Lucknow Sentinel, 1878-03-08, Page 1M VY6 ��141, Nt" Alf, A� RI Zi 43 F 7 FIF� Tr t iv t- y Ptiday m _U0, b thbt, di re th V Iffibet A R "S-- -EAD W Idly iix a4v if n6t mks �ver inue-& till alk Ole ncrrf the 4,ri iWa tua e 2E pal&. stri three: n PAT tu oij, a AL nIt pus -eai a, va on as 4r6ra Toni ing T and more Ut 'Unto:. Ut ydu-mbrO *jbs&jt*qt ins6r,�isrgu,- twak�ditts, j)ar line�,.- -business sive:- OR 'h I _0 aU anybqdy�g ingfirtionr, ekh,t cd6k Pei no body,18 gill -joidibg pang. r.. U It IS'Vo pint, To- speflupepus criflee wbl� as -vai aild in. d icIne in tbi wfirld, God, Ia g6htlemp ih6uTdvbd6ee e lovedl -ing:frol trjeaAhe sou itsi is no di in 4 - uile.o, n bad hiibits and; t the I e 'Mdr-6"' rait upon. a My- -.with he Pir a in yofllth� No qumble, un, H.-- A.KNOWL ove :U A th 1ad d6n!t:j�6fte?lt� b C, o MISSIQB .1 J�' _ ,6, r _ La Y116trist E9,46XYoifn-­ t 6f g eja country'ard re Wol d. gly -rue a. busine OUS120 toolotoleratilea b - r t inhii BII41 !'I d -bot iv wilIg it metomyv­ An ly� AV 'Whate Tha wimberof linex to teckotsed by the7 � a It -lit 4�esil q��at of Wthfal'l' Xt th&131'eAtling 41111 t fo: Me- jMqW.- Bill apitee A 'b 1pay OW t sbeis to litia via oryi jZ anyoquy U nj ti 1� -intifsect e ge the A t V( 9� -will try 'm co e, a, liaen;,bear'niflo the�endo cinals' ic a ladk hai sik bea, --third-tiffnei thel U616, 110i, Me, n -tota ly- iin- -that .1 gie.hdy - dix.e6tions, Iff ' 'be, Kinc rdi k )u1bis-day, to -be a (0-1 'it ."are to tlelhan,&4 con, -and if ill 0 -P klblt� .6. aF I - tnbuntain�js(�gic out -ex-- earth .9 fl -and -jig a lei!. pt -an come o- Wy when� I' Gor in -Ass h Ahat sqv first 6fall, in Itum d tat Iituybs�d�rla Visin e ih 6n that'ken )v re :np dt t A-1 idi for, IkAFTS 'n 'o onganw pine omCI e%- se. Be draw- e-1 -dY-- A t 0, nj� mAA be aujh Ne lexvils th a s T -T -be I . I . - ofand. of. f ed�tt' the xud t all -to yie o je it lulle 10 cr k if ha4eavesat all? e A 'bitye ybj evq ��e�r 01 r. a] -Y e Lig .-to t lo�g foftlife itself. I TQa a ia- tat. thq� c untain -should: be drav in ONI my e ile�r 4, -t -ot whi�k is to, -aid,N W York Bxchangt an t hk An�, spadat thil f1c . t , 1 ta ton str( j?rom.)te the.- pedairl"a IT f eaj er so en- J3 Wly fil its' t It Y�qu­to ki*e,--. ove,;- icl tiAihed it or ev.L41 ave� fr6im tible Ube �sehoo e IOwn paule ti.. a nesser 1 on. pe oji64' �:ind -probabl el4orjoU -61- bi r, 10 Interest ph"(1 `K' ts�tai ftnaP A a: aclver6ize her ro U161 the" I pire i h men aa�� cllak4�el he outaide Mkers on II Ot lifef -_.is a t t her- baire 'y -.C.aa �Whiob ta wlloqi� V%ier at very well e Irr al�y 0(ty -what ie,kfys, ze t e� Saw- W.. Pot 'ki One capabl were 3 ibe- er A 1 'b I lus1nd V�Iore 'e-Uterpi tlille&-tiaae� fi)r- 9; jity fur SnIe'. Savirj&3' Qank- Depart b' fif" 1"' 11 - .6. h id II . . . ca� - sh 6 - 1'. ", - %illuist het wi ff�ain fill. of iiispiring itj which Tcannot uppose 1. -Thisis i 0 the ftffilfe;- On' 'a. tidy con' ot �of d UX011 a- -u -each tthelad s,if]he::ihuau intereat oa D613 TOtirf: ht er earr --mo -Ks��WQM !0 bs 4111t other ladies -oit. am -1 aik yul -The your x OFF1 I H06 o, let tu st alf. t" OF 0 It CAiid 6e4n't-lilt her kno�� you ti;otj�lf. it.' v 34tlsxd4y� -fro* 1,0 a.m.; to I P.111 h t1e.poz, ilartbly fiiend, one oll." wh, 'bit n,. :-e ra- 6f sadne 0 eT, Lma 13, j E, call, 1eurt may. 'leaq, -.in - h6d -would 111'. AU e 10 -3 fie - .1 - I ifI - . - - from � I - -- V 'Bur, T 0 9 it(! in6kheii ' bod.y's. businesg r OM a T. E. P rP9W- an i14 0 ij, if it. `wire': oe. �bic h T It ;N1itten- to- tho%&, atiothef-iese an* other -i in Eviips -,N,h'o es Wile a Wharq fie, 6esn't ipliance to ueb, words' eve, be.q,- 0 springs, 1toln, s4i that- -6f. e0irse d in -memor tu oetu e 911 em U x pq.44on it tbe. e pi- -etu d 9 e .-ANRien-Tbe thus fir -let ba 96 j6A W -j on t - I -- - Ilia' me si., -art in S- lie .1 a Bill --Ocea, -I a at vit ll, loreig pr. 'UP the messe qd 'to - 6 kiled- ft I I" t tirroutid y.6Ur life irith prtecH6 d H 11 MAINE% Whetbe t �0"Rllr r1great-ir wfiet4dr but -be -bas so Aevot�d tthat lii�rsnri wearts tod 0 6ve, wbich tev -fail- Tell, U bolly' I on� s )usiness 1wig-net6d -a g�f Jbier ,,Sep4rat wl o as. yo bo I . .. Job- de6d till life itAf or, �- 6 -- Are� sit�, ' provItIC Wbere, Wd Fr e a persion flie, s6tils AN E 1) ES S i f y ou'l'ibV ai -thought a worI;1i bi -Halt (po a 6 -is req -a let warorrilfc; or ­Vourself A �y4 I - - - !;�ao n* F16mf lb -:-thiuk-'of .,the - . . 1 - - - b1hek bodchi the njilicft �1.1117V (wfthiillt li$sed so contiti1jally 111 it. Vitiate, r eticb! �tbcr.­ 411 The v M -list 4 12 ivsi,4�, f luck ,ur b think an -it oul )t e �a abutidaOi Ro pr"esence- ted tit s -a Ie .0 it k W, aka o%lay -if v, d J� 16 g -year n �YIDII inIll PThe iWistanc?..of our-qu S -It PlUesi I lie tual arp the dap. oa-yst asia, Ff the lim-9 .8 iri, -Batbiir8V _9 tm" or ekti!21� '-Siniply, si;,tM �voujd be,ty, ji, an It e 4aarur -you,- liver ku h e- t 1i IF !- r A C '-shal I be '6 to tend. pp. -Dior U as "Igo if e 115 'el �-.bu c6hg4le'r -may P- tt the]. bUt Te ilfalA Arength -�-R, anV. It I in- e and ths.re feet in. a b3, 1, LIB h non -or d.;. sta0 dali Air r of its on Hle ow .�deiath really like, to know,�, es all, 9 P ee t t -alone, %xiihout 1, V111. I I UA e ef-l. We �V�;Ul th ehe'ishy, b n t it n -Qt ion U4 H it g or if if isi't, 1; t i r ct v eV ox iernoly w e -you 0- th ejt go. 4a bave. er are. gain 0, re -bj a -k- v it y wort u it eli -t bia e."the cb' fr -Nfl.10 Mak It aiid-- n6t 4ttem.Dti tais4 sorn -a g. -Do' ,es of sp b .4p may be r rhC lug I 111-c -av 1-y-s.she D'jl& e r y or f? n Alay F r7jo 'efor.0 111 0 In ell n y on] f r Mgt terd r' nature t id � )f a loveless I if�; he -po diris aTs E Tillng.,s. e t420,000,00( --anit- of 't Iepebd epats-At L A ivart s I � hl. iq) Li, -Po of aid Fis t ell f lig 13 Oart, mjr-preci6usXay,,a d -lot till, e the na Tr R gafff�rer,. no-mttei 01' E. A.: st a litab to you from he bifterneies -'you Your- you -66t; e0filo t trsoufo p6ed flU, f6ai. Yb 0 e- you,:.-irere f solitud neve made -to! fiat abot -6 ruti n, 11 W -1 1 am v -of n e� to int !�-�come tQ. I -to have - o Be itiely- fte� u ao Oil %-Orqo (to 1106 Ilk - b ly lite 7 -do A '41 you- -fat riev b e -sudden] ftilly -one4hj1 u nan race'. ui.giijii th'e Ian& r4 oi-ib� It Q rr mw hle brokeasv#frqmhin:I,.for he -had latil f G iovery vs�tith And A -ho'ceaBed',to speak Af ay filitiii - :be �inbre I han C fly "all -S, o ve( -yout ne . ti�ioug hO, lo upport of t i 't; - OVID Ion. es:bv4 er V1111CM66, . wery, A 6 bf tlie'rood she-flahg herielf u e Aete JaDd 'to ave faile.l. twicb�, ere' f -.e I can ix q�- ffc, I' ' t -hie. facd.oii "his hand cn - -1 - - f6tl- hfi ndat lvliieh bound- f'b t-offieL- 3to- 1%hould -d Witb Fqs r t i; vnM that hiwbailds this 11 t nir t6 file gi nfi St.. YL eing Ion'. iPy.- 19 1 alit 118. ed esid barSt into OW ere.'In e4 d rd -u er-O d Uri God�ribl: il I., se tLl ally- cuullnuni,- 'knowfi me 6igh. up�gm� Idt- tlieni a 'i�fined Q ,.tcaTB. f M ith e, e 11 Q1 afro,,, ylemina -sat-down 10.oide �bizt, wi ji�lhq r :A s �y th a e -con Ow e nd had-ilways gl cea-not- Then. be -resdin 0 sball: na, f- pas ad fk a dd(M. -nibre-ligh I h i bite 0 -R.; I a r Ar intense �,pain 14?!. face, atid n -jclr� f tic r -J& Y-4 0 Dot I'liai-is Wisej, -sa 'Smi Ing Pee at I., - . -, Olt- be his 'I'D A tir I . . ... f, PI n fiugai ijiiid' l 6 L " Nfay , " t6 fill, -linf �p 69 mr, - rie o.�a-, �gr e w C 0 me I) e n a , I e .4e b era the; -was -nd-Jy at her. 4 to- ki 1 ice t to: t Sbe 1 bavle b de d y I -1ciaid- 111hisis th't alip- T U 1- I I I Ic j 4.1 like Sd-'Dtk some e4fiP.,mah 0 -.8, C am, _�.jj -o ve D V1, t Filedlill W!� tham -reev ith pratal, Dow h her ebok- 0 U ist( -e Vierefore At ed. "01i i 0 �4c fl-, t6 earn- Vie Ab'&iit fliwou, fhei �trift, a d Ail nand she t ey d -n d for mjs If- itig sob8, iippinosstii. very r sent it 'ceadid an3l.' W�- th and. it lip - ogr or e ter ir he'art'-"Seems torii--46rvol; C - compe ace'l'all, that 'my ad A 're t -s e -4 n, -they- -it ws vve -o bo, - old. -p 0 biou-jht irit tit 6* Is- f W ibafj i. t sense, lie rice ces 46ve.. and- qevotio7l -Y V -i aIn la preciare tp, :4ever failea to-ee� i0speri y-frvp Y, 4 W, -�YeAr Lei li'ai dhis lijife �'an -a suilden AR - . ;A - g . ) - ilitbatwitiell r MANTZ iotill Vo given; III Isurfoxiodilhild � . - ; ! e�. 0 3- -es tljc p 'utl onf of ii. woxn- 116t iat, ce. f it as I� ev iteriv- d advantage a is sh6i spoke, -that n - S' long-jo td o and iF-9nditi r '.per&everii pri af -tell v,-ab�ut- ALr,�!. they u ory [t, f6T, -am to ell aud' acci j i-ist t ,it sittillgr up, �ap uofagains It(it ly Jul knoNr all. -you--- citr: w is' 'I -Y ileft -to - i beaftiI Tlien­f -'as 11 -Vi Effing bet cir Py. -o -ex� -lie lie aray- ell OW Ul ej g'S nd It ioititp-de. or t the= f h6r I ti, t k n6w Coat -all. v�ifbaye 'said is -,tl'jIQ ash itendied Arove 'up. �91� tit 601.1th, of -Rain -jind rd, jj'�Y-- 6 e 'at cat tanetered on '0 It if C11 bed- then), Ixitlj �4ja - be: I as ier r Itutup- y' b)-vo-d' qqri I . , j 4111apt , . I , Ar Pad th; f6 a- gel 'life. A I lovdles.R 'File III sba -v vie St _fti-Q an.imspeakc diligent 'Woul e from 8urf ; ­ . - V Ne t-rrot a:pd- forpbodin J t E� waii NY io wa approlell acic s 1� stawe awa ud' -ly ...... Y, cape T be. bis, as ra eq 01 all) elf '61 $116h -rep] k, hl�w� qzladi� c, th to hoy I k -aill 11-11 V 11; a -It to �11 I j no or a. er but 04 ii If, a- . , my utheril'by flingin 1, Ole iriglit it were possi-ble-to we f 11'j.4 �lj zed 16 i4 fitee a-, Ole .4,,m ir- B�ummits :on -waste pa ,�,.,no ..a s jrll)g r-- 1. . - --genj �Ztia a -right. to know -ths truth" and: i- ivould -be u 01 a, "Ur ;t lat, May's -1 f tlidAeat t - - I , --- " r . - '" I . - . . . - S e , ii6lf I a -A, 't . -t.11 - rri'v eId t -I �.o day hetbre Lo --ka 0i --0 it is not. can. be, oil, -, -1 1 wt to froiitieah r e t., never U Is vv� Tieilihflr- i -see nts' -lie ifoilly 6 y vd a 0 L x1fort vii i - I t QjtYib-­Ij:tdjun al 11 ('f lj�ir all! -Int tiz I tell it 46-ydu, coine it guli,-.1t3d6l) 'fu sit(, li-ail, A-Kaifthi, 'ej y. it ber. r2duded,iji' '-y6t, lie a00�5 I - T L e. bio to is sIt or itmay. -8,116.bid..bt.r. d eQ -y.our rile -ber barldsw�'sbe wia�t -On -0 r t ll� Ile* eb ri- n11'jui t Id A -0 n -Iii j)l� in eans U al r a Li �LAR. sits A,i.glit 1.11rderl r t' 1,14- cit. eniing, -,a P� _p a of U01) if ;he r, tiji-ng lie FI an -exam�44 *hii Mio ti h. d" t tikv-n A a sh �.u�: I h, i a sc Oric loved 'S g6v l fevcr jbry tiele �1�t tifizibg mai eii is 7si �. i - t - Leigli -.I the is ilf YeF.1. I el 1 .5 all. atac )' V r pat S, P.R. :Not iftdw,. 0 hint forx Y'L! T WEI; I a _N� ill Ile nil 0.1 ievo, me, ip "C bl �Vls IN'011vil thint 16401 --the -.00w. voman, n�tion hdt.olre of 1 Mos 11"In g Illy - , - .. . ; as thejiiiib�nd bf iinother" a (ay c 6 via --but -to IE IfIf k, I I tit suite -1 Lq 41 ill t in, wititer :er idolt t ho Ptoo�Llj I 0hiti aft ure 46enied L d 6f f" te yal lave bey it. aw tilt 11 xodoltill., t I Wh-, t cry at 0 Ia bf a ie wife- stedi -,Sj'r She as Am sa.t (to W It a 11116 if �L -S V,! -un nei, er"Le 0 - an'd ilire.. at tij -SQO. o H -h t I liar. nin—ne 4 -old. -V is, u -0sed. t 'ih- ill -loo ni 't WI .- tile daWrt. I:be My li'alltr gli+' t.�startby all mrl, aItolher;---Ilie -next.4,av, for, 1i I y trahl I ur III -3 h N11., ­ it iallptforfr-mysel tt 1thi, 4m, :Wrills" of 16r Lkno f V, b i ex. A _04 y eip i - '01' buri mv eart, IS T 0 a o __-e U is i -tie t hi died- 'the ti 'to 11 b is item-pl. Ad cate.. -to itJ how at Ile 4,r lotit-tuid 1,0111y �y I g) I I i%A I I A cimfort P b ill. adweet a: �Vil 'bear the liarAo of no &har Tf abl� a n 116( isince, P61C.Lj t I v lookino s that f- 40, 1� T a en atil'obarnt!- se, y ute 170 'IS' I L A -mn on car. ti -1 �Ile.:l th 11, 1 it It e sob e ed- laill tIj Ift. G to u lCallLIll 1.� ji le 1) L TO BE ON -ld -be I -I t J1. -u-' 110tj if mad JaIll i1w f LF as - - -tit riato a 6re mq abut as ry T Auxt t lie- seent of-r6s6s rhIit o in C W eqt t t" d :A ions, - t on't of a railt t1t jig. ......... ..... d tere'ind Twy� -- :1, , L., Areties iijo T. IN] 11 ao to keep it I L Y)D�� Lf 0! -POT 7 7r -ft. C, T- died ili C. mg 16, P't w, aiii ardly wo -aido i1,7XTENT D Volt IMF li 4.Y PpetieL Lot"- The cA r jNyl.wil. 1611 So OF 'THE -SEs or w', the. 7D t-- it is -It bl"hine'd rsq 1 40," a IIA' break nd It At" at. oMUCH �SIVFFERHXG.. - I'Did you Thil, t e s tj I)r �,u vouri ese Ic In some as I, stl'17 1"i -k - I I - I, L� - - I grosl n t ., I l It -bck to li;,.�r n d t seni, er" 'I d_ b6, I I I oUcr- e- prD. f -the Eni06 iliatm-1, r, own 6"take in 41. '1 i1ttl 11 i P" -toll I k4f: IV -Is, t it bi lie pyovincep jA6j 10 iiar U16 III Idin- _VotitLed. -1 ba've 111118 jsc qq­ W- noU -pr4v 0 ht a14-119� L d'[--� i I ti(,t I ad to the -ItIld il-41-travel- crrWI1 bc p- do it A 1, in a ti od illeti�U&- 'the' north of thi Gulf of In t L0 'MyQ11P -,it. I*,. wri a It sIng OTMZ Pl. ead' a -A* 1i'. 01 p 9, 'thA slie. ted. T'4(.,- hortheis ama It ot Chibl iiliieb: tIL i j3io slid n -ower& viz- ano onsrier a d VOITT Liali lujig" -t- -town .---Ofisbioli t f be rii:itipa e e q maize fra -ab 13CO -he a more -11as seilt -not 1-wisli to go aw n, thope the, era e present, fo, *bere ther re iti the no ern ---Pa IOU. plleloll,-. 10' .:,. cdejj, of, be cl-, a carriage, dli A s4p I -b orial S's put *e liondis "te l), �r lit "I 'do bot dc spi e -A ut� 1- 4 ity sllab�i, which is i �Osed in-- suicii-efit lbundi 01, f U 1, cartaittly, b nah miglity--and turbule t rithj�&ntyj Ijilt 01 Ali of the 4gj , priogO& al -if if do Lee �O you to alettbr Jo 17 M) wllIO ver, Kwt sub, which t I UOR -VCYW �-n 4, UqyarC Die this an. IVC Me IAI�fi f 0i, Ye w Ri I tiac- �,�rod and t, ifolne fn echN, e -tiks 'boudJary a plia. y r.- 0 C -CA ., - I I ­ -1, di a Illent M i1th ut bd aw -III) ilex t LOD(r sem o I ;Pundi1wo't Iucll -tim gtrqt�b i bey9nd'the.,w0st le a elsit - wife thi -_e -rooln Wa to Upon pait, 56f thei rlsub -1 t h -t T �sl �6. -Be ng Aweenjdq stulip antj her ick oth6 dreat I],- and abu the II -it ift- aL t -eye a 'imJ& wliat s ilere w e. It 0 jjt$eL a 'Let t egig b nly u t I -g d ve -acco ich f - bancre of :p y To 1,0 say to i -set 'of Oo i7: ­11a ing o the YSL._] Nietti b iDg elt I t And IP sit w Ale an t(JI'llig tire to- m(t o ay -tir lmoily: for't I i is - I -- 11 , ". -- -- -� , I - - � j y -lip t6o iiii V ak- )f eyL ith t�st' of ItiCth-f4r, Carne,.'ana. Yan cares t QA S Ll goo(t.. f --)r 6tb evit, i AQ fit ionishe Id be, ill iheni o e youisel f T part jwo 1.01A, -f-p- n �j t lbe-]�'A;oritijd to co- werT 4ifid 4-1-46 ad,." It avi away of gaOo ver;, U -n Lin -a e pai itd y --a U �h a lovej:y ioibex -wN IjOl �on ti. a1e' w' weeks." "011, with ic�'.cbabae :whi 'i l;Ljug at_ e centurie nd 14 ress 1 it 1. -Itlel.111; I'll to t ;s; a-clitnat an 04 witliolit, Pgrllel ml j ti I, t y to g . t etaa io' -Tb - WAY. re 1.1 aw at, .-Volu. SUPPO80 - - - i. ... - I— I Tiri T The - he: �m t lit cpj9y it I r1l Ell L L kAt'i bib in,, I �sba ley She m 'gri�i nq v Was ed ei - iz d portion-$ of t _half y ollucll, av P Sor- vs� - . - of, I ted anee b J soverLwas-- --on juains in ne qe Mn work I)( ait givo- to- t8()lfIeW J. c t tit in" iff. tie ex com S Q P34110-11 f -uppor;w Aers t1lat feVW*!f'1j 'd water you f Soo, -the e. 0d40 8oufli byA I I t rs le- t U Weir L %,Vf th(IL itffluphe� 3 va is -votes- Illost of hi tilil'o. -tel: In _a itkini," 01 16-1)16"Intcountry it njui 'Ar jar-- POP$, a -ciei c,:,rvr ONY Anbod tie jt I I AVTI pre 11 gra -h -tan Itillowed. `80 3VIP I, rnont�y fit.k. 'fe has ip dt was 0) - `4- 4,,- -. - ­ it8tdc-se-Add-at tbitt 8,6ilf L aji6jjS, ity for, su iii wf-ek.. A dy- a lier in- e!ver ible 6 ititAilde ulati,avillueb-greater tLan thd lopop :'Alsecly red -IL13 U )Iig6d oethat its erRiin and `1,roi t4d b6ione a Ur, � -( 6ch I -of 911-1 0 -- L 4 - narly 40 f; too fiIt 1# izrj yo wol re s-kil $v 0 le U jeet,1 r he A -h aeao -,'U -_ U. Ioil the -s IU; ged 'ven -the -, gra, am It -But 0% keil ft bj ftiguing for her tolreiiiahi' 6 itiatij. ti - ��Id lniwrtat to it: U at -a -if -1 d utl Ili y U yetlalmoxtiool Has lie filli; tt, 1glit ek n! h- iff, t. t be 6 If yon. titeifto be, uch I free if, n -g.- lifil In �500)e way 11(jr fee tonc, for. Bit ourable ni I want mirk het W-Ve Ell -provea a _gr 0 t -Of V�fy- fteqUent- oacu 44ti.q4antly U&fAr y or he r I f A I A uld u 101in , 4 On . Sare- t tr WIL, ktjowa Ilo�y. e at( the co ic Un feet.- 'This �A*,A W ese doxie �Tor, t ip -ga vinces-i h �,j Y. Ile baa -erly fore hil �iA an_ fa adtiregs; e T14111i, it be 110t. tp �diiIturh oa:than for L A U he. oil inoident tb h Walids �6 for lllbs,� 61--c ti rri e d 111 Ift collileet ij y J ­reui. e- e -be- pe featly, sat- -t the preieniltime thert aret.said t 18 Ie( 8 Lf ber.ttifil :A etbing in viarying dolour a e in IF 1 to a- t rri e in' of s raw)'- e A ost Unkllovin th 0 e im atb these i. tem i. an w iiiing h, d( Iva r oTr). 1.1hvem ee -0 W 1 110117-1 wT(jte t& -bijn-; -but � . L . . - --M 0 1 was- beconlftigt too trvilig ds- hit - 'i (file `ho�pd 4 1 11 d,� con.versati * t .. I . . *0144 � t f t It Y NV Ig �r, -regions. 7o,000' 00 of huntan Ui VITT5TOTNj , _ t i I his u 1119 (1.- Wfirk-14'at-the efli4' I Rail st, it b6g o331jusk,"y I xNat Ins' MIX0162my ov rl 0 t,i -pz 0 Itiml 1br, ghtsl1w 1%04VW, to 'dow pcii the ntiie� vopuldition of tlrli!A� 0 1) ttla A -the is flling.: jnying no r double Eferyth ow late'-itl jj an Uilited� 0 statO iettero -it the is , - -1 1 -1 1 - '- -t a - . . -1. - - - - - 9 ot twilWht 6ilill -iljf� w lie ',I- -fie 11 ro BOWHITli h k I sr: (jwfi to t"', a V t- T A i ip t ITY lg d you gi -.n qu DrIX-Xv nif tilllierfrotic v4m� IL- work,--siis' Yet T t [Is- I com Sb aunderstood it t tb ifig bit -I erio o. vip"Id 0 t 0, ernes are xa a� lall the stinthir, -in si'lence -t lild 'You - -ii -h Jvora i -s ie alked pvt a4 _if in tily, tru4bled- pait bad g lie fie A 1W joug. drdi ft Ut rell*0 hflfj3*fl sfiff?ffnx, hif th 'him fle lono- P ulit Ab in it is n, emong 'k h-- U it tIAt On wtil W sr. X iK whrt-tl#iqlr*, Willi& sturins in I'llid t.hat nda tetioup-la a eTe said May - iould be -so, g. di by Ititi6solne with, Wy ottleilgi nowL Illy sap - n It CoM � I T t -you ougliness.t fig It i,tb:",, f-6 try Atheir give no ake - a7w;,iy st r 0 :,be -any r� '1; & P�irfMmi t a -bviii' a h. a -in w ie "A fhon t .4aue-e , Aft ot: frequent an PIP you MIT. rowirlg-m jj- t it sing o .-your pres- me e )a Co- t WI n1871� a -fibi 1 64 e Ito e pre.ent. P te Ufffl- - 0 bu .-I do 0 lIo%,­Utoro,, e visit ant b 4it-your"gue r as 1eiv.- 7lid -a tru& low: -x, andheL 0ooner-1 yo terisible' t1i ITO omat 66 bi�(toa and Lim! ft ry yout ro hltila� a r�:. is iiing be ore' th pro- -for IM tIM." fly T -i UnderdraiiLij. miah longi 19 Sm 6jtjisit:t,6, Co"t athurat was n my lifp,. �A n. tainly. jillathis ine; for., jna�- whil Iii jre .. , P a range 'YoUjj�tle-i lit byOU­, oroncO, -ty'z ovw jwli 'r.'rilly, 0 U fg) waa&� to mi 171 "a. t he- , eir c,t1;!- and -To 1y, elof et- Me wpow h i " 1lT,;fa.d r lill'oro 41 , b -I; f he rarx art., cureA 0 th"t n wir ra i -ter had been a t speak out: thy hk �-�rolce- jhfcotIseqdetic.e­ot the fail, d prrr'�OgI6� t dil tefmk (if tac. -time:0, happifi as to -him. Allt� lilid, Ot to 7 I'llIgif 0 t d M grat, v atits I 'b oft Iersoij4,couldob I of I fi, as a st not aulfusels thart ork 1 Y� cureit fit her- -rathe ..not he no for 'yLjtRjvftjiO' -were pasib Y could, 1. 1 1. - )a --I , - lyself Ine. in, Ito $td Is ine bots--dolude X. and� YOU She UM it )Pri oil ana -All -r W- v iJlio�boild-tbr dutie smong- W.X% giyan in the OLOW.., r, r tunfir. a I abo fur fla oil Illy Nvay 06. eternal 1) -plexpre lade-A-moveni no _f god 1199 -r- r f - � �to -b for im r tAt t lose ile IF Tf 4�tj;j her- head h -Vv Avrito 11 ro litittifin ajldy16 in vea �to. his �-pp6pje sibly doligbil'ut, -to, Win. -116-.Was r�- I and ined ilent. niing,wqg an I t T her# I T1 pis hat h h llilig overy, mblbeiltU Irid, 9Iiiaj#,with-- MR a - �b7- 1� a haxyj re, tbi e dpg Iq: Toonj, 'fl - If do it6t belie vi� K inten-4�-- th�tijjidg .19f. trolli w foj '.A -_fpo f, - If -tip Id; k igt ........... once agaill alld- th.-a -upor yy H his. ts jjFd* ter the, housphuht- t h he Emp r year 7 -- YO I a 47-oric -WIS Aiction that-sOe oaf b - n-;gbt- as. ... . o o I1(0, 91tr 4be End- 191 %1111, jepq je wilb Ilell) be Woffig IE b )the ppqe 7'-jkoA,4 all' 11 40 Wf r. ih aw jee Iled, slipei�l sati In qn Yr fu -ib f lmodt� -a n, v f t WaL a IBUP-, Ive it tiny :-of- th6- w6nj 41ilv W* f r, -WI 01 ltr h Lnlslpllt� anti 1fro tolillod, te It f4i0fitir oil end kl.,� I%g ras!g "ted d4i If 'w1jE4Ae4rf- veil 416 orde y L CO's tot,( -elit il� leg, e L �njj iurt W" Z 'W �;IHQL MCI. - ;b GI