HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-09-17, Page 1P ----7--"--"m"....”"1"...1171.1.111111011 =M. VOL VII --37. LEGAL. VILLIOT TRAVER, - Attorn y -at -Law Solicitor in •ixery, Conveyancer -4c. Mee- next do the Post Office, 1;ucknow, Ont. ,A,Ati,ko.E) KR,SON,ArrfoiiNkr;.' 4b- ot.4'p, d -c., Qiieeii Street.";_Kincaidine: : A3 f_E 8- 'I%- . :I,. li, RO w, -:. -- ---• . .... . - Barristet.. AttorneYat -Law; Salle. *Chancery, OT,iicer,..e.te.; Goderic f. 'Money to loa- it. reasonable rate,f., q , :est, and on term.-.1.til atilt borrow ers. - - k,kiES---S-0-3/ '4-RV-ILI:Xi 418raltiator for Tri stand Loaii.'00,. • • 1 . . , - .•• .. -- : - CoNvf:TAxeRa. - .Koney.toloan on- easy tering ouReal Es • - - - lean at 74-., per ce t. straight interest. Ara tia- 'I A- Xli (.-?;4, - ( onveyancer, ('...m us a. lane in B. R., etc • Mone to ,i - • tar -for [ha Lain ed Bapri-ing-.foz."- .• - - - - • ' * ' ' KINLOUGH .P: - - -'- - FREDERICK-:'F_tOGERSI•, -- -. „--(1-, a:f. -of Teeswater.A - s - - - . , Arairkter-at iAlw- .....ttfortiev, ----soliettoi. 1 -. -Chancery,. eonv-e yancer,Etc., Etc.•- ' oFrxez :,_- Bl ‘, PriVate te ils to opal; If . ason's ock,-:...: _ *INGHAM; ON weer Sep an . = r--.,•_.:. -,m.EDicAL;- • -Physician, Surgeon,. &c.., Offiee °an ) DIEACKiD - RA 1) f the ITniverSityofTOrOn i)p.posite t1 batik. 1 u (7ase tbe 1.1r : • /rot in the Office, e 11 at the _Luck-tiow Rank-. • DR FB. 4.1.),N6*. ILA.DITATE nf -Ilniversity of Toro!) .! lIIvWiaTI, Surieun, &e.()fifer., 31 - tine Hetel. Thinge. inon.• = - o • 1; NERAL: - -..-7-Th:. "AND' on easy term If payment.: -.Avid), to- JOI-Iii 0001tE, Agent, Dungannon. ----f-- - - 11AS. F.. 'Alit i -S . • t... ,_ . .-..Pnwincial. Lat. d Sorqycir, Valiator n a1.nd Agent . Offic.e.over Eadie's _Drug 'Stet - Tring ham, Oat. -11 orderbymail Will r ik. eire "prompt•atteri ion:- RObet :C111111171 ah (1111; 6 - zee At - ..TGetelfilk J1.1.11.01413, Li3entiate o Dental 'S-uiy,eryi- has. re- inoyed to -AVingharri, where lie- will carry on vie dentistry 1:maine. s'; but he --wOuld bi.1.-; ti 'iti.form hie' patrons that he will visit Lueicnow • •i the the first Monday and 'euesday, and also on ths. third SiondaY and ,T.tiesdiiy....of each month arEce-at Pa,sCeels : - - A LUCKNOW ONTAAIO, etiMLION & CAMPBELL -BANKERS. - - L'utkNoW, ONTARIO Money tO -Loan.' N.otasantL Mt rtgage.'a ught, Preft*. and • Cheques in all points cashed, - Special and Pronipt,Attention'paid. to .the-:-. . . _ . . - -... Colleetion of NotesAccounts, Rintic- &c,- .. RAFTS: PAYABLE- . AT TAR „Issued - :On the-prikcipel cities and towns of,Caria, a. . and 'On the ITnited ' 'States- aod- Great Britain,' .- -.....Parties- Retplittlit N-Vill find .tliie the - cheaoeet..eafest,• and mod nivenierit niethpd - - - ... -11IGITBST :RATE. OP I.NTY11,:ST _ . . • .. • . Alloived.o.it',Dept;sitS,. in the...Sa-Vings _Depatt- -juins's• invested fu privitta -ptifties,•- --,ii. general 1.3aukii7g- Business tranSacted. ,CiPlitVeralleifigill all itS gtit-40,h.1:., tit'Fici ttoritsirg-ottra 4:--tt.--ito t. I.. It D..-.}.1._ CAlgERON..:', --.: '15....c4:40),ELL ,welArk.Ptildic.iCo.rii, ' -• } - missioner in'''Q.', -7"., ' - - Conveyancer;- &C. '-,1 . ,- . - , . Liieknow,•,-.1nly 29; BA) -4,21-B130.. • (or CA-m_Enos 6c..• C.imPn - _ TARY, PUBLII Coinmissioner in Q. R4 Conveyancer,• • Etc•., Etc,- _ irCKNOW, - •ONTARIO. Conveyancing in all its Branches. Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, A rgse,rnents, .eases, promptly and carefully prepar - and (*ire tne -s ar•tit e Special and prompt attention paid to the arching of Titlei, and to all matters -e'en:- [ected with the transfer of -Real Estate. A1GE8 'RltASIONAII I ONEY N PIRSt- CLA-SS at 7 Vt.- . per 'cent:Interest ://akal,le yearly, arges verv 1fl(.c1fr:li.. pJy to - - "‘--It().B.1313T St:--'11eltns. ecretari-of-the.,Wgst Wawaziosh -4Intuat: _ re 'Insurance, eanipany nothing. but farm nerty ti. A' wishingto . insure this:popular farmers conipanyin the -.to.1:c.'n:` ti's of Col born-, Ahi1,1. --East and AKest. Watiogh„:1CiuloSs, incl.-nitro:if by sending- a St :card to -.rhe will -be calledon and eyery o.rntatioirgiven.- ••: •• RORER"' MURRAY St -Helens P. NEYTO .LO - -111i JIG -ALD .1V-0; o-1.814.G.R A.Y. A...M., niects the Thursday- nt or heforefnllmoou -)..f each. Month at 8„ pap. Visiting brethi ren cordialhitivited. R. IIITNTE i 4Ciiii‘E- ON, W.M. Seerlelary- - fUCKN LOD •-Meets every Fader veiling at 8 i tlampbell-lt.. All brethren cor- - - • -- Wii CONNEL.Aiecretaiy EC)C.E.- 11 •11 se- ONEY-TO LOAN it .-InWest ratesi"from2 to 20 year . liStA of .F41'11[1'37 rpt ntariafas well as j/..1aOitOba. FoftleS-'06;', Ut ta-sfIll-Urm,. will conSiztt their interests . u_specting„ the advertising fa thtits ofSub-, ber in .G,'ent Brittrn and •Ima td and con zitozfor - -LiaidValiktor,:linckneW --Ell.C11srLry- 01?"TRt • - MARKED --toop- Fo----ptcs,re. -15rAL.ItR: :TRELEAVET‘.-f - H- ASI opened. -a-Groory. ..Flour arid Feed _, Store in his new btock, nett door to the Zed FlakStore.-.where h is prepared to gell-ae --- - elieapas-tbecheapeiit --All new-freshgroceriet ..•_ at PriCea.to-suit, the tinaes,- GOoda delivered so • A - part he towoli. All-, orders for .-godds-: ' t be - ai : beforethe goods; are iledyeredi- ._ tendtoCondact business on a cash iirinclple. therebY giving the piirtihaser the advantage or close koode at low pilices. A_ large quantity of Afinueseta Lard • ilta_Wheat fat seed.lit = -- A ' ' ' - 4 at- AI' SPEC 'tkic mantriEll • _ • llirtatt MAitlt.TAS CA',:AZAt Ex:TR-ADE' titAttle., '•- An nil :11118" • al Wes rteSH, -Sperm r1rhea, - -11111; teticy, . and a thaf•- T 4",g- note SeilfarrAkf•= - atia ai losS 'fEeniory Universal.' liass".- • taie; tbifibaiik,-•Diinnese-Of: TsreniattiroOld ail.. anil Many other; .Diseasee _ t- lead to. Insa4ity or Ofroneoinittion and a- reip,4pre. VitToll particulars in . • esetIgi.m.paiet, w i,ch we desire- to send free ;nail to eyer one, Med; e is eo1d liv il1 iliow„-ititsi at rt:f per pack, Tie -- or six_ pant wee for kr. :or will be Sent- -e.f the' money -13Y ad- of . . - - • . iva astir EItiu co., A.w. - .s Toronto, Out., Onnada".-• 'Tick old lit Lite Know by ilItitinrgistesn41137.. INV ire InCanadapad- the United &Nal* `Ifibele$16 - Sold sea dreiggiata, RIOZE IlitTTERS. , enufne- At 0.•-oatly ,RadUceilRites XS OP RE1-3AYMENT TO MITIT rrower: Sae my rates before borrowing aiersikuire. Agent for first-class, - 111.11.441(074V-002truilTIES, - - "• - ' 3- ri • • . • . • tlatitic Kai Steamers Tickets for ol, London, dlaegow, and all parts" opeas low as any other firet-elise line. , Agent for Beatty' Line of Steiniers. or Winnipeg, and all -points week at • D. LIAMPBBLL, Nati. Tot Cc,- As. Same. Q.:Ss -,- ' -FRIDAY, ommgcts,:.--ipuptip - . . When alone with lier soon af turned and said sharply- - 'What does all thin //lean ?' She looked around as if some an fleal. SEPT. AWAY_ - 1880.. .344L -His brci-iy• con . in lines of -..tb,-Ouglit: lht Suggested, ehieWdnees, 'cunning,- neOling.filan,' 13', and v, he judged- -- • • - • I. mit take him, --he will-go:to Mr.', ..Prame _with Certainty:-_ betiefret „ • 'Curses On:Chrietirie's 'waywardness- th hre e r- may be no contesting her, and.mybestcharice for then both will be Morethoroughly tin ROE, -11 .my suriei ance. 1- • - erward, h will •.be in 4iiinaging,bira.-" • I dould.not do else were 'Were you addrei•dzyr me-" kro a.ked coldly. , . - 'Yes, of course m, said her fatlitr im • Pa`tFiernotmlY).-our tone ---_'and -Manner. supposed - you must be speaking to some one else.' `IsTonsense I w.;as speaking to -you. What does all this niekti&-- • ' Fr:She turned -on him an undescribable ilool., and aftef ii;_moinent said in 'a slow. ineaillo you not beard tifk ex_planati n. : Suchwas.her, inamiery 11,', f. t he 5M -X1(1. a '. . . ... • . -ea-.. strike'her,:as say.another- word ,- .• .-':-•'`Alutteriii- it. an oath, 71;ei:. tod'ited oil hi *ad left her O,.:h:erseff. -.... . ....." - - ' ... . ' 'the, .7ii.-ext morning:her-- f - her': t - . "Go'inill,)-Y.': In parting, he sahlinea,nin ' 'Christine; ,!•,..warel'' 4-- .. . --• - .... -. . . , . . , . . --Again she- tor:- -.,•-•.--iipOli Aim tlitt`t pe . ........ - -- . i . •. - • ook„ andreplied- in a lo v, prin. tone . .. ._. _ . ._ . _ , . . . , . , .!'_,Qn..itekin-essirn ._41)plito.yo.U., alio.. ia-bo.t.tirl:aWare,- es.tweliot.11re_yent. at lei .,..The- wily . Man, Skilled.if.iii'":-.eliaraeter, . ‘, ,. . ow, thoroughly- convinced that in hif•da ter he Was dealing _wit i - a i•711:1 re, Very...-differ-.- ent from his wife's --that he was uoW, cbufrOnt.-... ed b3- a:spirit as Proud and and imperious as- hio:, --. ,- . • . ..... .. . own. ; : ..-_-:-.-- arly e-,•:v.'tli--i.t. tin i--tc- tn-rei .tooing, - sternness ..wmilci - ot answer" -:i0 I has- c-:. Se,. mid er gain , h er consent and 'co::61-)eratiot i -.• - . . - - . . .., _._. . . - •., • • , thatif he carried- his point it must be hrough skill and cunning; - Pr:sill/le 'Means- he must -:. ttis ;manlier. .-changed;:•„•...likstiiictiv: lY:Slie;. :-. -Afte,r, hs departiire - she, Wxisf:-te 're , ain,..at, f diViiied. thecauie ;: anti 1ieri-,-; did-ii,_41,There- fore father'and daughter parted as father /Md. clanizhter -ought never to- -part: ' -. .- .: West. :Point ;till:Abe seasini -elose,..L an then .ziceonspany _Mrs...Yen Brallsheim -$6 Nei York, -Where ehe -W-as_to Make -as.long -a ...Visit as She - • - - - • clicee---;and she chose to.inale/-ciiiito . In the scenery And . society of 1 the f.offi cis at Slie:avenVdeliberately to:w.ork, to.k ill- till.. coand II, \Veit -.:=Poiut; and' 11;e. e'xiitemerits , f the - ,rrie.tropo•lis, : she foil ii`,(1 .niore..,-to_••oecni• y-•er . thenglits" than _she ioilld'Inie--cloneiit C" 'icago.' ?' . S . bee e glY cliltar :Let sure.' Was • ti--.. ,tiji- fc'oul it.--:sn-,..li ile-etino-- itleaSures;ds She /night. ,..• ..- .• - --• " . : . • • : - ,.. . . .. ... ..... . ... _ • -1116r:stayed in . the -..,Conntry tilk.the peinp. - and glory,i4-.. :,-)etither -beLrt'tin :..to .111AtiliOr . the MountainS..- and th-en (to Christines:-Ag:ret -went:to. the City.. , ' There. She•'•entered into , . every- a.muSeinent ' and - dy;s1pation. that. -her-: tastes:permitted, And forund.:muon pleat re in frequent Visits to the,-entral--l'ark; :fili-I (nigh it COM -ed. -1-mt i tanre 'and's:artificial after' ' the _ . . . . • . , . :wild .grandenr :6f -the Mountaius.1.• ,It. was - w ckll that: her ,n attire-. Was -scil-bigh,toriea that. she found enjoyfuent ' onlY 111whatikas. rc. 1 41.- ntelleettiall-' 'tad.' it been-otheriViii•-glie- • . Or " 1 rThillir.),',./It se'm have .-taken, in her ino hid 'reckless ,state; a path to S-Wift !And:- ;rpipwaiiesA - f•- • • - -. • • - --, ' - ,,akui_any a poor ere...ignite-ail at wai':._with b-.4.,PpineSs Ictid trittit;Itas' done.' .: And. tin iS-.Tin .a, Liddy whirl -of exeitemint:,(1grs; Yon 13ii..akr . . . . _ . . beira's nein-14-'66/14i thin) the -days Aricl'rw-ek,i. .-, Mrs,Non- Br.akheitii '..'-parted: With herr with 1 Passed, tffl,L at last, :thoroughly Satiated and s-jaded.,.'8114,eoncluded.to -return- hinne,_.foi the -• sali- of a.. change and.; q niet,•if .,riothing_. lse. , nme,h- -regri;-t..-_-- • Whe-re -Would she tin if,lancli: ... . - - - . - - - . • -. f . . anOther ally in her determined- stinggletif.he'l , talked .1.s_rni and: -envied- iv:iitile:.niOre :than' . , , soine:other.plashinc,;, ;t4-,tlinc•E vistaries of f. iih-, i011, - .' '' ' : 1 - - :---7 - -' ' . . -.- ''-- In . 4,TH:ooloi.-or .sleep ' She made' the_joitiney, aod-iii -tfi,4 (Irishof •_ao' winter's Iday her.fathei---... 1. dim:4411.60o their beantilid liOnie; _lnit_wh'cli . fef much. .Thy• in q tzaoh_iither. "very Politely, t from itssii.eiation. ,wae iiii* 'alinest hateful to• her Still she. Was tno.lu-earyto think_or and. their Interco -in -se .-asioined at -Otice: - its pathy and affection tnan before: -.. '• : --- It Wonted Qhailteter of high -tired courtesy;thoug-,11 perhapah little -Vlore.. Void. of mAnifes-tzit syin--: . Several clays pasied in. lans.uid .amthy, illei natural -reaction Of. ii/ -1;46 eXcitemont ; then an . evenebecurredwhich most thoroughly aronsld hers. - :. , . .. . . - . . -, - --- :-- ... Cli,APTEit XXXV11. ' - - • -.- • .ttiv firp".irtivoN: _ • , - . - . • Mri.....tiniolPh.tored to his return _ that'Deionis Was dead.1That'woOld -.end -all did..not 'knoW:7-7hl!. was not at last 'accounts Was sutnmo ;ed. Vir,ttlx Nutt lippeftil,-,face be stated tha Motherhaii.j.n-st receiVedla letter: Sayin . - . . . Dennis, :was- a- ..better. He. was Mue sUrPtised athienniolpyer's. heavy.friretn. • . -W;tt ii'v0;!--'1040e4 -Mr.:=LuckIpti ;. no* 'shall -hiin. to retign--to if he were In the store • . 'My A.nd so far,nneopscions Dennis thi important qttes--. tion was decided. - - : • . ' .last, Oe:: we.. have said, hie '• cleliriu cea.sed; and the oidet ligh his" eyes. . Ile lo mOther . _ smiled but W4.8 too weak eVei, to held out his hand; The'doctor coming in s- 'n declai d danker !and 'that all 'depended now on good' nursing. jaittle fear' -of hie 'taxman • . ••• g tAiLt. - roin&Gott_be praised mine•---Gort he- .: eXpz.ct A. _ •_• _ --'''.0erliaps sfielas told'ailit;'"tlitinglit he,*M- I .at (1.4i., --his own manner becazse tinged with cerfAi colatess and digwity. lif. determined. • thaci both i'a.ther :_aqd_•dauglitiaii eboiild tbink:- yl. .of Vol -oril with respect: -;--- ' -.. . - . - JO the 33 udere the. lifill.ininni . came With': -- . . Dei4is. 11Tetaphorically the fatted Calf Wes Irill.-; their plain little room .Vras triiiitzieds • WitileYergreens, and -When Le entered he vias greAcci by such a jubilant trininphant -chorus_ . oi .v.4..ikeznes -that alnioatt took away Ws breath. AV•lit little he had leftsuddenly • 4 , in squai,zed out of him, for Slre..13-ruder dropping . In her iiying pan and dish- cloth; rushed _upo4 d : _ • iAi - Mine - fren =tile 'frau! De 8004 GolebtipraiSed,' and she gave luni emkraif -° - that fai`aile hie bones ache. . Mr. Bruder stalked abOut,the room repeat. - ing Nylth explosive energy, like nainute . 'Praiie Gott 1. Praise Gott:!'.- Ernst,- with_hrt- Erea,A.C.yes dinimed•withhappy- teas, Clung to • praisel:r-e . - eti• Mr. -13ruder, who' had o : . - . -..• - . - .,,i. ---- , D. if" - ' , .. Jinnd, , . as if he .wouhl _Make -aura- by leave the rootr,.to -pfeVent.an},explsiOn -Of li'a ta.";_:*et,;:sibit°714:4.1.04,y8v4Wetle144estitifl'i..otnt:ea.mih:r'e-114.,. ita,''Ze-'.--_-; _ eelinga that /night . Lave pr6Veditoo-rtidd . tempeSt.tobeniiiti in ibis week state: . -He Was littlelirtidera. were equally.,jnbilant; `though Seenstridinii,:acrOss the .4eltts.tp:'4-1:10.4thi; , from-10thirinixed:niotives, 1/ennitt; was 'very - - boring grove, ,ejaculating as-..:4::',vietit.,,• When • 1 w11,ti..:).nt. they cofild'notkeeitheir:roinideVs .- ,• . hit'retprzi.ed hie.eyes shiiiie with a great peat rieeittefore had ktlisoci ittlx, .biletea.reer.....,_ . and he had -'-vicieritlYillebri..wiih Hint ":. • --i' • -- - - 1Out. 0.the -preparations .for such* *upper as 'who. had "caskotit the:demon. frona his .heart. `Trilbr;' tlieught-b04.nii,a010-100-ked.tround: :.)a,y after day:Dennis falliefd. back-Into:life r ' - :an i'PP3P. -:.- :1s4- {i• -i't itfitt191.4i" nh;v with i 1 ul r;befrane ttin3.:1 el flY' 'k; li4en d°' : 1- idna edcsFr4at; ;nal! i te :* di iff : "ill t:- ' "-Unlike. poor.,-.1Christine, he hid heneatii .hin .t.lietWo-StrongeSt 1.ever A,-loyezancl.pr4teri.a i i. ---4.'---- ' . -- ' ' ' .stea•dily tliejr lifted-I:din ta.htiaitli -and-Streilgt 1 1•4' thP- •c -at' 1448 ;412'74-e4.-1114.8* •Illt.e0st' 1 - :micr,Coinparittiveljeace,• -.-.. At :last. be .-ni ahr . ,11,..reai,catliii-::icit ;.,li,i7.:,y,.;e„,r,„ -.ic:Ibeniat -17,8,e... ,.tie,110._.h.iiii.1711..111;^. --;:till . • • )1.4.11.: _ u ..s .permissum. wen . , . - rather .4 hoAii-se i,oiee i''- .-- - ;. - PYtee ['t" -f Ilis'214"` -- - -. ' :- -• ` .. - - '.--- :' ' - ' •-rrt9e.t.sni.;elli'll„'i:rne.djt.i'lc;ing's ..t_Olielj--"hlisi''''f.ifa4ixtid' Illyv..r.:r.I.BArisii„d.41 I isi:' :a 1-::'Pliliv.:3:s,--1Suie valeseid;":": Yeii.yilus'ifii::: tit. d46:ehu t,' c41-71°8 riytIoro:efs. _cl, a*. i az ni -11:1.-aciy:psicet. tijhl It7ee•- 1:7.1u, _bin. nnega bear;, 1 t- s: . IT :If. any,N...4.4 telt-me., Gottvls uot-g,00t and tui wit ti.ioi.part of wkistt 4e,Tootra for jui._ N -rung Deuniii- hand. at parting' he said in - .-,- .. ,......110.. lirnirt...a pleasant little -COt age .S1‘07.014... ln: :70wtb..ittkif,#: ild iiitegra. a,.01. :ph,4. ,. he . • ii.-. ... gi:aiidest: -,.Q/Igk; 4e:grandest-t-'.i but ijinct -he; p - i0(;11.: :. Te N4t111...?4 ''4,1e g.i.aud.ilt- 01411gri 4, after and .irieitalligd-tbani in it. Irina, --; he ha4,11What he needed ‘.all along, .ii' Ionia- a - .4-ri, Eruder:tnonght it prtide4AP Inill ili_s -big.: -re:lit'ingp/liee foi„,,kod), 414 *out, -under the- - for tap:over Iiis-..,eyeS:tintliii.ake a, rush forthe . *a-te- hifoili.-..eye,of 1-4.14-.. ..... - . ,„ - . - - , stage - - . . . -4 '.- '• - --.: - . lab 1.1aie Dr. Artearoehliin--ititre41 - - . . ... As- if by tacit - .understandingtahrhstiiie'e, A pi. 01.fii-41t, tkAttalapPea hil33:9A theback in hie' . .iii-L,ple _.-1.4i„ttn-et been ___ent_pne_._,_ ..,_ g . Iti.1-4,10.. ;,-, .ear.t.;y-.... ' ' ' ' -ion - i - c I ani,- . -1) " -'- r• ji - R‘01--: - • - ' - - - "': - s' ' - .. . - r:e44V-ery '. 'BOt:-.one_ evening•-afier '04Y -little'. 't :_:-`Weil, 'ivell`'i -*.ourtg ion f You have .eattee-teE - . ..iticl:.k,.iiii.iili,,...,ei!-_rui,ili.s.rbase. ft], wb.aitc_hic •:tt.litettaiiii. rwthh:tatiet_s4.eac.et.,;rd. n.ado r.: e`rT.,/jtern.4-1).04oni:itz. 1114.i.congt4)dintisonoideid:a. nagoailliny. i In: gli1S-had been. puttp.-hed, - andthe‘. lai*p 014(1-: i be thatticfnli.Wud not, the diXetore, either;'". .., . -. ed, he. Siit1:31. the tv.i!ilight roo.tui. .: 'nkfixOly ' ‘.1 thihk I ini; enidihninle:emiiing; : si-3 ' fdr.a liii4; tiiii.e at. the - glowing 11:Albers, --ale - - .Sioldhly the Docot lo.oleed mrave, . ._oth:er was-...In.ot'iPir .i-I'l$131.--',a14914.': - ively.Watehed him. At last - comino- -$6 hie little.stlitiled„. Aiiitting. lakei-.114'.4 • tj ..-'--4 . .' .1 ''-.. '- . .. .- . Atrii.k. the- tea:Shings, eltiling lip after the . _`;Are 1-4.,:ii a hetithen,- or a good kllirietioni• .stern,Voice . . ,,... .... :. ._., ,. „ : ‘1.1.7 i ren'S play ; ',.bOt . as she ,wOrleeil she fur- - - . , - • 'I flickife net the former, : rt -plied -Dennis -a - aid' gently, -1..-.. .... i !.- .- • . ..=;:- - . . etano.Idvslid4liii4i.uyeoliu.r.().roeN01..r:htvelln=074'.itilileilli., gleentidywougu. ...', 1- , .. •'Yon; are thinking •_. Of Xis& _Ludolphs -ten• . . _ - - - - .• - .4t.i-__ --- -- - r is:, -_ Ile had:soine blond yet, for that te'•-•livt"- -initthigtuncide. liless_*-1=ntiziehl„tny amtiti . ie glow. of ri-t---tre -that -suituies-his cheek:;. ,. O., •ue: friOd..N.-tolicie.' tlienis-tioaonate.:_tclinredri.zesnots*=4'-aitiite'LlilAiall._ .. - ' ' - 411r '' • --F' .--' - ''''-' ' - ; th 'la '-' _I iit he .only answered.qUietlYi - - - •- . ,...,0i,or ttiti..13ng .b6dy. vi. -x(„14,14. 4n-d•you,eara6, -1)0 yui think- you. can forget her.' -.-...- : . -... . • ... --1 es,.:mother.' ' .iiesir 'Pt(ingt. A ' heavy .pena3ty .-..foChreakii the. _ ‘Ynxi won't gettlit'thit-second time.' ; `.I. don't know..•L -- . -• .--.: --: - . -: .....' - - - 'Prayer is a n•ainhty. thing -my s•on ' LI ' `)(oul,..4 pot,. b0c.t.c.a,,- .. I -14.01t .500:ilitit -1 : - 11•13e.ridtlygrexiwtralilrie4-m: ;e4...--tbr--. '-r•-;1)e13-- iance-, I -e • -.•13ot perli.aps. it .- is - not -(Ited!..,s..willT.iisid, 'xiiii_rica ,hough to give eonail:,adYloe,". Beiii • - ezini4 deep- )ntlentlY::-;-,..-- ' ' - . :-: • _ . :. ., -. 1 e bru ' pie ,gaiiirplieir4i, paseiiig_on. :.. --;• .1\1:110!iri.:.t-ililreri.Y,".:sitai:.id-8:,..*D-4et.'nni.iosi-1,!'vili'-i..*tli•Yb;Whetid4.' ''h'ii.e:n(il: -1.1.a-V:(liPao°1".°81tij.l.:9-6111:61;111iin- tittillatre:411111C.:1141je.rlie:1):.;LE4- ft$ I::: - . a. _cl low t.olie,: 'hut 'yet T• ani.d.inth.a..-11-: and 7. e..-17 .bblytel)afkian.:it.phteh_scoh_inni,. and. re. 7. te. t.,0('>,i,r-_ ' -. 6,..12::_..ilv1.0u)_"-....-;2-..iti_i_i. ," iv..i-..8._hi.,:..-.t.h-__at....ii-t-:xte,-_ :0-...-TH'-\--,;i: ._...1..:(:)....1,101:-.,:elco.,1.ed. 14.44...,Peunis, . .::' . .....‘St___ _he As. *,:.69.4-.:A. rlo - -- - - :-.• ,-- . - -.•, = . -.., _ - ,., _ _ . I am n)t so sure &beat Oat . A .ir.Aow nAurljt 1:' c6,tildrrotIelP it..!.-- . - . •_. Oulnent4taitit4 . in the church ,who *ill, -eat Mbsteri. SPad 'for .inippet..., and the Bend -10r- . Yo1.6v-Ou-Id snbra-ii.'?' - - •such ' .t4ree:reil.oiscit450:r:74:: ;Iiiitiiviii,te4efie..4-.E.botetfuotrieim-ylasotrti$,Lnis.g., : "Yes,: With his'helP1-wOuld,' firrtdy. : . . o 'd 6.'. '' • ' • ' - , -, ..•- • -- Tliatis.hidlicienti lily buy;.' 1 h ' t.,!:,-Olivinake out 'The dosetot-lau.iel:pti/c":.-: '' -Co ifidence-inGod thati know- that•Ahli Mat- tecl,tOlottt serious encl.:sympathetic, .attd-call ' .: . ..• , ic _us A4 Ste. Will result -.In -4. : wait' to "..Secure...3'.51.1".:.''the-. "'ti' lav•ttlfeak'tiltan-il 'ts-''P\°441tY by '891lie. -."--- • - i iii- -), ,,,,:: . - - :' ' - .. o Oen iieffl 4,atni-4iiiine. tbat-ne ('He can lindre - - • - 6' ,a:!et.lia-IT-1T4 '77 t -e- '' - • .:. .'., -. ..L.: . ,I-itimtt.:: 1 11100. -'_eni the Acti:zari truth,' mid tel. .- -.. 13tit aftrs*little tiine beeiglied;wearilY:f• - , '14,4 th-ey'll.:4 beenbre.aking-thliconimandineni,6,1" . -`. Yet.hOW. ha.,,rii:it.‘iA•, to:ViAi. t. til.., .1. th, re,ss:r,..e,rAt._,!3:Ait:,,--- , -.6D,.:14.1,411:14p,:adndliOntiihoPliP11•1-143•1114"113311.1gg_lteti.„4.-tith_e,:i4P_;,,t; _ -is - e..1.:104-:°..i4t•-. - , - - -_.-_, :-::..: -i ___,:_.:-_ . :--,..:- of its ineaCgeatieetable kIlieee:Theit_retUe..tue, - --' ' 41eninly.:Shj- quoted: _ ... '...!'-, -;:y• ..' -. ,..- .. i... - - hexing -„hilit- '1.4iothe-74-. he added gzia'vely.rn deeds.: ...4 -To, theiii.who-tirfaithful .i...Ont,n- . ' 'cl ill renderrtO-every maw 'aeon"- dino;to • -tai.g.:itrinowt4,,r;“:-;',fkiliP4-aefitbxiiet).ti!J:lal?v9u4tii.e., Li/4cl oItelit.e.r.411,41-, •,-- - - - - - - "';-, ,.,•' b th6 :truth P1-1 - - • - - , - - C.eilj well:dourg? seek for glory . anti honor .• The. banyisking inapier Ot:the :good old _ Doc'," -ininiortaiity;-• eternal" /1(fe.'- • ' o . - _ ' - --.._ ', - `.te cha6 g 1 t - his uai 1(1 raced by the stirring vioide of inspiration, .ti-engtbencal by his -Mother's faith, he ',looked 4,4, ani itfisya,.1,rdateearinwetitil;;y. -;) be a in , ee ant JIC Kin! kindly : '11 c0/U.14v hciy, 111 be in within a few' day,€11:hoitifi,1 Ata fiCarix:rAileff Ali feet,' • • Ile -1Voli-,.bli iuu tteinik4 • 'Why don't the:: :Pe4ie seirial,E44:2-0m0 of. _the -youngsters the& - sit kicking their heoht in : ; . heir fedayr OAeRinta therouthie Of work ina 'grew oitrottMt.- rapidly..: tut is faOe. had anquirra a 0.4yity, a soinething in ;expressiou. tuat only ettierience gives, !Which -Loade appear older,. Oy .ten -years:. : All trace of tie -boy han go4t and .11is-lace:Waii UAW 0.10t 0.1 n ' ma , and .10 -Suffered. L '444 . BE • rtget Worth . , -sense' of the word,: and that hi 'raying - * great . ' - . - All.e beamcci:at-hina thi10-.*ter -alieetacles' ()tier her knitting:-needlee.1- end. he thought ' 'as he gazed fondly at her, that in ;:ipiti iff her quaiLt,-6141-fashioned garb, and Inanely occii- pathin;shojappeared 'inoretroli- a Saint tha:a- .any ntintedirn. cathedral windows.. soon notieed that his mother had groWp-- creas?d *altitt n.ovz juetid the steti. 1 1 . . quit , • feeble, and &WO/tined-On bis return •to .otaakme; hatlero..:twhietl.i.whioMui:0:bfelietitik:: thhea:te,6, u limy .. iirei; .. store:her • to her **-140 I strength... *fie iii:i• XaTlY -i4 NOVetaher_ 13AT -physielaA said. he - . • . . - . .. . . rni;r1i1 return to business if; he would be Kw - dent. : Ite gladly *tidied hiineelf ot ._.the.,_pei.:;- inissilli for .k0 longed' ta, be entPloyed again. - -:..The cle.rk_ t!.all, .• ivelcoinedi.,fi.fr4 WAtitilSr.- Ail,' hisgo0 nature had disarmed. jealousy • at his rapid rise. . Ilui,in the'peeting Of Mr.- ,tud.,_ 0 missed ilOgiethin: gotthe vigialltt la.41' - Are yodilsoffering -with Ci4suniptte4,, Coughs. Set.. L'olds settled on the bstast„.,: Pnennuo..iiiiRt any- disease.of the Throat and Lunn?. If -044) to your druggist and -kit- . bottle of Blipliog's GintiAN SY1WP. Thie. MediciOe ha& lately beon introduced- trout GerOapy, 4014 selling on ita own The peoplet1- &lug wild -over its,eucceik:,,-. lid .Drugguts all ver our country are. writii.t, s- of iti w0ude01 wires among their custenit.) * soVirtue. -: If ,- Y41 Wish Oiits -pers.r taui*ta bottlg: 'Large,- - 75 cents, 'tits - •• =er - A•