HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1880-07-09, Page 4rs' 11
47 aitZ--
eryr Fri 11111IIIIIIIIIIII _0
I I I ro ki
g pubilshed ev "I
Wily 4-orsolie-444 aloi- lcl ORS
F -.II A - -
sam9RVILLIP ". 77
Campbela StreS 114 as 41
x V
It MORP.4r* -OW
k%*6 ki
t Aulilr4lta, i4w4r- hr criare ut th, JD havilil
T:.e a-41 14 rch tilluvinw.' T e that* took MED 13 at: WO C .7
in adv%zlOW-7 he opLy Glanadiqn N PI
Dald Strictly
p th r viiI
%ree rjog
ze v.
paid ti"1a1itdhwetubLi1n,Lwf th!02 0% trewli-11I T X
h dineverycwe L to a a*
KII & r , .0 ,
t it' Llli -a I
=aarrearsar.epai d
*-f!t*I -its,
too if i
lit 16 Marolk A.
it ty eu is
woull- I vt
First instrtion, eig
0. ubseqvient insertion t-*%eAJ will 41glubt-it-itk ITI SOWN
be I Itz 41 wbtql Jae 24 AIII
771 -7
t -ave Imowd .45 12
Business cards not ezoewinut ht!CIIoii'i ar-ii.
-49 1W
per aunum. -ru trid-8 cittighte 4.07 Bruton 0 es
li to be. i0A, - - &-.-
The number at line ealr bilp- r alc tu *a A.
rtu liph air III
japacooccupied, messuredbya, 8 T4(1 ` $30
el 7
10 td
hiot. riIP MpeSj
Pithout specift dirftl- Arrive, 101T
a. d Its rId` V40- 4
-will be insertW atil. forbid, X, Ltiale B""Inar '10
cordingly.. ;OXT A. awnhodan 1%. 220
'rr, tfotd
All caI a4vertiseilcientI mustbI "Paid
Vue" W11 J
Lis vvStfttfvtd. 1218 400 -T is
in advance.
biect of ahicli* T Rday',mor`- T -R, Jupol.
Any -special urjti ei,. the i ue.
'he peouniary benelit of Any MIMI- T i cn, Jew, JUI1&4 lu -04 t -33 - 1.67 A
promate t 'd 11I w - U 0 747
41 or CD13illilly, to b red an- advertis- rke Palo vtI$oW*6t all d1s. Grevnwood I -
e couside
Strattlallau I it 'S 40 Ift
it, .0 era 0 6 Arr.
gly. IP rd UQ04, atitodehl'XIM14
ineatj and, (jharge4 accordin
Se ed
10, Ali r
_r 'Hawo , -0*- 'WADO&
L 3.00 's v6s
lit v 10mulibli in 'alLed*14 dlits
rayed., & at 135
Advertisements of st gFe. .*.in lif. 3 iT 522 -242,
tllre tiznoafor-81. . PropertYfor. sale, eliliTa&
V 1. . - -Ourria - -
P. t Tke oint -4 yr
'POW- eliable'remedy.fa. - esaville 3- 40' -.5 Z -141
Bad Le --s W(kilds,
ing - lit isith - lint
the.-firdt month, and 75 coats each onsa -n, Pea g A res and ' V 355
b Igg at. Ind- [lit, 4-25, --5,66 911
fislla- - 11 rap a"411194.
The via- a-ch%" ed to, t se, i
rn Ottervillo' -4150 -6-15 124 -.1
whow adveI I;y thIlife RN& -IiA 20 Z 49
Year,,, awtire 510, 6'2& 13
To ql! o f - se --% f
Jlalsc on 515 6-30
Oae carlimn, 6, ta)uths "PARE OF A. r.
J -540 6`30' 41
.35. J. L on
Y zeek 5 4& 67" .9
nv Y !Joe .4; 00 19 ail
11.%1f di, 6 twinths
7, v
Ixalf di &mqath3 19-11 yolt .0 1
20.' TO.
11alf du' ."ear
'r At Ore-atly,Reduced; .0. 0 14-
Quartart o. 'to call ite at
12:' . . . , . . . .4
9 lea' -6
ve j
cave Sitneoe 63 All
ton t u Lynn Arallay 6 T 23 -16 U
AR -la n -v ovs II th .13 rate.s. be, d *Zied. DoVer
a a t oel T 40
evi x ork
Are "1 -716111
Quarterdo. lnontha - 8.
r am.
t of tb glo-be SPURTOTZR IMI- A
OF EEP4LYM tv 'kTA -r-im ".
2 1 149
X -T .1 j -
S, -0141 Theso: 0
is and Arrive L-11stollilrel ISO 9 3511,
or. T MY
ANES, B. Edit' -in -ratesb e aw 'ad no in Y
ee y
th aink Q Brittoi U 40 $40 -Oft
ere. ge
-III for fik
I effer 47 .2W
LEGAL.- Va not allow int , %. He'dicin 4 Of M L04V 12 A Z 3MI61111I 10-39 12Z 57 4X
j ('10
.31. 1724 U.'
to 'first at -W -,-3fflTirI -10
es t -'Ile': sQd-
j 81$ nd JFi 79. - atA e
41TON COX rbvind Exhibition, Tow a Win Fi-ir
i,A p6he 1110; ed States,
don . 18
"Astbov X
A w
j edkinc re ion y
11 Tr V al d'187 '- T-- I - . . -T ,
7UN r4 jA- . E R, a Bluunit. '10 z s:0b -4.6
by n'' t. and
Att jraey-at-L. -tI Solle r in Mau,- - I I :. - . 0
Lo 0
.10 Street. L
LeavoStrictfod 4.0
lit the 0, R -T -ask sprp
Q,110/eYWII &c -Office nexA. door to ...Very ffinmake f ectione eJ to the -bu. trait ord gra 2 46,
A 0 nou
0 oqt offliI L alik'now, oat. ;V8 ft6tionl J fil-vit a t urcomplete 06ekbf 16.jAtI6s1.,:.iAosrt h4iIII6& &'can ton. warning 945
J e a Vill G.
9 43 4
R-NEY., Sol
oweiI ma tboinisl by.1hpanclaoloTiaArw 3 t -203
s' ra Ail -in the wi
A- I ACPHERSON ATTO P 11ion.- g!u& hs the-
fho ars i9
to Cleo
t Re.qib d At nufaetured -0 sikevri 'IeIlid its". '1'44
Jai tor, to, QueeastreIIit, Kineaddiao. 40 no n
IIIII kys-MAtne-Ilialf the -prfl* 540'. 1
wer. 1-22
Ine Lo. se, hich is -a' two-
% Ilh in Te and me sell
&I reasonable-rateirof S,21
meI Curria
e elI
oft to bay b M01
-M d'O* t ig
iI. -ARROW, trotu
and"r ron 0
in -Chancery, Conveyanc7ef, etc -,'Gro e f tl 14 y6u as my S1. Arrive dsl S-4 A-08 :1, n
Toney to lo i an
M - --- 452 U if
es' and 6`11 terinx bti sufts bdr'r(m er.,;*. iia'rubbery- sep Toron o Rld. r Ajad
Ape - -. 11 ... . .d
no, '1-4liw tothatseziI a
bo t j 438 -IVA*
Y I jus .. - J
T as -to W
PI.7 Z$ 409
als. the keys irer Uken 6' M -e Re4l ii!tI;..w I h f"I Pre -I may 25
xiv. asking 11
Wrj . . i .1 I I .. - .
i.pow- Z-,K `4 4111
Money t6 loan -o- 'yterm onReal..Esate. F. r l
cozv - ` Is @14ablepI
-vr,%.N - pI slid cli*' -fromallhob,
a ead xhd the Ttibfic.
Wila enilrei sotist"etti an bad valuable im- i, ile ou'neing-Wi4ahamefulFr ud.
Valuator: for Trnst and Loan Ca- e4ed-durinj1heseisonof 1878aud 1879 ey ef
-Ile. old man. ras Me Th v I m1achinf4thrive been thoroughly t _ . th I- a2espers a xach Pot a Gendini Neill
'mi ;Veeliers b q Leave C.S.Jnn
-iutere sta liy.efa jnjig.! e-agvq folio purthaiii, d NR of -.th 9 z
p ve en: ia'ddedfor-thp eason-oI
7 Farmers ponsult your III -ws,-g
ad tbist e cutter Plow ii eL ra jullotion 729 330- W-Ift
R PXX1TGNConveyauceI .a Ilizat irrilis a, 14 ve . I -
0 -1 Broixdy:Creek. -121 323-. S.ft
foUnd- in. tll1 `cojj" tI3 oll hand, and purchasers can b eirms, IP 0-6 -9.1r. in . " Yor a PiLL8 ANb 01.
81151 A co -assortmelit m ii`r. - Lo'.q' ,r," 6Rkraired tberena. i On tibia 7 -1,') 134 J40
i Landed-Bahking Ca. an
loan at 7k ]per ceat.'strhig'ht interest - was far Clinto, i, Woodbridge mid Pliris Threshing mricbi h ii HOI!'S
-j IT' ich. taken
e repairs iloPayson band. Oxtlbra
ioncrin B R,, etc. x ig el w" I Te I a.trial tjorid:aed.satisfactift guarante ". A splendid as
& itlAraineut uz ed sortinent f Gang Flo Is 0 e p. witli. Ani
e their choice. Other Small Implethents such so Iron get fil
tQr for Th d lo I
ie ev list at, sewii Uthe dreI OXFORDSTRIC Vi. Foroes, .7.07
.10f. of--th le 1164 Se. Jklachines, Oigans and:Pjanos train diffelilllt.mpkvp* I- five y1oal KInkrantee Beft-I Z 67 &1*
INLOUG Jelhad ieteired ii'munitel
AI L16Ive -Simppe
—16are alon,61'31ley are Ma uI
where 'A 7 M, 3 46"
2 4V a
at ed-oI uI I" antl fitta0hiliv Itojohisyg 0111attor -A CAJ L k 011-I T1 X,
oils. Machi i Les -4 notice. ..011t; need _1 ..
Of NI . 1"10 lI 7-00
Hollowq.Vs' 009
t ese ediaine rqrt Dover, 4 30 2-u-,
ate of Teesirater.) a are re -
AL I oihaer a
J, r
Tho Trad X&I
bf h
F AEDItRICK R 0 WE from. wbich tht. K N 642 227
iniserls 11,ts
arrister-AI -Attorney - 86'
red %-0ttxNiW!:HeneI anj:oike -thro
the be(L Vi w housekfeper, aht the Dritiah P
e )UVeYzqQer, tQ,
American C otintei tit for be p
-7 lNing in her ULS., ill. he kitche-al
0 cap `N
H04()w - T.
k but whethOr slit
It, Cow"
over R1112141 ;Bmrk*t npoh%. 'Oe.
n fro& bw 6d 6t' Was On liet W.O.- LRIVES SAVE
el . 1 4
tu two to.1mv
IT* the '. rni Vr 79 G. -
T. X, I IN o.;
0 1 - f
b orwoodi. Fibills" 19tb U80.
v is. not yev-snZWK. PC: I
MIN FF e was fearfully cut and%rli
TO: tisA ther
Y,.0 have
ijo f than, fi wounds Oat MEN
Lwer ve- 1 notice th -it G
h9fid, 1jer h bedo oprietors of the'"old-aud; well -
let aTida'and a I I L -
F61PUltll ExitnACT. oi? Bee A
41o3of,.—TILe torly-enlargeme T. cu%.--fts if she,rai-ed t 6ru, tO. tried einI
T AV]3E;Rl
""j ly, J.-Illive iold it t6r. N
evid-ne", but, in' most eet herself: 711 lie -Wh Ch she AND
it. Awn
he. t iYVIPilty YeAmI in. no - -rase,
a lying- was also I
IS; am et fire to d
uirud -Th "Wedy at
ft"gWal viad WOOMM
1SI ni'I it V
Ilig on, lie way above al ded the
to- fail to
(o' hill 1relow- give
xTer or 'Un -MEs
u stillilre 0. in sits. Scon &"BoI -
for r Ok aj' t V
d, aicj,4u the 7 .
lamoliI but ws ljt murd murdereraL
ally ktrrna. p off iR 11 t0l. we
e liousiri 96- 111 and. JIME. &WHILI in 4khamidilly o".01111
finedi:tI lameness llw leaving the sbed., to the 01 it Peo Ili' GFNTLME.
Sion of -Cod Liv r Vil', ac., in toy prI
nuary JL We* pvt;olio
W at %ni.awiI with' iC because.ot its jolatab Pf-Aented in thii yea;I would agaI -a 91"
Jot min
, i
whea h0jtf4 police 1141 been most 3111 and 'te i 1#79. L 'j- , . W
lafiL -approa thq
what it I Ao' JeL ft -long lised it i1filly j; $Iy. 'I
I ir theln- family. res P oam canalpi,
worse ;at st irt: III and gave the a rm. slid On
Sir at
Though the, LIP-01III-es AILLIL leness sail,
LV on A-gont e" ad Food reiialts that follow ite 110(e. 1havotound ,he 1" 011i h$4,k
OUS L Mea an in
it verl. d
he 'Einllp -,ct1'T* o6 ilw li s beO obtainellf liierviceabli in iczI 'dii'
V zoa, I tu the 8, trail
ffeetionI -lisp
callin by- WitatiAlid h".1-filig ittil his 'pallito
ho strI his U*L 0, perpilitfttort:if the deil Tralk%fs Ave
r V.01118, .
a. Pre* bee tirre -in diffei-ont pjI of ha tid. Volf- dont xemenib r itit? 'said
man on tht- sted. .. - . . '- - I . . . -
I I -
: L TR.
h I it bavik romoli o i er
0 ,r
couse grua , pain.. 114) dISCOVelielli 116 To . been -279.FAastBrq
y wa e 3 1878.
e 1twel, cOI 111 do te'ejuncect, any thain tv YPU' f shall afi e Y" were
gen ith thi I J
ViENTL1I Ait the' III
the. m Undet G Iidi =n ;oI I -
in ;?auiml by .risingajp, A h w" -of- '-Qavi-.-gI e
lijurder.' I SJUSPICIQUaL.0 ar-te er.' jj1'L #';Mora I,
161i,n, ' orip - 11 -V-
f their. time., olu
seen e whifil -on thf--. hollpital aild-Ift,pritlate,pri -b.eE-
ond fl -11
t havp uqed'.*our bad* LiVir Xznuliivin-,' both
f . our miles' from It is better J0
414ren! .1 It wtilia, aid 6ve seat
!s nini 11 - L wi$hL ift e
hind; S, ked. Iffin b. a 4 the, greatly Ieaeed
f,4rn 61 xiltoni aboutl eff cb4
C s,as to hiw I 6mild Thave done b6M6 And can be. taWn f4r, & lf)ngeri- time than
40 applies tis freely In Ij olaijiltingfif''a . 11 IdEja4f 1,-U
tip Nan- secer ly-0
te4ound vtry' adva#tagr9I Glefiluc% nmf it has s. ther-priparatio4of Godj,href, Oil. =11*r Ivied
6 le serviciii floT wdil- bit ji inqp
ill ht slej t _r6rt;.711liam ptioli. and-Childreli's &eajies I have -Alid-havi
at A ousework. tig"pi 64
IDUt4at 4 IhS, aispase. Aii-, 'was 46 r: iYale onamuoh dth tUe -1 in ill t- a Intis d 0
See 8- ara in Vt
ep ter
ek. Ak' iller, and e eqWW I: liand DIR
!4y night. Thapolice-J%re on his tri nme. y art 6und ifesp
.- C!aF1 . kin -T: JOHN A..'O( AERLOINY, M. I;Oaln autt' d
k and-w-
nowly nlev liffe er.
4-Pokileisli. - - I . I.- nd G 'd
'ztqod itimulWng linfilient 11a.housekedpIss Hrc' diil, still :bef-' b ad k via.
a 'in Axl hiiriihttI -0no 1 Hy - V ,e,jno, t d.:4 Ir a -for viiI o. -110 cftod -01114
X-4 v, at -10 - of dw diseaw.. re4ace, th- in 'a I rp
11 - Lou
-jous stlite, but sw thi att ntion'
ies in, art.. untonse - '11I Y. 4 4. - pr
Then I c8pe 7
r )n 'Wo Of th'-f Will 'sunityUi'theso fa*' ' The
h to ned er Ivory- I i t his chil Irril; 1 -1
. Fj
a arni A .. - .
list npes lxr, , 11 hI
can . .1%,ri, J
er C1 0 CHAMPI LJ. &I general pur
V ou ti _pose
cut tholialroft-onIiifid-b fiall"d I ed f S14111n) ornpluint lie had: I have used.86otes Fainisirin at- r d:tivlr -Y -11 Get T
enter i of- h J,
--4ter -iii. ihe In aomw taw-tv no fqj fa[' a- it, hAtidosible, the ihokel- of AI
Oil. in various instances, sod I hate1ound. it to:
L- Afri,iible, Alea at
dil -a, othei Ulm it -biff all Made of igrolini, sad
been' Jl r% tile ' w th, _sIlliI y nuailated,andr tuid-
rieIesd f 11
-1y: will clean ilts. tir' rivalls,
W -o lk 3 61 his: childfen- -were at -that the nutrition slid Iesh:"I cousidgr
,is fv"-T to be -of more- benelit,
ep L
u sion ever um
in 8 aI I
thid best Fm Falli oi $PAW
lit ry low with..it, alid 0 it
tet, and
.!-Give. plenty.of rtst alsb -a ervod At The- Altar' 11101114 d'
&,qunmons 9- N
dicine'L na&nii lp Ind.
71r, -Xatixa Ille 0 Pei -fo t lien). Y RAUG'11TO39' M D wheat rom I all JiwolXjtij S, Wf
Doct good" ,,,rad&fwm low to high and "in
will raise the CUERL
story ot Won) ser ce of I - th to JiftEl -.51insits. ScOnA-BOWNE.- R A4
slL A a 8111W membe d. ill iiculusta cloining -s § itperfectinoace; naing.'
--liave giiien our'reineza' of cod I er .0 Tht, Inin-, a d Fit 61"P. -are far" aheid-of all
monsupow wi ness r%cal-ppi inyiel U-1. that -1 1941 told -fiipj tb gq I
r shai ;Ieal i on
WAMER, V & F r Qtjj ft, V. *roI iron shiah, e
aim I IL
To. (11. gay
&.6. a fair. trial, and sift gl'u',ihat I - cait.
sunwillilij it BUT
wlitusew back- . essers. -Ornioxid L
e y Iffirned; t e, end., of Sbake
Uch nut, in, local - Gih*i'a r#?je jy for Weak lunhis andbad, 3ourna. ls ll EVER MONTI*
thin! it II a -u
Jig hl fc6mmend ii,,. Nnen
CirI A base. 'was rei eutly tried ill. .,Dr irr-Peterbo -Y--- it"jait, Rods'AI lQI, VIg lierfeci ib
coughs. can ixg y,rt ..Ito L
ve Ux
'ad ell all Aq ran ry. aI
_IL Ad r , sing
bi3ttlt CT OF theo&tt nh -given me iip, pIquimetic
F.0WLr.R'Iti' WJ LD atm.
and o
oat using yoxif mpillobie., Itind -I .Am gaining -h&qlth'
-ssolitial to j.RX V
i4w was cosicerliI liw ])at 16-- di(f nd atrength'veiy f"t, t
itriprI IL
XM.row--a. dish illi -0 ia fty'that a'certaI rl. ( N" "all be -we
Use f1h ihf& jere .'rours T.. 8 H 0 E,%
ca ih 0
n in. e
]ffk% AGA6 -" I ' Ili' firi - I 1b;
It - G. A. .111KO , .., I I
(1-- er: me't and --if "T
i 6 i. -I %itPess:shoiildattt ,a atrialztLiv ilt d6se,:, that ito L 11 -iiiablid. 4itlijilI tightening *-ids. --In
g"- -__ ' - --- I.- - - . n," ad Arefur AT
side --tir a. -savedd L livis of I e
prqmrei to tie This -im-M who. re -d -Immonly lism.:Th.effleves
i theplace-of a.IL
--3ease, 6whE - win
'Di si, of the V bI -ploth.-
Heart; Sp thii-benifit arI iN
Qravel,', D 0 a Y" -So- adulb o en checking and curing this, I
X46 On W Tim
aitrt -r -of -Yorkshire,towm, did.mA;t I a d& fhat it is epqlly- 6 od for' V 011*1 100
I -O Vit iny lity k
d let' B U C
Tolie at ry of a evidelic , and iio kept out ot th' wa have deriveAlioni the use6f
n t 'J gelSe ears fin on con-
-g re0los-od
Roilar-iVxe keekir on the: that it- *as Impoisible to -serve him -with' dr -W .-ase whonL40 11" Wl jI: had a vory bad aough for Y d Havil,
Garsticb-of this 6fty,hi1n
The ab' m']II advis(el. Of Hopil at tbi4. May-be of siervicee-.2h ased, and
iriditnant rafroxi suiting - Dr. X7 E.-
4 - famed we that my'left lutig. was di4e
now 0 presbribed 9 - with* Hypophos- .0'
f-COPI.PaDylbi.-irdbvacitleiitthAt-tbii extell', in a' Y go ofits'vi an the Shc
S-,rRtter vantured_ tt)L ug- rI cofivslknul d e haiij6gs are III tlilitj Import
diag-twoLbAtles I.began"-to'
mprove, ve, of ghoddy m xterial& themaI o vko
o - es; Aft 1y; aIinlied U-iing. it ee. ere it; x
g chicken wai kather: gentleman was to be- jiiirI the aq hit er. ial eil Englibli. lot a cenfa worth
-aim he -d
-o thI
'711roast must hay -boloie the tfiaLI liwyei went t A. BUT -now -tile
e beef antil 111att taken ton linttles. sad
ity of ]3altj .
im-the cli%Vs. hoofs. he. was York. hir6 toI1 asceitinned. where lcrk 2nd Div. Wirt, heajth .` & nl&I ai theie 1,.; iii the c AN. D,
a usilig.-it I.,W419heq 145
that h6' trasm entirely Y o the-inarriage was to H'..` S" no M -PION.,
ll beleb;ai a. I r t more' When 1 liet;a
pound I WeI 189 poundl!. iXotirs, .8 T'.
theL. a.UtberaS of A,
-Tcr insure. a rep Y-
arri -P. r
and' that ved 'at thili elturch just .. in ti. en col A). tARQUILAIS
could M
061 - Any s -'the intenitif ony. W -hen
,*IL the lioust lig Itill 18. writer a standar . (
e *.e haie no; eatch-pall AM
a, or w. Thla settled the GANANDSTGUA,.80ptelab r 15,; lK 7 -b
.811 tj of -a tPstin'o*1'1 a . Oct.- 3i 1879 -B I Xim 7or`e. LliiY TH E A 0 0 V E VF F P. IrI 0dridoing- u-0
aa conel e We-'. and V toftirit on the Public, for 1879
Ud 'd filiIII theLbri
I eve cl . sC l card.]
hI " ive'iilienil kee nesS, -ona large se - - Ahativver.
Use Ah ]US, -rig 1
brid r
T 6OTT 61v,%
"o have -the Mi in use m:
-being,. bat, the 'Giel -*)tild write -to iilig it Efo
tte *X t1te t1nia agrqum were receiving the collars atat, hodght I T x6se, P su PA.r
-wait - lat A 'a- ",'xillitice upon' this aI adjqinng'i$unt SIR th they are He*wiU keep a reLgi
nvin-epil againit his will'. ioiis of.their ffiends:'as thek- lett,* -h qja. ..'L. Aar
your bottles of late' upon' a
ts lon'r continuous use. .-This hai pio*ed true far ell of an in eVI L 'a 0
-hil4artle ophdowstil . at all 641. be'l
fif t t awyer
proi&ed tile li L -iy in MYL ease. Iwas given up to die. III h and Asthere, ou 'tations
aP?Y Ft -i L -Wii -N DIP AI -- `"p -, I offre$h. nleat Of all in(ja
P, liblesl ColipleL Thinking thatthi" 4h-tr, O peal to ith cidnsum _ ption the best medical aid nia6 0 SIES. r
in regard. to, the qnality of, thd ' is- was an'
A le j- 7- Pro
ef all 16v tit if economy *heffier they may iband applied .66 SO
'ooften Wag L in tb ma
Pre him. 8 the COMOL to _fI itate him pofi the bapp, Use 0 any reatiaont.. My.hw A at a Patents
y not VT: to] g-flie'-ser ice.-thility'of various
t I kilt for. -youl. Emalsioll'of Cod Livet Oil -- he has nded e Filce 030.
romarKy- eat anyt iingri, I -in eat. event, thi4.1iridegroom bpl'4 6ut his hand L L- I ....
;Hecss k .-or *-I gi%rmazits -by -bought. twenty!aik bottles-ifid it is: i-e4tolihg U.
hL 'ilth-beyon&the expoctatioits a-(- huxi- a,, @a d 8creeni sty
A-0r.ow." brooght down on his -devote,) which the lairpr WrI shoo'k,s kyiifg djeI Z Ohd' r- A w4r, B AUTISM
skoew. - - -Any -person ,with :%le to ea
the -11 wish 3 -nu much Mr, fhisre I$- - - - - - -
i Ing 0
t4t he finajly-res olved to4jy', dr,eas exv"t* to hearmy.deAth every day.
a,yery it u e- -like.to, y6AI wlienj I
joyi 40an'. by the i Of i
I should -take it- for
y.cured. -
a *611t, out, gnuiting. one sohiethft.i, ii)r yOui,
haudino 'him, e.,
-1 Wi 1%'e %T Doiniestic A' think I will be perfectl
e -ive.-Vilito but, inatit-1 of a mark MR1
of all
ok b i - " . 4axed'%e in"Uhictv a
are si Rua .
'a stroofs - br W ef,
14-, , - - -A tels
and sueceetl d, ia N'DrY paller. 'Pe IP411VL as fine shads. -1 Yoifts,,with - M I. S .4
bai-jin, 3 He eaI 6ifilued[ the'p;i ,AEAP U C. -IM
ry 9 1 res I RID
pmdw 616ur
old black row. H6 111 finding it iiige !I. ELM %E
kitchinand by .4 int of 4(3ft Ir6ids gift. discoToredfo his -'thaf: it ;du;ea pralaical dyen -ItI4 isle bvDrh2q1i;ts ;it $1,00 r -Il.07tilev
AMY L lucre -indw*1 th - an --to was a, su, poeiiia to attend th61611,6wing . These:: vi i 13A4% *ht to A=.
-joril, ri- Itill..'direotiona -price 16 4d vrasbi
IN . r Min, to: wepare-thaI forAhS inornin- h, .1 t Li OL* The po And 40 thigoelebrait
t a tria, a vap?), IL - I . 'L . 11 .
I I. ... I - slid ' haLadj,46jagi j011TT= MWITUT X-00
7 teats IrgE _j( con -- wish.;Lto, &MW
MIL UtaI n- iwe M"XL
F - ow It.b.-the only
Xe boill dy attention to the f(
the —bd II
machine thntmeefs n
'hure for'Frawe
W15nft1'-*u&--a bvdlm Iffill: had -to delay tbeirdepar
if . i at pat"
nicelVi.aI. then t -result, that the Ilew -wedaed pair.-
T-rova-1 -of thOirlublk
mo 'ifi oa in Pa-
ou m J011 of
ha*t rQi9gave, - forn. the f1i d uotTy they pro -ing, an !*r--affectious-of the
nty, - pose itait
761 ij:ea't it after - ohce7 to Spoilt th -A LLWI
at eir ficney 0I e - Thi ng stictumb Moro'. easi y
Iever? ale, it.requihs ab prall,111111i;Dj 130I Wa
tfr ill llar
sel A a 10 to AO ttrits onthdAdl its
Ltvexpi& -to the I fig slid balsamic i u Will j
a'D7 shei hilI afid sprinkled it a-- af I thelijiteat 110 -win tzoellen
wa,,S, Scoteltwoula and u susiff. He -kiijbind co rigtotheI UStatij;j tUtU._ Jii -.what its -
-of St- I.Rinul oil o iver U1
F y L A
os it an: auy
PWI ti&Wd on*'m
gay,6 it Another and
lk"rwk over th L h th
SSL, over -,Q
I been prepared,
th t&I it 104
crow, and --in ou btut
an ev t TbatL'1-600 I
as; e
jgit'it; befiilrejda hwtjr isaying h and"W love. it as no.- equa; as Th- -th Aid W* past Tang*
-YoQL The A objeafin fille - wit'li ill 01 .'L _I- Ip we so.
-a con usace, -patronaw -Ali me, Will ZOLL k;
rat 19* t* t1w licit MOTH
d %Q* nI- ear Sir
ox '- . . -- n
jp I -
ilit it ia aleb. Pa
e to'- A tit 0I
-by e4aff.,.honoty
-.T*f-40jir4, tug ft Ina Old, crw, vntvm be4blidnet Ouyana 14key GO ODS;
uvw, -Thei.
A. - —,z X healtliII.
wwly cdoktldll' It
And "viing ibi S*coUdt"- (g04 94ath,)
09 swin twrne4- palis . for a Hv slid UNT4X* D HATS
fff : L -I. I I]k]&FjD ' 111 .
bf&c-fti )YL Wing- Gum's Azatist 71 )
4A E
li'd Want k0tr
P4. e THE and 86 JAVKM
I be MPG K,
Of W chak an& vm
&41 .11lix FICAtAE: ftU* --T-'-A1B1AO " Sf
the *ffecfa of Djspopsia$ its - jft'o
-D#E vqs &c
vw -&c."Gubb
`he bepN cuttffft 8 good tootith lat"Utij digeopp, . I . , . L , . , , . . . f . I
i n F L A'0 A 8: SKTHIMMI
-]Uallwallowed it, and pro
'Readachei, ath)m the
-14 as- 15ek awl
he. . W
#utbtafthese oods less ftilI %
&7 in abitua cos ReI 9 are gqI
,UWvIt id
pue b4 the i6ost *hole aiir.'.bom , eariy
in j
*a it ide Q ht
.6 ximbanicaft,
ly er, latTYCE
A JR 0 Pz Jusn
ttl*, Celit , j6 -7 zo
ght but di6PFW I 'hem
ofAUG sr. FLoI will'.relieve iPoll sit Ex
OF TH3`-
hist me M
-tFftstraI L.-O*W. spirit,4j. Ca
Tou -BO- S AN NO
rofa& TwI Holiftot
216"uffor day''
Sample Bo to 110 Wl fi d.,at. Peai*.-'
A mvon bf 'bir. nM go W-1 -
j014"y all,
ed1ra tt lar site- 5 dOnti. 4fly
K 1 X Nq
OS -
le '.1 - - - . - .- -- - - a
.0 - - I "; :- OJAI Tie S Oes., And. 8 Av-orposl:Tx: THn i3A9K
MteL -T.
W not qwlif t - 4p
'11 E8t.
into body t
ra 08
t oil tho
Aw tre tbe 4.
-nuts and Bound& TftiO
d 7.7
VtWea of -you C
. W M
Rai Borr . . , "U:, : e 1306ts est on Shorte , XoU' 0
'Wers. 1 _
47 "1 Ire
E4WQT' ges- or 45 a--
Of Vae Jtn
by sd-
TRAV Vx1t be sent, F-1 T
Opeyott V I get j
NE Co.,
0 FMK-.--Ne ;t -t Jp- Mid
0 'OLJ`I j . - 11
Ga. fun iadea,
T. th
Iri'' 4fto ;41oiir L)Yaitf
ays Vth18jj i , 3
d F
Luifzao of these iced. READ-
$ . W
T Apra,
ditye p" 3114-k
a, -00
it -am
L -i.:.