HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-08-27, Page 4It- • • . • .4.4". • • ;Eh C 4'1. It C 3 0 I: ,. Po THE I .1 itr.a-rY TO UTTER ANL, TO Altl. -E FRE1.71 AiXoSoli; TUE Incr.:61Es lieu:Neff WE Oil -MEI PAW:. ABOVE ALLI.BEHT S. lactow, tist —Shinty' has _revived once more among the juvenile portion of the con- formiy. Batainted limbs and black aies mark its arrival. -L-An fit.s.,itation for a town park was recently started in Kincardine. -A site CJuldnot be procured cheap enough, aw • .1 l the project has fallen through. —St. Marys is a stroug tetnperance iers9town. There are. 4,000 members in ,the.Temperance Club. It is thomht that Ooderich don't come net. --Bicycling is being introduced into Exeter. A gntleman. recouty gave an d, tinnotince, Branch exbibition run down stree, but fell eheld io . into the embraced a mud bole, and on the show was over. . . .-. .. )1st atid —The St. Marys .Argus advocates rger and. . i ever is. roofingportions of read, founddifficult t he •the and -costly torripair.. Very good ; but kr compe- what Would we do in the Winter time? the r.all: Have the sleigh traCk ou the roof.1 - t-,,= -, - -Thefioystood in the melon patch, sOrowina r by year, Whentie all but him had fled; any beffc „ Andviionsof a royal f eat' p31.n lit.0.1 Wentdmicing :through hiShead. -• But the farmer lend the bull -diff tame, 4c..,ai77 .7,1 : - And the bo, -oh! Where wa:he? . • Ga askttli doetoiman who Rate -lied Ili sorean.-cit=odne ? - - • . . - : 7.:-.1 Ott: Ililtieti-•• .-.----• 1:1* te- .1.vas A lively seemc On Exeter -.. treets a while wit); - lenty- cows had -T• I gone oo.a pcmcmg--e.Ncursion• .11to:, -tte . . - .... . - .. .. ---. e •.- field of a: tarther,living Aii-- thesuburbs, 4.; FALL SHOT As the poster, now ist the Fall Show Of- the giicutural 6cvetv vi this ;it; e -Tnosday and. Weduesda of S'TteMber, plore agraettve prize list, ottered, and. no t means of bringing forth ever: beretotbr Shos t his Society 'ar la:4;er and more s-s,Iccessfn - - , witx• re crainiy pDiomn _• . -Space !. to 1 14 ' OW- going, ito an infv . scrip- ion .eff tliese -...fe: _Jr:ray:Mention ft . -10w, ot th s : - able, ..and' iinpotatir..-j. AA og - - - the incieliAng.-1•IfeEt•:., ..,e i by tar •-. , ., -. niers in:the nu pro etnent of. JO curalIG. Of tiiiIir stock Indy be tic -.irt ot the „Ino4 ifhp;rt al •t fr Fa , . , Is: no (io111)11.;itt tilat. thQS Ill • - arel.frLely Atte to- the'... 3 Vi'. •" ': by thsn'ShoWs Th' 11 . , ... .1.. given toproeure--tin; hes -' oieftilly--ouiriar a . th li-dst..1):)ssi-14e- .;..t'411.1t 11(.11 IfeprOitiCeit; tii&1 3 inn t- •.. - '- li;kuSOWle,:tt-.i'lia--,-eller ,:t1 the vory- ly.:•st tiialit; lt - decor:atoe 1331pOluz3 go; • • -- 'tneManittature of -.-th-: -1111a..kifick-kntekS--icit - had of Lali4": .15epirfli - so-Inneh to cheeratel.,;11. We Lout-. that the ...Stic • - .. .• , . with_greater su;.ce;s.. tit. . . , time-torniei•y, - ti t; StX aS on : . `1;erie = i. Out. wereiffterrtinted. in:the infilit of o•oveintnits . -- - .- - - . - . - - - - . ....their festiyitisntltlriven.l _Off:l..tfy- the . -tiniitltis-- -.pouJict IlY t'e- i'l'atilY- propof their . . .- .. . ..• • • • . ilf1:141:11Oe.0 WoUlti.1)epief tic- -ground. The.. livt.1.y that Illo•-• • . - . • . ' part. of the scone 'consiStsd in-111.0-_--nPue•-. , - -. • -.... _ . _ • ,:•:.ottt1-sult:0:0):-;- .c. ,ssi't.11--- etionrts,...cif- the ocVner.s_pf gAid. `) t11.- • - t ti- ' tt..tlie purpose of - the.- far- , cow s.. o iv. a . . . .., nter'-.11i nip otirido g • th nin; . :3 i.i Oh . du. • t..itiai.„..,.iii . z;:e.ttif iid lit -,--I)-liblid - - "Ni.""1;11. - tests"' 41.:i) i-.tv. , -t- ..,, .apoii. the_ head!01' tnat••ntin .t.i,tat -4 will: n-nnietible -.e wor:.-e than-, useleSS- - i'or:.'itilil to run run PI'd-i,f1:. t`,1e.'.. i'vr Al:av• a- ilere. . . -• :-... .. -• . - : -• -- - -- - • - ...- . .. • witn-.1, on - - .. . - ~,, .. .. - -• , - — - _ (,t, r no:te,; • • ---`;"'-'----. . •.•., - . - . - - • . • . • . _, ._ . .-. - -- ,- - _-riiiii:Slwitil.'. i -'..-.. - .'• --.-- :- -1 -- • trat-.. ttleet tr u:'.:"! -.ale v • • EXTR011)IAY SUCCESS STRAYED OF 4 L1GHT-RED EIGHT YEARS old, large horns with knobs On tip. When last seen had a Small rope around- her neck. Any person giving such information as will lead. to her recovery, will be uitably rewarded. TRELE.VEN & STRAYED. THE 1 REMISES OF THE VI subscriber a red and white three ]year old fat heifer. Any person giving such informlethal as. will lead to the recovery of tholsame I be suitably rewarded. Tnos• WEBSTER. .1411CIE.BolV,Aug. 26, 1880. - HO FOR MANITOBA Prof, Gil's Ilogts Nature' Great It etorativC• A campositioliof six East ntlian one renowned for its -medical yirtue.4, he whole forming a ciluipoivjd -unequalled by :4111, - other medicine. Guaranteed to cure itheufk-A , tism, Biliounes, -1IeadacIte, lmplint, 1)3. spepsia, Fever and Puha) • • • I LLL' lietert DURING the remainder of the season of - 18s0. H-Evonings-are Ieng ----Laborers -aye se= • -Ht-Iiureha • . -bnnet —Loc• l dea.krlial, ship piunis. SlioNir poste ]Iead them. ,:rusesellsAle1,°:1: b SePtcabr --Dog po isonin„ . • .. I‘11;los Bra: tll,. Tat; .8Ilf.21 an • • 7;',%•7 at rtiSley, .§1ez.uiller1 •- 28 .29 a,-1:30 1 ;10i:• . , • . - 11l. - GREE WAY S MANIT()Bek PARTIE will leave on • The first l'IlESDA of Evilry,mo. • • iex :Party on 4th of For p:trticulrs apply 't = JO1IN 1CN ' G. W. R• Agit, Con Papers running ..-Greenwty acb, inent clianve tosa,me matter anci. sfre. • • •t - there Ireather On Tuesday -7-The Presbytery NTlketon'iast • ,Wri,fht, ineneect to 0110w out. . - u 6th • (trows 63 buslrl ot-y. - teTir Bs plc_ of -Olitatio ,are: tioi lias.just letie C4iiikot —Cannot soinc..-oi: ua uiatc4 AyItti 1.Wn. = on the river. . We TOckorsiiiith Brandi, -.at ,:Seatforth rtise House Paintial .anrl tratIn • ENNETT.; ge Nervousness, 1 alio. .a i . , General Debility, Diseas.• of the Stomach, kiind all Female Cmplaints_ For Scrofulous Pis eases it iA invaluable, as it is the grealest known Blood Purifier. 50,000 packages rlipld within the last twelve months, withouV a -failure. PURIFY YOJR. BLOOD, P4ce of Roots 50 cents per pakage, or two packtiges of Root:i and one Box of Pills far one dollar. Directions on each box, , Not sold by clig gists. :Sent past paid. to any address orte- ceipt of- prim. -Addres, GEORGE HAT- • WICK; Brusels, Ont. ' Lc:` W T WAWNOSII, FEB, 4Td. tr,1130.1 Having been troubled witn Liver Compt,fint and Dyspepsia for 13 years,I m as induce 0 to: try Prof. Grays Roots and Pills, I have their. abou 18 months, and u_ust say f41m: i completely cured, It is- surely an extraordi Oxyli remedy and would -advie every one to ti, it! - MR. ARCHIBALD ANDERONi . • - ri _! 4 ORNAMENTAL , . . . .,-AND SHRUBBE117., , Is prepared -to do all kind:4- of,- H USE. rAivrixu- TAPER liANGIN CI and KALSO.MINGin the. hat, all Gona. HatIEST STYLE of AK and at -the Icovest casl pricZs. S_•1.ATISF cTI - ciu-Anik.N1EF,D. - . - All orders -left at Mr. Corrigan'sBool. -Store -A 11 met with promitt atte ail'. ,- • - I- - - - - - G. V. 13.t...N -NETT . Ni ._ Lila:now, May 21.s 1880. . .., . Pel' ARTIES desirous of prom ring Orn tal Trees to decorate trieir ; pren 3ses and ithprove their dwellings, %ll find i.t•-,-:ad 'l" vantag,ons to call .and lf,i):: theii ()Ni . •,,l GU:IA.31, -.. 1A:110 bAS - in e arrangement ti4 lith . competnt-parpies -.near -Lake Iiippissitk t) supply the .-deifian-d, ana - biebig from a Nrr,- ern climate they Are alinokit, iii all instalceS s.0 `0 tb .1.,Tc.)w,-.if-.'prperly put intathe-grInuidzt-cii.1 can bk,.litocured.fdr.10,is -than half the- pit, df imilarArees.‘fiOni Nursries. The tie 0; PIC: '... Mountaiii-Ash Balsam;Siiruc' Black; Aillit. _and etc.: $11rubliery -consists of NiPlifIrsin}; - :1-leathcr, NilAiissingTea, 1'lant, bth:Kiuti--- fnl•flOWering Sitribs, Iligli Bph Crantirr, Lake Alt Atte, 'sc• nted SlArno-reticli. is 'i Oluil tly: the sweet. ScenieAl Verlic,....,na, with: .bekltifAl Cut fc Lege. Not iing-lnuksheitter aioniiA-our._ home teads than: a fjcv cornanuental tre.'414 in rgutnnier, - and half 0, d'w.n ior liNhiiep ofqvci.• '- - - -' - - • 1- • ii- -. , 1N, t .• p. -,..rt! -ens in winte, it na.s ur- a_nesial4h. ILI _-• traettive and pleaydit during tip long :411614y winteTs of •our nrtbehi.sjimat, '- irfi I - ,_ t : ,. _ P . .. _ I., Al $ l'IS.1.i 01 ' ' - RA G -n Ai t , • Nil V. N. -B: -•-5 000 Inishai of phiros anellike56, wanted utit: GrItiliiA1s StOr6 Luelino-ve4.' 1 •'• . . - • _.:_____.-i— — 4J "'•. '. -- - A 4. --Oti' • j 011eV : gl . , -• 1 Qi-.R6a1. Etate; at reasorit. THE OLD STOCK, • ,0 Btir rou can still Get arkLots ir Dlin LOTS 19 -and 1-1.-- outh11tkr.i1,- Stoi)hrt and tsborne, at Exeter Sept. .!l :nit 21. West Guilerieli; Sept. 23 awl -24. - at 71 ieb ea 4 Intl -6 East at Wroxter,• ()et. 5 aipt 6, - - . East \\-awansli brdach, Oa. G. - - Morris tiratcii, at- 1>lyth,-()ct. 12 and J. atia rinFIE Sitligcriber hereby in 4.. .th hellas open.ed an UCTON/2. • ... Trele-veit's ne • buildings Nvikere he :will have i.v.eekly sale all articles left for sale. .. i • ,. . 9inunidon.-iov. rite. i • • • Tu'.'1.1.1'N TRELEAVEN; liuckdow. Anril, 078 - .- , I-- , • :- 7---------- - - .,* . IIPII.OVEI/FAPAIS " ornis th pAhlic c!teap, Te-nis 01 rittes; on Ol-'11IS Of pay111e_ Stilt -1-191-TOO1S: ELLIOT TRA to Post. • taektbw_ -.111111-rt.,,11"• 11 • - , . • OR -CASE, .• 4t• LONG, TIME ANDIMAIL. • GOOD !--IVES4Ta. -0LLT AT. 7 -60iits • . . • • • - • 1-41. v anting- Done • . . atonaloi Lnc1i-now4 28:, 1880.'' • t _ • C ••••1 - . . Nor h- leilf Lot No 1 • Ptdvitidial-, at up . (.5 to ,Olearicd, and .bont 7;3- acirs. red. With 1101) ItftStf 6 .. 9_. E j)- lownship of -1.1-N-01: is new_onl /ont 2 1 , 7nNilr. hemlock, 1) swood• eli and-,)Itsfk- e•'.4-., lionlie• . 4._,,ci-L54•41.44...„ •••••., m.,-1-) ft I.---• — 1 -fraioe, stable. and shel- olii(. orltd, .00c In.,1ustrial, at --TiAronto.; SiTti 6- fi I 100 a( res more or less. Abou 2,5*eres 11 • :records" as yet: . . . . . , , 1 . i . —A '.rd ot ..'-ii)( is, - ....avorage.:- sold.", Jo larose badge. —Exeer nierclui. + - • their -time.- ong carrel -4011a ent tr, Liurfo'r. 801118 titae. - • - - „ • • leniperanc 1?. z not be very enilitisi Sti ---INewspapers 7a Ny.,- other as to which p A-Vtsterit,- 1..Ond!)n.-Ciet tn7 Sept; 23 - SourhPerthii:t-!•‘St; Marys Oct. • . - • - auui j,3_ • , - 11 at S;:pt••": 27 - , 'gilt fi :: • , • - - - r.- - • 1.761a_lfiave • .- .• Have you aoyexeu•e forsiifferik withDya- Pepsia or 't.•-iyer Complaint there any reason why -you. should Ito on froin day 1u ' day. - complaining With' Sour Stomachibk.." Head our ?ilinberley Let heard front_ - • -Thecting on liembers.efin n. t theshing bee ---LLIt is saal the feeds on Celeri. • " approach to “salar - - —Some wicked.- Atiits to neighbori purpose no doubt fruit. 60- di, one -fie* on the office, and. all bel Be.at that, lutec. . . _ ahe Co5tiVenezia; jalpittiou.• 1teait;•iteart BUrn; Waterlitash,- 1t11l1;4rniee: pains at the nito , f ' .St pipacai, Yellow Skin, coa-1 ton.,,..u,. with diSagreeable ta.4t in the moutri„-c9iLag, ,iip of -fooa after . . eatitit.t, Low Spirits, &c. . It iposi. 1‘ *(ll1"OVill fault if yon Go to3ourdrui,g it• ----::!•and get abottle • of 'O11,FEssAuGt fur 75 cent, your Cure Is. certain, bat if -Ymiirtloubt this, get ,a,•-sampte_--bottle.- fpr 1 centsand try it, Two dosaWilt r-olleve you. cow. 111 lb:5as. -7 • -1 i h . buildin, --4 c m 'did . m A ggAjd. rQad,, - DiStit t- 0:6111' ireknow: . itiANIPBE No loN400of:Soit liFttf Lot Is now- prpparewor del g b' 1 ILwell:: 'This lot is•:sitnitted i%. a Ow • locality,1 • #11, AC 1Vi1)es inferin :the' c thathe eonsatitl :nand, a t • •- FRSTiCLAS STOCK OF 111en - - Vona Misses and Childlen's Bobf:F4.. a a • iless laraer seale,tbpl , . II &ill:lie p. •a: retilatiOup of -freh iporat of all reasohabie • NC • .rvii :NO; 6-, don: TE.3, W. 1...lof the ona (-QT. 5o acres•ra re orless; • .'IflVv-1ISI1l (fl tti1LJI' 1'" .12 acres are c1 earec1 , and',a ou 88 tcres t,im ) t - II tieredwith ;te n.3141 black itsii lien lnlc. and, 1..v-6-,... -:,iii" ntitity. of, ---k;tluitl 10 :•(,,esia . Vraine Iix0 • .kitchen 19k40 !:Fra •ic stable' .1 house, •• / 1:- ....`- .. . - . J. . . 14 x"S - Young nr;Iird; . good 1 01,'...:i.',"qc.)4. r:a...di ... T..-1.7§...0il is.,,..7,,::;_",!....L.,th,.....;].)::.t....,,7,,....77..., ,„,,,tf,ows inilt;s4:- - - --':' - • 1V,T•tr A :, ' 6-3. "AlTkita`s(i,‘1,itelthe t.i..5. _Of ky,:, -: - el, half,of No. 1, int11 14th paiii-: - ' OfthefTaWnliip.ef-..,,Ito-Wiek,-,;150 --...,cresinare - ar-lesS, About la 'acres- are. (de :rear and. abetit i'l acres timbered W-11-1:nripi " '•hemloIt . - din blitek. iishand:cedai., -:- Ileoied: . hig .11:,11,:40 with .fratiIe - kitchen ; :. frame stab e, a nd log barn.7.,-.Abaiit.:4acres- Of hearinl iitlarcr; li- (ood cedarrrail fences, 00(1Well,s' lino- Greek. The soil is it .014y loani, . can& gr;:v014-adS. 1)istaiit from .Wilighitin-- 8 Miles, a 4,, about A • miles: from NI,. ra.,.eter..: : , . ; . .. . . :.: -I- -:-Fory:j 1.i.tieitlars- apidy to Henry I )6Nis, Esq, : • - at Winglialn,„•aineroct and c. am pb 11, Laicors • -ie with each t up the big riCh L5trfr I1'1 • • , bly the nearest _poor man can orfli;00 . - . -• •• I Are yu.- „Suffring ..-Y4th ;Consumption,: clouoim•Severe Colds•set.ledon .tne. breas Pneumonia, or.,!any disease of the 11 hroat- and- 0 Lanes ?--It so, go to youridruggist and get a. bottle of BOSCIIEE'S . ,This: rnedielne: has been- introduced *frein GerMany, and fia selling on its own merits,- The,people-are -going wild over its siiccesS;And. Prnggista all oyer our-cuntry are writing pa. its wiinderful careS among their customers.; If you wish Co try its imueridr virue, -get- „ at LucknOvi, or to ; • • • - W. F. BILLEN, .ilarprri on -the' 6th- Mar*er Loan anal)D aturP C lust -the wife Of Mr' A1,±: Pat.: • • • T-(511 tersc)n, of a, - (;AistP0ELL:-•—:- oil - Ines- at ST iVIE7tS_UPPLY.: • • teTOWN, 2.41174'c' 1,)4.7:41T.Ell r TO 17 PABT Ta :0,71 -14 S 01TiT O :'NhQ0 Til• tc1-. ft); in -fatteci..7sto.og --- • _ • Go abd ',examine his 'really siipericA tock in !each class,:epecially his • - . Whoie-litek. lakiotA 11efore purchasing ,e1S61-aeie, • ' Mandaeturing a• .-,S1)eei417ty,. • . Last 'year's• --stock Fig•gs and InttOrk„....4ton i Uchaoge: -gnotls, • • - • .3 - •1? 941)1t:;bi canleiio, of a on TEI0mPs° ATr.Jas', Stir ` 7 ttigl IPla .8sen f year and 14 days. pay nightly hrd, for the qnning out the re counted -in laok of this. ive 1 rr to .0120, man; maniple bot.tle for10 cents.- _Large size bottle . " - 1 Ty. it; • 347,0 0w iTttly 24.. 75 dosesw ill 1awe any as,- -• uors WII.OLES'AE„& RETAIL. • - _ HE runderSigned will, as be deavortoRatisf all ClAgli ERS in - this line. I - ALL FIRSTCL SS L deal -in LIQUORS onl, 111111ing-genuie articles.' etofore; CVST()1A-. 1,- • UORS.: at keep A sufficient - Stock of the - be. t brandSUo Medical and other purposes always on hand. • ' - - Special rates to- dealera- buying! in Large Quantities. - ' • • - - - 104131 -110 - - re FAT TO SUMER v CE. • ' , - POULTRY' U1 THEIR ,SEASOHt - - • - - Meat lieliVered• to -aittira ts of i. '.._ :•-•:. -- : lithe! YillI7ge--".s. Shor — -0: - ,.:.., ca Beet -1 - :Iqnliter-0 air, -:quklt08.1,* bulk, : --*--- fie', tt...l.tree it -lier pot(44, AL -kr Kl,A13§ -Of • HA. ,NESS,_ • - • SAI)1)1,E, S -• • T111:11K.Si -• T Tj06m Latricritivi.J.rilv f I - BUFFALO A#11OLF .1101 . jut 7received the larest,'!cri, and best Felected stoCI! of RUBES that eieklieen hr •ught to thi. -town: Call er13,. and see thr. Irrices _raning from -,..tX.,014$ 10017 • 012A4 cents. ree --. •...,J, .. . ..,. - z f -a 1 td . F-....1)''4 • - - • • 7 1 3. • -