HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-09-07, Page 6N.TINEL - iSONNET.. I thought I Was Site IlaPPY: yesterday ; ,. I thought I wa and told mine_ own henit so, , - But in the teing felt a tremor go. - 'Down thro' the -!Y,- whiz :clove'secret wa3; _ To *fiera a iia ivdveris, n !form* ley . Deeper thanv: _ And et; 1..donot know . Whether, ifcould kill that hidden woe, _ Thloy Inighiot-be dzi en too awfily„ • - : - So close the fliP are! Nay, in our best life,--• - So blent are 44 and gladness, 'rest and strife; :T6:ritax6 inkraughta or joy quite lime and clear, - .Fate dropato-the cup a humantear ;, - A .sigh'for,A-Whol may not share its bliss Willson:Wes rise, endmingle in love's own dear _. _ , , ._ kis. • agland's . Prime -Minister: . . Thewieh sta,teem. Jin Who.at Sventy ales the Greatest of Empire* (From the Chicago -Titnee,) - - _ . _ , . - • 1 news that Disraeli was to -speak filled •-.i....se,atit belonging to the Members, ,and - • Ther pointe Where he conlcl- be Seen eand were 'crowded by members -froth-. the /Ruse. , I did not need_ to be told which • , the men .belOW. :Me was . the famous . ine'Minister-- On the 'front bench, in - • •---..---- - - / - - u•ly thenentre-of the hall, sit a figure in ,Adk„ in wheie---Mhtienless attitude, :swart be, :and-lIebrewast of _ countenance': I-- at ace tee°. . irect_th..-., _Tor . leader. ' He vasthe most mar. e' 'an. s rikintifigure in ,the House. His features are late, his face . Smoothly shaven .andllark :..hiS .expression: a - dull, Sullen immobility. , This sullenness .Of- •iiii swarthy features was intensified by tifi- : raven black hair, .worn lOng and cut Squarely -. -.. . areund the neck: -- Ins - forehead is wide and - -high i'hia perceptive organs. prominent, - giv- ing him'. A •-#tong, intellectual appearance, and whichia added-tO rather than detracted from by his broad, inaseive jawi7--indicating intellect .baCked or reenforeed- by enormous .. -physical powers. • For a long time he eats on the bench with one leg crossed. aver 1 the _other, : head :bowed. -a- little forward, , and, 'motionless thalf cast in bronze, save..a. twist- ing in and out of each other of his White', :Shapely, -slender . hands . -.I-: may . except another motion, but which was Bo slight as to escape notice, unlesst one like myself.were - i‘watching "hini . with close. -attention -:- This was in his eyelids.- They are very • large,. - 'and---drop-oter his eyes i like two great -cur- tains,j._•-. Ordinarily' they were down, 00*C41-- Ai* the whole- eye; but now And then they ' would rise quickly for -a short distance, ,..-and a thin background of intense black would . flash Mit upon the audience,' 'Until -he /*se. • to ip.eak, had it not been for this -nervons- 1 'twisting and • untwisting. of his fingers, and - the occasional -.raising- of hiS eyelids, -.7 he• • -. - 'might have passed for chiiSeled marble,: or . a casting of sternest brenze., • . . . _ , Whether he.were poising Or not, I' cannot . say;- but even if he were, he shows himself .an artist Of --the. highest power.' ' Nothing could- have been - arranged.- More striking, •"-nothing which • SO. **led with 'Salient points : -. and mysterious fiuggOitiens, '. He sat "there . .-- displaying: power-in-..bia heavy physique and _ _ unbroken.- repose.'. One who 'saw him -saw not only snggee ionsof power, but of secrecy, -. dark'and._nnyie ding- as that Of. the _grave. Not only, these, but cunning, thoughtfulness, : endtr.ance, obst, Maey, . and everywhere a -MYsterions eoinisthing_-_Which -defies reading, which -MAO the faits 'enigmatical, sphinx - like, - :and render. abortive all atteMpte to• penetrate throUgh. the 'sullen Mask and :read What lies beneath. - When he arose_ . to speak he seemed to be a powerful figure, a little above the Medinni-stature, Hewore4 frock . coat, -buttoned- above," his waist, and , F.r which displayed togood*advantage a Strong - -rather than a graceful figure. :„. There was a 7_ stable in front Of him; And to this he -Walked, •• s that he-stOod _with 'a half -.face to :the _ .. in - : . _ • et. • He, ,commenced s, address.- in a ..low, -• but yet . not indistinct, :and withal a-, yatiterimisical yoke:. -Ilia head was thrown •- forward, his eyes: were fixed on : the table, . and his Manner Was, singularly hesitating. - He.appeared laboring finder a Painful ern- ..barigatient His voice had a tremor in it; he seemed to stumble over a -Word -here; and: '•--,-tooatch.--sit - another. one there. . His handa. • - and arma Were incessant in it Species of - ner- . - . . • . - : _ _ VOUS: shifting. • The fingers would-reat.-for a • .. ' -Moment on the table.- Then the arms- would be clasped 'behind' his back, only to remain, ; there a second before swinging by; his side,: •_ or being moved forward again ts -rest upon. - i the table. , ...... - - '. : -* • : - .,- .- : .- •. He was as uneasy. with his. feet' and legs . . . - as With his hands. -- He moved at first inces- santlr---now forward,_ now back, that poised upon one leg and- then upon the. Other.- ' He He was SO -uneasy :.he BQ -tIViatett ancliswung, and rocked; his utterance was -so broken- and se s hesitating that one might almost- fancy• - - that be was about to break down. :• :'. ' - ---f-Tl'ilevertheless'all this time it was the eye . anclepx which took in these development.• Beneath- the senses Nyasa conviction that all this was of account, and that despite theni• - he -was ineving_.fOrward Strongly and:irresist- ibly. Anesiich was thecase.•:-.-His ideas Were .clear; logical in their arrangement, • and his .- words.:fitte4. to eachotherlikethe jewels in a- -diamond' - cinder': By; ..•degreet the . ap- parent nervousness, hesitancy; and indecision. -disappeared. - The _feet- became immovable, . :the- shifting- motion. of .the.Attnisit-gradally -grewinto quiet . but 'griteekli gestures -I' the • twisting of the body into a swayingnotion, full of power, deference, yet -yet dignified and _elegant The heavy head - Was throWn back; :7 the sullen, ' meitiOnless features became light-. . - ed up and permeated by a flexible .mobility.I. 7 7 the broad eyelids - .rolled -up,. and the great - !eye-fr.-flashed- out With a sombrebrilliancy.. - .- He. spoke for nearly- an hour.. It was only iipon..:80...Ine uniniportant matter --a• vote of • - -cenSureTby the .Commons Upon an appoint-: inent be. had Made of iii::Mr. Pigott•te-the head of soine Minor.departinent: - Neverthe!- • ,- - lesilie heid_hii-'auditory. intact. - .. if he can - -do so well will upon.40 insignificant a topic, •. what- can he not do when handling . any Of . greater .iMportance?::: • . - .- •_ • : • - ' . .To -day. he is One of the shreWdest, most • unscrupulous, Most ambitiou4 : and fliost powerful Men in Furope: , :Despite his age— he is now &limit 7.0.yeari-lie is at ambitious , as when indny', reari.EgO after.failing-nts' ser:.--' . ,, i . -.ably in his -Mai en effort in Parliament, he 'defiantly informed his jeering auditory that they would one day listen to hini--; and that, -jlie should-oneday aucceed • ... ,• ilk WIWI" , *Ay . - THE Bavarreidigging in ,a,n,....iiricitiii., -church-yard of Munich for the bones of one . . . .of their . They ned many graves.. N. ering sk tonk wi to iden -, ' there 1, sceptre, other relic Of majesty that may have been bnried with them. • Wonders �fElectricity. .ii • It would seem- •-t4a.t. the .WondSys, of t_ii science . are not more than lialf discover6 As a motive power it is a mrvt1.. Sendin a despatch' acrossthe:Atlantic in a momentt -Plating our variouth. Metals .witlf silver d Illuminating our factories!;: or; churches, are a few of its wonders-. Bwb none of these are so. -ms:rvelouk as its -cu tiVe power when skilfully applied. The Th6 contracted miisaleanaY be relaxed, tions are allayed,the torpid hirer become active, a a crooked spine assumes its natua. -forth, St. Yities. Dance is controlled,- p •-ized--limbs-Tare Strong in a Word the a strengthened, and all • the functions'of.bo Or mind teetered to 'their ..equilibrium. this We believe is nOw,siideessfully: performr ed at the TorontolglectrOtherapiitic. InSt- tute, ...which was established.. 004 a yea ;:ago.- Whit can be. More- wonderful- tkai :euring.disease by_electricity-witliO4 ,:and without pouring nasemis-diugs into th - stb-thaeh, which deranges all its finictia 'y. does' not our Doctors master this latest scientific discovery and keep a pace withth progressof the age, . 1,t • FURNITURE! - FURNITURE! stm It COMCS. `iftst receivedatthe • sin Of the "Big Chair Ras muci pleasure e haas; c.q goods or gentlemer_ to choose Thankino• the public for t -be3towed in the past ; and asking • ' uance- of -fav rs an A r a public contest lately held, the folio ing was the prize COmmdrum : What is t difference between a tenant and the son of widow? The tenant has to pay rents.; b the son of.a widow itas not two parents. 'SHOCKING I--WriteEthe ,`Poet Smith—, clasped her fair hand in a rapture of Ws and thought, oh, how blessed ourfates; til I looked On the gloves that enci cled h wrist, and. found I that, alas! they w r 'eights!'" uuurBELL ST, LUCKNOW, Anothet car -load of handsome Furnithre in the atest-styles. • Parlor and Bedroom suites very, eheap. ' Spring Beds and Mattresses, a splen - id assortment of Wool andSeagress ;in`Duck nd Hessian. Call early and secure bargains. fir Moto is "Small profits andquick returns." • RAVIALCOLNI, . tuckhow, May 501, 1877. • n every p Suits -made to shortest notice.: Wined out, ment . •:-.3"tist zutitted.d1.3%NewBRedAitxieEhi3of:ElesA. -Telt. -e -radical cure 4w -hit -ant me-dicine) of -Spar_ — atorrlicea or Seminal Weakness, Involun- tary erciinal Losses, Impotency, Mental and I 1-13riag-h3ies,iciaiCensaumCaPriactiolt117r: :III:0110-PersYni!aritItsd_ tFt'aitt, trI":1 - :04iced by self-indulgence, ,Or. sexual „e_ tiayai. 4f?Illce.perite; in a. sealed-1.7;_010.Pe, -0h137:--6t-onte. . •' The celebrated author, :IA 44S Aihnit:Able _may, :01e4rbr Aen1_011:StigieS, .f._0111 .--6 thirty 'eara'successfulpractice, that'_ tile slarinine consequencesof self-abuse may be =filially eured without ths-dangerous use of intental edicine, or the apPlication. f the kat 5 • - p pointing out a mode of _cur,fr, ,.. once simple, certain and effectual,_by-nae3of whichevery sufferer, no matter what his conditien#tay Be italyc. nre Iiiifins_elf---dhealilir_. iprivattli--und 4adi- 1 .- 1 Or This Lecture ihbuiclibr.i,filx:tire ‘mils'of =_-every' youth and eve:Y:211Abkin-tbe,land.d. - . -.1 Sent under seal, in. a plain envelope; to -address, on receipt 0. .6 c ente _ th, _ r tFos, postag8 '8?!'niTTPA--C' 4IiLVEAddreR3s*E T 1:1,- 3TE-DICA:1-,•Co.; 4. Ann 'St,: New York ;Post -Office Box 4586 isf4e LYROOD OMAS -STE --ESPECTFULILY _ammunc to he in habitants of Holyrood, Luckno._ and - ir surroundings -that he his on land - at th _ _ - _ Olvrood ;Steam Milis a 'large .amo nt. - Is published every Friday morning a . • 1 - office,• - I SOMERVILLE'S 33Loo: 1.,d:anipben Street, Lucknow. - TERMS F. paid strictly in advauee, $1.50 per an num ,• otherwise $2.00, No paper disedn tinned till; all arrears are paid, except at - t _option of the publisher. I. . . . RA.T'ZS OF ADVERTISIN First.insertion, eight cents per line;_eac .; subsequent' inseraon .two cents per line. - Business cards not exeeeding eight lines, , per annum: - ' The number of linesto be reckoned. by • space occupied, meathured by a soalel Of - so annion,1 . 1: ' - • l• Advertisements without specific direction Will be inserted until ;forbid, and charged ac osrdlingly.11 V • f•-- - Al casual advertisements must be paid f in advance. _ Any special notice, the objectot which is t promote the pecuniary benefit of any lindividu al or company; to betcorisidered an advertise ment, and -Charged accordingly. • • I Advertisements of strayed, &c.-, inserte thre6tinies,for $1. Property for sale, $1:5 the first Month, and I 75 ,centfeach ensuii month. •• - - TE-Altidar AGREEMENT _ The klloiving rate!' will be charged to • th' Who advertise by the, year: • One column; 1 Year, One column, 6•Montbs, One colnam, . 3 Months, Half do - 1 yearo Half do 6 Months Half do I, 3 months, • Quarter do 1 Year.: 'Quarter do - 6 Months, Quarter do onths, • tir In nOiease..will .these rates be Iran. s .• Gener I Blacksmith, LuCknow_ All -ds of Blacksmithinir done on ( ) a best of workmen . shoeing:a 'speciality-. Horse - airi..ng -done neatly. ancI- with . dis patch.' WESTERN MILLSING PBELL LtICKNOT AMBI.EDON .81 AGNEW PROPRIETORS. aniifikturers of -,-' DOnRS, tASHS,_ • i - BLINDS.FAEs, • MOULDINGS, ' .Block siding, &e. , Lumber and shingles constantly on hand. , -Contracting made a speciality..: • Extra indUceinents to mechanics. _ - - • • , HAMBLETON &'AGNEW; I4ncknow. 95 -- - - ikardine'&Goderich . .1.1f:mAcATouirk- . RRIACE 0RKS-01:31C fr r•"tr"---"' • STONE.S, TRIMMINGS, •. MONUMENTS, work ofall.kbidt; in Marble designed and • executed in the best style, and most reasonable prices. ' LE MANTLES rani Kept in -Steck. -Monuments and Headstones. • Imported - to order. _ 'WORK WARRANTED. SCOTT -/,?z ITANSTONE. FIRST CLASS t Kincardine. Manufacturer of -Carrial.efh Buggies, Wagons ()Utters, Sleighs, &c.11 . • • In, thanking the Public for their patronai§ during the threeyearsI have been in bps _nsiS. I beg toinfOrmithein. that have re . moved my business- to Wm; • Flood's sho Where I AM prepared -to fill any orders that 11 may be favored with in niy line with prem. nessi, • As I, have a. geod stock Of well seasoi.e. LuMber, also Hubs, Spokes, Rinis, 4c., an employ none but first-class workmen, _ "c -safely Warrant my Work to give entire ,sati fiction. The blacksmith shop is still.:in' . Session of _Mi• Wm. Flood; who is a in'aCtic blacksmith and horsesheer; who employs th well known Mr.- H.-Bogeis,47ho is .'second . none in the !County at his business. I The • fore We cannot fail to give satisfaction. paintingandall kinds of repairing done wi despatch. Give me .4- call.. J. B. :VIcARTH LuCknow.'; May ..5th; 1677. - • • - • • 11SUM OR uur - . A itOLDtiered wont actine:_prsenes. ha* ".611.7 int had placedinhil his* KastIntliklaseiongy the fOrninla of A 'Vegetable Remedy for th. speedy and pi loanent ewe SONSUMPTION- . CATARRH*. 1 and; aB-.• Throat- Mkt. -Ling Affections;-: else: A 'Positive ahd : fOk:Ketvous iDebility and all"-Netvent Cotil! p1In.,Uter having thorOugh-, Wtelted irendlihricutstive In Shotuiiitidt of. cases: -feelicit it to his sneering -Mows:. Actuated hy'this tuotiTim .. Ind a •nonitientious: dedre. I to relieve -htintari :suffering, he wlfl lend MINX OP CHARGE, to An who &sit's- it, Ulls. swipe, with- ion erection. :for preparing and' stecciassfully :Being. --Sint by SeturuAtail by -adthealine witb. stanip,nam beta*PIM! ." .• . •• - DD. 0. STEVENS,: 1- .- • ; 13.17hg:,Rfl -.Tire/T.111e: One ' ,IMPIMITANT-TO mata--tirsa !Janis: nowt BiA0 D t " r A HE for. wand and pantgohl :sent en receipt of $6:00,- Ilowfor CI:Ciders, 'A& Irene. L. 11; BELDAITEI- . E B: HARDX110..-Druggist,,,, •• . DroslivillejCasedie _ _ . JOHNSTONE: Is. prepared to run a Bnal D FROM ALL TRAINS ,Orders left at his office or __house will receive prQmpf attention: Parties' wanting •horses to o froni Kincardine can be accoMmodated at v reasonable rates. •, ••• _ Kincardine .1 -an. 1 1876. -09:4113;- NUFACTURER OF ALL KJND8 OF AR11ESS, SADDLES, VALISES &c, inte„dini.purchasers will find it to their ad tagt tort and .exajoine my stock- NOth but the.best-grades of leather -are keRtt and wotkinAnship second to nVtiegiu, forCollarss specialty. -• TV, GRASSier. • NOTARY prmdc, c • REAL EB.8tRa.. teC,011S1;.1,z8V ur Commission NORTH HARBOR S The oldest Real Estate .A of Bruce--estab Business with the 'Cr') Ment prOmptly attended. Real eistateavalued in a ty. 'Charges moderate, I MONEY. TO The mint favorable ten Security!r. -•' ONZ It in -i, Smt Mi8 ANC nee -tienerat_ e;lecgy. eu „I: e County _ ',_ ' . . _ bkrafei_TE, a Depart- the:Coun STTINGLES, e is prepared to sell ut very - • _ 8 rntfndin to 1)11 d can 8tipplied-fiiiii mkick or .Tamer 2 to 26 feet long.. -orders fprOmptija, nded to.on -the Int- esi notice. AVID -FERGUS() k •. on hand7at the __Stea ric -Works, a large stock of -the •ire clearest bricks - for buildhig and -poses. Also. Tylesfor draiiiing 20 centsa rod: ; These ay made materiali and we can gu rantee • both as to -quality /rid prire. -ufe,ctery.and be convince . • DAV a FE Hol'Or ed, May 25, 187 Received by Cam:teem West Riding Ifuron„ opl • ..2nd prizes, held at • -Wingliam 1st and 2nd.. Kincardine, let and Disc -Lucknow, three lst prizes Reasons why our work is'. can be bought in this par Because we -have always best seeond growth timbe ed in our own establishme • ploy none but practical we have v.- monthly repo American and •English ties Work ifs!done on scientific• mgpurchasers would do v. amine the stock of Cutterr betsleighs, Which we Offi writ Warranted to give sal build to order Carriages a pattern to suit purchase retritattang -done with Ikea •Also all:kinds of Jobbing cultural implements. intu31Ci op eiaitinTar ihri all wo , - or of tlia large ec echanic of a) principl 440_ ,pleas very • factio d sleig . Re ess an one, 1876;' •1St _an • .shown.';' any that.: Country. - k of the ly sesson- e we em- Becausee: the latest -I ause our - Intend - and. - _ _ • _ ex - and lum- ap.. e als� ;of every ring and.:: dispatch. _ ept. .Agri • CAMERON .14eknow, October 11 • 14 6.. 3.10 Maeo ly One, tyle and 0 ito-- • price, NO Age Send f(-) ts. No Disco= 8.. No 0 110; mission lied Free 0 F rmers and. 'Li downers. want -to borrow men ? To land for yourself or your us'? • - h use or barn 9 To fence,clear, • or otherwise improve yot land a Mortgage or other deb ? Qr fa purpose ?- If you -do, the redied Canada Permanent- Lo and Sa pe.ny,..which has made in re loans during the -last twenty -o e years afford superior faegitieth th for lidan:unfi for its.: repa 0144 for-GoOdlfo inforination apply to th manage • • - I . s WALD CAM ELL, Apr 4- Lucknow, Oct.jIl. - ito PO you uy more build a derdrain, o pay • off_ any other s of the gs other rlurther Toton free. , maw; 00., t -aehome worth e. - ie Greatest wonder of modern Times s - - HOLLOWAY'S ,,Kuus.at_DINTmoT._ The Pilis Purify the B166d,correct all dis- orders of he liver. 'Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females; - The oint1inent is thepnly-reliable remedy for -. Bad Legs, Oldc-Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, of " • hciwever lo g standing. For Bronchitis, :Dip- theria CO ghs Colds Gout Rheumatisin, and all Ski1n Diseases it is -no _equal. • ITERFEITS, Spurious -imitations of "Hollow is. Pills, -- and Ointment" are -manufactured and sold under tbe nanie of "Holloway & Co.," by J.F. Itehrv, Curran & Co., Druggista, and also tan • Medicine; .'New • -1( 0 r ed trade mark —Again one oo fff cNewounisYrIerikt he Igetropoli•- G*PanY of witk an 2.8811M- 14is J osephliaydock likewise p,asses of his own make under the name of Holloway - & Co., having for a trade mark a Crescent and erpen -; McICessen and Robbins of New York are agents for the same. •-These persons, the better to.deceive you un- blusbiLgly caution the public in the sinalL book of directions affixed to tfieir Medicines, which are really the_spurious imitations, to Of Counterfeits. - 'Unscrupulous dealers obtain them at very low pric41,4i them to the public in Can- ada as my geliffliiie Pills and Ointment. I most earnestly and respectfully appeal to the Clergy, to mothers.of families and -other 'dies, and to the public generally of British • North America. that they may be pleased to denounce unsparingly these/Tame& • bel Parties shodw100111::oay,sthe La on the Pots and -130X-08._ If the address s'rec:Zi atet°sit:1 le5PHinte3007,3t° ,ll ac spurious uria yxpido,;tmsfs8 i.trhaeleGedt:o*t 'e idr dbearsiee5 engravedB33ithothereon,ve.nStreet,e 70nStaL 0. :ever, --alim;plyreeed.nithunc�niniiin:ye_rarerits:grignhoont• vid:yocnt.mb:Ase:deefrmllaalolo t the Veztl' theeulars ir names yulg ever. tcs-Jan.ls cines .th the Lon- _ • sW. Itehr el R D.F MARRIAG underj .the new Act -- Clerk's Office: St H elens. -