HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-09-17, Page 40- I 4 PEI, v V -9 OMMUNICATIONS, BORN. XTRAORDINARY SUCCESS JOHSTON.-At Pun-raunob, o Aug o1 o th i, -Eitor Qf the seittii,ei. 300j) t1_0 wif,- 001r. Jus. U'U'lilistoll In a late issue of your patier, you of twill d_u--hters. E Prof. Gra 'GOB 7- he' Turholu Llili ed ii rep,irt of a clian-,J of DIED. yS Hools Filf f rrei against me by one kee, ttf -.K Nature!s Great kestorptlew' P111 you in jubtv!e tt) zue, ti,,- GRANT.�At P,:rt-I_­e La Pririe, Man- TH-13 1,11AERTY To TO Alt-GLIP FREF.ij clo d.deel.-ioll of the Nlagitra teS All 0. 15-tt 1201, John-, itifailt A composition of Nix East Indian 4ill 11111)113' to N� ilblk- tkI one &nowned ior its medical virtue8, the AVC011DINt. To THE JACTA f E% uF WE t soil ri .- ate ht the e.� �Lli t I,zt* late wi whole forriiit)g a XHHE1 FILIZI ABOE ALLLBLICUX8. coal pound nnequllefl, by ar-y v 6- 1 it a varticle of t.% Iflullths. Othef Ukedichie. G uaraziteed to cure Ithimili e, I at -oil tile Contrary th't t-vidt"llee -Biliousriess, Sick Headache, JAv,_,r ]Cur ;, v.,tablislitftl DIV iniiiwviiee of erri,r t -r CiToX -.—At Porta -e La ],ever 4nd t13Lb Ague ervo*1181jes8, Palijitation ot the H-iart. lot"- 0. i iten'� �ou to tit, at wron, ndthat dit. the I -it-, 211111., uif 261 It ult., Eliz i, Debility, Disease ol the Stommill-, and V L7en vi-lueetl by tho if the fCfherinAoli All-lemaleCoutplaints- For Seri if U110111; D' d4u-iltel. ot eases it is invaluable, as it is tile - gReat f toli-equict-c"I'lect ill evv­v the St. 1-aip Argui The a ti V thout oulissioll the, evitik-live i -f th t. - . . - . known Blood Purifier.,, 50,000 paelmgr.s 4ol Licen wiihin the lat 'twelve moutlin, without a 0 L STO -TH L UK, e Inpe3tor fo-- tfie South Ridlil" �e ti ith of MY stteuieuts I -refer hekN 1- failure. PURIFY 'YOUI-t BJ,( -.)0D.- Prke ta i t of the Cutnity of Bruce made' the bio- J ;I -nee or to any olle of tbtt STRAYER -OR STOLU. ))f Roo4s 50 cents Tier pckage, or two -Saturday Dighi s for olic &)Ilar. vist Ilaul of suaker. aeto'tho d" th e f Itootq and 011e Box (if Pfil c arg. youls, &e. Directimm on ea& N(A Aold 1�y drlig- 1"a (4th inst.)i gists. Sent fN)At PM41 to' any Address- on r F THE, 80, about the 25th of cuipt ot--pric. -Address,01t,'ORGICAA liscril) r -August. WICK, Bruss'els, 0nt. tUlf Kincardine that pro.bably 11, er M� gistrate's Court held ept. 7th 1880, (luii*c,jlu# dark mane-aild 11 the hotels of the.ton Ifinle s, -Sept. oth 18 T. J. STE%iV'_%.RT 0 WAWAN0811, FE9,- 4T#11880. been Made in Canatla, linder the Lice tail white 9tripe in tile face, and white hind, f Having beqn tr( ubled wi6 Dse, Ke" V.'4 T. J. Stewart, cli�nrejl person 6-�Nring� such hiformatioll as Lwer Com0aint he . , for 13 years'. I 'I �Y. live b 1�-tict (if law. I i of her J 1-., -S nd Dysperim 11 visiting t bot�ls after sqVell will lead.to.ihe rectivt:ry of the sit -me, will bd WAS t eP ice, fifterhearing the above adjud try.Pr(?f. Gn Yr I'voots and Pilla, I bav�r n9e1 suitably rewardrd, lock he found a nobb t att 1)tffendant, T.J. Stewrtjs howmt) bout itlis, 4d- urist 820' 1 a4l Y clowd of the L8 mol e Jon SHELTON, . -i ted front anly i&ine or any intei!titat 'ou coin I rdinary nobbiest inhabi'tarit' lyet red. It is su#,ely an�evftral s of tho-town. 'itilig a violation -of the Law in the The co 9'upt. 13tb, 1880. Lucknow. re y- an([. i rould ad visefe4ery (me t.� try 4e. Ve tht refore di*mllss the Case crjti�pany embrced �W'o bank waujaggterd Sic. FL-) lawyer, the depu�y. reeve, towir �eo Xerr,,J. P. P. 13arker."J, P.* P Rvidj J. ORNA ENT AL TRIFEES C,]itincillur, tho towl ip ell, J. P. T TS AND SHIOU L 0 -9 tid an ed1to In - - -, il� I !.,, � . he other I.otels flija ... - . . �. . f,, r ko —Will'be sold -at re as -eo� itor the. k Pit -A. fom yatiles, we not - GL L. �1AX.lT0_B;11 -nARTIE'N Otnailteli� -desirans PI-Ocur" . - , -, g-6- thiir -premises-, A usT, .39TIl' 1880' 'Wng-, onsulAed Hquot C a IstIv, the or, the law �lof- ir t %11 at�i vzvi� Aieir. oyder o van agous.o. I aly in arrangement 'wit :1 'weather beii)­6 11 h P E.. bILDING.- LOTS, s all Licenz-6 1nipectoi W�O it Ade - 'The' with t g dil v - V erri 01 .11 a, lolls 0 6: Ills 'h of: Aug*jjSt�. supply thil de36antlind* beinqJrbm a� North' qonll)eteT) L ippissip gi at] --retaids 'he- t jJaftids' :ner..r rvest Of SO"'th If6a --de$erve's Ao -1a -Du u r n. '�01 11 .',61 b6gaJ oijinate.'they gre,'almost in all inStanoi sure tit�- he grou�,d, xn(� n. into z w can, hilf-theprica �of I'Quor bu*sint?s min o s be, 01' AND sitlary raised. L-A lessness With L - _TI ,' NV vro; if, p"to, try 0 01,� Ile Q k -;ltutitul lier(� far'ahea, F t! . t J)Pi . ces hich ill. e. trees, are. Pg whe,_ Alder, 0 w u sprii 'atrld oatq. r t from -Nursf.-Ms.:' Th DEFY-COMPETITIONs.. Black rife. i j. Eliat ileigfibor�iood - di' -d So e c -g' hild ditts vf aTid �bbery oil% AX60L whe4 1; I 'hotel keelie d! witli OM W,e t which' & eat fill V 'hbth �bewiiti of.file int - H Nip sinx Tea F "Live n -hand of to rxiv us it r w Urge St6qko -ftb�,, High- -Buh. C2,anbe Ali 1 lai -Verbena. breali t1i laiv, -as 111;this- instanc�,. 11' fill for th e last two RiNG AND $VMWER'��_ to the i;weet sc�ntekl with beautil cut foliage. Nothing -looks better ttround our 0 E-_$ e019TS. -Am r, alf a dozen o ikfazen 4 ev, this time A V 1711, lana fe*-- oyliamptiafAl tiees in P( suniffie :And r er --winter it in ur 'r-11 11) ASHES -to greens in liamei ta�re at, _zi JU eur� to ljavo� . SE a6tive and 2patsant 1cag ro; runnin-order to near the ll'or* *iaters' of our1northein,cli'mat*. acknow. ag, A��m, L N.R-5,000 'bushels. 0 8 �Uflltlt r, �.but i.6 'si., I& basiA got a r -66 er 11 U Ti gim peaxs -"PE 20 v ei. ro7 14 lat if HAi'S StOTW� atited, R. uckno,�., I' ak I r. t1j .1 kvcl lot v vali -BU' r no Cyj Arvasoll thaill 1 10, t 1.1 (3 OR on . .1 o---- I Loan a'.'thj w ery not -:-FJ1Ti,)u h y, d -b the� 'his is A -u ely. e T r ii - 9. MALL t6 eAN g6nable odks iii- -44 i D .8 U I n 11�0014` 1N, -W. R -on r 0 tinio briker. -kt i e t 113' L Ned s: ra.tes e 111S Of Payil�ent. 1jile -to 7 j6 wers.. 9 sidt. -Borr L-7-1-tht-uniatic p.-jjnj-fi`OAf cram"R the B rac. busy fly- 'Collars. -NTE T' Nledonian--Da ii"oli 'bn �-E, LIP.T.- ."TRAVER ES in Ila f to. the'N_: '%V t t ]�IC E Ne'xt to' Post. Offie -1 F 10 Qr UDMwiE 1;11 e 11 it be,:i I Ii �1­4, I o, -.1 -e ri I to Tx� tharemaindeicifthie season 7URIN L ekr16 iNf. .1 _V ri -heat. Udyers are, oZ�11( 11 )rovilli_o�at ilt 111IV! SENTINI ii. -rain tick. yl* tfie EENWAY'S !R, B FT ITOBA P A T IE S -re you looking L Vq- A ut 3o,,j!r 'bi bi for the: aboXv. 1ify Itan -one e -11i 68 will 1L -ON first T-LESDA of E �VE­Ry g t -up ys L11 k;'Dow 6in t g BUTCHE-1--S-11 y-, T�- f&etbcnis! iilipramjAu 'p- N ex o5in -4th 6f ';v[tLy. uncert. Re S ari apWy t,, onabl y In '0 10 HN YINON, a Ow, 28, 1880. 2 W. R 1:rduced Agent , 1. V. lys. 20Lb. to n Luck6 an --A I .-ALL) GOOD ATS Ir., tlr T U ll� -E are 110W.1fift ier lb _s4l V I e atc. -1 ali ho fif to the-per.;wi if 77.. re ItInd till I'Ll; as serlba.8" Luu-s" take Otis L F R ---:'-S A Wi. of jit. V,11'119,to 'V 0 es to irifilin, 66 -P J AM E GORPON& ubli tbathe haa Dn Easy' Te ii -of- fly - ii' r is -bit t -e I)i )ii g rel lox ed "hfi� new n it, av 'e. - . ij III aVro tu 0* Kit, cardin-Rds -I,atruhiz. ii t1lis th ,hftnd a it tl L-fy IlCe v er ho b' utc OP r4 IOUs STOCK OF Ga s jat We I - .,d int cine9diV. So. saNs t� ie* poi y V- C �i *h ell -tl;e 1 -is- FIR T ois I s, the seas 1. eum-, 1. it-ni o 'he Ir:1 4,11,; 110, %iveen meiqfil and t, cl -MPBELL" jie'n mg it ith' it.ctions b CAS9111, ILI t !)f log house, -now prep.al'e �oung 6�6h, goucL IS. _b'usi lis es and a 1julti- d� mix In a A Chldren's Bo' .4 Tiiile�V has a!pcAr tree 'oo d localitk, 4 r 6.11, d bi:itar`Lt frow. Luc) ll -a - r(rer ge eith, Ow- ness on, il iner. ot, frui er-. b t uVei utrl n1yLlics in c.;rcu 11. Ar -11 r_1 t r 0 t C at of. all.: Iiiii i L: I 'he' k in eachl 61W, es� (4 r t hu.th half -Lot aqd' e_mfi his eally l911 1pp y tof fro f rhe sld6w4l'.�­ojj C;� ble clearvd,.- at' ut 38 acres tim .,65a 1 a SO, prices. 'I U.1i Jet t V Suff P�ebbli o. eimiNt &Ueut.was j3.u6h ajipre�j� ;rrcot wi and henilock id Wh � -1 - 7 � - (If F �ef, 12x2 Framb -St a. 28. b ina elsewhe., ore p!�ft s h 0 i. .-An attractiT(� m -it �e xr ot t* ie- tj -A be, ble, ME SU WN t itf ur t rer ft h �kfll 6ll ig: 'NI fit!(, anil* 110W par of his alhit the� beam %r. nch III -)ihty avt-d i;:t the 14 1. th k r VON '.Sold t "fifid u er. Convelitiori tA-be h,-I&Ilere uexL week -2 nd.A� r�_lt ne Meat I ivered. to any sst'y urcli, o: uhm. e C. IAL C f 48 a 111 -zi eit- tbin ter s,more -thi of 1.5 e 11tilter taken iii axchan to -a 'fcred, and P -theVil. -art-6 on - Wgpgs an& :,Sho.- est.."N fiCO,'' 7;, r titubei A maille b-clulock" ge tile go� ise: vn be ol 'goods. r abwit, is r3f, wl no,, a f I - -1 C, ew -Atiout: of beiiriiiq orchafil., AIM M ty el, -M H reLU Taita for'- 41''thttedi -ate' reLU fle, Good from ivi visit- j)i n f a t aliLb ry 04d -to learn r es, and bout 4: s e'ir' refu rii III 3-t �s -out Wroptt�r. Tho ­is reco-yetiair v. tr ROW Oil -110 :j E 4;uf -Wil EWELL'& a-meron D FowLEas-EXfukCioF1 Lr W`lLr).8TP RERRY 111 (M 1: k)dik-. hall. the Ves summer- complaint, iarpbcea, dyseidery. 'tj V. F. BrLLEY, Lit& I nile g'.ifig di n _iW i -stairs, ]era. mogbus;-cholera -infantinn; ng an -er -,pi es SIR C r it;n aad Mlicuture Vo -AIrrhoeeii, ad 'a oind�( Of fl. all uxes. aak I i i .9 t fir BUTC1 _ER' 7--7- j ei. il�. r- .1 u 11ill _'tur S. -.q *1 rented et iv a �erd Uors T:1 moKbua. - choleia �rifantjlta a;j1d rig,. G mer. complaiutg; 11, Dr' -Vo wlere, ex- 11011E. S & RETA11, Wild Strawbekr-Y. hi utisurp- ol IF IF 4 rpl. E undet 8ignied 'will ASO peci q iii thei Above, dimeasem, He 9 'fi- i is chir itt _W -)WA RTIN'THEIRi AS POULT SICK S.E Vera en- t,; urd is boer. 4y Valuea it, .-JL. deavolr to satisfi:ali bass.R. cus,ro- At-, ct, fin ti t1lo h se :idknown MAI lie ALL RLIVIDS or -uriit4-'sli,)�lJt1 cArry a suply i EM1111) lak hilt in hOW pel tt; AV Dew 1�re%l -110 ots of! Xea de il Par e! by ll alers a rter age qn, HAR Tre! aV4 a- end a0y h4 -,'Vill -CLASS. SADDES- iT Ll UORS Of th6 Aract Of Wild lat Oi Aleetin-'oji S,lt fj 01 im at k4p TRUA Sun, ay -t;d- lidy Th e'. o wd: ing genuine ar�icles. beea, dysenteryj Ic -aveA all -8is d a e" I aeal in TJQT_T0RS. oiily : : I .. , , I . %y agreebble or -an h -e�timateil at 4joeo. on tin Vag ands f, iable aLd effectual as Dr u Vert Lees tij)g in. Totqn to. medic br 0 0 f Wild '- traw oses Alwayi; "o ha d - I . . 7 al and Other p Xp nfjthi4 is 86 And ay.. A 'ufficie- T1 befrv, Mrs ntiStock P L i(Lent. by the q erT c: fofa�jg 6jy ratet- tox eale-ra, buyi -.Ueef r 4 mene!t an' allitiolow in UF as a Bible. colic., or Oamll,%, -Bipel or half quar.ters.1v bulk ent laas id rheum,. -pile f t6c to- 10 ere4 a 6hdher Ir'ritatiOns of the-ito b -d M cents p- r poun,j. mach (jures. ys,,k ulanu6l, at al,cost­ ad, 2�nd 11cmiable It is Safe and Buire,, bilfo 811 1;0�. )lain ever 7 iM in the� Aa �haverxwkoj tsypq V, 4- d 1., -,0 WU�ICATWNS. 0. S