HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-10-01, Page 5- Mrs. FREIMAN'S WORM POWISCR le 'a Lc w•rin In children dr adults. Price 25 cents, • Mt. FREEllAlrE. NEW• DOMESTIC .krigl,ttakeetrand durability they **canoes • . _ • . _ As it is now "Between the Seasons," I am offering the dm of ! . . 1461 ro i'' g 4.Y; P‘i i i 1-1 2. 0.1' Ig?, L. .,.:.....,, ., -0 , 0 lcia ii 1 - at Tow prices and at no prices. ; for these ends..must either tie sold or given. aw . • , - - ; N1)ii or PM.NTS,. - - N.36 0i, SILKS, ' . I' N1) li 9:11..SIIIR 'LIN QS, XD 2P Dlib:SS'GOGDS., or ` S OF 'LUIT11.$ fe sw.ie aid effectual destrayer eil Li_ii s)1.0a. ' • - . • .‘ cepeirafeceetnielnpereveparyckageelor - re NDS orA •CITRTAI NDS or C.AlPF1' •.NDS oz MUSLINS NDS or7AP,RING ES, NDS SA:tiS; • NDS pi-T1VEEDS.; -NI)S RIBBO_NS,•- ..• 797Mi 1=t-kaa-1.1 iimettzir4 0 t hiii:zeitatata - -J.- -ea•4 )TORE. • 4 ' 1 • , _ t,. • .0 ....„- .. • LEI di c,,• iiiteltat`S) . a / Zek-s than - • •, cl r1 i i._. ..:,-...1 A L.. ::1 :e- fi CES -I V. . Laies' ( t 4s- rur2), Cents up. Latest IS 'Ales On r 00 !,-.., cLoose from. $1 IIRTS, ' 7 ;Ladits' kl., ' ikry ma1h Ike for 35c: -,s.; - .1-. Di Shirts frAin i3O cults up. .. Alen s Col. r41 boa ts trom •&e rp. . .•_. Itten's 2!a. beil„rs worth 20e, ..fr,r 12c. 11‘;ien's Ck Paiits 45 cents: ' .. tea'. ‘44..rth 4, ! . 't: • , ur 5 lbs for Cis '- = Twer- y Yards 'Wincy few $1.(.0 .. . 1 . re,t -.,,-.04.7-.-Lea than NA holesarc• - * • - - 11 - ' * • -1 -' • • Tea worth le kr 3.'•.r or 5 lbs fur 2.2,' Fit) I rr-117,1 . ii irr,:, EGGS ti. - • '-uaknii2 -Iai4; L liv. t Le Irthe 41 -We Ill0/111X72-..: . '4 • •o "iicoNELL. . •• r. • For the balanoe of -this infontli I 11: sell iny ▪ stock of • 1mm er DtreSs Goo . • . Nitilmery and -F 11 , • 1 L .• For -I ant deteiOined. that I wi -rtorth of guninier,poods cwer 4thhitAker Tweeds Ribbons, Goods ED PRICES. cdrry one dollar's I NO • 4 . •• ITas juit received. iftrge ,Yeried.alock :Of _ . CLOCKS, . WATCIItS, • JEWELLERY arid PLAiTEri STJyj dOn,pri.birrg tile. tie wsest:,.. ?t (10 GOLD and . - • • - . • • BROOCIIES",- - • - EAP -RING - GEM 1 WED.1)ING,1Z,INGS, : -..-*'• • . - •••• . LOCK BUTT R COOLEIZS,- - STITPS and-r:CTT.Fi BT_ITTOArs8..i - :TEA -SETS, CRUET anili-.PI').KLE STA FRUIT and BUTTElt • • • 41`rotrkith landing » the re`eent. adva ce 311per eent in the alt market I am pr pre(' to s.11 at • A.11 kat,- a. of repairinz neatly ar)1 1.pron)pt1y execute: 1 and sAtjulact - • • -- • • - ivarrarsted. - . • . • . . solic t ti call from inteadin purchasers before buyirig elsewhere. P,ernember ihestarid Wig dors..Eat ofJOInit -MeITARDY'S • (Aurpbellatret.-t 1,uekiow- - - - . . - . • - - - • . --7-A.ND • SIL NT-- , • . . .- FORITERLY- OF GOT E ICII• , llegS to inforin the inhaitan4 of Laden in, country that- he li-,-,4, oponed (nit ti to . . door to Ari. z-;omerviilles:olice,- whey. .• ••.- tiiiie:romeet-thii want of tiie public ii ReDatring- of -wathes c oci s an I n .. 1 • 1- 4 all 1,viki: warranted. A call olicitsf. • - • an& ilieiurround= je-welry store; next is. P' pared at; lit line of bnsineSs. veciality, and , .30 s. ••• 04, .•. 1 the. gth Day of' the Month litindred and Eghty, • . THE CALEDONI are to be held in !--.1c.knowOn that there will b& on exhibition a WIL.$40ilg LOWE,$1A1 One Tlionsiiiid • 2 • . ay at • TA .15 (1stoc1%. or 140 • W/ITE' .1\r" AND AL Ltroisrow. S,MWTist 2.1..A_C Also ft,14,rge assorigient of 0 RbA N T4E ...ISHOW: IS :•Tr..0.104Ve-14:: --If • . - - • • - _PBEu, • • Just received at W, ALL. IN'S . . • -AGRICULTURAL WAREROOM$ Anothjr snohly jof , . asSon 8 celeirratedBtA ER COMBINED 1.,.:EVD- DRILLS • and 'BROAD. CAStr • F)E171dEliS. withexpanive Pore .Veed. Nonnre ehringe of Gear W eels. ot grain soy.:n ran he inetantly rvgliiiited by Simply Inovinkan cayw.orlung• .ver. Alwys- suresto,pleve TUtending purchasers would do well to exand theI - e arain brill before mrehasing elewhere. .4 trio} o ered,and -atifacti9. I guaranteed. gpleudid astiat talent A.f theleading rough -1-i ri Gang Ilp-ven and 1.11.istle Cutter ajokays...on'lland;.an 'Custorners can have, their chni e:.. • • ' -• •oething. . - TOLTN S, PATENT ---CtictiE, -DRAFT. PLOW,. . . • Which lias met With he-unit/4ln approval of ailwho have seur i-,.avd has priwesi an iturn,e, nsel Fine6ei,i. illielie-010 cam:now heinih:xiiiifactizreGilles d h -Y &Sillartin,• Tee'swafer; -zaudg , , • fittf6•1 With either. 6(1 eifhntoqt Mimitiiba Ste,i, cirte billed Ca -.4t ,.geal:A1-ulci -.Board to suit pm elraler,- and with the ltet. Iroprotvccl Skimther. att. h en .:Ordrs takenfor efi toil._ el•Viiialbridth.:anaP• risfrhrehing Maibities.. •pi.w Catingss reaper. and threshing Mae ine repairi, kept consta tly on hand. - Clothes. 'Wringers from the: best.nraoutacturets•sirch a the irtnyal Canadian ,, St tr. and Keystone Clothes Wring rs .. As'. urinal ' 4 go ,jlasortMen 'of WANZEWS ItAil MON J):..3 :OS BORN'S R( TY -A.. and SINVER SEWING ATI CI-ItN, ..,,S; • „ - whic..h.ne•ed no (.enon ent. as it IS arrestablialied fl t - th -67Iiiie theientlibSeviitignicki eii; li7-. 1;e11 -k C(i: Pri t. ..ell:LION/14 and other Or.ans; and PianoS from differntnahers. ijiVe year's!•,oarntee 4ccmpAnigN every instruient:. SaWmg machines repuired Oil sijo • est ..,_ .. .._ i0ti&.7 011-'S:ricdles and ataohineht4. iilways on inn d. , 'A call.-Solicied and - Iowa' .1 • - . T • LLIN. The Greateat *under of mode rn Time , • . . • fhe Puri y the b od, c:orrect. all tiler orders f the itter. Kidn6ys siad -.Bowels, and are 4Avaluable -in aIl tairci-1 ljM to.Pez4ales. The ointment kls the only reliable remedy fie Bad Legs Old /14014/14.111; Ored ;LW TfleerS, 9 !'.14wever long sta4din Err nehits, ;heria, Coughs, LiColds. Gout., Rheutuatisna • and all S kinDieegses it is -no eual. Ank 01/ - . !CAI „i „------- . . • -Most: resnectiflly take leave to call the nt- • tnition of the Pa; ()lie generally to 'the' fact, tat certain .11.oui0s in New York are ,sendin,,.., .. t -i loony porta of t' e globe SPURIOUS IA11- •t Ti'‘TIO:N,ISof m . - ills and Dintrunt. Theta . .. . ...n1 the boOks of: lireetiOns aff.sesrto tkeyptan 1 •fro:la's bear on th r labzls - soine address in 4N..leviI0Ynti:tka.11ovr 1'13;-: 1 edit:Wells to be •soi'd in • . ap.). part , of the Tr rqtad Stae.- I have no- :. •Agnt.sthere, mit iIerlicint 8 ;7 are oidy macie AT:th.i•s, at 533 OxFbrd Street, Londiar . - . - • .r,,i,n s make is a•ertil.tion, warnirg 'the• .Pibii. .azu.ut being deci4ived; by colarterfeits, • 1`,e n.76 be niiSled hy.tilis endacnha trick Ehey th..eountedeite'theilaureead to denclunee.. .. Tlit se counterfeittare:pu.ir,-sed byunpriai ;-,er,,i ilenduncing trilisbarneful Fr d t cipl d Vendors atOue/ralf tle price 01'M, Pill and Ontreeni,1 and are sold to you as ivy . e'l..1--.1."In:4(eAsttarnitisrltlys-44-pi p:eal :io t.hat sense of jug- fe.whcir l'f el re. May . vcritur e upon. • aski g from al ho' rableirersons, to asitnic, .. . label itheaddrs,i)33, OxFonn STKEET, LO- il, aril he Pdblic, as 'ir ae may lie in their EA h•Po and Bog •�f - the t.;ennirie -.Medi: , • reara the Bi.itkh 0 cernmcid .6."1021.2.7. with • he xi. MS .` 1i0ilvAYS TILLS. 411i) 011k Atm. . LoNpoir," e-, paved -thereon • 021 th -e. .1)04; wherti alone 121e2i.'' an!eeiLl7.)f6aeoatirfuctu_ raVi.. //oil milt's. Pills aZ 0 °liar cicle6a are ced&Aterlies-; The Trade Alarkef these liedmines are re- cutci.l.. Signed, ., grste ed m ttawa:.,Illence;'itny otic..tir tough - unt tl e Bri rah PosiOsSionai01(i ill tiy keep the 'American Counterfi;iit for sale -Will ite 1.; k 4 N. .533, TIT!' AIAS IICALL17 ()W 1;1 XPOR' 3T421#1140.1N.DeY,, r • Jarav_t'7.9.. '.I Is in godd reaii;'and the'undersigned are. prepared to fill )1 erderskip'ibe best posible In: ner. Cristom Planing.that cannot be beat, epec.ially on Matchn..Maple Flooring. A w seasoned stock of Moulding,:Sahi Doors and 13Iinds'alwae on band. .Band attd Scroll Sawing...in all its branchs.: Stair Braiding 'a Speciality. Qi7e yea Call.' „ . . . . . .• HRISTIE. 84. :ROBERTS() . . • • ' . z , .• • • ,• IJ1nE.5uliscriber the pub L g.:enerlly for their. patron..;e during lj past flvp years, weinkl rgnin tat:M0ra' has Larg10'. Zteck • . - : L u . fi . r ! .... 11. . Se ioriad ' PIE {_VP 1 onHItiting of AO kinds 01.." Lumber uset; g eikex • alb, .:n.housework. Afah,,„„„poiy, 4 p14 er in.bunnection with thif ;mill he intendr• ken bur on band 1.)RSSXD. LUMBER 6f. kinds. ;and. will be sold a0 the. lotkest*reint ative *we lop sash -vOrder. solicit 'promptly fill .4re hand- .. • • 8.hiag1titendLathea JAB. GrATT31. illtier P. 0 '