The Sentinel, 1880-08-27, Page 3el U The q.1 y1[ongh 0 SIM 110r trarei-sill , tile A Other politifical ornaments. 11 tile wo "I 011e of these CP -23112S AND CASUALTIES. from Scotlind, wa; drowned on Friday af- ONTARIO AGRICULT ffilAles of tile ltlurni!ig; I Pall'i Was sold for '5,5,625. Archbishops of -tile 110mall Catholic Church c,11illot exercise Ni, -w Yo1jr, ternooll ill the Assiniboine River near utl),. 19.=A despatch from. Garry. He along with a companion wen J., *ays a gentleman of that I into the water on the Winnipeg side o It their pall f rom Rome. I'lley are buried in Place wasthismorningrobbedof �30,000in ordon, V COMMISSION. wits ii,r wiwit, llklorllin!, all their fun6tious Until they have received Gleng, A UIRAIL Fort INV: lltlel�ed,i" Tim, L.tt:111t ,, 'L reee.isc,, f the scs. river, and Cooper attempted to swim aerQss,- �.The Creamery t4yxlem orButter_Ma1d[,g_, Alh I LQI IL regal erm% ii these Palls, which compels each prelate to st. Joseph & Deliver Cit railroad securi- though advised to the contrary. Feeding and IC4 xPortation, and buve her guiLieil ties have it liew oue and y j),ly a heavy fee. ties" A large. reward is offered. Tile bonds rsaxv I er tlirk)llgll tile After ap- Cattle invatlow ways Prof. Robertson Sinith, preaching within About twenty feet of tile " wbo was recently �elonged to 1)r. Edgar Hunt and were kept I _ . a Now Market Therefor. shore of the river lie was observ.., :" At tile conclusion Od floating down' with of their Work at Sea - i tile scriptures, and whose Casa has kep open by tile. burglars early thi n the current and forth on Thursday evening last, the coin- tilu,till I southern N"', 11 II'm to rt -t tin, ill., tricil and acquitted of ullsound vibws about masafe in tile holise whi�h Was blown 9 no progress toward tho St. Bonif InissioDers, Messrs. cmi '10 Scottish Church ill it turmoil for tile The house is near the railway, and tile. bank. At first -no danger was anticipaace Tilt' %, llhl�;ll aA'Iluatioll llu'llea tl t s Morning makiii V11�1,t-l- It i I A! 1, 1. , hor lwii,r hist two years, has au'article on the ' Ileb- robbers waited until �-g trai col M Rail and Dymond, in was 0 rew Laiiguaac t Ar ceeded on Friday to Teeswater to exa- alid Literature I in tile just before explo Passing as the Swimmer uttered -no c. -y and made * . IUJACL�lli t�j %-(_)]Ul (ling the powder. Tile total no movement to ask for help, but mine the butter factory dt that place. The Ab�iig tilt, lie of tile Eiieyciop-,L�(Jia Britalinica, anloulit tak 11 wits �35,000. INIOst of tile soon as as business there carried on is Of a two -fold %vl-'icll Makes hill, liable agailiton-charge sicturitics were liot 11 it waii noticed that lie - Olaracter, the milk being purchased from t, a Of huresy. lie thill P nut's properi�y but was growing weak and that ks that the Je I,,. held by him as truRto d he Was likely ific farmers at 'arying, according to wish 11 rted.to- swim ac.7oss file pricesN. zD Ina, but lie 6� froul wi,le ill"litile., Tho eqlosiun was terrific. e of rescuin" Ir Beason, of from 6 to 7 cents per WrN dowif to tile tilue of Dzlvid -Was inere cortaiii estates. 0 All executor of to sink several -men sta oral traditioll, that I'loses wroto ilothin,� Three qu,,picions 100kill" men wore seen ill salik to rise -lie more performed Lm� 1 114-1110 for the purpos but tile et)lllll,,Lll(ll 6,11011, the collection being Ilelits, and speaks rather tile neighborhood last `7 it. Some of the him. Ili before help reached Dily factory. c�rts. Tile crcaxii having been th Lite I'Al.1 91, Constable Constantine was no- r disrespeetfillIN- x)f tile , Sol, of Solonion.' 'L�ecurities require, endorsement so Sell but t,fO(1,ra Churned into butter, tbe-skimmed milk is Steps lizive ulre--uly been naediately oil tile occurrence of the used in the manufacture of Choose, while -------------- taken by the the robbers would probably le plunder accident, but although a number 'If POlice- tr-ie buttermilk left from the churning is Editibur- -tery to have tile profes sell th 'S AND CLERIIJ',�q Presb3 ;,000. men and others were soon gathered near or ft sor 1"LlIct-1 Over tile Coals by Pie G,-11-eral As- This In -senibly. oruing, in a tellerneut house on the PIg--e, it was 'thou" fi.,d toa large number of botrs, which are Thompsian street, A-Hado 1.1igot cutthe ht that IIOLIli Maricuo ltellaut,-a respect - A remarkable insta throitt of I ould be done to Ug f;tttened on the farm at s is to spenil, noxt- lite in I Irs 2 -ng the body, t -4e wi lice of the vitality of wards recover- owe distance from. -1 IleNI-t-paper -paragra 'tile able nia�rried wonlan, �vho -rejected I i 91vailtages, of Ph is given by and ell were taken factory buildings. The superior the C�IOtlrles-of the deceits Th Possession of by tile authoritio, creanaery butter over the Christian Advocate. A good Ina,, advances. . The A letter Otolinary dair ftptists y years died Ull"Ost in- from Iiincardine, Scotia y produce have been. coin - have t­dblell in woman, ilullib wl) the late 1'ev. Jollu -1111, stal"Lly- -Ile tile" cut IdS own - It' hroat, and pletely demQustrated by this experiment. ­T'i Arr.1;roolim, s, -,yritten by his Lt, sL!pel:vi, 0 toll Homes, a ad, There. r - u isilia dangerous condition. The' victi- brother, G. W. Cooper, and "i55 in cash I or three years the a V jv oIIc­_k4I,qieal_I mis'.,O T ' P)ung minister of Jersey city, progelled tile verage price realized try SLrilloll of his instal- it#hc ei, lit alillivers, W" the housekeeper of th'a tellerfient, in were found in tile. othing. + U'AC'trio Nvitl' -pocket of his cl lout a clenryi tn �'i 43 ii illetit over. it Congre- itional church. 11, years old, alld the mother of seven cjlil- fVr the factory butter has been 8 cents per POPe's hair is. qilo%v v ilit warra;� on' Eye- V)uud in advance of the prices of farm I Sol tedas-tbe eigitieth xlav"g planjih. - e. le, '11, 21D -VVaN it sf ar allill- dren. No one witnes ed the murder. A"Z4 qiof alld vibratin, - Tile 1�:?tter Purchased in Teeswater, a qualiti voiec and bea.. in� versary sernion, and traveiled'all over the- murderer lost his wife two years ago,.-aild OV Which comes into the hafids of p ty ersons ting in' tbe-London Guardian 'on- C(Pnec belf Nvith the lit'llost dii,nity. 'United State�i and E"IrOVe. The colitra- ]let death is supposed to have unsettled 'i's Dr.-11�sey's book oil ,JVhat it, fmijh ilg to, -t The (if lfuklso� - I' , - Coil!mien ted with the fac�'tory operations. At ulcticv�i W( a Ilav, have �Iit lazily After and after -a 'Piud. Ile attempted suicide six,noutlls ,�cbw, c li -it died OUL ]!tit four years later it ago. � Mrs. Rella he' hellisill lal lit had. Ot" Punishment,' Canon Farrar Witter in that vicinit floned. ad alla b Present time while the best farmers- Chrisnaii.s. spr, with editorial coilline hilh silf, been very kind to y*i- -would not alize anoup cc his wife's death. re I lits This inorili says must again repeat, in answer to n1pre than 16 centsper ih tit paper, and after Ilg All the ignorant- obloquy wi Pound—and'it has Tht� itqjial fiicc�,se of Lc;lld, I L havin lie clitered- her apartment and 'excitoldly v, th whi b8b clif e f' ga run a . sk�d her to the surn � I ell my ri purchas -'s there canfe over to.thiS Country NviiVro it -111ftrry.hini mer. at a, y1lo-,larochial el( g y 141, This she refused., lows were- misrepresented, 11hat- I never 11111ch lower � I rate—thq proprietors of - the -Ile ea:,t ell as lill,�dy hii1ed. 11.16anwhile -Mr. Lei -poll lie drew it r - A t -d li-Lve an a%- le of 4,0t i) s w, [Ines.. whoreu. azor and denied, for one 111011161it the existenc'e -of Comm tted fa:�,tory are refusing, e r died, b�:: ftb' to wi , . - I IIVII out -10 ears old. file - deed, nearly hell ; and' that I er§ of 24 cents per Laster to. soverimi ilever deui�,d even the Pc-und for t zD her an rali in .1 ead heir butter, tb . c produce of the Spil frbm her bodv. Tile wom possibility-, of its e endless duratian for souls Mat 96ason. � The �skim- ilk cheese 'a ml obstinittely hard and finalk impenitent. thu)ugh� df oourse, of. less rich' ess than e�-1(1011 is-olle of sev , I - - hall and fell ill t hisown Cad. .-Bigot-thell on f t ..SAD U -a vi e, -Is converteEl in a I -,hokli'A c to tile �Strbct- - where he was .eptics, n1fialls a despiseabld .-His,H)o[her was olie: o' W(: throai,� iliffictill-T Thd rdlief-1wilich 186ught for the atio ized w, -je iu a - sovel"e wouidd and- , U th.-It mkd-e fr6m u skinirtled mi a o preach tt 16 ruhh hearts! and conscierices—not tof - Ik, is by n years of- ag I I ' * i * - 81 rticle *in PO 1 A- Kad -Cnxe of Pie- arrested. There wals 110 evidefte Of a scoffers and -rue int of aiVl from . 1. 11 Of Wilf tilly irijinoral rilife brinas wit C, -roomi & -ferbu-�v It" -14� stru,;-16 in' the" 'but 0 e -Of- the -'-h ---arid. Iost' p08 p6Ld of ithe hin about -two ceiAte, The i� -of Car quitlitv! And -10 -it thq dob-r w liest. oil. tile R aB lovillf; I" ofl arket. ferred. lie pof blt�ljlclor of �giee I Ima � former uponthe it I tv horriblY. b f-tered witli blood, Mlnkind--4as Jbillid -i he b&iilg� last cr -cry OrY- �Consunle A Q is. -ple vie th k of close Upon I,000 -cows ev; W. U.-Pitick-ani, the i Tile victii oul av 4 'Year the fact liell it, -was-a y Ig oirl 111111 Julhj tfa.,god C ilitense iteliteut w d James' c'hurch, Will -E. Hoomer, oill'i 19 years old, scrilith the ure mil iti �ihlt T -is 'Dom GoXs. present- supply %1) Jf] the,. 'd York citN; ow - - --a Ili vc'Of Vi( llowheie.. -enforces -Allb b6li-ef �tbat, to a Ailing Pre fill dealiiig4ll v�ith! ij�le�­,Sin St"MEtiCh, Sli e x ful -w) ldrdin�ini ni, ii .7 a �P-IlAn Are, n`eces.aiiIy--and-- for, M-.-. S-1plik-geololas recentiv is crh­ 1, infortnnate �w 9ca-his 0 f -rt f- h i S t e system, but 'J, thd A mby , W9htii k-ldrich isa i�rgol was'l'ifled-, -6 ty I byrt-lic to T! 'the establishment A -butter gild A - " - �� I a limi of - pb Ngvill-, citilerriv'. gild liow� -ali: Of, ii ts, f I-.; That e -i t 7z -,ot a, -lady" rx,� -sinn.'r4 Ali,], P -th 6- Df 11 30's. trhi _ r f i (,I a ci� lofever Aormin:1-tod' �lp lo- raglile in - his A "00 000 'for --pi't Oi YsicAl'woleatl 4 -1 1 s�:boo4julld,,- 0 Lserviee -ta, t d MCI- k r:l Duringthethroo.-," I the, -Ahe t ite, 7a e -t ob lo, 4 14 Aif-ust- -for-hipasolL J foe ili te(71 --overal rbd _up opq�for even ther`t1tie�'of' mybooiklha� -)a1�,1ithwcIidi t tioll d, S �rs 7 A of ar -the Miss Hooper adl�ered to -iijo :bra- I Otl been -misu)ad6rkbo&-:Lj Called I� eterifail. Tcl`�Swa or fd6tory pai ye -pa-th tvas marri lods a- n d o c, nearly U ob' er-Orfel, Cttt cd 10-Aldric -O-R'­t1ie'Gth.'Of1 o o ive '0,11 b it if U to AT. - A y ecau. e was alfe6ted fa-�Xersl to ic -priest 't' A -d or �AL phtte�, uil&eo. 1-1 �Mr.i A -I ert- ride �Inllk stil plied. �At tli6cIose.1'-7 mitrar� 'Our -views of Ila )011 e e-etbr b I is -parent.,, tholl-il li as bope, br�l, 110 . I . Q- the L ory t e- Comm S YL_r, -tli , - I k� a rst Sight I geallron-li's-broast -s& 17 f,�Jtllej" 8 ot:by, Aicident I' . - - -,' &_, h "Offi L I . to thle -wishes, ; Q7, ,- g1l', �� ' - i A.- If-suill a. ieir V With,- th6- b-Oge,,6f a Of ]lot- wbo-tesides" th �.>eq e , � a� 6'. �, - I f t 0 on h N�ftll siozibfs lie i ;�ittliig, I P. . . - . 11i t- Jwhich - -tn' 'es., of thc.h6li PY. -rLL It e r c 1-U 1) 13 -V ' ',The couple -.-St -1 i law.4 Aven-t" "n 1'robt Of,L own. t talfl*ly -is-i t(l tile manage I Solo Plssa I th -cx-� Iiii d -zreHts witell t& IuL o !is- oll:.T to- U ake t u tuessea the wcd�(�111111 11,*1 tlac --,�Je �,'Kcrjp-i - it eer- glifilied tie ser 4 q t�ootly. pfaadlin� d It direct :a6co:r alice'-with the t to ItIlle, above. city t" 0 6th rs, 6pi�, a i in' In ijrruclr� a r a: S, al '.v; it litil 'tn -e Toroijfo� Al �, 1 '6 ural 1) of- son't - gthi,iitid dBt a ve. h lo- lake, the tiAght. 6eill'a dl, I ­ - obt d fro ell 0 St E! la -re may- or h -be certa: the fo- -ich took big bride �o I ashin,rto Whi sincoj�Aloft o ripPli ion; ion inti#stin U e. les -of 3-foll'.. Nv-h- U th6lleo re llurou di ce'4? - and h6akd a' goii,;I�ir is 1 tK "Ontle t,iii; but htany r, Ic Cler alU Splashing S ng stance -M-r..11'et u g-4 a -yorl a e NVOU AV t -Ile notified 711or by 11Q an4 -6 usialftibally, �fg facto �Po, -) I t It- is' -p6rfe&tl matf,of grea d'L en6rgy-,' and 101-1,46t �itqiidi W I - wits A deei fired At a velitur q Ina '. is ow da-�-s latef y S 110hr- 01 - -,` lers ler to 11 h ife iii Xe th ovt or oi t rate . - . i --rcqbN . -,tIl'tt­ it � ha 1 dril�jAiVely conde- T' vor ell Start -on, ,in e.�- u -er bben entfl 7 aol Q er thiit lie %-,a; atout, ctCA to re : , urch ill C n, jo:. of the' r As - I Z I , - , , . t \Ortt-]�' k , ­ . I . - .- ­ I lie -,simp y mi�6a lest 'col ared. wi IL a1f:- - -11 th", the'daity PQ I Xoi . - 11; lor na; of lit t t6ntl e L 11 -C .1 G. 1WIf. 15. T , _ _Aj6t, C_ o you-tUo _x franti Ili op r t1le v6dii,r I I a out 2 Vdlock 46bil J1'-jkk, r as- not Gh SilJtuk I - U t'sL f, ('Zj� hurried- 10 b1s iliat-All b. t back tla,W- man 116 de'llill . he 6ommi A: lie�- in tRe � f fd I e, - at -tile, a's 0 01 1 wherel L dy T, oSe t: -Uttendst6 TornC let t-11 &t it with t1i t 011 PUR Vo Capt.-Donel.1* ai: axown d. '11 ;arriv _r's L -wh hold, weAp at V eigus� tl�iLs elld-h ea.;,fe .611, 1 'it byl.Multittubs -of! good Chrisiti lifted f- w. I ed, all an Q, W Cre She 16nr vv fi'�rst threq centuries- it pea,r-S -b-6 hit been' WN.1glillm, 'At bisllops�,61! aut4 Ch SE t i-liat'AMr- -in- d -tile of �Ofnc ba tird i . I '. � . L �CAI,' , . sleep, Wle I I ilY ho Mrd they ex� eter Rehi gA lextensiv -jo( 1, a: -b at but b %ed a- -f theis 1V be hold in- ToroiA Of 'go I L I ll-ailArctioL-e!�Pff �16n­ll'td -CgL 'go, di i departure 'ilalL S-ervi.0 . 0 a 1'."I r a e .4er of s tl -1�irk t cl I oll L 0 go, P le OUICC alli �;golto sleep Celd n C-xp Al - I �,T, I L '' - f '; '11-U toil 1 gf) -9 n nor'told . f ,, who w is :pre - to ji. ;d JA3 -Til� _ tll-: party' of' le It _X6bilc i 0 th to u r ven., d d f lllont�l for I., of, Hit',rosb- li;ild AS a 11 b c It fro m� .1-raiicheAL't this lafned h6r, issi Attending the Bit-` 'J thi, 9 -held ree q q goiligto.-i4io'lifth ll�ht -6�- tn Cert" Cato e- wh o so;Uis 0c, 14d, a is e go. 11 P tov,�a,�dstlle Offie� I'ad al�o ettr,- acc-profili-g- t6 �31r 1,�qlli in, of tf, Ir . " . - - I I - - - - , , Ell;��, :'�aiid h tre crill - - ar&I bv-,t; spirkdzd're *�t:t thA- Aldrich tb6fi st,%r I 4.!� - - . q, A M . -t(L)� . it Was -only -a JJL V -en p ri all exhibited'a' -N�Ilcll'Xi. Tu'-lie'r told him n ontyatLGAelpil. ldr.-. Ren.�. land,- U-1lere- rniraclei I- f) -And -Othe'r 0 rerepurted t(YI VJ21,13-- IrAcen4ed I wei- All who� lax I pr(P)fs`that",-�1'IG was' Aldfich'lsi* iiiew.atteh-; abd& iAYlI0&d -of-stocklorthe.' 016irkarded fr bouclolic '61OCI, ard- bein., prepi, t �014�2) gild Ila 1.11110 V J r.: ftdL -rrr'c4 ifi. - I eiifie leie e is Due of the most '0 lit r i 1-01i�ieliolder Sent mg. -Iowf alid-th eturfied., sAlle fatildr ofs&6� t walk ico, Lt lie wa lel it, Slitirf d1stizice- lie. r yet Vbrough i tj�le noti 'the .6.6 A 31ethodist nli- 0 SL -jig eftr rt C irginia ctN- isel)().�,. ra ad --fts; fio, :of I pure ase Ittle u 0i; a. y His body�LN� -r --loolid e!,%V,: -V;I a4- fotind. abou C!� T ris ars old',- anz -in -s, 1) case thrieo -tile river. �.to Ide .Ica -hastened. s I Tildrgn� Dik6djiv t&, I -the: NA-liarf i-ito n ibfl 0��dfted L everybody--crtizy for ft�ld In the - iiidh�haut biido;� wh4re,, dt as Ilia eto-fesclie him J�ut ;wit �i - tfie" J W d bu IL I v S ULE N6thinv X01ind a, Aldrich; t alf Ali in ilid all. bese 'by .4 �j 7-. A older—, Ye --o§. (s 1 0, Sta ec in rom ant SwiIJ:I e i -is .,,I, t J 'f C Otto v0ec), I �thilik sy s t r yed - prepareg 6iristlali th-�)u iifliesa -er 11-0, liour after. .'Ile cOUldL "Of .110 .1001is Mai, et ill. t ilowili c q XFen y-shilliiia &Unkou licel May, at 1119- inzi rom a -v as gt6 which -Ti- -J our con-VictiongAoesn't.itv e:� lia--ve ELdde 4i 'a t,.qovqrs f e -11:61' Or- ie­-Trai er inimbdiat I ��,�PlldsCd b6 had be6ii driii -hic' I . � e. -pe Char�,Finlll tiLi(i a t t I rith.xvith bigainy, -and h le e hast`ft-laual C-0- a Xvife-glId-_f�jli - LT d tv. Sjuall dbLil TI e rejected -a. p tftjojf of tile drell f to e, f6r d- som -PartyLof-3�0`ft�,JaE­ on i Vro�dL� w6tnaii- to sir.� t, Ind Y, cc tei�� e y -Q-umlEc- A "A - Clerk—Isingle of. - lie -Sav6 III -�6rf-f,61117'llulldrea pounds, fo Alleir. - 1.k -to 1,100 f 1 '0. 0 S isimen arriVea�ia-t6wn S And to; tj With -th llodeEi*­ ha ts -ba illi houg"I. -11 t dCn'y'hi'Qs-.4LiiiIt. ic, w p_rty -to ''The 0- Assault To p lbs, 1, Ve Wei,, y I :r a 0 ap ar.to tbAf-s le Was not ri 6, neth Re 1119 _eXcuisictif.. Their t 19 I -gnite I, mad ,a lou§ebbqde r 6d l4y M,�, lleilni6 pale. piofita- the- XI., '16 "IA iou- --.tle CIN 'elted,-iVentb oreL-a. itashildah ve oil ar to�li t,�L. .1, I'lan ef olibe are ten shilli riot ePlifOrmed t -0 --the -vvurld! gild :1 a -is b th� -fiad AW qe�% on a fish 1 1 , I. , r�j tbihk I, tile[ wife of Ono .1hern- ­aik two plain- ones i out isust-roasly, f -tile ir -fbi�g c e two- be'si ;isfa6to`ky... e %iirY arane ­ . I aPPe, e 1�1,ilc I - Aldrkli,, Ile I -affidaN.,it c, di 0 a er.w doll the -.bad b B1.1ack 4 orprising.Bbit le larees -ntimbz 6 Nvashi toil f iper Philladelphi, a� ha, ti i an:e Ifo er- golnil _Ito ire- aild -ilia 0 P , �.ch4kclies of �ttny of t - arge cities in, Z�`wcd,-`o -to Gincilluat -'igli thd� -Iloui6h8ld of - We I r he 1, ,,Coo malipturnbol' i A fc;�i �hk * I 'f��­_A[sh L ' y e e�. inwhibli t esideilt.'i r -us '6 fApI S rrival- she was- -4ketj,sick, - t in down th j! Ck W Coo "To la'h d es.i ax fer.1 Vakillil: or -wl 354- -11K6oklyn fo)16 -lial -b bro"kdn" 'wil : - --14 L died—lb 'aus �vera by-6billitIg: 11�, C6 ' , .116 I'llive bi�e OrJWo Car -United.l.State.8- 4*�4- Ne­w�foik 6om '1416tirs -0 tet'l ort". ti broid k- -Alr- It Rob ho' a'' TVs Will, 2 ina Con Cl - I -10" 114 e doctor b Ila--- ai Jiceld-�a :1-o ,Seditio _palili �Ofio t .1 Were speec ids. it SO Xammed �u cx� Sw 0 %,crmadeu 6, as of cattic,' rturinatioi, sa, 'from re;;- 'lie bOdy'w as brou 4 'this .,a otlle�. cities. have: less. n - 900 c, Y� with- rock Q I tha e I art gh 'A a. brpl( 4(k. lia, S -IP re is ere b d vo av SL"S camer. or �s oo ing.j lid lettbrS - ­ - I - B - Europe iieerly- i,5oo head. of Jll-tli6 poor" 'jlLIi§" wori C16rk He ft Sir. You Can got IanA- ' b L600 I '- ' * yea, g and dol d-- lit t" �cattl at the Dubj; -office leep Om.Affl to,500 t ffl- d in lie I will W -icellses, 1094 It e,r( I n the,vhole, iiatis-, . K _Ile i I - -BELLE `11,'Ll III", I -1 -:1 -Thi ve a life lidense to sriread ciiiiiiti Oat ISS S at 11's identity -be c I -- , ', - s -'af tei I - kA 1-16 'IeVe and- 0116 t6 1,430. 'C d )�or - t .2660 13;tAftlo- OAe toLl.'i 0 A ldrici; -,v] .bd publishe 'Aiid' Bostart has aii-a- Tirl's trunk m� foil vil . �Ii;l�g L ew oile M fr L by to 0 h GOO kritinf S.V in t ri M, PAnt, how man der �srarded -4iii` 4�ay cc . ill Alie:sh Ila -�'of �dece'.Iq­S­ 'Si. JP Ous. of i '0 VR I rU ence ccal:ed - thor- te&VTof horses; Owned b`- ry . c� eap-i-tvjily A has one jo I; ni A I- p b i 0, J� still -o 00. in i% ev6r, 411 AAl- Tboiy're )V*,* tile g -to' -11 hil fict'iti W.- II. tbe sed, vbil6: being iveil­ Black7s e lib;a -tl-ex�6 -bod shillings 6d Avi I I be Lfo'- Il that'a-'bishbpriltist Ilame Nsihith �W.Cro frial ouRelidl 0 qitor�, of --tlic� -dk b 64-ence __WAS tbe� e b bi-eds-for,6jiti -crInclit-' noWly ­- -- I -t! no 9'. n away. -t -�nd` -of fulds su C upPeAr 16r -10 t �&nd Belolum 7 . t it6ne it soyn,- , Y , , , -J t be;ih go w-, Or'k or d d fAlls. e'�pe, J k 6au§e 1,(i-jit, 6d 'men tIn! ira b "InIth" ot, 118 leg -6'a'u �fh& IdntefUins -it -s-­nauirle clief -s" h tbe mariner, of Ift.ci -f W1 ix, : IL one' Of o -the'bigbopS lie b 'gon, Prot -2112'huv�vy - -,. � R _ estant, 1�,,piscopal, Ilk: I - may� e s6cukc d., The first sVip- . 1v 'Cc 8 01 -thb, :�va�u C good il of he on , timvr�lal b 7 11 entr '00 We s0!1116 local Mismina- rov.� -tb6t -0, Th e. -ire U.p6r bushel: in- P6�4 B- I Q;- 'e,behi# -- aid -Lin ill' -wid6w, rs e ly -c-LI �AO-Picces. ouchl ­ilfty -tivo bi.�hops -t _Bishop I I.- - On. 6� found, after. -the Tlie ggbtfA�Aills 'A' d" a lal b�t - th borse. gement, lf�crelpl y of 'iv6rt4u w was 146' Sdvmoux--�re bachelot-, C breAtlit-d- big- las -,I'-,be dian-nidat "iti nues-'hi E'6,�Ijlld -!:are Ak ere.-stOPPed; he :,�n litereil 1, t - -f-- - 7- seconiq �zire, awowr 01 -cm soven, e —Bish fokado ed y-j)rofita�blb.. pg e �i -ps app -M as -Ltt 6 'M roWLn INS h L OS 'at T -Al B In, till tile 14.L ' m�kt R6 ill I a' eat to e -0 In -Liu ,fall,- Pottei --T -age d.* ha 0-regro 10,_Co A b -tioif-ciii - las ti il fz T, ps re r. -St, g1lS sfa '611th i It art W&ttolli i jw -who)-ir-Risho- "y- of atc, -tr--- r... in 13.1 e 'A hre, brolic ii)llt' their faiiied, frojm­distilldry-f d r�iid 1"OtteHia�v� beezi annual :repbrcupo Ild n --d and -36`6a lire f Iiiarridil t.wic flie-6o, [lead _Of-�g� 13�6f ds - a -calls 79 'of and tLo ItI18 0 t esta i I. t de - f,6611'.s -0`f, the L:�niteol."et'tteS la- tlie: expiosioll..! of- 6Od 'it 17he- �aricj unds _bIl; conaidemb e slip.�Iies"Pre Also WdS� Pr M' thous, w nonlinat liepfice Of -and -17 i a favorable as nd Dent arlr,;� ­ 1- cl� - tflotla4 I a, t - - I -v - 1�2�0'- other -country .1 -depo -,-ev h _in Northwest. have 7 R as !y �PM�d�r- wbichbiew ��- tit Q obtahl-41 -from�-`Holl and fema le n, s- las i;'l 0� T , o, Ibifildhicrill,th6 la - .- -t " , as'' sho�,,hl - , , a I cc to "Itoills., :&, - eclined asbFurs. Thb f6t _611t F El' Unitea StaieS as theL Wftn�Sq,gll nirieg do have'sold at, --a f AS SO I- �f trade ill fa� cOlicr- wA's -probably. f w that thej, ol""t �tf:te` those ROM Cana 1a,; the compe 3 since Ia74; i" arh -1-0 . I no, equa, okyttnizr-d I -or .6 lor injured,: itni lossli - A 'Jarge 6 c I r es'. it "flicrease of assistant" Ataily OlIsIguTnew. Is, eI, 11, -- �ChgrICy.L1_1i'I - toks NiRth 7 ­ alho*llllit� idludf , - - - , - - -,��hich m illed" 5 waspu S. I., 'b, 60if,�01�ts, all wore 3'e t U apt ged rom toli , . -Two up, at auction in Bo'sto"n the. nited aVor- of th t t 10 s, r, -to lire e,, t _qL,lierwellL`were! badly 'Aured-. It -J u- D-ic it bunch.. ;nd sold �t e - 14 school Scholars _f. Lili cd,:-8tateS.-:' -21 - A 50c� at tWol� Of gil _-t to y ye- Ill -Ibc thi#y-. L hiored th, s are pis pro- ja� V of onslllks� s I, -t le 0 SOM� lea6V -[gijI6r - ul. 0;, 10 1 our Upowk er were le -in -ice rut S Increase of -Iii; 61�( , , , . , � 'I 1F nati. asto ailo. TI tra�e* �.)Ave proved -oi fV ily 1 lip _W ktll LZ it sollid mys- erp -to S -boUb bb" I W Di Wbere Ire -1tates t1le 4 0 Nv'll . .- - - - _La _tll.6* 'allair nt -Col, produeo�,s - tili Parl a i i I r. c re tts P- 7-- -[Alltbolo,,i6al studei t1as b-liof..­tjlA1, clide. In frOigllth6lise- Thor abl It _L IL - - 'I L 1 111 - OIS�siblq -fo tery ­ z �O -It sd -0 0 -Albany fU �i, y averagre, pr ces th6 "United -) an( 14-nnordaille( Ell ier,-wh6 e 1. ope Cbmpbto "St his* recovere con�;clousnc, 6L equa Lohdon quo -had, At d ss, says theje. W, vi 1. - tile ho'spitafs unaq 't -do ic I to L � _ �,­ I d 5.--. - : - -f4 ­ ft no povir er ab til.ey Lb6ndf( 1; In efitirge of s 6,hu�kio' - rodbetion Of'- b out� the i?lace- It �s 33,246i Ls:. adStuffs -A-dol pro-. stage' -IS Sta ala:t .11i.Chica-0 At )rwJ1M6d-* dir c', instead -of, -e -isloll, Li . . - been tr,-�,�ted, - - ­ -- - � - - "I 11Y., b ing b' " d" driver 6an"litL 'a- �Co ei cr adrel brbakifl t 11 jeeve I to- t JU ad tn proilucer -has but -51-21 t6 14 in 'Frau,6 �515 io incide circitifiqlb litional, chaig r to -L 'L , . . . ds on Ory route, t is: ar' t) nd- ci�relcsr`n ess - to ti -en a profitable Line 90 ii -1. e isto 'd, c��' 11. 1 ."le 0-,Zp il. c an.; Y, over. c -mt(T't - hoF lo co a t Tire ve -v336 i4 u transaii'boi estilled, it- -be A on I ci :AtIaiit4it e . b one. _I t 66uilt�j wbile,judin- alollfi,A event ie �E cillation, hit t& ba vZ-rv`M. emar,�Glo 1'; -tit- CcOes!A mda- As to -b zens in ad-- and , �provisio� ti oil Re r -UnitedS -6�t ter� B . � -1 1 �(? ll__ iielOn a, to Juduce Ur;- offlze'd ' I - o London, - e& patoll, or- Nvatehli conto T In a 'a in P1, -t ' directi lose OdCultur lild pas� rl Lj'e n niplate oth 0 onter-a-'w Mr -'E dwud -Ig "Un -not" re. C ts 6btaliled ),rue Ijasl� r6v:l - is, it t6:see tolf Pk:nIisgiOil t atisfitetorY it al it, c - tth �eidy,- f joknj�yly -Black e 'hilt, 1[44 `�enerable­eatlled�al a Conditions bf' enger agen rS the sm f In C.Gr ud-.Trui d-kk-e(l t1ib -be eating t ILdy & OL'Frafik urope, ano h I or: to- 46altitly' Sick'.., T-11 fe e way- pbtroit O� geiitlein, lice the. Soci 0 cc md',A effiph-atie �iu. Airki -iltei6gt ja . fe h afvothiSr i ItOrs o a All the corfiiiier�- t 1por, 0 L �1- g of- radical chtil,' -gin rt. (if -wfifelewas burlit Ili-' 186 .9elp died- while, dt-t6llipiiii�,- to cliiiA'the ved wit -jilis, s+- -Political �%ud -1�, all ther-fe dead - -wbi ructure cen'tr( ALI, aa'd I -- I .:. otter OM A a] 1111"cohditi6:rla of the -ina, to-UneStiin -LQndoh; Oij.t., -,to wh hich are] Zivorld. 0�j 6 'per ro, le, Ger ex.pQr in'. fittall 7? A person &aed 1917 ew-daysa;�ci.,A�Ihck been"paiid�tb --dohf6s , , I! - electoral.chapel, ill w. ;ng ii to mount' his borse'. om if n -'tbei-fiold as -71 nt.cr, had Allee 44iiisihg b�,'thefarmWo:if.ivellm Maintz nsQdto- 6 )-V th- ter of' aftuf&ct Sod that 7anil detoly I -C I n a lie st6lolt -frofij Mr �'.eid I v ures a s coin Y Poisoned -by. -arsen* whar. man emp OY' was nal, ha wor fbed the -ca y, several, y6 Me 0 -�the S uls' artfor', otted fro;n -cry -h r; Reidy 'w-ag -requested, crowned id 1..)(;2, ast faq 'd-etoj as t Wrors, -w watermelcill th boy � Jlad -it ig ago;.' The ni I pekson w -'�qfore th - 1 0 tilc& all.01rite An Ila L 11S, -tea "tile 0' , 11 - '' --bigh Altar The Kist Nva' fl�& k b- tio ' a;rs Aolen -ed- success as Attended r �sta riclollk grow ill .00tton. pafch-es. h-ld but k 71 ft�ed s6niible' w eke Paris eni _ . - t ed to kill WQ�m& A Yec6iptfor the money o. tLe,- 0' gob. IRt AV gent imanlof tbat:City ba;4-ncarly 60m� o: tile 'Pulpit' t 6X ()it -�rtide, and,,'-ev6ii cei, 52. effort fo� th -ell -gre blin., that I'm' D I iter Wh �of: M" d, C lessloll., rider :many m Ciod -15L -yoting girl Dallied re. ved the -co, pleted 411carAIL&JO-ruse 6nordinary ro Ina :6 pcople-laugli is 1 'i to A P Be h1a _tll acto-r-,birt-so-is-Ilt -ad' 11,0so Water SA a --The" Be. to-beP4�pelkd solely. by-'ccml5iesBed ­ , - .. 4L, 11 IS last"- iIight by- fallili- fro ason,-b,�ppiiy, pr agA �w -w s'kij*led- Vgnt;)�'Cre�s inSt 'lIicbLtblB-tradeb-"­ afi;*�a, yipars It loin -cry., -ty -count, on conU d m- the-rodf�of. wlb-goes in therwIfri-iiiii It cmiten w omiseiil to,:be �c ma varip xemption rom evidem or -racfi qctor ere d in .,"test f r -its abundant barve�It§ I esemblein the I us c6untries--.T h' f 6, kr-the oth 'U ti, 1 of cloiirse Am' ke One, Casa The- shi 0 s C inued in he torj� re foriir-,Btory �Ouse ill W I - icli s, e I i'Ve memoiable for AS e dmitt�d 71 _irfne 0 1 - . - I - ... ' ­­ a th& L , ngs necessar 6 7 § Commonly ra . o � i . cc report' 1hat *she' U d a, Th -1 _in c � y two thi -v thEi:,c Ord Pol otherwii b the carriticr6i viiii, ed .1, -in New, nlain;� tj _L, I '' -efidhi -parents believe Uly Ist, C r, dnihig the w6oik The III& iter, o tears, thou -'fit citb6i'inay' lftt�oi-o' IQ to -uIIiVM-sAI pkOPOTtlO4S, : " be o urtriv jrubp ereweiebut 76 deaths k_dm'L 411 c iiiiery.4ii very c th §oUlfo Vi .2e, I was gCoide&al. -She- ipr e i, -U., w.ely, Affi6r -deatl 6invact f n ic -dud. Amer' or. Ith4 rbis is - ometli�n k,6 car of Aile aile,�a;n& the will U- taike p se DeGm '- l - . 1. air -for that Vu� 0 ' '--,Lq thi -other! warehouses in the mgkkabl�! th6re for, nto, it f&M­.%,reserV6ii -in r no, and pdrhap� the b all � ste,-L;��,hll)s �had f6r r6m The - o6ieei. of Principal: achm6ilffOk Win. H. cient IV, A - 'n" in quan- N. b� V -the x�orld.'.. The letter o*iv J116 in-iniste f( i inar inan rout, nidsuilnmbj� r pf,Cbri t 4 young Aged- 1�1 MaWillen better, au'd aii d, -je sam6l avanli,%h anill-, AtY t ktrniih In *viv- y mean-, that" Mre� that house, but-* her. fe@in�ls.� n,a;ny Mr, _,epbwe A 371131 -arE any actioii lookiiia towA- were r., hot Ch rle'stgn lilj� t wise ,e bive or -ell. tarVlf. patural tor him -116 yn,,�v­ 1&,� Pdreeived t .1tirlat ely - U S -e tc tre iii -o -.pres ould: or. repor. comparativ-61 -re&ueed not -returned� - Last idi 'it, ofmor or,_ Qn_ a e a tions- -and iber -of ta Ity. t edit a 0 U012, W-ritllg le ]its -null A, A oil tile ;;o C� '0­11� neverw�,ary ilplications annorig thelii- the-giii- Ali O� P -ma IsTiQer :1 wb-- of 00W Ptavor' -hook p- le -fki6nds Mee af r 4 l6bg ted- by t -.61. t, the on '66W, Would be - --an- IV -,It DeGt()ut. I 'Ut ove" 'vast ex�panl 401d C It] I' in 1 Nuse a" J, ro cilt, Of- erman appeaked -despondbilf, separa; -ion and c:ichailge c eLoeB.�!�Ye; 9 if the sea -C�f 10 iuo (AL A-)witzerrmad Prescribes u nar wtr.datzii Volm or the - S -t gile chingl -1 jgj� or the ny 4 was, 6t -to f 'or six in ay ;-&'question- P and -'told iny, dear',' 1 have - be�ii-a g skiies faccic! - i ­ �1 1which bend .5 to Bo-st6ii- I 01, rated. dw tile return. if 11'e w b layg-, urge -p r qj Asked onths." And, If6i,neiti-�. iLte; sh r ips iliding t' Id no see ars.'-'The- n -or us: fr V116 8:t-S'(10w� tl', Me( lie y -W o a jer ag' "A70"' Bile :ro- likb.:-,.n-oi kifB as rgy 0 till. ahswered,.-1.wb t:is qn�aiiyou�fw ' !� . - iii the dE4-.! -othor- in, S j4u OliN a k eless sp;, ake��" Ifioth e.L IiVi 3h i- -vb, g.. T ere amp 0 oul Suit 0 iiiamen tb ic' r." Ydu-.huv.o JWOU k .3 -�tid,for' byl:­ * - -'I- ­Irag�up� 'd . 4 -&11iber le us Li e Is e f. ays . er 14o r It I I a coin -the-rub 6tc v� �dcrtakes, io'lir p . I PI-etioil of res tfi Od. L'� � I e a g 007.L Ibe repanjt�on (if. fig 8'so much- trouble, You g )UId L I n Idt-this is a�ob in' ry men able T�rI -ear for- wate' fL ball-lidt-scolme -&-nTrancis th lice Of atell! r� aigain- Under e �,`retc -e 13 e. -0 mcui _LIS 9ho.bado him �g -bye;-And for e t, Ing dres J liturgical Co�rrn Sion ons`or that, tile' lew styles. of im6rld I t S&m 00d b" rose f r6fn her il�,j d d" 1, un- �piriig tha ant as, ltr tv� r and Ar, -poicemon made -a raid on!& Chinese h the 'Do ,eat ilk el*a� full . of Is co- rej, (-r Ota� presid6nei' -akes yon -f,-- - r bers—t,.Vo, ornirn. ctneakipg y his -graurneilt- ­ - 111 - while 111137c Ing c6licealed weapona, A�.Ij s e, is -to lilist. Ile-�olmta off on to --t ape of b- y took a i A rigers and in, Jas ell it Leditor at Stopped! 'the- '-performi .1ba nde; and a Ai -011, JIL - - I , ; . . rail WaYL'.h 1 0 6ut �he ludiqheo; 0 the bfsho Grout -turned,- to, go - dow `- t -L - ib�' and 616 v �n ove Dr haa been . -)poi 81 S.-- al§ -all airs, w L Some'' 51 2- OLI10 on rrespoilde % rltes�: c.l­� Elm C1 be L not. ilk. 0 wdre-geardliki aithbfdoor nt ry-use L se. I I e we �Spe of Therd fell 11 ft pp: Of Caliterf an 'a Tb 6 L�D -thonsaild" Nor tb, rd L -Archbish caii Aiid- ' idu ed, me a to Set4 tber'yvith f1 o "16 fit -nRilis, . Mr. f- IL as - Farliat he b IC In an and- of -the -2lid Batt a-lip'n-, Ny Tent Jei lish 'figurb pl-, c r,.-aP' -st 00 -severer nesE us on the- been roof Aud, about -Archbisli In to d i hh§ aoiredatIV. d8fockfor6nUML a lain look -it -hunian �c�m' P�uZ;&Ic or. a di d baff adhotik.' T' T `Ili& oweredf V, ' - L - + F I . .11cil to , -be :6 gi� :4 soit. of below-,.hbr' d' e Member for A. It hiade. 'the th-CimometerAyard A fore tfi� I-' eformatioij - to wear a vestr�ivll out quotin ad to ad on - ly,eiglitwea olisw&dfou 6hilled & pali. back ma's,br6kenj landbe 1,-� J 0 . 167S �Wo�l a li�e *orn by. Opts Oil IY, W I ho, .'(01en, croinIg", le, Lte On a gas - We perso is m Oes fid -11 -,Pu it 8 le seenred to` JW11tilait le eir I n i! 'Is 0 er4mev ng Tory *ell'. bor of �eaisi i t- - b cd to li --4e�rsoll, v to, the altar-, t, -he WHO.egin, b -66 JUMP- *Iiout h y u tilla !I#A11 crel IV,- 0i Ang.15 ��I�obert Coo illobilteg,1 tbj�jr6t"favo f ramble onst-1-tue- ney Migrant Wbo h Z an 62 0:: for, t b can llfi#i with's View' to L1 per, an -ini- PbunciLhave4ir 'ted. - likbdoli: Jus threid weeks. e heir V A— -41 all pbtai4 out porL seat= Ing F V. 2. 4� % 7 f w* r [at V Me d I t In, V a h IC, on nd lie X- 0 -4.s, 4� -1�0 j