HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-11-05, Page 4I
ESTA111 L I SHED 96 YEART Imnoty rJUCC1188
hi ear, as nature. has offordod. him such RIFLE MATCH. XTR&OIR
g nd ticorpmodatitm. .0jr
I—Gaine inust be scart - -round Clie-i- Tho first ni,tteri uf.ths newpy eijLab:
lishe 1 Lua-iiaw ILitlie Assoc-ation %vA
le�. Two shootistg- r, ceiitly Wolit, It
-sbeL off un Wedijesday itiorning 1,,.,t, w4j's -Roofs &
f61V A Itay'S Sllpiplt, alld - 1110 inly P.1111, Ird, the :L1111(k1101V *11fillel, at Lit-6iir buit�,, hitle, to the south f
t y &;4ge was a (r ii - o )u r mi th'. TIc- rival tti,ni f at',[ ?.raw turnip. 110 V xtel, have f Bix rast Idlan It"m
A its' 11[ledical Tirtuem
1-113FELTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGUE FREELY otr sriorl'sole:t ba i better Iti,-k wich wei _p�aiued by Mes, q. 11 on.- r -p- w7led tequalled b� sn'T.
TO THF DICTATES (IF CONSCIENCE WN I:r, I i-aven ;slid 1bj1rt.'6oniorv!Ile ie -,pt -c (;uaruntet,d to cure Rllexi"-
-PALIZ3 ABOVR ALL CTHER LIBERTIES- —The Expoeitor is re -p for DiediCifie.
st,IrS th-it a wi residing I,, -ely, and as there bail bee , Sick Ifeadactle, Liv�!
11 a go" GHT-- PA G Q� 1) u1iiii
dir eve
Bi auttord ,little. titne go Ill.ir-ri III,. of urmii.;g as jo the rvI.,,iv.-- r and
if the HeaXt.
kgue Vervviusat-i-, PhIpitation (
OV=bW StI19 18SO. eit �es, daughter ofin es, Itlillile, tainfly streii;4tli of I lie -two teams, 1h inach -1 witzesse (if the' it,
0 \TLY TviRch, "i
e.5 irlle;aI'?4:bijity, a
-forward to with much in: ly
I du' inie his three sons njrrip was looKe(I
it is ilvaiu
e t Able, IN it is tile
siAer (if their stiptuotber, aj-d tereiit. Bei -;w is 'iventher.-Aut. Tim
9 Iflo,J V,irifier. bo.(,(.0 i
IT iS Saitt tf) coniparatiie sinllness o! th,. a,)res Y Ej it.
at an acce.itric but Plaus III daugliter a br)ther (if her step- %iithiii the la. -t twelie mozAlit.
inan has built a house on posts fort rnotli-r. Talk of fiauily compacts a�ler iav be accoun!ed for to sonie de,rtipe'l,�' failure. pURIT Y01UR BLOOD.
-,r package, or two otile pleselico of a witid. IjI-,wmg across
to-tt higb, at PIYTnl)ton, Oregon, irl� tI s- Oe of the Best a at
Larp of j,00tQ alld one L'ox (if Pills for olip
Id by dmg-
The meariest nian oil recor the raijk isK Or,' 1);;x, Not is a on n
arifer that lie may live nearer heaven. Weeklies in Okada. `�ellt p'. -'t II;IilI to auv 41 in--bamite.. Tbus does the Aarl-grXe Z ��fj -
0.. -,e - — IR
Antl now it will be in order for Sir Q
il &crib,3 him' There-is'a iiian in.lViii-ty- 0 0 01tt.
J,36 to go up the arne way,.if tie ever FRB, 4TH 1A;
him who lately shipped himself as C14 -0. ca E- BALANCE OF F R E. VVEST 'AV
h.,L 2,
49-,cpects to lealize his dream of looking fr'ight to ave a little on his fare. His- Thos Hoey, 13- 9 1.3-35 ITO ving bee]; a for
Slid byk;jjepSi 13 V
fi �ltiljg Weight is PC, poulAllq. He 11. G. f
down pon this sphere from an -eralted t' Agents receive very Y`,�ariy t.ry Prof. Gra,,F Roots xrd Fil I liav'p" x44
1, 0 %I;ZCiiitvre, 15 13 6-�;4 Subscriber. Any 1115 thrpe 811 tl;tn, about fto rtiontlis, Wid wust iky I *611l
a ed 26 cetas by-tille -trnsaction. W if Treleaven, .18 , 8 2 28, scribers will reuvive a vjy Ppht IMit', (if tile conililt-teq �ure(l. It is surely az_ extTaordinah;-
1 1 a e. a-,
11, 4-24 Wingliain 6.s a cow of deqidedly I)r. 13" 7- lie dfjlr;�r in remdy arid w0111(i advi-ie every olle
11 6 4-21
--------- aTui-di ecticinclina,ios. f the u1sual -ieud pustil Mt. A RCHIBA 1.1) ANDER40)f
lip e 1
R -T` C )Ulalld, 11 10 .0-21
card for:�auiple Coi)v oi ull eckly, %rhich
al iiiy mortal- tliizig,.aq(l doe8a't' jani'(111,1- Inter, 11 7 0�--18 Of to Eri
ev� In stap at a -table cl'Otb.- Shm has it It Graham, I P. 2 2-17
THE ye An excliang 4s sent free. rh _N I, 7�
tL&6 pubh.-Aes a Draught 0. lilt,
by t1ie Saturday z)ixhL -Qeo Kerr -2 .0 O� 2 irA M M 0 T H COLLAR
b4l habit (if enterin- house's.and h,.11)-
S11-ifl-q .1runkeiinCles of bi-r trados- SONTAT00 -f NQ
35 0 w, find oporatives (if- i n1l herself -to - eatables. S'pread oil t lie T("l ................................... ... 23 Fla I
to t - ta It. is -not known -t6t her digus: R. SOM . ElIvILLE, CAPT,
heir inability to work ution
y 8
ucceoding ihe debauch, is. .1 Christie, 1.5 3.
h'. Ti'lis xr)uld be a firie-animal to
rackoi 16 'L2 0. iettat.ifiany iSouierville..
!tpl W -ver permitted her t6 tek�- 17' 16 2 35 �E
J St. C, Walker,
FAf F0 L
ke No doubt with I little coaxirg Jmes Fin, Ilatvr' 8 9 4-21
owrihiv, -in I -Nvt-. aro liufiirtried that th-e
1? S"Inerviliv, 0-2 i Ili irtight 1) in,luced to su'osist on fialV: Is it 11 2 6 _11-1 I %,-,A) tTABLV,. NO I.P!.;, A V
it -1i o d, gh it,. might turn out as
2 XLY titUbert!d 13711, it- 2d I, the nts- Atrgh wi h,thet niap who trieit tOget A 8 7: Hurou, -If Ile Bout
t i inf,,rni thi-ir cti
in. IZ'. o, ivA on'ni)thing, - th Lt il]S agille 1, 2 Aiat c�-r%injohs_ rf rill e(I Dr. Tennant, -ut dowfi and
ca, not be pf 0 4
:g it i
r1 iieely i leo thd - ir y it 4,urned t'e.u'3Feui- allowed
-:a vert dii tirtie, all enqui III I(Qui
f -F-r ful-ther I 'Total ........ died -0 I klilily td
uritil. after pavinei,t
J% und ld
the i8 t u*fh.X1.* SANDY, E-,�,.. A
-majorit -Or 1'rel- en' tetLm, -25 point& i
c1h V f
-awiri_(� to-i.-Ildlipo-ition fro.n previous n
Tebehers U U
Exat, I atio
i, Ltion" that ase
ly the lis pevf o -rmclil. Whon 14 114t; ii ill. onte-r of
h a follti*in Al S
-ill tile, od 61118 cGine.- xr] The I cers wi-re A u
)erL- inif y e
Irk the I0 H -E.
. day 1., 10 1,(-- TO TH!, 8 1� -y- pi , , .11 1 29 t6 it 1 ' -- il ives - - 111 U_ I
me its 11. be rlile to t.hat for tl' t the ne6vssm -0- ed 61, 1 oveilki, t _)scribbr,' t half L 7V
ii . iiLtio . n I . I . ed in- t V -k J If SIL 34+4
thev i-noi've f,)r Ole' Pale -of (_xelii A_�alktir-' t.: Iiew4ri 'Y'. LOdg14ij!.: A. Ux Sept 11 stb A., wli 0 s eer coming
iv,) vear odI�v u er -Ji ii c quest�d to
Iiq limic tlt(lv eventunlLv loie Unit in'l ak�
'5 -it nd to —13ro. -A. 7
lid t the.
liv- filit IIK!.o
jllafili; th-! nio usit 11- t cial in T110-4.
to til P11 1) -en gra 1) toi geof-I for t h rec� ears er 11 z P 0-
-ived t.1 -i e enealft*
gro, _17 I hay.. just r+.e(
PPL, - - - - '
- . .. ... - . I . - , . - a rtj ]let,
-houses arid* aF Pxr er
'Alardo'ch je Ujull;
.4 0 W00% ,FE! I a. (I+_xC1W f ejn. rairi-2 in-,'
-11-urt a U." 11
.2 ohTk.ArcIAz11J ....... .
Alatherz 4!
U ;-8_H67,V- the -exttint (.f I S ............. VS117 9;
J; P.. NIurray'..
[4. --,,A WIF pizip,
P. nh�ri R--
....... crib .'r: lof4, -cf,n* 6 f Ve' Tow - p. - -
Can�da, bF. the deteio-Cualio C Sul'. li. or
fted, he"-fer 2, t-1 I
4-C al "1 8' L —"8ist'r X. llfudo '['he miner is requ, ed 'to prove
ptrties-who, conipox-e-the u oi rir-L2, Id
yf ars
�1 1 u*rilo -li- 6 ent inel��j qj 117.0perty, P V expenices i er, aW
7 rthur N. Mil ler.. c r' er -Ie Do
k o
............... -S N
to ' ic t: their prices -Im'alke liny _If 101� John D,.
1 -' . 7 r
.1 ile. -the - ratlie'r the lan'ip
nienibers.c. -po. -e 3,
12 Liley Clentlentitiog ........... .............. .... itt wa.- paptx'dirtcts atori- 1--s mlz�
:ehinui an 0.. .. ......... ............ ...... ..
'14, William ........ ........
-441iuo inNew York- b Ole I)atrel'at 16,'
t y ibe.,of. I ho inoi;. E�Ucc
to, the fact 0 15 1 Willi . ..... lli('ilt�sooj ark are US
13 _gti.lits -per t h e.. jj.�()ple of.
............. .. ...... th(�Yjhjive ad, yet.
38 George,
.......... ........ ti
IE PRFM111k_ S, -'OF
.0rtft;1a ar, pqirig 45 ce.nn- cents per �Ir44 Oui� Irieli,ij: th'�i bi-acksmit.h-of iIi'S
................ 380
ubscriber.' T,ot 22,
yl-ve lip Alto tirig C
Ion. fo.- a"n',itif-rior tirUule. %TI ....... ll;. i i. gOj'�jg -p) L vv% - . I ept,
A )Sh on of bou+-. the-* 3.
't, co
Ahe ihod". lib Or jq0i molith �ft(,o [Ile S ttwolieiferrsl' t �eral irr._,in f, ut liere
................ ..... 3; 5
The O�Nlier to er - i3b. -all 1Z y
re e allirp r q. n - bn�i'
`1 4hnnhL "to t ii�re th' 1 2- centi'. �2 tli'e hopewtliat, h0rould Tli a of th
b� a 3 Hay. r�d an OCK h A
0011 h Avii I paitn' are s pay x
e p� i -andtake t
... ............... I -I' t ft-, and 'keep bs
hP.Ir 4 per ...................... oy s L FO E
..... ... ............ iQq-le ie ii. W or 6
gallolii, for. -27 'i' - I.— I I- - -- - -'b-u I
c7K, n;i e 0
4% lln]L- rai.; .... ....... ................. �.of
he refined- aitidff-.' 3c.. Ur 0 e
cotildn't f
'3 t 14c: Tlewift ...... .. IL A, 1. El
sa. in-tvility riet ba J. �211 elle quite. sad.
eUthe reh6m Ck
2 esbit Till &ight, to BUT
5.- d I 0 -ti 1�%' -*aviti ifnplii Ir 116-.' to lea-�o an -it sp , o.n ................
n( -rt�tailer� s�ncl still duly 1 o. eartily wish. -"EING W
-ca n
a -fqr a fair profit to the refiner, -of' Ifis i bis ......... ......... ....... - I EST HALF OF
Men- 6. - --i ri 2G C u ill G:it
U5 h 0
36 00.-iti McRellzle., 4, est AV-iNvA- -ntalui�g 100.
c. less thaii -the oil is ......
eastidg 25c- or 207 M 3 6, 37j�� ate Jones... acres, moye-or-j*essi 70 acres cle 9i
are nil g undrai. Fill Wheat, f e. hcetinj -ned-
WO 411 ero is d: bei
It( _b
410-1v soil -for. But of course''we should eal he. -W
ine' te ROS.
patriotic� an(I srhod.-I deny ursel with Maple and Beech;'. Ont
0 ve.s , , 'I
- 1 a-, livro tl at -it to -the. p
I is a riew.barn '6,
iininbered 4;% 12, 1, 1 of.dur
40x5 Indi nn6
log orchsr
11 wiva Ila �f, A AMY )t!tWe . luq -nojv an
dic P I
re traine I iii tlm� AN -7
1111 (1 r[D 6r. Wilighai 'tle- Will be
1 23", 99i:r 3_7 a v, 1 8, it.' sev ere, %v int er, ..o,r- el' P: thef:-W-- i% ITE14 J Aim
rder that e.' y tieti), .our "wrtig-
rk ots
r bt the vy -i, L
o04, 9F of :ool n�l �'l oth, rlielitioll'od e r SO d PP- - For f6her Y.
W 0
'il inost che, :rip,
a A P, fit. 611 ]1 z knq_)V- 1whicl i but tor�
neq 1�heir Ic ti rd, perh-iip t the. Prupiia
1, gill(Ts in. t1wir 9:7
r at it lk't' I ),i Of
ir 3,52--tt,
16t.to- 20 extr every allol of PY 0.
Arm, r niz�itv x6ad b 1--telm
reqiij�r;� with. the dett-rtnri
di LD T8
B U I L 0 1 t1i -xlev . lio .:.Iatoly 11 fi
etion thi,-jr will -vote to all
ripair'.s- W' Ii I c 1 as,
-air' NTRAIT. OF G b9TQ NE 4
rt C
f 1; 1 11(li f!lf to' Ilee
I, d it coillitr Motlal Given awav
ti at th Plov;4r-1 fintinl- i,,:f tbt3 order of the ay.
0A sp,� it
a ie 0
e v) ba a eo fi i i x6s
at' be -r - I.: The 4
TD)d val Tb 'this viinity." Mr. J.. T urray, I 1 in AND
t 0 V
Nez v D sA
sit ii te prownt vear,_-,an
it afre.1% wis (I aii
tjI 141 - - . F Ll RALO:
8 non
allk tinie 1--efAire .10 THE �Ul
v 0 U. S E �Aoslh,
—if Ve our 11, it i�iough ttik"ey I i t �Ildn j fll( V irj ?er.
'07 -�reat Family Newsg- pe.r.o� Whim 1 -The -G
inatto for eiritry nian Shut ih See. .94
n4Z Wh 094
y '00 --
hdArtline Oct. 29th Floill , . -. I
door.itttt.r f. Uats ... ... I.. 10 :30 'AS
T01Z 50� ---Voxinor predictT a worith' of th
Iiool'R". Qrt.
Sc 0:( 60
F IiAi.i b
Ms on thelakei t1licliltill bay( Potatoes, per ag
0.47 �47
L -Bala"Tice Of 1884 Ne to N e�_ u`bs�rlibers
r tort .6
-)art T. CIO 2. Agricultural
fipm niore'violen and. destr6ative tholu the ia,"tt. ;"rei 0 .00 Vage, b�v llevi
F 01 drk
025- -0.25 -k for yearf-, 10
j4 -,,Ashfield tortbo niontl r Oct .50. 150 sician
AViarten di i
nT Or. b
The report th-it tl' The stai s' I -.On -prn- 4. -Le-al Quezies answpre
Biitter 81 . 'M ency, gt-od ... to e_xist,' has' fumed out; --t( i e6jiduct and regular. U4 5
R so
Tiirkeys per -lb' 1. Veterinary Dep�tj bj, P.r.i IT. R, V
r I
%1i I lives. ",eeie. tier I "olumb- %y ea
untr ie. b. o.0 T -
.6 eachers'j, 0 n 'Beef, per 3910 COO .56 ra appearing in. tbE. ector. .00 .7. W0'iha,n1s-Kiu-dcim, by'D, -a�_Dur&n.
n - Carripbell-st. 1� MeKew LONG, TIME A %TD BYALL.
-8. Teulpi�raijde Sabbath Sch so
&I L
flMo sidewalk
a -0-C.-In k 1) Mejutt 9ft -of TraIvel irf Irelh
�Letbe`rs' F( 10. Reliable 1N.,6W8 ali-i- commbral., Li. lippo,
aMH Om- over te
aiest Tele ver
e wick -,,d patie_4 -fie7re �d 1. gr �oer
-hion 3 I. aggie� HE, Subscri er be-,,, eave to in�rirxn th i- IIERICS 111RE
jeir'. hc vellina an(
i;se- S.T.2'
a,] e on
it is a atf suh p -a r I-. c -On., 14, A81ftitdd� Term.5 th Pidigille) f or
s6rvice, 41; L t
i 31 r It Mt- TOR
-subser or liv-th wGl
4 do nnpunish:( o lin I ri u Frank Pit ai �le - -1 .
n� iptions, $1.5
6±c conlilvL�.' an n u
a �tone porti .9 (if Fi.ve-orov
we/ P. Ann 'y with portrait', and -b. I 'ree�`to n w
action: b a! an- ara; rs�
fj ax 2 subsbribers.-_
r ort, 0* 011!V- hope. 1:11611 'EN -LUCKNOW:p and'
ah oi about 06t. i.4t olic% 1111tr in, tow cha Sectioli A *pay.' -D
el Ifo, -an - 3j:B611-a _2A the III
4 -Voo
red awd vVhAest.eer 'Itli lArq -spot,$ rising 4'
A j'.)rla7W-.
-the other ev�-r t e'
it out IT
old. -Any person giviD� s
I. in orma- For. trea samplei and erms on
-his CA r, BilitFits, - the U a it -A %Villlekd� to. its-recoxery- will b* TRT.Bu 11cl
ERO Reas a
It 9 n0 lv�olldc,
the bowelL4, .-liver --*,i tlxiey�y, lit*( -Gj GREE. iy
si'b I C�
Advartfier Oifia, 4111
hi; ear