HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-09-17, Page 5ba <Si TRAC 1 o FREEII.Veg Wtplilt PO'WD9;tt iR :worm in children or ad nits. Price 25 eel Mrr, FREE!'dVt'S YEW DO\9 ETH brightness and (tarability they have no e e. sure and effectual destroyer egi 5 for $1.90. - arc perfect In every -color. tell Price 15 cents per paciiiage 19 n=. Far• t e aIam e of this in :Sumrner Prints; = Dress G AT '�;'�iI1trie:r an itl T«lll_e11m.ystockof is, Tweeds, Ribbons, icy Goods >: ` 'or 111,111delei'nillieJ that v,-orth of • urilniel Goods bveI'.: D PRICES. 11 not carry one dollar's KINNQN. 1000 ENDS As it is now "Between the Seasons," I am` offering the Ends of a 100()1 n�giaa.c.m.,a CASH STORE. STORE. SPR!NC ASD SLJ1VIMER C000S at low prices.and at no prices ; for.thase ends must either be sold or given away.. E` NDS of PRINTS, NDS of SILKS, - NDS of DUCKS, - NDS or S•RI3tTINGS,. NDS of COTT9NS, NDS or VELVETS, NDS or DRESS GOODS, NDS or LUSTRE'S, NDS of SHIRTS, i NDS , or -CURTAINS, NDS or CARPE 1'S, NDS of rMUSLINS, NDS of FRINGES, - N DS of SATINS; NDS or:TWEEDS. NDS Or RIBBONS, 4 ANDS OP �VERYT$�N,r 00 EN� 0'N» T. M-CH.ARDY (>I A X. INDLA TE } Matchmaker and Jeweller, as dust; raceived a large and varied stock of OGKS WATCHES; JEWELLERY and I'LATEI➢ WARE,, comprising the newest styles of CLOCKS. SCOLD and SILVER WA.TC ]JS, . ' . BROOCHES, = 'j EAR -RINGS,' LUCI�ETS, GEM and WEDDING' RINGS, , STUDS and CUFF BUTTONS; LT TTLP COOLERS, - • TEA SETS, CRUET -arid PICKLE STANDS- I QUIT. and BUTTER Kid IVES, NAVKIN RINGS, _ CARD CASES, &c. Notwithstanding the recent : advanee of 3b per cent: in the wholesale market, I am prepared to. sell -at 411- kinds - of repairing veal and promptly executed and satisfaction Warranted. I.: solicit a- call from into i ng purchasers"before buying elsewhere.. Remember the -stand two doors East -of JOHN IicHARDY S, Campbell Street, Lucknow 1. ZER'S ICs=HT-1 UN1�TI AND . SILENT - sit -0R r_EIILY Deus' to i-lifoi r i th.e. I1?hi1,bitaniS. '111, 'pout that hehas 'opened • door to Al -r.". �0112('.r�llle:i ()ilio, 1 t ti )i �. wants the: .,:ems tomc.,t.t ., ,ill t5 Qf Ile pairlui. of watches, clock. .9.,11 work. war hntc L A call s QI)EI�,ICII, ick ow and the surround= • t b3 ne`i.J ell•eliy.s-toleineat Here he is h l x � e l)ai ed c t «• ":: all l�c,ali tliat line of' usiness lid jewelry 't- speciality and rtecl. LLACE t Oa tllf)-8th ii)ay:af the .iE tl I i 11t IItiildretl'an''I Eighty, •LJ ,re to . be f • Protestant ;rt;a•,a. as a.I3ible. The cb missing, changed, • 'c azraii 1 in .�1EDO tl!✓lll Oil • onth, _A.II? -One Thousand. IAN riF 11; fl at same ci i' at: the ill be On ehi LOWE, a ergo assortment a IS E ►fie-� is_ th sts piac JNGJ. MAC;:on a liiicre stock of CCR, AND WH G AnN $.. him' mur ,,; b at summer' resort for a S'1, tering places. 'Thedog shoula,, out: four feet underwater. Just received. at :W. ALLIN'S AGRICULTURAL WAREROOMS,• L CKH0 i Another sunnly- of Masson's : celebrated BEAVER COMBINED •.EFi) - DIi•I LLS, and BROAD GAS"[' SEE:I)ERS. with _exiaansive-Force Feed. .. No more•change of Gear Wheels. Quantity ot grain sown Can; be'instantiyl-'re'gulated by sim'plf..movinng an easy- tv 'rking•Le'er;. Always sure to please. Intendinginc}iasers would ilo well to examine the Beaver 'aver Se P .edei and (brain Drill before -purchasing elsewhere,, Atrialro$eredanti satisfa�Ction ivaranteed, A Splendid assortment c.f the leading Wo t r: ., pg ,.rt�ht Iron Gang Plows and Thistle Cutter P ows always on hand, and cnstoniers.can:have -their. choice . Something - _ TOLTON'SP ATET 0 N.T E DRAFT PLOW,:_ which has met .with the uniform approval of all who hex seen it, and has. proved an imra nse --success 'Tete view are .new being mai-int:taured- by' G' Res.&• Martin, Teeswater and are &ted With either the -celebrated. Alanitc ba Steel, lird: - Chi le. Cart Metal; 1Monld Roar , to suit purchaser, and with the latest :Ini iroyed-Skimer a.tachment i Orders taken for Clinton. 1Voodbride-e and Paris Threshing.Maclui nnes Plow Castings, reaper and threshingmachine repairs kept constantly -on hand. :Clothes Wringers from the best•manufacturers,-. such as the ReyaI Canadian, Star, and Keysfono 01)thes Wringer's. - As . tistial;:.aa goi:m assortunc;nt of WANTLER'S, RAYMOND'S, 0S130RN'S,ROYAL.ani SINGER SEWING M. CHINES, • which need no comment, ae-it is an. established fact that -t ey are the leading Sewing Mac nes, W. Bell &: Co.'s Prize Medal Organs and other Organs and Pianos from. different'make's.. - A. five year's guarantee accompanies every- instrument. * Sewing.:inachiiie g , a repaired , on shortest notice.' Oils, needlesand attachments always on hand. 'A' call• solicited.- * t , . Ladies:' Mantles, at less than WHOLESALE PRICES! Latest Styles -Over 100 to choose from Ladies' Cc,itsets from 2.i Cents up. Ladies' hosiery worth 50c -for 35e. M,n's llresai Shirts frona.50 cents up. 1YIen's Colciied Shirts from %5c up. Ivien's Ltiien Collars worth 20c, for 12lie. Men's Ouch Pants 45 cents. - Tw Pity Yards' Wincey for $1.60 R • 3:B 0 IT S n great Variety—Less than XW.holesale. ea wortli l5c for:65c , or 5 lbs. f:,r $3 Tea worth Goo for 50c, or 5 lbs: for :$2:25, • BUTT- ER AND "EGGS 'aken ui +;xchange, at the Highest Pric CONNELL. rhe P11 .- Purity the b ood, correct all dis- rdersofj.;the liver; Sumach,.-kidneyr ar.d owels, a. -1d Are invaluable in all compl Ants uieidentaalito Females. ° The. ohitinent is the only reliable remedy co Bad Le , Old,'tvounds, Sores and, iTlcers, o however bng standing. For Brenchitis;,L•ip Uheria, ( ughs, Colds. Gout, Rheumatism and all St::-!, is n:o equal. -• - 'AMHAAN- COUNTERFEITS, mostiresnectfully take leave to -call the at -. antion e� the Public generally to the .fact, h• at.eeita;in Houses in NewYorkare sending ro man)liarts of the globe SPURIOUS T113I- 1i'ATIO2' Sof iny,Pills and -Ointment. There frauds he tr on their labels _some address in New Yoik. I do not allow -my 1liednimes to be s- .1(1 in fly parts of the United States. I have L;:. Agentstlere. 1VIvlMledicinFs are mils made }jy nie, :. 533, Oxford Street. Loniinn - _ I ..In the, books of, directions affix ' j to the sl.i:, . . rons rea o i .a eattti'n,, warning the Pu1,1i gainst being deceived by, counterfc its. D� pot besled bfv this audacious trick, "they -roe - 1aroriirtta ff,iis Mel/Pretend to denounce; ., Th -s. -oilnterfeits arc pz,rchnsecl by unpril i ililed 3endors at one-half ,the price ci ani:E' Pills anfl.oihtment, andare sold to Tou as ti:y enuineAledicines. ' - 1 mo {t e%•ine.t1 %' appeal to- than sense, of jus - ice, whh11 I. feel 'sure1 may venture lilic.n: •' king frein all honorable persons, t'' assistrne nd the i'iibiic, as far as nay lie in their pow- - r, it denouncing.this .shameful Fraud. = . . Each Pot and Box- of the. Genuine 1Tedi- 'nes bean's; the Rr ti:shGovernmentStamp with. ' e words •" li OLi;OWAT's PJLI $ ANDOiN 'ENT.: Lo 'iios," engraved thereon. On :tt e T. abel.iathe ail`dress,n`$3, OXFORD•STRF.E?,ION: o el. where :al,me they are 11lanufacturecl, ollowitn s Pills and Ointment bearing ani thea add-re+s ¢re counterfeit. Tile Tri de ?Marks of these iTedicinee are re- 'stored in Ottawa.' Henee,: any one tbrongh- nut the 1;ritish Possessions, who ula:le: lteep the' Ametrjoari-(�uunterfeit for'sale, Rill be i roe cited. Signed, - THOMAS HOLLOW 1 1 33, O�rn1ln �PREsm,Loirnot, ..rctiiv1' 7.9; .18 . 1 ALM e good repair, and t all oris- n Custom Planiijit that tiifh be .ls;' eglecilaly..oir Mata - s+soned iit"cjc of Afoul-411ft,, ;Sash � iiidPiiixds tilways �.. - and and Scroll Sawing in all asinanihas. ;Mair°$u la}r ire said egiment ese de= f being. agreed` to r = berths in a. about the -sa s leave- "England,' • �k• A• A T-- t HE ! Subscriber• -in Ilia 8 >L.:seneraily#ortieir#"p � the Ian-. riadtfiv gears, would r the 1lZar- • '- he in French, declined . en asked to - do shy some EnCZesidents, on the ground . Fitt f n the province of Quebec everybody ' Gould know Hrench. The deaf mutes of America are holding their First coKyention in Cincinnati. .There is :a fair 'attendance of leading : deaf mutes trona -11,11 paint@ of the United .States and Canada. Thti proceedings are all carried on by.signs .:-Robert McGregor, of Cin:cinnati, was thesen "president.' iurg lin- l' will be n precau= aliat ?arliaiiient has ordered a -. onunent to'iVictor Emanuel, at a cost of ' 1,300,000. rr; k • 9y