HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1880-05-07, Page 3ti •r 4'• • F? • o ` BORN. -BatsVoY.--In--Lneirnow, on T nrs•1ay, '29th inst.,the wife of Mr:H•inder sou Brennon of a daughter. Hurani\s.—At the.Nile, Minh . 31st the wifQ of Mfr. Au-chin3• of a son. -MLR pED. ..._ n_ w1.., s -on the 6th ilrst.,�af: • 1 • • • _Da. 11,ena4irrny'i Worm .Caior a purgative and, one . without; Which your r-(4ire-.4 an opening Meiliine _they contain neLitineral,- may be admin. istered to_ the mos; delicate conetitation' Full tlittctiovis aecompany each. bo). THE Mdlie.KE.T.5. Ineat Spring Wheat - Mom - SLID 1.12 1.10 BILAItr'S BEL IlIGHE al a Cd Pct 110XOR DAV Canad alfieste sale Ct 131 ei? • • rittlitand -B.R0i 40E64 rOiX6 *WO TEA RETS, dtib, El' aid PrlittSTANDS, CARP CASES, &O. • • • • rvimi FRES a- recent-r-advaneet Of *Se Per centin-the wholes i147 • • da 441-1419, fiendac iirthire likoly,t4 fall d ru9swick ti V. Of the_singiqr fir 1,49 Infn:w-lio iter ialdresiaVfo V4441_ P4alt 410%7 I • t. 01 kinds -of. repaiting no:atly and prardpily_execueed.anitsatiefaCticri isemessseswowsgs licit a call from. :intending putch&sera before buying elseithere. Remeniber the stand two de2rs Eat of JOHN licHAIWYsa, • "'Potatoes- perbag gay, per ton nor atvrt. Ono mhibition, Toronto, 1878 and1.879 '; and first atVesteli Fair d towers, manufaCturedin no Dominion, 'such as the .... Vies!, per 104 005- 113eif,:per 101 5.50 • 0 RENT OT N174,01TM 10,.Stanfer Streit Intel, house containing -four rooms on tl e ground ,floor. The buildings are all -nearly mew-. - -Wog learna tor Sale.. WIHE east balf et et 7,..fltn. 1/, Ashfield, - 59 acres, 40 acres clea•led, balance bered with. Black Ash, Retch 'and Maple-. 'Three and e. half miles frau, the village of 'Piro good walla of spring water. First-clase on premises. For teims and urther -p culars- apply on. the oremists to ' TIEE '-1111GEST: Ai:0 !EST- --STOCK OF --SOOTS tND SHOES 'N-er. it any time seen iii Luck: 11. find at Peart's and macnire repairs alWays nil' hand. ' elf the lerd ug Sev,iag Machines, Or -Machines repaired on shortest Lotine. eti ils kt,c1., drirTug theieason. of 1878 and 1879, kivip.g entire Satisfaction, and have had• .valdable: ;Iii3 g• pari n''eed: A Splendid assortment of Gang Pleivs, generaA f_purriose andthiStin -Cater prowe. a -their -el eine. Other Sinall Implements's-itch is Iron Snufflers, Turnip Sewera,Ac., Rowi castings - .., 's tke;-; for Clintcin, Woodbridge and Paris- Threshing Machines. Aeushal- 'it -good ilisortinenf iild pit•y•cs iron). different inakers; a five year gliarantee acconryaniessvery instruinent, Saw -ilia' e-.;---;---:-•-•••• : .4-f, tois.-, ,d Ed.t._ ::111111itfi always on band.... - A CAL. L SOLIC TED. PIEFERENT IV-oinen'S Tie Shocs and .$1.40-• -Bo be sold at _reduced- - Cash also, „BO JAI -1 LAi.lES, DRESS TRIMMINGS &c. 'R alien these. goOde aregoing for 1 SIGN' Ot Hat3. a.71_ &Bonnets Tri HA st SALE 'have weekly saki all articles left Commilision.--low rate. . CONSUMPTIVES, See *hat Physicians- and the:creep'. • lio of Cod,laver Oil, eto„ in my practice,dnd msed it in my family. I am greatly :please 1 with it became ot itipalatablebess and the!, geod results that follow ita use. I have. found LOniaviti,z, Ki.„ January 3, 1878. .. vizi-gnaws- For- the iastrifteen months I- heipitai. and in private practice, and have been • ',greatly pleased with its -effects, It is better , borne and can lia taken for shiner time than any Other preparation of God Liver .1011. In - -Consumption and. Chi/diva's dieeases I have. I have used, Scottis Enitilsion of Cod Liver Oil in varIons instances, andI have found it to -be easily taken, readily -assimilated, and rapid- ly improves the nutrition awl ilesb. I consider • Indianapolis, or Every Week I AM ft'eeeiving iggiAttlit0 pont large and' attractive Stock., Li 'View:of *lie,ftit-177, orders for niarity' linesilast 'mid early 'id and -am therefore -in kl„ position sells 14 -that Ny-0 TVr6eds Dticto 1 -have It new and •va$ed-aSsortnient. on. What ettiorhit is vorsigaTirr • Eiop talking of a e good old times gone by and niake rert.4 to take advantaie of th bus era ahead. -. We (le -net think it a good: policy to inislek.a the .publin in- the ;env= ration Uf • • blic will OF HE TOWNSHIP OF- AEA FOR THE YEAR, :1_8 Being e By -Law to establish ao higuway hereinafter particularly „Whereas:it is considered desirable for fge of enabling: access road Witte shore of -Lako Huron.' - And wi ereas the land necessary. prop?sed- highway; has- been a, 'Due Sala' of Ashfield:. And whereas_the Connell of the Huron has duly authorized tbe In said. proposed highWaY with_ the And Whereas all proper notice's. -given of this by-law as rentrired b Of the Revised Statntes of On New therefore be it enadted .eiriereted• by tbe Corpora ToWnship of Ashfield, that from passing of this by-law. !ti a land established and opened for every public hinliway within the said The deser ptionuf the said pro Vas is 9.4 fa -11W8 Being coni thisk it is turrevaerly for weak lungs and bad I ran e of the said,:tonniehif); :irna •aelialts• X can -1.righl:-.• recommend it. When the doctors -had wen me up, I commenced .using your medicine, and I iaingain'ing health lae Well. Youra Truly, • I felt it thy duty to let yonineW the benefit I have derived:from the use of your Emulsion. • I had &very bad cough for years, and on con- . milting -Dr. j- S. Gorsueb b`f tide city, he in formed me that tary4eftlunrwasi diseased, and vhites. After taking two bottles. I began to unprove veryispidlyi- and continued using .jt -until I had taken ten bottlesiand new am as healthy a man as there is in the City. of Balti- 'more. When -I began. using it j -weighed 145 Clarartiialani, September 10,1877. I saw A notice upon your bottles of late upon - its lone dantinuous use; This has proved true in my case. I was given up to- diklast. March with consumption ; hest medical aid Made AQ:1254iuf any treatraent.::•My husband applied, bought tweutksix tittles and it is reitoting drede expecting,te• bear My death 'Avery. day. fifty Rata -wide, thecentre lineof reene;ng at, a point situated at th six cha is and tWenty five links, greeira id ten minutes east (Magri north westerly angleof said lot n two: Thence snrith eighty degr fi_ierm autes east, fifty links to a slaty three .links to a pest. eighty degrees and forty -five viral I to the limit between south halves -of said lot,f ;sixteen thirty deg-rees and fit -teen minute ebaineand fifty seven links to a •sOuth three •degrees and thirty - 'east Civen chains and seyenty-fi or less, to a point twenty•fiVe li in tho Simecourse)- from- the Sou said lot number twenty-two. -•=eighty degrees and forty five Min lix links Wore or let'is to a point limit of the Goclerich gravel ro the -distance Of twenty-five 'south cesterIy ;angle Of said nextreguLir ineetin. on the 28t The public S hereby not': ey d • -goVgy:•. ,EARMERS-',FAVSMITE' (MAIN MILL, Al.so a -novelty the- shape. Of a DOUBLE PLOW -where threa horses •ean: - • , 1 aye Sdle Control in this district forthesale of ail implements manufactured:13r • -JOHN' ELLIOTT: AND 'SON LOHOON. Wlic.Se reputation as Machinists requires no advertising -in connection with the abaVe....Theee - • will always be on exhibition for sale ,a, large stick of , • • -• ft • .Cokred Silks, Laces -and Lace CrutainS, op —the eces- Abed de ou idt ORCANS, SEWING MACHINES, SEWING MAGAINE ACCOU- TREMENTS, SUCH S SHUTTLES, NEEDLES, OILS, HEMMERS: ORG ANS EVIACHItIES REPAIR Give us'a call, it Will Cost you- lathing andinity save you considerabler NEW Im.PLE!ivitENT wirpttpomdi p.4.4yHigp40:84it0S.. ,...tEpafT0.'plpt< --'1C)RPTt, ea LiiiiRGE STOOK OF T sOld in round lots -bf 5 lbs., 10 lbs, 20( Figures. General tiroceries Fresh(and PURE CLOVER,tHUNEY. BEE, St 54 Clover, Tiingthy,•Gardth , ,1,,,,lic"tifertsin.rtilii.74.. ecri..1.sanli_,11*.` ] - t, - - '1.1-Y,f;:ilt ::::;AL ' - - 'If "---7f'k'.'Nl a4):::41:1the's ' '-.1,030i-06:7-0:41hrai '..1itsIdy lout j'Aiit4: llost...st:,,,,:f1'.1075:ft,Aito.j.:0140 • arge toe dieW Kid Sandals— eautifil it `•iivf abz CAMPBELL STREET 'Lvc.1,091F-: INHERE Y • IS in *goad repair, dnd the undersigned are prepared to fill orders -1n thebeat paseibliminf .,ae• &said, ner. Custun Planing that cannot be beat; e Ifatehing Maple Floor*. ••••--A. *er. '' • here• -- Lueknew July 3. 1879. fee been on 506 t ed hall be ir se of a ns ip. d part of la e shore cularly- f -land w ch *may di tance Of ut de - e) from the ba rat wieanr yy in teseast, e south . three Thence minutes, ' mare situated e south el B CRIBER n thanicing the public for -the very liberal patrona(re dur- ing the past year, has° much' i)leasure . in calling ''attention to the large' and valied stock .DRY GOODtDEPARTMENT; ve PF - aid lot a thirty - tutted at rom. the lo number Is Well .assorted in all lines 'stilted f the ;season... Slick and Colored Lustres, Black Cashmeres, (extra value), ' the Town - pass at its Black' Prints. Second -Mourning Prints, Dress goods 3c per yd, worth 14c,, -Kid Gloves, 85c Nei pair, worth 6.0i, that hi has! • --FIRST-01.AsSz CC OF. -Go and 'eitunine▪ qh4fils 1r;'elle 1 ;.-/qtr$10; smock, in each class, especia I :Before- purehaiing -elsewhere,' :Lad year's stock sold. at an - CrEfegs and Butter taken fat goods. • ::: „ :, ., ,...._,• Designs to arrive. PASECIO - I LINItree DEPARTMENTIt • as on hand:the largest, eti3api;st-, Ever ExIAlted in. LucknoW1"4°1,4-1 fE IMPS BATS in Elife'zi.--,n-4- 'Calm', ' MAITTLES Made:gutlac thertetit0 ..0k. - C:s -nowiirepared to she* eritirly new tot of Parisian .and Now Tork MilliiieryinAll the novelties ofhe season id 4PiarnOactouri Brocadea,„ and Cashmere Silks .1.-1.,?Ceicin all,,th'fineweit designs: SpleifAid value in white and coloyea Plumes. ESS- '13EPARTAfig_NT. , ti,tri:Thi,f)artmelip.361,-*:0)0watt4 large Let -of . Black and' COlored Cash.;, le 'MG- DEPARTMENT, anicial' :outfits on -Ibucinqw, Arn4 ,t11 MO. or -4- It tioor A'ii.:1.,,th'il.:::t.ef„,..:, 4.---;‹, . • :. ,,,,„ .., . ro 11, abby ..gaid and Soft -Felt Ha RINC- or:ecl Dress SliirtitoSilIC-litts anti Bind:- *.:1711•171:1jittylt_glf:3'?tAh;a:11-17a,sat„ii,,.''•e'reibi*A 6. Ordered.- Clothing p•partim Erfm-,ENT, . elltitnita.tri3Ov:0:1,0eare_s!,1: *7. b:.4 nten al cot7tfb.egeotov a rbg, arE tiog • PIO Istfini.°)Y•41-tri.i-l'47. 417"1;:hyrin;;te°41.1 ' 1; - mnaerniti neaVb00: tinier: 1041144:1141- #4: itil In 1111:111;12:1:114:144:: W°1441:1;. ; Ii 113:,0,,.(„,::''.:4'44:97'....trill::,,,,-***„.':-01:-.7";: jaCi 1:11::•..4tile-k ,..-.,:rio „igioil IA 40 a:7n :1641183-(11. aidpltzTVI when -.1fM ing !country that helms times to meettli