HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-08-31, Page 3= - - - THE LUCKNOW SN • " JN --ATHEIJS: RowiN We ito.wl in Athens ---in the Agora Around are Statues, pain'ings„ Porticeelk glch- with the rarest art earth -,ever Saw, , The grand Acropolis before us Covered with marbleas a mount with snows; Afar,oneitherhand„ are fairitlk Seen The groves.whereproud,phileophy bestows Her treasured lore, amidst the, shades serene, _ 00 -every side Minerva shows in_ statted sheen. - - - - Andmultitudesof men are gathered there, in frequent groups, beneath thepIane trees' shade. - Some the last scandal of the town declare . Some talk of business andthenews of trade; Some of the drama that to -day is -played ; - * Some ,ef the festival to-morrovi brings • Some of the fortunes hitely lost or made; Some listen to the poet Whiki he sings-;- Edrne to the fierce harangue that from the rostriira •- rfPg14- : Lo, wtiere beside thk painted -porch; a crowd Of Epicures:and St \ratto wait„ While still tlis wordy .1vrixfare waxes -loud; kk?tranger joins-th lists: of the debate. • = Ilisiooka betray the hand oradverse fate; - Fadedhispilgrirn garb-, sunken his cheek, Yet noble thought, and -feeling animate • --The forlii u,n,cornely andthebearing meek, . ; And many. panie to hear the Jewish strang-er speak, - tella of ions- and the life th*corne,.- - Till murrnurs-of lion_tempt-and wonder rise; - mere word -trickster, like the rest !" say some ; "With yet new Gods -01'1r Pantheon he supplies," Say others, till, to banish all— They bee him, up- to Areopaguss - • _ - Where, high in state, they tibia ap,.rand assize, -. -Beneath the alien sky 140WOOti011ig:;. courtedua,mieti, their clia;11-enge an- swersthuil - - - - • • - • . Ve.men of' Athens, I permive. Where'er 1. cast my eyes around, Thit 3re in Posers Divine- believe, _And in religious zeal, abOUnd: Arnfdst a multitude of shrineS. -A -wilderness; of graviati -stone:- . -Lc,one whereon this legend shines : -Sac.red- unto: the -God unknown, - Iiim,"_"-the\fre * now dol cli clar a- thr- , , . Iheliviner- rid of beiVen an earth i Who holds all things withinflis`carp, As from_ him all thing's have their birth.' „ The temples hunian handq..May rear Moldriot Hi s spirit Vast and free, Nor can the great Alt Giver fear - Lest Ile should lack frorn fon and me. We are his- offspring,": so sing well SOmeof-your poets, Grecian men. Father Of nations, he doth tell Where they shall live, and hows,and hen., - - But ShaThive for the Godhead own The'Unages.of_graven gold. , O silver,_ brawand bronze,and stone, Cut by a hand of mortal mnuld. • „, Such -ignorance hath God passed by,. Ent now he bidaall men„repent,_ Beeause the day is-drawing.nigh_, - When-, by the Mari whom Ile hath. sent, - Tie World shall Meet. His judgment dread, - Whereof beholdtheand signi, - •I that he raised the ehriftt once dead, TO lis e forever, Lord,Divine. For. twelve. Years he had worked inces- santly, and ,,neei he felts himself breaking -down. It came to pats, -therefore; to the . surprise of all Who knew hinithat he sudden - gave tip Work and treated himself to .a h day. He was well-to-do'and could have , forded this at any time ;-leut hitherto he had- - never even tried to resist that stale dmon of his, which vexed him -and harried him bite- • study. - - _ • • - ,r - The grace.of Nature Were nething-te the, Professor:- The purple of a sunset diStarice,. and the amber and crimson glory of the sky above it, awoke in his heart no: gleam -of re! sponsiye beauty: Before that ineffable spec- etacle.his scientifie- instincts aroused them- • selves, and he dived -deepintoreflectionson the prismatic rays and the power of the at. mesphere for optic ilhisions. FiIIed with his - own refleetions, he.walked up and down. the • deck of thevessel which here bini to:Better- dent, and; neither knew nor eated that it carried another creature. s As the night -fell, the wind freshened, mad the sea eesponded. '-,The Professor became dreadfully - but; -even Sea -sickness • could net stir him born his bold end:Scornful isolation. • He suffered in lonely silence and '• made no appeal even to the steward. - Stand- . ing-At the side of -the'Yeesel, as neer amid- -. ships as he could find': & place, and' gazing - with savage endurance at the:Whirling hori- zon, he felt a hand upon- his shoulder,. and heaid a pleasant voice:' - - . Villani ? I thought I knew yeti." . • r The:Professor looked up for a second; and recognized the speaker. - Except for that -; -glance he Made. no • acknceeleclgentent...of his _ presence; but -clutched the rail,- and gave himself over, body and soul, to inisely-.• , Try this.' said the pleasant -voice; I ' The - Professor ut...the flask by. with i . • , peeviele gesture 45 dislike peed discomfort..- .. "Come,: come,"- said the . pleasant Voice. "It's -the best thing -in the. wOrld." The Professor,- findmg the, fief& forded up. on him, took it, -and, with A, ema'll and vi. ciousill-tempthrew it *deerboaedand. clung totherail:egain. - The owner of the • -pleasant voice looked 'at the Prefessor with something like anger. A moment later he laughed. _ - - • ; • " What: are.nnhappy_ devil you • must be, Villani'such a temper !' The Professor returned no --ansWer, but - i citing to the tail- and watehed:, the wheeling ehorizere The universe seethed one huge -.rotary frame -work 1- Of which he was the:mis- erable centre, What . made matters worse .was that; While he rolled One Way, that per- - verse universe rolled- another, . Stole as he . was he Could endure' no longer, - and be groaned. .* ' :1 I I. might: have guessed," laidhis unwel- . :come companion, "low ill you were, Let- . _ me help: you to one of the benches: Come .1 That's right ' Steady, there. ! ,New, lie down lee_re. tee me get the rug under your- 'rheed, and tuck this well about you. There you are -right as a triVet. Now you -shall - have a dose Of brandy, and go to sleep.; Steward?" • . • - . Sick •ai he was, the Prefessor resented the kindly hand thatdid himthesefriendly' of- fices. He moved his head fretfully and fee- bly to avoid the glase-thist,was held to his lips; but his eompaeienwouldtake no de- nial, and- he was too weak and miserable to offer A.long resistance. His comrade passed_ a- strap ..about himto ensure :him against . falling.off,:threvi another rut over hie]; and strolled away to -smoke a pipe in the bows, where Iewatchedthe shadowy bowsprit dive' and soar before him,. Half ...humming a 'tune, whichcame drowsily and nasally .past his pipe, he set there the night through: ' He •thede excite -EA -ens now and "agein:' to - the Professor, who preserved a sick -and* sulky silence and, • felt ' inwardly ashamed. - He found him pretending sleepatlast,. replaced•- ' the topmost nig; tneked. it _gently behind him and. under him,. And 80 left him tautand, tidy,' Then he went back to the bows and hummed and smoked till flaylight, When the people in the boat Were astir again; he ked the Professor, ' unpacked. , who was much bet- ter and a_trifle more ill-tempered. - With a .Jelfint. and . aggravating . good -humor, he ca- tered forthecomfort-of the fractious 'crea- thre he had taken in charge.: He ea* him_ • to the breekfast-table and made- him eat: -- He produced a bottle of champagne, and • made hiin drink, and declared that s.each thing he forced upon him was thebestin the world for sea -sickness. To all these kindly acts and Weede respOnded with a fretful air. of injury, which affected him who offered -them no more than lightning affects conductor. The Italian's whole- being grated at this • perpetual -.good temper 'and long forbearanae,. and he endured theni_in a F sort of silent rage. He.becameteeaggraetat- i ed at last to bear the other's presence .anee; longer, and walked hastily- away from him, ▪ John Harmer-, barrister-atelaW,. eat clown in the bows again, and =ekedand hummed with quiet unostentatious cheerfulness. Villani, spurred by his own :stele '-dirton, leoleed at him now and Again sourly.; grudg- ing hit enjoyment of life,..andlis handsome bearing and bright faze. John Harmer, flo- rid in complexion, - tawny as to the beard, broad -Chested, long-linibed; fresh, crisp and healthy, and as cheerful as a linnet,- looked now and again at-thelean and haggard set-. ande-feltetiorry-forehunTpitymeehur As when a brand, grown -,;brighter by its motion - Through the resist:ant air, till allatianie. Strikesonthe surface of the briny bepan, Whose waters, hiss and quench it ; so they came. - Those word's of life, in contact with cold blame - And unbelief and scorn. Yet not for naught ' Their mission. Athens' fell but in hername Forever lives the scene thelesson ta.ught, Tbat da.y, and with celestial power and wisdom fraught. - RIGHTED WITH FALSE RISTJ-RMITTRRAY. - • a I have heard • 7. . Tbat- gati ereatifres, sitting- at a:Play- CHAPTER 1. In the autunntof the year 1870 Professor Ottavio Villani threw' his studies to the wirikand started for the Continent. The Professor was -A young ,man who had given 'very remarkable proof of, great ability. He - had already, at the age of thirty; grown fa- mous among the medical men Of London, and earned both admiration and detraction. There' were certain of the elders who called* him a charlatan, but there were many who, believed in him; and almost swore by him.- - Yet, however the Professor was admired, he had no, skill to win any human creature's af- fections. Saturnine 'in ; aspect, -Morose in demeanor, and solitary `'• is tastes was the Professor. He, was not ha dsome„ and: the knowledge of that fact galled him bitterly-; for though he was in some 'respects very near being a great- men, he was in others- a Very small one. He. was suspicious of all offers of friendship, and 'seemed more hurt by cordiality than most Men areby coldness. 'Eine -armor of reserve in which -he wrapped _himself was as much offensive as defensive. Be bad no friendin the -.world, so -far as anybody in -.London- knew. He had gone through the ordinary medical and surgical curriculum at his hospital without ina,king, so much as a civil casual Acquaintance. The more refined of his compeers shrank from the _loutish discourtesy elliiitenanner, and he in 'turn, rejected -the- boist r6samenities-of the - • youngsters, hisf oW-stnclentit, - fell into an almost-sup reading; an' I I . jug e t gad.- miration by prodigious labpre,' His Mind was * • "wax to receive and marble to retain." He - -:,eperit,,..his M`ghts in. &Yid. Audi, - -breaking now and telEi luta fits of lonely and - 81111ert. dissipation. - By degrees these fits- _ grew less and less frequent, and, as heogrew • to complete manhood, they -ceased. .1Even; e his warmest enemies were fain to admitthat • he wasa. man of lamest Superhuman erndi- - time; and -these hated him therefore in pro - Portion to their own, smallness and hi * : - The Professor listed in Dines Inn, .end his chambers were in tie tippetmost story: The grim_ outlook from -his windows,_ which held nothing but chimney -pate suited him. The occasional rem* of -bachelor- jollity which floated through open -windows- in the sum- , iiier time suited him -alsee• for :they formed * food for his despite and dislike. He was a, man who would scarcely have been comfort- • able if he Could. He never gruinbled4tudi, bly at anything but leved to nurse all man- ner of little injuries and annoyances, reje.iic.; mg in his contemptuous hate of these. who inflicted them. . Professor Ottevie VilIant was, in short, -, • as- disagreeable and unlovelee.a ineet- as one might meet in 8-_„sunimer' day's. +/alit -any- where. gene # - he was wealthy, and his want of emPloy- 'tent weighed lightly upon hitspirits. He had*a splendid physique, a geed- heart, the digestion of an °stmt.); and a- temper dia.:. • • - tinguished e calm and unbroken cheer- fulness, He was going abroad to meet his sweetheart, and he Was five -and -twenty. Villani became a little more approachable by-and-by, and -discarded a -little Of his ill. • temper. But whatever topic:was touched as he and John Harmer talked together, the Still* treated it with a bitter and grudging setire. -Yet, as _he talked, he ,became less and lest offensive, -and,- though_ he. contintied pessimist all over, grew wonderfully inter- esting, and.at last companionable. It was plainlyto be seen that --lie was really il- that his nerves were terribly. irritated, and that lis whole system was out .of order. He • Was Su -yellow that one Might have thou ht - his veins -ran- bile. He stooped in his w - and his black .hair was already thickly streaked with. graye• 'Hit Majestic head was set on an insignificant figure; - his. chest iwas ' as narrow aselus waist. "If this man is • unhappy and ill-tempered," thought John Harmer, as he walked betide him,.." it isn't a great deal to be wondered at." ' As the 'Professor passed into his bettelt. • mood, the hearty young fellow!s-gesel-natiire N japlautis aougtie in in his favor. He was and .happiness id:toned hima little. The sea - breer/s-braeed blip, and a vague sense of hell, a -Making brenght e. hint of freshness ter his Spirit. •I , - • "1 suppose," sitidliarmer, as they Walked-. i9iirfriendsedet;..? ". th,?i tt• yeo_et. -goi7.g..en.a visit to • :,"-Noi" returned the other; falling intohis old repellent: -manner at the question. " have no Mende' on the Continent" I !.1 • -" Whatroute do you take ?" isied1Hare Mer, ignoring , his -coMpanion'e echange of Manner:: • - . no plans," : the other . answered, : and turned t� the Other side of the veseel. . ."Look here; then," Said the younger Man in his own hearty fashion, "-join with us."- -He could read the ether's refusal .iiilt.arvient. off in a tone of 'quiet appeal. : • `.` We are gi;k : ing tee- he- a- quiet : party.-..- :Yon- 6641i. halte: -things your -own way when you :want: !them 50, eed Make. our Ways yours when it, -._pleases you. - You Will finditImit dreary . holiday if you *amble about,alone.'" '• The Italian'turned And looked at him, but .eeturned *antWeree "...Come," resumed Harmer; ." yoniheye worked tbo hard,. and these lonely ways. are; geed for nobody. 'Come and breathe:4 little social air, and get the scholarlydust -.out- of your lungs. :Sky yeti will come." - The Professor 'looked- round deawing. his eyes : sloivly --front the distance and fixing theta full. on those of his cotapen- , _ "I em net a. social - Man,'" he. said, . tpeek- ing reluctantly and.- slowly " 'ani net. used to society,- and I am better alone." "Nonsense," field, Harmer. f.‘141- shall send, you haat to London Ancthee Male The Profester shrugged his: shouldersand-turned away With id definite an aspect Of refusal.- that. any -other Man, in the world mould have .felt himself insulted.' But • it Was net easy to insult John Harmer. He - turned With Yille;niand took - foreible, -pes-e :essinf himi Drn*nl the - Italian's am hrOnghhwent on: ! '". sure you'll get. More good out of Your - holiday by joining. *Use than by- going: about alone. • Say- you Will come." e , Villni was annoyed,buthe was also, in. spite of hitnself, litttle touched...". -He Made a fainter resistance. - - . •- .; "1 shall be in you way," he said. , "Notit-ille:my.dear fellow, I assure you. • Now, do let me persuade yon. We -will de everything we can to Make you comfortable. And really, you know," said Harmer, facing eoundtpon, him; • ," you're, not well. You're very fee from well.. You have'no - right to • travel:- about alone.". -Thit.friendlisolicitude beget to be -plea- sant to the friendless -man. . r- It flattered his vanity, and fed hissenseet his oWitimport,ance... .• • • Will you eeme.?" said Harmer persuas- ively, With a hand ,oie:hifecorepanion's ehonle dere- Yes,' said the Professor, lookingacrossaetoss the waters: ; 1` I will ,c6nie. " - • rt. - • John -Harmer became -wonderfully- inter- ested in the Professor. He had kne*Ii him . foryears in a casual sort Of way, but he had never exchanged a -haltheee't talk With hini before.- He found him fullef enridsitYand interest, -a brilliant- talker,: too cold and hard., . everywhere, but brilliant and dazzling, full • of erratic. fanCies and .Strange 'psyohOlogidal. --theories. Etellidvaneed,these-theo4es bold; ancteyeneigerlye despite his-.eeturelyeti. • Once,. . - :"1 say, Villani,"" said his listener shdilen, ly,: " you're -another Men.: already,11 The Professor looked at him darkly. for a second Or two, and .then answered, 1 With stiff assumption of AayetY.:' !.- Ye's, I ani anottier man. 'aeiread41" "'You . men,. of genius, _you know/ :etude Harmer,, -:"soirtetineee* get into bad habits.1; You study toe* cloae1y4 - you -.Make hires toe solitary; you get intoan evil habit - of ignoring Yeer - fellow,ereaturefk :Don't - you think se ? , • • "1• know nothing," Said Villani, with a • laugh whichonany other men's face mohld, have beeen a- sneer -his: highest exPressien Of geed-humbee-e`` I know : net4it of. your Men.. of genius and . then-- ways. But 1-1 Worked too hard: 1 have been too solitary. But I am Coming from my -shell alreadee". - • . •:' "It strikes me," Said Hemet "that we shall have a'jelly time of it." . ! "Oh, yes," rettirned.. Villani, -With - the. same clumsy cheerfulness; "we will have a, folly tittle.' • • . -• • The Profestor.bad.eaten a fairly good '"1 .din- ner that. evening, :and had shared a ,bottle of . Wink's:: His sickness was over, and he began to feel a strange and, nnaceuetemed. glow Of :geniality, :I. • LO* here," said Harmer, 1.11* two be friends. 1111eok you up in town,- and .37,60Llook Me up; and *fetch you out - of that ilext- �f , yours now :And : the*: Eh? What de:You:iSiay Shall we be friends r-, have never made. friends .anywhere,"i: said Villani, halfrWiStftilly, haif bitterly, "Then," said Harmer; -*heeling round on him,and laying a.hand.en each of lie ehmill detp,-'" begin with me." The Professor Professor_ was fairly taken storm' and capitulated; •`7. - : • "Yes," he answered, stretching but ,both, his Jo4.. Harmer removed his grasp:- or's thoulderseandlOok'th _ - • Offered -hands; a • said Cheerily, ' hates , CHAPTER II. ' I When the Professor awoke next morning he found himielf ready to‘despipe his mood of yesterday, and to make1pleantatien Of his -promises of friendship. --Vhat ha til he and this -Englishman in domniofil he asked self."" He will leok . me up," he said to ehimielf sulkily, "and drag erne out of my den. So he -18 graciously pleased, to pro - .mise. . I have cured ene Or two men of that fancx,. andIsha1I himi cure.- I have Promised to join his friends, but I have not. Promised to'accompanythem. I *ill jdin them, and leave them, and then go -my own iniy.?' when he met the young barrister - again he found' his own reticent - ill -humor . ends more subdued. The sonic ground was gone over. The young man's perfect con- tentment and happiness jarred upenilinn, and -Made him envious afresh. But the, bleetask of ruffling the young lawyer's tem- per having been Once assayed„ the Professor •sticcuenbed anew,- and by the time the slow. going picket reached its destinatioue. he found hithaelf Actually laying plans for John Harmer's party. . 'When he realized the the change which seemed tole takingplace - -Within him, he was amazed. • beerepreperly approached . how:. - But John Harmer had 01 to his heart, and to him it ope door as it, could -on 80 short r.,a . Poor, clever; scholarly little C the dawning beams of friends He had never coneei laity of any one caring for hi -tender vanity ' and his sturdy e alike taken .arms against th had been 'so lonely and so .sepen discover someone Whoni he di dislike was • -a comfort to him; wonderl eHe bean to thin Was capable of -friendship, and ld ithai ieesvadpetar tnie. plant, r.t; againstand i wava sei3eheart offered. deehimself.sntnI i • r. t dozen years of such a life as he real. friendship began. to t which his ed buffeted, but he gave it -room }fainter insisted that the Pr' join his company. at once, and and baggage, to the, hote • Meeting was arranged to -ta -young fellow was uncomm•anl • that morning, as was natural. all his cheerfulness to beer th awaited -him. A letter lay. 1 spatched, so it turned out, his tleperture from England. imperatively home." . The busi he was summoned would- net went ruefully on board the.. and ruefully bade Villani geed days atithe outside he premi e had never his, some - id' the key I ' as wide a e. The felt even „ be gram-- the poe- Ore. His otiam had oil& He 11 that to actively leSsant h ther he rejoin him, and left in , note of ntroduction to the fri ed the holiday party he had 19 tt‘ I' will jinn them when yo said Villani. "1 will meet Your return." -" No," pleaded Harmer,- `I` to write another line. Do at 1 and explain. Tell them I will as I can. There's the bell Good -hie." With' that he' rushed o the deck renewed his entreaties thel quai. . , "You Will do that, old ma . - 'sought nim; c. wou t you; now: "1. I will Ido it," said on the rueful young face, latel and went ,way Wondering at TO CONTINUED Le Couldn't There was al -noble youth, urged to take wine at the tabl statesman- in :Washington,: courage to refuse. He' was man, just beginning the stru brought/Letters - to the great st kindly invited him home to di !tNot- take a glass of Wi great statesman, in wonder prise. "Not one single glass of the statesman's beautiful an wife, as she Ten, glass_ in. hen grace that would have charmed endeavored to press it upon' hi "-NO;" replied the heroic y ly, gently repelling the proffer What pietur-e of moral that? -A poor, friendless y Wine Athe table. of :IL wealth, statesmen, even though pre hands of a .beautiful lady. •p No ." said the noble you voieembling A little. and hi ed, " _never .drink wine, 'Straightened himself and his firmer),I if you have gott-a litti whisky,. I. don't mind trying Frei Press I other half, hdd1ed, and terriblys. oBut ruitsh da. stony soil floor lit - f sershOuld e im, bag hich the ace: The he -hearted t it needed h ew1,11.ideeh! * before WAS called which and eo rn4 packet, - In ten would ' a brief -w o head- tiin( them,"' " iu here - on ven't time t see them Jllow as soon 'r the start. andfromfilnion d cikhebe. ' ElsiOetc.1)right • o, on being Of at famous the moral 1 - - poor young � of1,ife. He tes an - who ner. e ." said the ent and Bur- k r eolloed • fascinating and, with a. Ian anchorite, a.t : th, resolute-. 4 glass. rancl:ur was nth refusing 'and famous d b the fair. I-SCEIrLANE011i g man, cheek fluslt. ut., here he WOrr,s- greVr„. good:old rye a :Smiler - . IF there is anything in this worldthatWill , ,, ..• , Make a manlose faith in humanity, and -look upon truth as -a hello* mockery, .reore than talking polities, it is to read the•editorial: puffs of -patent medicines - in the religious iOurnalk:-.- - . . •- • - . . IN the Cemetery of Pere la Chaise, in Pa- ris, there is iv grave from which there. rises a - woman's erni beautifully chiselled in mar- ble The land is clasped " by --amither, evi- . 4.ently..a men's, f that comes from an adjoining grave. - It was the 'fancy -Of e yeting hus- band, who did not long' survive his bride. ' - THERE .Was some sense in the it eon* of a . Scotsman, who:- on readingthe saying of. So,' *: - ItimOn,.." &OW is -.beautiful in its season,-'.! exclaimed, "Aye, nee doet it was. beautiful to ' ting with the vines and lasses' - Jerusalem s4V alemaiide .you •• but :had yeti 'been e..‘ pt stonehtiiinrg.mason, ye e. wad hae said nae such - ,.. my lad, led, beep away fro* -the gals. Wheit. you ,-see one doming,: dodge. Jest Suth'a'crittur as that young - un' -.Olean- in" the door step on't'other side of the street - fooled your poor dad, Jimmy. If it hadn't : 7 been_for'h,er, you and your did Might have. been* in California,hunting -dink-nds, my . . - • - I . • - son:y,.. . - - 4 : . _ . • . THE Queen's Maids of Honor are all the granddeughtertle.'ef peers who are not .below . the .railli of Eeti;- that being a -sine 'quo non --of eligibility for the position. They ree.- eive $2,000 a*year' and if they Marry. the Queen - p'rsOnts: themwith $5,041 Each is• eon duty: ' for about two Months in the year.' Since Ithe death of the Prince Iginsort they have had -1 dreadfully, dull time of it. Many of these ladies have remeiled on until past fit., I -- - , ' - • : t -'i•'• ' ' -•,- . , . e THE -Malerajale Of: Jaipur, in India, has determined upon eradicating from the .State the odious dustent by . which IfindOo widows - lere prohibited from remarrying. To carry out this laudable Purpose, he has appointed a-COuncil, 'consisting of four Pundits alid.011e European, who :are -well versed in 'Sanskrit. - It Will be the duty of these gentlemen to. explain to -the people that the remarriage of 2 widows is nowhere prohibited- by the •Shie-- -tars, and that such marriages will be . recog-: iii..)izeled... her.... the.. Stet, aaslaw..f6.1::_afid...ce.mmend-- t , , THREE BashirBaePults. the other day, in heir wanderings, -Caine across the :body of a Illuesiee soldier., They determined to huree. it, and, -were on the point of placing it in A hurriedly Aug grave when the -Russian -came to his senses,and, observing their intention, remirked tat he was not ' dead. They looked- at him for some seconds, When one of them reniarked : "Really you Russians are. such horrid Harp that it is fin:Possible to be- lieve anything you. say. . We found youre - - - ' h dead, and y:ouenuitt be buried." .And thy - buriectinne • -- 1:EARLY one morning the shout's and Cries: • of A female were heard. All ran to the spot; - When they AiriVed. they. saw: "a man and a - beer engaged in combat.. . They were at it _hip and thigh, hp and down; over and) under, the men's Wife standing by And hallooing • "lair play." I. The .company ren -up and in-. sis.ted.en parting them. NO, no," said the Wonian;- 'let them fight it out; for, it's the first fight fight Itever. saw that I didn't care which whipped." BMS THE autumn military Mance vresiare to be carried out on a grand scale harance, Italy ' and Gerniany, and the scive ig of each will assist at them. r 1, - SIR GARNET WOLSLEEY, pfShafitee War fame, hasleingo rarily sUbst. tedlthe pen for the Sword, and is writing ove -entitled "Marley Castle." ' . • _ THE Senate of the- Univerf3ity of -Ieendon has decided to apply to PaOianient for a new charter to enable ,the-..ITnive s y to. open all Univers its degrees to women. I acc�mplish. oes he beg ?" lied Jerrold; , jennoin- was Slowing off t mente of a favorite terrier. Itike,1 a visitor. "Beg I" "aye, like a piince-ofthe blo Soefzione has written tip t the title Of "'Satan as eke If Satan has really tone, wi and soul, into the moral phil what next-may.be expected A FINISHED coquette atlierf asked a gentleman near her • a fan, which she had. in her madam," he replied, "but!11 . AN old bachelor recently g : under hilosopber." tall i:1.;I:egkr.it phy isr:_. "in 4(- • e. aciild flirt and.e. No, - n fan a flirt." _ - e the: folloW- nig:- toast- "Woman -the -riling star of - infancy, the day star of mai clethe. eVen., ing star of age. Bless our re,:, and: they always be kept it teles ic dittanees.". -Duessooats of Yariens have been : introduced in London. -The re formed - of '- marine blue, plum coloe and ilggreen of a medium- Zoe; With pan'ns of corres- ponding eolor, and white we 'Miss iTheimisole; the bat ter, --has left London for Adrian° e inten- tion *�f creatieg the Baikane to Wer to sketches._ He e• seat of . d, Mae jor Butler of the Hort* Gar" refused -- • leave of .absence to .11CCOMIDI • *- Tiati: Duke of -Edinburgh- a, -very affec- tionate ception in Athene kiit4th . :The Greeks =never forget that th ele�ted him.5 King in 1863; and :"Alfredo,as theyi call' him, remains retreat -fayetti e great- er, .probably, thathedi t e over IhIN'entconeP. likes to ten toonly one person -himself. - Sarkiou in thit_re- Spect yerY-muchlike kiting e}1 will- taik for mas was ant4o.rtecehetiv.eeonaVreetertIonalis; Meet :_oDtall'in half .an boar brilliantlY, andanxiety -e typ�. He tvouid, talk like a. wellt ten.lieokl but listen. The you r Dimas; on : the contrary; IS-. shy and.lreti ent.V. Viet* * -Hugo speaks strikieglye-mnit ' as he writese' in antitheses using surprisin '.-gerated -epithets, and imp Alen& He was a favorite of who 'Wee himself an excelle iPliltss exag _ illuetra-- Uis Philippe, &MY rsation- • • Muleeke. HELP. -The reed Of mankind would perish, Aid they cease io," aid each - ;other. From thetime that the mother binds the child's head till the inommit that genie ;kind, assistant wipes the death -dew from the brow. of the dying, *p _can apt, exist without :mutual help. All, therefore, that -need aid, have A right to Ask it of their. fellowemer- Ube no one Who ,holds the power of grant- ing cau..refuseit without: guilt. -Sir Walter &QM - • . . A NEW method ofpreserving the bodies of the dead has just been exhibited in Berlin, - It is the invention of a MreTornieetti of 114111., burg, and consists in a thorough drying -of ' the tissues. by Ineane of an injected gas, which-abierbf3 the inoistu t e -and .drives it out through the pores:: Prepared in this way; an animal preserves its ,ferei and -color to - perfection. - Me. Tothinetti exhibited- A beam which had thus been treatecrafter his death fenir Months previously. Slices were cut , • . from -the body toshowthat the tissues were -not-destroyed,!hut, except for their dessicir tioe; were preserved in excellent order.: •.A Gekeire paper gives some details of the 'extraordinary development of the breeding iand straining of carrier pigeons in German.$ since the late War. During the siege of Pal ris pigeons afforded the only means of .comf -.mtmeation between the eutt4de World and the inhabitants of the beleaguered city. In _ • order thatsimilarmessengers might be availr able in the honk of need,- pigeon•houses were -established afterthe.einichieien" of the war .-_ in most of the larger garritentownsof Nerd' and Smith -Germany, end now pigece4ying is rapidly becoming a favorite pastime, and sport throughout the Country.. The increased Attention thus given to the subject has re- - Milted in the observation of inany-peetilieeie ties in the-birda, Carrier -pigeons of a pa: breed, though they may be started in coml. r.ipany, and bound e for the same place, 'fly -quite' independently- of, each other. Ea& selectsits own course, some takMg_a_highe4: - others a lower flight, and speeds ,on its way without :taking any. heed of neighbor -Pe The birch seem to know. that they are react Jug, and each one exerts itself to the utmost to arrive *first At the goal. - In theneighborr. hood Of every pigeon -house, there are always. pertain places, trees, eta., which are usually favorite esorts,-Of the birds 'but 'when eent ,ing. in in a •reee, well-bred- pigeon never stops for a,-tmoment at any of these haunta but -flies straight to his own pa,rticularhousi, -frequently arriving there -in 80 exhausted a state as to be unable even to eat the 'food it is most fond of. _Birds which are Sitting, ei which have latelY hatched young, are gener- ally taken in preference to others for teeing, but instances been known in which carrier pigeons of -gond-- breed, which hay, ..beentaken tOs„ fresh home, and :which _hay hatched young there, have deserted. -thei brood and flown away to their eriginif hoin at the first opportunity they hate of .etcap - • -- -EIGHT or nine very valuable gems ever ,..stolen a few weeks ago from a glass ..ease the British Museinne Two have hien reco ered, thanks to the honesty of those to who they were,offered for sale.. The robbery , shrouded With mystery,,Ancl has caused gr uneasinees, as the cape had been unlocke . • not broken: open. ,