HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1879-12-19, Page 5_ gantyk Boaz For Service • Tfl�T TUOROIMII BRED BERK- SHIRE BOAR "Hiawatha,". will s.•rve a I Eiiited number of scws`at the -r si- chn'P of Wm._ P.Pater.en. Lot 4,' Concession 4, Kinloss_ Terns,, $1.00 cash, with the lixr� ii'eee of returning if necessary. "Hia- w f ,.'"was bred at the. Model Farth, Guelph. Fr ILI Imported stock onb)t side. . .e Estray, kms to the premises- of the: subscriber, lot 8, con.14, %V D.. Ashfield., abnnt them:1Jle of N ember,. 8 sheep; 1 of which. waaMack. the. rest` white.. `i'he : owner --carr have, the same -b} aging propel ty and paying. rxp nse . . • - . t _ • - OHN''MURRAY; Ltjcknow` P. 0 Evrib,a4 Is SllI Chea, ALT THE • • REI I'.$ 11i:E TD -]t D THIS Wy EK. LIST All 1M~ool T veefds, 50C per yd 'alae lin 01S . •K -Gc ids 10t .tip: orth 13e 1` ionr Shirting__ 2?e` " _ 28 Itol' er Tow ellin .10c " 12c I.fc _ies Bose .(all wool) 25 1»11 esG: itis, 2tElfcr baud $- _tvotth 5 j.•cte..mink•,t .., `I.)tt..a�s $30 1. tes tc.. k tet.i! ..410 ;,north $15- black Llir (=loves [ �0:cc �1.> . YL»l., l�C F cuve ' (Iinetl tt51.. ' 41...215 nvei ie l s (�d f7e�` 1 .1-12 {g �tk1 7:ttl)• z $. I ! i}1.•'t;T$ G1K€ �::,' i6h:S: �,.j _a� -LL �r siF .'s r : i .tt s'e paras e`7.26 " u3:0U Js..:ena , pet j-tckets very cheat i-sse hc,c,1, tire. r-ibbes :.it( i bt er at fess fttr.t . 0. Mt gaily and as.id fag ruse, , ,„,.. . . , . SADDLES; • 0 ° Just Received 11 cases of .. FANCY GOOD': suitable for XMAS AND NEW -YEARS presents consisting of VASES, TOI T` SETS, POQN HOLDERS, dA In LicAWAREAticYS4XEsi- TABLE -MATS, TOMEI .MATS MOIR WARk....DOLLS, TUC OF, WAR, -METALLOPHONS, MOUTH OWNS, IiII2EVPURSES;, INK- ” AND FOLL4ssonia CHEAP: ATJENHANt'S MEDI— CAL HALL LUCHROW., 014. A, Jew .of .thOse MOTTO t 'ROES, WEEKLY0CLOBE. GREAT iMPRoVEMENTS- i880; seize left at 40ets. ltIBNY PRESSES -NV tKPB—#0,10411113- " fFEBB, 1N PUBLICATION. •-on- the 2hd January, issa, THE 'WEEKLY' gtogi will take another of those upward strides tlm March: of imprOvernent that have *dn- . tainecf-ik for nearly forty years in ta high posi- *IRE LEARINt- FAMILY NEWSPAPER The increasing necessiN ,for greet- variety of reeding matter in each week's issue, so as to elude thenews from all sections ofttlieDoininion- . has rendereft expedient the enlargement Of Ws 'Wawa GIODIaliellaiyend even its present large ditriensions. Commencipg with the first, week 01 - the Vert -Year, therefore, the form of the petits - will be ebanged, from; that_ of an ate -column paper ` each page will also- brat> extended.as to give, in all, an increase- a reading. matterAer each week'S • This east addition to the capacity a the Piper ' enable a. bill of fare to be preeented weekly probably mord varied, and iiitereeting than was. ever before accomplished in,s.ny Weekly journal, , The literary matter will he Much iicreased ; more - space will be devoted to Household and- social rendered nfore efficient than ever before. TVini:VOULARS • ;PERi. ANN U.M. sect free_to ell -parts of Mined". and the • Anyone is it liberty te- Ket uP crib. wills may be for any Post_ Office. Reliable parties getting uP- dabs Neill De sup- - .with specithen copies of thet paper gratis, Tint Wzziwr "Mose will be sent free Of postoge- toany Post Mice in Great Brittdrirfor $2.20 -pr - nine shillings sterling. r Remittances may besent by V.Q. Money order,: •"" the st:of Januar-4,188001701 entitle the sub- teriber• to receive TEE INZFILY OM from: date -- ".0:sultscription to Wet Doem0e21,•28$0.• NOTA -0)E STO STOVES ! I ht.sse. in Stock alarge lot" of riot ox an is t410 .t"pabe to bv, ats ces are advancing we cannot be eipected to se the old &sure' much longer. DISPOSED OF -BEFORE XMAS AT A REDUCED- PR Oft - STO The crocids 'AVE TROUG-IIING A. SPECIALTY. umber- Of ).(mas Toys'for children; and -tha st price in - cash paid for HIDES and Call.- and see -for. yourself, NO- trouble • y !other SHEEP to [show- Findlater, WATCEMAKER D JEWELER* Vratc146s-, gewalry.. comprisi4g the twest- style's. .0f.-. Clocks; • ..aold. pm& IT4tcht- Brbocki.e0-, Ea,r-rien,ffs, Lockets,. Gem 1/treading -114,210:. Stila -CifE 13A-‘, tozts„ Bv.itter CoOlets, "Idda Sett, ,,Crufet StaliatiXruit dald. Bvitter Ichitive5, Napkiu Cat& Cisco*, ,8z:c„ suite:Ole -for. Xmas paid Now Yegi-Treteutos;- Wu Dry Red Win LA • ds, :Hats and Caps, . :Reacly-Nrad Cloth I he Sold Positively at Cost Prices. lid Shoes at -10 per Cent Discount. d opportunity for -parties' wis‘iing TQO ve SALE to COmmence OCerid$ at • 0 *n Their good repair, find the undeisigneii are prepared tO fill all orders in ilae best Rossilil ner. _Custom Planing that 'cannot/be beat; especiallY Matehing MapleTloormg. seasoned stock Of ArOuidings, Sash, iDoors- and Blinds always on hind, -:•• • . 'Band aoa Scroll SaWing in all its•brafichee. St;air Building a Speciality." aiye ns'a OHRISTIg Floag.FIT$ 1,uckr.ow''.Inly 3.1879. e otlwithStanding the recent advance of .30 per.eent in Ihe- elseTaber?- - • * IN • Madhines and Musical Instrup.el ts, always on hand at A. HI. stock of Max -Well's Prize Ffra-w Cutlers for :hand or Power, Root cutters, Grtoo Grinders, Ctomf)ied Feed. Mills These Implements have stood the test:of time, whict consisting -of followin.g kinds: • Massey'Sc, Noi. 13 and. No. 19,. Teeswater 111.1loyi. Hill, fletul-a,fid Thistle Cutter .?.1.43--wS, Oliver's Patent Chil- aiven- and sltiSfaction guaranteed, Bari l'Voodbridge Elora. shortest nOtice and test term s. . • • Repa-h-s for Clinton and- Parls castings-p.nd Ileaper repairs con Threshing Aiacilik-es, Mow vs the Viatizer thkbest. From different ma ers. • e 'year gtiaraiitt,e from the. inannfacturers atcompanies niery instrument. • A II kinds :•f iizt machine epairing -1„,-.41s; needles and attaahments • • PreviOus tile Dig -elution - of Partnership, now g between GEO.! -k,hey will Sell.the whole o their -accounts and notes are required to of J:anuary *next. be paid- by le: to-Colinnelliett .on !n(.. ...IC:DI:: :241:DC E. 'Black ash -mores; _-1 ' Black ft.nit Colored . ebb ur Grey; Searlet•Si Famty ...iannel, Hosiery, GloVeg; Col.. Gents Cleth Cap's; * _ - ,. Gents. White "Shirts,. -- Coatings, . Brusselk, Tapestry, tInion and- Hemp Ca`rpe4, Boots and SyOes, Crock -Hy and Ilaydware. -, ous to' Cash 0 rn • etg abbVe- -menti ried',GoOds, and -others too hum Inention, colt begsold at and ••under _cost for .cash, - Just, recei*ed a large -and Complete. stock Of. Clii[031 41. -S -h, 114Si t.aP-Si:gtc tap*s 50CfS 4ti Broadcloth, Qloakilag 13eaver an - In all the slillerent shades.. - Di -LESS SILkS-(black), SATINS,' PLMN AND EMBOSSED VELVETS; Also 0, large stook of WOOLT,EN GOODS, LAI-Ill.:5 CHENILLE SHAWLS, BERLIg ' -. - . ' WO_OlIS 'AND FIN 0E -RING YARNS in enaless variety. . • .•. LAVIES BONNETS •:AND' HATS, iit the Very newest stylesj7 • - REAL LACES from 40 cents uPi,vards, . . * Goods a; Spe,...iialty ourning linery Wti D I Emporit CD • V4rdir *-e6T`Altikatetin between' .Will!,,' pi. N. -filler& 40VF,11tEto--4- UK-'11:tr-7:1.1:for117:11ti ,:t e sitbsetWor th-dc miner::N7z.:4,ibe finaranItIletlif (ialu4trstfillirl:7tj":1"-1,. bthnersiPnuesb's1;:5," '!: //cher with • the add which will be at!' •naet."1 0.f Horee-ev- cunt • ,THE MAPKETS., Spring 'Wheat Oafs - Pease - RulleY Pork, pel: Geese. ber 11r: Beef- per'100 • UliDERTAKItiC. • Vines iquors 1:--REDt CED PRICES, • This is a (f.enerat sale, and the aoodsimust he sold, c - 0117-qtrdlle notes aid.-boolcs accounts must,- be .onec.,;: '1879- aeboAurs must b9. prompt -on isms ettled at HE undersigned. will, gts.heretoiOre, .en," -I deal iutiquoRs 'fzilys, And ,itim at keep Goo s- lisuai Ott 1 112,7x LUelplow,luly 24, CletkileAte' -1904iin •- Ai portant to Butter Workers' ne rood active agent wantedm every town - to introduce the VICTOIL °RICER: Sample Machine free to agent* -afrents circular, to the • that she -is prepared to gi.ye - lessons in. -PT- , Residence, opposite TenponfOlernilock. eharges'Of blood or unions .P -o4 all-diseases:of the rec Grilvel, Diabetes, and all niseaserto which the bleed is 'impli'cated.; is. now offered :igY) in' The' V,/eYblirrilitetttoi.):e Cc, oils DEBILITY, PRE ATITRE DE °AY', and all the effects of outhful.indiscre- send free ao sal need ' , -the recipe and dirCction for 'making the g Inge remedy by which he Was Cured, fAuffere wishincr to pro-. fit bi the advertiser's experi nos can do so by dtlressirig in perfect confide ce, BALM :THE WORLD'S P**•Yburiell 61;snatilvieilsnetiaprir: mg.eountry that be litts opened mit new jewtirf 7oRr toio)aiNrirnr.e$00;;;yeillhe:Ss, cOlfliocckes:lavnbae:ioelibe is •times to meet tbe -wants of the. pn.blic that lit' anwOrk, wsafranted. tall solicited.