HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-09-03, Page 2-f.; • 41.4 • - ,--tiona leading _lea notiting ' biave _entirely atleadened -that. keen:interest iviiieh -we - • maya.suppeaa leiria to -leave 'felt iii thein • onde upon; 'a. = -Theta ia,- now- to pelt: , appearance -. than, a, - _emaiotity as. to. What 'may 1.e..2the:- neXt move bn ttap. Part of -'friend., er foe. ;Far the test, heiS eeateut knoiV;:: a -Ulla his Cause-ja11-1 .geeti. hands, and "himself to,be whelly engtossed in his patirah thespataalr.'work is that .atetttrea round liina•afew. liave attyliotien.'hut tor .inveStigate. • :qiie district -bounded On the nortliby.The.e, baltrig road, ow the .60,atlbyaLeatheraltine; 011 s..t4e. South lay- and an the, west 'Graig Inn.,:-..harina. the delightful localita; kIlowrI as BatilwirifS-Gardert for its .centre, la;„ or -rather _Wag, tine:if the ai-arstin 1 don: ; -.Mra-Mitekonaeliie relates: ayith :some ,gioe...the staraa-f ass: yiaitor to-. St, Allian'•S- - avhaani turniugalownlltoek -Street, was ac;. : coated; by- -a-ipaliceinam *.Da -veu - *wlaere yetu area • geiniar Thu -visitor_ well: .ait -;•if a -you knoti,,,, _of :eonrse. all -aright ; but' - you are gaing te.s.the -.worst deit. cif thieves ifl :a11:.Lond-era' matter of. -fget . a.the fer.naer site ofa the elturclia was - : hart -Hide' bed ; said the font nov stands.; where, waa :formerly_ :a 'noteriottal • thieves,' kitcheriaT- ehange from all-thiS is marvellous,- It is characf.etistic. of_ 31 r.. aradkoriaelite tiaata ...eirentre:of. allthe worlia,...lie Ilever speaks- ,: /Lig lia-ha'd any: part ea. leit.i..therta. Ile •will tell -you: how -A.. doe.this, td B. SOS . ; after' that, while -the ',Sistere • tnanage. the .1iint of his -own relationship- to the whole Ito " ssee-rns. genuinety 1-nneonaRiens-., •- say . that 'Mr. Mack-ohaehie is popular -with the pociraMmbegsr -whoin he Ives not• . use . the . right- Word- It i fl t ,go• : nage.-11-adnurn.tjciri er reverence that they • -.feel far as` -personal affectien; Tliis _ - - = - • - - - , - • -,-affection isstrong..ameing a, good naany who itever:.final - tyreir way -it/gide the- cintrela • On,z the -last.oceasibn when: -there .-Was tUrt-lOr'Al.lat -fot:Obie expulsion-- :from 'tile hkety :to: be tried -in the case' of_ = -their paste!, -seine inindreds of _these -plea lilted' thethurc-la determined that.-_iliere Shavld be- one or two .thiliga" said "on:the other side :of that- question? - - - eamait (a/Mien NoutS±: 7 Tat:par, of:. Detroit; Nielta has been elected' to • tha ,recter ship of Ein- maitael elnirelfaLaGratiace- ••• Re" v. 11. C. Pea.. of fraiteVei..„ Mieha has beeraatrepended. fecii;/ Lc u.iit ti'y it ecause _ a " he- horsewhipped d'alealizara, Silatota - • Mira. J11rte Stititiaaalec- 4'106 Iona ago t,t 1ntn-Jt.stitt:;11,. intsigind tit _ . a assy,atkee•aaaaa-e.... a ass...udering and lateraaaapea•eela Mt a etlinp. _ _ neatallestaita• • " A Broken Wing. I walked in the woodland meadows, Where sweet the thrushes sing, And I found on a. bed of mosses A bird with a broken wing. - I healed the wound, and each morning It sang its old, sweet strain ; But the bird w ith a broken pinion - Never soars as high again. I found a youth life broken By sin's seductive art. And. touched with Christ -like p• ity, • I took him to my heart. He lived with a noble purpose . And struggled not in vain ; - But the soul with a broken pinion Never soars as high again. But the bird witIta broken pinion Kept another from tile snare. - And the life that sin hatl striek en Raised another from despair. Each loss haS its compensation, - There are bt'aliAgs 1.+r each p. in; ilut a bird with 4 broken pinion over soars so hien again. ' AMON THE OUCHES. _ Tke V4 to Canada of a rats:- ous 01.11is Aerotstit of Isis Litre Worlt-Other Notes op .3.11.etr :tad Things. \_. correspondent ipt.• the Lotalcin WiiiT thus refers to theRov...11r.Maconachieathe lantoas Lott:Ion pt.:ea:Cher, wile has so per- sistently -engag.ed -111 ritualistic :peactieeS St. Aibansdespite proi•iectutiOn- under ecelesiaatical law. ,Mr.* INItteduaehighas •just paida visit to Toronto, where lid:has „ snunierous High- synipathisers i• The mast famiz,iogth i ti,- perhaps, is to hear-hiin-spe:ak of the litigittioit hiwhich • lie is nr-v6a.voo...-;.. ycimhztve,i-ead.th-e- tlativ _papers, the chineea'are that you kii.euf tta much about . tvhat is tiri 011 a he does. Yen casuatly;mentien that you baae -Seen ": stich-ancl-Saclil. pate:gap' Ii. ILt -PITH: Mali • Gazette.:. ',A1.1, Yes !-IaVits told tlie'y would- , ve-ry likely make aerneancive- ; ' have y.ou the paper 1V.ith yon?'. -The truth is•athaili tweli,-6 Yeats' of, -11/Cossant •-preseen- i - -"-•• --.. The Rev- Alexailder. Blaikie, D. D,is . .." ra.tired tram. .the Ilaariot:-Mte ;ef the, Fli-st '1'-'"' . United- 1,?resbyteriae .1'. .1.,:atch; -0I-'...13e-ston, • a after: tliirty-f.oar 'a: ara," e.,,f -1abrai• in .tbat. 1, &.-1•1.. and "at the Tiot..---.:t: of•11:ta;vearS' sera:ice' -1'4"1 , in e rmea.......-- • - . '---•..;"..... - ' , ✓ on the public scandal' of peop-le have been married by Catholic priests is: going through the ceremony before ✓ testaut clergymen. It is declared ially that 'the act of a Catholic in a before a- non-Catholie ntinister as a 01 I'ilister of religion, and making the mar- folks, and the experience of the talented a) , ld arise an implicit adhesion to heresy iti e contract before him, thereby unites n that it is illicit ancl sacrilegious as' a at a. very thrilling point, to pull a. handker- Mr. Maaher proves it.. it seems that he playing in a piece which tequired hina it to a heretical ritual, from whence -was I chief from the hip pocket of another actor 1 munication in iiirinis with the same.' and present it to the heroine with some r. SpUrgeon wag- iuvited to attend the very glowing words. The other actor, Mr. s ton of the AN esleyan Canference - in .Suigg, was somewhat addicted to the use ofs o Icion, a few days -ago, and on appe:aring liquor, and while dressed for the perfotme a: ived a hearty welcome. Ile said that auce he get too full ancl went to sleep. Then t v deitomitiations had a grip of truth some of the other actors removed the hand - e e-lieved they were the Wesleyans atid kerchief from hig pocket, and, .cutting a le Saptists. He belonged to. the, ' know. hole in his pocket, dre.v a, corner of Mr. ot Mos,' for lie was determined to kuo*. Sidga's shirt into it. It -was a peculiarity of a iti.e's among nien save Jesus, and Him Mr. Slasher that Nylon he acted -be got so - dead -in earnest that. nothing could +MINIM A LUDICROUS STAGE SCENE. erf, Causcdsby a Joke with a Decidedly -Un- pleasant .Vnding. • (Boston Post.) Actors have hard -times as well as other 19 tei bq be . fP in; Ito fir th ci re itt pe a • co pe ba • sei spe le. 90; (MI pet Qu .be eau the_ • mei Slid; • f•', of7c tain gpe acti the ate: -of loan The reth fro /1 aryl :. of Ellin elos 0 fied. Their, bu-Siness was to believe vent of .G.bit atid to preach it: Ile. WaS ash ioned enough to believe not only M but in its verbal hispiration. Ile ved -Gad had. chosen _the best words in it the Bible mighthe written.' But in days there was. no 'sure. ground for people ; _they allowed one doctrine another tostip away from them. . o .dtiratiein of Christ's life- is now any confined to thirty-two.. or :thirty - years:. The difference of 0/1e .-or.- twb arises tiOn the different- yiaws Oa the It of his public Ministry. -Chtistalied °Se -again in • the - hilt :vigot of carly , - toed, an:leo continues to live.: in ;t1to • oLttle am:II-but with a OUfl(1 of tettrina,,and mggwali • aesSOf oldagaiSbleOneistellt:With.1 yanked -quite eat •losacet au inaeyesnearly• si tori ast_the'Reltovateraarala Savienia.0f.tairst fteriatheir sockeasfilan' the. pressure •(ttiS= a:disciple' on -his-a thread; :before ;the neekband:. P lvcarp.who Was a diseiphi'of St. Jelin) bTrol:o. Tireadier- get 'Most Of.,the gartneats taet tregtworthy iivitneSS-of -.Apestelle...pabelpt.therideOada„ and the • Sadden -disitpa. "ionsainongattle4atherg,"-held the tins.:Peatraliee -atettled nt 10 oiunioh that" elitist-. attained: to annich : exeiternent. the itadiende: Even 40-e.t.50-„yeata,:and taught' thenaMitSliet didn't: notice. •WilMt he had: r ten years --theginaiii-•'.With; 'the:, thir_ dono and Aushina.fatward: teudeted.- the and that he allii7S passed thteliall'all garment to tbeheroine _Bait She Se-rem/Ueda ,aataa 6f, sheet:an ;life to save and some-- sand' istaiaited,:tand,the7a4dioeo began to yell, Old 'Men; :' /LS'. ../Infants: and -and Sniziaa.11-aVing-tdeovetedhiShreattiale, en. --altd-beaS r.-aaal. • youths.' . apa cuflo terribly ihttd.,and..inade. a' rtiSli "at .11.isyieiv- to.: tradition' idatina'ff-wit. •Masher wi" Lb a po.pertysIvord and cliaka J 121, -4-M1.:ra°0.17Perts it by an unwaj- hiw.about,- and the -.-attigeamantiger, who -LI 1. it/fere/we -front the loose eonieeture Waanearly•wildilumped,.itt andr..deelared: Jews.._witen,,,sutpriSetl ..at :the Claim that 7.31 ash er had disgraaed...his 1iouseand a ,Tt US '0' IlakP.';(iS.tell ilief6rE5Abraitarn ttle./1 11:16• Clirta4d:Wallt down, arid o. Ji they.PS'aed:iiiria'i'' Than rart net Whiloititer- tlie..Manager -Caine tothe f •ont yeota-• Olda mad haat then 'Seen Abraa Of itwith a black 'eye and diainiSSed 1 the • -A inference f Ian ea• an ot her aiidielieea • and .'Masher now 1otii s c--:-'xidierc the' Jew's speak :of a the lattut4tuatiOns iand.eachother'e. gore. :year Since. the" . • •• .• • --.1- . _ . . t0 be reconatrueted; -.171.Ore 1;174re:than AfoantrY:. . „ sp. ‘Tii• e„ • of • t Ite te!nplo. Itis bi-alaa conte, 1u11ood: Vreerresaa • Stop 1iiin,nid ‘Vhen it came to 'the- haud; kerchief seene, and he rushed Up to the: only"' half -awake Snigg„ be- grabbed for the handkerchief and found it didn't come,: but headed -fa notice the eituatien. The piece .coilldn'tgo outi11 he produced the hanker - chief,. so hegave another -.desperate tug. - The ouly-result was thatia wild kiok came. into Mr.: Snigg'S eye and he tried to Whiapet .to Masher that -there' was something wrong.. .But Maher didift understand, .The people -wore:waiting for him .; it was -an. awkward ,.pap:S0,-.Masher.waa ainanofgreat strength* and bo. gayeaalaSt de sp eta, te "'tug • .at hatN he:believed. was the liandkerthiefa It :Came, - TWO TRAGEDIES OF NIAGARA. The Death of Little Era 'De Forrext-A Vain Attentpt at &fescue -Thrilling: Itttory Retold. * Mere than twentyyears ago Niagara wit- nessed a tragedy which, white of 2.6 heart- rending character, was marked by a/1 aCt of true heroism seldom equalled in gran- deur. Mr. Charles Addington, a young man of about 23 or 24 years of age, was /Whine - ed to Miss De Forrest, both being residents of Buffalo. One day a bevy party, com- prising Mrs, De Forrest, Miss De Forrest, it. younger daughter, Eva, a beautiful child 5 or 6 years old, and Charley Addington, as his friends were accustomed to call 11 itn , visited the Falls. They .crossed the bridge to ,Goat Island, and, while resting underthe trees, little Eva strayed away from We group, and approaching the -bank of the narrow but deep and swift -Streatii that rushes between Cleat Islattd and the .sniall island lying betweee it and the main. Arneyi- can rapids, was aniusing herself byl casting sticks into the water and watehing them as they were Whirled swiftly away. MrshDe Forrest, alarmed for her thild's safety, te- qtested Charley Addington, ti. bring her back. Charley. at once prodeeded- to -the bank, and; thinking to give the little one a approached her stealthilY iftoen ancl, catching her tinder the arms, hel het over the ..stroam. The startled chi d tlite*,•4 .het little Mims I over: tier head, and instantly_ sheslipped.. throtigh' A-dikingtou'a; hands and -fell into the idpip4: he realization of the horrible calainity rnut:1tave comp. hemesto Addingt n's brain. with the rapidity'Of the _lighthing's fitiAlta Ile Saw; that - his rash act had cogt•tbe child's life -that -only one &spoliate chance aang her reinanted-tliat the.world was u end forhim.forever. - Tearing off itis he.ruSheal along the bank Until lip had - ed little Eva,- whelps kept .4 -float by. elothing, then plunging in/theft:Lot her' of s :at pas her efforts. . :Then arose the cry, He's saved he's saved l' But stOdenly those on the bridge, who could see inore distinctly from their loca- tion, became aware that the distaace be- - tween thi. island and the swimmer's head was gra luatly widening. -There was another et readful moment of suspense, and then the - tnpitying rapids seized their prey and appW 'putty making sport of the efforts that had teen resorted to to Snatch him a • from thei grasp, twisted him round and whirled 4 dm along until they hurried. hirn ova' •the precipice. As the poor fellow i', ent over a sinstar effect was 014n -1 -able. The va body of failing:iater curves over • the edge of the fal S like it huge wheel, and as the body wastahot forward by theeforce of the current, if ;seemed to leap completely out of the wtter, the feet being vigible, before it took th04ertible plunge. The deathlike silence th4 had. fallen upon the crowd was broken by,ik, fearful cry -a soui4s z;ningling a wail, a ywl and..a shriek in oae. Many strong met; as well as women fainted. They had witneked a tragedy more intense in its painfalne0; than any the drama, could pre- sent and liine not likely to be soon for- gotten. Irish Jottings, n ; near Lough -tea, some ten - *At SI 'a. -ant farmeis Itaye violently beaten some neigbboriii...farmers' ' "oWnig t disputes about larnAl is i,Several 'persons. were. badly Injured:1-41i 1- „ : , - , .... S'even intal, have li,64--arrested.inear New- -tai4nliaitailitha• Armagh, on a ebarge ofltar:- ing. murde.eitsly assaulted •-t-w :brothers. -....-an addre IS, figi:ted by iorty Inslaa;0111°_, :. - • named CelfAs and a niaa nanie Magnire-... .0ne Of the MilihS' is in a dangerous state. .1- ' - it' ' •- -a-a- . lie inembeacil; of ..Parliainent; Will 1.i0 fora• wardedto ciatilinal-.0 inhere, Arc ibislioy Of .. ; Pail*, by -Clint:it, Arthur liloare,fil. P. .as a - . . , . a... . ...,. pteteat. nativist -We -expulsion of t a:Lica-nits... _ he: eized the c1ild:41nd: desporOtely .: at- trof Fra44.: - - a ',... - ! 17 , tempted to titre*iter-up- on the . hank. ,As ' .Mtaliaria ill -atafed :to thel'Loii-1 ' - ' ' (1071 bones, , ie . 'ade the lie fell backintne_rapids; ponident of Titie Irish Times that ther0 is no -.and was Whirled overitha simall -"fall that eioutadatiOnfter. the recently published res*. inteirVenes... between the -Aniairicail-andathe :port of his lia,aing .reeaiverl .fronil the New Hoase Shae fails. Little EVit atrindt the tbp94-skiii4.0111-agafund.tioney for tie atat_. .. atreanlaand was thindad• to het dr.etalful fate. nell -itsseitsiiPver reaclieil. his haild'i•, either'. or; tlidlianIt.'bilt e41- pewer. had -•41.-itirantlY pose ,of-defiltikiellf.electien .and other cog- - - goti from lierinid she r:illed back into the nate.ex.peitati:s. ' -No Stich aneneyaMt, Par - mother and eisteiaatood powoleas and: lyzed -horrer While the] tragedy, it inatan_taneouS it its action passed- bef rb their -eyes, lea•ving. its 'dark. eland litina,14t-igever all theirfutureliveaa 1 Charley' Addliegtenhact.nitalealierb's atonernent for bia="thotiglitlessnass and reeliless act. .. . s. , .. . - . a-• The otheralight; soon after: aayard meet- : . :-...A. accident wttli very dramatic. -rtecom- lag. ii.ait- oaeli.e.,:i-,.- one • -of the -.'elee-t'Ors:.pre; .paniblents ocaurredgoinpfew yearstafterthe' ti Vali in 1-1:41 14{421- or .t iitt-iciz.i., sent tieeau.,edeine ler •tlie: aocitr:tip:iii _he. said- V.enttliat cost Charle57 Addingtan'an• d maaea to jeaae...tha place. -Ito:. w.. soon ,141," Pe, Forrest Aieir-Iii,-,es;: ". One nierning storfb,el'hy: al-Itribid-, :who said.i ':- .s.- -as,- . . soon After daYhre4Ife'llio earlY:rise rg at -the : 'Dont leMYenS.-ne*, I Want.Yetato hear F.1.141. 1-diSedy,erea something •iiioliPk• .0.4 ' iis '1.:Tiei::1:itt.iii.t.,..itill,i;.‘t,o- 'Filn).e.u_aSslte:, i:t-iiguiti$ity,iiiiic.go... .,.1.1,ilieeack.0- iit:Iiirkitit„y1 - .%h,sentigr:. 1.ojll on nal o. ,s:ii lei} I 01).1 %F.;. 1ti. nr itselfoentikcaof a. si );odt'le.t9r. eit:-/1'- ,.,y1 Li ibi4co ii..bi 1 ei'ff i:- i if i ;clop/ ilbar. T ;:', - ___..-:-'. ..- .: ::-... --_.:::.:: .: : ,-.. .:‘.-.., . rapi . - • _ - - 1--l'eS; _I khdt-, but IVe c'otte••ed-a*e.- along . caught • by and bee'ome. firmly wedged a: • . . .. .. _ _. .. _ _ aaallome "1 ;great.: be.aybug, •AtOW .canayou towards home,' Waathef reHy:;•-•-!-:-.. _•.-_: ,:-: ...,fintotios ,t, J.i..,n, ii-kondhkisii,,,O]id'oiv,Sui: w'•tv.:al.r.ya t...:iii:Wri)a,ffird" atthliee; . .. .. ._. a ., ,.,.,. -hill/. of-goina:-.hbillp. until litallag- finished bridge- tnialleg. -N.a..g -alitl.-'stil,1 • iii in - lull': that: -Speech!. ;-•There.. he: .goes again!i_Ha. Sight,: irithealiercest..part .•of -_ the raPida,- .astagif yai,iv-tiiit. to :gee - grassagrowiaig in ._utioine.sAidlnerearbiclaynaii:iaarrcitioGit4haet".slinoa4,11.11-diftlhatiadi: Oton, Ttleiteu-11.5.itiiePcie-t e,ft-hoeur_:wciiitdi:isn--60s!:,tr.fettile faring .crearding ,the poorhauses Initil. tlieteis'na our: families ..wthiesIA.13Qpioentif.coaunii- asl.iotrop.:4;.;.q_a;'hmaa.ainn,e.;y:-ainiol-a..iotb4je:41_, „longer. room: to receive ealiotlierr : .--,,- .6114 nt:that liis'boathad been ear.ried-oVr -:' No, -I-dolet knaWas I would, but latesd *the falls diirincr the night,'while:114 hirhaelf "FR./tort o' ay:irk:my. way euff . - =. had intraeula.11.14.-.42ean eastijagaina. the log, -..`.'" Wa-itfifteeri. ininute-s---1-' teia- --.'fiiiee---Witit :.by which he trad-nianaged - to stop his fear- .austitti.46 „f iwhether-you lli ie•s, .i.i. 4- There.fj.,-e.eitm.i.1 .i.Logitt.....9.,ii.l.-.10;,H.e.e,i, .fitiirdSlatoward _death... Despatches were ioam-lediately,-gent. to "Buffaid ta:tb-e_cadst' Ile wantg'to : kite* if you have forgotten the-- life-saving station,:and. CaPt: Derr hastene.1 patriotic principles- defended- 1)3, "tb0 4100a - to Niagara by -a Special train' carrying with 'of yeur.grandsireif ay,pli. have 'forgotten -1-11111:1tWo 'metallic. 'lifeboatsa land .:pl-ang te dhe sound of liberty bell?'...-. -..:- - ". a ,,,.- a. .' -gave "-'..thn. tiiitii :were , concerted. •, ' But, *.,--‘ I don't .know'aa • have; biit-.I.iiiiist:go-,--. before atiangenientS•-iicre .;m1111leted, the _really .1-:_mu-st2eiaa. .-,..: s -.re-- a. : 7 . i ' - ' " - , . news had been.- Spread. 'abroad, and ni.4t4- - - .. Itear .that-abear that.l-,. Ire says : yeti. thousands of .persons.- had reachedrille tall eb.untry will blessyou.'- -a.- -. . a "_-„.. _a.. by special. ty ins„... Go4t:Islanil,-.:ttie bridge., 1 ean•tsay.•as to. that,' replied the" man ',the-Ainerida shake, the roofs and Windoala -as he -etc:ailed althigla• .. but :I'M"- dettitsure Of tilt adjaCe t baildingsstind. the branchea' : that the Old WOMan- will if I- d ciret.gi the t it e.. Of trees-.Wete 0 verud°With aaxiciusaand lioi''.. -fitafst-i.int.i. sto pit..:t_•-•th: is,-c..a.ds:,fi..sh,riaSt,i,..l.i_. for laii;e. a'a„.„;„. rifled apeCtatpra. . ': a .'--: - ' I. -• • - . •- ." .The. first attempt atresdue wiii 'by means a •.* Great gansa liet do.1,_elj .7/.)er-. cod .sh :=0fr 'a.-Franci-§ :metallic. lifeboat attirtelied 1.0 to liberty?' exclaimed the other. ---. - - - . eablet: which was slacked Off' from - the a '1: den'1:ktioir _as I do, but .1 ..git Mere:et bridge opposite tile log andgtiided . by .gida ..... a . -- . :a - :: a. .:'• ..--_,' ' • . . - , • ... - ropes. , The boatb.ad not got -far :frail. the . a *And-you-wiltited_thie".-ediintiy in-int:14. ;bridge ,IVlien •-thea",fieree ., rapids "•:seized iti see her go td .desttnetion .-?' ..--: . a .. . . -_ ' turned it•round and round, and arid .:aPpeatepi • . : cIal• he kinder 'sorry - to 'See'. hergo'abiiii to be endeavoring to tn erusJi:iti its sides.- Th - hill,' slowly Observed_the7.deliequent'..its lie* -streng eable.anapped-likea; whipcord, • an . tetacticd the : riloora..".bilt if -yen had -Sa -wife- the poor felloW:Wlid had been-watehiha tb •- Who-catild_beailajawili&I- :it' ..10 . :0 ‘ii1G6k ail CI Olio): t inadP .fea " his . rescuegraii'...thec'beat 1101 lose :Oiriiitinte until daylight, -antheii whirled past hirn'andearried-ever the_ fiill-;,.. end up with a gtand.,Striaeh of crock:Mae taid. as if intrieekery.bt-hiS: would•l.ie. reSeut-fl. "t;iinsiderable'finie-Lwala tin it 00/1Sj1010 iti .delibetosatigon a ne-P7 .04* tuitrif Was In.e.i :'-iitiSe.d .0 fasten.ti,i!a:bke to goiiie building °its thea‘mericitit _aide: te.earty,it : over to -the-a ialand, until itaWbuld,:gn neat thef Mg. and, -then 16: .r.csene'r.-:. tlf.o...- -man - 137: .--- ckits. 9 of '4-1.1, tr'gk st I • liung. . PIl ,' tila, :(::11111. ring:4ra -,-"to .. be - lat. " " ' ' • 'AN,..Y115ttrzctity.) -• • ✓ rYysite're., ceinplained that.- the ✓ 174 -A1 -1P--1 upon: iity.est400liT,A, IS Mire-, atiViaa? The-iiriees'ait Cinted States. liaae a tarta AY-11-1TAI: theY: Iti .aidat.3.?i' per •te.the-Purehaser•,. •'ter.-1-1:aas 111,t inortgage-radlwiiy. o-aelliag :pricks-wit/eh, allow:41g ta -ultimate loss pretuarn tsgive net :only _aa, to_ Al pet . eent-aTa which ir tlia elevates. the . prices of -thoneWer aaltalse-of -stoele4-: to • tignres-iwhich. ✓ I qtraejwith-dist-ros,.:b4t1.4-bi(hneaets • e. .seele be•enly .faitly.-preportioned: 4 aurteht -value Of,' the better lappre, e aecurities, -Real --eigate dbaeg aro eomracted'itt per.bout,..f for one and for: shorter- per -Ceuta is cases itecepted...,_Inother a:metric-S. In kr •••state :of things exists. '• English - o 'sett at" prices that.. yield - abaut.3 t. ';, and '1,i ritialt railWity debehtutes., -Jed to Agates which.l 0'4 the: 'buyer 31- pe.i, :cent. :-..The •French- Eyes are itt 120, with 011 - the ehanees. of 'a cenrergieit 'int:, isguebeatirig. ✓ ate athe aliteeit ara-currontat.'neat- ar 1. Paris has" jaiet taken.arOnditiiiotin • t this " barely atetutu....-4.1 'enta.:"ta. .the" -a:investor:a and•Li loan per :Cent: may w ,th • initeaa setae :=Of the :i•-ittaia es of : this'ea:Iiitordniaraatedinetien itt ings of stateandaepaporate invcst- s .after •which. _bp.. easier to _e al_sens.e, the -price - paid for the -loan ,al:depenila_iti: !Ott- the ...net reault ob- froin 7;ItS prodiictive.or jy-e. binplpytnents-, hafset ilt Witliala'-7-..3,1 the PrOl1tS-011- -"of herrowed dapitahltave. been reduced_ the -general' depression te tpris,e a.audahentle the: ao:uplid for 1, *: -.b,-;(4 ooesp6,4dibgry:carto.liie.a:. tut Jai, .1"itlik. loaiis..11-i.6: been --The Arclif..4.44*.•'ot ii::_saiterbary , the 'scripturIll.ili.,1•111f-L(it... late- liti highways arid .1:ed...e/aai'oaltia_aatesta.: Ire redently .enteitainiar • CM/ of the: poorer people itt_.laarartietti.: sent each visitor away...With-a lineeh or beautiful flowers'. - Tile Iteva-:;',ILC--urtdenalate of st.2.PauP-s- latiffalaa,N", Y.. avlio now;Visitini-,1 Engtouil, Iris accepted the :tee- - pafi-h: Tolede; aud. . enter.uponhis dat rued month:When., Ito returris'irarnEnto - s . _ A :gekVice was .reCetillN.,:anno-unced-.4.t-St . . Natthew's; Syaeilliazti,-Lowlon,-' for 'chit- , dren of the lippet-elasSes..' Upon 'which - newspaper _Suggested -•athat - th.e words of 4.•..Cittis Should -be amended so as to read, •• '.."-Fuffer b_ttle,ehtldron -of, the upper. classes L() 'ante mea' - •-• . • - •- a spogeon,- IN01.0 Juts_ heed -the: -gueA of Mr. James: recentlyaiiteitalied" a. --Serriiati to -abOtit PersOns- on the lawn, in front of the castle facina.,1•.tfie I'Ve note a 110 1.) .pata,grapli in some.'et °dr echanges-t:iitho of effect that °wine &Tittles:WI:kr; Spur :o11uPi •':i11 shortly Visitthiscountry: - • '{3' • le--ssi tl Jou, The Athenastim, says- tl!at_the-fiti_ btidati. b;oaarri .ot•the,reviSed, versfon of : thee New Test - • .'"""u-' a Merit. will not -take:place 'until the:sPriiig of 1$81, when the (reek texts will, rio doub.ta abe completed: The'editorial -Work, as re- gards the reVisedEngliah version, has been intruatpd. by -the universities tothe _Re.v..J. -.TroutbeCk, the Secketaryl _of the Neiv Testa- of. hi •:nteitt, compaiiy:: . - - •- -..,1 gum Cardinal' Maiming has issued:a pastoral I other Deer rjj b crea • Wha • arnoi -heeir infer has : =This loan derg how: and dimii hale effee doub fall • ducti .must aainttrs; may, •411Ould tat/oil-le matter up -and- . Alrgran11 $175.,000,0t16 . near- Biamardk: had it narrow egcape frOaa canaii cr .a yie;kN- to the :directlyork direetkv. , . -ard was Obind guilty of 'inurderina her ii J . - • '• At theaBl' last assizes Mary El en Prich- illei=itimatei.fierniale. child' on the. 6th* of . • .a: - ; - • . Maack. .1.31,1gOner gave 'birth to the child • while . emetiyed, as /servant in : private - -. . .. • fain ly. It ..eaebild Wa;a-subaequently found - hi a tub Mid with feaibers, the 1 e -ad being_ - ;atm st , eeifired fiern;.--the body. • Baron Dese'saldlifeed -her .to be _hazi ed on the - 21staangeati , -a ' ' . • : ..-Vi hen tia.:ItiSli Census,Billaeo ea to be consideredViVery,,, aleterinined, opposition s regi trar_aglHili seoretary,alr: Igattbeson,-,-• - =will he Offal -4 to*thepbrtion of the geberne i „add di progiseg toplace in the bands of the . the loanip&tion ,..of theeducationaland. ' reliaionsiethins.- • Should the Government porest in 111_4tiing . forward the _bill -.witla is t afrit Inst encounter opposition anffie -: i this•objectk' able featUreatheaprobability. ' °len - topaeLent legislation this.yeara - - -': -. Acilitini In glevevrttilip, • •• . - . .t - Tre -WiniiiPeg Tim- eg -says a Times i•e- •liortt-t -.had 4it interview yes'ter4i ' with Mt:- '- al gent email: -*ell.' 'eaperienced. in" 'paining, ' - t. J. T. 1akhli ani of this it,y (late of of .liako-:- _ ilton,. o_.)-1- q,.iti•couniction With .another - ' - reoe4tly ,:dir,eovered -iriiiieral "tracts near ' I been givinfillorno. -attootion -tif-lal, 0 to the : s High:Lake .iand -liake'efi the :Weeds in the .. . :distr?.qt-of 14eewatin., . Yroni .exiiiTorations niad: ., -goldil ' • sillier :and -,'copper .. haive • ilia in, inine41 lands -'-that they ':iire. unable - I been. foundiji :paying iplantitieS, ', 'Collis - pdal t isaii4le•by.:those.deairona of •i iiiyest,.•ti to so fifill: the lea ths.ta:'.feWland -gr"ab-_--: bets -.lave f.1,d4e.in and Under the -Ordinary . to 11 e .exciVaiota of thaFie who.:#0.1d. de- - i lamd regiilat7bas intended for aaaliCultUral, - e , lands, haye:- ''.J3cured deeds' at large . tfacts .. -voted -the nat.4ral resources of the-aieuntryli. Epe ienceda -millers. *fie • have been :in , mitie,-aid* janls; are .parpelled On ,in ' i:. c :Calif 'tnia,--ii;14ytula-antillnstriflia'.. ay that - recording,' ofIdte iiii _titted.: .clistrict„s wit . i 4,000 -feet 10thiby GOO feeCiniaiiidt : ,'•Nal all cki,inis _111131 teaist.eted, thns!,preve4th,g .1n0nolp41y •atid- a ''transe1resSiOn -.et -private rights- ' - ,Tlip' --dal* . is l tonna -ip. work • '• well in tbesal .poUntliesii.: and is 114):: enmetL , reent that.inIght well iie.44.....-46_,1 ih _regard. . to import -11 - lifilds -in ,Canada;,- -Tile Miner • : ahoy '::rele..kilgito s haa2 eXaniined a number . . . ., • of 1 oil tea in-tOre lodalitieg flanked a. •cl litids-• fret/II Ins cauSe -ntSy . r.be :inferred -1.1-zfit of hysteries.,:yon'el kinder stand ' effsaai li theitiextraoiliparity-tiela in ininelial Veins-. _ :a falloV.tig eiii;ipitrison rat the -166.11S 1:•-I (1.0- illinPt fills. -f -.11040-14g • -...rePnblig- squeei0 -liortle are 4 'pi,1:fartn.eht,,tnls.'whose--ownei.a - mints -tt:1.--titt...•,' Drinc.iv0 IStttie'•lianks -thntiEil:s6-in9 iniglitY;lin.6•-lznO-t-liqes:' ''' - - 1 •lacve ' 7ot a refit to. -work:the mines )e .a.t the unddler-bf la. -;.3 --"and. -the • . - s.: •a ad wifli pot ge• e4oet)t- at _ - •aaataelag Terrible aapitaaa, - extort ionatel prices: Tile -Goveil.;ntent; . 'aliadm of fig -3. Ciose of , -.1R79 little:daugliter. of Xi. Ca•Schleiliabt, 10p-00 . .. ';!-}-1;0{,0;ty_1()" 494 tore,4)00 riolsoliillg •-Or/ the' eeo aito 67 toy non IP I.LLL1 11151. 11 u,t 411 d-ow:Ui 'early letelolimetit -of the noneral,resouttes •Tiotaiai 113""110 •tli Ofi:YS Mrs: Scideihauf '''put spree . rat' an.(1- 14-i:Ile(1- -in '1)Y-:•i3nialle '116' b iel-4111in .- ' 51;,(44441, Au . f-r4;it()0,000 poisdu 111 - a*.saucer containing .preserveil • .1-1111-steri"Lls fortl'; - .......s.e..Fperimeu . , A ,, ' '-4 1 ---,,r t -.',, 1 -till . eft - cutherltuids.. 46;u(AutIti ,. :3;;,4300,06._ curt:alas. an placedoil. a e i le , . - . , ..., _ .. . , _ .. , . , . :: . - -... ' ' - 'II -4- d it sit lf it ti - Proeuzed' so `Lt 1-1-s'-itivas decidedato serd.. T t etmild not i'P . • t • -,...• " - III Y 1-ifirr4',T:T, s.....2k1) IT. --c ..:.1. .ilea.i.. 0'....uedr. "Cellar where the verrn- in, wet: -• -t1 It 1 't -- a-- ........ ..... aa...aa9,000,040 astaatie,e00 ,... 2 • . - -. - ..: . . _ ., . e 111- jg a il _ .. • +.1 +,1•• - . - • .r 1+ • .i. li'Las 1,5 •-• .0 1: .i (Iowa a stronely constructed _raft iii- 'the wri tag- to it- 17-.lanailitifr n edical , journ- as e _ioa • lib neete - a -ease in io..colin ' at • '. . --- ' • DOWD-WO 0/ irecillenting. I 1, , .9 nns- , n tile ab ence t her 1 :- . - -- -i• tl lt b t le:16 boon 1 St.II1C Mal/1XX • s. le - 1 e,o-li att, ' ; abeir s the nation gid• rehl°s'e-d -01°. • 8f-all•Q°1'; . lliitopeathere. j,tag „been a. de. ' it on table ha .t° _ ea. e it over_ toNiat.A. 'ed, it•rtze.lieillilitittatin 'afe:t3:t4- zOitbe r:egilesatif Ile attending paysician.: lsathasa" as -the . geriettaliihealth',..of ,the faiiilY had nee 1 of neatly per cent. _in 3...ill°, afternoon' -MrS.- S-clileihauls from whence ldiireactia-Would.be eornpar. a; -been ad for filengtimeatitev. having - suta • ia te.a.saitable.: to --seppese that 'aaa. • e y --termed 'comae:et aiat aroaria ; Doh V,'foar tinclaa half - yearS of ado, naaaa- it lter -way int ilia Cellar' 'add seeintr the. nre-: o':u1 huifts but wag' •leivi_ rom,”, pass -of.-cOmPlaintStliat would Abe a,fretrioon 'before till MET., •etc. Found -under . - The had."--P-Osised without 'the. ..aeaa indica-le had ;Pain het :banking, institutions there liag Sew- •(-4' tliQ- c'drallt0 •a-nd ready- • - the r wg„.btlon drain -With .rottep (1 0)1, rig.: b re iii i into .the. iMce also_ partook. a , , . • , f flight's st time laeingliceded a ' ,,-..., _a -. : !. arld'a il Sat'tjiated With_ -sewitge; Itrap on imilaracontraetionc:: it -is. l'eadily ...- what an in -intense rednetion-tliete ta.litrge quant-ity-- of thig, -The' little -girl .. -The exciteriant.WaS - i iftellae. «iTc na-nd te ir, wat cloget-aL on-effeetires; T. Water_Closet „in, -the 'deleand for the class of -spe.odily teek fa vemitilig, :ma -cm quegkOii, NiToliiPp, *116.j'iiit Stoqrl. for bOurs.. v.ithont.. :tout ; . itu,ati.:-.11; .', ery •bad a•Ventilatioar rllp ao .a- t ae usuay' niadethring oligh_bankS. ,-. ilex .4 c r:- Shleihaiiif ..N.i-itS „horrifiedto r : :ood; :were_ ruioiffully- aitEta gw.- The .rn.f.-'- range - as- to .1.p. ivied the'. robiri illiove.it, a . ine-sintheieominereial demand ler - - „ karnathe -danger in "Width - she...WaS ". &Leeds inovea .it :with steed 'bravely the' wild • as;., - sleepi f.t. 44147 1111111.itbeeuiiied tiy . li; yourg - Hi ",- be - -the.- ' inere: ....ratidity, _atria :New iallk an1. other enietica :_Were- irninae• 'eaultS•of,th.e angrYiapids. -It neared' 1110 Juan s I tt 1iii foilci14! ljnie- from Igeneral . diately ...applied, ' _ itria. ',t11Q.' '41)111 14 ::.iya: joi-;- -The Mari stoodiipaand2 -wae_Aa.... los :ill -Ilea 1,:11.- l'tr,?,..#ttp on-skitehen sin awatea. _ iel:v. the' .airides". Of.: - cofuniodities- •- ' a -W -lien l. -. it : "-is :. :considered:. all,_ kinds a -of - •.- proper' ay' a- -hay ' -*Orbiting av•hielf-'regulted.-: -". 1 relieve:I "efathe,:poison _by ,t110 oontinucnas at -ins, 011 to tulle Withinhig:teach 'and --: suppi ' 1:5; -0s4...tk:ronneeted.diieptly."- . ith: the•_, •i'vetflet°7toP.ipo lb; --. - .('o 173, .Which -• h:a's neeeasarily - - - -- .' * : • -. ‘. - . _.*."-'.. - - - _ .-- .-- ' :.'.-- quantity -of -Weak brandy and-wateri Alia,t:'. • -• - - -he--got-, ti:tb-it na- -the feed - drink' ' ' 11' s6wer viill°11"PftPt's--iiiii::-• Vivi, :•-'9'. • .dailieasiirri. to lie," bortaiWecl far -I °anal 11 Yai:aePtti. pgressina :re . surprise , eat . . • B'TT-X,Itrjrac.As.. IJIIIMEE F.00th, DiP.1...amp. „had been put-aboar(1', .'aild faiStellee-hirit•/: T ; the d(iPression of ttade- and -.the tliat.forat 'hot weather drinknothing eqUals„ -pareal;- 'Mad ranSters aliclearryings 1.1",-ianew..k.1.).etreit. -"phyaiciaii -; • asserts .self -.tithe": lashings.which -had:bteli .pre--. libeY .. a'n•ot 'r4•1 hail t. --Y1141 . 4 -teY ; 11H -3)i.: - the intent 01 ':Whielalict niider-: eielai ed.inakillorts, 1 94, '114...vb._ Il_liad ' ... tocks; Tine ceo hi.is been. at -fowled switli., a-, .re_ buttermilk. . It iaelle-sa,yia: bath:drink and -stood• :::. Their thas raft Wits "Cautiously -. olio tiasathisaga aalatasaaaaa ;_ritija-rit_:itifa.feoelaatiel..:for :the--..-laherer iS :66 '1Sest- :ateadilyineVed toward the _iiiiand,_with.-itS. te.01- .niar.r.,-.., ableligesiin- reforea be bencededtliat theke- has; kpowin .1.16 supports the. gyatena, : arid ' -even p1eciediirfreight,=.4-±The;;pop1e shotited _ mid; 4 tries of Ettraike!_ Anatria,a_ dairingt-thiaperiod„. the nslial race-. in -,fever Will:Cure the- Stemacli, adrajtably," -n-iany ,svpriA tyeni. overwrought: feehee, 8th:14-Sexes.; Ilungillitia Catholic; - I o to' the hind . of : aapital- geekhig• 'It-isadae a...a-neat valuable donaestierePaedy.. .-cleilly:the raft (111 (4. it stand. -: XII rcipe-i fi itt t.l& ga 12 ilIoiretestaalg,-. It a,. ; It •NiTlil Cair:e:-dYSeilte/7:Y 'as. Well and --mere - wil, -ta-&:t".... hi 011 auh rgtio- -11Toot: .. d'a 'ate 1u 410.5; 15 - - Vii•lg-s114-mules;" ot-thiongli:Joani hitt; ."neVarth acburnithitions have. beetil Anteld,:• cl.04i1Sr-' thal--1-4iiY--- CitlWr I r6rtfedY,. •kii9V7A-i: .tempt to fOrce: it was to :risk its -ri11 titig,7..111)Jeg ti limie-klitaly-; Me...le dininishe(1aratio and -1-)Y8-OliterYreidly:1, ccstipatiou, and is -.and tilcvfatal coisequences. Couldnot be 15.1 Pr seia; ir$,,,dies,-- 18•; fern ous (11111121 11 ht. the:Wants 'of ' PIO OPpoitp:effliirrluct... it i§. ioflutanlation , pore tat ake in the. sitnationa and-- to; grow naisundersteed.: The -poor .V.ictinraaeonied," rata --Be/gi ataii pales,. : IS; females, _ - 15. aaa,i. ,G.-reeee,- -InaltSaf.14.;: feriae, es,.' .12. .;'• -Spain, has resilltecl=ima---clerarigenient off °-.i.i..1.-',:ii...0;;°:(117-41isiii-u'''°",,Lh:ticibent'ceircti•lkilio,t:i6ofil'it:167 -blued. 1: relation - b-etiveen".•Supply' and- - the -loin inarketa of the world ' perate.' Ile,.unfaigteited the'lashin„ds;,- stood . malea, 14 .;" fiittales, 12, 1.‘Sairitierl•nd; - it ' thtonglathe bOvvelSatid liver.: It is a dts, :up, made a - spring 'from .the raft' .fn...tliel. vdtrius 4.ecerdt,et to .th_ &Can oni,m- ales., fraoi _ "-- 14 to 90 and'leinales - fil;i 12 t 17 '.. a...._ . a • _ ' a, , .: - .. s -.._ ' ' ...• - :. .. "•„:eas9'.-al:waygippj..iit.,16nt:.iti: the. satniner..:Mnd .d..ireptiern.of th.eislatid, antlwasifithelloaan- . -i• , „ I-, ,. . 9- m, . _ _ o.. y•pags .. , _ . .,___:____.,_,...., __ 7.. _. - .._ , aajaajap-,.. .Frem considerable obSertgit1On I jug waters. InStrintly he. stniek_out..fpii"the .2. . :11ne-bf ths,lithear'ds is, s ..ea lay iht. Liver:a: ' • - .i rteS, Beeton7s ' -bee kinei,' has 100 :_feel.warranted.in. saying -- th:0-:-:131.ttterin,ipt.;- .:,island.. :He Seemed to he l.it, peiWerful Swini- -:pael. £onscr',t',es durint,.-the rteent. -elit,e- rian be.e.son Sand: ISland; -Georia.', diaink moderately; *ill:dare:every; eaSe Of 1: '.iner,.. and :thew/ma:la of. amen . ail& women: 7 Oen stated -hat Mr."' . .,!inasoll -' is. ' thii... ..-; ..The. island isfifteen. milea-ftem ita,Certainly • -avlien_;_takeii.. fix :the ....early -heldtheir bieath.itillorrified.auspense.• .He t ''-greategtiburUlig Ida th.d: :Side .Of -he ili- -. ifferent camie years for both lilies, 14 years, ales,- fe- ; females; 15; a IS.; females, lea, 14. 1France stages.' • • d to th • I d h" d • • appeare near els an in esperate fernal regtotW." • - I: lit- • - a