HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-11-05, Page 744114 ere .4* - • - .ake La I rs amiaNSEC....4 'nee. Ptivirmili•A worn{ P0WDE1( DI a gale-, pm-, vtorrei ire cididren or aduits. Price cent. m. rrtf.f.":4..'i's NEW DONITSTIC DYES. are .4 heeeht nee; and durability they have no equal. Peke Wines -dz; Liquors - TH11 ne-beeetefere. PA- 1,•;,tV• f, t'USTOII- ERS iu ne. ALL FiRST-fr AS,3 LIQUDitS. I deal- in LIL,?1,-OPe-;-iefly, ee:a aim at keep. lug g nune artiele4. . - fir4 effectual' destroyer ot, • rrejet in every eeler,,1-: Fez; •, es cents per packaeice4.- - CON 4444 T:%4, Novel Theory of a certrifter Chemist - To the o tl lee -important properties of wool which are sufficient proof of its suitability for coloring, a new one has been added by Professor Jeer's latest iievestigations, which we will ouly mentionbriefly, as an explicit description would occupy too much space. 'Jaeger has proved that in our organism there are certain gaseous -volatile, substances, called by him " duftstoffe" (odorous substances), which play a very important part, as Yet tindivined. tie entleavorri to show that the actions of our mind are continually rendered free in the acts el breathilig and perepiring. lie diseeres two; iiiicereet groups of (odorous subs:thrice:4, " lus,t aid miluetletolIe " (sub- stances of pleasure end dislike). The first ones are exhaled durinenjoyful and agree- able 'state .of enind and produces this state of mind if inhaled. Just the re- verse .is true of the second ones. Whoever will take the pains can discover for himself that the evaporation, di ffers according to the condition- of the body. During joy and happiness the oder of perspiration is not disagreeable, While during anguish and - grert, nervous excitement it is offensive. • The subetance of disliking have, therefore, .a bad odor. - In an atMeepliere of the sub- stances the- vitality 'is lowered and dis- advantageously influenced. This accounts for tbe. fact thatin Le.state of anguish and . fear the hpdy. is More - susceptible to ecru- tagious diseases.: The iiilialing.of the"' eub- stanee of pleasure" heightens the vital ac- tions and iniproves the resistability of the body against sickness'. Jaeger Ines now discovered that "sheep's wool" attractsthe- " substances- cf. pleasure!' (this property must not be,eonfused-with the great cap - Laxity Of wool for absorbiug odors in general), while •the clothing made • of plant fibre favors the :aCcurnulation of . the offensive " substances of dislikee". with all their evil deneequence.s. Even with healthy persons . „ Cotton and linen elething, lifter long wearing, takes a.- distinctively -repulsive Odor, while :Woollen -:-cipthipg,-. even in them Mere when evaporation is Strang, takes only the sour -Smell of perspiration, • Alia never. ficeutait- lathe other' -offeniutve- .spaell9: • Thie ,therlY.irfrporfrint fact, -the:Mention Of -winch raey1 ridienieclbyiroady,,is,neVertheleeee . . . FOR talEr-27LITE$ _ See wha h gay a.bon SC, COD LIN .PITES, 1LS Scrofula. ud . . MD:sits. Sol A sutfiei.eit S-.0t.k ef-• the teet le-anee fo ,_ “I.ereeme MediAl •Liol 0 tirc r p.tritos,:s aiLynys ,,n. h -and. sion of Cod . • used -it in in • Sneeial rates to deelefS lenvieg , in Large With it be gkeel results it very sere; pulnionary , Quantleis•e. • - e •• - WIL CZO C;".1 - 11_T. co..s .1.5(/ . 24" Gow rLAKE Cut Plug is the best pipe smoking tobacco 'ever introduced into Canada. It is made frMache selected fine old Bright Virginia Leaf.... (The rav. &affront :Aids this tobacCo it made ce:..its tr-h• than any- other tobacco Inanufik(urcd Cana4-2 „ +Vier is readyfor.thi,ipe.) - ltisinadt-a...12solutety piire and neatly packs.1 ia landy tin-foitrrackages. _ • ' It is sold by all respectable dealers la ::.-rts ' of the Dominiou., llanufactured by - , • : GLOSE-T()BACCO f " ..1.,.. - -1 • 1.44".' ' • idtffAj'..-'. ,..,.. '. i . ••• ; .F-,;‘,.. I' e•-• 3 3 ' - Tb.e 1,.;1.-•Nitt7.-5t wonder of modern Tim - ft-i•neveeet = have uL-uti heSpital ant _ greetly b $rne and any other ,epv 0.nisitniptn found it p.:41 i ' JOHN ... i; e US dal ha -eel . Intl astrial nud c ommercial Notes. tWiftppins; A orts of dry goods -are comiug into thefare-slieeine away- thoee ' • -:41-7 lions a week ; and they are finding a steady : Anti' nev'-1- l'ru"kl" (-1"--11. New York at -the rale of nearly two mil- ' - Like a feet en the current caet ; - i xe,.: watch teem Lis oue tee cite th: .1. ee market. . 1 , Into the lie:•:,utite.1 past. - the.Atlantie from Boston than the whole I rcri, Lin arrsov 'a if v i Heat apd..-v..ift r F a -,v cr. ver%; '' '.• • .. export of corn and. wheaPfrom that port in' ..41,1 soft as thc• haig-ourcan, lire..7.e.; ill', 0 1 rliia.t lett the willow's lo3ig goil:in It 18T511 -le largest shipment of apples from this 1 4:•' And ril*Ple tilt' gius6Y stream. country by ono steamer was by the Iowa, is light as tile breath of the thist".1% :i A . which left Boston. on Sunday with 10,673 ; '.' As fond as ''-1,1vcr'8';r""iti ; barrels of apples -as part of her cargo. : fei pure 8.3 ti c flush on. the sen, --:.b,1.:• • ; Cottou. seed. oil is sent from Arkansas to ; ie So teuile'r end sweet they seei.i. i‘s sweet 11.4 thi." W11011-11iFtl.ti \l'01.111 Europe, and is sent back to America as i "e pure olive oil. Arkansas pe le think, One after MI, z!li tn• we see them p•-: A however, that it can be relined so as to bel . , ,e, heat theeeeme el litt':rstent:y 1.-,--... We 1.1-11' .1.1111 111.411t1•11 tea ir just as good. i in the steps tit the eenti iiies 101:g Mr. James R. Keene is _about the only Of As beautifid alai ae fair. great operator we know of Who bought . there are orily a few ycni s left to 1,-,. : stocks without flinching right up to t.the '• Shall we. \Neste Liam in iitiestrie• .= time of the In/liana election, and he has those heautitfutteoesenes rare ai...., - -..c. nple them under one .-.1 , I. , • 141.1p.11 we trai - ' 1 -By the tinily way a lite? The imp One barque now carries mores corn acroes sielans sand the People TT,S EDICX.S1ON • ID AND HYPOPTIOS. edy for consumption. tinting •Affections; • • Otto ler 20;1878; BoWN't i - ave preseribeaSett's Emn.11 etc., in tity practiee,and Iv. ' I ant g'reatly tal )1eness and tho. olltr;v it:- use, I have timid e in scrofulous diseas6. -and ouse vonrs. - . made Lb fortune in .one day.-Wa 11 tree News. Agent's are going through the country around Ottawa purchasing butter for Eno - land. There is about • twenty thousaird pounds at Osgoode station for inirnediate shipment.. Prices range from 18 exults • to 20 cents per lb.. - Manufacturers appear to be taking only sufficient wool to supply .preseut wants, and. the aniount of pulled is aceurnulating daily. The same state- of things exists -in the 'United States. The demand for -lustre goods in the. manufacture of which our fleece is largely used, is unusually slow. • • - M NC% :270 Ease Brvatl-Way, y s d-enuate 0;1S, or fifteen-tionthS T.' ur cal 13Ver F.Muision,:lietk. in prat•tiee, atialfava bein :with het effects. ;-It is.:•hetter• I -a fair, thin:1'; i4 hIght1, the doetor .using.yi 4u - and strefi -he We -11. • SCOTT 7 I felt it 1 lave de :I bad, v S.ulting •• 1.(irmed in preseribe ' tes, Int prove antil. I h healthy . - pounds", _ . t .• •- SCOTT cf'. -Gen saw a tsloner In e With co no use o for -pH bought: we to. la :Ikeda te: shordt think, • taken fer al,eigee tame t atieh God Liver .011.- td-tlildren'e diseireek a. have v yahoo,. - Physteiati, TT BiAcNI:!... ; • " I-- 1.1 •AVis•-k:Itiulsi,,b.of.. cnci.:-I,,ivi-r is i ,stnnees, and 1-Iraye found- it to en e-ztilily tu:siiiiilated, r.nd 1.:•tnia-.; hilnittrit ion and ilef,h. :I eemeieler ISireel•.ever used. - . :. . 1. liA 1,7 el HT° -.,-.-.1‘i -.- I e-. - - . - , tt• 1101.•\ -NE " 1 • plur.renat,av .of C'o.d.j.iv'er - • afid ant gLit'l 1 po. szty: , vuti,11Y for weak 'Lungs -and bad :Light .reetaninendit, When .u! C1Ve11.tie- up, I_ vaimeneetr, let it.7.113e.: mid I ant 1.,:ttining•-,-. health v rV-fi•-•t tl 4101, s,0011' • , - ' , ••• Vonrs- DIF,DEItSTADT. • . Galve:iton, 'here are only a few Ewcet years- b „No eirvious taunts he heard : ..TLake life's Itir pattern of rare deF!rn, 'And up The nu:a:Jiro with love's •.v..ct But never an angry word! • ,tiN DIVORCED PERSONS iitzgortaile ifbiger.ssion the t_•onventio, REW YOUK, Oct. I8. -In the •-• • of 'Deputies , the Protestant 1-.! - pal Church titdi_scussiOn of the retm• • of .divoreed persons, -which has hart of . The syndicate of Toronto cattle dealers •:ithe attention of previous. conveniii - that is.eiticl to have -contracted for spacalup on the Rev. Dr. Franklin's r• • ....lion to amen Canon 13, -which. direct-- • .• no with the Allan and Domimon lines or, 20,000,000 head of cattle for British mar- kets is nothing more...nor less than the company that haire operated the past year with the exception that one member ha given place to another. . Of Lure million tons of ice housed nea the Keanebee River in Maine last wifetefr, nearly One hundred thousand tons remairi unthipPed.. tine amount only abOug eighteen tons are unsold, and this will prd" bably be sold before"the. season- is 6-,-er. qtant4y.ef ice sold this summer. ,was plixt up in 1871. Prices are expected to rise th. it - ' of the greatest .value to medical sc,ence; and hes proved pf the •higliest :trupeetanee spippe.'4 pp to the • preSent time- soya for the " reeistability of, the hurtful) body thousand harre1S- of apples to Liverpoo,, tied. barrels a week- front this date to the A C .of Picton, hero ;against colitagious diseases." 'and willbe shipping about two then:. A -Gevat invention Undervalued, clOSecif- navigation., It :is estimated. ht those laest qualified to jUdge: that the Minister ter has a div if either oCcurrin apply t It seems inereLlible, from our Present ;staildppitit"(says a recei it visitor in will -be thirty thousand barrels. of; app104 United Statee.),.that o ,slicit time age, in shippdd.ott oi Prince:Edward. county tic.s -o-Ur -eengreesienal ha1Is The eleeteic tela- tall.:all.the product Of the county. •: gritpli warealnicist.riniculed and VOted into Thenlapercollar is an institution- firn :oblivion, rise. establis-lied, -at all events on this confiner from Which -it cotild 'nailer ; W: e.4, uty to: let Tell:now the benefit D:vei frem tin; ustiof yonr Eunalsiinr„ iii y 1 eurcieighfer y OLT'S: and on coiir 1. E. Gorsuch of this; city, be in my t.tft Jung -Was diseaSed, paol Vs.:Emulsion with. Hypoulit,s- Viking two bottles' I began to ery a nidly, and continued using. it U t. -en teiebottles, and -new am •as nut as there is in the eity.of- Ralti- hie I began using:it:I . weigheq• 145 flo weigh 19-poluide, Yours, . D _ p. FARQ-c-.}-Luz. . c.; -1. 79. - -, : _ ..: .Raltijnore. :Niel. ':..) 'ANT/WA:A, geprteinber 13, 1.77. . _ . . . E Oi fte . • -1.74-ien a bill was • Presented appropriating In 18"8`tliere were 8,000,000 yards Pf ,30..000 to be expended, .ufract the threction used to 200,030,000.0 the patent reyersibie collarS -Which -waS at the rata of 25- .coll •74.s -of tho Postmasiter.OeneraLl in a seriea of 'experiments to test .the- zperite of Merse'S electrb-magnetiP teleeraphi „ono rniernber ...radved, an--limendrueiit requiring half the LiPpropriaticn to beensed for the encourage- ment of-mesmeriam. Anotheriprepoeed to include lnillerieen in the benefits of. ihe approPriation.; others :to approprirete part Of, the 'sum to a ;telegraph to . the moon Andeilien the biliecanie to i fireel vote, this .was'sO close thitt•a> change of three votes Aiould'.doubtless haVe lat ufi- till this day without the be ilefits. of the • telegraph. After lus invention -Wee • in Working order,' and -transmitting niessagealnetween Balti- more and WitelLiiegtorai.Mr. Morse offered - it to Cengre.sse; to be attached to the Poet- ff.ed/epartment, for, .1100,000. ..But it : . . ought I v.-or/ill:Write keyou,s as ti.ef upon '..-our.bi.ttle.4 4 late, -upon ntiintous use. -Thi,4 has .proved triti4 WaS given up to- diela4 Alarila :1 ition ,-e'the best inedieal aid ma& 1. n treatrpent;. -Uy husband milled. P. nalsion of Cod Liver Oil -; he- has NV. fity-si•x bottles and it is ,,e -toting ILI ,heYond the expe'ctations of • buh- (-cct4ng t� hear ;my death every day: 1 iktj;to-take:it for a.year, when, 1 evil be perfectly cured. . . . YOUTS-NVIth res'peet, ' , MRS. ELDERIOCSF.4:. • - - ' - 0. rhe Pills Purilythe le ood, correct all dis- ,rders c& the liver, Stomactii Kidney* aad Bowels, and are invalnable in all. compleinta incidental to Females'. ,.. The ointment is the only reliable remedylo Bad I.,<2;s, Old Wounds, Sores and 'Ulcers, o however long standing-. For Bfonchitii,' theria, roughs, C,!.1,11(.. Gout, .-Itlieuinatism and allSkin Diseases it is - MAR E OV -,AMEELCAti COUNTElifEITS. respectfully take to all te at- -inntion. of the Publie-generally to the fact, that eel tain in New York are .sending to many parts of the globe SPURIOUS TATIONSvf my Pills and:Ointment.. These fraatilsbea-r on their _labels Sozrte. address in ..7.c.ely. York-. *- • I do not allfo,tir mY 'Medicines- to be snlel,nt any part Of the United Stai,es. I hare. nc Agentsth(q-e.••M ¥ f.1ttedicines are only made iv me, at 534, Oxfoitd Street, London-. In the b.ioks• of directi(,ns-affixed to the SO" '• rious make is a caution, warning the Publi against being de'ef-ived by caunterfeits. 1)c inot be misled by this audacious triek;tiety cere the ronnteiffits they prettnd to denounce. These 'counterfeits ir prircheSed.bynnprik . cipled Ventb,rs at lme-ItOf the price Of. nr1 Pills ainrOintment, and are.sold to. you as-nty. ennine Medicines. . • -1 ino4 (tone, appeal ti-Ahat ien• Se of Ins; iee.'Which I fee sure 1•ma. vOlture upon arileing from all horioralde person to assist:me, the Public, as far as may lie in their pow- • tr. in denouncing this shameful Fraud. • Each Pet and PwN of the Genuine Medi - Ines bears the Prit ish (lorcrnmeizt Stampwith.. he 11,-ord g• PILLS AND QIIV.E. • lrENT Laxeretee,"-engra-ved thereon. On tk label isthe-addxfss, ;133, QiroltriSTIMET,LON-1. 4 DON; where alene they are Manufacture Bolloway's' Pitts' qnd Ointment bCaring- an y addren are colthierfeit.- rrlie'rrarl6 Marks of the -5e Medicines Lire re- zistereA °Lae 'i 11 ncee-any one through- out the BritIshcrossessions,-who may keep the Anterican i'eenterfrit 'for rale, will .11e- prose, anted. Signed, . • - TITOAIAS 1101..I.Peev. 5:33.4. xeeren geereeer,LoNee-S--; ' „id PLYG I T LE TRA Bef Lu tad •Rre tha 'Pre CIA age, N 13-110NZE _ was declined, on the stapinent of the -Pest;. ina.Ster-General, who _reported that, while the invention.wa,s "An agent vaStly supr- ior. to -any Other.eyer devi,..ed the genius of man;The Wasnorfsatisfied that "under any rate of postage that could -be adopted itsre',cent(' be;rnade; to equal its ex. peridituree."- By ; this Short-sighted want of Appreciation of science, the - United States Omiorrinient deprived Jtself . of a source of -rOenne -sufficieift, doubtlees, -to _liquidate the entire mitienal debt in 'a, sin gla decade:- ' ' • ' . - •iter dua Inquiry shall k. y the paarriage of any pe; - lia treed husband or wife el- • ng, were divorced, thrcugh outs after marriage, the rule . t an innocent verson -in I. pe”sons onee divorced a. . • elc: ing to b " enarried again. Dr. I , • • desired to incorporate 'into the ce first .four verses of . the 2it1i aiter of De iteronproy, Which fort.= 0, divorccd wife to returnle? her husband- if She has ; ralarried . her after lekeing him. The coneati, .• to Whom tite amendthent waS refet,-, 0, do- , Cidedth that. Was inexPedient, Dr enle- - lin said that; the discussion porfamttifor the law of * Opposed! ito the present canon. 'I '••• y,ec-, • on sheuld he amended by ad•l't ex- •ept in ,easeii forbidden in (ud'. rd, iiitably in -Deutc-rOiiOtPY, tevenf t rth cipte1,irStfOUr verses.-" Rev. I), eye, . of Pen sylvaaia, thought thispar the afosaie lave was eever.sed. in Luke . and .in M I tee; and was not r.pre • brig: 'X- he P. It. b.r1 Craik. .aid that th,- would 1 1,11.ink the Protestant El. .. pal -ClnicU ures iguidett bY,tha old • law - if the anion inent were :adopted iter - furthe discussion the amendmen'. • •: Dr. 'Frank n WaM lost aid the report f: thee coparn'ttee le,as adopt d. • to the yarn.- At the -same- ratio Cana x a tight to use from fifteen. to twenty 11- _ lions, ut.we do not aee theieaper celliqs so air li Lis the Yankees-, or •' reverse '71.0 much - - i., • . -. • - - :,- : Th : Queensland .GOVertanient have taktii 11. prqntjstllg mettodiof de*elopin-g the-- i :go trade. of their country, fortheyhaVe offeiid. a'bODUS Of- 6:5,COO'for the: first .5•00 tons fpf ina,rketable iron" produced from .-Queatts- landOres. - Ten .peunda per -ton Otight to : be. sufficient . to tenapt speculatorOto, try'What can be done • in the Antipode -Ln .eolouie. ' ' . .•• • -Adviee• About Funeral -1 il Lie preparation and arrangenaents4or. ... • i • • A. & glue, The Supreme Council -33 0 .Dorrilmort of Canada met in Montreal last ;week. The routine.and general business was disposed of, and the following- .ocers were elected and inStalled for the- nextthree -years 3 - . . . •Suprerr e.Council, 33 0 ,-(11: D. Haring- ton, 33 0 sov. grand conimander. W. H. Hutton, 33 0 ; lieut.grand cominander. J. -W. Murton, fi.3 9-, secretary-general. 11. A. Mackay, treaeurevgenerAl. W. B. 'iiimPion, 33 ; grand -Chancellor. Wm. ;Reid, 336., grand master of ceremonies. I. IL- Stearns, 33 6 , grand Marshal..., COL. McLeod Moore, 33 °, grand. standard bearer.. • E. -CoPeland,- 33 , grand 'caPiain of 'guard. , - • • . A. MackaY,. 33° , Ilannil- ton,-fiar proviimeof Ontario.. I. 11. Stearns; 33 0 • Montrealp-for piovince of:Quebee... J. v• Ellis, 33'°•, St. John, for province .of New B.r,un_swic.. it, T. Clinch, 33 , St- ' John; for province of -Nova Scotia. • ---SWitinning Feat by .1!..ntlies;* Recently a great sivimraing feat Was per- formed on the Tay by tie young ladies- Mias of Glasgow; champion lady swinnner of _Scotland, and Miss McQueen, of •Dundee. Shortly after 5: -the with a ritiniber of persons -interested in swiroining, left with the Fairweather for Tay` Bridge, and.the tirO ladies named itiMped froin the -first brciken pier at the north 'end of the gap in the' bridge at ,17 minutes to '6- o'clock, with the intention of switonling. to lir-oughty Ferry Castle. The ti4.6" at the time had, ebbed an.lionr, and was running pretty fast. The Water' was rather lumpy at the start, but it improled little-. 'Xis§ McQueen gave up at 6.25,=two-and-alialf iniles from the start. Miss ,.Gillespie -kept • 'en till the • end, and landed lat Broughty Castle, -which she. reachectin an hour and 18 minntes„ having swam digiaa* four -Ana -a -half .tailes., she-usell the breast stroke the greater ,part of the.iiya,y, but occasionally restedby using the side and overhand stroke. The, ladies Were +n-Veyed back to Dundee, and were loudly cheered on landing. onet.lato Wright, of Toronto, who has ac cepted cal/ to the London- east l'resby •rian Church, on Monday; marry , las Carlett, of Toronte.,. Rev. ohn Scott, _ fornaerly ofLondon, is • at prof nt suffering'from'an•acute attack of broi hitis, and has received Ida-ve of absenc rom his pastorate in North Irrnce 4 aeale and reta druggists. • . for four -•/?• In theburial, let as little time and money -A has pessible be expended for showy SturonAd- ings,e- The less of these things the' heOr. i3i Hay billy: enough show for proper respilet, for public decornm and Social reSpect: We are getting to mingle _adVersity and AS- peritytog,ether; -and aro gettin,g to be In - able. to distinguiall. the Mersa differeiwe. Nye are new hardly able to - diStinguislOe,. tween 11:funeral -and wedding. At flineals' the tendencyls toWailds. eztraSmgance'And pride; and, as a- ConsequenCe; 'toward tr• ice aticA.Itho ineanest -fully. Funerals- are :de- generating into the -most selfiali, expen ye, meaningless services. As the vulgatcx pression.is; they:ate simply. cererrioni$ to give the. ;deid. ". a •good. Send-off.'? • if -The eofdti iS covered with tinsel and finer4 0.1 -talli out of placeiConsidering the nutroiind; ing-s of the _deceased When: alive. A:14mo Will spend t50 for carriage 'Iliire- at. the funeral Of his wife, when.he never apOnt a dollar on -riding ter her When .alive. _ _,At a great near of 'sacrifice a• ..,huSband .willli buy i a profusion of costlYfloviers- for . the Om: - ration of his wife's -Coffin and grave , hen lie never bought a pot plant for .the-bt gilt,. eningsof her chamber during year's of of; -sick- ness ness and -suffering. -11 possible the fltderal sholildbe on a day 'other than the Satibs.th soAs not to - interfere- With the ptOoris i regular:duties at stated, service._ A Vigct- routi pretest against the tbo, freque and very often disgusting habit Of. publie ,etive- ie taking pf-the body was -made.- -The . ave - taking of our -beloved dead should aiways be in private, And not laefore a; crowd of 'idle, curious and unsympathizing speeta, tors: .• All ,the.• funeral "ceremonies: Ehould be ishaiplet' but strikingly • syinbolick. A shrtple piece of crape on the _door igtworri on the person is sufficient:to 'denote tdeath in the family.-' From. a serreon of thl Rey. J'.,-(3. :White, of Cincinnati. : . ' ' ' ; , -.1 _ • • - . '4 -. PEOP# HE..ITAS MET. -The following is a tii -piece of beautiful :descriptive wri 'rig by the sporting editor of the Globe, wh •made 0.-iirip last .surnmer over the line Of the Thunder Bay branch of the ,CanadaTatific railway: A:, canoe came over fr4m. the Taq,"mland bringing With it Tetechet tt. o belle of !the Village, Teteche is really aveilpretty- little damsel of about lit. years. HO corn- plexion though very dark' is perfectl*clear, her teeth (like thoSe Of many of 1114,t- race) , are absolutely faultless, - 9,4a. her tOatures are rad& more than :ordinarily hatiflsorrie. She wore a dark alpaca dress, and Ogurea. tu[rky-ted handkerchief neatly g folded about her neck, with the ends crosekd Over her bread, and another of .sirnilOr .color and pattern fastened tiirban.fishionfaroiind herhead. She ha* a very graceful flare, and _ . . , . ' -717 alibis ;Grose; in his .appei •• e... it Ilogar h's "Plenients - of Beauty: • , 'neate.. eight- typical noses: 5.'here ;:. the angill r; thee, aquiline e or Boman, el = par, rot's beak, the straight- or Greci,tn, • the bulbo s or bottled, the turn -up De .-.imb. and t o mixed or broken. - -The lo 1:-.... nose has fr in tintee immemorial beep le ..1-,_, ilea, Asian. ndication of a Meek and pati: T_ T. dis, pesiti n, and • one out:and-out _Lich,. ‘,3i.• in the i pa, finds in the remarkab.c le -.4., i .- the1el phant's snout an index of tke, pla- cidity • and docile , temper .Of the .:-;:inial.- . Napo een's i. preference for ni41 with ' "-ple ty of i nose"' is well known. • It. .is 1 said, hough probably with some e.a!!,gera- tioti of: truth, that if he wanted a pt:, ticu- laxly:dashing thing - done he would ,INI:PN'Et eatrti* thik,.UTIadt£12411g :b0 • a man with - large nasal development. - - - . - . _ ,__ : ,roiing. _author ''s hire a youpg -;:•. hist, ." 1 playe .. MS attenti n la taken up by the cards V,hich. he. hi . self holds aald the scherhe -which he has devised, apJ in his . i ; 6 • eagerness he-- usually _betrays his hand to the' Other Players. . Some.- players never get ofreithiS fault, and their partnep haver, - to alioiv for it, muchi as If they were- play- ing 'with *.l-diimmy.':! So it • is with eonae- - authorswho can never write without dis- • e - 1 4 playin , themselves on almost every: page. This is not so serious a defect in a book ea- invthiSt, and not a :few works"• owe their• main:interest to the unconscions eXhibition, of the author's tastes and character. . e he Sir Joshns,!Ileytiolds round hats of '"7 - fur nd tiger plush are imported in'' all tho• pop lar shade's of garnet, bronze brown; ecru, myrtle green, cigar brown, gendarme blue{ ti,•ndi various shades- of : hyacinth. -The are frequently faced with - beaver or pl ' lalof some contrasting shade, and are! tringilinedwith long droo "ngos ' h feathers ' . and! atiger's foot orname h Frenbh,-. . gilt claws.I _ . • -i-Peacock feathers, tulip's, passion flow-. - • ers, carn-ations, palms, clov.er Illokoms„ „. hyacinths and sweet briar, roses and leaves, are the favorite designs employed in tun- vilfnattur„liiO3ing bevroficattederLsilrkseirr,.. voSulygtsiusubdet ' silvered Or gilt threads upoaa...Lkaxelc -grorriad:':-;...,.,,,,, . of black, white, pr. lipDA the explisitelY tintedgroundsof violet, cid Nue, salmon- - pi kr Wild rose, peach blossoin, dahlia and! 1. Persian mauve, Sapphires and Venetian, , _7t gther : 2.37 Genjiine spEcIFI,C itECIICINE _ R TAT...GREAT EN-TRAIDE ARK GLISU itiMEDY.- - An unfailing' cure for Bonin - al w -e akness-, - Sperinatorrhea, Iinpot encer, andallDiseases that f ollo NV as:a gsequenceofSelfifter s loss of Memork, yuiversal lest - in the back Dimness of Vision, 001(1 age, and many other Di:real-we Insanity- or, Constunption and a Grave. keirFull • particulars in ?hiet, which'we desire to send free e every one; gel'he Specific Meti IA by all Druggists at per pa,c1c, packages for 85 or will be sent. alien receiit of ,the money by ad- ' inc?- - UHF. GRAY-31EDICINE CO.. Toronto, Out - o.Anaa, . 1 in TeicKnow by allAruggisls- and ev• :in Canada- and the United St•ates is in Short, graceful in . everythin her Walk; which has 13eenipOiled; b .4- the ugly -Indian habit Of turnipd, dn. -except course, lie toes . • ; • -T-Remarks an change: The season of evening parties has set in again and the deritees-; of Terpsichore are once more - happy.: One of the most interesting .fea- tut, of the evening party is to • note the anpurit of flitting that is -usu.:illy done On the stairs. It LAS been seriously suggested, • thatiddrder to -npiake: evening parties am. as mired. success tko-or three pairs of stairs. • • sha-uld bo temporarily erected fer the cin- lvepietinecsec of stair, fiends and ..banui.iti:r ' . .-Old age, says the"' Phrenological Magar!- e," is almost invariably acconipanied by rOminent. chinl The portraits of cente- n mans, with hardly an exception, present this. Isign of longevity in a marked degree. A, her indication of old age. is alarge, I rigfear, and this sign is all the more sine i accompanied by great -length of profile " f om the chin to the crown of the head. Ormiston: is 59 years of age; Dr alrne,ge 48; Dr. John Hall, 00; -Beecher - has just entered his 68th year, and has at' g eater degree of vitality than any Anacri: .- nlpreacher of that age. • - Mr. GladstOne'S health still 'ca3tses itis- ieuds Some anxiety, notwithstanding that e prornises to renew his duties with his anal : * : The Doke of 'Argyll -is eufferitat froin . ;op gout and .the I'ritceSs Lonise vistihg hirn • •- A Sviiss watch making ev 6a the tariff :lay by Sending snaall watches: tO llome on _carrier, pigeons. • T.wentytigeoias chills in coneequence. - • a day were employed. , ,•. e