HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-08-27, Page 8I I • ' 1 _ E.. .• * TLIICE TA'S LE. ON AND AFTER. MON0.1.1". • trninsvjlJ leave Liu:know as lows: GOING -;()rrit. nt., 1,18 a. in A -cont., 11.3n 5.:top. rn GotNo Nowri• p. 4.3e, te aud tntt (.1 Divi,n)N Couta..- -The ('i,iirt nie jilt) Council rusitns on int.s, There r • no citses of :Ipeei,11ip r dna) bruu6ht ttt 1)o.st-N CloCN n.tid faiiii•y aro tlIt. i etv w downin I.titei....:120 -1110(0 f Ftt.T1,1it, We lope ttey 'nay ha% e time. FITT1N1/41 hiving the tcant half of -the ()nice building ffltoil tip as a M ::F,bu.e. undimst ind- that Mrs. .1 eliffe has lease th Amid, anti removine, herry 1.,-u,-inc's--; int shortly. 'Tui. ('en BELLS . ARE Co NON fact one. of thein arrivedat t.e ht ••of our worthy -hiend, Mr. _D. Ciuni Ofl Ttic-lay n1iT1111-, _the pei son c fin6 " baby bov- e 6..1i. the f pa.re tit s much out of !. - -this. aCquisition. to th, ir itorne.cirele.. -teiri.rett-c-opi-ealeLhe-,Se-afi•rt-fr.: - Cro-tria - Kokr-74wk-se tuart il ;••• 1 a,e rEI : - 7*,:(0.; 6-.s...chart-go- _t -clue; - C ,tvi) - ot NA: i611.('S • ..4`11;k1:YSIkrihtigh .the cltuIuiL cf :41ig ttliat* -rut_lo _ -ktc-ine hai'4=10 &•. the c, • ri 'to- take 'pface,011 - 116 ,titeans-1)ttSittezi:9,- --_, _ 1.7 gent . Mr. Sti.e.v-Irr, was' in Cie. , • .011-N)Tetliiesirrat -bc.tqasisirig to r it be - tieSsitife tot. oruanize ie 1, the --e?..r acIratt Order - et ankters-tandr.'-over -t. Liam oia iippaTeol.z.ci tlIQlprojegt €t.irg. will be•lieidsi;'Pascekl'S Sa; :recall en - UL 1 01 nt 1.1 tAro!. .•Burttign.-- .0n. Sunday eve' :last the ba.,in of Mr Thomas. rth,coneeAsion.,, Wear, W-iwat-iri-vsli` • • diekitiT.e.t1 b ftr.. lliH t',I; fle'wit.; contained, 1 trra_tit's ot iecluitia,,- 25 acres of fall wileat n •avas itIO•es1 6 I -only tue - -0: atnilde to. Whgt.-er tiere *any- smafltij lay ARRE;:rcif,-;':-..- A. •fertiale t ;e trotra;•"--VVito-tv-mo •iv -s; irrt. te 'Ate- ra: 0u*--Avri3dtii,sal.t,,,. by: - • ei)ristable -end, onr. 1. _ . . . • nolorn: as If ar-T Ita. . be -en‘ -of . . . hertee-lwr • Stu va , t4ken to - ta10: littttr tus4-! 1-tia1;1:1114:t0 CDIMO. .* ''1.1,W370 tt • 'Yet:II-Qat& the ,..A4VeTION S ALE.. --Thera w11 be •:by VQblic at,• iuluit:41.1 Retur4ay),.. September411(h? at . :e'clock fifty: etres a land , *report,- of .Mrs: Srh- --h the-ease:half .1.„4-.3.)-in'ibe -I 1i,-eo -` "dot-1.ot 'the_ Tontliip of Kini;:t-. _ We twenty -acres cleared- gs_td- p l'Atlatice.:v.;.ell :tit eg with Eard.woo.-1..-2 •COLild , '11,-tietiorieer WE-sfar.U..;,--:- her. thcse ud . _ du ellazigea-.01 -weather. 5.6...ctisatirto - health ant1,--preilut - sa.! oppiestziye - rain: comf.a6neell, to f 1i net _c13,tring a' great. pii:rtt,_ tifel 'TE .i.;41,0 • ; an( Wednesday:t.1..e ...W-t7at her -Was pit eeld. Cads; 111 60iiit(f..10_.! aiei Ca3 LLI aretiro: Joy laerosse.dubs the '1.1a -timbers' _of vi suP-pcse,_ range- from.' $- to 15. al age, - in _aetive ergianza-ion 1%11am-rejoicing. in , the :4,yfy-avir4-&”- -a.rid ,‘_.!vSlIvet. St. TheY_had atrio,r f .stri,-n-,;t1i and .o $.1titrItair -.att9-4160i1.4 ,Tht -"S aara'' ontstione-th.4r winnnlg by three guinea to- tticy..-. ✓ eturn "miaoli will .OuiG off 011 S -W i ave Lot, hey.ril that .spepial ariangenients _have- been. ,vii.gh,th* Railway Company' f i- o casiou Threo -et tho Sop Otiyed `-th4 "FlYawavs" ull Mo ht and`heat ti.w.h.by three, gam ib ire ve ur ad th J.1.3 - • Goon SuctiEss.-1)r. Garner and J. \Valiace went out shooting 'Saturday They report. having s-liot, 43 blackbirds, 14 at one c1it14,e. 1IRE.5111, 110 !--A.foll attendance of menthe! s t t PhoeliiX I.!. a Fire Co:ti- p:illy is reipe-e.ted at the meeting 011 Monday urght next, as - business of iinportan co will- be bzought up. 1),AttomNs.-You will get hargiiiils in dry w,09.1S at J. 11. Riad 'IIS new advertiseieent :and gee for yourSelf. Mr. Mclilardy mean.; what lie . 1;1:11.11N1: R. 1\1(4:la-troll, :is Sithst:11 tial .FtoitV:t1.,te.4 the !tont ot his tine svotte hot -I. When tini,lied, the .buililing will no lholot pres0i.t: a- invich hand --cutlet appaarai.c‘..)., teachers an. rt -.engage, t for 1 h c unirg year; .11...?„ NV: St. Ileleit.4, si1itry OU - 11.- -1..linsf an,' :No. -9 AAtield, lary john,- sah.:ry $.7)00. • Con.N.-TI.a..lot of tho.colintry. editor -is t•ot. se bat, aft( r a111 especially f he the- syinables ortt he with 'Inn.. Mrs. John Armstrong s --Ht- - us in mess 1- corn, •. st_!t-,11 1ih-3 s o -t 11 e tt‘ri...rt) •NtIdS• 'tit 1 foot long, itrid- :Welt. 'tilled-. -Who heats this -7 • • . _ grievous sin of trading, brought back the 'forge, and after finding his "bovine. „gentry," "yoked them, gently at dead of night,' and drove them them home. It proini,es to be a good law suit. The Ullicers of Water Lily Lodge, 1. O. G. T., elected on A.ugu'st 4th, are as follows : V. C. T.-Bro. Wm. Milian, W. V. T.- -bister Elsie Hewitt.- S.---Bro. 11. P. Chapman. W. A. S.-Bro-. E. A. McKenzie. M.--Bro. 1). McDonald. W. A. M. ----Sister 1.1. McLennan. W. F. Arch'd McDonald : - W. T.-1;re. Chas. Milian, Sen. \V. IL 1.1. S. -.---sister W. Hewitt. -W. L. 11. S Canil,hell. •iP!crall?.0111ki INeivi. _ . A lecture on Temperance was deliv- erd in the, :SchOol Itout.of -011 F.riday 1:;tit , untic:r .the at;6piccs-ol Dow-droP-Loti:_;e, U.. .1‘IcI2neen, Of Rio to a anti anprk.e at.ive v. gelittentau spoke in Itit inter - _ g t2,stinnianner•on the evils of in:temper- , attee., -the- shame and .disgraceit.-bein.v0 to theuslinds ut-lnones, and the 'wreck ntakt S Of the bodies and sotils of the -devote, s of the. intokin .ting Ithwl,enuti- . erating many iiistimeUs which 1t9 s,±en.ttnil I orthe inithentnAty i he could vouch.. The lecture -Was• pstiern- ed•to with 1-iii_rked attention threlighou Wa),b O t it i re l ct,- after ..w.bie4i...yprat halt bushel. shorty.:n(fdreSst.-,6-- Iv 1 elt tle inief ing abotiet• bron,,h_ With Ian .*heat; kib .--Otoirilitt itt this -;106tdit-y-Alave- peen:. t „ iho tv1e an -matter nt thu. :,i!):13NTINT1114 ar Lin tILL1 api lit -m -aro: 1.1 _ •Soinew • - aire inte. _ 1:€,...i.m..11:;---.T.trore'§-tt w 'apples .rt(i..eat,"_. left, .,hy.-pla.z.•0, fi oe, -t way 311:-3.• S-4 to ;tit, 0U CVI1' :t he. :frit tilit-the tycsent.„Was-acee-pt:ible: • * C.N.N.Al.)IiSSN6 R.D ET.: " OF 1omtEsTEas:- - . , . . A Nt1:6 purpce be ,held •;:in ev.;aing.„....",..7tii.ins.t.,,:f.t‘r,-, the ,pii,zpose of sei-iditlz ic;r, 11.6 -A* rdidt6 tit -6.71.- 1) D ' neti Ake.. - Jas. SOnerv_iile-.- Lis "- built. a‘'-new:•dainr, a-7ngle...ti..) the eld One, on -his- , . property at the; . ot the vidage, on; tite Caiditig„ Mill 'ail& :1FitliOing' sittiateti. The htiduze _ - 1'.1.tit.11 formed -part of tlie-otd dain has :the C uncil o.re • a itnw itupi;it.etrien' • - adpe-aranees. them,i,;1.g and t1 and Sories •Of -of 1.7r -.-110i1S 01* *0-1.1t - $10121(.1S.:- - • --01-.7t ttrey, lite bright rand -lively. okiii_l deserve: the re4rty.sti1tpert.- the ..y.O.tip.g. They. are sold at 13 cents•per ntini her, _Yeat,,an. t are' ptihlished i6-7,1;401-ito by - • ill: of. . - ._ . • Soinp-.g‘racie. to he cutin the viciiii.t et ,Ripley:-.. -- ' -•_ - _ -..._ 1_ . :-- _......_ ...• _ - B ns I i'.fir.iis. a.r.o. vigil? g..- C onr t it'. ditto. Victirii to whooping-cowili, an infant. of ',.1‘.1r. :Ntef,..regor, Huron: . . - -. ... IIs'feilure • of's:tiring.tv1;-:'-at. is 19...-1il-44 . fanners to tiow' a. I -diger' amount ottall. . . .. . _. . wheat- I-104 sease.n. -,-- ` __• -__ . _ ----. :.....•__. • . - • • :At-th's seazeiii- of .01.61-y e4r,- when.. eri'-.. -char(ls dilplay their roy ruits-, - inen-1.- .fc.10...:are.the temptations whichli!si...t,otir -yeittho . It all serionilneSs,y0-0!-Igfriei.)ds. ..-41,...siit 1 1..14 1e?niktatiqns7-eri 11-nitiy -lead:to - ureatfrr trintes, . -• --- .- -- .,_..` .. • • Trioi.-1.arwqs in tlie neighb. 6604 - ot. 1Zip1.y-are f a tiouf :. tilrOtigh AV it .4. : their harvest-11n.operattons.--:- • ;Fell _oate.antt• wheat, _ . . . - . . .791MIS are: ave. .. erivr.. eps,. Nit spring- w toat, •oWing.-- to Vett-. 1- 'w is rid . . ..-- .- . . . . . . . and .. wwt- auiatuer, barely. . rep ya har- vesting-. .- -2Our lir5Arinee to.dav Avould, - bear --no .:-. 'eOnwaitson • to . ,, Eogyaricl; .111, iii.tint. and ' respoct for law,. it it der Alfred:the- Gre it --,:- if CtIlie rls 1:(-rnat k A ,tie irue a -Alfred's -reign that '`g(ltien-Or,liatin,tots. tujiiiit be .hort(;-. bv - th€,. r..-iii(Ii4:Dia and no_ robta:,f v..%.-a-1(I-ilare ia)uch them.. _ A .:cas.,(.. it I - . *.i. - i'. - .1-1- I ere s rri s e- tar STI...W11 .11 Ort..Vieli.l.v, MT i .11 t, , ( . . . , .7 -. .. , - -.CrOOk8-Were- loft- by. _tlIta '.rca(1,---i le and - seine pi -rt'', rolker Or ne•,...-.11as atine .pff•, - with thenk; Query.----1TOes.:1tlibliti roads inakvpubiie property. • . . -....The legal- wits_ of Ripley ares.ent- pres. eat agitated over a "ease_ of • h erii:c,=trail i i i g. -- ft see*_tha4,- a fernieritt. the vicinity after haviag traded a yoke nf.exen for 1 hor4i "Ir:::i ,erizati_ int h. p)n-s of, re- Porig Qs aeriPAPIt PwittatiPt 01#_ ills - • _ bti:tii un 1,,t,it ugtor . _ -ea.vos 20 Ut1iiuV, or at Om ".ek:"IhinTee: EC 1111n. .. a few .(layi...tigo, -ttiict,l)e:t I11.:'::.,..)lborril :wit1i:Ali:61r. ste.am:- tliivi-ier,. -709.:1b.till, Is - (... -.1:- gr:..ti.ti ILL a day: -; W.e.lia-ve two_stea,in- :-.threSictirs. id this vicinity, b it11 dein , :- - • .. .. ..,_ .i...O9d well:, - --- - - --7 , . - - '1.1..ki-ivEsT-V2-i-c---i-•=.--Th-e• ,- harlrestig-- nis - . ... , . . . , . .al.)ont .1i,,,..-is!-el--intli.is.ieiglilortioatl...'i 1 _ '-'.-.,.:e,(.:,1.1ent stj-ii3'0..v.i.lig to 1i.:0.-Tieautift 1 vierither A:veil:I-five had. - The --ht.1 witea1t 1.5._ttrni.ng-,. ei-; t -frozit 2•5•• '4i) .30- 1-Yi*Wiel .1?....itri-,:,1‘14:1r0.O., '...7.717.)40,-...S1.3iin...;-,.:1-..w ti-e_tii:is .41-118 oi 1*-- . --, . _ .11-ik.-iiii...T.Mr.-Itatnlin: 11-1,9: sita;.i.led- . - . , -- .- . _ . - new naker.V- at-DunLiatillon..- . T116 Stan- -. - -.. - - = . _ - • - - is. (11)1-A.:site Air. iNli•irtin's hotel; --- ::- .. , . -.,. . .. . „.. . .. • -.:131:-Innixo.H,T)-111),,ani.ieh :;11a.o.. titbit,: ra..,ii;listritlt..s inl3iiii(lfm:7-..this • stint:in-1.e ••• :Ss:Nei-al.-new rbiti,lilirigs - -Iiive -- 1er,-11., put np-arid.otlin-lsare tit prqg-re:15,0f„,etiectitol ..:-. ...A.111•0114,4 1.116-43-4)ein'6'.1.-itit .rti)--e- noticed 't.be-i:-.sittliCi) r Of ,•Mr:•.:GrawfOrd-;...wl .-ii.c. i- ‘t--lieuilirtilied wilt -be rait : ornainifrt.,--t .. 1-110 -V,ili0 ii-oal -: '-'-:-- -- - . ''•• - • • - - - • .tr ' , . : „.. .. ,.. • IN THE GOODSOF John Armstrong. 7 °Tic E i lereby giVell that .a.1:* creditors -next of kin, and other persot.s having aoY claims or demmidsagainst or upon the Estate of John Arinstro»g,. late of.the of Lueknon,v, In the (;otinty of kinror , yeoman, who - dlt.s1 intesttIt. on the Ehflit It day of Jannary, A.. 1). 1slik ,. at the said ';i11:4,,t uf LackitoW, are herehy rettitirPd to at•tai io full partijeular,altI ,flu fit 01 tl.eir claims or ti 1. aid John Ariitri, tui 11 tInalt 11 the Township of i ;if dlest-X, -the achninwtratrix of the Estate am! efit .1.4.4 the said fleceasml, at the ollicq,Oflers-neito1s,-111 essrA. Street A. It. .1881.1 • or on - deftiant thereof, the said 1 lanindi i1eidurt, Its Arai ix w111- 4.tth --xpiratii•11 ot. tbiat tinte eeed to ad iumi-,ter tlie .1.:stati. of the 5aid J,•111 rulitroie, deceased, and to '‘iistvi.:czte t:te .1s:,1•4•of tAm "same among ti a p:trtics cot-H.:A dti 1),.i..1:1;trIt,itqt1{tly1 ils;,if%.4-il%);iiriid.tr:::.t.i.:,-„tairled.;.tilly to tile hilt t fur the .said Adn.ihr-trt-/ix. plc? A ;La.. ,F3 1 E suli:eliin-_•t -1,v1-11:-.--; to i :form -.the in- h4bitants-of the surr_ousiling •cotintitiv that he has.fOr sale 1•.rt.,i- liVeS of .f11.St-Clit.,6 ltall: 11. ih,C.:., Witiell Iwi.l. fi I ,;,•'..lthlfli, for ens 1. il .1'.art :-.1.- in nicnt -,,f: bee.; would 4') will to and , -en -h-i-; ..-,toel;', a,..,11.... i-; S•eill 1.4 fl)Pla ehL,a1,,.being abilut to letIve - • • - thL JAMES :NI . . . • 4r.1 Tin mtr 1 1:0;elo 11. be sold ' !.‘• via - nag the li10:1Tall ("). . • , Y COM pE.-..-rrnio N. iii': -a largeStoc.15.- n ilfilpild-ci : . - ..:,t;itt; fiAE3 -S it,M II ER . . a 11 .The •t_at Blaek!ft Dungan .nrin, on ....Thiirs,..-.4-;•Ankust-.' 49th. - t :1nel:tit-Jets -present. uii 'autos of last -ioy Were :r.ead -and:Signed: -.Nifived by-, ?d i. ble.til,trchf,---keconcleli • b -••14.1.r. that: -the 'accounts itt. , paid Vain e riut Holt Cameron, for; pr. fes-sional•§.-.••iievS• for 1878:- 815; dosetil(A g her, , grave Von- Lointdary line; -$3.;5.0;7,-i . :renatrin, culvett on Lots -O.& 7, $A, (Te._•rie' _lleyttiett,i)i-ii drain Trtgett's,-§F•29.•.; 14teivart.,..ctitei.COn 13 b <VA', • -W. repairing , e ;11 vert7-60:- - COn.I0,.$10',..J:18: en:i,;t:on uin. 11)8.).6.;:.. -John (ikriii-ittlF1,',_01Zifikf-;.- ..1)ritike..;-.S---1;1iy...t-11.(on 11-- lailson, -iic:*•,1--21):-Aletr.:t3in's•:..i.,.1•ft_ - Alex l'hit1itts,•-i-aravel-lir.50.. • MOsd 1),V -,seConded Whitley,- that li:Olort 'Relit be ....pa:id ii .contrad ti bridgeat ;by Mr. 149.1.‘,Inrch.Y.-... 'n.ived by Mr.: Afec.tlure,""-se.coniled by Mr., Gfiffin.,-- that Th4. I-tackett.'and,Widow Mart, in "tie .given ea -eh -as -Charity.; • li1e.V.:i1-1)St..M-r..-.Wititlsy,. Seeouded .G --,ratepf.onejnill-and one tenth,- . by raised forlocoilii-zi:•)(es. Vn co-litining tlie.ab6Ve Wiairead:: and- 04.s4e1-,..... . . --(4tifan • Secondett: M that- this Council grant-$500.far repairing .Laite•Shore gravel:41:64, the work ti he under- . . the sup-erinctendance Of the--Movi,r and 11-r **.ag 13: a: ee Kirttu •t 29th pt. ' CQQ/i.-Cler . _ . dogs .mitst occoainnally•IZFt One . -of -them lately tried to stop a -railway train by catching the cow -catcher in his teeth. Ife---w s 'clinght in the act' hoviewer, and:- has sione 4prin-,to, #1.! itutitnAT: gas*: -1 - Er, BOOTS AND 82.30o, - -Qvercoats- - Neckties, iirt rac • .TE1361MEINMMENIMMJIIIMP 1-- 7-197411% if- "" EDWARD D • efiSESIECER /OD 1..AL - a removed. to- Flix-AT's .Old St, nd,wheri'lle- is pr °rued to do all linc1,4 of J'obbincr and Ge -eral 131ac1,e1i1it, In H. HARROWS A SPECIALTY NIT( rk done -•on --SUA.t Notic . (Jive himn a call. .3.014.- t " ' '1'U. b:NOW' OA PITA AVORYS beg leaVO to, ' thank _ thoise who IIave heretofore patronized'itheireStablish men and wish for a continuance of the saw..- ., - \V&t have novion /10:nti a sii1euaiti 'anal* . _ -m.'en "or -Hist class • 1AR(1.A.GES;'' • _ _ , aid: : I.- " 1,umber WAGO1(13.' hapfor cash, orsittcre-di - -Woulkt take. a . • In:e.x4hanike;fok.-rigs ' R. -Painting and tritnining d ne; with meet:- nettOespatt *a -Give -at a ca'41.764i CANIER 1111-1L.L.E _ PROPRIETQRS. WM. WOOL. WOOL LUCKNOW WOOL LEN MILLA, sol)serilit rs thank tl:eir customers Tor - e libt_ral patronge they havi receiv ed fdiI the last fourteen years, and trust that 13:,e4•Vief 111 :till :Aria attenet tto the wants (if 1ztm (ublic, to still merit au increased titre ),: • V' Carclinz and Spinnirkg . • • carer:111y and pobetually attemled to. CLUTII FULE,INGr AND - in it-clzus style. S i' • NK ETC, ex. ()LOTH Nian rd, satisle.ction guarante(-d. shit ti-- \\Iql•-t•t•p 1..;t1 a stock of all ill( indE VOLLEN G9ODS wc will exehahge fi WOGL C CA-SE1/4-1. _ _ Ni -k kiwi -1(1y. or Old StoCk•,:bnt -.New -and:, ftlood.s„ th-tt;. will stand the -wear and - Le:01110W-* Juice/dill rs _ • - OR TV -ASTMS. -comfort .and health, smoke only the germ- ine• GOLD FLAKE. Pronotoaced,• .hy alt' who have tried itrthe fiiiest,p_nrtstandbest Sinoking 'Tobacco in the world. Askyour dealerforit. -And if you_caunot get it else. where, write to The" urtdersigned for cir. lai and price list. 11;orte genuine with. 0(11 add signature. F. 1E. SAXTON; Ghtbri Tottieco.Works, - =Wirtoscnt Oirr. I • ST:TXPITIVEL- Aft*e what Pliysietane and the PeorIe-- efok 1 about SCOTT'S EMULSION -olt ' C(.4-:1), LIVER - oil. ..4.NIR. EYPOPINOSI.,., ' PrVES, as a remedy for,copitunoticip.;-:. -44'169 si*d 7"t'11411..-PeAirtO17111.::71-3127.8.:.*: - 7.:1 itiglis..$1OTT & llewx-y.-it - .-.-_ ,. , . • . „. • - iptiirrisatEx:-- 1..lialre 1,rescritiedS7,ott's Erma}, sio'Il),-f Cod LiVer'Oti, c-..tC.,iin-Inv 1trac1ice,a134; "- "tiscIAif hi up; faintly., I . sin', n-ieafly I.:lease I- - :v.t,Itl .jit .-1:ei:a-tist Oi its palatableness ,and." the. rosults.alat 'fol1 w its ime • tin ce'Itoutd it - q.fr.y servincaPe m 'sera lone tlkseases liiroti --laillit en ail, ati..-lotion;., - *'• - . . ' 4 . •IZesiCe•effnily ytitt :i; '. -IRA M..1.2AING, ki.1.).'; - .. • ' 27.9.EaSt Broadway, N'...1c.' „t LortsVIT.tg';: Elf, alannary73; 1878... • . ,P,,Artt.r.k.t...\---- Por - the lastifteen inenthe X - - -u •i vont .--(1-od I.iver -EmnIsion--, both - tli: bostptal And in',prixato practice, apdhaVe 'beeli. •g-re.ittfY -ple.as4 :'‘vitifitS effects, ' AI's.: 1./ ettc,_ „ -1)40 ',.iiid .can -be!' talien for. Alongek timk than. --, :anklpthe.r.preparation Of :God Liver .1%1. il.p, , -Coi.,041-iption- ait j'e,hildren's,disen,ses ,J _live. . forttUit especially. -Valitabi.e. ..Iilpill.N A, .oc.:1B,ryi..o.-xvil:: :1.4it.. 41. •..... :„ • .--- - 1-4,,,ii&vi1v-city xt-Ni3s.:-.9cottit 13ow:4z : ' .- " ' ' I'.7.-' I . 1 la' --1:-.0 nsed ScOtt's Enrulginn..of Cod ..I.Aviti,-.. -, Oil.A.lailvarion us instances, anq..1 -bayi(pr •iiti it -ro--. . beAsilytalien,sri.adilyaSsithilate.d,:antlx04(1-, I y ti-h-roves.4.21.e. tintrition,atd flesh. .I ,con.*- -$its.ittP:Ibesfts:::::7B)nolw:ove,,r: u.:_e_ii:: ,‘: 1. : _-_._.„_., .sf " ...' R a' E. liAlitillTQN 14. I) . . • ._ . . . ; - Indianapolia IA- • .E.'ave. given ionr reinedi. of Cod Liver 01_ ,.. .. . . . Liver Y1 , . 4f:c0, fait trial, 'gild a. In :04,0411E4 1.eill _ Ear- _; _0.10 it is•.,rire rein(13:;.. Air 7044101.1R4itargli..417- :entif,--hs: I •ttatt .14111::rectitaniend it. _.__Wketi,.- : _the:doctors bad.gdar,en,:ine ,np, _I' _:c()inuip_t_Marl_1 :__ _ -tigifik your.thedielne, and I .atli gailling •he II anOtrength Vieryitast„ -ant:11+41AI *hall. *mil', :11- t! iflo .41.-± ..- - ' : : :6,-A-YoB711:15,1'7EJalliyit:stytAi,tiyo...11-iii . A. ..._ •_, • ScoxT .4...BOWNP".:*" . fileit it-ply-A:114y to lot y land tI eneff4,,_ 1 haVe del-b.:Jed-front:Ow nse Of youe`.&.n-nIsiok,. .1 11. 11 a very -had cough for years. and un coif:- nil -4' -ng."Dr. 1'. •E. Oorsuelt of -Otis-city, he-. tit- -'.- -forAtefl toe that MY left 1ringlmas_ driie.maccanit.:. preObibed- Scott!S-Emulsion wit'. lIypeptn*. - - i:4114e.- After talaug-twobottles 1 bcIgag th ...(mMOvis;.veryiiipidly, :and continne_d ffising ft, • 11101 }lad talZen -t-en bottles -, :and now am- -4e ite.,Allty a Irian as there it la the..4:iiti.S74if,BeItt: (11.01)*.i _When I began using.itl -Weighed 110 - patiads,r_Ino**-eigh1S9 potindPi. . Years; - -, t -i;,- • L) _ - D II). -FARQUHAR, - . ..•- •' Oct. .3, 1570: ' ---: 1 - -. .13:altiinor, .1\fa - . , ,47. '--ei:NAkfiliouA,SepteMber 15, 13C. P1,3.".E--.--'.?t8ri(:ght I weali'Wiito to -ou,I,,,.. , dift,t, a riotie.e_upori YohriT:bhoittslheLofpiraotle,ed:utp04. • , ... .itosli,rii.e-oacso:.,,itfiuwola.sis,,iiice,,,,-1 p to iiiel.at :m4rav wit -ti congumptinn ; ' the best inedidal aid lit fit4iir, (,),f: any treatukenct.-043,1Lyib.etratobairillazkidi14,__. b6:6•,4tioYli:tt.;:atii/'Ethelill416,:bte..Ylys--bititine;.b°tfolittelgi'a,inedtaittiois.-;oefit_ticrizttHiti„::, I4i..4011 e.kfietting,:to!'liefir nty-,death ',eery.. • t speldlike to tike it for , year; -viten1 thi4,:1,,:vii..4 be: .vilrf.x.eocutlrys.,w.cUitKpacir',63- ne. et,- - .-_4411XVii ' • • ," •