HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-08-19, Page 74f. ES-IsTING A BAILIFF. now n We Elgin Partner Fought the Claim. of a Lona Company—A Pretty nerd Yvith the Officer. LoNeoN, Aug. Ir.—About a month ago Mr. Alfred Brown. bailiff, of • this city, went to the township of Aldborough to make a seizure on the crops of one Duncan McIntyre, a fanner. The latter owed the London Loan Company about $360. At nrst in order to effect a peaceable settle- ment Mr. Brown, on behalf of the company, offered to make a compromise on payment f According to the statement of the bai1i.11. the former decided in resisting the course of the law, and resist lie (lid from the eutt. his efforts being seconded in et lively mantic'. 1)3.- his xvife. She -attempte(1 to ,e:dd those who were carrying out the. law with boiling waterand. frequentlyunloosed their horst-s from the stables and left them uponth ro .1. Me 1 n tyre expressed strong- - threats at different tinies• of doing them personal injury. The crops on the whole -wero f 1:ttle value with the exception -of the ‘x1leat. inabagod to get it cut, the bailiff on Wednesday last started 111s z: elihand teams ti) the field to haul it in. .s met at the: entrance by McIntyre, .ernl with a pitchfork. who threatened z s:41) the former if he attempted to ••L'', 0 the eram. Mr. Brown proceeding, a: te:e pt :Lut1171.1iy //lade, and in de- ! !I 11N...f.i1.1111Self fr-01:1 ;Aft! attack. he seized the itan-dle of willed' in tlie strug• pressed heavily against the far- ' :•-r-s side. fracturing two- or three Of his :,s.• Two physician:3 were called - in, 'and • --.ereled to the injury. _ Since then he 'has before the magisrrates with -a view- Of king .action against -the but tlwy 1.-iee decided that as he vezislithe ag.gresSor, t irt.,-73. to blame he -can oenothin-,... The _vvheat Was Iran -est -ed.. tbreilied, and.7. sold, - that zifter cltinsittc'rabW ttOrli)le and ex- ense Mr. I;rowfl has. succe -stiffly - carried. • his purpose, 11M .. .x.r._.:N<-1:6-, ri":,i'ii?7,i.. iii. Sc` :eh -I.rker. _.k• ,:..alce.:41 4.-vin-s_e.--rlarili..,-eirifici, ; - During' the eii aa.)- - - • " . . .. . . ..-_ . , . .,'.. On. .,r0/11.1. -y. an eXtraordii4 ry Scene to ->i• •.?.-Moin4. ota 113-ruit, Oevi(iiist to - the. co. 41:- ,i.n.6nge-ineite-ot:ihu'ii,eruton, un -:elderly man of, siliguhir.appearance enterOdAlie „church arta attracted general b3-7 his ii-S.range. ' ilemeatr. Clutching. -hy the,iniel.clle an- • - :-•oh".1 mitbrelta. lie Walked VV-ith a determined .. ' aspect-up:die area Of the ehtitch,:- cIaiMiug auslib-1„.V7 that he -intended to Occupv the - inixti,t-er's'seat..d his -pew; WI ielii,Ssituated . vy:-.1i to the front sin -the ta-ea. df. the. cluiren, was cotholdtelyfi fled, 1,,a.t,-_ neerthele-sg. 7 he. : ortabed filinself -filth, 'it, -corn ,elling. One:of -positio L5;eikin;:elf-. itita ,thi5e.:: rr,'Ite- li -•.tire:occupants-to seek anothe sea.t..- Having uttd l . -: 'Waited patiiiitly nutaCtlie cerwhisioil of the Tivi4n., but r.io-.--.5Cruiler.,-.%..- itad • -- the minister. :‘ -ris,-if tovp,..n.notince.liis--- text - than the Man arose and-, taking- Loin his locket apaper. - ---lie 4,tddre.sziecl the ininiSter bp -name and. ' commenced to'.rcail 'a long,.:_st, Itement ptir-- ..p7.4.-ii--ftg- to be -an - interclictlf(4bidding eer7 ' tairt. -law.Yers -.and Others I. in ..trizie„froni• . precealing with the:sale. of certain_ prick . pertV', , The document .ocetipiCl.abofit dye•. :minutes in reading, Itha min-utc-1...,„7.desq.ribea ...the sitnation of, the _property doi-vn to the s-"vare. yards- it aricAurect 1 but =as he . ..apparently- . dn-I ,. nut . • ehr..sid.ei" . the: Statement. 7 Stifri-eieritty :exp-h,natory,:- lie' `0.)0k out --4n .. extretnel Vlong handkerchief from hi4-7`pocket7- and - began t a practical,- -demori,,tratioirdf the Measurement. _ Wben •- *the -man 'had:finished,: -tlie,inin ster litiletlY- - asked some of :the .office-bda.rera to -Tem -aye Itini„..W.Iiieh: was-; accordingly"_done,Witliont ativr disturbance taking place. Ile stated -.that what Ife had dene NV-45"in pUrsuancepf aft old ecclesiastical' ia_W;ehtitIing people to claird`publicly in elinrch -anklprOpertv . of . v.-1-tich. -.they- wife_ threatened to '1?b dis-- . -possessed - -b-y-,-. legal -action, ,. t1ie:',_polien -- afterwardsCOnYcy-eil lihn homier r. :: . = •• r _ . _-. . , - . _ , . vie Game 'Law: . 'The "followihg int -on -nation taken from the statutes. of Ontario, 1880, a published , . _ 'by the atuthority of the- Legislat re may .be": xeliedon as correct. It; will- be: found par- , tteularlv- interesting,..atAbe,prese t time -. None of the animals or birds hereinafter. mentioned :shall- be hunted. taken.- or IdIled. -witirin,the.Periods hereinafter Ilan:re& 1" Deer.; elk; moose', reindeer_ or -aritaiti; ten 1- - :niber 15th. ail& October lst.. Grc_tre-, _ or partridge • ..betvi-een dart, 1st and Sept. 1st.- -keys or qUail betWeen,lan,ISt and -Oct: Woodeock-hetween Jan 1st -and ,Alig..14- "lanipe-between. .Jan 1st Wucli August 15t1.: \Vat er-fowl„"know/i. as mallard,grey duck-,bhk . 1.1u•ck,-: wo-Od: 'or stinitner duck, _ Jan, -1St. and. Aug. lith. Qther. fluer1,-;, -swans:. ('r: geese,. between May. ist - --and flares-, /petween )1arch ist Nri,egf,'sfor any_of_tha bird. (Ll)fly(' Tnen- tforied shall be taken, destroyed- had. in- • rios5esSion of any.-petso# at any , inuskrat,, sable, martin,, otter - r fisher. fc-hali- littrited,-.:ta.ken;_- Pr killed . or had: -in-:the n of 'any, person, 1re; tweefa ist-aild-Nov.:Ist, except in. de-. fence or presery'atien of -property.. Penalties for kiI,Iing:tliefrbeVe a -finials or • out %of: season:1_1.)e; elk, moose 'or caribott --tban $10 eektf..1, -for 'each eyffenee; •$25,. or • /rot less than $5 with Costs.for each. bird or ; fur -.bearing atilt:nal& friciAtioned .in act,- not, less titan, $5 with E.6stS-- -for each. .1".offerrr and Sept. ist, ' - i -•-•• • _ •-, JUli t is- Ashoi an thus malieSit delkh tfully in the. "Voice- hOW human benigs are, able tirlipeak:,- 'I sugorrest that the funda;- ` --rital tone iS .catised..by- the natiseular: -nerve force, viiiieh, transinittedihroUgli the - expiratory muscles tO ,t le. eXplra 0 y air, _force of the VoCal :Chords, raVeis fOrtli as (ja _ t-Lnd ' combined -• with: the : usenlar .riervp fundamental:tone or air •Waye; giviiig_the;_ , . _ . if.viri_bOtly loudness- andpitch to the sound: a -h. faTtlier,-. -<>ver _ tones, manifest . as indi- viclual7 yoice tirrihre; voael- ..quality; .etel, -.-may be_added by emitted nerveforce rays 'in, . the, larynx, -.buccal cavity, by tongue;' =' lips, ete. Soul quality. an& expression Will be- add -ed by egianated rayS of p-sVr-liie- fore-, A:fitter Slattfillee or kpiritual ether, ard the - Ivbele eon/pound_ /nay-- still be clothed --with the -finest. "garment of - beauty,- which is a form- of the form; --„canseci ..by,feree rays of ' spirit' Subsaiace.' - - • Trampa -ride bOvireezt. the bo -cars, _ the. 'Dead woods' one...of fbll.olf near .Foreat and lost 'chance and - Standing on their dumber bid the Grand Trunk watch their • TIll Fun I tii 6 dtlo At 14.4' Mrs, of ti the She CI ,n h the 1 at ill 1 11' ()jdaugc says l . re being I 11 d ren, ol the.ot e .- Boor us till ste Joi beg bi firs 110.1 Bezide good-st ceries sbeee std 0 ii while 5 liiinin killed 1 him fore Mee, of n and in. a to s they diet nigh, _Kate maw 110 -e t.to Kansas and took tin a home - ad 1 ebit county. After about a year iod 'ate came along andthan the d-1 an played ' in the vtay of evn d and •all. that.' The t p s killed by thein was a sick man nu( Wn. Ile camealong (said Mrs. o e afternoon. The house was a C. one, and on a sign- was Gro - o side the door, and seein' this; 1. -We took him in, and the L we got him to eat supper, and at 1 at the table John Bender- let • t e cellar, where Kate or John in and the -next day- they- 'buried arden.' It was not lone be tw re were murdered, ohe called ra McGrath., having -a good deal ion Shortly • afterWards . man his and two littla_girla..drove up, ea% spring -waggon and wanted _ - ta3 co night. T Kate Bender' said ta.y. It was about 2 -e clock in n, and .while _kapper that t ere dropped through the -hole. an old Mau were below, and the ,Tretty hard,- but they. fixed- ibehind.the curtain -that- night, BE ME le UTCHE Rs. a lx of the Horrible Slaughter on ender Farna—A Deadly Trap- mont, Nebraska, Mrs. Bender (or regor) has made. a full confession orrible butcheries perpetrated on Bender farm in 1872 and 1873. s having herself lia.d any hand hi er, but accuses Kate, old John's as the real leader. Mrs. 13ender as a widow whom 13ender married at the close of the war, his name McGregor. Ile had four chil- 1 and Kate being of the nufhber ; two (boys) had run off. lie was a ,.' Ile changed his name to Bender 11 Vi re ld 111 v. ti rj 1 but d terri eaine killed Ole- J They zunt K all right was -s mere,. ered ( HeWI wlijsk ,clay .deal .p foight the ha, and' w miles. we. dr -nation, .pa maa.e:tho• rim off 1 think som ing the -nit drowned il of the killed wit1j the -hole, b theirght tii wife _and- - There was husband's/ Such i c-ensidere& - the old .Wo as- the perso killing-, and by Mrs Be Darnel C .fOrmation inan and asked to; eat Schuyler, 111 'neighbOr, 11 don's -the ol of thi. Ben said No n .r us -stoppedv-14-71- killed One m two childre ‘:Thex,.'- the o said We.' 'the Canvas fatal blow ''w used to-do t 1, a 01 j till the trap. The children cried bly 1 night, and the next day a man al tId see one of !ena ancl they were th '7.1‘hey Were buried alive -- Obi k oneand Kate took the other. lio awful, but. 'finally -stopped,..- at e tt and Said the brats an.e af the- fa ler to 'or Tl 0u ht 5136 y yaS C01 in ts s erg he r hal 1, tch en om eve ar 1 On 3r_v1iA, Ne -jail at 'Frement 'murder:corn:no •wa;s Illin The y Supper, and- yance eXhibit eating -sapper; .frena behind, file cellar---thr BeniIer; who4 was buried zi hense, -A. few. 3 rernaim went to In-diat man s money. -where 13e/1 -der" Jelin and Kat consin travellers and_ They -bad coni theoldfoikg'- -a firne old.Bende then -inurclerip .at one time.lifid and she cut Ids-, ing-beside the rklivided. - Slie liorse,thieves- a tn:.1.1er 1J:tense, 13, with- bier _cousin :committed- 134.3r -frotii.E.ankas. L „-fessed; believin ..reseaped.-: Iris St exactly. lie- rel 'Whole family a .frOin Kansas._ is obtaining' a requi: and Will be at Fr -PeRUON;r, Aug. cottiaty, -Kansas, requisition. ler-th Bender. -here . the.t .the priSone 13eridet.- _ The shaft This 'afternoon. -i hewill not be' take ing has _been recci the-,gana _ A MASSACUUSET'FIYI TRAGEDY. Murder and Suicide Resulting front an Illicit .I.ove Allitir—Reinarkable SpitiNarfErn, Mass., Aug. 9.—The family of Sebiva Jilson, living near Shutesbury Centre, were alarmed about 8 o'clock last night by the sudden appearance of Jarvis Nelson Phelps, a young man of New York, son of the nearest neighbor who was bleeding from several wounds in the chest. He declared that he had shot himself, and had but a few minutes to- live, and that he' hailleft the dead body of Sadie. A. Grover, his former mistress and the mother of his three-year-old child, in the woods a short distance back. Search proved that Phelps' story was true. Phelps, who has a wife living, formerly lived with the Grover girl, who was scarcely 19, quite pretty, and modest in appearance, until arrested for bigatny. and sent to jail for -a year. His sentence was completed about a year ago, since which he has been endeavoring to get lierto live with him again. Her continued refusal and. assoCia- tion with other men, it is .supposed, prompted him to commit tile crime. He fired four chambers of his revolver into the woman's heart,. and. then cooly. reloaded and discharged seven barrels into his own heart. The autopsy confirms this story substantially. Phelps is still living, and to all appearance the coolest. man in town, but the doctors say lie cannot recover. IIis victini is the daughter of A..j.. Grover, a respectable farmer, of Turner's • feciaisla.Colutubla. A good deal of fixing up is going on in and around Yale, but only a few ventures have started of late: ' . . Rumors aro circnlated. of good mining' prospects .from various Pitrtsof the pro: yi n ce„ as well as th e SlOtgit country. As Wen. -as the vvater goes. down in Coquihalla, Skagit, ete., there will good news. :As to Cariboo,:. -Considerable...preparations are goingi.forward to engage_ extensively in ere. zninin-er the'present Season.... -- • - n 0..The:. (liiiianien are .coininif-ancl oi a Crackinore or. Black- vv;ts I:Jonah/Imre.. 'Ohly--.one- as found, The next to be butelk• remember him Sot, - ed -the. 'interviewed Woman). pleasant -Man, --with _Side-. monst•tche It was" a -rainy tame, and :they- got a good v when they kitled'phim Ile 00; .bittKate - hint W After that they LgOt.akeer ay. After walking' f n. took- us in w,,Waggon, a 111 -tbe Clierekee or • Chodt .4 gang/ ()f horse o se. their` headquarters; a s -.left by- the -dead of th ern were in. tlie houge .- Soniaofthe-. "larries -we a of the house.' 0- 11611 was a man _whom ka axetind put the body do37, = • „o. It was always. re was only John Bender and ol and :Kate: in the- n her old wornanvrlio.aas my ot -She helped -them to do ti woman's:story,: But it is ost a _certainty that-she.is inentioned liy 'John Bender %-elielPetii, Rate. --te -do, the the old Woman mentioned on,:of Omaha, whose in d. to tho arreSt-' of - the el m _at- Tremont, .says they sleep. at his house -near 0N turned- them &tier te-hia- rn on. After Supper at ern- st1.4a, 'Isthereany falk et. ;murder now?' :Herndon.: h;'. niam .Ben.det. to -know'., theitivBendees.._ louse -Many a -time.' They ildWife and 'buried 'their -.Instead of saying an by slip of the. tongue Ile went 00todeacribe- „ tom. behind, Which the . e .1•31ope recently brought iiiiiety-fiYe; part of tlie 400 lately: .arriVed in-N.rictoria direct -froth' China...-Many. f theM Seeinedmere" boys, a very. poor lot for railroad work. - large iimiaber of- Chintitheil shook:the rail- road.. . :dust -off their- feet -and started ' for Frisco. - - .• The niainnipth Scow bein,gbuilt at Emory. -for PurpOSes now receiViiki th deck. It-is,:expeetecl- ?the launch -Will. take ith Place this week the.day tiPt Yetesceitaiiied, ed . .. • , The patent tube and niabliinery. are odthe OW... Way-. :froxii"-San-- Francisco ; .and •:be. nu:di-ranged 'as soon ' -its thescoa.:is ready- and. aw -it arrives- Quite an -interest :"is ,being h° .a,wakened this -min-mg.-, p • , - to gentleman in eharg,e being-Vei-y :sanguine of I success.: - . - - ir- An enterprising Californian has estab- re 11; :Matrimonial:market in:the - 110 co aii- supplies -wives tal-settlers 7per to. order and on.commission.. , He has already e .se's eral bachelor: happyheartS.in the 'agrieultiirtil districts and has Salledto Make . arrangement§ for fresh • importation.. There: is Something eminently- :practica;1" about,. this:Ordering:a :.Wife §:-•§T one- -would order a bale of sgoadk.byletteror telegraph. The rernanee is.kinbeked -clean Out of Match, ma . - _ . ' For _sornetithe past,Silver-ore -is known to - have existed in:Osyoos • 'A. private letter -recently.receivecl froin.the however; Results so- fri most sanguine expectations. The ore in the • - 'Ines 9, in, in- quantity . and quality, .assays frorn .$60 to §1,o00 iri . I -have - alse discovered two the ore of which:at the • ont-. des gives from $1 ' d - 11 tt- 0. ruck and how nice Kate rk; - ug. ,7. -=-Mrs. Bender, in said to -day that the:first by her -and her husband pn a farm 'near Ja,ek_son! asked fOr. lodging and ing fot the same Iliad-. siderable money. -While der out is, head in two he was: dumped into &trap door arranged by he nionev. The.eor se ' very ricli, ,and conti t crease lieth haye-ore that the old Mine. - more. mines; eropa 00,per ton--L:--in fact What " 20 0 $3, silver Mountain.'uu 01 eaIl a TheAstorian says the run fish the last fe-W clays hai been unPrecedented. : On Wedf nesday'the cateh at -the fisherman's . • . :- pack - mg company was 4..016 salmon to = twenty, nine .-boath.- At •Williani -.Hum ' • 1•3, . . the catch was over 3,56,6.. on.-• thatdaviarid yeste:rda3r fish Were- bretight 7 vast num_bers' that:several boats-were-cailed, 117, the supplybeing beyond .„ -..the capacity- of the cannery to -butt -dawn. • Yeaterday Morning • we were at Badollet.&-Co.7s- can- nery at 11- a. -ro. ; 3,206- fiSh had : already been landed at that hour, and anly-...about- half the- boasts had reported -- Mr. Leihen- - . Weber •. informeduS-that the total. number that " da,y would reach - 5,000 ; _he had. no doubt Badollett &.Cor ,hatidle all :they_ ean --get. as Jong -ea -their supply of tin will hold. out. }or the u -riV • • the_ ally t mornin„o", back ()f the c _ -• _ s el:' s :after this -they went to 1 ght months, .and -_then ,. ving on . the, murdered- ] y then _went to liatisas, el ldren -by his first wif•e-- ere living With 'their , ipy -kept a . .resort for sQ ai ci it Bender"s hotel:- A -c 111 .q no rn. urders prior to "lb, iv , .but . in - the course-.ofi ar ang,ed a .tritp-deor apd (3 erations began:. Rate an in bed with her, hr at 17.11(1Slepttin Morn:. se. :Ms -.money -was_ ou ever _ -injured : -the ut-throats--. • who came ntertaine'd -.thorn- well gib. NO Murders were arnily 'after -tlaby'fled ld Bender- has . also con_ 1(0 : old . Woman .,lias ry tallies with his wife's Ha _ 'te the ;history of the _. c t eir crimes. A sheriff f he sheriff of Laboll I w: probably at '-.Lincoln tie A frorn: the. governor, .• t to-mOrrow. 6 ed t I ecl, last _night With -a- - s r /itduyrn. riouf etliise,:ouipitipdosnedt. -fi the. original J-chn- ff tatted With the pair mess ld man declares that day t -Kansas. alive.. Noth-- d ere from. the rest of -Pe - - - .sLeigeu-k regul count defea days has b ostra. . . nes teatner Welconie's -decks were . liter overed -fore and aft yesterday morn : Ortne she - carried away be: tween 8,000 and 9,000 salmon. On ourwayto upper town we noticed Watson"s steamer the RiPITan -Winkle in --the river on- her way to that cannery with -twenty,six boats astern, all:loaded down to -the. 1 , an me ..only kept afloat bY,constant. bailing.. le hear of one boat rolling over near -the r-*ith'its fish- aboard. -The. first:cliVisien of the Seotchi court of sesSiOn has fixed. tlie of ;retiiihaeraiton to lie : 'paid .to 'the liquidators. Of the city- efr 'Gra...tow-Bank, sueli rate. to be a er t, the ordinar - debt 6,60irse of the first Year, of the liquidation; - and per eel/trap the andbunt paid up to the at of the '• depreciation.- -,Nesars,-- Anderson. 'and .J-ameson; ..the -Court found.,--werk entitled -.three-fiftbs—or -.£10,500 .2eitelr-of: :the- -whole Or r. 47,60 r each bein re o Messrs. CanierOn.and lden . • . !Vit. &when EX•ANifiatfox.------The ex antinatioh for the Exeise- and- 'Weights arid-. Measnie Departrnonts were ..donelhded in Toronto on.' T. Mir. sday.,: of 19 Candi in. e Excise Department,:litObtaIn Ite J,200 rriarks neeessitry to for a .first-elassiand the 99D-fer,a.seconit: and 3 000 for a third. 'The- papers of the kandidatea for the .-W. eights- andlleainies Department hap) boon for*ardedf. . Ott ' a rs, Qodson arid . left on -isttrir-- for. Halifarc.- : . - - rry Jefferson was fatally shat:at :Maya , by -three neg,roeS,..whe-Were I3u6- ently lyneheil;' An Organized band of atorSi4 the norihern,part. of kierning. have- -CharleiLMarshall„--the ted candidate -for State senator; twenty to leave -the '-deunty.,: The .sameordereen :given to anather 'man. .-11i-lioth cised gentleinen are wealth - - Th A- I3oston spirit Predicti alma tions e wine tf ever t- tlitt al 6, a hi - . t has" published 0011taining.7 preclic- cl the weather oglyphic magic cir- ay. be. This jpro- trade and a friiitful - citizens are excited.1 Brevities. Woman is tlie SiPnday of man. - Man legislates—Woman ornates. Coquettes are the quacks of love. Marriage is often but ennui for two. -A word with business men—Settle. Pleasant wether—A goOd-hatured sheep. A two -loot rule—Don't wear tight shoes. Only a question of time—Asking the hour. An ill-starred theatrical troupe makes no money. It's a terrible thing to be obli,ged to love by contract. Black as your hat—Dark/14,7 that may be felt. It is well io avoid intimacy with new ac- quaintances. The profession of woman is the hatdest of all professions. Musicians are known by the accom- paniments they keep,' . • Few trains are worn at Cape May, even in the dancing roonis. Dr. Tanner certainly' has more patienee than most doctor. Men' rhay,corrie and men may go; but flies bites on for ever. A very popular shade for tire summer is the shade. of_the trees. Knocking a friend down is a; sure way of dropping an acquaintance. - Contact with if high-minded woman is goodfor the life. of any man. • Fanners have learned that it. takes :the best -of soil teralse a -Mortgage. The Ballad of the Coming of the Rain. When the mor ing swoons in its highest heat, And the suns line dims, and no dark shade Streaks the dui -t of the dazzling street And the long'itraw splits in the lemonade; When the cirns lags in a sad parade, And the druni throbs dull as u pulse of pain And the bree2 ess flags hang I i /up andfmyed- 0' then is -the ti no to look for raM. When the man fm the watering cart bumps by Trilling thc of an old fife tune, With a strango,Iweet smile, anti one shut eye Lost in a dreain of the afternoon. When the awt ing sags like a lank balloon, And a thick sw.s.t Sta-nds on the window pane And a five -cent fan is a priceless boon -- 0' then is the thne to look for rain. When the goldA,!-th tank is a grimy gray, And the diiminy stands at the clothing store , With a cap pulled on in a rakish way. And a rubber eoat with the hind before ; Whoa the nianiin the barber chair flops o'er And the chin lielvags has a tell-tale strain, A11(1 the bootblfiek lurks at the opeadoor- 0 then is the tiiRe to look for rain. it LATELY !garret Tights§ in Toronto. (kaii.) - There was itrouble in the -west end a7 Toronto Iltiday - night. About , 8.15 Sergeant Sbepliens received word ti there r,.,:twas a, large crowd of yourig men Iland boys, suppsed to be 13ritons and Tile 13lues, ga,thered on the Queen's wharf kp attack the Young Irish- men's moonligtt ,excursion as it left the w'aurf for Victf#ia park. The sergeant tnitnediately colieeted a squad of four.men and started for, -i the dock. There Was a big crowd cm the -wharf. Part of the eroWd was Waiting. tit* i).get ' on the - boat i the, remaiOdor, *lid kcpt, in the back- ' The man who divides his last meal May groinid, Were thef,intending attaekingparty. „ be capitble of steal/4g your last dollar. . The latter were -gather demenstrative, -aria - Hints to Hotise teepers----When-your fa-. it -*as eVident tIAY meant' i4sehief. . In -a- 'peel their issues.' = - • vorite cats . beco e too prolific .you must at the dook, ain-0 a; niimber of passengers few 111111 1t( th-41Prince Arthur hauled; tip " . ' . . got Mi bo.a.d. : 'Ale line's W9re then throtrn• 4,4 ! - King Illo,squito rides supreme on -- _Staten off:, and just as -tip ate-an:ter was •Ipaving, -a, i . _.. ,. , . ,. - .. ..A. : : t , . -, . I • • - . Island; , The" other 1 night, ne_ broke- up a: volley of . tones Ayas thrown at ther. bya__, ,- dinner party_ by biii aSsioiltS: - :-- ' .', gaii, of ronglis,--fTbe -Siches-411 ani. ong the - , - . --- A ihrt is hke -fi, dipper :attached. to a passengers; infile#)ndinjuriespon W ininlber.. , • . . . , :hydrant -; every onelis at -, liberty-:-te drink The- Ire 'Was Teillitthed froth the boat by k ' ; .f,rern ft, but ut-- no- iie--- desires ,_ta carry it -soiliC.:onef ;Who -I-brew -;a. stool • iar.lriong the._ . away. .• -_ .. _ '1 - crowd- - oh ihe , 1,1141. -- ".1The 'steel., glanced - - ,IVIlen "Chin an /was Is- a;ved from 71).3777 :S4g'eili'nt ,-St.:1-)lie./16'• 11.:66,4. 'aTA- A- struck .' .droWning by beina Pulled froin - the :svathr -1-'61-i - by- his: pigtail,- he feebly znurniured: " I- injuring -.bun sc '4 Severely; . that !lie • wag :- 6°00111 2 ArtijOtrOligi .bIll'' the legs, i. thank: queue.' - --- . -.-- • • -•-- -.._'-. ,.._ , -: .. Compelled to go oP dirty, .4y1thislame,thEi__ .. --‘1.1iLlq5.1-griglisli.worpen.to iMProve their boat got -pretty *,1111 •1 - com.pleiion' .... - .repl_their . skin fair) :let --bloPdtwice•cr three. tithes hi the year --in, in- stead painting theinselves,!' 'I-, • • : -.. _ ...-",-_ Ileche-fOrt•saYS:..thit the French Senate -ialik-e--.the.-4uble six in the',.garne: of domi-. Tiloesi".becahe every .0462 is ankious. to get - -rid of 1t: as 7peedily as possible. ... .. . . one true inainy loVer blest,. - „i.f.,4111a9 tiug ovey a•crovyj to reign, . ' -More.ioy itgives tO is'oznaif lieart '.. - To mak() two frigid eoicboiribs ,0711111,: . The Norwegian harqUe Pelly lwIncifvvast cleared froM Ilalifax..for London on Tiles-, day; takes 17;1,000-. bOxes of preserved. = 'sters, -mined at nearlY' $60,000.' There is 1"*ebalily not a .Sing14' 'Jewishl officer the 1Bri tish army; bit the French- -- - arniy has Jelysish officers of distinction. ' is -estimated that hundred thons, andstrangersand provincials:visite& durina the laiefete. . = • - . • has .':accepted... the .presideney of the new movement -for the Coniplete amnesty of the Irish -political ex- iles, a letter expressing pathy With the inoveMentIt . •. appears that. -all the ' -railways in_ the Uriited, .1sa'ngdoni. , taken.' together, -are. -far Tess fatal to those.Whe tr•avel on-the.rn than_ WheWalk-throUgh the streets. Torpedo ' the velfienlar traqc of London th7se. Terpedo boats are threatened With ntediatkdestrtictian-by the intreductiPh.:pf 'the Nordenfeldz - niachine :gun; which -is capable: of.--,destrciyinCthese_ :submarine., pieces of.va-rfare at•a distance of 1,500 and -.2,000 Yards. - The•bridge over the Rhine -at Rechenan, SWitzeriand, has been defitroyeth.byfire. = ..- cl- love --reading, said one young lad - Me a bt-riok an"-.a-n:arznchair, Attl• 1 (101111 care - T - • - - ' ing •- •-a.1-together--betvifen. : 290... and- 1 306, 'fidil- crpino'efml-s4,'-alinaalvterns-6acinklieth?e'.r.a.1121 Sr -.7.-1.3-'-'.. isrhit,suhrnined- x if ,i jt 44e iis PrinceionillIptier-iJtiltibji;eliha dP Y.-'61iuk4eirg-s'.. - . . . . . .g around 'the :wh,,r_Ves,-Wa.itirie,clor -the -_ -A-,14iiewd farm hand bellghtlor $160.the -63,res,topan the I boysand-quietly fou,:iii„0/ .big meteor --iYhich.fell in: .3.iiirriet- lcounty, 'tliethl uP.'. 7The.y phOrdcla:IdispeSitillii ..4.i4."- - Iowa,MO Y9-ar., and as laughed at by his. fist_ to .:boldr their gOtihd, but When .-theSr.- -. - idiocy.,..116:liaii now sold it - to the -3.ritisit. .-eoliirades for w -hat they-Cone-owpd' to be his obSerVedthat the ecni,lable-Wasini,earhegt - they toriletheirdepartWre-ari '31nseppi. ifor 1$6,500.:. .- . ' : '• -,- --.-- l' - p,ser.nibitia. -oppOsit0....Olnixch-k-Street --Wha•lf:-.-••• 'd stibae- nentik " T.he haeinbere Of the'Ctinailian---Presa• As. where "they expectedlifiie---Prince 1,Arthnk - • - q sociation ihaVetoinn4erieed to pay a Innate& would land lier p0.ssenteri3. Beeonii0g4ires:/•'- eentsion the dollar:. •This-T,seasentheytakp' Wakting, the. nuitin body. Of .Yoring:13.ritonn the take -Superior -trip andplank down $28 acted oft the -60Unse1eflatiilie friends ShOttlr ,... :pethead --,like.little.-reen.!t-:- -- ' - aftCrWards by quietly' returning .,q.,_ their' :..- lionies, while a. few of 1010 in0iE3tlithil1elli Tithes to the effect that the- Will :give: 50 - :81:1ikit6- rt--Inine# -bebiA' to be - 4:0 ha:134- _ _ . • .. .eerits apiece for newSpapers cOlitaining his-. wh6n-0-1v :llibellaalls :i'l.Atin"41-1.0earO'ne0 -- .Obituary.-- -- it was printed in May last:: :.,:1-- -, -. - •' ' - -4r.;,l 1-. - - - - - : I r . 'When ileaas reportod.killedand- sealped, by . . ;.glopg with a.haby lett at theAnor of . --': Indians. He announces- his : i4tetition of --_ M. D. carder,_In St. Tt'Ohila*, iveke4 supidyl. 'returning te-St:.-Thotiaas:a0 iii- £1;14icilla .to Of linen and the follo*Iilg tiote•:: . read.- about ., --- • : ...i -- .----.. - - , , - -:. - •-• - -iind,. Deaf: -- Sir,For . lilyJ - sa4e - Oa poct_1' . wit -IS ..of the: sort 7.that conies in llaShes• -WOuld liketo takeitas-Effeir oWn, :-br.fng-i . rimItt . : At, -dinner- She .har doctor Oh , either :broken-hearted and fortiagen. Mother, Avbo''. hand, one of Whore' Marked that :they. :hits $0:home . would ,y(4.-1 Ana a; boyac for .-.4. Were well- served; since .. tfie3ilia- d ti, :dna . thiSld. ear.haie ?' PerhaH• there iS.ai lady in, '- between:them, Tr.! Yes,' shol.brok.e. in--lier you .congregation who 10.5 np -.chill., -and ..ancl i:Larn: betWeen. two ‘quaeks.: Then: hp.in the right,path -ancli4liey will receive ailenee,fell-. .,' - ....' - , , ...: , ... -. ,-hortYren'-s'hlessing.i. ThiSkis, an - „awful Atop ' . .. , 'What ;10 you, think of iiiy new h ' to lc -,. .. . _ an drivei4.4.0 it. 1 .11Ve the .'. ear ? . said she, the other' -evening after, tea.. kinctLord•Will forgive 1I6. This i8.' a kind. [ -.:0.h. ! ininiense;•• -rny 'edear:•;.: perfect/- riig,.. neSsi-Mid, yen will thaw put reward.. IPity ' . . , :. . , .. , _ -niense-'- said 116 without looking hp Iron A poor forsaken rnOther yott beg of viehever , 'hifi paper: Then slie:lae7dan- to nrir and takes it to be kind to ity-i Next inoirniiig. Wereso dreadfully large -lid needn'titelllier said •Sliethonglit it he - thZuglit her feet" 4tWesoitkiotoihdroerie7tlaihdioeSi;ie4P.r: , ,,Seird•.,thzei.r 7.i..tii.in.g7 . of it. -. -.1 ---.. .„-_..; - . - - -."-- - ,- -: -.. ' A 00ANoN Sitis..Vihichr ,T42011's - , : -Th9rel.i8 verdnre 'all along' one track of --4he•French-OPifilon -or),10r...Tanner's.-.0.1r- the•PetinSyl ania; railroad, .lietvieen Pitts- fierfnient IS.pithil31 sunantedt 11P in the 'al -is - *kilo, thosegoing the "other Way -deposit -0- Make.Such-experiinents.'lyill the: wret4he4-. ' T burg and.rh.ladelphia,':- and none along the Wailder:- . ' This: brodigiO4a.lfasi,' - it - S'..s, f :Other. -: .-• This is eaftse4.- by -.7.drOPpings- of 'will not fill.the Stbmachj;• Of ithe.- starying.:- .grain from the eaStward-hoUnd-freight- cars,: There is no need -4. be 1.id =great doctor -to.. '_ . secd, . . • . , . • .. - -. - . ..• • rn,a4e, thorn.: etioh: iviinter.itlAr. -- Tanner tha,g" •-A-..TI.,N.Y..-IIi, ..A.1..1savAYAssm.:::1.7'..,7._ _,.EE .s .1..1....6 :8 .. . , Ile was tie very tverst ot, men; . -- - Tie broke her lOvely-head ;- , : „That patientlatly said. -' ..ne rose up in'the morning, then _ -- . . .. . [ . -. - - .-••••-(1,..orl_Aen. Cour i,ournaf,-;In-iy."94..).,.;. -clone the poer a- geed -..cle0;Of harm. _.:..rhe ' 1-1, eaten" !nothing .for ' 1 two ..1:4'his; Will: never tnoreaiive any -effect:' - ..1.414."--- 1 • - . 1 1-... • familiar- appeal, '-My -Grodpir,1pityine;1,14ve- .!- ', 4 nilan at. 4atiSasi el -tight-- ki'n'et Ay.. in theilhe - 1 .she -pet It in tnij beer. 1- - - . flie died that night: his.a.Wful-cnrso. • --- What made hirn feeltiequeer.--, . - Ifo'.saidlla Of...mild not understan& 1. She bandit:a peuid- cif a,reenicoind ,- .., i snti.ailunt. - 1 - oi• th:::i ii 'rit it'l/. alle40,sister,iwhom:i em. .11- 1:-0a:h, . , d .weTvi„a:hig I. nse, ;c1:671:i. at alio:oil 114:'r ill;t5-eht iti:eal- :64:1411;31 kvadf17,111''pe-ebil:-.'' folloVied'hy, it inarriage eflrO,MonY., :has ath, arently riettiled maiternk- e .Sirtinfaction: . Upon her head Was heard ; i : :- , - • -: :',1.1 ...hean.tifnl woman .- is , Atli' But she deelated She felt no virorie,,,•- •. And Marriet1-majer 'Third I11 - .. or:the ,:eyea „.-gnd -the - p0g4to- 1 , poso.. , _ . ....._, .- .!. _. _ . • '- I- ;-- - .ztr e .dock Alla- -. 7 MeainPd ....4aWay.,_!. :The; conStables then charged the gangi. livlien .t14y • dispersed - atter doing 1-cOnSid.frable 1 shouting and .yel- --lidg,.:.- Hearirig ban -music, on, Queen.- -- id ' - ‘'' 1 I. - street, Sergeant Sis:ieplienSandfliis idettich-; - ment-:-proceeded_Oliither, -and at Peter .street met a crowit -Of' .over 500 Men. and. boys - mar.ciling w -N,_ headedThy. i',. bind, :. which was 'i - playingi rOrange -tnnes, - 'The -crowd. W0.5 100.1.1(3 ` - Ito men and boysof . the tougher elas nd: seemed; bent on. - . : -causing trodble. .. ., Bieck aireetit.a stiop, -Occurred. ltiapeOV.r Leitlk erne along - .liere •- 'With! , a - Pond •-• squad,"•.. And *: stretched': a line.f., Of - :censtables. i .aeross Queen 'street,' at Oa/her-Pm .The 1 crowd .. -t , was orde-red to Mote back, 0.11(1 theYi slowly -.-I retired,- but a vtryttlireatening-Manner. When they _got bacif-,-,:as fat as 1-:qocki street. - the trotible began. • fOe-rdughs:conirnenced- -stoning': •the !'poliedOet, Who drexvi their .- batOns, -and ebargeanpon them Ifull;fOrce. ' In. the '..skinnish eiiit ensued 413,61ieeznalt . , !„, , . ... , .;1 , _ , Noinian; of No: 3:.(1)4isiori,laas struCk by is . • . 1 stones in: -the stort‘cb. -, ne ,f -di to thi.i. •grounilinsenSible,-4:11being picked Up Nta.si • cairiedinto May's ,qin'g :: .stere; 1, :I The con- , Stable :coMplained -14/ great pam, andlt is feared he is'..„-injOed : internally, l .hiff , fr'pedvery " beiiiig';: fenSiderea. ,.. IlenbtfillL-, jrthe: .paliee,,,ikep*-1.up ! -the "elia,rgei - and. broke hp .tbe.11c.,d/istardlY,-,crowd..iiri -- iiielt-tirne....,. SeveralM the poliCemen.were: ' .struCk.with stones. Later in the tiglit. -- - another crowd- ,ass'erfaliled-on'ruite:weexes-. . Wharf,Ii•Dr_.What: puti*Se--ft--.isi net ildtval, - hiit it . is : Supposed. Oey were waiting for ., the return. of the' Ei4•eraldif from TietorLi park. •Tliey niniabeitOlabo4200, blitliee_re - 3 . sent abcint .their b4inessi. by Tiolieemen, . 'Davis., White and' ,AW,:,ketell, . Froni :about • - rnidnight.-till '1 O'clObk -it - the :morning' - d ,„ er ,0 , a prominent_ lawyer... ' „Give- Cif 'Y't'ungPri9ns, .-,nillilbei.-";-1- John Ingram writes the St. Thomas 4•.• - 1 ; •,,