HomeMy WebLinkAboutLucknow Sentinel, 1879-09-05, Page 34,91 V % 4 7 lal in Australia. fkPORTANT -NOTICE... IN R "PAPER'll EA -K -RS& bn settled about a fort - PARTIES INDEUTED TO. THE -T F -HE LAD. -1 S] t�d outhe Shootover when ILL LATE firm of Frau r & GUHes,Tees- water.eithei�by note or bo A t, are re - 9 bf Our paity fell over a Pre. boun "al to --pay the anne at aacaLce to 17ames Aft 0 ts had bee-wme knbwn,and same - P. S. Notes and accou its for the cdnven- I KES6 killqd. Previous to this EzZwhomill pay &It liabilities of the RAKE So RAKE ff- i Surrounded by a large M ience of parties in this go -.tion will be left at liers. Who, they had heard the Luck.now Banklor Callection. UTZ 1W& S' CoUr Yo. -2 noW t, canis to %vilipatl;ize JAI�IES FRAZER. Just received, ottly a ew more MLaxweH.R&pej;S Massey ,4o offer us apy assistancer OTERS' LIST, 1879.�,Nfunieipality of hage of JvcknoVr,County ofBruce.- .Vt need. Our first sad duty V d the ne Harvesters and Sharp's Selt-iDtimping Hay and $t the Vi allrand winter ate approaching a cessityf6i, ttlUbld lt4es a coffirs, it that was. pos- -Notice is hereby piven, tHat I - have. trans;- new a; d arbi clothiing is already apparent. -tc,. be disposed of this se4goo, at W. ALLIN it -Ural mitted or delivered. to the Persons menlioned Agricu Intending purcha 6-ivas no tilliher within -ten in the third and fourth sections of " The Vo- o t to buy, and WHERE,,aie questi6ns of thefirst im. Warerooms, Luelknow. would do jOe'll pe 4 t&oS- in tho camp except t!rs' List Act "the copies Tleqiaired, by said sec- p e. a ce, and rightly so. � This very- dress -may dEt -tion to be traiismitted- of deli0redof -thl ilt, port elmir�e tibleave their orders ea�ly to secure its fulfil#ut all itomahawks. . With these I ap- -made purs)iant to said Act, of,all personp r XQ-myselftset out to your itu -e forbette or. fdr worse.- pearing by the last revised Assiessment roll of On heald Sill=al a splendi'l a4�tulentof- thelatest and med oil -is wefellej a treej cut the said Municipality to be eotitled to v�pte in IS W Lamquite aware,*.where you can. gee a large assortm. �ions for 1mem- - .0 11roper lenoth, ank then se, the sa'd Munic'­-tlity at olec Ga' P1,,ows, General e nicest n dg -means to split it. ng ta,MML "-,hdox r bers of the Legi6ladvi Asso-ly nud'at uni- ment if t ewest, cheapest -and �prbttiesit dress goods Avrojvgh-- A= fiose aw I ­qPZRBR Vilf Of ck- -7histle . Cutter Plows - ustres of ev shade We cipal'alectionk; paid that 46;11 list wag first. to. be f pip d in Cahada, Alaonifice e-ry t P nit L gs out of hard wood, CU DISfed up at my officei in thd� re 4ing ow, on the 23rd day of Augnst Raicy an igured GoodS -of every pattern and. price uitable t branchex-fi)i -hammers, "w inspection. F fc Manufactured in -the DomlMdn at! the riv vitL4 r -teens or- e and Second PAzes "al lkxhi it I suQceeded in spliting Elteb are calledupon to ekaminq t 6 said -for thc th id mttiden in he th J; unab r led t;, GILLES & - MARTIN, -Teeswater, -foT the thelr.�elpl�r; . TorontoinIS swagaward, list, mid if anv omissions ot 4tWer error i are ted t tP rough heavy plank Not- of- Im rovedMA 6y -and. wrot I . I S ojo im� tp�iodiate�, pr! ceed- inat r years. Adorned in these gorge-ous Rdb6Slto )e ght Iron Gan Plows. 9pecial lh7�e dbt6mi preceived. therein to take im may- my em... .7 hese �lowff are well known, and need no rebommandAti6 ,-the difficulties, wh* h edaced Abig. n. ed to fied ings to have the said errofs corke0t -revive n e, heart 0-, th�� vIenerable- SPAS ffie. - tionis bivit Imus our Improved Thistle Cutter Plowswith P. ra tem pered steel ould stojA land s1AQ wrong iron �Am- 'MILLINERY bt b ", steel. Aklt6rs c .,Jled% poi ej &ta' :Call and -get Tr B jkn�h bsepea of tool.,Q,, we. t law. MOTT..'. Inaterials- of coff- . - . w. H. mi ion- - 6f one, and. �.,�ate sure b L� Something new. ay, elmlinall t ra the lefk of i periou fle"M, d he -finqual fie'd,l 'ad ra: to R18130 a LES. .-.Io ei o e. 12e r6wince . , Id �a wee ell oughoutt w should b6 sid, e e ea mj;,z Ian 'asmu a to their a r meat 'Thopsands of these rlows�.iire ngsoN t� E becovulig - dkogs.' tqg6thhlr� -*ith LAO N-eveir -yourl yourT rtun DR.. C -ho-id' MANt in�-�:z -na, aafl's, we �odd'" Dafft this 25th day- f 6mift:111e. -to say--Ao.-I you CO�TFIDEN t29�4 om r j'ih-eie wen 1;a naiU t 187q ..TALT. hat Dr6sg and --youi.Fa ENT�"CHILLEDI WS, N ce . are &.72 avilig -m jj�b , , " le the- INSOLVENT AGT�� W-18 a:.r 1 --that -A sin liners ET01 ea ha a4din( 117 At reduced Priem pl* Ae�t., be4ring j *ill 1surely ODOM- factuiets alwaYs on 1itid, iffid plifthssers CA� bavetheir. choice. 6 - 1. nare, carryand- Sent a, paity . . ­ : , -get ws fr6 u ttl I d t Q4 -f it back NDI-kI6 AOTS �6f atisfactioni Olkte�!-� -4fal purpose, the -thistle Cutter jilb -.6 d ereby' t6il- I and. A d AW A trial, given,. an satJsfddtxq# guar -t� otb ol& sT 0 deri- for -thet ma rial- inen& o the consideration 0 un it re OTICE-is, h �giv�u .1lPartifsOW1129- y YO 91 116sier 4-md'Buckeye COMBINED AEEDERS-.AXD 'DRIL NO] more,changeio ge-9 lid-Clintlull a an t erms., ,Ozx Otice t Re enouall for grave G. -BUJR 88 JoUdj, U:.,l -a - V 11, all ith Wood '11 lock- In -A. est4te many -a' jong wheeli ilivoys reliable S�re :a:he Thepnly�pot-wiherm N the of w M tsbut w '44 1 - j'Arl w ith- these last ado � r' '- V 1 AR -MRGESS&THO& Shik Cli aft Thil h p wasp-w.4ist lbbsided. hici i: ��epairi constsutlTpn or M It wiling, ill-fitting .-hoel- Clintonand Pads Threshing -hidda.., .41 optings and j��per mtlTpn �d, "-. - , - T sutlyiRn *-Upoll .04t twe) miles. rt m. Nowls the time to secure yo rep befoi wanted. was. MA f t4W ( 2 ess to sai ell jg -A . . A - -�. Af' on ward., the ciii. or beforel the t� e It S r �:anythlkg labout Se ant! after er 6ir d ser Eithe r 4-e and h' lifluehee; 't, the -of a hill. Thither'tliia -r by note or book accoU i�--fhatthe 4ame ed dr. s A h6i:g'ood -fo t ist be paid to. "left t 6 e But i 1t be - JAB. SOSIERV L ESQ �t hek Sweet e's- the -0. l6 erg �klloWs themanzer is the b eo6 -Pte by the naiden well,. it: *6r, Or 71- 7 - "Tim coffin placel within. it 15th'. Day`* 14 tent clotkthe grave', iinpdrtc t-6- dress S.-vilstly ou.regain- egr i tbehol uen -0 1=1W, . Or ---A. Of se inbe the'niat Would y th 13 rious in ff c of for- k y was p ace *,Wpie Or they Will be placed in Court for Colleciion] -A A- ffi therougli heavy lid, N f6ft�4exteuqion'of tim6will -be graAted;- soine--of.th 0 marve� ess - From difff-re'nit" m'akers. -'A ilie ye -e: froni ihe me da': Jtain.wifhout del4'y' viinuf - - J� gullfAl tv sacconipapies eyery 11111i -d A Call d. tov instrurnent6 -AllIduds of I 4tr ILLAR �O winj!mv -Whe rel King onei re�ppclully solicite e Men ore TAM "O'bods--' et 1yout-self -up- in your Very, --best;i bitt very 0 be(bn n your-ag 0 11 y our ow 9 ',gr It, was d( ou - e verv- best. w ln�.-the�' .1n 100ii the. ave. -M -187 -W AU IN rsdale,.Aug.'20i 19. Id- : `� wag ov nation- ot gaudy... -91Y. 7. 7. ignee. itij*a 4, shade �f -reiigiOnr Op.. � Rive =-2. and Ye and. stati n. and AE b "d 'Mantle maji' ot begin. - -to. think. y th ife '-h, :­.. - . . . . I vra scenv,;� and crowit of -t�jNOWi Nj;XLTA001t- - TURA KA w-onia nt T.. NOTIC.E­ -he ohb6th it you thi -,best �n world 0, only th jr' k' with luncovered hekdr 0119 t K!'Adegraw S,'and:lond�, peaks ..ouldany-man oveyoul. Nol. SS shabby e. ­ .� '': ��. k, " 0, 8- d -Q ened You -are with' -'that. -idges an Z- --slattern y oo ing r 1 ki­ ihing ly Ad dress On., `% , voorld irb3 not now-, se. 1,66k wh 1�ll tuzign:dod 4y,eton the .111lis-Ide'. ss t4 -0ustbecaii of youil dib fhe�,dd: �qugtli -rockk old --vii I ' �7 Uma 0AB zn e suriers-ofz the W 0- I-hear�,tis the �vqi6es of, forty:"w6m, d liu tat d E'RE�� _W]j Mi lo d: theft" -gir in, r t tones'.de m*9, nIt Ing w er . I - ! . . e h Vey' Te 914 InC )M car - X inquir tly, one ha4'� a prtyer air6 thes RESS GOODS� ?-those mar Mious and.'. r k ;,the J.. the y*?. ­%vak passed 'aro-und 11 1. 1 p able ­bf h ski 'a'IldIngenutty pr U, ts�.�. uniani Where ar tho� &Owd, found an- affirmati7e i n E,)izc9pali 'The, partnershipibefl6eri -Willibm 014 L iek i-itpains- y-hddit t6refuse your requestl can, Pollise, A an prav- 41 -C 'uct t 6, lAit,. 1,vinoloupd. the by -m 'd ask- me-Jklibw I. wou d -mot-, V - , - u. -S-- Kennah Cameron as, CArria-ge eri -m- 81 not tell on- er andi. . I . .. r V kiqe*-. 4ow to enn- no h still my res6lation. e *,h&sthis d t.`oen. dos, ed., Wav, illage-of Liacknow brbook.' %e y )lvl %-N d ' h shoU14 311 comelpersonally an utual cbnsint� ell- plae -a c-)uld bamoliarm in 6- be able. All not�s and book accounbi re�hamipg , :) I � Sist or. refuse"You and lght.,�� 9 -might -of. ece � r, . w 'be ye adi63 i-- -in Other hands for'colledULM,. h 'here th -to -be found4 hsking-all, l* -They.'did so'-aild 'd on the first day 1) m- le V1 � I I 'a.* wacv;s -6ven Sh SO o * 1 . vv e"very or Uy Ul �khe ft-ena viin more impressive P A -F a &t fi td- retini'e: I will address the than b4or dishiiien,, _8ectchwen,. *j��IAII i LLERi t iiendem: ela., i- -7 The sub��ber thankful for- to; ilie.' 0 M HA Y. HN-- H Ljjcknowj7tn.Augus% ]KENIMTH.ClUERON, J' ris hinelt, Plus, 'III(! mbn.. froul- t 1879 eviery nati ontineat j 41roes, Cbi naorio% C*31. -,-Lneknov -Catlioli ala mhiZjr;.hojr'e' lat Arni of Cameroll b�, y All� Protestaa Dis *eve T: sellier'83, Of r (Nistomers glid the piablic that !'he farnis their" carry or to setibeir -witli: intends to a. opinion, the bilisin ii in ;&�its e ds b ches with theadditiorr. 6�.-Horie4e- �a s,� uelt'rairareirtly and GET 0 a Which will beattended, to -by that *Ul' WHE E 00. U. in a arrice 4ed. d"L Aker has- been a PLA Rmi t 6 -t dass anjc, I Orman, el I rl-sile'n6a. to. the ra mech M 9 Ild known and fix. Aanguag,,,, burial s of . thje M;XE.illsii,.wbLo,a1Wiys give sititlaction; 'to the old shop. foUt. A�C Church, olax� A firstelass, Carrfage M NINd 4 ha�h, -pagme(I Al- io bnsiiiless bwf riF Rtt bFdob ni�htilr s wise 1)rovidaree, -to WO G i Careful -and constant attent' with th, ima otb. �ijod w4k- E. ta a out iE�%xiorld: the spul of, ou'r k nianship will he trusts meeta CA tpqgs� to inform, We 141'40bitwits of"Lucknow �nd tb d6cease.1 :1 ",im-therelora commit an increase of patrona. Ws body kround, earth to earth, Ing -cour ur -e its Ltry, that he Out a new j �wolry sto nnext. &c ­.now in stock., will-be'sold &Ai for';casl` -&i s, opened mery -lie is ey orp (f do6r- to �Mr. so ille's - offic, Wh 'pr6pared at all- or'up.proved short dated notes. - sit (lust MCK-XOW, tioe, --ter Ab.4 I. T11 es t6meet the C l4n:(1,Reetb6m.,. I me. blic in tb I line of bu�ess, IPM .1 them to repe Lt -with al . it yer ti of the pu .G. .1 t, ene. It AN Y Irv -a -Peeialityj anct tho. soj all- W110, cotIl(!1.. g 1T., S T -1 og of 'wat s; clocks and jewel s 7;� was. baill n the ad tj R0pairi am -t ressive in 'ill i1ch I had J r and, the undersigned -are prepored to fttrdl:ordtirs� , in- the Tiest pissi ble niiiv­ all iv6rk-4'arranted. -A call eolicited. wY at.cannot be boat el I tch,ihg Maple 14 o)rin*o. -A well se-asone "sto( 61 ttl!1111' s,-Sash,.J)oors an! Einds aiwiys, 0 yy Cnstox 1 F1 cialliv -on AU Is in good re Ver bee' -ire since beem a partict- ton-, renioily'overve 01ed lip. , d ng at X A A^ arti I Saw. 7 J. call WALL-Abl, ner. 13" bt" S..&;-, hn-o KXUR-7tr HOP' -and;; es S loft Gur dead. ii.ala. to hiS band S,biaaicht�s. Stiir Buildingwa 4&ciality� A�y b'k etw., on- the, lonely hillsile.' t. ep 'PON' ROBe T- a a ao- 0-HRISTIE.-,&:. LuoAd J -4n -j-Kil-I a Teiwww I F09; -ALU ow, GOOD XtA7 oV 28 e,5th Z., C-3 "Em - o A 1; belittle JA-MES"­-00R1D0N.­ 0 verY Haviugiemov -01 NOT A East f GanAda;Mar .1877-vxd. Tanue -1 ry nw. R iusir�a w- e,m6r'­,.gAve the Congo I 0&­.Mtk...0 -1 t)r6fessioual man who: der- modi6aq 'Butcher LE DIdl ho to, gn7l u6de - irat )v TnA KER IN, D EWE MIJUte&: t lass r t5t..pe., �A rT -shoill(I liaxe on': 0111 t p y J".LT 7 -8'Q 0 celt-' 11b TH ILURE rent" deimand thke(,- times; X uildinz -F b d be e sor zwfti ed'to -his- ne"tr and c6m-' H VIA Sh Tatentedin: -3. Go Pbru'ad" e Vnivd, an%r k rest to- among you Ar 1878;-- ,atenite- th S t . . . - .. I . , . H eii 1. , a J` 9sortmeRt. are lly -no joea in ­.� . . �' ..:-. . I.. ­ .1 ... �a . I 9th --, NO Goob i fbr your, -t� and 0-traffUm. 879 ed -41 rb�h I f I&VTHE eilen- at tlia sanie Drice or. andfa rs 0 A R 7orkin lagailis SUITS 'MADE -JK - lu T CAMPBE rip K J JLL 0- & 8 V H HVIlly "pive.azlioro'n -finiA 6 1 V yourpic Dy st vo r" now prepaxedf& d6in b TEW..Go 0i I ARRIVING DAILY. g upi 7 C ;':iTYL 1D­ tc *fwie t sub -egiil6i� stipp �y bea P Re in(au' to:-' everybq!ly ness. Ona larger se-ale,ffiawev-0. - ., , � . .. .� I - .1 . .. .. . I tom the ark6ts god au ith it:;.:r scribe Ife wil I k"e ep, I E te or ad tisain- it, 140. Ahat petsons of 1resh inbat of --all ;' - - . . inds, af. 6nii Mill uning .. �:- . , - ELEG T-CLOOKS, Qt bi�ed- Fii AN istam 11 e v'ill n know t1lat reasom- .tble.-pTie�eg. - "Ji. -gralk "d Seed .8 to' -,.b iess is eing a il- yo 1, ur Sqijiet n4M V �r don -and! Gri turn.", othey may T SO MY- till WKW we. most reijjedtQ1Y call.:tbe atzentioni of be iiiduca& ta come To 13EST MEA The ii.4 to y0u,.or'buy- -the f,rmm&,,oi1jIX1uj#ty to these f#A ts'. seto. atuoi son e;hijig nri tal purpos� Mill, hap -es Of a P CL no equal, is it , t S ECTA gene aud that wotild you �i4 donble the shak kinds of g. other I ii:will� chaff all- Faon'sig� *ill clean oats 4barleyfa'. e of I ri als. IVE tlt T In Separ�x nf ..an r. Spring, MEAT -.q DEL ti- d G % n, . rugnW. 0 8-3 the Hudson B- 9, Z I ;lheaning seaddit! does jt p ­PANNOYG.. sj-� will raise the grade from l( i .,'and in V thia-momn fol-600pds. Fitting -are. f ad- of - all -Gv A= PA -AT 07: T. -X0-E` :19:T e I on, $ . d wi -"L R TE .4 C i, 0 'tMES.-- -Wheat from" as, ;jinplrties, I -is- r eCt,. alld -jdM4'b-t6,%Vart, of this PRICES KARI)t ree 11V IVIT YAL'T K��E -.R 2ron fi,,,evai 4. journa Pe -fdr the' BoWga� rictic �tll u )thers, it bas. , - - . I : . S - . 7 � - .1: . VA M e. A I f ican h e ;q d u fe%fitliyt -Zxv i e 1, ZAGE" -09THE S.ffOleTES! -1� 11 soUcit Im' -Of i.`Mw Thpukifig z 4 to v andstil i P regions, - 'NOT L pn, which, ia to sail from Ne1w Rods pe fi t and, cau f LK b ]�Fj(ip�Age a Yo*' 04 thelst of Junailext to,:�es ab- lish' the Arctic Th e rcet� jid nowi. ffivatlon� I'licl-for fattel 500 J oe very*b*A wire clothil used. -,T4 L-ieves nX ro F. -in thr,6-e t- ighteni Al 1tv e- .1! , 1. t. - .. - I - 0* f6*Ih t4 �abd AHOW Pe6mi�6 ie� to -ba shipped east- in. th T ---VV B U. T 0 E R. tHE opmuz, - Aft - Stewilirt. as idso coraTt -W04-ot 5LBS IR CLA pi ar8 foinished.v4tli In 0 o proe-ure, clothing for tli� the of oni4s 6ommofily lei partV ; a , b, si 's received. in , *a Ke t b -11 accepV- Lucinow-August 22 rAt frp atz ff WEAT h his ow servica-g. would IL CZT.-: For MIS e4 the, expedit . Aould, ftey - bi MAU. ion 60 -7-q laws W come to'termi§ as to the monrit-, 494 IMP wmp ti TEA� FOR' Of ensa on. S -fie Ife of 'the I land t Ah6e 6iiji&s i )ei It briptrt YStee &:, There is not- a 0 Is worl NITIMER WILL OUT. in -Mill; of shoddy materik th 4 p of this ip- x em e ed -Englis ile "BA -1111- tir. Rrl- s GREINWELL'S Coosolid wam -B.arn i- ,B. -,Xot--,: i, T w. 'Afew-years, 890 Axizust, Flower!' 4�c lti�ves DIE -3UPP'.0RT to thle4auts &T Vr A .'R' the BiLo A a H '0 0 DIS vsImpfia. and 'Liver-- Lk -m A improvemen foV. 187.. -,offbuttons. io-Mpl.is"Jistin' h g t. we int ffid R1614 Astl XAX"A.0Tii,XD NT -it mer"i'ta "ONNE Lt" T LL ts to foist.on the Pnblk, RE E nowin lio -X ON POSITIViLY prolKent all istfau on 'wa4diew.vi)reclto�eacermtaiii.4zare' for D Olt J. %R F buttons when sittimor -Atoop -articlei4ebalve, and rionds. how easi quickly i h ' had H., T X Kn-D� - to their s A standard. Warranted not to slip I" . . yspe�tipnrnadek' 1-y zRa s� TO :H been eiliect 4y its use. The gte it so.- Thosc. who have tho*Mljl1 -in us ONT% ing RAMAGE. & CAMPSIL QR a 'dj r. that they. ate thits Isu a juxullig q. v of GREizils: AuGust FLOWER 0 CoUlit -far ahead of ank milil"' Inth i sectiqn.i.. C one 1"4" 'a i1111V J e genuine sure a a. .,E u' E Zt , 1- 'KE atir ther, utitil Without ad- 'in the'niatkot; he RR & 0; an.dasthere will-&anyam6unt of, mitations, &,.CITAMPI OX, -xvith. i K I Xt,g foatents ltie� de ever U. A dtttrau!�htha U 9R.TA 1K ti,3IflP-,f ite Salo bea'affie ?he -of tbe� mill - DL -Y. branded on. the diulin: it in tbe- n ce* its in evei tow" OF Cana-las kin-ds,f,'3oo;iratoirs,Riddlts, d Screons Fick COFFLYS jy 'of theusuaijines, iticistly xl�w- -uncl 1whionable.- 0 Vill t--iLv1pj beeh. I t8toinach.. 'Sa' pe A su%lin fron, 80 stock --The'adveit, ur Si* Ileddachia, Giostivene�s, f 'jilliftatior-.1 peTniciient riod Unitea Stat3g are sell-ut it.* No, 'M ba�d.: Old.-Millizep red. e. We it an i -of this 41epartinput hich -zta Of a 61V Short Notie aured of -that dred0dina6, consumption, Iny A mostly doijsumed in -09 11te, fir -d , IS)RUXIOU4 to -make ktioWA -to Ou.short Notic 0 L h M Up, L Short Not�e I : c('701i X $and an, solie, nspection NEXT TO-� ! -1 -F coust lyol J-0. CONSUMPT V -S OF -eart, indig -t pill 8: An. TOAD - etc�. can take three- dr r61 ih'� ds.,aftt Funera jorv',Ten'9,'4eri t he i n�sn s 0 f C U re -elx Out ts. who.Aesir h( ta"your D, A i0n� - - - - R of th ff gestion, 1 jef , Afkttopg's --falsior ashef.:P a it. he Will delif ACOpV Of E MENI T 's" litbo t C,6, ragg'st aad- 'bottle, INGD FM purel, so scTipuil ions or preparingi�n. 'this cel6bra�'od bi ineinthis- as mgm THA - T---: we to. will a Cu In AM d ii1s* thesam, 6a.1jaining countie we raw. -sure Jr- 'c :0 theL I ' .. - I- � . . -- BMW I td ti 8, y 't: ` - I . oi- him; Tweedia:�d thef.goods.iqc' -3nishe -and 10 cent& in t to �m eas sli -.used, frite . e,w c get xaseif -the rijb i, ot cliarge) with the direc:- av g.- UA-rch'rm --pMurs-- xvill be fp. urnem VT qir 81 f4- 15 cents, and tiy it, Sairipie bat : ­ tles d f M sell i Tor Comqum�Tfo-I, s afeif to Surt �Q ist Lo* C A 1d,tO d h P T1, -- I � f. , e.1keatf �e I rallowMir TINeft �AsTHXA4 ftoN. S9 ?&We i9twitly repl. d, 11 e$ V91 e address, atteution. -G Wd Fits tTl 14 mach.ine t e eV";t�, nn St. Ord Will 11b -JL W a WiMaillit- - on pn!. 6t m6aa with the SCri tion 4 ers, i - Ne - F&. War BORN,' G- X L'O -f -nd. Rest, Itelftered to all rart'lls -. c.,B19- peova f: t% 06t c�, a Als b T- __Irt tbis villa' ay) gre-, on, Sund- aftv AM' ffffgo. f )MVI&Y 4 FILIM TWE 'a- 3 )r,,,,e -LUNERY'AN JazAre. 24th uAL ther wifa Hag lodAted- -in I , fin H BOOTS A pin I evbo. tip pral. 6-1 azier dqugliter� -afall- thnes-1 djj le,it requirewho so trc m us W G1 where 10 d. T e2ites.'tbe hig of excellenco, yet "IeK -S 4" Spring ital Summer G,-Ddi - plroduced7 is s2 oi�.l ampfits, is vftrf ant-, a tiSfac r 'W50... At vu�g p;jces.. S& -01 41, 01 1 -f all Av-ser Dd -IN W. just E Iff what'its--name in IT'.1, ORT fha�jj aQ,-T!feP1 -tp, havin-, 11cceivic, a t4jo- "b -0 11 .. I . -- L - p� �6L�:AT ore LX -Ors he -A in pofift, h d to,. JI ita;e-t gt lt�- -is - This b h p _Male (113 . NIL, rauch s in are -KILT-4 d W 01,10, a of wl .4� S - I ch Ito giVeelltie sa TR-ENV9-iu (),6-od- olld ot n -Send- fbi 'Armlars T or '. 4 a L Style, if -y on - pi be W I N G MANT XRM AN A� , , k, . - 1. Wn OL SALE & RETAIL. C Tk�nkiq thii fitiblic for:-si ors,'we s6 PE A Da e* rmea. wip, as te-1 hlio- I)A'ESS�-'MAAMNG. Ih irji4:jQr vt spa 0 .�iin4will--be " MTV - th is I i I I , " . . , - r 6tranage lskwe�.WT 'Well 'Too- rigged up i i-Ahe ruest,S licit's oontilluance 0 t Ps &shion he a heretofore, en, always ai0i-06'15k a our CUB nued- as beretofo T.; 0;�5- `90� gu rantops: ip a�- qqw.!un -JL, de r fy� all VASIL CUSTOM. Luc)tno* _M ;io xyr one. Qn e. t:50 fiact fit Bps=- -A TIM.' 0.35 &M At -P w ast& sh ri es a TOR He is beenwellkn­ �:MT 0 W4 IV, Nat Am"', 10-IMIX E' h lt, 4� I dea ibj.�' at kbep ifiliAlitants of LUCI�U�W '0.65 t D-imptilion--for -the r aim. .10 WoRtirs: -9 L an i fiM D., wey! 4s#ve -syral L 11140w *0.�o 1- Qujltr� Per -e - I . ic-yz�W.04412­ ". -X - V Ai- aud hopes y.S ric 140 rears... b A -t, d 'FrV wiler - ag � �jjjug pors;diimllycir 0-50 0.50 C remedy usedTM.RTY- Surro 31 tatoes aiefu! ia�niion to�:.his busi- i3ractice a n ire t -A sufficie 1 .06 Of ffie'- t�st- bri6idk for ate� .76 1- - . . I- : - , 1 � �.� -- �', - The i per aph. 4P & Of all Adstand -8.()o nesg. -,o mee iilb W t 6.66 t Me"Au, ot ek -purposa!t al�vpya on hand. pwa bf :,the. �ic 1. : . . .1 51 t j` or (1-00 0.23 -9, *al �es 4.7.5 5.00 ' -L� f - ;f . j"Or TyereWL,- su Pt Chargfo �f blood �41jlakefzj Ppor- 8�1:tclal rg fw. &ala%q - b4yhig in' 'Large. i- - L " - I alid, s1I diseases of thb'*fr 4M.S.L.T., 0.109" o -uftd by r infori u X.- CA141 a W, Blitter... 0* dkeys A-rlh, Wk' 410 O.OF IZOW zo�. -,*, .: T.-- 'L: I ��- - " -` , .. D J Ann Sti..mm T G=r I*b. Wk. W, �'6105 O.'M j 0.015 diblve )..' oz: - P Z.. S fill 4 7 jt� A - Re io _v N. - %E' 4�k jr yi