HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1880-05-28, Page 4Th0 .44 44. Am. The 'Fria Maze* On one occasidn we were preparing far uur promena& through the street -, Is pain ea • , trhen a kind of ' hanger:en' to our conn: atal character, psi y, who, through , his invariable species of this politeness of manner, had bean nick- �'`. eed to prevail . flamed ` Sweet William, was deputed tbo last eight car to ride a highly trained black mare, one "try. Until laately of whose trick; consisted in un *leg .v IpaiY .pa her girths. with.her'tseth and. removing it pa t recognized in her saddle. Sweet Willi4Qn a aa the e.ltar ttT: mow �_ ass primary dis-- fast io.leave �i® stables, the-othera hay- an aceompanithent of ing 1.as"sed out before he had. mounted. W Wdxosa .. noses, .such arch as ' stranLl3s, heards� pli�ee� f om haies et 6 lsial 1e, and I o, . It: now_ occurs is frl na shouted out as•I went toward the.epot Ea that, We; are justified- in- 'What's the matter 1 ,Vho is it 1' `It's_ &iaee in professio::al110m2x, me—,",replied. the agog sled. vooce of .S went distinetdisease, . - William... ' Make ' haste -the mate's of hold of any toe 1' And _sure enough -It is mainly attributable tin ' 1 filln1.1,-diii luau on the mare's. hacks:. mnaes. *Inch interfere with writhing . and` twisting a' out, his face g l health and ' vigor of tine describing the most painful contortions,; ' re -;Bain- andhis toe iii -the mare's:! mouth l the 18'X9` gong ,which stand p more hestruggled,ths harder she. pulled • fan 10 r•c=oWded, 3tnproper Tga1til' a nnsadventnr t th at what -through s- taeuaeut. in. damp, 1' she mistook fol: girth strapsf Perbap , - inking bad'water, k holding. in also,, she mistook hie?- shouts .for the. " opposing. oritanl0+ metLBrl, vociferous cheers of &,pleased a uliet.ce. notirisbn ant, and undue agaii shand thought Tent with l redoubled v at it or.:. i; BY ome. means he must` hive 1 made. ,ms -Ia shii�ering,. dttltsess, Some sight movement, which the male: 4411, ;tor t ACCOUNT AND of lacknow for 1 1877 1878 . 1 1879i ',TOTAL: 13 00 24i14: ToBalanee 10 82 oxr cash veil furl:Tell-suture Conpens-doe; bt The animaI stands hang - thought to be her, signal to peaform the toma the '13•111" and trick, and. went tb work accordir.gly,. * hot and dry : a Watery however, the man wasapeedily released • from hie awkward predicament, a- d the. eta the noStrilas. ora _ cavalcade proceeded, on its Way, but i was s -long time . b :fore the incident it- self - ceased to woke_ a good.natured.: lau,gh at the expense Of Sweet William. A Great Paper.. ce on Rolls, 1678; uncolleCted unta-Assessnient of 1872. 411.1,oW tinge: Ile very rim -unable to swidlew• either 'The throat is tei:der . tumefaction. - cough, the terupern-, -7 Extreme proeration eo_cl•-*Aplaint. In troll. thnt he is unatne 1. LAI pains -set ; pulse in - I: becomes weaker, breathing ad short, aed, the breath,fetid.' ally tases piece in !row& to After death the bod.y emits roves fatal: -' Stimulants must • -from - the first, blister Eternally. Als) -gargle the ill:trete of silver, 40 grains; $r- 4 Ounces: Rnb and hawing - =and clothe tha body. 1.1st. 1- the -gen4ral comfart of the two chefollokiing -drench twice -Nitrate 'cf Potash and. Saf- e, 2' drachms ; Sweet spirite of week I shall treat oa. Heaves or tex uncollected 1878 on tolls 1878 • ance in collect,or's hands -• h paid Treasurer Taxis 1875 on Rolle nnindlected.1879 76 3.5 )50 3 00 810 -1705 10 3811 25 0 How many. of the Kentucky atets -- that copy the excellent:Matter from tle fa* years ago, et.' ite Scosttvklle Ar -- set uiin shingle na.ili.and printed On a:: -how the bioya peisisted_ in calling it 4e,qgzi-s. It wag a powerful, sheet; and- it retpired a -pair of -powerful' -read the proof,. for no.ene eonla ever 'day the individual- -referred to in the -above clipping Went into the- offiee and fonnd. Warner, the prep.rietor,-in great I lost a type just now:' - • Then he took 'the -Office out of the - oyster bap; raw 0tor ite" alPtiabef, and bleeksmitli atop and" get Yorsi-ihoe' T4is in- excellent -idea, arid he secured therein. Next day, foitr other tiles were. missing; and Warner. got boat stole the ollica and.threw the can nails to get the pipet UN. and. after it wasr i*,4sued; the -.leading Men in the .place (he; worked at a-. Jivery stable), came around • and ,oethplimented; upon- the- _improved; appiaranca Or mit. t who has recentli of -Manitoba, g ves an en - 1g description of tlie ),I.ennonite people fire -likely to add- -ranch etc:Pith...21nd deielopment o; the still; on public grounds a bet lede, Of tb.0111 is very desirable. Atoravial.s, Iv is ,contraty to sed toi fight- "Upwards of a ceri- Itussia,, in order to _ezieape in,the. army-. of the Great Ire 'Jresight in trying to diyert `the west Side Of the 4ed-River they already -*relied .with .tWenty k tilt). latter With.:thirty: t of' 8,000' Mennonites have 'Lan, elle: or- other of theittwo as to- astonish pot only 4 streiger 1114. but the inhabitants of the- . 41: healtles- they have sur: secticsas.- The flanges are _ranged 'being at one end. The 4-ehis behind them on; either side; )0'6144' comtottoity is aliotred The schoolmaster it *excined. J.:laboring in the fields, as not even teach Children ill the ground simultansonslY. • At IBC and' 110178St; howeve'ci he - school and helps to - sov! the. 'slaked* off and 41eaticiyed, Eve!), ran „And reap it. The-, 4ennonites. ,kho has-phini utess it -to his 11M/46141. of all -01-PPley.. Better -*is most 'trnctive - . le* in Ikfariitot garden. . Their houses wati hi,* yet -000/1 built en the* prai: Ihey are not only, comfOrtable in bai they ire more- condor: .--tioenedly than the ;lanai dwelling .40411 the - prairie farmer is- glad .to They hive eolved...a problem. tlich Bel roll Xstate Due- of Bal. in anosk ss -1' dation Fund tax urer da $3989 88 .117 36 27 85' 245 00 1035 96 $5,553 40 . 3000 00 Balance due School Board • Eci)aid Orders. Balance assets 44 07 D47 -11.T -SOMEit*V • iiASON1 Meat Delivered to. all Parts:of ithe Village ort AS Mirk 1800 00 44 17 Sinking Fund -Interest on Muni - Beef by the quarter or h quarters in bulk GreenwelL the same 46118 00 1560-02. $7993 00 dersigned Auditor% having examined the Treasurer's accounts of the Receipta of the Municipality of t,he Village of Lirficnow, :Alva the honor to report nee with the above statement, - ' JOHN 8/0BAIN, N _AUDITORS .nes uors Ptirity the Tat; 'correct all ers Stomach, Xidneyi .and incidental: to Females. • - The ointment is the only reliable remedy fo Bad Legs, Old Menntis, Sores and Ulcers, o howeyerlong standing._ Por Bronchitis, DIP "theria, ,,Coughe, Colds. dont, Rheumatism and allSkinDiseaSesit lade equal. BEWAIIII fitrolitT4F.iltratea- 111x 4001 'Mae Tablei :Etta* sts vett- ..17.002ew, ix4:5 '414 sa e!.13144-0814.aTtletf.'ildr.d-Junet' .14 41515 Tar/stock 12 50 *72 4 -ter 10,77-_,Gly:on:rioodseivoodtock..'. 133 Olt), • 2013. 3,0322 5.s4i 57t Arr. Norwich 3:55 . LArreav..:e NR:130.itaisAydb50:00•06ptcnhiBanni544425129000_ A45'4:185962 . :t1 441542 'Arr. 8, Junction 15 6 30 Leave C.S. Junction 40 39 37 • t-Zneedy Creak' 5 411 a1 44 1 44 Otterville 4 50 615 24 'Lynn Valley 48 7 211 Arrive tort Doyer 7 -00, 7 40 Anne Listowel 11 10 1 -50 Britton 11. 3 40 v Ieffer - 10 47 41 30 - Millbank 10 39 11-23 'Uri" SZatT-i°11rd. Jithet. 99 4345 . r3 Taviatoek 9 23 15 'Greenwood 12 4 12 Strathallan '4005 11 05 - Leave Woodstock 8 40 5 40 140 Arrive Woodstock 1 25 5'013 .11 28, • Norwich ZS 25 10 115 Otterville 7 44 4 00 le if Leave garlineYnetion '77 -329 s* si 214 Arrive 0..8:Junction 7 29 30 41 . Brandy Oteek /7131 33 Si 139, Gibson Lehare 'Simcoe 00 -3 -1114 Arrive Sinrcob 00 2 48 114 Leave IN -at -Dower 340 2 1.1! 811 4. Ptstdisbed- • • moat respectfully takelgoave to call the et- tention -of the Public genWly to the fact, - that -certain Haus& Ne0 York are sending to many -parts of thevglobeAPURIOITS IMI- TIcTIONSof tay Pills and Ointment: These fraudeleam on their l•abeli some address in . I de not allow -My MedOmeilo be sold in any. part -of the United States. I have nc Agentstliere. MfMedicides' are only made - In the books Of iiirectioilir Allied to tbe apt - thins make is a calition, laming the ,Publi against being deceived counterfeits. Dc. nnt he Misled by this -audOrous trick, they are the counterfeits they pretendgo denounce. The se counterfeits are irinbliesed by unpin% cipled Vendors at one-hdlf the price of MT Pills -kid Ointment, and ate Sold to you twiny I tug carnestlY appeatto that Sense Of jut: - ice. Which j feel Isure I iliay Ventere upon arid the Publicz as for as rdav lie intheir pow -- Bea Pot and Box. of tlie Genuine Medi.; -i&EBT.•Loiroox," engrave& thereon. On the label is tbe addrea%:533, Giro= STREW, Lori- t • Holloway's Pills land Ointment beariny any Other address are iounterfet?: . .The Trade Marks of th"elie Medicines are re- giatered in Ottawa. • Henee, any one through - .out the British POssessiofii, who me.Y keep the • Anierican Counterfeit fofale, will be prose • It is ge and the an n 81a C are pleas FLowErt -failed tn COmplai paipitati bad taste 50,000 d a single' sands of. from p *Three do size 75 alnis Impression. • op tb generally -that Pysper t i V. ariably be- cured,. but we 1 'say -that GREEN'S -AlrovYr as neees, to Our :knowledge, cu Dyspepsia ' and Liver. CO tiVeRe68,. SiCk headache, t the Heart; „Indigestion, zeni bottles Sold last year,...net ili raleiiVe:any case.: .Try le °Wei 10 cents. Regular deat'in T.IQUORS enlY, and aim at keep: A sufficient Stc4c of iithe, beat 'kande for • Medica1 and Other pinto es always On hand. houee economy therti are ens Or co made to itselfi water' n sired co cent pee by .Drtig appreCia aceerdin -There it a little fact. worth kn-oWies to those who baYavinul -tre$44 and- --that is. that, already „the- ere St* of Woolen. cloth- .around the .steiii of a tree in blossom *fait hele-wilia limbs, .morning before tire aungetevery strong. The little.: pests will be . found in More or lose: quantities in the ' cloth or ,be tween. iv and: the tree. - Oat many tan. he destroyed this. way, ,bfit. perhaps not ,anfacient te save :the plunit unties jarring' the tree is. also resorted to; clhis abonid, be done at; eirly• Beth. yonng 'plums are.seen :to_ be forming,. certainly cannot he dote too -early after: the -hlossom is -seen to be -falling. It is all the better of beine &One early. in the -Morning, 'but seVenfor eight O'clock will do fairly *en; and great numberti can sundown is a. 4Ood Spread a largo piece of cotton beio* the 'tree and hit it -a,quisli jar snch. a Wei as. not fa injure the bark,and.the insects will fall On thaisheet and intty easily be owed_ inthe treeless- plains of tho Far Rorie itiFirs smiting a team boric, pro - n. Wel, the aniMal being as all righ drove hint whe W11001 own that vou heir 11411, earArly dially :).for Aiipan rp:tet On ter: Vroo Testi ted from person tettimen for reply •.:There is scarcely Id in the 'Country where dil and ends lot silks, wool: ton that may be Utilized -and edi g only, a, dish of -.boiling ackage pt dye- of the de- r. They are put up in, 15 age in all eoleart. - For Sale 18e 'and. dealers. Take onlY New' Domestic Die/. • desire to. express my on f the. National 11111.._,I te.lidirectiens;:am well, and lbs.; were than before taking 1 tie Is bald enclose, a-1 ostal mid • • Mitt RABAT OXTORY:., - Li- ate Sent. to uS nueolic4 arts Of the country. Amy tins,: a person- giving a GES :Beaverton; 18th Feb.; 18864: GiNrimigrac ;—The . facts as to the instant 't effects of Telloi . In a cage of. Crimp- are 88 fellows grand-datighter was growing Worse with ereup,, aRd..71cs the. ominous' 'croak 'no uLto had tried iYellow Oil; I did-. 60 °Roc/ rubbing it iietty. plentifully' upon het Oat- throat. T4e effect Wae elf the mucous,: iireathed freely, end soli gut. tet_911Y lolm; 'SARAH dH13110111Lii . Nothing Like. leathers - • Wome peps to Childr Varlet Bocits prices paid fo an socte furnishek $, ibliaglArtuiter0670:ErN,osegire piscine. ass. BeitTi10_‘_for CoussimPalons 1sion bf Cod • Liver QS, etc:, in my .practke,entl with it because a ite palatal3leness and the goOd results that- follOw Reuse.. I have found it very serviceabk in actofulous diseases. and 'Ginesiatitrar- For the last fifteen months I liair$3 used your Cod.Liver kmulsion, both in hospital an.:1:in Ptivite practice, and hare been greatly pleased its effeetai• It is better borne and can bri taken fornlonger timithap- :Consumption and Childreiesidiseasee. I have -Oil in iariousinstaucesv arid I haverfotind it to ly improves the nutrition and flesh. I consider itthe best Emulsion I ever need. , - : _ Indianapolis, In a fair trial, and :tingled that •Iv can say - I think it is•THE remedy for weak lunge and bad .coughs:' I -.can- -highly recominend it.: When the doctor:4 had given me , r-boinmenced. uaing your medicine, -arid I am gaining; health and strength yery fast, and *aka shall -soon I felt it my 'duty to let yonknovi'the benefit: I have derived from the use of yOur ' I had a very bad cOugh for years, arid on con- sulting Dr, J..E. Gorsuch of this city; he .-in. formed mrithat my left lung was disease.d, and prescribed Scott's Emulsion with H phos- . • phites. After' taking two bottles I an :to . 1m.prove yety rapidly, and continued using it. healthy a man as there is in the city. of Batt-. more. • When,Ibesan ash -lift I "weighed 145 pounds, I. now weigh 189 pounde. Yours, • ;'Oonts I thought -1 would write to .yOul: saw a noiibe upon. your bottles ef late - upea Woes. oontinuous use. This has proved true caeate. I was given` todie. last March ,with cosiatimption the best medical _aid madc MO use of any treatnient. My hrisband aPplied ',for your Einnision of Cod Liver -Oil Ore has ine to health beyond the expectitionerof him - 1;41 • -1. t 'It. rekrie.oictut irsfyei. uisctrie!irp3., ot.wt, e t. 11, special rates to dealers' buying in Large • BEST D SHOES y time seen ill 4uok_ ie gho9s and Slip. ci from. oes and Plan uslity and very - ware • Tlia abO,6 old -saying le flatly contra-. idted.. -.Leather. play 13e, a_very good Coughs, Cade; Catarrh,'Oroup, -Woop COugh,„ &c., and the fact that they spend tlipitssnda of dollars yeariy, buy'. it shnyro 140 they -*man what ikon's Wild Cherry eerie rm the public thathe has ,CK or g •:).in-.11‘1.1.1-71831•42v1Z8rel, a'SUBO_Ci 00 I Si one- ri.nowned for its medical-- Virtues, th. 'whole forming a Conipoundnneivalled 'other medicine. Guatantied-to cureRhetana- than, ;Biliousness,: tick' Headache, Live4 Complaint, Dyspepsia, Fever and all Female Complaints.- For Scrofulous ,Dis . easeeit is invaluable; aft it is %the .greatest known Blood -Purifier.- 50,0004tackageS solci Within the last tvielve mentlas, Without a Of -Boots 50 -cents tier package, ortwe paokagee Of Roots and Mie Box ofi.Pills for one - Prectiona on. each boki... Not sold by drng; try Frof.'9royi, Boots and Pills, I liars deed -them about 18'inontlii, and *list say remedy. and would advise avery one to try -it: use: aefostt of Ale.iitory, 'vie, • Pain in .the back, -Di ,Mne. ceraature old age. and r6ary.ti at lead to lusanity prILTolisti ear pamphlet, Which we -desire hunt issold by all Drugi.,deti at f re: f!y rnail on receipt of the era da tabaeatiowlivalldr *10.1„.1OT -TRAVER -• an icDonaida. LneloSow, Julio 24. AGENTS, READ -THIS, • . We will pay Agents a Salary of . $100. per month arid expenses, or large.- comini- . ssioto sell our new and Wonderful inventiOns: We mean what-te'say. 1. Sample fete. Ad-. u can still EAP _ FOR CAS Ili SMALL Y FRIDAY MORNING els 10 St 3015 1013 10 44 24 611 A 44 115 It containsfall.. the Stint !tura, local the time to subscribe. ' Iruegri IIINIMMENINft patente_d in Canada Mat , 1877 and January 1879; and Patentei the United - - States in 1879. e , Orain and Sell .Seikrater • We mest iespi?tfully :‘1€11.1. the attention of the fstming , munityto these. facts. The no eanal, as it has- the shake. of any -other mill; it will chaff ail kin& of graint and clean oats barley* ahead of all rivnls. wheat from all iinpmitica; it is perfect, and raise the gracle froalow to high, and in cleaning seed it does it ki.fent in once running: The Irons and 'Fittings 1`,'ire far ahead of all junrnal is nicely turnetIA the- ends • of Shake Rods are also turned up.,1,inairing perfect fits, - are-furnis' hed 'with three 4ightening .rods, in the place of one tte .c-unuifinly used, -The sieves are of the very bolt, wire!, Moth. . and the Shoe hang] ngs,ikke ot the best import English Steell There is not a cent!s. mutt 10 is a standard article, we -hve no eatch-_penni 'improvements foist Ort the Public, fer 3.87e. As the Millie “ljuit right, " intend keep- ing it so. Those who'haffe the Mills in use in this and adjoinng •eountIZssa3r that they are far ahead of any mill eveTaold in this Seetion; , ••and as there win be any abiount of imitations. in the mariet, be sure; arid get the genuine are also making : ' Aritsttong'i Waslet. - - and spll. this celebrated *tithing inachin e in this . ip% -attention to the fiillowingt tacts : It is the on.i. ac, bnaLblisc aranitzm . 1.Prb7a1 t tits BILL" will just,stwe that it IS ?What -its name - Cates, the higheat Iry ter/its of excellence- yet .produced, is 2610 on its and is Warrant; -e I to give .entireisatisfab in Price, $8.50 7-1±-421rhatliiileildgf;rh'eeir•IP°11111:11r04.1 !:t14.10?.ast favior- fri: we ed - licit coitinnanee of pa nage. as _we -will EVERYIESCRIPTWII • BOVE 0 FF 1111HB 'Subscriber in triscnirin wilt *ye years, •would *Sin toinhul the* Ant A Large. Sunned PK militating of all kinds of Lumber /saw. ally bousework. And having rint er connection with the millleinte imp ing on hand' DBBSSED Willa or .011 $ kinds. and will be sold nt tha Iowa* Iii3FR1IST stirs priee for. cashe, Orders -solicited and promptly filled. Shingleaand Lathcenietautly Having reamed tolue inert.* and raMseg bac . insesn::nParieaPrgaterldsetrlel;timiifila si 'of frest Meat of BEST NETSUPPLt i.4;I*...r°!t1.4'nd':'"--------ut:1'4444j4$4vmli°::i':::07-Cg'llirtt.evt"lipalht4121'''A'R'' in*e inlet reselvra tie 'f Wiled "loch of lito to Ms c P be sent one by ad • 4114 441 St41.3 tit t d wider 11 1riaie Off :Nat PartY on 4th .of May.. olive a chi one now Ma 18804 •