HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1880-08-19, Page 4Xgi a ul that the fault was prt-bably in tile oil tlieir Gwu heads, aDd they call ]LIXTRAORDINARY SUCCESS Rol best they way. k3 f ,ri The firwei-A aw t r�;Iish it as OF 04t. null tile plil'o of Cltwsoll �­_iiit 111) eents v bushol, that Ics, no k1.1,8C1,11111- V Prof. Giq's� hts & F11s., t ulakle a-vinsl; it, And COMMUNICATIONZ3. OR ll.tioll was xature's, Great Restor-Itive. �;t t -ii th;it, of wheae, with A cowIlOsitionof six H,ltst India', !;4I)Se(l1I0l)t "atilt b3- rillSltjr�" tAW Cl�LWSOII Lacrosse. (Ale 171111"Wil Vd iur its In,-dical virt'll", 'ell 11' �Allcll"':1110 - lit to AtU:! The follOwi-ig ii the cOvy of a lettcr flormiliga C,11.,11,0111A I OF 010 LVIth-I'S Lit 1,110 tile jj1,r(j1l ill 1�eply to a Intragraph, tw o1zSCi:1NL E %V K' (I other lijudicilit-. b, clin! ��Ito ahovo WilaL tilt. , woulti. have "i It �,ppcared ill the*last tisTI, n Vever 'Inli l"111W) i.-isue of tliat papur Ag;_uv, Nervotisiie,-, 1' 1) it 1*0r ti10 ;l[l:1I.Vi1S, i;rol,.L14y enou'., ot 01-11, rt, tdipay ali tile L:Al,­,,� ha--; roq fI.()uj tile vj, AugmaZt Tu Ole A'Wifw t it 14, _F? And I-itph ill yoi r paper -,;trange to Z�;l ollega -­-keLl, a 111t,tivi te nplyropr,.. Of the Ili.-; v cc k �uiciii; kil, %vli lflo�vl Purifier. it Is L_ tld.� el -L'I"Itt zt U., I'LL) tzl CALT'DONIAN a 14DIJ t�� enkr`e thO tlll til L.WXi­SU Le;Llil L- %viti-ill tli,-- last tmt,!Vl.� 131or;tij., Nvi )Ily JIIIA-LtOrlll�d - 1;1� Price Lt ILL ti-IZLL You Ila% c I t-cii Wilt -re. \7 y (it 8 WS to (10 111ILP170 OffiClUilt Will' ttic favor ot ,It k;X- ill tile ::W,1.00ts rlo conui.ocr [ja(;Icagc,,,r ttvo plztcl�zl a tire t1lu U.'t"e ary zt:i f"i 1, iiia(io up L.i. ly of farnit-ts pIZLl1;Lt;o11. f IOot., jul(t c,jit. BOx If PilkfOr ill kILICA1011 %l,.16 1,fl S pLICA Tit,- Caleiloni-J", S l­:`;,'t_V I 'f P!; -ICA r us,ld the approprlatitw. �Alas The couillo..x'i of fore0l.111"'Litit'll fj'r J1111tur C! bs, 't Sullt post-pai(l to ally aildrt--4 On rt. - to ro- r their Sixth all 110 It; YU111"S t't .1' "Ll"' 1- C k I I It ot l" i I ALL I -,Iijual tournain nt. o FucjIli,3-,. tzid eSpe,-1ally lie the w- I 1-1truil '�rucc, alld, llot lor AVICK, Brusl'ttls, (lilt. -year s pr zz itl1d(,jill)-; 611cila,; YOki 'UT I Ziueolld T%%-k-l-Vc3 t)i sellibr WFST VVAWANW'�Il, 11"Fli. 41-11 1 "0. L I eXtt,211�'. Varil, ty, 1 dessor of Chenjistry, feel this r,41.18al A admit Came froul Sea,ortll. Ny&i Nver Ctrim):dnt g beeft troul de; I f, i kd nly- - And yut I cawwt but know -VUL to I�cztfoldl forth dibtillcd_�- LltV COIL-. L - "A' 111iii- lilt lh(,rto attem.pt- Dyspe4,sia for 13 v L Inlerest ill ­ n - z,51�v 7� -0 tile agvs of Our K Z,� fr it -11 inally othor fac& that tho hiriliers ditious Of tile Cul(I alit -I ga% tr.�" Ill -of. GKILvs 1"I"As alld Pilk, I lj�tvf_- I. -;ed IN -.-d I)y tll:lt popular jild 'Cllt(`1_j)ll8- eVZj6jll,1 Si "teen ; 1lild Ill tile tauc Of IlitiA "ay ILL11 Gf Miellw3n do, on tha whole, thomi-h- bUys azi av X tllk'Dl Ll_)OUt il"; 1110111th", Uh d Scaforta wain appeared it WWI c, tilip, utely curell. I Cis �tlrcly. fin,_�xtraardiiwxy g can sti + this �Vhea tile -Now alld iliterest'lln- Iv appreciate their. Agricultu ral Col e(,e f,,,,,d -ils 0, - - every iiii tO, try it ­oulpod -lilt would advise sobiet V. tijzbe' td with a f ex exccl,64 j -,u ILAY it - !.nles- are alillilljily. atided to trIoS6 ar .1 this caso was exec ption"J. I a M Aidwart atilletie ya lig Illell, tuld Wo very ALI,. A 11111�4 &;1lu if il� Witch k, i could be" ia Will ia least have A-Id'ell are alwav� real orthodox Sicattisli s 0 tl t the 111ruici.s got Un the othe�r together it, youl. tOjvil. ti t "lively sensio of future benefits" 1) i,,'cowDosed L.)f mere bupi fr Ill The GI1,jt:.f, Dr. 'McCrililn1011, ha -Ad 6ur club. , - - k) of .11'e ilud the absurdity. of ORNARNENTAL T1 t t shall lead them and tlicir L(,gj,.;Ijlt_ 14 to 16 ye, -Lt it"li list uteii Iliust. be AND S11RUBBERY.— pittill"', sut i, full grown R-EEs P h$Iii-kLots' U to -(,i*e theni necessary - apl, s allythiii .Lter a areat-deAkA eorre.spojidellcO alld 0 P to yOu If there Wit ro riat- ­;earch.- Ila. in wicarthing aA i re, for the case I have i6hLtbby orco jjl�dly ill tI cer- led it. Watter it W 9 stl 0 S in the futu W _ff ARTIE-,15 dejirouq of proeiirin�'Qrlianiaerl_ Sjtforth.Ulub, 115 ;�.j ill the T ec% e q tible Irish pper, tho solclety g1tNi ofthe analysisaild its, G,jsII..vjlIu6, tai"IY ol the part Of -the - tal r' �,'t,l de orate their-Tremises, first I htce ill seluffi-,g Seui6rs to pla V J unh" W111,11 is Pot Solitary or even exceptional,' or 1,� tilig o.1 1playllAg_ alid impro,."C,tUir dwellii)gs, %vill fill(i it WI.- vzuitagrotis to; Cal "an.41 gi le -order to III. to )I I, ve t) 'ir e departniont of Chinni they 1w the alibro )f our:tealll. Stry. filled to tit B I LB? INC., L TR" .4)feselft ilms. 110� And ill the.'ecolid-1 aeu lit it is �Ir Clhily­ -cc'-tic f ve I I lfg, eo wby bas ninde. arraxigem�izit with �,ciproeal zilidi I I I in., but cre lital):e1to i . . r ! . I r e t tv o rk i s do fi o b y: t4i 6 1""LILLI cer.a'Ill y- be lulyttl r;,tiei, near 1,ake�5NIPippissing, t - TI irougli hon s culillk-tent pa t1w aNylty d I --eat bran --h. of th!­ cal , ,;it a, Northern a i 111t 01"Al , .,� j)pl3i the fl�t' fa: itil -for the -promotion of the trus Qoil- lmiid,aii brew ty cir S. cunistance. -c This- tll�yl f4 )St ill al -ili; -atle 'ract" .11 _rljov�. -Ny wisely Ili 14� UNI1.1g, �d . . L - I . - I . . . I . I CrAr " - ilito ij) 3resta of A t i rrit,, - aiid-_ iii'Alie si'der Llu au�:eci ", I, thq*,;r(jhnd, -itild Wei cvu Ju proellilr�d for Ic­g Aim Italft it liattfo c -.to I plity I prie�� -(d i�l I LAI R V -%v i 11 0C the L'up "Vill if -pr6ll tl li� Izol fy ruii "the fitrnje;.s.�Wdl -be sur -1D y,: b, N z lie 0 (It. 0 -0 pf"_L . �- T 1), h tull,1141. ex- uk oh �-ucfiall -u- d, N -Iirsi- At rintaiii ?,y J.)iibt a.-,� 4clikle-d-o. it�. -:ip tree,s f offe � .e 'Al 1,4.11ii, -to sabsitut_ �o , To tlit,�Ili A, I ae�- B 'o ed ur L not p- r er youll r. ��hi _ihtery �4 of n, All(! etc. tud Ii eaft zah'.r'. -xi i-Z.'4iig Te.Cl"I'llit botlf beanti 0. Illdly Linie but- % 1, NV; tz C I I r; Ol- 1 to P %Y, elil ill Tlicil s-'jl.wqelltI �ce o- -put ard MLOW rit 1, E (;�ft.,fw, Aom-el lett t6l DDFh A I --- -- il'I S1111,61), d 1, S L JUK11311i J. r.1 (A)AI 111 0; 1 t be �of,oddfwllbws went. -t un r It. 1-11 re- ta, thc soultwbat IwD1DlSIlc- A A M "D Xlqu.rslo - I r arloi it dnr: t ­3.1i.two -t4f nd ilig- loi�jis'wbetto Nt " � h� �u o, th it! ftt the-` ou 0i to -_iv Jimi.. tr�c,� iTI i_ f Ti 0 it. _t.nc�rt)- m -of ataly fz, -IA0I)stI;ahoiIl* 'irt tl I at. -is- I lid ill fulLA 1� arl,�JlitII6, Xk Illcx" -C _T I nt( V -.a I 'iif (I,I7eii or a di4e eycr U j u Diev Out 6.11les- ore.at,_ r tj'j,.. I I rrl I . - . .. - ill , - In.dr, it in a cc -a laft,u tilt -oilt t 1) ay.fortlli- Q111) ill 'tit n V duiiii;-th�'Ibn drea'�:Y n- Rztfoe a -o_ "a -tilt - of on Jx tl at -s'enfoij; Ajmii,)vte.= P. ., a -1 1 - I - - " -f. r noythern clinna e. - - - t I � I .. I . - , , tj1,6,-dzq-7.;�jr_ - . C tie, -Al') FO, 7, a6r.i . . , -1 # . . .... alili'api, ot�isim_, or the lefi-th of this; Inv_ t tiAllolv. tof -tt h. """Itc III;- V N. OL ydiinis And 1)(-ars Vi*:i N 1 11 to z 'R t 11i t lit u, I r, D1 . Ti. t - -i� -Micknow, sse4c 4 1 Z lip. it., J,11,11 p1toys acro t.w, J 2 S w. -6 X If 4ig Tf J 01 R Gn Y lid p.o A 1-.1 TP "):.I G I A t E'll D. t,) t I't i, i g b, k viv, o:i,laiw. tit in n L to WL TIAL ? 0 E.- AWES- JR1 it—te V- L -;OT��N -At t -ii e ie L inis -Of 1)u 1A df tep. -1 jun't"v; .ot I 't �L. V I ('� - - Fofbi, Al r. J ps .0 'TP77 r, 77 '6 z L 1 -3 i;11;4),- rg:1- S- r M1, -6 A 1�i S U.1 -71it T, .116ol- 11 - . i 'Il . . � t J K ifl I os, t 4 7 7 r of - I t L 7R, .1 -: '.. . T t L U 0 TI -T V E."R c 4- J, 7 U. 0 PC I ILI' T i rql.to: �v, of s .W. out. A, t i of t A -.t r -u th, �tfr -Robe �Ik o W Lt, I Pi A -j ir T - -1 , - 1. 0 0 tiniliviq to :�,rid.� IV ke, 'A. 'th"p- N ny- A . J�_ Y R lit, it f r o �il', tie. V, i! s �tal: 8, jt. -�p It C0111". ILI IIAM.�A 1 11*;3­.rC1gIdbnC­, 11th f 1j. 0j ff PR OJIL0 L tj -1-'f. J.�inlQSLJ jjU 30th L tha-, ci. .1 Q'jj I N- t 1 j C� JIL"LVIth D -elf - I _ _�l n: Ail .6f % �0, :11 ti�, lam za, UL D 'rlbajii -b oh.n 'Et z _ L � . 8'rj. e t �.j 'I 1�., q �l 1. 1 , 11, , - i _ . I ­; P -or 1 �n f m I r, i ill t*t -Nail C a., fa,"1111S ;I cl� C,( 2 117' W 'Yt uz.U�r, 1j" - t . . . ­ . C; ovs 0 ]a a r6 L Jit. ji'� jl�tftdff W at, _ - tfi fh­ H OR 4 t UV* V Koi 2S 74 lltl") EXI ATS P . I - p, - - . IT41 : - - - . J, "i 11M 0 'Pu 161 Z, n I nat_yr -k ro n t t -lit 116t 1, - i': lit' 113 L liral. �Suo Le�� r 4 'A AS �J -, G -h j! 0.,- C dil t s er n, A -T j a I H, V -1-a-. wit It (I �haye­beQ­n -de' F-0--m- _ttii Pr s" 01(f 0 in V D'0- ILID 4 1116� I)illili-c- that t -I -fare-C o'll. cr Hie-p--e%.eur' io t I r t if -9 W_ RZ_ f jI­ wr Prilq Jon. fjr­41,r!�a da It- a'L"ellL�scr 4,tvz� --o -k r4q, ju cc za� _j� Ved �t U hI8:I)(-q1 f Ili Q'_ lit S u -heard, -vlD (1, r�hl 6 t 1na hil eL(j)rsC(,T) 100 t F F1 0 F Towti4hip-6f Af.11, - - 'Ll t - r,(jt x�. I C,-,. '--ST .1 1 1 � - j. '111. �� - -8 191) - t, 6 t L -APGS G ham 1� I L . - : Jhl- t E_ AV It- 111--al'o ai�rtcr.,.(.av t .2; 21, _C4 -1 W,�'() L'J" j ve.s. �tilubered with, I tCj� Lgswoi 0, t N EL I 17'f _b_'.rj 7 lit Y_ L IST. W J. �4, -Tile Y(ju)j, I'L d 6 ICV (.JWIl i[li: LV -,,-co: Yre 1;tri gouk.i 01 LI ks in a _1 it l, , , ' - . -it, Ill a - - S W)� ist -frow 7 I I i'di li?w-, -)repare j - � _. __ 0 -.1. - - , _ d bu-, Cb" lier-oll, sl� 11)(AL11103t tnt� t I I,,- c jj� __j_o of i ild. Win fj) d6hi i §i r� sca t!�_ f6o.(T litlere,�t t o III 1-C, far tn AW ir' le, ail �ey 4 'D ILI st, q. ass t;g, _lj ,,a R ib 1.0 s 'If NA, 6 _13� -tit )I, ek -in 9-N-bil ta a v N tlfL 6 W11 T ou aff Lo vV I-11 -of t1i, -Zbet %y- thl t -Iippjy d fi,"k-iinine - 'I i i 4ilar s tift" t fiel(L'- �tp-igs niere-or eti5s_ 8 6 1 is to [j, 14 miskip of 12 avrc-s ­ire-cl�rired-� t'nd ibJut 11olp"$t-0,61i Boo rice 1r; r as, 11L ru y sh, oc mi%f iwill irpeb - - - - .. I 4, of, Ct 1 10 11 re. -U ikdex is 10 lit able c rallie el P, W -If V;x20 r, e. Stable, -bele _,__V 12 r�ba _kitdie <2 0, e Q L p- in an pil Sl LY IN T, %V10 rney Of n'th -f$jjj 14-k_28.' Yo it 6- - dirch,- I 1_0, ari ell, S E -atior 1 11, 1 f ob7mv in _tj ST ­1kqCe-r)0e lil, 11'6�apirlmiirp- 1'r rfia( _jL -lo nlifo--,�Ptunliti a 7 US jo 11 t.rt) Sf lb) (.).it our La Q '1- .61: - r(. JJ,101� OW Inilleii. =12 "0 T" EL XZAT' ju -.k- V ab [Ji. for the C -,,i' �tock -,q6ld '_�at 'a h-4 ort h: Ql se 0 L �t. er 6 A I�nj,�t N6.- 17 ftlid 016 r, Y I ART 6 1 4�tlj c- orm Vj). b f If 1"L Ij`_"j7T,_I_.j'; r. f)t e e 614-q— "�_h 'at, at 6. o, uth f C auu-A more _k an e o o t A. P law� irt ticire's va aj) I v lic'i ;ilL t114 (A �Arid Buttor �.4 ra, y" AV 'wilt G Z Eog., eTi 1-i ach _01tTE, q tbly was. e it 4 e t1w; 16j, 'N THY -SH '_"T, _0 -T�Cli Lv 7.- LA M:T� alo jUt the iat 1 �-q P ur VA. - i lt _Ji� - but i f so )out 1 so_n variety ob� oittsl j]; I llljg.i 1, -call. tto el;n,, tylack ash 1'i (;g,; 111 -de. iflid-e L og bb. LA 1--thiii-k-tit, 1 - i, - - IL . L A flpn1-:arid the I 't H` 'wjt1l 1"La - - . . - . 11(l I' a k-If6h6ll - �'Lfrtuj , , . A'' "I OTH to 0 k AM GOL 1.`1 8 ar Y (Itic r`. a:h ecli'p J t� ni'll'. .0 A it,_,'t aue'- Of cq' ati Alol, b ! ces, g,60( I witil 1z; g"in Ag­rto6V V1714. K61 of tlI A 7 C�t its Iga. -(46k)(tce(l�tv w it r' it I -M- :ela-�tva 0- _n f Jl� tlie Ir L kn ri -: 1. . Tjle-soifls'a clav loat _Good- ravel joad4. ingsj. ,.s nrt taig T Is, CG ein 16JInc ild-'it , t ars a -pr �-al n 81 it a-4 (k X ppl-,� to-116-ilry DA -J,, `Rsq jvh ;-Calls tl I -ii - tea M th MY rst: )14ce�il ilid, ab"out 4. at m6: luil&.5fr6iii 'fe ENWELL 4idifAlt, da, I E�re I ti-VIGIr. - ill)' J 'it . k%rl i I ;bill,. 4au'leroll hiidCampbell, t te'. G--I:� - - , , t le, rld -C's rlgh' wezl dhj,rut th fi�riela­10 ts-felow ec- Wy UK. U at Luckno t 7 -at. -itrh e. ts- Prc,,E - Kedzi d, Ho w's %V t. of�other S -C 'j' -D IT i.1 "i" �'b�j 11 10 '�l A t�iiilbr. 4A. ag.q16an: and 'Uebelliur� (16. 0 an IF, t ii Any _Ije� k o in, flle'-Tacts f X Ut j, _t CC on j -at tSe (Ion _0f1t..'-' viln.�fIr-a-10f, whe s6paratea th e C CIL17e-li Vw([ tri'p- ell t Y.. c:)n'baye -rio hesitatiou ill J�ro qu6 tify,of elIG b -A I,: e d u 'Lng :;S-fj 'or, T nr '1C 11, LY S, 0 qa-c% r 1r� 1.1 L I le, 8.a me ii -e th a. t�lutor- e h nt s - W. ii Iroin biscuit c qV t iee There is -a wide I Ivr P. fiv, V k anil IVOL qljie al%fimt So -as to test e I ).tLW6ell :Pr'qd WIN) J e E64',e6wardice, L -E S L E & P -ETA I L. N re; irlirill. Cornpar. S.EASON U �'Y­L tX_ _H El P i ilid, t do k ea fi� -yqu ncr the- I vs�'Vlf vach, men ail( A IQ S T 'G 0 1 -1�11`y .. . �: I W- 1- llitq or, 6f;:ea 'g-lut-611 r.3 I Ore. A, -_VICTO -bt-ifitl, ni3 -U tf��L i 1-ces :'onven -the ail- At A -N, T�;iPM=R cir�,. _ktL K, a orle, ra� Vion n -d I Id i -hatever-lidt-we-e a v e-, leavor:to satisf, Lt, Ile i , nC 4e arDpro np­%vas A to all P ER"Sin 'this.1' - ill :at tv ._1911 I y GA81I..-C, 81ro I - - .0 1f,.1vas air th6 �Tqyd6r- Cifit- - n� 6 d -ts 0 �.tllcrrl_., qp, beJGr6;th6. r_. eye - V i1tho Till U W' 6 -,becadsd-. .' ridei th 7 - �*CLAS -�io n, nd i our ay - b AL' L F1 L RST L 'R IRNE 54 01ijeovjez Im proof WAs ttuqn- Arst ke­*atiid can:'- cal I d A X avverablo. -"$eeirirtjs� buloivingj�'_ alid c ese ct ire -bot .Y iff6rS bo JTA_�'� see at -k- Z, AW"10 `g utea was , ubt 1. Q -nit m r the biAellit 6f Cl 1 0 lirt- :Not* f Z� n h, farm ers, and ill at s! :t s'they refused it) _,�PjjL� C uld. UORS.*only 'aim I dealAn T.IQ an J I n . g 4 t e,, expected -�pl -agii enume articleg.% VAL SB� &a ay T h He ns6 n fWic)�AheiT-'si T -POP111'ar A suffi'66 t: Silolck- lose. -in t e nior Wfdrior to he gv -age *-6tL --the t' 'a -4 0 h zc e, 7 .0- _Qf the. best h H6.brok he'r ow -VV; 4�He N�fls th -_h 1'6 d '6idedjjL t v�_ I i. qsk.e -ell in w6tp t, v rdl ot 0. e very w6yst il�_ ald-acarccly�to Old This 0.��Its th Ott, 4., t j� nt jauyl saia - - - N Medic�al.au(�othe�jjuirpos 41wiry - -91ze or niness� z c&11j Uarte IF A Pier sisby e- th tignlwof tb , I urgeil%- -cne V U6 - and hence to - eakra. b I h .,,r le �6ifqtth znillerg iihw--at 6noe. wbat 66. Pr6fe 6f SPASM & ci� t eir kiffbrts� to. iscap' e s i r;�',U,th­q,� ju,, 4IR a w, i6d df -6rs6,i,, b ugb and e_j 0 t_11 Pol -0 at , ba, put. re. The SO e, k9ting lie- tin his been A- A.V4 -this torvu. ca]f­erly, "they' discrinii- M, t d sto�k of Ah' t ON I tolit at� if b 9 I h U -could n bs I 'ght ti) C A_U -the -by' "i LL jjj fic 9 K M u dekstand aTrj Ust iea- aiid'steAtifiiess- on ',a IM, Mlowed' e So ClUeer.- P. vv( Ira ten _P 14; 'Uo finputaii a' ell rdei- -h' P 'riiiitly t Iro o enty mi �de a Vb _W4 Lz$g froni 'not C1 t " _C IV I settlk nia the bAll, Ou 1.011' - L - . __ f I 61 all P"arties., --,4q,:krA*,w July';j.. SPASM ;He tbakilight -led A Uautihil om v It .7 U. bn 4 s h ard U 4h -,Of. fke ey(B� �Jjd tlj ared a But sh I e dedi t iiiiii worib" X Azid M PurSe W A e4 4 -2 V J -7 '�7 rZ, j 0. f I X. 4 b, - 16 twl T %: PS ? 4