HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-11-05, Page 6--�rictions as to the kind of houses to r.d. Noliquorwill besoldinRugby, TRIE-AYRECKIED ALPEA. T11E BAPTIST UNION. He said the paper bad been trained witli a such as was desired nevIer took place any reCy an apothecary for medicinal par-
-bas divided and be erect view to draw out Mr. Brookman and he -Meanwhile Protestantism Th-orivit and Evidence as to the Titm Annual Meeting -Election ot Offieersb thought that gentleman had a right to be subdivided; national Chufhes have held except � Leslie, after crossin- Niagara on TORONTO, Oct. 21. -The first meetina of heard. Mr. Donovan objected to Mr. Boyd's only the most formal interqq�urse with pach poses. many times in safety, lately 11-A cbr S.).*a-Gler-search for tue VictLulkil [ng the first -Pan- Adalitionit to the Pa4sengel. I.i-At. tlie rpcontly incorporated Baptist Union of remarks, upon which &here followed a great other. Since the meeti Har� escape fropa falling in New Orleans- Gi;, Allich., Oct. 22. -The e. Ch6nada was commenced yesterday in the deal of cross firing. The points which at- Anglican Synod in Londolf the impulse to 'I rop - '-susnended across a titreet J.,:.rvis streqt Baptist church. Betweentwo tracted -most attention were those referring briu together the repibsentatives Of narr ffT"to`PV181110f houses. Rain bad mahe in to the passengers of th t, P, a-Ld three hundred dele-ates are in attend- to f uture punishment and baptism. Rev. Churches of the same conf0don has grown The pery, and', when in the Centro, he slid .i iii reasin cLaurin stated boldly thate did not st.�pq.--The chief feature of yesterday's J. M in-strongth. At the n eetin�q of the Assem- fro ut he caught with his hands, letting ouly ii tlig AlDona. up�tci this tim 11&ae he reunited Prebby6giall Chur,-hes it u the beac ' file 'Aletropo'l u - believe that total immersion was necessary bly -of t 13 1 avy balance pole drop into the crowd 1�ix b. - bee racovered. . tJ&k111q p�iais- . 'ev. J. Milligan, of rvis street Pres- salvation. -Ultimately in - this country in 18.7bc- Dr. McCosh off d to corn pletely Detw, 11ollund and this citv is bein'. R the Ja Platt The accident seeme 4�"teriau church, extended to the union. heaTring and therefore - he *as Voi -aric44a 1?�i4 tho idea of an all lxhce of all Pros- the im. He visibly trembled from
glit th iews regarding the sessions of the AIliknce-.- IWIay to foot, a"a was unab to get up the thoroughly and it is thoun 1he rev:. gentlemen, who acted for the td stato his -particular v 16 inore will be found at a, sho Ministerial Association. spoke in -a truly points at issue. Further disdussion of Mr. are followin, a�les, and hold incline to the roof. A cord was thrown to these exan dist- .,ow.h of here, between the san. - .- .. -rouah search will be mad bar -z liberal spirit, and wished the Baptista,: as McGregor's. paper was then deferred till the their first (E cumeni6al Afiembly in Lon- him, and with it he was pulled'up.
T;1�6 of the leading denominations, great next annual meeting. A large number ci don next year. The adherents of the Re- From an article in the last number of al V W -!a1ham all formed ,creeds are roughl' eAtimated at the Leisure Hour" it would seem that
by tr (if the tug Gr. aim a t3 ccess in tbeir field of labor. the delegates are still in the city. Re crews from her The Nominatin Committee 'reported in N. Clarke, D.D., of Montreali preached the 30,000,000, the Anglicans.a#17,000,000. the the race bf kings is ii�ot yet entirely ex- TIIL Frank au(I Johnson wi L5,(�30,000 �,'�,.the magnii�-ude tinctinIreland. Itsaysthata district -of f: vor of the appointment of the following annual union sermon in the Alexander Methodists at I al.Ao tL,.j beEtch. north and soutl of the unifying tendency d-�k therefore be Galway, near the coast, called the 11 Clad- Trutil, loi-ing to AIrg. Bradley and TM i oters: Presideut, Hou. Win. McMaster; street Bamist church yesterday. - . 0 . 'r ' - I -c-presidents, John A. Boyd, Q.C., A. A.. readily estimated. Whetfi r these three dah," the people 11 have a king of their own, found; mark&I . D., eat families of ProtesiAnts and � the (or. had a few years sao), who is chosen Swe, beell lvr6, 'Montreal;' secretary, Rev. A. 11. r and threo children, therins and the Indepo'd CLERGIN 11 -4. ents will ever from among the oldest ald most redowned Mpuuro; treasuror, H. E. Buchan, M. D. the passengers of th lia cjn6on groun,d, is of the , Cla'
T ie report was adopted. meet, as Churches, ddah families,' and is arbitrator F Farman, of Cambridge, vicar .4 roporte. Anicim, thi amuel a question which must. be I ttotbefuture of all the disputes that may arise among 11,ev. John Dempsey read the report of John's church at Colchester, his just ,�--.�crvert3 brought iu here Iwi
il e-1,-,xecutive Committee of the Literary of St* to determine." V his silbjects, so that they scarcely evei ap- t1nit had been �idjiiste( secededfromtlie Church of Englandand al of persons. The belti If 9tituto for the year. in the theological ha's 'oined the Catholic Church, int'to which pear before a court of justice pa�rtnient efficient work had been clone. Possibly it iniht be well to console those hatit .,'L, bul, the knots were still tills, h6' has been acc6pted at the Oratory, be dissapointed, d pits. immigrants who are said to 11 ur graduate% had been found pul The lines -of reMways in tEb, five divisions -on. A t,-, L :-.-ivbcl here states tha M ere are 9 now in the. theological depart Brompt (?n arriving in this neighborhood, at not of the eaf-th cost, in round bers, k�pum A. of 11-uutly, Ill., tock passag The girls who were to be confirmed re finding the streets paved with gold, by send-. n - -0 students in the d, aco-A ding to ron LlUS other coin ; - x1co E! and t, 000,000,000, and Weill B it 'and there are oil li evary department with the ministry in celitlyin St.Jolin's Roman Catholicchiarch. ing them to Las Placitas in new Me The I nls formed befor(!- the list of viet S500 in this Concord, were officially in Kolb, reach eig-lit times ,� I the globe, 1 ledge dfrock, which v W. �1 There is a deficit of ;t -I- althou.-11 it is but little oietfs ialf a century village is built on hand by the bishop that he would no- 11Y it i v known tbat more that loca authorities estimate to be able to d attment. In the literary department since the- first' railway wQrlked by steam were aboard. An ex n amy head that bore banaed or yield from e3,500 to 65,000,worth of gold t re was a falliii-, off in the primary de- his hands -o . C� was ope,ne"etWeen Darlii%ton and S�,ock- tho b-ody of - E, T. Locke - r! he vein is calcu*tcd to be 84 p rtment, but an - lncreas� in the collegiate frizzled hair. ton, Septeualicr 27th, 1825'ff and betv�een n develops sonle interestilic n tIT y of o �� � r. P udviii- -Mancbestc�r aud -Liver paces w b 91WO feet lonry, so that if the to the time the Alpena wen C rso. Of the students, 41 were st Christianity. -is a dead tliing'in this &I, Septe er s vilmae streets and point f the minigtry, 1 fot law,- 4 for niedii!elll�L city " said thd Rev..- Dr. -Platt, of' San 15th, 1M. ItIs shown th_4t- -in Fr nee, timates are true th dowt, carried a fine ,,(.)Id watch lots, too, tire paved with gold. A writer d 12 for teachina. There -were 72 Fr,leisco, and some of the. people' are pr6vious to. the existencebl.§ auct oted-I had Ne.w York time. This gailways, t ere M nimble fancy migbt1liAd the scene qta, sscliger I y I ptists in the histitlitei 11.). Presbyterians,: dqmonstratin tbd livin force of 'their was one Pa. n ever M35 000 ki .�ed, 'Wate.1 o0ed at 11.40. s would in -e co- or play in -Las Placitv- Thi ah an 6 let4odists aud 5-Episcopaliaus� In tue Christianity by being full of righteous in- and 'One. out of -"eVery 34poo woun i ed, The new L1r. CrossinaWs watch, ity dl,,.ation a 75 there was e
the time on I Th London Timessays:
e mination of students. for. univ . argi t him for saying soie whereas between 1835 and utly most valuable method of- and apparci as P in suggestea that the junior and on MO.Ody believes in cong W time een this place and New Yo�k be Mr. about one in 5,17 hi�,, i I'lled at 10.50, the difterelice of 1 icir�, it w. 1 in tricul tion examinations should be held wounded, ad tha,t�,�, .',e. a j6 preserTingiravi neat, discovered by'Pro said -to an audience- the[otficir `580450 , fer ing a4 -"-.1My?uinutes. Tlietirri6'ofthese He i", Ussor Artimini, of Florence; and patented I.waut you all to i lar la the insti-tutot - '0 " ' - the tendency to acel ts is Or 4 a gresi taken in con- day 3ina. )�ou.'�mako that IS uQuIl %e irusteds 6 411ing i plua- -iony of -the captain as- diminishing. R ilway tra� ai�-- a9i the testiL lip6n our markets. Accordingto �W,000 s6cured towards endoWment, all land is attended With gre wel as I do yQd will do well.- I -do the- b est W -1 u hd Milli; of tch, ol ecinor so close13 d "fun of iny singing. but if yow all, sin - Aeci ry, promises to have f the institut6 reported th, t
0; the 'CL who . saw' the Alpena, is inter- t a risk I r!eport by Professors- BarlY. or by- -I be e�:p ?cted ndl)�. Stevenson, Alre is B lifference of opinion debt' )out provided any o her countiy in Ell pei ne se ves- that i per6ou �qw ege ille Glas tiobs from e -and you 1 ere li� c and that is all that. can University, a
Og-of thb,colf, r; 1 of - any �ne, - I Maki joy ful noise, statistician ob �o� f Guy's Hospitalmeat six 11 on %turd i,gerip as tv 1. her she waut dow months old 4 ay r1fe following new trustees of.theLiterary -at yV- 'in a. r q; to; live continu I r lway Carl iarre d a,ud �good,'the -perf6ctly sou was r travel lug -! - Saftirdav night. Calit. Alsoll'. ca;u all do. that."'- found to ibe -eappoin ed: ass Mr. -all his time in wa t - 11 titute were r and- spend . on tritive tes that lie muscublir ifibre unchanged andth, Ifolinestst T -Dominion Churchman, It the-chancis in favor of b* 1�fe� of d (ing fro! ii a. i. INS Bilck, Rev. J. Denova in .?,y with., the-Alpina between opertiesunimpairecL 'Thp-materiail e.&- licifield Mr, NY 11 occur bE Itte F. B-. Sc .-.Pavgy, Mai6. the late Canon Giv ins; state&' that hj. died a. 1-d. 'She ri6ilwayaccident would Ill: he s . - Y�)ri�ed - i4 said to be less, expensive thalci dhonse of Di. Willoilghby, of C61136inb. _IA ol 111 W. Saie&and -.W Xioucli ixt th V. _e& _4. ot only. whblesome-but, p�emantv- Ther lished. a ry slerthorii;�s,--was -H'e wa's--sitting in� a zhai J, W. -Stewart, of St C9 r --.ell sal &Is 0 -e has lately been p S -C1 -the boatid T tin`4 OffiCiAl PlipeT .t. all -1- , i . f - to the taste-" ointed to -the lolace:* oil. on- as' he.had e or been jlle�r, . I filteTes that she Nvas wrecked. -jDn by-, the terai? jo( -edf vataut bv:tl�er-esiauaiibnof Dr.- IdIly,in CO ersation. Sudd6nly.' ldy,- oMr.. Murp erappe lecturerf of the:British navy., but. -itis rearded.as 'of has been 6bli d- to -relinquish '110 a gix. -vessels sent. urid6r-bbi%aniand -the h was 'beside.* hii w 0 -q, lubticed his tr10 d1w �ice aq Thd silifiice IYuke of Ediubu ti. 'go that-th-e clisa,<ter..took 1) �l ed to have be-
�6use, xepbrt� en preselate
12he.u[nicin then rose.. bri-liteld-6nd bis. Ii Urgliv to give itAll the b6diei found were but p -1�d -in the vest wing discolored-allb rush ed to ana- EVENING SESSION. U�o to hini by'the Young Men's Chris
coast of Ireland. Thexe I - - has. been dis-' and show ln� i%tion of i Philadelphia. It latbeevidning-there,"Its a piibH6 -ptE6t-: tried to arouse him, -but; findin " it LdAly. onAlli c t ed 01;500 91- - 9 I ImPI)F distress.,did not &in6 si2Z 4overed that -- made - to 'dress -hastily, iudi� 7 in the -hiterests of. den6mina! sible, sent. -for Dr.- Willoughlif; -1i'llt he' had mdetilig reaso Of -died -almost. without. their kn, oney.. -I, t ash. toward the purchase in 1crid, bol,becu-to bed� unts of t lis W. :L tw passeiigpr� h r
al laddeat"lon. - -Hon, N Owing the faillare of last Var's h0vest, 'but was: S Zai this0as the nly money o-er Paid orL 4 -he' - I - I - As Co id8oii Rayzi hewa itli th-3 Alpella: A [y- and'p6acietully did d * ommittee have e- glded�. After the r es, jui6t: pass Awa iiesure to !i-1,he faili�i PI off . .1. Y, ue'in great z t,e prop. I in ea. m.;it jso uOt consid-6red !k 3Y the Rev'. C. "ott ill, not -a Oature of his face, be' g distorted. )oity. The c e -of 'kelp. - "Thil tic n is the-- r ed th� money to M ri, urpiysince fisl levelai3d. Coxo yellembiltly -P( %I Torriin . ce,.Prb Ils Ca . use re,,tiu -add&' - I I � I -back. ur watche-,'�o, sses -were given .-.Bis op. A. ��Cl d -his evicticin-tl,200 iii cash. -and a note of ij wou.14 be wr6eked aud- thd. n as t h 10ii till�. but bapible of b.41ng -grown are -stop ,oll af ter the Ilolmei left her yiiicip. defiounceg- th I a ; _�au for i thatt j. W e, pass On - pliliy t 0 h* rat. It isanders I e too( le says. -In-. . POP -afficient, to supp,i t the" -flie lectiir , er - k so -reporti haviva sit-4ded Morgau. ,.-At best," .1 the In- al 'V,'V. Dr. Clarke�-Moiltr6al,'and: 11,6 utterly iia sp6nt.'some 600 in improving �vart, a. es.. . The' eak� ' ' -.1. fishing �,pre -, Alillwtukde at..dank--�bii depenclout, what s it . but 'fear ill . what he'.supposed were -his rsaid (�ff St., Catil riln t6n, while the the A! r. A P r wer did in -their d ;eimi- niaterializin6of4hat we -.are- to 'behold. by 00 jm�erfeci"tici he�o- --mudV If Bus all ling su itqte; in a godo lost. turd ZL I , M con- The 'bul� n i omManiti It i,i t that 'the f Aith1 -Is- it ecinceiva lc� -tio ar a:,id ut - fac libI6 'th %t St._1pa.ul. the p� A notable cond oition. f trade and C,oi larger than: such 9, s6i 61imat �an gh the storm au was. w,6ula'have a;ctbd iii. such scene asithat -a alas- MI I v#h pr6vious� first- aen i rO1161;T6,.OcL 2 th lia" -now, as codipare(
n1l 20b., -Ammergaii?.Ov'ertfie�a-wful-A ort and a pecifile b ru-. erce ei: con I 1 - e ppa the bi. in&st ailid sall. If the -Al- IP . t . -very e4 rriL, rly P . giv n, abbly of the 1)"aptist 'Union of C dent in _ears. is the short 'credit .0 n A. J.vei -its If the- Almighty drew d w peap. sail. and e ma J+Nes. 116 a city, during, the &st wee -hour, -ercy'hiclei--the". suff1prink, 'Emigratio a t e -only r gnated ago -hxve be,- lif t,� d out *of- the. trouah of tfi Three 'did X k edy-, for t absence of whit i a usually dosi ddmniercidl�p Most of the transsa- ed TVeineetinglids been -sea. in tv Wto --dmerJro&thciff6 ivho cru'6ified Hilid.: people;.,-, n coMm Qn -4se and jo !I lha:w.s shake Piece% Rede� . . . � a tn'st, profitajb�lo. After the op6ning. service i�bngbetwbp- issi he b 10 -n tha -end that Veil and gaze.upoil '-'-'T Onerl -the -d a'
3 are still V ut il6r' areonwhit i' call is� the bt nially 'C� me t.all- I �*- con- For those who r ,le Lond ors and- rots a a e preIinAinaJy business. had bbE -,t.,,t,.iiiers-shouldbetliuwi�i.o)�ided' the mimic.spectscl6ldt'me s"ayi'-beJrtily,. for Lady Burdett u rriage. A dpsh. 'basis'; tht- is, -payment on open tt ma --Josiah Hill of - th'e Six Nation il� enable- weddint cleetwo-weeks cdount ivinents are7hot, the follo k, roM. at they do.' - " � .
I lefter-was read f -Co aa c, They�,know not wh. i6ok jla� 30 days. If Pi lle'+Pubilic I ve il - a,-wbb -ha V adTailkina of ti Made; no. more goods opm �y pr iotii d agoi 4the Savoy chiirch.. bei purebm d on. the . evi 16 late 131shop Wilbert ce . I SO vigi.arx li:]Rxl��oratlotk of Atricao did you . ever fidind a7id agabaicilstiall.sa4es td..Onsu�aiersure 8aso rbb%ed the ass b! Writew i Oorres�onelent; t.ly -.watched' -tholi--bui 0 of-tho eventlhalv�6 fe:w Ifiiii em y es art of this lath Was to wit I M -or -O read -the following aniecolote -'He and' oid eVdCt0ti0A for0ash; it is not diffiQuIt.to maintaim- a rhade . - - . i- after the v P tii a c visiting tocFeth?r at sne§q the d, pa anc cii.he erg'ym"on- aliq Deputatiou'�Of, thii rcoll- P -is basis 6n aiiyi one of the purchases. of lrturd from Fr e of a stronglv almerston wer on a arri* &I of- -the MOT a' d persoiia," i4pilidi r,rE! ny -org1111ZE-4 -.expedition,"for -tlle �.explor&'tion vention -Sundity ning au I 6k the series.-Philadelplu American. co iAry, house. One III an -upper course hePHme Mini f. Constantinople; says, nli, 'they both wbnt to chiirch,t dbl t ..Of the co- Ary rol;nd the Of t BMTHRF-Yesteiday- when I was in- ofpositi6n, flood�atheb . The. 6sini u need to thein&eting. by Rev.r.- Cameron, of all the a-ppr6aches when t so red the r - The expedition first of all,. erriiingin.a.-carriage and..,.the Spir�tual i - Ilet flidse'who accuse us of -pdrfidiods pro- r tfordi I ditrilot know what to say. but -since om,aFre ch- Iiiii- 'th6happycouple--thebridd -be con-vt y uil by Mail st6allier to the C0918TJ: �h ara.Xr..Davido�n's speceli I thoughl to r�y- 1seer i"mindingo go fooV -In tfallif -4see, as: we gee, relative of Mr'; O-- h6n, and he. orastination,come ail wheiride two at &me f SL-lus e ra Widearry �-el that - perhafis it . iYould be iny duty to mak(i a of ram-ogine :On the Minister' man; p6$itiQn.; Come, and fe I' iSery of Our a* e crow. in a Medine n ti) iho conventibn that the Indian Baptist f � tbup tht� River as far a pass64 the bishop aiLdleaning for' an in ant bridia, ealso a forigner. d
-our agony, W nd River lifts ma h' ind poini re..- coi;rve c: l- icifi of Gra (le'a.mark-ed im- we feel, the /tortures. of it tbb expe. , out x. -Chis 064bred -carriage- ca 9 Iry disapipointment, his I e pair -; we are -starving., Uqu ring and't hope that"by ou ug a�e �iot afraid ary. ii -pr emen sine D, - ff. - Ther -3 . L14 -nuo.io hul. friends- as. they -dr h- the' %C the t t last sp On. their 0 is- -ditio' be directed towarcIR.Rafoll-lahe 0 s blessing they may Conti )rove joc* blest is he �wlio",'lle'e� C, Pov6rty is s e ot6t d laiii er! mails a rer' I may. here say that I think In- -11 advice. to. walk Instq,�pt y s adowof tbepa�lace.' It isonly by-rumous a -y out whi �e � f yeaf. Feciniparedwitil Gel. a r mor that ertain- int,,* ested pai �ies, dtvouriiig 4s. The obJ is. to. c rr . it - inay bb i s'could not be fairl: sents by - I t� of the, interior of -.' Samlael gravely ana. - stentoriously 6pliqd; hostile to the marriage.. 0 .!W b . e a are. , .1�0 conquest r y other people, for, this xettion; that in thd I t. loans that EL pittance can .be doled out'to y of., th . la sinnees ways'lagr sits -Where cl40 neci to interpose 40 th It?. Afric�a. predominance % if possible, to Q W Indians are Aupposed to be min-: Nor staii4s in rmi pr -6 humblst officials. :An pit �Lck. I am, sare thatif d fo.r.Fr Vs t altar, -and -H'thby cainnot kc ibe secilre -ench influence, and every rs d. that. keel wen-jr6fanelf c of Iiias *itho 11 �er e�=,tobtsinaeo�aple* UE la h l' ,6 ake a - differen soil, of Kind MOily effcjr, 0 0 turn the trade of the country d 61)y law to underitarid that 1�ichard 11 ns Nvei:e I bY Xrg. Robert at It posi-I I Vol - tirsdo. Pi4abyti iian M lie are men the- th' into t1lie aliannel aii thoy do at present. Ia,m.sorTv,tci say .9, Ze;616las. supporter :of tfie At a recent bazaar tr a there is a- very aw- Ong. Passing 'through-.Meaine nTheho];ciis.e-vZekpressed Indi n6 iroicia in-ifidking.t1iiiiii'la-s. Chu4ch, is dead,* By,s.-former T anshav MarTiage in open: f. re said' ir,-your obediint servant and brotheir inopinion t"t grand -jurieg should. be abol- -she iv�as the -Mothe of James Gillies,lwho ate their h ioii exists in Soot- be 0, Zailway. be a young man o on Ahat one (111y there May H.H Certain people who 'gh� st ...Josv uch' institut -the d. nd, and in Ontari4 became w cut-down'by'diplith - eris, in hed. No! a stween twa poifat%. The.- exPedition f,,Went' -d p,iet*,. atbazaar. W611there`ar4,tertainj?� I general. fee F'.S.-I hope that the eprivolition - will oxcuse- . I bc --trcinrtel :writin�- th'esp, fewlies, -ti,nd hope -that a d he- -shdke their heads at eYP yt lOuh to V.rotect itself , . n . W - who. -ivay re t upon you- and mut to cointaand -resp 3o.( q choicest b essings �sl .. an.la%ry�, ter &I, it isn,t.so 1869i while a it 6 shake 6 -s' seems to bethat--their usefulliess i gone.' gains; atla k _oct. prosdouting ' brifli reure r a vie T e the e some laudatords teniporis li the convention. -coursdin Knox -College, with:. - wt the -head' but it .Then 030,trocips, to A)r6 oredita, e,. bocty 'con uldbe much it, acti - like Judge Armour, wb6 have some y.. t. -was the expresse -aux-iliary- ccimpsny.b doe appointed to draft 're- cro'spellninisbri do I believe, in a 01. Pa. 0 is.addea all e COMMI" I we �as.s like- liiA t ' -'t -say f lid the �lna -Tor - vordsto -on: biadeath-b6d that gc�iod y or thelar, ion of, to th-d New ofthd younaman ninber of-hiborora n. on6'glyiocket. nikki ivag- abl to i itime-nt. is against -their 'con- 7, leers and a. k Bap� sire uivarsal. ser ofmillitary posts. o:The C enti.6n, wds annual. siession 'a scholdirship should16 establigh6d in Knox 1ednesday liDge by I b a a'r.. Youb me -for the OnV - �his 'see oythind desperateI3 sta- h &va been ci inhere iAd- i-ke'I'h 6: and-na-edizal �een - - - - - - us on �N next, ieport dr. and 117rs. Rieliar6on.-- az -c - urnsonumeAt-trustees have -he eixpedition'will On of that eharacter, whieli was lesire thby-prolml ful6.axned- t. Ay al6a clio6i Iio end -of pur6hases., y6u k O that ,ur The AyrIB beg Jout buting 62,000,foi ille. purpose� 6f the 0 by ciontri monev-iE 1 6 a MOB We e, completed.the purchase of he ch- t. t L ou i sl at th iiin, DO n im lappliec t 1; cottage -:112 a' stifl1kn7own Gillies soliblar.- Au --w�hich-R6b6rt-]3uriiswas'born.i Thebuild- as -the- I I fehasesirlp6�* is &.-ionof the Veaf. Mahitoba-blissiou.Board was elected.. It'. and -v rp im�D our Pill ' ; - oena, public house.' It is- u:. inf lie. office�ns of , the -1 Chpich Edifice ship."' Mr& Richardson, also,sphort of ybUr gocid-wilf-t I;ijkableinst &'has hitherto b o- an ak Zire be'conyprted $0 ety who sier�edlast year wer6 re-electe"d bef 5ona," - iei death, the followi ng'� -on. WhatWith thati--pl�ag.bi AiAo a museana; in which and.- the --arti -9 themsel lids of the, poet will -1 orfianot, er 'Mission unds U00 4 cle be gathered tci�thejr, h term. * Mr. W.. J', cp JTQ the ame F ti C P of tions. think Says iltdyi) -firpsideq Foreign Mission FunAi 1� -the -'quite 'il'our mon6 'a con d.to-. Jounial.. The is vice- t; to the 100;, to get --Lif not nii-ore thanji Al siderible area, of gtduiid'� attache t hurnier 6100;. out, `h T resolution as - a tribute- of respect ta� Fr6nch E Fund, the house 4ill be attractively rc ort Vangelizatiola wokth. laid -ormosa iss on -Hobson as- e , price 0- Albert Winship arouse 'eory of the lat& -R�v. 'B F $100, to �Captain ath mi nw, T�l f the house and. od Mr. Ill hose e p Ii L (Dr.,' Mackay's), w -other day, gi�,ound Wlr.�hip, and tried Hu 1-bythe oninji4ee on !Upper 0*nadw Bible Socie y, 'O hounced-by a c�ble dei e is t.4 boo- introducec t Akloo sband, Mr Star t an n. in 1A birXs, house is all on fire 1 hurry up 1 He la ions, ' d o'.- ofion of Rev.':Princi- -the Knox �64urch - (Kincardine). 33 4ing e, - uAl slielitenanti al,Wla, C- of- the Chicago -Field"' ooirespondblat rranep, seconded� by Rev. Fund Wo- I ii! search' d -so-; dressed on � the dbukle-quick and lintock's-.:igcc�nd ex�editiqf i f fishing in trout streama, -an ..A cone was oAhe fire -did valiint t, d es -Sii so F -liklin.:. He saili d in tho li'#le it�pped. bile Mali fis, th pails raii t d was unanimously- adop e a *itu -6y tabei purg-ecin's) on -the Ina ra hed a thbusand1rout �service in., sit*ing -surroundin6, buildinas.. - -was passed, eipress Sufr eamyac' Aber&en,, July -1�t, frbm' one Str'e :Ap r resolution in��, the 4, le (M.r.--S atht-Fok; from ire iad bUrrie ot. 3rdi during n account of the e �- eve' am. othe pirty hti -dt tfie-union 6 d d ToZ he 'quietly og n ning" of S - -i be . . - I - - - 1857, wis etained aW.ve , I hen the f Of 4 Year � in 260 brook trout all too smal for use ancl- inbr �hia rubbed retirement of R vice � -dedicating. t the -mission san' w0nc6 hedriNed e;r. Dr.. Stew P�Ckceoff Melvillo'Bay, t4ey. wero thrown - away. . Something' his �Yo- and said to his wi A..theae who -f 1,100 m fe, I feel dread- he -- a rs. �,After ref 'done to supprbss- fishermon'like ark, Hamilton. Iudia, flive. missionaries. -Onei I
treet ch dr. ilea in-242.da3 should be feel dreadfully TLen am, I and t!,X- ha, am.e e conve-lation adjourned to iiaeet in wai.retioning to - ,hat - co.untry, at- Disco the Fox,proce( fully to Beech6y these, but it is hard -Io 'tell h au jVell you may,7 said the wife, ;Ar01treai,,6u.0th of eb;rs at -�Allahibad. Hia in', his nloti bw 11Aey it Baptist church for -fifteen, y, IsIvoid,'. and then,via Yrnceii Regent I be' prev'eut�d doind shamefulwoik, .such Never 'withi the recollection of the' Vhat do joii m an so- gist any efforfici imp�Qse upon the famish- a .go harcL -at- the' fire last er -Christiia;ns tb're- dFranldi 1�ing fter working addrdmi ilaiplor6d -Bktii ��annel,to il
c i I - -I. i - Bellot Strait an in 0-h e V' said Mr. I''As uight Nyhy, the Staibir. bousei-was William Land. Lieutenan [obson- thisa iqhabitatit -of he meeting of the Ministeria I nativ4s- of ew York is od a lively. dilictission took placell . on a ing and utterly�.hloyidVeiished--- took -charge of i sledge part�,khiblfe-xp��ir- Be asL you'-workec Z40,00000 icli the A:f theie been such a dry burnCd 1, Mr. McGregor biltitie& 'India th� ed 'the -north aAdVe A r ro�d- by Ytev at comits, and foafid 'her-buildiners'." Vr had c fastic c6Z rind Rctoiy� Point t4e recordt'� 'the eath of tho_ present. From all sec- th" ' "" -N at cotiatitutes-. a, regular, B"I'aptist w '-A us son as hero savixi aot ost.: ±�fd: exi ed- - any Sir Xohn Franklin and' o 'took lit 11. After MeGreacir had�.read ligi.:declat -that. mplaint of s6rious f1rough is �(Nazed f4r a moment,-the'n tions the co Mr., pr6glross 'of would imper is empire in I ver aper�Rev� Brookin k" -the -his hat and 166kdc over the premises an4 of Y6r il the. B e�:kpedition up to April 251h', 1848. heard. Ri g which usually at this ea� at -a -r 0 te 7 -tiny - , Y. C� son of the �earaore full to overflowing Cau :Ktent.to which t t now b6'6roised in mauy`j�Ac6a by s�e ing .-,,Well, 'Marcia, the buildin., ill stood up to. eplyj 116 differed from to dii PpI -6thing; and - point6d 'out that thb re-- ie ap i�c afe7�idrely gone, but I never would have or: in'reforence to. the 8abb t"* be was ii The Algoma rioneer -reo� at was �Ovr auccesEj - Ok the GoVernment'. in th in sto'ne� o stone; beli6ved even you, when, you say. -that- I o he coul(Fript find- that it elw- straining lbre6s: then o,p"er ing didlaot e Isat a ie- had wvv t, in 'The Xi
ILi ife into v li
ged. to the Lord'a,biy He- could -.not �exist.�,Ten-million no has pu ets, under the manaement of went tj that Ire if they.were, not gon ahi three �bara n r&I w A' thing iat -it." HP was- ever lwa�de perished from faMine. agitation. for the Wilt. Me". Y. Xr� Frank Uffner, will go -to onddn in.a,., Ihad -the 8 b t the Tsrael?- was bv6d- y. I orving t- the mal to .don't kno that I1 been through 'all. lt]We:�ci ement in a state iistory be daugo�,ousli Railways, It says few days and open -at St. James' Hi& tb ay-cither persons la ou -lie found such a eople an iniqui- the country a tl eri V1 lanabulism, witUout in -a ' �: of Lake up r, 4id awal-laned. n tc� impose on Llicia. Zv4r&Jite,is now 18 years of age dnd -sam- -be a no Sabbath :6r� �4ve th and,* Ithe work of stretching ou ci --balutliJor k the nitf6las of s -ac OU. Platting thi wbiglis-only fqur.au4':thrqe-quarter�p-ounds, ou 1dedbu1r'd0.nW_ Id �.rch ` i 4 .. . over nown amongst :Mi�eapolis would-be ai com, ratively*oNsy. ills contrary,. -to flax. - Twift e Xith,*bfit,.on it, wat 'one: MrJB&te.- atisted -at I the and General Mite"' is 17 y6aria of age and a by ' t -�vhibh Goc-L relminda& the chairman's- request, ani ask. Two h iles 0 coulatrygst -toFpzevent, a' possible aii r [�ileglbs . d - Was undred mi w�ighs Only nine . pouu4s., G�neral Tom In or,3r . e, pr: ge r m t�e siadi ance, - p6int is ra idl fil'ing . up %Jith Thumb-and,some other dwarfs aregialits frcim�tti -use of the laebins virus -and We lites that -He had boght fbi- them in'.-tuniultuoug ;v6p 1hi PI( plia,Aise 1. �bf t
e- v -f t !Wu ispensatiou. . _Mac as le and the-4xeitemout when tJei 0 he set er! and: the Un d ecure its e4 coild,n t" be-- 0- en into his b�, Comparison. suppose, at the same time, to a rn redeemed -�'no ordinary adjacent igimals- .ii, a-ican su)rgeons n e -who were not eon'stfaned t6 deFase was P I lCape Hirfil of Winds-or,jias p lar: pfficacy- number of- Amorl ....O n tOPeOPI id ratio -W re p ard dod. He did not -put' im rac*ter. Part of the consi e of Chased tbe� wharf and adi.oftfing fourtee- h' s7elf iinder' `Cha' Onner's original I are going. back. to -15r. . -T �Plo aalr6 ed and L: this point -Wferrina. to.the- laie Ta,ii-s- - 6*,fi1?,0,000 Pe( rith m - dment or acres of vill-age land at ejou com ad - C � 0 1 une, ale a rus taken dire'et from i cut- -na+4- rai, higher�grouna, anE Ul- nateril, th vi d patt nfastoi9kinol-A-g wayl C1 4 -e a I ni�ilch L in thD. �'Cll, cdrreg�ciu&nt writ- i ris on lal This is,one�of t1fe finest W1 jaofttd 0 tie. F�)r this pur�osii. healthy- young calveg- a eread. h mt read wag spen -a-specimen of 'the A-1 -liunoil of the R,.ew, ii has a. very graceful L e�* In f ur milesr this side a W stea 'in. sorrie mindg n everything aat Terlip-. 1,300-f�et long, '. ith a depth ed, if pos3ill mWere is, ill 8 -.0 founded y are selk.ct Je of the Jersdy slou which exi by lno.iiibans �r. graceful: -tUe cows are pr�ferredl� ab her,;w lk; hich-has'bee of e04 �Uet of 'water on ihofro t. breec �which eiht -y are cen. JaW and gospel.- -On -question Jnirepl),. to an,invX n spol ed, ob 'tS aLCOW..M othe ugI y .-Indian 11 bi Iva Inp belly,' they. are 31 London -.a') The tra��eddown on a t hould precede co :T ,I, u Eng- co opqo J e whether bidptism a a t Of tii lip E sit Am-
aii.0ally limes" a aspots bing shaed blaj ding to -poi t�� dii Zar4ibf the P-�Lo t tyeir,, inoZiated" L Tho'niatter is then dolr� e dpper�'he was procee nt represei�� a B div [,� that -the orced wife 04� on east ktll- remain -the IR 'JymAn Halfv�aq Maried. at- 40 that hapostlea paitook the-- L' d Pper evet baye, 0 t. reeed, in 'abi�s or quills, ank that is not as land Will ay e u 'o of' Airryll tho -!pure, he -Lor(Ts�' Su 0 ore l Mond. Th D ds tb 'r '�Qce"Great Yaimolath ter being. reje6ted, This a ff' tecl to pg,asare groli4, ,clear a% we. �go t Su erit o The for-theben, s , 0 d. se il-the q f baptism. - mhem I'R 6tt, of Torente -and: the 1,1ri desS 'Loub t t Ricligrdson the Ver partook,, 0 I I . mp W cts prominently men- time to, exv- 0 is virus i L ,y 1, merly,of
g�ly at for Lond n, pro 440 grooulwh4iie': te t aq.*in�dcs by-lid--eldericip Vi cringIr I an acute. it. A Swiss wat'l dov�n. Upon this Mr. J. A: on t I'wee leave -of tariff 1,�w b, 'ki -firm-evf9sifec biA' izC*;lI'VCnie-� Ca. from their 'd- I ta6l 0 I naa 9 imlose., 1 -for roe.
Droohman!s.r.ght t4be b� t si rocei w. -c- �bout "small wa). Ai:l big pa�tor4to�invL sendin rler-Plgeous. Twent4` Ployed J t
e pery
y i t,
n ti ,I'Ve