Lucknow Sentinel, 1878-11-15, Page 27
_a out,
,W when
?W11 481.1f in*xe-pirs -
_1K_1 t -the
I Q 11'
J4 h Over IMAM
ore i bpd -a jt ojw, t
the t,4nI
FFI-,: 9w
0. A)
trr Pra t,0449 tko
idi` 00a
I- with I th to _h" & I c --r'
Maw Zia
wellt -of a do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V is,
88i and li f f",
a A
Wath lIc
wj ---all 0 w1doll,
7 91 bzI <C
-ou t
ya& -_h4d -with, - h h -A,nothei'
CuTre4kagai t If
Be not, the- ,I
f lonsi led
-6 ot 11 a
-simple Will- b 0 AGIVeA be tone wa' A Ne G
edfitiful, - ribu h 11,2
-4 h Not" ' .1 1 A
. . . . . . . Im-_- t If 34,1 _ , -1 1
41' 404uga 0160 . cidu .yAt
oppr t
e p -Woddsi
was_out, e
pres Uvadlon GrOy. '!Jt Ylr AIr
eve Woefir Vil' b
U ave be - - - -11 __ --- _ - cl - - li " -
e iuch, Mr A I h 000 jII 4i ca d 6'
45hlon fit- very". In _1111 in atia
I certain-.
s0_1 TE" --1bCtiQW --is rited
A4 e d ilf,
-bei 18 qua.
U -co er rid e. and tl
1009' fit 1644jeet
mo,od; many Persons t e WoOd re F eel
It- d"
'and ie
3 10 tit*' er9:V 9 the
1310- 4 '
-diftiefi do- pgrfoctly. wor of-Instit ut e. ddyj
1 ` I-- ` ounds. MadjbIn
'APO"I from- th e. -force--- cv.
tat- 1he
11114 mare d'. IQ 'c -ad wh- - - 6 _gaJb_*,'A1 __ * ae Taor,e t '_bui th e e -Ape jal' it se' -O a I y One Acardl-
r hlze into Ozf 'b truth e ol that4ifeI, a_0
lofts --- - W , 'OWBOI of thefo*ji r that-tb an d
ram their, !,oil7 314
#880 - I L. 11 1 -prfs6fi .1
i t- I oronto -per -8 lid UP pparl
be 14
to 'Ao..Ueubt_tbat. Was
Such are t th Ivgsof lovec'uvid e
yi; OWHc 0944 W644he" k
b ritle,
P Ir ifessi
r so Oms and- -a )tpoI b
n -nar
0 spore, in
'd ure andgood,,fo t*
-H WIT 14
C WDoitifv
aeq lishpa 0 th inofe -sent _Y _'WO me ery
e -,i ay, 15th
In .,Wit
of_. Stan. says
e no 10, bil- Alas
t Szp - Od
Ill' a A
"a 0411111011 le T D A Of t -01 t U d-_ ge; successfultv -0
_oTe, liag "'HE large*o'- J)ottle lard ware Ocke 0 In& A -nucleu i was ifaintancea: o 4 -T_ t- "Ausleafid-_1 , wort) ariOst "0'
c ati
nterea exist
in To
oous Ina g e _,Oxthn t f, about- I isproposed 138 Ob- to store le y
0, 16 ;e1y"$60 Aagemen S are in,po d,
13P rk-
08 and, 40 dard"w bl 1 .0uli -1 eat lAr t
the t. he tekitres,, di A
i"7 Aon 841116 nig, t tigi
-Th S AvAlUA .6 , Pro 881011S, are _q
kelf d
W, b -gross for tbe;9p*en' or b-
in e Om ths
oOtt' re- lshion- . flo ifi"the - , ors deorge'Chukch oof copees4oa-
urn 0 s:t SDeA
fa T b-' f upoll a' rry Ir9aui.,_
Ito I 'Th T
a 14 ",
Yge slons e b n e: Ap Au st p ople
C -0b At
P , ;a our- fee-
eir Hen s
ry'n -k
-of. this plaee, hag inIn
OW -an --conifortrablbJannou ced-
HUL for o "Tile - -w Von tb t er culars,
pstr64 III _h -in b
mostin its, V 17 ed'-
1,ea and f
)age ornp e' reditville up al
e -sold d "' - "
-Th mine: e d
8 o. f qi4i6n:
va 't and -ti f
that --thb . a , ajy ha a. uilt a oii"
ere, illed-- - § * - - -ho iiioight of Gloib6s weill, --i6r t464416f 1,pf ol n carried by. There is no ellid, ae by- do -last'Fiiday n to _Pe
0- goLd-'s - P46 the r Lt
Saw d
-ery. other of Mob k PrOgra
here t ' b
er fie
III 1 # 1 Ofa ei dead: are Manitoba
80 locAt
cent or a c6upl' Aid-- -lob
46A T
a 1Y 0 t to,_ U e repo t o
parts Owit AV fig 90216for
MT bl Iva$ con] to
agriell Cap cc 1 00 11101 1 US- ves I-: prepare h b
av,Dg-at this 6
A'' si or, 6 'e
ig- b ` 20ft. ceilind
-be -to, aii oziths.-' 61ntbnd6d-.jelli -The - -Apli e. fi -the diff4efit z,
POd - Person ietfi&, e gi v 32_
W061 to t4k_
UXLe i. reward.' of-tw 93' 'Ve e;Af -in If tnat- e1o6k- east1of-G r _s - - - - , - .1 here h haS1! Ifillod- -the con
f - , - if A _d
d 'vvith' ve ctw te
bee are 'jot b fi If
e Is' x 4&
by -9'ba'k abil
-6 Unibeir-" e of the - soil-
7.prop is o ed t is co m -&_ t bl -a
1 0 Aai f Of (ju has- -erl who'
s, as, in 0 111'.the sermon -in clea Ing th bule'
Iti( r paper--dated,._1-1 th t)ctu. ;,taken' a
Liner, t
bor u timp.: ow.1 8 tiliqefully- 4t_t
1efg- of m. ieat,,,, WgIg .4
b' e 6j)oninopf Pro solia pe*6 for,,910
OIL Did 'not, bo, A ns6fonj
ide r tit,
es upply
IV F -caqes; o "'solvency. ba "d
0 anctirit' r
-Tennanti e- -?on..6f 'Mr. e-CoLlilt 0 _6
ends -relilovipgltbO eralle length witil, 'Erroiq in
propr y. the ifiemberi the
ofthe. to es 10 1 ere S
tb is' suffa , t* IVED, a*,*fji,
I in t e
of!J)v Will- _b6, uwarrPlIted re,
ptobably if- tb Nt . H
T eneral gen u 0 spot), are o ames ate I.:c bark sice eled-
'f UlEe tio I
dbu dist, ive it it tri -a. nig t- In -bile, -eulogies
.1 tie,
thle179th-con '-Hul- ay, labor
'vi lages, ef'- m'pA'-
ifioc ty
W eir ecreu,
a n- :, r and abotif tae "with a- 4- tion, which'- 8
em a qu ind- eme. ips; a go mAde 156me v
pxeacher' t for: D he gnty., _1qenno ght, 0 :dl "Vi0ita:60hil 9,
d b'
1't N.Kk, . and the ;ivould- ell Ouse --such n 0 a k W- 'A. Ji8graeefull oh
e.on - 0 n'
e In f h Iand- 8 li
_11k At' %I'& aj, 14,141V " th' glvihg, all, Itne-1 uhr
U, )ret, !L took- aiDpbAU"-.%trTt on I e, power ,wi
0 tell ti-riplea, t I IOUs whilo cuttin
4f -truths. C pe .1 . - - . 9
san- 06 6UI what- bea
to af s; b -selilsh- lf rd -lies -fte , aTh ' A p- 'Ibe h laying ye. Thr-tiiqQd, ioulised -sq- ool je
u en atop
wol -Put
a- r a se veS, -f ' 01114
- - I - 1 e peoplI ITS, w
I] tz in- I se Wh r) QWbrsi ; p
lfindU lgell .4 thetiI assing do wn- -the i &C I.Of ti-, his fi'll
wert rl ha 0
part, in the affair v th hich
did his b' _T
n, ]lilt' e ul' d'
0 consider
fe- b an
Y, lik 1%, os re ;ar ink. teve ef at
-$0 I'd e us t6 we'll t
e o tirt - . bliplian __
prcae4 -k kika- 1,be "mak n41! IS t le- [D rflt a ves;-, edi 4 e hard tinfes. Poo 'ev r:th
n e
U verybiord e Mudmani, etely:
a very hi hu b b. cut- hy,cases ofiliriolvefici-I iry Th tis- as mar
I'd xio do, T Tho -,,.N, Py, hy Aev. 'XT, ex
rolig add
-sra allj os,, anh' ce eist
irk -
e U orgif e 8- -or i
ernian th e VUCLIrr -in this one coutity a
8 s9liI bad fig -latollectual - 16
r rule Ara.
0 -h -a In J the.-f4et; th-At1he catic spe k f t 5--dene, now iij this- med Try Y1 eOSIS:
Colotiiyi ee
Othez- e Lt. p -fly b.j re e bU M'" ve' Dri
is: cop Olin Arita tro'ng, !L_
are, Evo 8 0 a -
aracterof the dead. at s 'b -1711 e eut t6 a
ISO t ca _nxi, mphthOof Refol is, ot' . laugh
t, _1181V is the,.pr ch6r-ii-n (i6dy is,, ry 'S 10010A 0 ot:, -h -a4Wfiful
ot--.tb Otis] wh
-will er- tiale ago was; 6cideljt da. T
th-a ne,,krvie!.V_ &1- the t! O_ raWait'
ro"Illses to-sei in ead d oa of A
heears T at I an I4hat -as b
-late b' red d ep nts r h
-lia t Say 'or' exide A d
t 116 arg lilotoriousliir fl ean-- et' -with. If
Gg e, n41C 'gi 'f QDIYIS Ing of- b
.41ju _KSGIVING ion am s to - support -
a , es:
oVUH ex.
liMeg, out d
ail ft 8 act-.
h overn thent. has' ap f gl begun 'a
0. cdre' G 'DAY , r le were rat&r J -c Mi -d TRA b
regul r1j t
Point6d.1- ree , V
-fie _eO d why -
bit Wh bO-ed
fbo talked e. saw,
C, 1pthi h d
Muc and W
0 tr I'Vil cow e
efore 'the,
90 Stroriglyt about pr6t ctf _01'te man jbat; tar `dIe4;sedby- t6at' t _h' Ong
gqvern -theini nape Was,
-110: cobsider-.
icy-. Did -like- toskeL Wj "
:wo- f 1is'detective'e that'
-roni-thei '_aeco,rdfbg1y'-___R I bI lee I
veo aQm P_ we've nt -dodge it Idtend arp sio- si -Wea *,
tell th ligg,througliout t --last
Would h -to thezpo gkv-e 9eaQ th" f,1DOPemberZ,a a Day' Pape is *111ch u
or, ls not Of Thdt16 IfO bad drinkin :M06t of -week: e
he Do
bit" i4 .4- obatri ---T e wasI
-citite goink I! e I At
pro. but4be didI. es Musa teare- -Nvjse.,] ve,ry, fai,.or- el 0 ]d
Ott bas
-Will' of a ro a Wall - dose first- ' - - I I
Nvif- , I . . H - -, ,
h_8mVPtft1loI1^cDb-t ein ich- h ni.eantinio.,. w ich eeined III a View", Or, 1- 01 com-?
, the ot- -.that e.Aeat_of-,,r1dkx rolit-Beyea
8 -k,:-but it.11pt bein --in '.ordvr that tj q
M' it avIng-a ria osee t t- ca cieni hi
-for f
e -111,VUU- - P1
t If h4l' voloot 61, tl
rzt:h goo
ornIh,6j,-and: di benefits the the,,
ell ti-to--th-d' subf a I 'Of --Soap t PU rpose, a
-lq - THE
t te -' Ards -the, c6l I
rr s ag ever-. Offered Lu k- 6 .10 e tent of thd f6r, 40 one- dilzell ei dose next is' na D. M Nicholson's c 43 11
One.- IT for-e-th-_
P Pcy,
I It e. prote h
i file-- envelop 0
o or almi.
b i.4
e -i
it tit? 1,"Pp!
it; 11113
is por go. lje e- I ey
oz w a
V les - -,-- _. - r. Geiger se n
bI )a - - .- P a
N -0 ar ia *rd
_DA fp beca
_h -ore. a4 o -,Yjtfelf I I _ c.,- At Ten so Rect to- d oa d h Cili di
I na a et iitua't y
At TTEa 131ES di for
d- reereatiiS of -our t0s r* b f1f
the, _2 6 I iti' ien I ilot to
H been 'd _h togeth ondo ba' ie if- ual.tinle, h,41ilingjb lift af Wan,born -em- piige ofsd U
4 of Ob h fat -t lie q - istf&s
a at the
f, 'ed
1, foiln, hi h
-EU -C - U Of, add - s movin. to -the Ufilfi -bu
acti er.
g -a anese kundq , hat I eyd the Bayflird, bu 'I Ave I r
Bile I tia s'
I e ce, ar - IIIpart ]a d !SIX x
cott .is to ection Pres t e- DCCI--,j - '- , h
Or,- p Vl
a y evp uut Cori
ar co, 9
f th, sl'Ofilil'by. _i -Cj -,I-, -
cone UM at prese l ita,, t -M tenta "ge u _ PII r
fa it ry t(i - 04
e4itoria 6 coA r. .-Mckeazie -
14U wer. file tile -attenfist
more. t:
st4! [I-_& a- bee nad,,v till
ly trou 060
PAZ I .,I?&
b a tp of Tlja6ks c ap- ft fo revisin" k tie
-quit, hinisell'.
.9- Pe alleviatod
-21st 0(ft A nVe
i1ar- soci .0
thus, Ill. t act th that
Ing _1
Of e i
b e aer 1er th tOwn for
s li lj. it ti r nir - . - A3itize:ns
'ie a sr
y 3--bp&ned a- iaxjp ndi -year, trade at'
-Wers added. - Any--&ber du
''d -
and is brisk ent pla6l -if, 0
pubil ]a iWb e Dibl'
-ep- Peale
ettift tu bF, al! k .'a 21A .1 It fIII of 411
e We F. StOt.-k of b604 and. shu -8ali U61
aTgo-t riservati
Ill t Of the
ri bb
va f "a
Wil" Vpiiai
t!e tber Jyth A fda f . 0 -nig. tiji Ur 0 rrivi
Ire, thojis h insit'.. :
0 hh
r 4e 1) -5 a t mcerni - - i gi. I a
the youngp W'i Wil iam*:
he-' b
0, .0-0 ('k Ah t
per, I If 0017, of -D' lbofii4i 13%16 AVO ld be
11 0 - RU th a I..;, one (d. cf -IOU e -Ultoblii jib
AL.Do beets -for
ar"9nce and bret'a- pair- during,- t, t witir tb0a if! -tile
ti .11eportA aer
MM er allf leue
-,if d ched e- Small th'A pla co e
an U41brur 290 ioui I
b ocaillp
ce I -It V4*
d lsvi ei,J bra IV Or PiPO, --, idh-::wa not- -, iru dL,
W Week o7 -L r1n. of) s 01 - arra
ng-,bQoll d - - Up by -_fh a ed T.1 -'UR at th&
V 0! - G001IR uat s _l;A-ji I 11"ifli, and'-_Ilf baI
6r tt F Prenth al hieetill 3ftbe ney !I ).ei'- or Loan 411
i I I , rd . 11vare
f y A
-in wal.. ive him a -call--- h c les -long" ------ . er
le- lalp InJellt Is--aboi9
f nietbo -61- Industrial Ii ayT their tinas nl At G
lufac;Ure--9 - alid c - 9 . a ri ye., irr-, cat! ima. o n Ora
e "at T fit
a Pipe, o r b -th
r fbi il'
0 Kii Vwf 0 s IfIca, if e *Owed np6, -her,
ri _w P I,, h t: .,.J*or eit er. T1 V-1
minu h r
ageirl or an h' t 0
fly, h" , _ il f I
.,Out a 11
fll Awet 4t ei twhiW
of J e
ha§, IneeItine arra e was -.hel no 'Oil n
3ent ona tuo, ar i
$272 Of et-, Ulte sharp' or neant
-men wh y. -a esSav, aA "in ail tain :_-8d -I ies of- Enkland rd rnoio- d sa ar tolthis- . r' Mi J-11111 tho jiqj
Wand -in 'thd T l -sch6ol Dic, 3, V_
atli a
At d;& a c jet is c6n- -pap_ rs Th `
feet e, -b t ell 0 otj
N, I ity Of c u 11 j,: ) I 't . !__ - - -1 athl
ve Arbi. ton. nizrr
cl t _a
us§ the a( vis b*
ea -Par elJ; the'pipe: f6rai_! prii
yziad th t anic!A6 vc
i's t,
)ended t'h
0 api&- Iva t b M8.fa y a sin sit
tishiess of, ariv:
g I mp.nrtafic& being -rq t all- 0 to the4fC; ij4
tbrv )p ti:.- til :he. affit pre 'JUP e
Dig -
Ti trdtj' 8 on 8, t o NJ e., lsi Wrought Ila d 31 Upf Ioi aj - f
nt"Of Halifa 6- infall.- .line( h6od, TI 17 . Ili.- -ttom part___ of th
foif) 119
6h actor Y. all
K , . Y (.)a
bo Mr. -W in i i.: -ith il :b,. 3, vroil,known to: a6qllai Napleson,
Wilt re"i * -1 - -.1 Ir P; :.h 07 le attefidanceL,., as -
-1 -e- at.
"61 D6 a P -(I - . il : re e 0 Atrlvg -h
-d a C
ve: canvass
in township. er rieq dble
a wa th lie e
bIltz I't - , I qf c Ail;
ahl' rate g parn g sa ot d- -resol Qi -Of,sthe jib Ad bli. ve T
tfi -!`Ouse for Cour _B1 lfu j
AV And, ascertain W POU114
lk atillilibr ord $4,lo( carve d
:)ra C is be
ped f:oljr
Jos e -weeks h19--sclentists 0 an ifC
to SU
t d :01)
41 `aK ltaseotiolles 1:_ 1 _ r rib
el -0 tow. 0- -tiqu
9;a. -tha, Ore,
both' Pe institu loni ?!,Y- Vail- ari
A13p s,
r-- zrants t, an
at NOTUER A, or Q e v. --d Q111 call not.tell tojyia _4ns, wej portazj& of t Of lob -40) 21hd aa,biez
came; o11411S-* e- 'arm- I'UP bef -.1 , e PER f ft this d 41
6r 96 B6 - __ _. n t ba).111 thetow& ifol
`f`I - V'lr to, the, 8 op ILJI an,
ICU. W on t
b uebec; 06 i- regir I t 4 orek P uj A I'
R, ell
the- D'o- Hirl
lAd--- d
tefi re -
or 4 H iije no well
th Coal 0 t ere OoTTaSCL1rt2I1jU( t. G_ til I)EC, el I mind
U 8tio the- C6-nse Ute ishery - 1;3 ell) Ies bpain -of Vi6rp I r ardon b,'% -he -st k-, liea pro"" - t
lof le ail hie anear- chattel , -1 nt4ii4 A_ cla66 rvative ri tk
t ih
A e4e vo, 111001"le- -lin-
t wo _Ln iiau s Iijii( 11vork esSionfo y
tit -in a new fI-Wit
tig- upagaillet- i1e;
The_713ellbv 116.01 ja
9- drry r. and final 'b'
npter d, tit e
qt bj w
says -Wh
lat-6. n f.o'the.' by
III troiaty. righ tree' -tile, Dill --thdf
; erchi ng- nran c)f
mes 16, Ina es. orni ed;, t b itt or ug ar 0 di _yS in- es k Orw daili" ilo-, 6t ID6iAl Me r.- Ja rid
di op 88H, t tat --the Areciols of tile. B.
hag, h_ V1119, On to wribut fit i tn 3 _'Vll)a and t
bI I Atfif , __ ry _u Usl ed, that:, c; Ati .. . y . . --p ow a bb
erric 4
you 0 erstant t a Ull( -e y -and h
le CIIH' 4'earefully ek6lirin%-.6ho, 16*,of langgair% -t ej
ez phie tectivt Iare-qn the i ea e teliobf t
Ssay is qlng 471)ac to k': -the It Y owned 'ealeiv- Material bef6n Jjfijlg-- the- aull he giz.ispl Otie 1: a, -ft
d - m-d.the f ga a Joinin- -the...B onh e
VjtL -b 10 Whi . ch ropo"(-116 W -publis e e3d g e a -Ian shortly- off.' the, i -i X
senI th t, forin'
in 00.- ariows th, - ie- Sam 6 1- b appears eplitrac a Ss to I anJI t-derstaim s3fiinning,. -;he
e Stag., iI -
Th tlan
re Ion lll Cr
lit. vVe 0 nAl sove rA but', atures. _tLrou ieo alqe saties ofthi.- the to x.tioll IM P k1jects., 3 lvii Wish, Ippef oflot;fii
ture. I ti A fo;,, a f k1s. wil
. lourba an(f ink 0- Present one W P17 haged: the. er d" r ha , IV ave mem
20 "af ie vici
S --lot - is -ilot V, imperf6ctIV or was.
are WeAdiwjiy ase ;d
ddl 9.
aq fin, robuI I -be sold th
enture suc,
thdraiia J;, - Uy iii il t :Hoe - foare d kire 7; AfQiri- lako where, I
My- e' bell al'f. Own- d esall hie]
ptoy f
A Les: --prin 017 Ou
Gr' bad
I - f th
'in t -way-Frepor 6 that a.,co will
Ca 1 0, a
t -ac uall -dangpr A
Ank QUO- gal t
AFFISY- "vJAV94c1W "I eg:at
__ - I -
, , __ ' I S d,- f b" ihd*
L,),i WomiW. I ft'Lakd ' tuu P'lu" Of his rs-..,a _900, i, I - - Ind "u jrt Morra a h*ve bettet fitn'es4ujimer jijMr _fa f
Md. lisiderable, quantity, 9 46 T hslsof
bafir& b 0 a 0 r
er- is irespoim
jib 4D vas ed.inz- T was ca 11 Aran pair I . - - I - " se
-adi')P-(ed,, pra lk . , -anxed is -allitbi NO. -
V to Aro X.' XcDonaldl 4 -60
Men o e 01) - :th d y *Ort, d nle Ode t VOY an g,
t TIIII in-: --of '419
1C, wal material bad -be m -P
led, ur iiat 1-h qr - a x;y a. bd
re t is COPY ht -in. coa resollitijil-.0 a ire iorsf, si
ave`_ 9 re$s
Wag caij
-,on tu ell 69' Enterprise !7- to, se,previous
.-..t- tho er
b P*4-ov Q..
A e, to -the Such rails, I --prac iqa 1, B: Put -in-, 6 hAt -coat, I, ljg E. eA
was sent,fi: r aud
X 41 AV care .expacred to stand -PUPIIi 8 nia -eS d Ived- ze
ttl$t -AVa -h 7,rea of- figure- of d -
t he,
IS fPrq f thb C416d 1191- 4J. Fish-- W`RS rK Ing D
P I I - -
0 th
I) ;'Ofth... we f
th ly
aV& &ard. or" gAn t n. erw 46 Ing lul- YAT1Vc-oye - 8 'c
the It hs 1) at-41ii a0 5per-': may preps io 0
air a re- a tille U "Ne ess, -as Six v6jrS!
n thirJ
KA -can TrIekeft jt lishbd Vari )Jer ai)011ymo a b ll f Some
ous vv.'Jook iW'Oid nigasJU U l
tj -Importing -tq justIl _ac Ion; on -W d to h olien- a
t y CI
e of Ex
rectors an-( -he ]at 3Fme
-culiarly-oflb si hb rh-ood- bf.
u'pe bum
919 ju
so y 'W
tive,, will r Stowskif,
ce -159if
'attim ez
bib fie
trAtford Bedipp
gen 1`93 deek I O -Th__ ( refln h St' tol a- A JOB.' - MorrI4
h-0- "U,BU, line. e
.1 we list 't tou y Insul !nptd - 1 0 _'grotwj Y-. 0 *Aonte IIQP( es. -ellor be o r'etlfe, -haqead,, at it scdlls, IV act sbc aud Arj.;1
fa Dr
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u un
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6 -red j4- tb ma& 6130tarKg 14 - 09 deal for ggy rom-. he- course- -,was u -it Vver ith u
'th MI 8 - and, ',-tile, I rted -meat t4 --Ur W v -rd k, and, J.
U 1w of -
-of lh-etiir 10' rd" a
ech on Which _19cussion, -oii t
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Afro, - -That le_p as -t' Ve een, a -ae bsg t
-C, ape . L f this Foln 1 *eter I Satuydaf PtIVe bridge a
9 family 'eikonot tzidr at -:jaylng 1 x ster U
aa OU tile -while efivi lie 00, seems. L,
U_ toAaAe i6tefi ifiences tb,, 6-
r 0
i h II Y introdueed
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that thiiie y
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are 1. recent Statil -10
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ej,_ -a uding that, h6,. t, -
'6rk- Y -P, erso ongai-it- -PrOindtod*
edtad' 'titif In
Wber WI im -all -118 .-wayft,
Si 'him h ved tbit' th
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ay, w"19 ri.-%thouall' d he
otter 'Colunit Ug- qn.Aheway,- -ad' 1sev -ral- rnefi 84 -Ju 886tt-
hey there
14$g a -horke, e, ssion th 'e
Can -
fir V1I 150ME A
e oc a seatn
wilfdo6btles -V ep.pp, o 48 coun
epj0I W
f-1;0. -L Be 300 acres 96u, 'gut 3t.
1113 a,
91 ep; _, H overjui
------ lr 18 Illefdaye'- hi
'00ndacted by tii W.T - - -to the b- "h
:the-- 'Saff idD
bo- 01
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Inidjuli mer t 6Y
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ke WI&Mly ljldfi -1 viia. oa jlve3 illbefd
ully won
Ut Ila 9- 6L
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b law, hai
so h
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