HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-09-03, Page 7eat, ti.;
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'Kilned by a Piece f Oyster Shell -Crush-
ed by the Fall of an Arch -An Ottawa
Girl's Death by Abortion.
Cmeaao, Aug. '21. -Two weeks ago a sick
woman, identified by letters as M. A. M.
Faulkner. of Ottawa. Canada, took a lodga
ing on West Madison street, and was
attended by Dr. Cream. On Thursday he
eatered the house with a case of instru-
ments. Yesterday the keeper of the house,
Mrs.„Mer;ay, left. TWA morning a boarder,
ettraeted by an unpleasant smell, notified
the ;o ice and then broke into Mrs. Faulk-
ner's raom, where he found the body on the
bed -whieli was sattrated with blood --
and rapidly decomposing and bearing evi-
dence of abortion, Throtigh -a-description
by the boarders Dr. Cream was identified,
and_ in las drug store was forma a note ad-
dreased to bitn from Mrs. MeKay saying,
.• _The woman is dead, 'f have left the house.'
Oaraa a Aug.a."-The mother and other
relativeof the 4-ssavo is alleged to have
• died 1.)S- abortion in Ghicao reside in this
eityaand from letters in the pessesaion of
the mother it is evident the unfortunate
_girl qtssis`a victim of fa,Le promises, for in a
letter dated some me ills ago she talks of
being soon marriedaaxid of an intention to
visit Ottawa with trel• huaband.' The girl
Was 23- years of age, aaid does not mention
or even hint at the &Me of her betrayer in
auv a her letters; •
:;:l'ItINGFIEIA, Ont., Aug. 21. -About noon
to -day the daughter of -Enos Clark, aged- 9,
was so-.fearfulla- burnt that she is tot ex-.
- pected,to live, her ciclthes having catight
-fire from a'sparkin a tenipting to • take.. a
burnt -stick from the stove. She ran. out -of
. _the Iteuse-ta'where thti rest of the family
averehtthe orchard, bat by- the time' - they -
• - .
'gate her theselothea were- bunt off her. .- -
RasXiar..W, Ang,.---t11*--a0-11 the oteaaion- of
'the paatcrarvisit of t e--Bishdp of . Ottawa
an-areli compor*.of Scant:linos and greeu•-
. bouligs Was 'eread itefront oftheentrch
d "
- - oor.. A boy,', -.1 yea1 s old.- sou: of . Albert
Ibtis..ia Pole, happerieiltobepaSSitgwheii-
Irlif an hour after. . • '
head antlittlictingssu h injury -that he.died-
pora,ry structure; : str king the_ehild-bn the
a Strono- -oak of -wind • 1overt's:trued the tern-
,DESTIlreer ION 0 ' TE -X.1 N --CITIES..-
' A '
Matatearas atat -BrawnSvific. Laigl. ia
- Itains by arStoraar,Latany Lives. Lost.
. 6f•tr.Puss cuilts-nr-Aug....- 21. --The account
• of the storm on the lower Texas coast -mei
1 Mexico states that 11.1jaianiairaa lookas if
-it- had _been liondiardad. ..Bsiek -buildings:
- -- havebee'nn ,torout oflong Weeks, and it ia
estirtated that 300ialibuseas hava* beet.
. wrecked. either destr yea Or unroofed; and '
---Iarsac stock s of goeds. destroyed. :Tiro loss
estimated at -.-50 i.,f)06.. Brownsville is
- in but little. better conslitiotas At Point.
Isabella .and .,DraZ a a the - storin .waS'
most disastrous, .. _r le', tug.Ethel as and
‘. the- _.Stearnboata'• J Int . Scott and Lee
. Brown , 'avera sunk.. a At__ Point- ' rSabella
. .-tlrei schoonsia. 'Julia Willett, _was - blown
-- -ashore, and the Bras. . went to: pledega. -A
'pilot la nrissin,s. The 'quarataine, station
• a 'and theoldligEthouseat-Brakoshavo g6te.
The French baxtaire :Maria Thereatawent to
• t
apieeeS, the. selaiot r Latirts Lewis WftS,
beacliedsthesteatuer ''ellers-WaSaunkat her
, Wharf, aid three of 1 er crew are reported:.
- lai(t.a. It is hat several -Mexican's
,:ere Orosyneslas .A -a -V tart,- at 'Braks-'svas
.OeurialiShedandtheri ilroad badIV,. damaged.
•• 'Thatotal damage by[the -'storm in:this
s section is-estimated'Elt more than a. mil lima -
. Maty fainilies lost eterything„ and -a sub-
scription for their -re lef has been started..
- Ga'avrearesa- Aug.,' 2L..,..aa' The eStiniated
-damage -by 'the st 'im Tat MatarnoraaiS
-- $500;000 ; -1-1,t Brew isVille, V40 -..00W;- 'at
Garrison, $50,000 s a.Point Isabel and to
-shipping,, rIttiif,.060-: ' - : . - --..
,. _ .
I rid
excl. si
• elm
of the Lord-Lientenant-Police
ck Baided and_ Robbed ot
Inflammatory Speeches at Land
, Aug. 20.---a A despatch from Dub -
here is much indignation felt in
tthe absence at this critical tirae
"Cowper, Lord -Lieutenant of Ire -
b is now in Scotland on a shooting
s of land nieetings were held to -
I eland. At each of the rueetings
w e Government reporters to take
of he proceedings. At Tuam inflam-
ry speeches were made and brood-
y :wards exhibited. At the meet-
llengarry apologies were made for
bs ice of Messrs. Dillon and Parnell.
ti viction meeting was held at Down
re 1,000 persons were present. The
ps nd priests -were denounced by the
e ▪ atchfromDublinstates that four
ra ed the police barracks at Banna-
g Ted. and bound the orderly who
th sole occupant of the place, and
a umber of rifles. Tho. Cork Land
ue 'save rescinded the resolution
tl adopted denouncing the robbery
m on board a vessel in Cork harbor.
d patch _from Cork states that an -
c se of arms, addressed to sante tic-
s- lesson, new . at the wharf. mi-
le( The box arrived at Cork on the
neF fromErightfid. Every steamer
tta ives is thoroughly searched.- il'he
ar authorities have recalled all the
o .leaVe of -abgenee, and refuse to
a ly furloughs.
EN YORK . Ang. 2. --The .Trilinne's
al cable Saysthai in 'Spite a Official
- . . .
s quipOwder was really feund'in, the
t -Cork. The.eXactainiount is tot
d _ttithe railway ofilcialS say eight or
ba -eIs. „There is astrong impression
al r ParljamentriSeS; and When -the
la vest of...Ireland hassbeen. gathered;
ttfl lordswillpraiss. for back rents This -
_.tai violence - throughout the
ite-drislaelliCiala wit:kip:LW ,tliat it
be uiposaible the. winter
re npoSitg the :.Ceeiciort Acts; The
ra fipiug ambrigarainbcrs'of.-:Parliza.
that there MaY be4•Wint(....t.'seSSion
al' matt to consider the .state ires.
a pa -Ss -coercion In S.
: Contatcpcitil ind Industrial. .
. Measaras: Bosid, .C.- klaVell,47.SotaLanark,.
- 4ed of 'their tws rafts- of squaretini--,
-' bur at Queliec'ashe f timcr age fit 28a per
--- Toot'. This'iss_consids red- air exeelleut price-,
and r0' pet tent. 6 -et' what -timber :was-
salizio -at...hist lair': - -
a _ - There. ia .3." - fair de.mand- for snipping
, c attic:at' s baut-,-5c.:./ er lb. Sorrie;:i110 head .
-WU& snipped .frona itliis. point _during the
- - week; iandbasseratar "_*.Scatilinorthe countrx
- for. cattle fia.for. tt :at...purpose:a ' Freights
• -.froinfAlleratreat to --1 iverpool are' from ..f:3
- to _E-1 a head; and etilei4.4)pear -anxious:
to get the.fagtest. Ste:atter-a. ... _ a a
- -Mr: Caanabeil, for; serf Y. achatharra, Ont
'ssfrocar, h:-; tow, in a the land of the free,'
. . . , . .
but. putside:of _Cali; iliiiin _territory, - itial--,as
It, mernento ta his clalitorlias fOrwartlad
. an effer f Il:.i. cetitssen the dollar: a .. :
. :Win: -„Sharniaia-at.ho lina kept a boet. and
shoe stare at,-..I.Voss.15:stateks .()at.„..'for about
-hie. Vaariialufs`sald- out to 'Alsartucler NVin-
. s _ _ a-- - .... .
arrester. • ' . . . - ' -. - : -- s s -
.. .
"Cable- advieesi reI ilst, ' the. F nelish mate-
kets as r a-the:1' _baye. af batter. ..-.- f here has
- ' been a (a-carders:and' the past tWo.-svecilta-
and etre -(4 our .citts :.11011Si:S., have shipped
seten of ei,ilst c.test If Liverpool _Within
that time.:lo,.h.,-, ests;ternbuyers who tried
't hi: f '' IN' ' '-. thefirst - 1, of a ea s sue nars..e..,ace ...a . re
, . . ..:. . .
- preaent metal_ were' unsuccessful ; but it is
..._ sag -neer- cileunistaasee tt (at their ageii tS were'
-paying- inthe - weati lids per 'paund Mora
thaw Montreal, quotatieits....
,. . .
The It'statI et- anti Crop..
. • At a.raiseting.of Ilre-O-atario Agricultirral
*Cornmiasion in 2' 'oronto- Cis: Tnesrlay:
ss Mr: '..Va. - Ti. - ..111; ilk,- .... =of. the111 ...etears
- ' olegical Service,1 ' - Toronto:. ata,ted
. that, other thing-. b .ing-erarialaif the tem:.
locs not r -qch 4 certs'in peints
perature ( -. , a . . . . ,
..- and remain Ithea'O 1: sat rienit for a 'certain
period, the -crops vii I nou come to: perfecsi
. tien, and this pohrt,aral.tlia.perie(1 Of time
. varies With the diffta en t crops. For example
- , wheat dees.not are+ to` perfection in the
i..ieibit v -of .1-.1iidsoil s=bay: :north of James
hay-:;.not:Ort the wes cast et_Scotland, hut
-oats alf. The char geaiiitOmperature and
_ _
'their rapidity tras:-e: s. ever.e effect upon the
. . .
Crops:. occasionally "... The sprizag wheat,
' owing to flip rapid' liangeS, in the tempera-
ture in tlieSpriug- and- suminer, had not.
' carneto such.6,- . high State -Of perfection as -
usual. a Fall wheat rad beefl. fro.1t-ki lied ii
• '..ina.ny places, wit h ..-WaS:- caused -by stln
isitaden changes in , ie temperature lath
tha_rthy the severiti 0U -the -frosts . If t aal-
steriaperaturelnidre a,ineil -iblerablystea. 'Ti
aver' if , Cold,. Itlie_tisheat would not Ia.-lily
' been 'damaged. a.- his -occurred, heweyeis
only in in ',Certain log:pities.; -irt-"other place/.
'the fall wheat wasixot daMeared: a -•a a-- - - is
e -
• aroness Ifittidett-_COuttm.; -
ircsf'onlcnce Of Woreester,.Mdts.;Spy-,)-
peti t have by nie a copy ef tlie.
o t -he Duchess .of _St,' Albitia, frets.
m ligelarG eat -gluts, -Burdett- 'inherited
mt e.y,. and -M. 'it . the '-testator directs,
ir case the said Angola Georgina dies
tude _heir, or marries' an alien,
orinot, her -share- in. ((Cutts'
10,11 go_ taannale heir of one of 'fiYe-
t.perSons: -specified. in order.- : -As-
el - has _been- as. partner: in
e 38,, -and been 'receipt of the_eupia•
s conie; and as she _reaeived from the
properties -.that'. are not -afs
y ner-atarriage,..'ahe Wetild beealied
11 •any towt.'''of. Worcester
ts, .1Ier - matrimonial_ troubles 'will
c e from 'lack _ :of. : Molloy?. -,Tne-
s -was the daughter of .SifFratchi.
,de • gallant gentleman, Member . Of
lia1.eut for Wear/Muster,- _ 'ands'. one of
ni't active 'LlberalS,of •• his, _day; her
he was' a daughter of Thl.)111/1A Coutts,
b ker-in the 'Strand, one of the. richest
'England; Anetlier .daughter-of
tea t'ats the, wife of the Eari'. of
a,- and another wkamarried" to ...the.
s ofshutea It -his MGtli yearappor
lifts,' Married alIarriottkellon
t ni acresof- 'the Theata re, Royal,
ra a -ie. lieIived several years' after
e and never resretted
affectionate,- grateful and discreet ;
s_ beloved by his.family, and .at:his:
th itherited at enortious property 'paid"
ri ership in ‘,Coutts':' Several-. years'
r le'detith of her old husband,.. 'Hari
t -in. born, 48th :year, felt
ve - _with boy; Aubrey de:
rdfe of St7Albans.....IIis' grace was
_ _ _ _ _ _
, but•the'enartored' lady made hitt'
_ _
itof l'at0a000 of:old Coutts' " Money
came the: DacheaS of St. Albansa
. .
banSaproved 'a -sensible.-gettlomans
sv.ife- was aahappy- and -devoted,
At liers death-She-left:the duke
tOreas of Ailatea jewels, .tdrisitUres
intspirits.'aatd an annuity of -1.110,.:
'he '._ greater: part' of her.- estate,' hi-
' -12;000,000. ania the partnership iu
„ went: to Angela Georgina, yorit gest.
er of Sir:Francis- Burdat,.who theta
. .
Cotittsto her name: Angela was ass
girl.and_ in- 3677 110 t11. Very
✓ 1 004c.1-111,. Old V.0111:111. 81 IC is - tire-
vithng to give. up her interest, in the
banking :Ilona& in the 'Strand. and
lierSelf to ber yournsaVnierissat levers
Alleged Sharp Practice on the Part of
Secretary Schurz-A Piot to Entrap
the CanadiadAnthorities. -
NEW Yor.x, Aug. 21.-A. Washington
despatch gives it bitof history in connec-
tion with the surreuder of the- Sioux
Indians, which has just been announced.
It says : The Terry Coinmissiot which
was sent to demand Sitting Bull of the
Canadian authorities, after the former's
flight across the border, was sent out by
Secretary of the Interior Schurz as a very
snia‘rt piece of . diplomacy. According to
the terms of one of the' :boundary
•treaties with England, in such a case
as this of Sitting Bull, after a formal
demand has been made of the Canadian
autlithsities and it lias been refused', the
person demanded was to be considered a
British subject, and in case of future in-
vasion by him the British Government
could be held in damages. The treaty may
t et say this it s,o many words, but Mr,
.Schurz andhis s.ssoeiates thought they
eould make` a clear case for damages upon
that interpretation of ft, and the cortmis-
skin was appointed amid !flitch chuckling
by Schurz and his friends to carry out the.
formal .condition. required by the treaty,
but withacttal purpose of having the de-
mand refused. The Canadian aUthorities
refused to deliver up -Sitting .Bull- 0/lathe
around that he- been persecuted into
warfare, and fled for protection where 'he
Was sure of it, equally with well-behaved
White men. The refusal Was based on ,sim,
ple juslicq, and without -a _ thought of
the •treaty, out of. which Schurz had
scheme.d'sto tWist'a tia. Shrewd constructiot.
Mr, Schitrz is rioaVawa.y. holding Out: fresh
roinisos-io other. Indians- . upon -Whona he
il +tot 'heSitate iinpose indignities at
. _ . -
the first- 'clianCea--. -It isIt- to
. ,
hiS-.proxjarityto thedndianS- andto_Canada
ia due now the delay in Warineg the But
isli overimient ag xnst their '.. subjects -
'threatened outlawiy„. • But 'if '.'011 'ro-
. -
turui to safeqUarteralieSliould. fake:atePs
-in that directiOne-theaabova. will -explain
. the inavardness:of it if -he; Shouhl: not;
it may .bis 8:ss-iliti,j4 that:Since the:sTerry.
'Carilitiasioir :Wiser contsets haVe prevailed:
Ineither event it. 'is. .su.seeptible" of proof
that- thesole.: purpose of -,the conrnn'--
•s1OnwaI -o
enthy tee .Canadi' u
Mean temperatu e--7-100 degrecs 'thc
: shade.
Twenty-five Feet in Diameter, Falls in
Caledonia -A Masts of Heated Metal The Terrible Elqserience which Changed
1VeighIng Five Toms._ the Color ol a Man's Bair in a.
CALEDONIA, Marion County, Aug. 19.- . Night.
About midnight of Saturday our place was (Lath Beek Gazette.)
visited by a terrific thunder storm accom-
panied by hail and the most vivid lightning,
flash following flash in quick succession.
There had been a political meeting here
that eveningr and the people from the
neighboring villages and surrounding
country were detained by the storm.
-Suddenly the sky appeared as bright as
noonday, in fact hue print -.cauld easily
have been read, so great .was the light,
but strange to say the light was steady,
not flash_ after flash as. it would
have been 'had the light been caused
.by lightning * , deafening roar was
heard, continuing to become louder as the
light became briglitr. Gradually the roar-
ing changed to' a hissing,sparkling sound:
.It is needless to sayi the people were -fright-
ened, iind upon turtling into the street a.
ball of seeming fire came moving through
the air from the, northeast.. The ball
seemed _to be atleast twenty,five feet_in_
diameter. • As it neared the.earth the heat
could be plainly felt. . The body struck the
earth just north of the village and buried
over one-half of itself in the ground,. Geed
judges estirriate the:weight at three to five
tons, but the heat ia_yet so great that . it is
uncomfortable -to ,go nearer than thirty or
forty.feet. It- looks -like a massof pig iron,
'It VaSvisited by hundreds yesterday. The
gettlethan wj4o hAVIIS the land. on Which it
fell liaS been b-erbct -.301:1toi it. •
. -
gustiest on Ifisa.Mardeted Ottawa CZIO:Ist
Zeit LI0-7-1 Itnag Evideace Against
- • • - ' '
.* CHICAGO, Auga'2.3.lit'IS79-._ Dr: -Creamlivedat . London, . Ont,- 111 the- spring of -
that yearaa giri narned Ilattie Gardner was;
'seen te,enterliia office, and .few day:4 -afs
terayarda was -found dead _in at outhouarie itt
-the rear:- :Was in.. a Sitting -pas-,
tures -with a -;:bottle..- of -•chlotederm.; at
her side: ▪ There was nethingahoweVera'ta
positively ?tie:meet 1)ia".0rearna with her.
deatii-andha was relcased: '.D.r.,Crearahad
been it a ,member the Young- Man'S.Chria-
thin Association Et,0 a teaclrer 1 the-PleS-.
hyterian :Sunday. school, :but the -Scandal
eaused hiaexpalsion,. anal .11.0 left Loadon
• uncuilvp_it oF'.stoux.
Mr. Slocum, f Slocumville, yesterday
attracted the att( ntion of a Gazette man.
Mr. Slocum seem:d to be a gentleman. He
was a young mar and only one thing dis-
tinguished him it any special manner from
numerous other 'oung men on the street.
His hair was wl ite as the driven snow.
Vivacious and intelligent in appearance,the
contrast between, his youthful looks and
Snowy locks wa( startling. Feeling that
some story of i; terrible Strain on Mr.
Slocurn's nervoM: system was -partially re-
vealed in this mil aner, the Gazette man in-
quired the cause of the change of color in
his hair. A strain e expression flitted across
his features at die question, as if ne very
pleasant rt,colleoions were awakened, but
forcing a smile till said:
. 'A terrible extreirience caused my hair to
change its color,.; Ind I cannot ypt speak of
it without shuddi: ring. Ilowevr, I have no
objection to relal log the. circumstances.'
What was ie original color of your
hair, kr. Slocuial,?'
Jet.black: Lyill give you my experi- .
I have be tn a revenue collector for
years. ; t Eight- years ago, in the
r f 187,1.; I was obliged to take a
- . " ..11 ' - - " ' -1-
Sittlagt Bain., II .Bat-EtestirlettIlls War...
-.riais„Olfer itts- Give -Theriiiteb-cis:IFP-W.
_slay United States A:nthoritie-s.- • 1,-
• IVA-, tNo-roli . D. (1,, Aul.,f.i-`40,--Gol-,.. Milesf
yester .ay.-telearaphed:,1.17041.7ort Keough z:
SEigh :litindrid and- .thirty .hoatile- Sioux
-hare.-Orrende-gq..-Tat . this !post. -1-01,111 in.::
:for:bed-that 1:09.0-nioreare On this,:side.of
- the, MisSouri ready tO surrender. • -, Others:
s'nuis, f011ow... Iii. iny. opinion they should
- : • • .. ., . . - . . _ ..
all he held under unlitary.surveillance at •
:-thiS 'pest: for the present.: ¶I -he remainder'
. - -•
are nerth of the. Missoin1,- ending out par-
ties,•receiving stolen t e c',-..,anitoY$g the
airenCY. Indians • takiAs, PasesSien --Of the
agency and d strop:3g th&gardens. - gent
..Proeter and Inaliat'Iri •pector Pollock have.
•aSitedifor troe,),;:. 'I r ec-IneSt authoriti: to
.placer he:available:1pr' cot this district it:
!the .viilinity -Of-. -Beim Buttes, - Dear' the
iklisaouri.' .
- - -
oF Tfs
Ali 13,Eilrd fl ulna 21;2 tv Thought -tla,Dai'
.. ; of Jasidgateat had Coate... '
" aan:antra "Pa:,-Aiig t --"-The 'Hal:tin:1a
0. e
yesteidaY,'besides ..fir to the tanks -in this,
city -and Dallski, Cut q eerpranks in thY)
flowdr Oil coriatrv, Stri, or
!at PI k er 'Ci. 0, ;le fie rs m
-burg, Edenlag and-- 0
high- arind' lev lied ‘eig a
trip rough 11 estern Arkansas. There
were rough chiracters out there. Men
who would steaI;the shoes off your horse's
feet when they (quid get,nothing elSe; out-
laws who were ,•,iteeped in crime:and hesi-
tated 4,t nothi141 In the course of My trip
I reached a disti)Ict in which •were several
charaaters.who-12or doing deeds of of ,crirne
had Attracted -the atgiation . of the
whole State, .it the- authorties'•.-were
to ;_ I -.11a,d-- -
'quite- .a ‘1Stim of money with
.ine: fearkl nothing. in , those
wells and tankS.
City 1 ,
Sb Peters
points., The
-nine derricks; At
=.Lusi CAMQ -: JO 'Chicago, a_ the; _inquest :on , 'ts•-1:)-.4.erililseig,peePle .t1 etigbt r_tbe day of
?killed ' ,by .-,-abortions-_liae..;.-begiuts:
- who's' was -' J uAsSeient had , com 6. _ ernes 'Oat g:: Others :
The iprayedsothers- beet,' le. :wild with right
Mary •Ant:,..Matilda Fanlkuer;
'.S.tat_ett-11Wil st,7of elite' .: to loradastort at ; illitsi, ..--913.3e - kL"li 60: 'faint:le °'; '' ' The Ster01,- was
IIiittio..:Mackeya In ,'WhoSe ' aons-e. - .ille- ter-rig:0,i._ -V1414, '-ligh.t1.1.11,. aein-dralizO• the
'body - '. was ''foittid; . :mid:. that; given 'sby.teleraPh-ta ion at'l--)al: asateating_eit.the
:Dr!-Crearn.- Plainly:. Contradict . eaeh . other I iestra. MeetS;-:- xiel.ting t iewires .and ?Alta -
sits to which of - them : had CoMmitted the ip.g: w. iniall_-.1.1- 10 throii0h the side 'building
abortion:- The ',sirNitualier, - Who: lives in - '- - -' -'. -.. ------_-4.
OttaWa,was hiforited- of 1 her -clatialiter's-- -.--- A- . CnEAP-, - Ilk,131Oci
'death on, Sofa-0tili
:day evening: ' ..edrearned. -Manilla 7niat a -fro
on ...Friday Mont' that her -daughter had long aha.",-„,- rd- and
-died,and the 'confirtiation.Pf. her fears had.: -hew the _ends, firrnly,
a.terrible effeetupen ber:.• - At _ the ...hiqueSt . to a iineee-ettiathera-
. ,
to -day the teStiurty of Mrs. Mackey was be -five feet -1.citig, stave.
impertant 'and ..very. -dartag,iiig-- to •--Dri: .-shOUld.ThiVe holds bor d
• Cream tuaa.:.She Stated, t}fat-, gbe was indebted' ifpart,khe'WnO elength '
to the doctor in;q5, and;:whenlbe insistedened by pasiiigliea-Ty
Upon bringing the Siek..1",„il thf-y4kslie'eatildl „hole, back'an forthren ly sewing ilielitatts
not. ref ini.e.;-.. • :lie.- visited -the :gir-14.1.Pq•uOftlk.; itift to tho*no i:Tor eael • ._end of the pieees of
and .11 zi allyperforin ed the- operstiti °it which- _Wood- larger 4616 are -lib o red.:, through which
cau.seilf her ,death. --Mrs.:_ Mackey left .the-• pasS_ropes to liling;the : _animeckl-,betWeen.
bonsetafterthe girPs•dcatha:nd notified Dr;: ' tavo.tifees.ThiS_makes. a choapseord-fotable
Caeam„wlioSeplan WaS...tb:_r-Q4):iothO:hOdY: =and safe haraneeks - B inghtng from four
011 S-e-fiirday.:tioht- :had. -t Of the stench' ,corners . there is no -(.18:_iret ef.rolliki._ out, I
'can Red- the ridighb"or td:sta;kssaaniriveat'igas and al haltadozet-elr Id -et•tcan, swing -in it
stion,'Whielijedto his .arressa- It is reported. ,'at-pliasure.-41J-ourrittI o Chomistry, 1. - • .
that tile -doeter-offered.a street -car cOUducl:- --.:
AnitouneerA, ents-_ef.approaching 'afa:Abion---
ter:tio.-toTretuove the bosh-. .. a -' _a: ' ' a e Imarrialles have their cirativbacks is
rating state of Mallen'. in '..lacV-a.
le the news -of_ the Afghan:. 'd:Saster
r. illncss being made.
at L'aris, BcrIii and- -Es it
why.thepoliCybf -England Testa 'ma
carious abasis to. be relied's:upon,
less :adopted, _in the' east,': those
are tot ,Witheata thitir 'infltiened at
utinefila. There WO 'way Of part plia
ing published in Turkish, in which
"tau is-spoken:of •the - Caliph of
in which theAfghandisasts is . di-
n and thetnilititrY- ditcompatence
(iWariliCe of • -English ol-ficerS are
and 11 tOlien: language
.calculated- to excite -Moslem feeling
fr Englaiiitg,enerally by bringing the
army- intaeontempta At th e -sante.
he Position and claims :of the huitah
romander- Of -the. -Faithful -are dwelt
lie demands of England- " in Europe,
ca ahe :shisiSts _upon axeligiens ern --
Why the sultan- shOuld carry that.
o hit° India, and rousetheindigna-
I tlie lnithfnl there Against-. their
tr'atulerS. ',Strang representations
been - sett .to ,Constanthaeple from
„ :Urging. on the. religiotis
1,, and.: all. this-ha:A _beens translated.
indt, anthis at.this -.mortent Widely
umntcd • London, throughout4-•_
ailewis 6- 4.''t112q.- 6f. 11 6`1111')"
Dino es, Millie '
,lin.l. -
Take a pie e
hall ft wide,i1r e da r rs
n -fasten eaeli-end
hese- pieees should_
inebes :thick, and
about:three inches
-he. matthigit fast-
inm th
e froat ing tb.
days." After bel one niorning nva small
villitg _ near Iliti.le riven, and. receiving_U5Q
I Star sd outott horseback -uorth towards
Fort mith. ii,l, had. about 51,70 in my
Saddhybags anCwas it little bit nervous to .
get it Safe to thaf, place. I had seen noth-
ing telmaknine ,uspect thaC-I was fiot safe:
The- On shoneibrightly and the 'heat -Was
Soruevilat- oppissiVe.1 -AS it grew later in
he day it becat,4essei warm' that 1'i:thought
1 shonld rest. '..Comilig. to the batiks of '
Littli dyer I fq:•'•ded. it and -.clambered up ,
the st cp northe.M bank. • Jumpinti.off my
horse Itied .1.1iIii under a Clunlp Of trees
and -.setight .--tlii gratettil.,,Sliade of an elm-
tliat.gliew near '4-'e river bank. Ihadearried.
my sti dle.-bagA,Vith me,atd naakingapillow. '.
of-them,laydoW111. TWorevolverswereintho '
facilste :' f fell ii;- jeep, and -do not know ..how '
long Slept, hp,- suddenly jawoke l to find: -
three nien'stafijing' near Inc. „AegardlesS ,
of, c9SequencO4, f sei4ed one of my revels's. -
ers and .peggelf_la,way, hitting one Of them
1 1,q0.0t for Beatty Line of Etti8siters:
et -Or Wintillife,.•and poipte walk Mn
,C. VITO V163 "
IIeiw Part'el of -Contiectietti TisiitaaiictS
_ _ . .
- 1.1.ant the '41 °rid! Eti gasps..
_ . . •
artf;:iqc,- o -.20 -s-At the twelftli
pf " the. Citineetteut
bra,ileh ef..the_Uitivetsatreade Ution:resca
lutiorili adopted Acnouilec
.t . puniShwent, militafy:'eatwittio4land.
tht Whelemilitary sysitean; -.(1eMat d
nat-lot.ita:.arbitratiO4, 0,p:tinging . the
war-clauSes.frote• the -f.edetal: .constitution,-
,faia.-60,jtaf oppottlinities for avamens praise:
the.presett adniinistration'A'Or - keening -fis
its deelared . arbitration policy; . thank
Affell as theiripleasures. 'This is plea -
in,. t14 -Shoiddeitaird disabling him. The -
other two graPtled 1112. the of -thein made
a LAS. at -Me W1911 it knife, but I-di:aged it
ancl 1it.' _Min in, .the head with my pistol,
knee mg hina Sinseless. The_ other closed
with iie of i strug,gle;
Bitiiig, scratcliig and kicking, Nye 'tried: in
vain to throw -each 'other _down, I had
ed *my 1.Iy) horse Whinnied -
right and it began to grow dark. -_,TO
'my d itig dayAwill not --forget-that#ght.".
It Wa# death- :t.6 _One Or _the. -tithell.,,a1 had:
recognized initiny. aSsailant Bill Buckle, -
it 'noteridus.' Oara-cter. i Desperately wo '
-fought, •edgill, nearer. the river. ' The: „
bank' criimlile'l sliddenly behind me; -and
I toppled oversiiackwards;Araaoino Buckle
2., . 0t.:: 0
with ine: •,-IliSluead hita-roOt in the _fall,. -
and' he WasalSttinned.: for .a. moment.
Sera bliug aS.,--i-ell as Eceuld to•my horse,- . -.
f ..got -*my SaddleIbags .and rode away, the
disabled. rasealiplialting:hiS fist .-at me. as I ...
Went I ran atrois a -darky hut befere: it
got dark, and Onaioed all night,' expecting - --.-- .
an :atjack, but i':resolviri 6 to Sell My life as
;,.. 'D
dear] as poklible: . Note, catie. In the .
Morn -no tlieTarky woman'. living -in .the
cabinsaid, .`,-tasso,,. your --"Itair iS.,*h4e,'
Ancl.-ahre_ enOitith it.Wassand has been .e'Ver •. .
:sin:eel The•se ,idek .toImy tervou.s..systena
had been roof.. itlia.t.-1 :imagined: ..i.-1 never
heard of _the ;men. aftetiwards; _arias 'Wad
mere than gla l_thist I eScaped 'as lhelW.y :as -..
I -did i _7•3.:' 1 j-
- - = Why"A'ih .IE av-Oysters--nailv.-
- Dr Willianliltoberts,' in bis. interesting
*sant ,tpid: suggestive eisc.ilar whicla'a young lectures on th't -. digeative , fernaetst says
. .
,avemat Of --N6i'Yerls re aeived froni ft den-. L'...0tar practicelaan regard-, to the. pyster is .
tist On Ilie eye - of, her S. 11-6,,ri,i4ge': a Itayi'a g qtrit q excgptkibal, .andfarnialma a .striking,,,
heard the liapipv new:r or_ Your ';Ppreikoliing exanaple (iNliii general Correctness of the -
mart age:, I.' "'aye . the lileasure of offering ...poplar jucl.gt:pent on dietic questrets. The
yet . y _sera 1LCSan e -Ing yout teccn-in oy, s i r is..alnic-st the onLy,anntral:suostance .
--ifia , . . .. • _ .,: • j e., -.- -, , 4. - .. ' . -.. ,., - ,. . .
corn plete ord . _X., . as p, r unexed schedule -of, avhieli we 6ateP4abitua:11V; and by preference, '
prices. - Tlii. - operatfoi , which is usetuisiti in- tlre. -raw At. uncooked State; ,fitud it --
all oditu...tylvelifs. of ille-,:isindis,pepsahle .intel. sting f.:? know. that : there is s:-' a *
under the ...present: ei cannel:mice:sal...The -Solna -.physiisiogical reason .a.t -the bottom
.fitat inapresalonS -of- marrieds life are Mei"- of his- pra.-trevce: . The law4 i,colort.a
'fac-eable twiti .their ' :cdas&j.u.e.ttee$ .s,4" the Inas. :, -whicti Constitute:A .- thei daintY.
gretttest..gra-qty. , I Alierefore ,e'a,nint tQo. Q . li oyar 2 i. . its :act, and this
sr.trorigly .6,(1Vise -you' to have your 1. teeth . is' bittle "les41- than heap of li.tly.'c,-cfgen. •
Alt.- _ --HenryRichard, . of ' the , BritiSh tighlY.:. leabCd':IN '6 ...s%lifill'Itfia C°1-1' ASS° ed iatil. Ow glYcogc-11, buVwitl-ibeld
irouso co"fion.s._,, efroja...g. .scienitiouS axtitiott. - - - 'fro tiettal, aialait. act -with _it Ou.rfu.g rife, is
towards arbitration 'and ' diSarrilaereet, lietateitind and papers just receiVed- give its . ppreprrite digestive - ferni*It:.-the
State that atlie are . American detafils of_th Opposition -Wit -telt the lailreail hepatic-diaed*, The'in-ere erifslxieg Of the
eitiZens =der -thesionrieenth ainenduient„ survt'aviiss `rty. ti'w•-ith Fox:414, 'in daie.yabetnal0 tbe: teeth hrings ;these tWo
aelisliip .advitie Peru and' of the -place tire.....;ery&• :ignora* alIdi those
and are entitled to:all the privileges Of diti;- that ri-,rouly., It seems' th at the- inhabitanl.s
copt• tile mediation ofj-the United. Stales; who oppatS6' the railroad -invented a -story .
. _ ._ . ..
advise:Turkey- to accent, the modiactitisin to the, egeTt, that as soon_ as the read was
• of :the botuidary,p.roposed by -the :powerc,-; htillta 'tilt:a:de. -.V.' 0,11 la be erected.. and-po
. — .
counsel -Great 'Britain to-whin:Er-iv her .wic 7 liow-ca to vii St•. Johns unless they
troops - ,from :Ireland Afohatiai an -Bousli tn.:A.:died-my lie raili id: : It was alki said
Africa, ' -and- to sub nit matters' there to ,ar- that as sool ' = e.a the astifveyors'. -flag -we,s
„bitratiotto -neutral powers, and • urge the plalited the]. 1 'id
ti . . --would‘
l-lln:e:dOt:dte ra1FreireliRbictidisbandia'aoaitiaIayofthtranarmy. r111111.4,5,1.1r11111r111111.4,5,1.11115 911 foreign attain roadt and t is oy-
wereeirected to be -sent respectively to the try their point.
adopted -to c
_St -Fang° 'stakes will.eccur _itt country
cluir* f
young Man
eupfid of 10
awh To,
there are no 'oysters ta this stew.' What'
did You. ord r?' said she. Leinonade; but
tlionght en- ha -d- made rtiista,ke and
-given me a teiv. 'Tilly, man, said, she;
that is not stew. 10e-d3eatu.7,
- -
of the', -means
Stiltan- Jobn'Bricht Mr." Gladstone,
Sident Grevy,- the President of:Vern--; and - On Motday'.eveniriglast 'a
- . I •
the 'President of Bolivia: Five thousand t ..such A fair culled fora tea-
person8 attended.. - • . Onade. After toyingIYith it
aid to a deaconess.: Madain,
'• The Profit or Inc Eliasitte•is -
-- -That' -tarrnintr - under ordinary - c'-rcum-
staucesa is the best paying interest 111 the
country is 'Proven by the fact that few or
any of theni :ever fail _ .trouble the
courts or official- assignees. To show the
/Trofits- derisaable 'from -farming:it 'may.lse- ,* 51;" -Al'Ull'Y - Miliiirave hi ' hi4.. an 11 1
tepn t,wnic aappears in. the JamaicaBlue
. .. 0 , ., . 2 - , , n .0,
-StAte4 Ilect,t. , 4 - i41.'ill r- 4/1.-:" Sal illeet t - ' '
ooics p,st published aavatliat-tJarnaica IS
,ship has:this year 'off fifty acres harveSted.
no .1011ger: epelident ter her existence or
.4,500hii$holo.. of V. 1111 1111 Lt :present. '
juatio.0;.9wouR, ...if ..sokii`-yield iiiiil licL425,1:: iiinni.ainten nee . of ' her public inStiftitions
upon the- fo ..tnnes:- f -: tbet-Andar: ekaAes.'
ijuipritio'here calf- bo no _dolibk that:. in the -
• 'Hevrof a few Week -S- :wliea. t will 10 hi °ut..°f. ..1:Y('' ulatiwi .,6 1 : 6:-.1AP°0' n4,1:flue-
- thi!
ashel, perhaPs 'more .-. . • - ' . .' - -'41 3°'°°°•'46 '..° 131°Yca -°",' :thei 'Swib'r.
o* sli , - - . ' • - - ". . --,f plantations. - - - :
P:nyi Writer says: 'M1 youths are not fitted it is said- hat:in- love the men Tare al*sys
a-, college education. It114net best to „f ler ed.ove '.'by tlio: <Voinen. Not Se. In
-:".e. a One-story brain to carry a three- loin the one wheis •Itlorded-ever ' is the -one
, education.' - -- - . . - who loi,esi e it WOMall or man. .'t = '
, . . .
... ._ - ..._
1)OdItlri tocietlifq and the alycogenis -at once
dige ted -WilDout other help By its own_ .
dias ase. Whe oyster 'in theunbooked . .
state. or----Inqyaly Warmed,: is, iii fact;.- self- ,. -
(lige tive. :fkat the advantag,e of this pre-
visto is.-wk-olly lost by cooking ; for the - '
-beat eniplbYtkl iminediat!ely destroys the
agsoeiated fi*ent ancl a ceolce-d -oyster has
to be digest4like any ' other- food, by the •
eater's ow4;•digestiVe powers.'--Londop r ,
Medical IleCord. • • . - -
,I. . .
„ ,., , .,.
A QuEme4JA-RE.-
- --=_--Spokane Fan .,
Fal -Is, riaSEL 1
ingteii tertiKry, Claims to have a medical
lake a mile kid a half long:that would liaye
to -
satisfied eveo Ponce de Leon's Search for .
-th`e.: found -Arbil of youth. Tlae Water is '
clear and ef]-a-dark. color, 'and, besides
curing .skinki diseases of ' 'Men and - boasts _ -,
lays - out .4.4vons troubles. ° rheumatiim; -- -
pat lysis,. #60. . siMilar- ailments. . The
water has nist been atalysedablit tastes of.
salt and borax, it is buoyant as the Dead :
,asmspi4eicsietsreao:,:ki.enlelYveilrsiluLcr.eTias-loa±:;,ale:celieew:14.64sneos:-. ___ ....
..6.67 i:i b, . la: odutthl;io on 111 only ,a. althoughnimal-,l if att.. fr. el:a iwg nrysi ttilialei.:n:riu.aiii .. _
oin-the la
lihuoivilori;,:c-Iin:trilhe, etiogith_t,e.vestrlir, er *vim:he:7e.:
gashrs into ' hick,
'„iteli 410 ong their cusomip--, ,.
.I. cp't - 7421 as vsg-eiTtA ,
P Large...0: _
- rile: T14,84084 --
ran'.e. --
t9 1r
, •