HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-09-17, Page 3LOSS 6F THE VERA CRUZ. -; FIFTY-SEZEN PERSONS BROWNED. Desperate taarta to save the Tesset-a - ia,a.as• .1.,.staa 'wrecked. _ • - ST. Ar,;;a; ..lta.,Sept. 4. --The steamer City . of \-, . a t at -,a foundered at .3U on Of seventy persots OR beext1 only tai: a . 11 „are known to haae been saved. • t.al a.; -. „..alayafterabon the steamer eueouutero, a rtiig .gale whichsoon dn.-- .--• creased- iii -fat,: ,. a aid the Vera Cruz labored heavily for a a:lel hours.. It . was .found neeeSsary at I , `--', lel: oii Sunday rnerning to ' throvv out a ..:-.., ::-..lo keep her head about. Thegale lat.:. a, --.9, grawn to a hurricane. - ImmenSe'wza. , a 1.aa-a1a • breaking over the c --. deemed, steaiiaa a-, itil her- deck was-fin.ally awept cleara 1..', ea the tiegaing be -infra tOrna. • - .' The drag: et‘..,it-...,',-d t : fulfil it. fnnetipna. ; . the • seas .dehki-e-.1.- . tlit.,:.:(1t .0.elis: ana seen reached :the finanti-c.,--e-- -tir!1, [eXf..'hg-tiiaa'hed- the 'fires-. ', tlie._Tis.tel.l.jVi oft- beeaaterh-, train -their . Liiikeningta 'IF -avail 4a:being:oat soon stripped . -the daginta. at,: 1 --theYeria Ortit.'14-at the of ttl:'_.:-4:0.1'rti.. -'4-Nrat',,01:7:61,1- the donkey -pm:rip-could .K.-. Ni. (irked to aelieVethe" yes- • e1 of the woad-. sliewas aapiary makingin Jie-r- -held. - Calit'aiii.:1;ansice..ordered .the men- -'.. to : th!..a: -ov-erboard....--ilie. ' .deck- -- -leak -bat -.6a-a "... ea.. 'being - tee : heavy SeVeral. . inen war- carried': off .-- their feet tin& -Many: :.-were . washed. overboard. • Captain "Vatialea.- .z.41,CI Ilia. .ofileeis .acted ... cotirageoriely. bnt -4e.re one-by:Ono Waehed oVerboard, -- "Pire c4ptitiii perished -1611y aii --_-hourbetore_the i.-ese.l.' stecilmbed,., and as nearly- • inalive all 1.14.X. -weir-el-est 'tlie:'''.1-eW.reinainr. _ .e took ._bra .., , a.preservers '.' }_:-very bent , au& life raft aaass•-attve- in . and. -the sitilor-- . . . . .. .-ttnd passengara seiz d fragmerita of Spars,. -. -_ state -room claors Orlatlier ineaeahle-artieleS --ana-a,walt..ea tui t.- dal. -The Vessel- was about thirty inifes.-t,IT' th0lehore..- .With one.awf-ul. -lurch -. the- mar Andelbenly .aault, the: ew. irl, _ . . . _ ...carrying a -,;.-1,z _io.a,tpy of. tho, livirig, _ The . .. - thirteen. ." aanaaiapas. , = are - - all iiiii,, three.„.. paAscogers} , : eight: deck •:hahds,- _one. •...... - ek4iiicer i., .. -._and.-- one.-. - .'. _oiler.. - . :The -y wore,all in ' the Water- Iniffetted. for .frazia itSVO:t.".:folar. 1.4..twenty-sir.hour43.. Nii- . donbebut fo'r this. ei'rleal manyfmore Would. „ ..have been -saved, -..1Ve have_ only :beet able - - te, ;obtain - the 11 of - two. a survivors, • both aaderaa .71.11-1-sOn. :Talhat:And- .ames. Reify,tlie- firi,t :1. native- cif Thigland, the other of '.'‘-;.ew York.' (hie of the passengers_ t - .a..yea: w.a. p„.: ynuu c.f. . an-, bat he states that laadoreSiaot,Vvi,,halti. _ hanie-Sent : for plibli, Pationabut.: he was lie: -ccaupanion. of .Gen. i •-• Torbert,. .. lai)dies ,a1 the viatints,caine'on. . . _ Shore -thirty T./ail-ea'. sautlia.ot this place: ....Among' -thein. : it -41-',- that . of: : General - Torbert, I ' Ifis, --.bady- -.Was. placed.. in - a, 1 ... and -.`- hit/lied:a " pa _ . •Nreciaesday... Thehodies, of ivaaaaeeactge,passehgers haVe' - beenafound, . .Tize. 'UOilk:, - offhtee "fefhales were' aecovered. facial' the waves,: aid four , other meii.piadatbly sailciaa - Theschooner Ada. XaSiiiiontma d Reeklanda lam -Pena .sacoIa to B'elSion,„ivant cashoi-e: near -Mos- •; quite lalet, .. All "acre staical, 'A -barque.' .."anatae-anikiievair,--- We i aa'acire-at the :same - „ place. :kit .weie...aaved.'' There ate uc_iva abant- "dirty alien! at _ .1 ort . ()range, . all of. -when,: _bawl.. _hada ashi`Pwrecked.. . Seven ;Ineii. weae Walled 'ashore .frena the brig carothie RaidY-,_-. all alive:. but _ very._ weak, '"-1- TIieva had lived Mahe riggingtwe daya...-- - Tliey said ' that durilig the gale --they were -in egItipa.14 With alargesteamer- --. Whieh leaked ica that "cal:agile: was in distreas ..- and had _about .101) 'pgsSeug,ers. di board.: i-- ISTEw ..-Yefa:. :Septa "4.---Thealoat Steadier- ' - -Vera: Cril.w.t.i,. a sis er ship to the City et - .. Itayanr.,- lost on the- -: ':eiloan qoast in- 1875.: - -a- The steamer New Oilexas,reparta that she. • ... was in the same ev clone; Off theFlorida. - coast, as thise..t iii w hell thd Vera Cruz , • . foundered.. :„The ear tain. Of .the -New Or- '. '-: .leans sa.,.-s lie noke-r).- efore witte.ssed any, thing like it, ()Ile of hishest met wits lost overboard. Tliesea at-spro.e moments was • .a high as the to of the sinekestack. . • N-F,w. Y-Orat, -Sept. 4, ----:The _following- tele,' grain to the -Board of. ti.zider.writera has beeu. received- to-dava - c The. steamship • ... _ - City of---,Y(..ra' CFUZ.- flaundered at Sea on Sunday. at 6 lain. - '11,.. captain as lost and . all ha.tals went -down with' the vessel. Only , • . three pa-eaaalgera and eight of the arew Were • iaiVe-ti '''' 1 1' t1.a.ow in "Jackagnville - iii.diataea4 /tad aatitio r fok assistance...from .tli.epwaiers." " e 114;ratis:. . ' -. "r. • •jaeasea-ara-aa IF:ht.. t)aerat.-5.---The sfearner - . Water iIliy-. :from_ :-.`" -. Augustine, arrived. . -_S-esterilacj.,, . hayina '0 i. board'A. R. 0 -wen, civilzien!,,ineer, and four. - seameua. survivors. _ Of the ' steanier- 'City- a Vera Crum ..1%Ir. : 0 -Wen _ :stated:: A..t I r 'Clock on Saturday tthe _first oiiiiaa-, `, taradce the haremeter 1_ a he 'captain WttS flORra tO remark tii Harris; . falling-rapidla; WO arelgoingto have a: hur- ricane.'" Oidars-Wta-e :givi_ai to-throW' Over- --board 7 ;the-. , barrela: et oil a-nd , cases. :on deck. -.T._lie •'blas -t . of '..the (:ve. ' .lone Sttuck • na- -pa- - the . r port -bow abotit . tvv-enty-five amiliu tea- to . 2:- oh 1 -_Saturday: afternogir, : .til listed- the 'ship ahnost :on her beam . ends: I)nritg :the eveiii*-three skylight. in_the Main salodn ' avereafar,:tied. away, and- the- WaVes"pOured . considerable' . water iatto :the- _saloons arid - staterooma t4ettina ail- adrift. By mid.- , _, t _ 1-, - , - . . - • night the pasaerigera re generally sitting •- . or lying. Oa the fiedr-of fthe- saloon, but thev. a' were floodeds-out. At I -aam. . The enginet : rood was dry. 7 A dr 47was put 011,s- bill • 'via's: useless its: it; was . oo small for serviceevere in proper order.' -: At 2_ o'cIaielatlie_shia. _took a ;heavy sea, aiii- the wafer put'llie - fireabii-t-dinniedititely-{",-StOppillga the.' en- gines. The doakey enfaheavits then started amr--:waa. going av-hdrathegliip, aank;:" The ' :--purser-rearne aliurriecly a below,- :saying ratliat -deaa_cal-aleala arhad ' sent . to tell . _ - . t , the . 7pass.digeas . to- cede and assist. . . . .- the crew- br -the vesae! - Would go deivn. • We iminediatelY got dp.' -1-." Wefir, to , the -- , -t- .--, . , . deck and to the flaw- tf tl''' 'atiine-rOora - arid .asaiated to pass.,.. aacketa far anliour. ' Captain 1..."aaa. Sic% wits i. tha line near -the t ' top passing 1Vater whi a..-1: -wag there, --It - "vas no -uae.-- aThe Sea, -' was continuallY ankma avea die vesaelt_ -rad eo•emna-clo-v11 - rge quantities. between declt-a. ;Aftere _ .. - - • athlete -ip 7Ia1, Profest wilt- .-woald. - . as a -Bible.: ...The clj•,f. missing chaired - l.:it ti get Life -pre- ' Thera a-v"as thor children. .-4.Lach 'asaiated •- "-tat"' ^-avars_a ,- • - _tvexy aye The the. • 0 8 Si st -§t Sh 111 m. ri • by na. w er ca "11. • fly•f of th do Ofa as .)ed b hi d •op se • wr thi we de in al' in ae ae pa )?e -ir th Ci tv t, ce 11 a TT 19 T1 ID til se bo coa wrl • th-e Yes -hot Or aha • aw pas go r side str led ned, befo stru the wat sap agai ing inaie DOTV Of .th teat SU that. were - acre:a /Map • S'ZI, She rush crac went chngi rake with- 1 er k, ds 15 11 CT as k. nt Tut e. ar st 0 d• do th fi the engine room . and through the on, making a crash like a battery of llery, and strikiag terror for an instant every one, dashing the saloon passen- , tables, doers, and loose furniture to- er, and into the water knee deep. The engers no* crowded ihto the hall at top of the saloon steps and a . SAID FAREWELL Ti) EACil OTHER. adjusted their life-pieservers, and they nded sympathy diet° the other. Never re, perhaps, was there a set of passen- so quiet and so littlo excited' under umstances so .a,ppalling. Alexander. lendge brought a little boy to ine and. LOwen, I will give you a 'thousand s in gold if you will take my son arid • im to land.' I said no; I- did not ex - to live five minutes after the ship went h." 1..told hira it would bo a. Mercy to self and -his son to go (Iowa as qiiiekly ossible.: I told hino_i eotild,see nothing OPe. for in a aterna: like this. Miss e Fay 'asked_ nie inaher sweetest to --takel.eara of 4er, but I said to her toaothers, -theft/ was Mithing. to -be ,hut to:itielate-the ship until we were ed . from her, then _clitg „to the frag,- ts as long ag possible. . This:plan should 'tried out by every passenger; - • nth' CAFTAIN . • , seen just before_ the sen sr:bashed in -- ort side of the _ upper . deck at twelve ites pafit..4 aam., but Whether he"..get ed and.:jraiiPeda :overheard --.-. and was t asiw is not knew!) to any ef.,.us.- fir:at-officer, aecend- mate, . and. -die "..or pre of the -crew teak to the atarbeard boat and were killed _before- the beat he got free.: .11fillor and his thigineers bYthe ahip till she 'sank.- Quarter- er. WiIliam O'Neal and -a sailor Std./d- e Wheel:until the ship eank. The cap, eaer. came near the pasSengeradurihg- tortn, nor did he adid to • inquire into condition, "and :it m -ay_ be sincerely - no 'ether. Passehgers may .be. left - to oughtless and indifferent a man. •••• SINE.I"5.ZG.OF rtTr ,ESSEL.: ' s.abolit 6---oie1ealt, when the ship_ went ;hreaking inthe.Middle. .:ThouSands &des of - wreckage were -.clashing her itt the Water.five minutes alter the went _to pieces: - Aida, women -and eii, horses, eats and rats were Mixed seta- and -lover this rea.sa the, -waaes. surging fiftyfeet-140i, in peaks_ like loaves a when:we- went up Ofl. one it ot- .go dOwnion the other aide,ahat turned. Over at the top - and" -sent: reit: eligh-the - air - to,' an . opposite "ote,, and forth this lasted two or -three , after -which the waves assumeda natural eharaeter-and came in swell-. ".• ' -.01;;ITIE.. 01, _GhNEtt_A.ti ToRhErt'; etal Torbett -Was picked OS Smith, One, of the crew, fifteeii. es after the shin snuk, was then and ebuld crawl on some -.fragments' wreck only with' assistance.- aamentilii whieir he wasturnal `over ute later Smith :came un on the other and-nes:ex saw:the geheral a:gala alia-e, ind-waa so tearifie that wheu a plardc, ex ea trunk wohld-reach.the top of t was .whialed through the air with a erribleto belialka ; SNDSCENES: - - - - /1f; the' _ living' and riving I never 8-gersoU who wag' not hleeditg-frorn vound ih dieted by Passing fragments, If weredead or • dying within" fifteen a after they took to the waves .-- It: (1st appaliug to see heroic women ling against timbersand WgVeS. _ The, deaf/ Was Jain/lied in the saloon doors and.tables,.and .sank with the She was Cryingbitterly; and appeal-. e for help When the water 'poured ri her like Niagna 1 stood by the ast till_thelitater rushed in Over the ne- deck and then climbed. Up the twen4-five feet -I was washed off Wave-so:pa theainatant after' ft -alt- ar -wreck piled in and over.me, Foa 'hoar I rustled up" one _mountain of then down another, until, finally,' I hold of apiece Of the Ship tweaty- t 'lhiswa§"paat.st, the side • dining saloet-, Through- one was the head and Oki:alders man - Thdlias• Gramb • 1- II , . e at:to break the -pane an.d- get him as that Was, impossible, I .sliovied- .natd he Caine hiatlireugh the next • ".Wonow threw -.off. our-J.4-1)re, .and stuck to the :fragnieats-i-of. the hrougli thick and thin,:fo'r.24 hours. that .tinie we 'were._ at least- two-, f it under water and a,t night We otlf oonipletery blind froni Salt: din our eves. : • s •.. - esday.---nierninga-LThe dead bedies• and and:known- to. -havebeeti ou e are . ten. ,in number; whieh Were ' tbree • arOniena The: - it huhdred. inileSaie" atrewh-. with -and itt that, distance aweal.citova of -:twe steamers, &MI •eiglitssailing . . haaniataiiinixa ousarasalla., Sept, 5..-al!,...cason Tal - el the s-nryivingseamettof the Vera 7iVh01). ;4, was dotekmilled- to the _:.ship die of the -beats was ea' the .side, And Manned.: Tlie rs. tumbled,: -'.and .the .„ -signal to .let lareh, ',The heat went ,down.with. at beforeshe had gene ten 'feet the- he- ship. coining ..:-up With it ... Wales ba.ataket the placeofScotland at; „ and thosemho were not Or -fished. the- Beene of .tentantie..and _dramatic elope. outright Wereadreaped, :half:At/Ma :Meats,' the Secolid..Wook ef-A:4g-ast• Alie.aea-,..Where they Weae'daziwued. it daughter of LlNf_r.:_A;lsf-rutber,,of-n-=Weat--• - r -eyes. aTltwas pitiful' to seethe.re hatirteequare, ItYclePark.Loirden; evaded - 4. almost - within - our _g_r_04.,..atid the Watchfulness of _tor -fainily,-.:atid'eleped _ _ - SW breathless and choking. I got held of it piece of wreck, but the sea tore it away and then tossed it back again. When I first came to the surfacca.the water around me _was thick with human beings. Some caught hold of me, arid I had to dive to get rid of their grip. I did this in several cases. I saw it mother and daughter tightly clasped together ; they rode past me On a wave and disappeared. Their bodies came ashore still bound in the Same manner. All Sunday night ' I was to/44d a,bo.ut, till finally, at 7.30_, on llonclay morning, after having been in the- Water twenty-six hours, I was hurled up on.. the beach. I lay a there exhausted a long time. --Other six came ashoro. on -the same beach, although at . leng distances apalt. _One of Talbot's . companions, . in a paked. state, swani. until he was cast upon atihe beach. Ile had no life preserver, and was _ , the first to come ashore at Matan'zas. . - - . • :• -THE W.RECEVS AT WORIC,,, . The body of a venial- man wearing h- ing but 'a slartand drawers -was found aafew Miles further adith. .The bodies Of a Man between 50.atad 60;an .elderly lady, a giri- athd Child were WaShed aahoreand the codst swarms with wreckers, who have-ne hesita:. tion in robbing the dead :bodies that fall into their hahdia "-Stories are -told that some --. hasten the death of the: wrecked sailors and passengers: to: Steal.: their perty.. ThetaIife-saving..stations along the coast and no ,.:o-aganized crews- 0, pteVeht tliis piratical :work: In maay instaneeS„-- if proper- 'aid wasaat hand; the lives of tlios-e in a.- critical eopclition /night be- aavel ,The rings And; jewellery on bodies "that L Camo. cisIloae, near Matanztts , . have been secured1111(1 await identification. A niniaber of private letters are also found. Several trunks have "._heen _found. and the contents resCitedf :from the pirates :into whose-hands:they had . - - • 134..SEIED • - Teninfter, -Fans Oyer p .11sich 2,000 - , Feet:Owl. About.Sevcia aas*. ago:Neel ."0.0Yette-a it .well-kaoWiateamster ea the" Cariboo wag, goti read; loaded Itis wagons at, Messrs. Oppenheimer pros'.store With, Merchandise for the apperaeOuutryi -When: eighteen Miles out and while: aScerding Itombrot's; Lewes. pushed oVer .tlieside of precipice ,by it Mille Whielr:presSed closely upozalairal, frolt. behind: - :The' tinfortimate Mat fell 2,000- feet: . Ilis body. was." seen" by -the-Incliana--Whettecoinpithied him to strike the :rock* below, Whence' .it. -bounded into .the rivcr and. Was :swept - away by tlie. re. Mt/rabies-S.4s current,. . at this p-oirta rsiaeeris 011 its Way.toWatds. theisea, at.a rate, of .htteen or twcnty xrulcs tui :hour.a ThA Precipice oVerwhich 'Goyetta fell is well known to travellers alone./ tiio Witaaon road its .aides,Are...pe,rperidicular; it .14,01112tait :goat could •notgain a footing there."-- Goya ette's bleed ,marked onthe reek -dr _ . . that-. received • - " , . -A. New, iriagne- for Agriesiltari4ts.- : .ROsig10ieWspfipers.oall -attention tothe ravages iliflicterViriatherathern:.proviriceS by tko.-boetio ittIloi1 by..naturilists Aii- suplia AuStriataiandbythe..rdral popula- tlofl of Xhorsori,-.Couzka.': -_,This insect_ first -...appeared,in 1:8-65. in _ the ...M.elitopel"-diStriet, but there ianothinglInoWn as.to hew': tied whence :it eame., as it:liad /lever been beard of itt any Other part, of Russia or _bordering countries. • As Itlaltv as 10 buslIoN of the beetleibave-beencolleOted from.; One Acre of wheat. - They fly' fforia ear to -ear .andde teequit the: grain uzitl it ,is ---destreyed.- They are Capable Of . making long _fights; .froin .one-goyernmeat to AnOtheia-- Last slimmer a Mass of :these . beetle§ ‘-vi.t dis- covereci--. bithe 'sea' hear Oche:keit.: _they. Were se thick that it was difficult to., pull a boat .tlireugh.thein. , The BaitiSli Vic-e-edia Sul at leolitieff reports that unless effibient MeaSureS ate adopted itis .rirebable that all. agricultural'? Ruastia,. will eaentually :,beCorne - g tile prey Of theae laseetS, eatiaingptiaations •hitheato, tittle :krieWn, in Old: coaptry.::. :He ponsiders that .„ -the ubjoet'..deraitac1s. the y aeriOaS attentien Of -Earape,„a,a;Rusaia-ailai,' f 'Plies se_reany-conntriee With wheat:, andhea.' llIisfA-reteu. ,raise prie.e.ef. erica.nprodu, Ar 1,11.E WAITBUNO CASE. Irhe Action by Dirs. Fisher Against the Georgian Bay Tranisportation Com* papy. ' In Novetnber last the steainer .WAubuno belonging to theGeOrgian Bay Transporta- tip-n Company was wrecked and all on hoard perished. ,A.mong . the passenaers was a Mr. Fisher, editor of the North''Star apws- paper. His wife brought an action against the company to repairer damages under cliaPter 1.28 of the revised• statutes. The company ithen filed A _hill . to : restrain the . actibn ' at law, 'claiming that uader the - Imperial" ---a:- Shipping . Act th,roy: are only . -liable in -aueh actions to the extent -of $T5 per t.n..- They claimed. that if. Mrs. „Fisher; sucdeeded in hdr action she would eihaust All- thia. slim, and that nothing would 'bo. left for other persons who.mightbring siniilari-actions; smg they prayed to haVc. the'Surn. to Which their liability was lintitedadivided.pro Tata ,apaoag those who sucbee ed , proving da6ages faastatist. .thein. '- The Oonapany InciVedfpr an injunction -to restraitithe ceana raon lima priiceedinga On: this inoticat, no matekial- was used by the defendant, Mrs. Fisher, eacept air affidavit of Mr, Judd, her .1Fie4eiter. .1 ,it was - tclaimed ..-ifer the defehee - that: the 1-acihipaay was - as are that the:- WO:int:el.- was . unseaworthy. and ' that they were not lentitledtOthe Protection of the-- statute.• The ehaticellor gra,hted :tho. injunction, and Atria FiShet then appealed factin hia _d oisien. Judgment was given es- teriday ia- e Court pol Appeal.:....gtis court he d that 'the-W.44mo had net been regis- tered in due form, --ap that .aonld eilkiPa i th .- Proaiona. of the Imperial Shipiling- _ p . _Are * as,a duly: registered.' British-:•Ship.It - :. was alsoh .1d that thefact that -"the' .c4m- pailY had brought no nionerinto jeOill't •io. eraser then. habilityato dam aces "wa,s.p,grave objectionat - their bill: i --Th; Appeal was allowed Wi 4 eosts.1, Tho". injahetihn will _their-dor° -b,e Set ' aside, and - Mrs. l' Fisl,ier alliwed teProceed !with: her common law - : . apt ena .• `lootin.*Ion the II in . Sci ,eifiPirset-..s.' ri,e6f,..A.AraTert4lransjii:)/f. read nit ciernl'c'rni- . . ter stirig.iiiiticle--„on .the 'deterreination.jof • the velocitips of - fbivling Pieee-'s"hola with s.pe ialtelerenee. to the art of sheeting Pli the Wing. His Cenelnsien. is that there hi A rapid merease in the velocity of lik.Ot: Irani' _the Size-desghated as •N.-0'. ' 1.9 _up to the. hea ier-Na. 3-1 time,' No. .: 8- .shot-igaye.- 8 velocity 0V7i.fe-6110 -8- second of tinio above thatof NOT.1.0 shOt:.;1 1To.t6 gained 47 .feet '- eve No; f3,•fyliile:-IsTo..,3 ;110wa- an 47icaeiase -res ortsihe . , -"It is shown thatifthe sanle 1 of _2 f . •- over No. Gi i.--"Witli e the lieaVier- pen is. the -.4 increase. in yelpeitY is - less fink! ketlle..SeT•lixeP=:e114ifct!:iiiet,'"ofh,griceliahti3littrertylets: 1 we ilt get. velocity -Of 100 feet per.:aeccaa-4, cha ges .Of .' ow'der-: and..:sliet -(t drai-.Wr.:A. povv er and. I.1- :bailees of Shot) -be fired:from: a--„1.()-gauge d'then iron). a 12 ---gauge gimi iu.?aaor of t a ..19,gauge. I Th0. la,toirnoVaa menitinifly r of Smallabereaais,:a therefor, Otto in the - right. direetiot. .The beSt: fawn -4.1,4 -piece for upland- sheeting- j -would charge, -Of _ diet ".for . a: 42:gauge. ..- gun -Is II be:a la, or- 8-laingeagan,-- weighing:- itheat '4. pou ds„ ' itilso appears ";.tlicit -the p.ropo 1 4--. - Twee's,- .- an1a. not 1} 011110014, -AS:- iS twe+the 1 naa) shot' and the: 'swing sliot;!, iisii. ly Stip osed. ' In treating of -aheoting on tie witig,' Pr..". aMayer distinguialied- be - killing the-peferenee to the latter as the sight!, With 't e gnil,.p9inted _ail'. eptly at.the result :01.- e- perience. _ Seine ,sportsmea I , maintain that they .-AiWaYa fallow. the 1E0. Of -0-,.iii a, -rnoVing across __the line -cf bird until th ashot is fired,- -Prof. 3iIii,yer .tried thc. experiment iTi. the ease of -a willet; but . instead :of killina the; first :bird,. the „ One aimed' a-7,, the third One be.hilad -it. felF,... The [ get . Iniust....-.. always . .--be .'pelated ahead. of the bit& aIn firing snap "shots, eif.. tile-1121rd 'ineVes -- ackesS 'the . line- 'of sight sef, fast a's- 80.- runes an hour, and aug sed; with .31'- drainsefCu'itik & ,vey pa der and ounces of shpt, we 1111.1bt 'ShOOt feet ahead; " of "the.birchat-30 „.-Meet ahead :at ao yards, /aid eet ahead a 5Q yards.. If Any .sportarna,h-; oubia this, t strip'-fiae feet': " ", In the Night.: Someffmes lialthe night, when I sit and write, I hear the 4rangest things ; Al3 my braiiagrows hot with a burning tlio't 'That struggles for form and wings ; ',can hear thn, beat of ray swift blood's feet, ;As it speed)twith a rush and a whirr, FtOrn h&a.rt 0 brain and back again, -Like it race under the spur. With nly son 's fine ear I listen a,nd hear The tendei Silence speak, As it leans of: the breast of Night to mat ' And ivessei her dusky cheek. And the darkhess turns in its sleep and yearrra por something that is kin, ,,, And -,I hear tth hiss of -a. sc6retn: rig kiss As it leldg.f.hd fondres pin. • .r., , . Iii.its harryirg race thro leagues of spzice . . I ean hear -be earth catch breath, 4 • - For ikeep liard taer thee.' ' . . . • As ikiit-ctlielQaTivg ,i1Ordthineora,ensstaonfdieshatuhd.ders and groan Andifigh an' .1far, from it distant star -_,Whoses nate e is'unknown to anO, I near a voiellthat says, ' Itejoice, O1! ' - 1 0 ! SWOOt,a/Ff strange are the sounds that range qtro' the Cambers of the night ; Aaid tghaetewsleher -sato waits by th_o -dim, "doi,..k, ' .31lay near 4 ,he lists'aright, . - ; ' ' , . - Airoreyner's Opinion of our G4•18.... _ Mr, Reb6,:-/-t-Mallace, of: TairigheS -Moot- land), visite- Canada last •summer, and be waif prey-a:IA upon tOgivre thegood people • of iThorthi ri an aecourit of what he saw oa- th- s side eV:the *Atlantic. Mr. Wallace -es-, by it rii4e- ,people; ignorant' of . the refme.. ' 1: p -e ted-evidittly to final hiniself When -lie, " • la, dedon:apt sheres in A countryinhalited . !netts Of ulyilied life. He was prepared to isee - ourii..Women dressed_ in. go'aiiis or aritediltviart pattern. and - wearing- botnets. sti h aacreibied the heads of ' Job's wife opiniOns,;] -1-_ .... .- -. . -.... an - ditughtils., One would either think le . -iyA$ it hen,i4ckol hushand:or ,aacriisty; old, . . prejudiced fibachelor,-• from the . following . iT viao suffpraed to :find in the backweeda se tlemeutqi of Ontario and (Xebec, -that- rf' eenacleanite L. darnel- i n Was fashions, gib ni it Pl i a ta° thet hf. 3n i a mosttert - - 6 x p 1_ a i n 0 d ttame, - on enterieg the houses, by seeing try number of ladies.' periodicalii - read; - diSphiying plltS' of every variety ' 2 or 3 yea s, ield had long clothes . for 2 : (tad leature.a The Most amusing .., thi g in t4awayof dress .which 1 saw was. . on. he Meti;lonite children, -Little girls of touch- ing - the -,gri„. end, giving them - a peculiar- : grewnaarrapearance though little over two -- = : . . feet high. high. Atiins was -on a...Sunday, and - -per aps thi.jittle creatures. weie not -doOM-- 'ed o the pthalty .all the week*: We have heard:a 'ai/ell-deal of the beauty' of Amen- - eat and Cilnadian -.girls ; : but if yOu. will-. - , 5, _ Alio, - me traabethe -judge, I Would give do . , greer! to. th:: Scotch lasses yet!i There is . .ncr doubt oi,le .dOeS come Across" now and then a. strilitgly prettx girl,.With- a com- . ple l'onri-hatliallect off the liclof a chocolate . :Ciro mstaii4 Vs, age soon: The suinmers aid - - ia cre n2 box but, taken as a rule; females in : tha eotnitiill are .Sickly and sallow, and, ably-takincl),:siifficienti. open 'air 'exercise to: I wiz. is eVery• iivf.ty to be.expeeted under the too hot andfibe Winterajoo. cold for agree - and. encourOpee palpitatiOu', Which becomes. - t kee up --tliti 41orniaJaatate. of health ; and : heal es, I.: Obeid hot . be surprised :. if the' ,i/a gree tea it'led sliakeathe, nervous system.' .' adi ease . i4itlie - fait -sox: if recurring - fool - frequently taliout A natural cause..-! ,,,, _oapacrs its aBrain Fhod. , --- -- eOrdinal?. to Tilt% Franks- Buckland - a . deal ilia to be: said ili A phYsiological in favda of the oyster as "ail article Of f _ Theiti is an . avorgge. of about ,two . 'half ounces Of ineat to every tviielve - - es.ot sit ll in each oyster, and itS. eon..- stitOnts iii4ltide Mueli:Phesphate . of item and esmaiofral, or creative- matter -Similar to essence 0.1aineet, And also a Certain'quana . . _ tity. lof geltiOne Or mucilaginous '. 'natter, *. and anotheniaterial of whicliPhosphorous is the main_ingrediett.. It is the principal. " britingiyiegifOod - that can.. be takenwaniti.-- • hence is so 14agely used 1),' those- fon of * i.i. ter' rY Pull-cnits, and in. thiS -mariner has'. .' come aii - itl most easentiatelement_of diet -;intellectatil meha -The annals- (it:the ' niversity -,,,.01 l'gr!S shadON_VJ. ferth- _gist - - ion scholaatia_ disputations were more ho _died in 1?5,p, loved his 'oysters SO well u an usually aria boisterous tbe. stn. nt were tt..,..).-the babied rehearsing their - bates OVerf.liyster, suppers, :Louis wir., ao4.-thoughtitio niucli of •- hie ',Cook for the saieay mahnier in which be.furnished iliein up for the royal tablethat lie invested "the. - Chef de culgirfertwith a patent . of mobilitii - arid ade litto it .-handseme annual allow-. .aS90-4Tebe.0 .IIT6heitlit'bi.Re?V8it;fclt:111tre I -CL°011uelgs",'XIPf !it; ... 11694rotiei nee every year. to feastupen oysters, )1t 0110 a distinguished' theo- . logian 'cattle t-0.811 untilnely end by drawn- ". lo Get What,yOu :•Lendon Troth; olaseraes; was i-yeakenOugh to pe'.3.-.tny. fee '-at."- ctne Of these -(iaitelligence) efficea-'whelt i:n *apt. of adaok. . -The agent thereriiliewed srev.:T- .eral_tawdry,fenaales, -Who' had idea of ,ceekiii a and 11 great idea, of Wages'. and per- qiusitea. erigage auy,elie of them "waa- hopplesa,-- after :seeitik• ' thee .impOsters; l.gav.e" up: allidett of suitihgrhy self frorrilhia seuree„taid -advertised-eh ray erwa aceeruntattintztlien 'atiitOd Myself -;-:.hat's aniOng the :answers tO.; - adaertisetnent were to lesa than aevoilteen 'front_ registry officeaaiiicluding.die .fronfaiy late friend, itIl Offering theirteraieba :and assuring nie of satiSfaCtiona -When it merchant ea deal, ea hae.eoreariaditiee"te sell iard no time -to find ogstOraera, amiddle num :is :far tiseftl petbonao ; 'between Thor. omployed and ehiplciyed- such an individual -is not re- _qairecl, ;so lang as :adveatiSement -Columns. exist.- Aa.::a-aaheation :beth, policy atd- , . principle; eraphiyere-eahhet do better.. than forswear the of ;Buell mediathe 7 - ppearing one "after another la the- Apether .boa,t 'Was -lee:Off in: the- ,tvatering-jolace of Llithdudrio, Oil; the coast and,'*as'„-citbiind splinters of -Wales betWeen Ifolyhoad a'ndLiverpoOt ie ship's :side,. the- occupants tueet-. .There -they: Were -:rnaariedin' . Calvinietic. me fate.- -These -Who-new re; -chapel. Anstetither. -and -a '-ironclon. board :were now coMpletely .aetec#Ye Firm:led' the 'cotiple and. overtook the 1.1.oriibje sightS and" shrielta theina When, inathe Moat rein-antic:manlier, Wning peopleaaad-refhaed to and strictly after'the- etYle. of irate fathers ats., •- eornedieg • illiaAnatruther. -proceeded ' . . SEkEINO:DF TRE- to'flcig Ilia. soa4ia-law._ _That prosaid:crea; • • with MraLawaellee l3risCoe Graham to th e tare ignobly drew a pistol and at the last• • SceiteI never before a-vitnidthe„.ss_enoidi_a_s- a'n,en presented. : .a.aen . -t e story had sunk to the leVel Of a tS h ' ' . - •P le cahi,n- prayilaal,. s'arilelfs•Li'va4u:'•"441". Ta-nta°,iatlricilecc°oCriu7it.Y--4nad,. 1'111 the.Pittt'le's were h . .-AllOf aaSualden there Vir,S - a - 1 euna ae_er .nia-my....tinliars giving . A priVateca,,blegratt tells a gentlOtnan in c e elinek ute.,.fc.i.t.aii ove..th-6. lie8_-. this.city that the -Freneli -Government has' "a had .12tokeril coMpletelv" in two. • deord6a to 'gritfrt;'*11:41**IY":'.i-!!"'''',"-: . 'trade...het ....1141.13. inher-oDpFgtihWtohpeli$,:tiogeesis,p,a,enndsteha,e64Iaatilecir tiirneotti mi Havre, he,.nezt: tninitte. the Vera Qra i uktai a ,a4ti..Vthree,: tGownefla. binf-gstaft.L.th4_wev:ire.incictiee,lo;. b a.... long, at a dist pee of 8Q yard:sired-49 eye, and theri:jadge whether theee 'figales arc te9 large. • -"The: apparenadistance -M only about_18 inches: - ..HoWever,: -nothing Wi4 make a.goad shetbat practice.' ..Jthas been:. stated that.' 4 pedagogue -can teach to read and write, but a ,crack shet is a gift of the. •S'eein;, the giteen's VaInable4:- A correspondent:writing from :WindSor ing la the riVea _Seine after the .5ympesinnit drown - speaks of tl1O tremendous aniourit"'ef pulltng goito-Onanil the subservity to the. 14,43. PPW('rst4at.be.. -` I desired to see_the v, ate "84mA/hell:fa alid tlieagtild -.plate; be Cause' both are '.conSideter wonder f beaaityazid Workmanship : but there. Was nauch-fass. if -1: wanted- to besiege :her ' ost gracious"Majesty... What witkwriting ()Ione persan; DE414-1,1:011.'itnethea,_ and. hav- ing' to - he introdUced to another, I. was sick elf the whole .niatteraand.yetevety.ohe says was very fortunate, for I . got .permisision te dayAfter -asking, and . people :_are, gone, -taily-.keptlWaiting a month. Tho :. ho gold plate if; Valued fifteen million dollars, -and -the Ana and pictures and various. other :odds and endsinthe Quqen's rooms. are simply -priceleasa Otto. footstool is -worth' thirty thousand- •pounds sterling; it is 'a geld tiger'e.head. with: jewelsiincrusted. Otto vaso beat ten tholisand guineas, 4iy.d..a Mali -white vagels much, if not marc.1Qn- the whole you. inay say that -Windsor is it nice little : homestead -- for the _ .110uSe of Hanover,' • 1. The origin of the saeramental-expresSioh -By.'_,Tinger has long been in doubt. Since it gaverise o a ilialmahie -Pirate war party in Rnglatid, -a emiple :years 4g0, --e. num: ber..Of mere .r_lese rational : bypotheses1 on; the subject aciti . seen the hght,- none of them, - ho er, entixely. satisfactory. Licht mova f is it from an -unexpected qicarter.- -F. in' a -work - (otherwise- very n -an(1 valuable)r- on the.riunaienlattie -4toryUf which haS bean:prepared and pnblislie hy_the-Japatese Government t appeays. th . there reigned in -Japan, two emziptiA4,44aerroie:awha, re'oi:thtelie_et.h4Cp_11.uroift§m:ean.onfelrekneaohs.: eritalnititt' y til• Weztvcitithe - being 111 1.:ear1. gi3 the deaki 0,11• Sucked d' wit ?The national -air of Iceland is identical vessel. .1.1 tbe.auq.faze with that of 4ngland., heir detain ca4ht up 41 Briglish sail /ritiktintiM ITSSforS, • el. At he reedit ball given by Mi Her- -no.chan,-__ at -IN owpott, in honor of At and Mrs. qa-Vendip: i iBentinck,-whiteis saa- tat hate" een: the,color most worn I but fiu1iiomiab1e caorliTfor winter wear will ! according to, iiresent appearances, ruby, - gariiet, piuni tuti tho inevitable old gold.; :Fielm :both 4; !whiteand black .1aee are more worn tan, ever, and thick. cord and lassels?.with 1 bratton5 of. smoked; :pearl, - 1 silver andst.00 are amonget the favorite trimmings.. IL., ngiand anklet's are still i..-,. .inaiSeed on askPleasing and probable form of :doebrationhbht America, has not yet ..,yielde - _Thltratest news from Tramline - ,- '' 1 asstire us th taking/her-,aii-Parisianlady, -sumni rrecreOitin at this Watering -p foundit to cOsibtin changing her _nine times in tAid-daY.- First_slie do peignoir, tlie0.4. a walking - dress, then i - bathing -l' -bathin4-eostuir 6, yachting costume, • and: -_ so on until Sh4teilninates with a Anishod - for a per -'party.,.- . ir__I!!.1 4 ,,, JAILLED v v irrrtifip clIINTIM31 A 'UOON.--- sad ' accident 'peeimled a ' few days ago in the ; township of put it] by ' which a promising' young, junan. Alatned John Johnson, zo,-. adopted Son of t.,',14 Stewart Holmes, naat ' withhii 'iletithla Ort ..loaday eynin- went, aCcomparOtt by Mr....Relines, to • es -,piece'of woods lloal3 a corn -Add, and ve4! ai-4- i$hortly the dog ,d.ids.v0 4 racoon i' to a rrioa lohns oil climbs-Ali:the tree to -ills Gill- -1...aecoon, but - intaiiiig his"held,lell ground, a distati:00 of alio/it:thirty le taining . tetrib101,14juriesa -He lama removed t� his b0i0e and - Pr.r.f.9 ZOunnvil'-Seuli , for. An ' -e-i bowed- hat hif ji.h.juries -vier* .."-at ii thing cerdd ' be don irig5 tahi in ;41: ' -4;4 nti, .i..11.,, &el . '41Xuei1dW 24- - itftie.pre gee. , i174. 4'e