HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1879-11-14, Page 3• No : Ion Must =:Ui. Perhaps the strut lest anomaly in 1 gran nature is to see li_:11e children trying fur medicine. Rut su it is when they have pirtzk-n, of Se0Tr & Bowxies PALATABLE (;:tsrult ()IL. These gentle- men by their pharmaceutical:shill have made this hitherto nuxioos drug a posi- tive delight,. and one that is a pleasure, not a nauseating effort, to partake. All admit the bereficial effects of Castor' Oil but are restrained from taking it by the revolting taste. This-, thanks 'to crence, has been .overcame. Price 25 . gents. Tenders anted to rent the SKATIPIC ill?ik FOR TRE SgASON, will be received, until Wednesday,. the 2Ctb,_November. - Conditions and Form of Tenatk eari he seen' JAWS SOMERVILLE. Teacheri anted. -41_ School .Seetion No, 4, Kinloss. !Third- tertifictite. Apply tcl or address, op or before -Saturday, ),..3th. in4„ State Salary, CattIe pstray. - LeritA.VED from the premises of the glib- -1J scriber, Lot 8, Con. 3, Kinloss; on 'or about the RDA of September hist, three spring Calves, twoheigeth, dark red and whil.e,-artti one steer.. light red, with ,v1fite strip on hack; and -alio. two two-:%-ear-olds, steer and heifer, color red.. Any one giving stieh inforipation . lead ta their recovery be suitably S., JOS: -RILL-YARD WISHES TO that she is. prePared -to give ress.ins. in IN.- rirtuRlindert;iizned having pxoeured License' upon reasonal,Ie terms, 1,111'..,oriters• left. with 3034 Catde, Estray df-"- iAM-17.1: to the prerilises of the. lintlethie-ned; can have the animills 1.83,-:1,ir•--. tif-tperty anti TRA.y Jae 4). AfEtZ c 1%k -it -NI Pa ).3. :-1.1.1-.1,::. __s.-ot.h, i ply to (11U•rttianship; of the In fa nt '.i...thiltiren -of 1, Margaret Maria -Logau, the, Vilittee of Samn-A Logan, lete- of the t of 1-ereb3r give pehlie notice that under, fp- A in nrituarieu of Chztpter.oyte hundred and thirty- two ofthe ReviSed titatletes. *of Ontario. an applietti-ni wilt be -made by me afteethe ex- r.tit-ru-of twenty days from the :first „publi-: ' e ttiou of this notice! to the Judge, of tile above, Court: to be. ....an;surited au;:rtliim to J:Ain Dated this 8tli day of -A. D., 1879: ort 'rikpl'e-- scale • powers of Sale contained hi rt.. cer- tain indenture of niortf;), fv...dated :the 17th• (LT `..t tale,. 1878, ami couti I iced- by deed of , .efitulti having been made in'pa.yrtient., there will' soT EY PUBLIC AUCTION at. ' COPE 11.-3 I-101•EL in the village of TOday, -25thi '79 . • , . • . That scatir part of lot numlier.13, in the 1.2tli eonces.ion of tl-e 'Township of F‘inlo.4s, in the (*purity of Myatt-, described as lows : VOramentim.f where a. post has been- - . planted at the south-westerly tingle of ti4 said lot, thertee•sorth si ctft. degrees thirty-one minutes:, east twenty eicains,-Liore or less, to ... easterly angle of the said 14, ,Chelice north- , lirenty-nif.e -degrees t. wenty nine niifintes, east fifte- on e chains fifty links, thence north sixty degrce:i thirty one minutes.. west twenty althis,,, more or less, to the limit between lots numbers twt-lee anti thirteen,. and' thence 14.4/th_ti•Verifirt bine tiegres twenty-nine 'min. • Vviit-fr acres of thieffarm are clea▪ red. noon- • sno:11 orchard. Ter,ins liberal; find will Lenity Itnowrx day of sale or on appliratiiiu to.th'e undersign JOHN rtaiLEAvps.,.Eso. e -.•`rem? -lents yield proniptiv fo -' the 6.6.4 VOmitineA, Som.: stt.rlach, ''"F 1:41772..f..7i.Zi.l. if- hag: : I !CI: . f..:(:{1.ett :11: I. .- icture Frames FOR 30 CTS. Large Size Mot- to Walnut Frani= e Complete, HAIR BRUSHES & COMBS, • 0 in.gs\Up Business STRAW t. ROu Dry Bbots POOO or Goods 0. g Hug, ds, Hats and Caps; Read -Made ClOthi I be sold Positively at Cost Prices. d Shoes at 10 per Cent iscount. opportunity for parties The 11, eries C WELL ANOMIE e SALE 0' Commene on • For_ Very: _Age- and. , sight • • • ERIVIS th 1s A.11.accounts .and no:tes are reqUired to be }iipiary :next. paid by Machines and Mu.sical Instruments, 2 117k: .at the A full stock of Maxwell's Prize Straw Cutters a, Power, Root Cutters, Grain Grinders, Combined Fa 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 Horse PoWers and Sawing., AtaclfAte, • • Theie. Implements have stood the' t,e't of tiTae, Whfc, should .-be _evidence of their Satisfaction. A full stbek Plows, consisting of the following kinds: MasseyV No. 13. and .No. .16 Plows. Tepwater Mallo)r, Hill, Fleury and Thistle Cutter Plows, 0Iivei-'s Piacnt led Plows, differaat sizes, Wilkinson and Kiiicatdil,te Plow,sti -given and satisfaction guaranteed. New End Shake‘,Thrtsh-' ing,Nachines shipped on shoitest notice and hest terms; - SEWING' .11ACIIINES---Itls needless to say anything abont Sewing', Machines, when- every person knows the Il'anzer F is the ben, • From different ma els. A k a year g,norantee front the manufacturers accimpanies every instrutrient. - All kinds of sewing -Machine repairing done.. A call respilctfulky solicithd. 7-.° GOOD EATS FOR ALL, Having Afaus oved to his new. arid COm- tt011e. Shop East of . - 90;:t.iitfiAtsii.Dv.., . - • • Uriek 731 Is now ness on He Will Of fi.-es1 reasona pared -tor doing hum. - eat of:all, kinds at - 1 prices. DzIapralP,FIDAI To HIP, slioigEsT Yo.,-: • E LUCK NOW VAT t rolcQ ioLoi Is hi gepit ketv,ii,., and the midersignedlare*erared to fill all -orders' in the heat thissib m :•enstnin Hitt cannot be beat, especially on -111atchin„0-111tple,l'it,orieg. seasf.) d stock ...!if.Arfulidings, Sash, litters and Blinds alut Ts -011'1f and. • - . . . Band and -Ser-oll Sr.win.., in all'its brandies. 'Stair _Buildig a Give ns a call 3-ust received a large and complete stock f . iii,ldroffs, Fut Sets, Flats,, caps, &c.-fik Caps ffen06.0s. -easter and.-Broadoloth .FT:40-skxRs,. • - . RICH FEATHE1Z8 AND TIPS, In all th e . different shades. :DRESS SILKS' Pack)" . • SATINS, PLAIN AN -tM136.„SSIM 37ELVATS. Also a large stocir of WOOLLEN GOODS. LADIES CHENILLE BEmaist- LA.DIES.EONNETS AND _IIATS, in the very newest styles. •• .34013.RNIN-G-' AND BRIDAL OTT r_FITS made *fn. -the beA style bn fAlo.rt ' - REAL LA( TS from 40 cents upwrirds. -Goods a 287-1 .201 • 4;p:eai..1!"; )resent to their customers and , th illinery and, - -Mantle ErAporliira, • To CUSTOM - SHIP p 01 INDY which will I will lie sob .the TILL, an lei,' -Virtue of the Power of - tit; red in.- a certain Mortgage, • 1. .iliteed at time of Sale there at WHIT1•: ROTEL in a OV I•UCKNOW, 011 1879. at 12 el parcel °Ha the- Towns Bruce, pont The prop:, la,ge. of lute sixty-five fr There is .a L Good wells small Strean *paid at time farther part 3 Build 10 and. singular that certain' ' ifer the South Halves of Loth in the -I itht 'Concession of, t 1-11/routi: .the County of: one .hipulted- acres I -Lore or -esstiaree :miles' from the V.S.. elm SiliMps, and five- acteg owe; Frame .0rJhard Cherry and Urfa*. Trees. g t.,(trgss rear corner of lot, • f file purchase m•iney to be le, lrilanee. as agreed„ • Tot HOWARD '& ANDREWS, • .K0'..4POTPECARIES Pill TURES_ - itriffieiint "Stock- of. :the !best Medical find other l!Piposis alway 151...lee-IA rates [to dealers huyin • • rands for' Large • Kenneth 6- ineron as Carriage -Ala -village of L elinotv,lias this day be ers in - the •11 i_diSolved WheM Spring Wheat = Oiis Pease • • • Said. c Mortgage, v. of sP16. mi Tuesd 'Properties, -in the :lily virtue cif „the Power of will-h-e.produe-ed at the tinit . Neil IdeFatiyen and -wife. •ti Auctioneer, at QT.IEEN'S At 2:30 6'61 of Kineardin .101171'4 orplia 'acres more Lfieknow or less, save . .aeres and principally -ifix1:.fft.t. tin 55x26. Sb - 6.00 7:09 pkte, wtirkiu . Cr 0.22 it half kite:ribs at time of.aol ov. 25th-- 1879 m.,. the. -following _Freel-cld taining; 260 -acres --More.ot 1., Building,s- --Frame harp lionse,- 2420 frame goOd..i:Cacis,. -good ber thirty-four," in the 15th -Township- of Culross, -1(0 les ; IC acres cleart•d; soil,. partly _clay 10f. 'tied roads; -distaLce fron, ik 11 her -eighteen -in th-d First tl!v Road: Xets.pt.. from slid parcel effzili. • 000,111C 27 11,.715-10. x 24 ft. Frame I)istance -from Vendor's Solicitors; Leit'dc.n: rg 014 it 1,01 9 00( net intends' to arry op -tin. brisitttlfts _in - SD. its knoWn- and • int alas mechanic, Nornian &lc:Milian. In, wayi give -tint) .A•firStel• ff.-Carriage Maker -has been atici.,4 with -the -use a best material find )od which in value, ;variety and 'character will bq found,A H EA of any stoCk they lipve ever.solicited to their customers to i -.Here they Carry the "leading .gOtton prbduction: of Caiiadh n Mills, and their stoac of -domestic 'staples will be found . „and Coniplete. - "They 'call speCial -attention to their Koreion imports in WINCEY-S; Which. have proved to-be.aceeptable o year a, nut-chlarget Stock. than .,-.heretofore; • -plete;in every respect in thiS,. line, - They invite - inspectio ,s. feelMg Confident that they'havethe *goods- fo aneet "the wantSofIlie.public-. _'eVery.ather kine. of this . department the'assortment is comiLgTE. ':-• ei.t novelties in Dress fabrics, comprising the latest . styes ..L.-1 the newest shades. Custonael s will c.onsult then own inte- rests by giving their s• tocktof plain and- fancy dress fabOcs a:a 1 early exanlintition. '1'heir stocko1131ack goods cannot be Kir-. Black Cobourgs. > Gents -furnishings will be.founti very coin- pIets e. Begs to inform the inb ants of Luchnow and the st-fround— ing country that he has opened out p new jewelry- sttT,e; next door to Mc. Somerville'A office, where he prepared.','at times to meet thd warrts of the -public in that line of business. Repairing. of 'watches, clocks and jewelry a specialifi, atd all work- Warranted. A call solicited. 3.LAuNED. ABNLDA1,31(i.,AlkloOKS,OTOR-W,E28BL8E.DA4EARv1.• BLUE. ANV BLACK-::pRESI,DEN TS, c.ioatingS;Broads-,._Db es, Mittens, Worsted' Coatings. 'medium and Fine Cz.tUltdian TWeeds, this s.?ason's.-patterns. ; Tailoring -done .on ;fife premises;. ISttitkinad:).tO order4 with -stOek. .An elcamination -department will -cbuvince the values. Choice fresh. Groceries.artrving-dmiy...'. - Ja_WALL • ANNA AND ria8juit received a fresli.. assortment .of New SILVER- Prom the liest markets Focd and cheap Warranted not,to.slip'off"the shout re Pull: -eta: [(SIR .11117.,0,07,t,,a,,,rit.it„-et„?;,,,,-..Btl‘f,t,t,tef,r,,iTIV:ve,?err, ittril Something ne.w„ 44 tmeer, KinearrFne,-0.it. VT TO !t OI all' kinds,.. Tumults: dis paid all' disease/A:of ;tire ree DENTL1eNTA'N Who nevi .1 -ft ous DEBILITY, CAY, and all the -effects of Youthfuhintlisere7 Ition, will for the siket--of suffering Imintinity4' send'free' all who need it, • the recipe aut,1 =villa was .crtred, 8Offerers :wisilinz to Pro. -sr JOkIN B. OGDEN, 42 defier TACLE Great