Lucknow Sentinel, 1878-04-26, Page 4T ftTiJM._ CANADIAI-C r Aran ted nn 4ere lva� o I -On 7�' p1rinte -ills j$at h UW at __T W Q., April,'. 41. Ob `P�Un't 1* 4.,,, th4 E of the W -7, way. �'Ile. �ivas i D* -plae A T. ,of - q e been int6h, r-'ev0f:-a print V A -xcited, R, 6d V X pril: F an 0 - ncr.- -out W g` -a yatink in -me %die WN �.7 b Im V TIE ad -a 'A H .ek, t yu, r jgt� wor el -4n.- a y o -for-: -6 V TY, .111 Win in -tha, jaj�o�., Prm V_ ner-:6ust ust - er$ rua:E re me a et Mig �,he _u eap pfr - -ULth Dee M a 16` w 11 Lt re est 4 R)r -who _S e d d -en- 66 M. [GO ur goods we an(] areL AS- op Ge -lie nil' anil - still b nr �-oo Thai cannot jsg]M,� _0a -, ur waa. e aizitl V1 -a P esw Itu __�nlrax tq- _bw Yrans., �xi atir 0 reakftit lVdaidllI f - _nx�iqai ooked I E tfid & -1:11i LE, BWA -Cl Jr. for. hilIges T46 lity court- qf .- e, ku It if .7blo' Juil ear nwaist Q e. r tat. nevu es gro AND to W are 13 74 -pirij An, tick., 1 e, "Af on d ai r1yafd. - there ............... . -giving t e b , - , I - I - h R CWT -Zak town grid' tage of enim ice I eryard. ces- e D ass, goods at low 13 CANE j;0 A layge quautit.�, 0 f -3a INA -11 , - � �, . I_ I -, � 7- , ri - -at tily TTog, - ore I W T Ifeavy Duu ' L �j - __ - - 1. _1432080ta rd qf w per. I q4'&Y' ` ;. %� . COX o! car -MQ84 ca4ed. Yatt -is P 66 'd Blue an inured, ' hei mur, yo une-3rd---- y ritej a0 ye VAN he h 'fi e P&I I efore -the goo "W 7e Ix I -R )v �T -out --d-b "I I I -:- I 1q46be1-_ fOr it_�ail� _apypark L -AII -ffiy d -C�oujtt k L iii the" 's'4tQMaCh;-'and' sti UP t 0 tilneC- Gooda deliver6d had - oh rin askod �g g ve- ye, b 66& ds de!iye6d. iroth-�r,. a. Rom BE -Purehaser the adyall bilked -ad Fife.Whea WSW it ofSt 7' Y tbi Ourlqurb ebe& ir I)e �les ;% 1 -1 IIthis z e ascending� 6 n) ave 17"years, old' Jadi a ej? nee -at;: The x Y611 -.va llup -a- r nali.- Hard] rf Q e erqS nP7 T the, ste 'otto, R as a -elide top -ne, lookea in, JDAIM a -r Uuyli� a d Abere, but- not 4. Ur fa- the. LD ]]art ok -:wa "Ore, was- a -w1jiff PA Repass _a UN d1i 1� U d, n'011iffs 411 dined ad S 1P.- eNEW� t J, cu. sniffs h. (-I- . . . I : rints an a Eat* 1�r_Qt e. ha goJI&L L Lt ped it -11,n a File 'y ese, Qul:reit- of as - thx6aih - , " -, Pf'th r r %v 'as. -UL. It erel:-A "feed-, The pl4ceL W the ed '0000.00)00001,110 -ei took ji�i �jw P�' ei' lid H- UU000000000 ;Iq eavy. low V TAirtiduk e, _df IN Y' tt na 9`11 ail 05 're in eals; 0 00000 t 'it- he's S favo'ied, know, 'th, Ana, h VA req "rothe -ibo You - it -ant, sL- -ad --1 lit Ian ridersta T W Th Greati6st, w Sao_ -ass 0 6481ii T : -t .9 faililly rernaMod tlre� e1i ;n FA -AUK:e g- ets -rd N a J� o0o L ee tmoderatp rat Ir rought.in novL 'q —k"' u 4e TO $Ilow-kood ig l q A aePa ith-tb NTYBI .-pre U. PrUnella'j3o6* jo eleet.&OWL ........... .0 press. it fied. heP Corr stol u e q's V H t Oxi IQs le 3r. gots 4nd 81h grokt var� nJ.qst as _0 a1zell for' and trzth Could wa'�, I'd like t fy th,§ eq f -the I ier %t6maCh M.dn, ondlesi 0 it ou, vkribty of ar77tt and �comr de A 'Y elital to Fe h,161 7 medyfor-, 00 �0,_ t 6�exb*b* so 0 aff, reliable re .,;'�ad Legs, I 13 try PPQ of enth-b however long at iei- L The Ointment e _q t x* je� Boo L V le and- F' 1P rn sty or Bronchitis b And -beat Utiughs,. colds. Gou reat indubeme ater )WS Um pap sait1l. t -Of- 4i, Rhe all Skioj)was I - U Ii ex e ri t the 'Chas Aro 0' D, I At E-xet R.srock o .9n tjO 10th 61 A '0 Chn on itF F1 to - .. I _. - t B r I I o n III: i`eri ott A Redemptici lit 11H6 reashj�_Co I erf. vann6t- be excelled'foir ih t P r. feed, at through, 9th of T t un -011 pril.: ow, 'that fj 'l, - O_� - ., JL A .1, U -'Tliaei .0 hiL oil, of 05 (ril . a - - i, pti no A Mph D& Ysiciazi retired fromacti ve 161 on cell ell 1W G At -131y t ry- a tha Ch 0101 of Or II CON43UIO -toe lass Ls tOO darned -1 �, 146 rii0ct placed 1clia sist Cr f Tea th ueefie d 0 A� N n- naiy -foj y an Mist I U� sunpie Veg4 A p - table iemecly 6- ugr r-4, raisens pj6 a`( a the -mula 'f 6f iApiil I W jr Ill t ihe its-thia for the;sPeedy j0f,b of U,110W, 3iji, :8 but. -I Ork r -All 1 hj�na_ Aexirv., ou b 'tell fruit, tobacq!o -.sold �-Asthnl& unit , 31 and 'Vintrhent"­ are ma; -and ViUto 414t I -vure of,ubh� P61inillojt D d t A ounder the mame-of-111oll IN �j.,MO A positiv d rrAn Y SPACES -A 0 - ul el and radk ure fo" Co.. the'Gr 1- Wh" h d and also bv:: In some lUeneral De- Parti6s Oil' f6f be Snit6he-d' the Metr(Wo au stea its wboderful T 0 Ircil ate bC47 ELV-ln oil W- TEATING jro e a aand jwers in- thou�l A odY, -1 all,lier,vous CorliNairits-'- f to -bilit tj mill. said-_ -th wt Yez lirtl(kht cases, -4ejo r, h- D_ nave ma -trade mark 0-- eirst dotir,.east of Bi n inytt tha S o -L- d -sulfering fellows, fEi u rl I e (I kje 9MU to, td njhirj� Lt, i i -ce JosePh1r4d can h One a dood h use. bell 3unte Of ek -il & L(;O. am �y -11, Is'Own'make lftrxdertbe�lj otir� -w t f 11, -'i hotQ 9rk, a ap of -and neXt-to N A ewise paS che li d -anted a e 9 d 110, fid te- of C to.1 eaton's off er with Stain do : - � J1 Ili .: I - : s t e la ot r f IlYi1sing.- A( -eparih full directioris for p aY !V.ether4tk p W-rxe- to aft- li )re' - t Will be sent fi�e -of ci Phe--teceipe Residence -on the:bill acr6ss fr itti' ap C ed7 Uck6i ce. - -lip 1, ng for a- trade. 'k- r -- - ---------- - t -lex Invz* re agents fo -Goo a ft AM Th _r the game. -77 a, er nFO men jiv essen d -of era, IA Robbins V aro 6 ril e ..a persor P U1118biLgly C& the better which -are riiallythe� sijurjcu e war s imit4tio-,W. -to b andi �jpoulr I e, ie. pa tion 'Irr Wa XARMAX� i6tenlaq. t --1;KuPuJOusdoal-rsos)ta 4ffix3d,to their at. re& ll UUOII�tfie public III 'the ke T e Was Mild' ea 10- on Dr. e. of -one, eyenina- im U ery P14-98 fif Lucki f s ai ow-pricesantl sell j&m�.to: v OVQ fr6in 75C to V.1.00 uinel 0. toll a asinY cyen * P* -:� f - All In = in aent - all. 9'and Pbst'&16 4iWes fro&.81io $1 11;r to take;. lessons can lea-Vej th . 1: � - _. k, h - , _ I i t , I - Perf6rillartee o er le 11h -il6es- lij t nupti Ditchin or -the d eItilig P_ -- -: P - -CL to $1. 1' Wr qtoel S ad' f MY' to. enpge his's� ?Llahed: S kel SK Of In_ eal to Oera 61 jud. a frOrll`QW to $1.25. -S3tTlXRL 6ifice .11 411'r- i names� the Cletky, to tb Wqs i' "at, th6 her. 'n an to tAe Puk-ii� geherin. en S is -Pirst lea- VILS W -i U lit P t C'Ass t to h r 7 art a yoar -he teac Ing a t d B -ce _0 h _533; Oxford Street- :L0IjLj 11 and --h fi -Ar -If tbe,a(ldress 64 6' aln goi;I t ach 'T think SWU ere. GLASS T efo yfifg e tj �Ef X-4�_Ijj) r2ces b I do 1119 It, -they: be - 0 oY's �b * , n A� that TO -8 11 on that dat6'L t a n--the-Dcimini-oiL Pj tintentib -1 - di ; 'at.'. U the PrOf _The diL, erl 0 dayi .1 a pd' we 3rajA: Our,_;ltoc� of gh -Sh to _-h36ke"-b in of ar t # , may #ies tha en P1 Q s 6a t Nrinmv t4es L vlfd Inan �frau X. n, Mis-Tweed. k o, t tie; T t �Vife. ti ine. t ................... r Of h('j'PuPjl4.- Oin le, . . ...................... ard ......... '01 1 � i6tt" f6e. a tfie�r Sha- turing out- as 9aqh,zP,-) t ao�j Tj t -bears the _2�2%ttjsh G,,vc he. give Oxtif tLe Genuilic. YRft ore t. h do -RS N A t tb -at wfty'S Pills ar L Ji -G' e 0- :T ou n his .11 , - - - ; 1 - -do ied aaUresi 533,`O'f1 -d ti fqr "PiPositer Tweed an&SLmiths­*io�,,,,,, HK Street tt W. a, P stdad as or _V anufact d id -P' sed' f here- that h - ure Oq4ct the. in he wil `-be ba lone thpy tionl P ent int oor is, -hand azfij-S custo e�j:s kws si6ck-" dl and j)ijjt fi e -best. oi 'L L 01 wnt onf P! a an aiire V I e eof n r - P11111 e, ve would fivenin in �iie: un. ItMail oil ain an -Ina fill L -In. ind.-shoes: turned - rtic a -t Parje� P�; O'It the v at- - 4 : I! � Crf-egan j�b turn d on, tcl r PPY at all. ties -to ge ba opened all i:- 4�tQr, a d r Ini. I Ine 4e k e a to, Q' OCLOVS in iii d At tbe:e lie rA r6i e 2F re e, - e. am., ell. nem, L e a hit h' es - r re Wee neye t es rS AIL L letor� on oil'.. aWAY1. ril 7D VPlie(I Ue duct E_DL lly t d e Ing kelli be*r --us Y. -in oonn6ctio 'I)ut on'L xifith'thL I b mill NED. L T E 11 -be sold � th ative -Price -or -ash -c Or n do--' __PrOML- d L n con a d with his Iwell I- jUL' b nesS Stan I nprej fedredeytry nig, t (1()WnL with it, -s.o Win X 10 " bilill uner- am 32 years ol(j.I 'b've'h- Oil ll�xid: D-R:Eq kinds, and wi d, ata* IS- is heHave beejl'l h, 10 %T ta, ..Of an & Clfg-STER;; OusewOrk. -Andliavin-i, obe. bund (4me dut sli mo-kno b a MOM ft 8 ( I in g. 1114"tij `shq -is hr r- - 0 , I ( on� C OTTLE� OF, 9 rcQh 'I SHOMI)Rojig To w ar d NI'TG 0?1� - tckl ext ita '4114 erse(I.- - r a tb Aj3 n Tellidiribe tb d 4S 111oa %k, Pf t Ot- re� ,pi. kly-ral di Uni 'a' an _e(M t ---- - $-I' _1�, - �t . I � , _j1 Mahn 'C - fic'.., ­ - , b 1rho: . t alle&agafn.. e e do b n -Y st k e hi Vt, ,�_Py of de Wh A -A t t Tl�oUdIfT t e -So END t RVI E SOME L Wgt6hm d : r e- 1) 'ars: r --I able 4d -all feel lik Yeitk and ihi AS OiVw6d­fj.jIe,*j, jt!,%V L 0w Lr Itinlied disdha d should-- qJ ent sl on of Watches Uh L��riea fiNa LIU tbe_� I'luds()n e of T chok tO'.jj` Pt gmat U fle oirne eep- el"th, -'With so oof 4�.,Ger mxz-m" ave I -w4k OL, W 4. to 8 t4r. at, 11 Coup, 0 T times, h On ed- J. par,e save. my-selt t tij 820;�-82010i 12-- tl�S. of- Qnstituti _- - 1 -49 M �-.o r -0 re, onal gtitrrh- :dUQe'j 1to r sq VV_ uShed U �d 0 In good -as, the bee 4 LLERY ih _aSjDll6aP as th P -heli.)ed;-me. �r­ go, no in lij, elsem ine t qli, ine did'th work. Notfil ur_1114d for.' _.�ut �:, - JR . ..� . i. -clired me -Pef eined. 0 - was,. e g to deam' 'Tw6 bA_ MAM I it _P I ti'd - and -712161 the �_kii chokin be t I bid U 99y. riurL 00TH b6derou -At f4tv- . I . T . _, - 1 -1 febtly -,v:,Il, :Your A A, h -_7 Po re:cOmmended it -to LEIGTL -y- 041. V.6U. ldedle� pic, -wont urq� - Wond no IV - ., + P- .'Any �-tavo echeap- 6�ip_g7 f�61 -as if 1 ma ease t dis� ey.. a-th of Cot�" rrh otig f. to no if ..t `tock or -tllmWr -,ilt Present thifa.culous virtues, 6 al rboi4]"S4i 11,h e for at a8godd,- - lle-C O-Tgynia vour onwell zemogied,. riapsgid -and Owth or' Two pari at-Alanehester, N Rd"air A�� b DPW VE agi ber, - ft* gtoick, -f d_S_ Wlves,, -loving and dep 11r; -om er� afi6l!' -he Inet the-Gernian.- b roWth);' veable. to1he mcst a -Ime ON ],a+ or ot -the above- -sinr6� the� STITUT16tirAj Mi 9 make room,f _h -in for V K P _B1 LLE n to- -Minufactur,6 ping o, ensii F or MY wiliter oucles,as good kntj - ND TAXE VI am offering. bargal lentl CAI U -add c ererI­6 IineAlver e ih:, r d- ho anY table a per per cent, to ggl -oli :-.7at me. ves cdwj�*p� me and iwe ru TOO dst I I-Ia 99i"s -e, Q thle. fivou. -maued w anY- andrm _ojP a a4ed h, :.receipt-eif a ers-YOM Inarried- O'n EATON ---Bro_ckWje -WIN GH. iAr. TU�E Rent f( OF AL' ave 10_31n !;iAR_DjjN-G and 'A n J. art CAR I -0 A jan 0 o t Fra N ES 8 no D D 0 Whic: I willell-at a Sing The, prie ry ML at will' an Al aTHE if YOUIV-ulfinar TO amers.- Eiji- ers gle and double utte -a rs. 4 sighs' Bob -Sleighs; vanta-'e to a-611 and exami a Ways,on han� d ne Th my stock-. 0 eTh' GA xpade- to..=,� aa I Ahe best ji On. -terms to suit -Purch on Cost - eryff h, rested., DAL grades of Prices- a0d- rid are -to t P -CO' ulty -kinds Or Wacksmit *orkd4n� lwith :digpjt _lt. - - - - - ILI, the camadi in Iatftt L 0 -at-the. (D rk:waria and workins; -9hip see ar on -t guit a the b69t, and jited but na cho. __7 g the HIGHES All +my o _P hein' nd town. gerous: &baraa;tL_ Other medals f -& mair "Who or or.-aqs merel�,--bron 14, f e. eS uvp' Call at &gde ze. one- of ()r9MnS`h6d­ yer. -337 readin- -Call Fqeds;. OheN"J.� L n instruments dielnesti ooir eveilUsuedii.entifled - jr Leniin Went exbibit!d. only his. ord#aary. 'JCIC rtis, a estern Fair -for -WAGC Yrfl. Jk­ Ur orw, ronze _ Os��Oktnj '1876- -ou RVAT I§Pi4t The b m seven to tWO!"esetts r --A thp� princip- Inakek-s bad: me(fal orgam-badl twelve seitfj A�Whish el., N ASD- 0,4 Fn 19 in con- 0 SbUP org.%ll got IfI'RST 04. -with 'the above - egtafili, on receipq of PrG. ve Yqthour _ELF SRO Y, Declitoe -Fhysf�.jd DebUi �,i% work V n ee- Rranfed ty es b rmdo'of -the V-0116 and reen- j-' _;q endl best 6f, ne repaint on accOMPAnied'ei. I rihg..and tllq�frozh.andcon uatinW tirdber. -AlUinds -6f re oru;in This I ch, Pai g done in 4 wo �Iuzulttm loan, 4 W611 established, fi rkmatilike man moriginilprj' gotandrof 1 3 WerW. e wit is atch. - All VMS Writt6liNk jv'Or-erice'List, adtare f _rw 0 V To ­Ikeps.talcu I r oniL, _HkL e�':v to COUthitte inthe busi nes of d k. _71040, are 16(6 iir - r tt or aTiler I �xu jl,o -------------- t0whom was awardeu ------------- 1rue'll Medal by theNational Medi I 10 I.A -ramphle4 lilqst 111've�t Oil- -ni t0be f A ant a ised t-' ra A tl vert Steet, xtigravings ratpd t0L sent to'an. 7.7t_7 atilid ifie, M ath- _h_�62 - d Min` tha' his 61el-W-Inei bi :bje -ho wante t. and b -1, _OreL Mar. go cu"tu E t W And- 6111 6 twiliibor %A f ;-C ers PhYS. to i4ve wgilt 909 'you :,kTT MOM Vile ole a a 1; -Ma -OUR cc CtU safe jtud_effectual:cur6, rflj,. collthilli 1dr -0atar -4 build$ 111P theystem ind cure erdise U T h or 0 0 red at -t elaatoe�tlmeL 't 8 All oth ac -8blith e is new boot U.: .9. 911C rrh," i ease of pair a e b it, Im ". . , I - - oby introduced if boots that -keef, riflit jrh -- I . -vs, Nervdijii old - ;k Ect Grenach evei er. g a en Ire It 6f anoth h Ellythin i new. variet -the C'jIl"i 'T and -shoe' Jace- about t 4"I'A nas: on ifl. - I_ k - P ro IW of Vill _U feet Ul Via L Ali P n1n, fie� the -on Uolis tfie. nn,__.ajmOSt_ erh#ey Inch, I -Inakes Al call th hisdirected aseiricideritto.­h. �t_Qdk Subhc For sale b prq- uces from,60 But ni Shoes lule to hdr grau els-t thi acre..- A*arded�'Iirsit. bje' —90 his-] ge at C. js�. _Pjjjrjell roki '0�:8u bu. e %P r gh a e e -dise -evei-had e t�r J00-1 C b 7 ar 3m fa I U and ties. Men -s Th6ra. IS 'every ii, he on I - ; . - I . -1 -, - ANCIL y and" E Ina. in, ii Y. -to- suit. cua_� TAR Iltr S�Y.S tli d to'off ers. _rrjc#g S[Br6w t - I - . -- JR'L Mad e A little rest 'a ing. 0 q t Ii -r WUH a jjo en' PUIAL' i'vice. Ipe ;jrqe.L jt0j'k oft very beAll-oiders-for ON."- he jr ork hand AINKS tAxid On7 seg4 d --t' epo.norte... - Ob Whr not:r'L biptly. attetfflel 0.': As he- ke hut it , - .�elierejt fi&j to Ijj0r1 teesc'i a If& Can. atOpio tirst-class, *0 Widti Vo S d'eide liestjDbirn kno an all t f� - -' 'I out th-atl s yery arge.. Tearly h A, Ided 15.OL bfi4he "4t k6 U t - - -4 the G weed *h b :been- thorough, -a ntkp, -1 b r n in jt�-- Afany-of tlie.. ve on (r I Am ea s Weakfire 18r inches Jon 0, -receive, stalk.._ Pron 2 or 4 to We OUIIC.d b 'ad SOMI t (;jjl I. tj Vith AU, 01111try ca- rge nPa d'' ge,$1.00- ns liable iold k d, Pj_ OrenOj.;U -0 o' I to - - - - - - 't �'t'o r _. . i c e wallf At bof iMt . ___4 - -4 '. LS -.t �T '7 CLU TW Paoli b -ar�- h itillists t -a M� ing. a at k -of tS _88 10, 0-wOrld,' 4 -READY AQE Ist6nied b , i4a to -litijduce. -01del A�� -Park "d6vexnor e i -oo and Si lk a#ent, Nt e Put F t�jroio '#.% - stock of B aat beaui' lonery fo, -of Ud 44nci to, bed Y'�� stamp-K�j amPl t U - Send Smith, -nndh f tcurnew Oil sermon. ors,'chll and-ffee- ci*ft Wres. to elictforthashsill..d h6 gal )pe to r4toryat tinco. evotb yur- Coats -ver ' y�--r esp.S -0,11t a -h AIA c in Sto k lapprtets anc er Uf tl 'at-len t otO�1110W_� two 'lin Rks r be. _01�f ft * . I jGro of bev;ihil Af t Lu illIng. ield �n qirdbh WL b - OF T& e susp in OTICE LI�o4i� 9 0 e eV tjje.IjquOj' j-1 SH� -tt, -th (Ir . M wi&n make _k t, baa fi ishek w ChA C�Qlj Ur. tW —Thd �f tw W la I 1 11 :j Atin 0 -ret lb.& Ve ry nt Seeds, ar , . A-. jfo sm [NOM ATER T an enjoS to- 8 WE E I%W- L kiryer t W1 -One bec C n 0 f4r a jfpicial Prosbilt`#t the A Please: lgfting,aeocie e an& d d tV I or before been dejik L hand. at, ith 33�Wwill r ifitiodii -the I' C ee La, a8t 4UY 'of Ar­jql" l-7 date -turbo a UJUDWr 0 their rE en over t6jac y _So �ks id or, -but nothing -A I el toe r. T ho-, Z" I i -I fr 90r; lme _"ye y"At- said' z P*reCeMbDr, ro `MTOiRs. 4, _e -Bold LT T to A ra di dobted to th -d- please !settle -�,itjl 3 WU t yi Ulu nd-j �-Ul Wo Plii' ft, h gr - r : " t , ­ r . - 'Grundy-_ _Ajjr,P.aVfjft�__, -notes- WA T_* 10"(F itr t Ot the, -e alit Ser .. two eit, er b Wn Its ev, on orb' t Settle who I -_ '2 A"NOW. d*bytha PrIL As Tath -VmC 'A - _K 'd4 11 4 � 6; - L L r 7