau the ;Diiteli. (Ainste aS it is the high to toba they hal, a ma e enormous profits from the.infltis .of migrants and freightnto that province. The -En lish division is limited to Mrton, • Rose & Co., the : agents of the; Dominion, Govern/hent,in'London. _ Sir John Rose at one -time Finance -Minister of Canada, was a mernber of the. firm • or 'many years, bathe Withdrew .fro n itsome- time ago, leaving -his .interest to his son: Mr Preenfell•. s the: senior partner of the -firth'- The American :division. is .Morton, Bliss .& Co.,'the New York brand/et Mer- ton; Rose- & `Co.: The French division` is composed'of-Reinaoh. & Co., 9r1)8.,0,8, and Frankfort and the Societe -Generale The syndicate- wily hay a paid-up- capital of l 50,000,000. Of this stint : the• Societe Generale subscr bes one:half, 25,000,000 -sterling; the Canadian capitalists one- -fourth, or #1:2,500,000. and Morton, Rose :&. Co.., with Morton,..I3J�iss & Co., and Reinach & Co. the remaining fourth.' A guarantee of 111,000;000 will be `deposited with- the :Government, to be. forfeited. should the syn- dicate fail in its -contract:'. The Govern- ment' hand over to the syndicate the sec- tions of - tl road already completed or, in course of coostructiuu; *he value of -:which, including the surveys,'etc., is. yud sawn at $30,000,00o and give them a cash subsidy of 125,000,000,and a -land grant of- 25,000;-- 000 acres. The land' is- valued atr $2 per ;acre,'so that .the gross subsidy with the •completed sections''represents the sum of $105,000;000. The read' is to be completed in. ten years fro m Lake, Nipissing,-_its east= ern terminus, . to : Buzzard. Inlet on the Pacific .coast ;: but there is`a special pro rf vise . , that the: - prairie ' section; roughly speaking, -1,000' miles pi length, from ;Mani ,-toba to the .Rocky Mountains, shall -be finished, , equipped and running within three }years. The syndicate will. control. the .completed :sections, run them and be• responsible for the rimming expenses -•until the completion of the! road . in 1591, when the Government will . take _ possession: Smith and -Stephen dam) bondholders,. and •;provided that the syndicate' than make no pooling traffib .or other arrange: These are the Main.features Otthe Scheme. so far as the -,synclibate -is-. cot/Corned. Maodonald annonnced en hit -return :4'4°141 44.i32,1and-that the road would bebnilt dian people for .1.1; sma this is Iwo h's: reserVe '25,000;000 acres in 14,010, alternat- iiig with those granted to the taindicate, alid this land will be throWn upen Ore market ars the ptairie SeOtion Of :the road lieved the land will'bring Much-more--thit te pay the cash..'snbsip to 'the.- syndicate' Mad 'to, receup the:. °unity ;for .nioney It will be seen that the tuccets Of the - whole .selieme tutus bnethe ability ',rof the ofthelands to settler • this year the e graticat to Manitoba; and the. NorthWest falls pearly 00 per 'cent; bellow, Sir Jelin MaPdonald's• "estimate. of last settion: but the menthert bf the syindiCata -say they Will after emigration from g erinany. • :The, Per- tiont of the toad co -triple -0d pr in Course eV jeOnstratiot.: which will abe handed over to -rounding the 1 hip. T F0A-Wilitlill iii SOlkirk•ttath.iiile)--* ..' : 016 'ot the tissue's of the- body wag fou ii, 1 ment Will still have 150,000,000 acres to disposgi It is proposed to sell enough of this ttatnable the Government to construct brancltroads running north from the main line an0 to improve the navigation of the Se,skatOhewaal, and other rivers. There is no donbt that' the syndicate arrangement will beOttifiecl. by Parliament. The Gov- .ernment have a majority of nearly 90 in a House Of 206 members, and, moreover, many Members of the Opposition approve of the hargain, since ittids the country of an eno ous burden. dyke, si sudden .. hear b glars in the house." " W14? what; burglar?" demanded- Mrs. Spoopet-dyke, as the popped up beside her "husbanci " Who's in the house?" • . my dear," ejaculated Mr. Spoopen- ing belt uptight in the bed with a which around. " Oh! yl What shall we do?" inquired a virh :don't you get up and light -the Mrs. Si oopendyke. f• Let's cover up our gas ? " Lroposetd Mr.1 .SPoopendyke in" a hoarse NV; 'apse "I S'pose. you can see arho - it is in tie -claik?i Strike a light, can't ye ? If i.4. ou hatd Your way, wed both be • "I'm raidil WhisTered Mrs: SpoOpen: ninrdere in bea.,N !Going to light up befbre dyke, str king*/ 434 out of bed and haul- ing it nips -if she had caught a fish with it. have. outt throats ' cut ?" interrogated Mr. - Mrs. z-S,Poopen. yke drawled out -of bed 't AND FOREIN*4:1 oomsday Book of Ireland crePs arks Stewart Parnell, with 4112 acres, ued at £1,480 a year. On y 2nd, 1841, two young arties made their debut at a concert in P The one, aged 22, was Jacques Offenb and the other, aged 12, Anton Rubinstei It is rumored that Count Wilhelm 1114- marek, son of the Gexman Chancellor, tato be married to the Countess Irma Andrei* daughter of the famous Austrian statti Dublin continues to be a ver -anneal city. During ;the ithirtgeff weeks en 4 Oct. 2nd, the deatk fate averaged 34.6 1,000, against 21.3 in London and 21.8 Edinburgh. In one of the divorce cases noW pend , in England the petitioner is a promin4!..;_ Irish nobleman, and the revelations -03, an eventful one ti) likely to prove' interesting to those Yalf tlhoevTebinite:apydeereafaralif8na8ntaliscwiainesild Grmany, as its first three -monthe will "JO both Austria'aiki have elapsed before the heirs,to the thron 'Of both empires have enteredlinto thebonfiaa the Rocky Mountains, whereon in. 1.8t.pi Fremont planted the :American -flag, '18: =pie for himself a once famcius oarnpaig4.-Y cry, is Canyon City', with pretty.streetsart; avere that Mme. De Girardlii„ an impartiq.1.- and experienced judge, said that the Pril,f,1 1 reason_she despaired of France was that i44. Was thonly nation the knew in Which WO men were better than the women. '.-'1'i the ad ce instruction of girls an lie training . of teachers„ and governesseiN 11 you find /Match ? 1W1iy don't you move?", ice.. The public s5.hools are free to girls aq ma e w th you ? Can't garian officer who Was in. the _Turkish -Beryl as for its principal the ivid 13 you dO. II yOutviratiit is to be dressed .in white an bille paper I to" be a, -seidliti to stick a .11 in ire burglar 9 • Why don't you. light e gas r Mr. SpoopOriclyke..; ' ist... hand me mY endyke, ha 'ding p, e the garment g049 the hOad of -he -stairs and:ask whd's ye? What the at Kra. Sp Go ask 'em, will er With your ' lipendyte opened the door slammed t ag land. pepped into "What d'ye ink yeu any wityat conical shot? Get 13, oari't ye, andlook oat. Where's my at 'have yOu done 28 te Ire uo Is; aven't ye? they co -me and 'slku ?here, will ye, before ed the doo tire ulously demanded g ofa there was no response, able relief, and she Went -to with it? Sent it t to Go 09.t a,nd what was go to her incalc -the head of pendyke, loo -ng over her heulder. "Who's there ?" iaLareale Mrs.- Spoopen- going tb eakli 'em 1 at do yen want anything AO* me for 2 Think this is a leave the . Wise op ii. -9 eine oni down fWaistth.. 76,1 a.p4,t'll-sho . yini-hoW to loc?t up.". Down theya Went, a d -p, careful,. sera- . said Mrs.- Sp pendy; '-e, . as they . returned howled Mi. ,poopend•keT". never men, tioned your n hie. e might .have ' been been there," said Mrs.ISPoopendyke, taking down her hair and Pr ceeding to put it uP 41 Oh, _you' caught ''eni-rf- sneered NEr. e and your aepaunts short to be a penitent uyii't-Anay ?•alemde, aanbdirdrgoIna,rit gye9tut hi the house y night, ye hear "Yes dear.) and woufncl, her haA in th in his protectil . • During 'Me VoYage of the Livadia asked to held an eiec-ric lamp. that, was being-sviung-fa.:,liglitinigIthe Stokehole: He incautiously toNched the wires:With one of -bis bands.;andlwith -.the other completed .the currentby lAtihie-effborratSss.troe:si.:- forbe of -the our- er giving pity, ft.ild: uld only turn fro death -- the.anyste th away the sin o th Mrs. Learned, au to others, til/ six R.Kly., ear oiler ,of her iliege ent sleep secure Lady hinitresses have been very numer4 .ous in the French provinces this year. They-, t I wear a semi -masculine garb of wide blaeltIll trousers; reaching below the knee,'whereiii they are met by high buckskin boots. Ile '4 _jacket is thrown open to show. the walst„.. coat and the felt hat is caught up on one A small boy was arrestedin a Milwaukee suburb at night, and thus cut short in his career as a highwayman.. He Wore a black mask, carried -a dark lantern, 'and was', armed with two- pistols. In his pocket RI, Was found "The Life 'and Adventures of #4 Jack Sheppard" a • Eight hundred car 'loads of _luscious grapes Were recentlY Shipped front Flo- rence to Germany. The grapes were pre- served by a new refrigerating process that ' kept them as fresh on reaching their desti- nation as when they wete gathered from .g The maVement for the establishment O• f the Juniot Reform. Club in London Ms received the assent of a large Aumber of- the'Liberal members Of the Houle. It is • to be a self-supporting inStitution, will cost £100,000 - or thereabouts and will not be -snbsidized by donations' from -the wealthY niemberS•of the party.. ',Its house aceom mediation' will provideler the possibility of • '3,000 members. The meeting • between Roberts and the generals at Candahar was rather a _maim- chOly affair.- BurrowS felt that he he4 not corpe well out of the Maiwand" business, although his personalgallantry at that:la. Primrose, lie -looked verv.e.wn..11a his luck, .as thongh he had not heard. the last of •=those alarming telegrimi of his, and'of his meht to his Wife, -the late eminent rAdy Waldegrave; which recOunts her varionii wcohneerleud eyso.:•i rTe ha si Su rine eiMs o trbi aelr ei s mrus.si st e:ourby.. husbands. of whom he was the fourth, and worth .Z100;900 a year, this eenotusion -‘1 be likely to excite a.smile in some quarteisi,- pest Stephanie -being -fixed for ne0Febru-. and manufacturers has been constituted for the purpose of- receiving contribiitions toward a mag,nifident wedding present for , the bride., Thereceipts already amount to iop,000 . florins. The - principal gift will bonsist.of a magnificent casket, which is to be. a masterpieoe of Vienne art induatrY,. and' is te. eclipse anything of the -kind..- the smallest bell of Cologne-- cathedral receiVed a ,feW months ago serious injury.... It was taken down and sent to 'Goose's &nary at Dreeden to be -re-cast. - It had been originally cast ia 1418; and had al- - ready been:re-cast twice. The 'Court organ; --: ist says that the tone is now - perfect There are three other. bells. One is the great "Baiserglocke," the chief ingredients • of whose Metal camefrom the French. -eau- noiitaken it Sedan; The_ two othert are . A trumpeter describing 't-bfl .battle .of Maiwand, Afghanistan, thus relates what ... befell himself during the engagement : -"As I. was orderly trumpeter of the general: comnianding the fOree and of the officer ' I . had indeed very much to do :daring the fight: I had • to take messages if= orie place to another; and aWay, and I wastx!.."- ,...'" ‘ SonS With the ool--, iii:ttl . fa lancattasatoit;?„1-1:::::?"5:4.61a, g.:17 174' :tn. vlAitilbati3.11:341klitintiltioat'air 1 - -1')_r&':qh)Or si',,,l-icon,a mitt Other - iiitlierit(imeog..: lialr:e ever -been-.: "ilea- th , Qrimean wai 1.c.kes it good land in th.. :Xorth;:vest so that irBiexach.08,iiii.q.-s.rwi-i t.r4 t....,,ioiiisiiicihio'i-O.i..olfa...i.: olynsbot ifter satisfying the Ian 'grant :tOthe_syndi-