The Sentinel, 1877-08-24, Page 7•
'kW prettylittle trine -
Will wa.s ten years old that day,
And he pulled her g,oldeu-gurls
Teat-ing,ly, and auswer made,
Sinilei AS Will kneels- fondly ai her feet,
Gzinefondlr. in her eyes., .
_ With her birthday ring: Oho toys
be made at oncei - There was formerly More :
differenee- .9 opinion, as to- the tinteof soWing
farmers faVoi :early sewiiiv And if the.seedis
well in: the ground. late in August; *-- the
'chances- are morefivorable than if it is soWn
' later. Where wheat follows_ oats; the' 'oats
the eroP is taken from.thefield. ,If the wea-
-ther is dry, _the :greate.r.will be the negessiity-
for repeated' ploWing and relling, to prevent
A VELLCAli` "8011/,_ well rolled and packed'
posed. to- theactiiiir of air in the Open 'spaces
and dried and killed. This is the secret , of
killings are needed to pioduce -the-proper
- condition of the Soil. - Not 'natter if the gar-.
-., - face -is somewhat rough, if the sell beneath
-i Mellow and fine:- - Indeed, We -would ra,
* DR1141.17Nb *s, by far the. best method of
drill is -hire , and less- if it is purchased.
most, is enough; ab that at least half a bush-
- el of seed per acre is saved, and here is the
COSt returne'd at Once. Bnt the difference of
. tike-Jiarvest-is. many times -its cost, in favor
of the drill, Every winter we hear and read,
. on eVery hand, ," Drill sown. *heat looks
-.well, but , broadcast wheat ia infuted and.
.-1OOks badly.'!. There is much in planing the -
seed, exactly right in- the ground. If the
plant has no- depth Of rept, it -is weak, and
• and it Will nbt tiller out, as -will _that _ More
aaid-Uat; if the- Sieed; is- not pod, no good
drop' (ban be hog.ed -for, The :necessity for
selecting seed 1,4111 -care ha: a heen a maxim Of
'agricaltare fortheusands of years._ The old- ,
. est books tell °tit. • And yet the Success of
.. persons, who make-':a...buiiness..Of 'doing thia
1 new made -.a "nine dayi wonder.7' Un-
' fortunately. it is fdrgotten again in nine days,
anci We go cin &Owing: the seed jast as it.
'comes from.the- Sheaf. It is a good plan to '
sow at -least a- small strip, in the field With-
- the best seed to be procured upon 'ground:
.prepared in the best way; and cut. thia -by -
itserfat h&rvesig,:and. thrash it at once for
seed; a Bitt if thi& pays, why not gre* the.
shoald have no grain that he cannet -Mile -for
-seed ;--none that isi_ poor, light, *shruilken, or
RYE..—A very:general 'opinion is, held in
Borne- pIaces that . Wheat rui longer be
grown ; that the" -cliniate has. changed,; or
something else has occurred hat- makes -it.
hopeless, and'that rye needs to' -be 'sown: in...
-plate of it. -Nothing oduld be more erron,-
,eous; lithe ground is -Well fitted, the seed
well seleeted, and, sown in a proper- manner,'
wheat eau: be groWn as eagily as ever, We,
_have seen so marlY- exareples of this in dif--
Who has this miStaken opinion to try at
least an acre or tWO,in. themanner-proposed;
- in the place of rye, Which is A- ,much lesa
luable grain than wheat. When rye is sewn:
itis_wortk while te pat it in. with as much
care as Wheat, but is• time 'enough to so*
made...the-past iteiiion -in using artificial fer-
tilizers,. have largely inCreased our confidence
them. Used in place of stable mantr&en
equallo these grOWIi with the manure. -The
. complete Miansarec, Prepared by Charles
Mapes- Trom r has 'been
-remarkably effect -IV -0 wi e writer the
past seas:* npon-,-.: all these crops. - Where
-manure_ is/Scarce, -aidiessing. of this. upon fall
sown croPs,woUld; be- beneficial. . The use of
and inerease, beeiii.Se the potatoes -are past
harm, This is seeding for a crop,next. year;
which- Will perpetuate the V-erimir and make
work for another Season. If the late arriv--
- Other year If -A thorough Work -were made
or this pest,season by every one. who
grovis potatoes; a "f6ty quick end would a• -be
- vested as Soon as.- _Else, if Wet ,-wes,,si
,And where. the ercip is s large one, it can
be gathered And pa4 AilwAlquickly as it-
- Thereit no -other crep that fol,
lows petatoes go well ha fall Wheat, and no
gronnd-, so easily Prepare:Igor it as Potato
ground: - Potatoes- may bel -1. pitted, and
lightly covered witlithe yineS and boards :
TuRNIrs,=-The *lite 'Norfolk - Grebe,
oat stubble, it -wh-ou7is.
ma, the Continent, first appeared in London. .
Paillingthrmigh.Piris.onher way to -England, -
she sang before the -Emperor wha'wasrgreat,--
ly delighted With her. Where are yob.
going,"- he denranded, -"that you wish to. --
.`plied, " You' must remain in Paris' was
the peremptory. rejoinder.- " Yon _will be
Well paid, and your -talents better appreciated-
. of absence. That is settle'd. Adieu.7 The
lady, however, dontrived toescape.:across the
Channel; aid te fulfil: her engagement. Her
ternis were 2;000 guineas for the gealon.7.
Bat the next- year she .inereased I them- to
5,000. guinea& The_ manager- objected- that
it left Jinn nothing :for WS. ether artistes.
" What. do you want else when 3i311; have My
wife's talent ?" demanded- her -husband;: Val-
-abreqne ; \." she and _four 'or five puppets
1-potipees) are enough," And that was ill
the public get; and -for a time it miffided to
crowd the theatre.. Finally; , her - tern:is be;
carfie so enormous that- minagerk especially'
-when the public began: to, grow tired of "the -
feur or five piippets," even -With- Madame,
'feared to incur the responsibility. of engaging
. She -left :the King's Theatre in 1813,
And after. that wai heard chiefly *concerts.
-She gained by these entertainments; in one
season of four niontlis„ in Lendon, £10,000, .
and doubledthat sum in.: a tear through the -
Catalaiii herself teeing to have. been:a,
minded, .goodfnatured. °Satire, and mere
,aavaracious fellow,: -He 'called her- his ponle
lain, prone* relates in his "Remimscences
that When she _Was -on:is:visit at Stowe he se
in a bill tO the Marquis of linckingham
£1,700 for Seventeen -songs wife had Ban
of a guest., But .Valabreque Was usually le
behind when she was inliated te-distinguish
heuies., She is described by conteMporarie
bat Making up. for: all; deficiencies - by th
charm of her Manner.. Her voice; Captai
Grenow- Says, -"was transcendent.", • But sh
appears- to have preferred -to' astoniih
such is leaping two octaves at mice;and th
Most florid fisatiiii, rather than pleasingthe
by pity- Of style. These faults, ea an
kof her. favorite feats Was to sing . the- "NO
of lungs ancl-,\yolunie of. voice rise aboVer al
the brass of the orchestra-. Her hit !appear
ancein opera teok Place in 1824„ in Mayer'
Ilranatie6 per la Musick' but she cut ou
everything thakdid not tend to the -disfila
Of her bravura powers, and walked throng!
the part without_condescending- to set. Eacl
withdrew from -the :_theatre;: never. again t
appear upon the stage, ger liot -appearane
-in public took place hi Dublin in 1828. Th
book, is a Capital -illustration of her simpli
city and- her intellectual, calibre: -When ah
visited- the Court Of Weithar she was Placed
next to -Goethe at dinner, bat -Without having
been preViously introdueed to' him. 7 Struck
by his appearanceii she inquired his name o
the gentleman., on the .other side. " The
Celebrated goothe; ;madame," wai the -reply.
"On What instrument -does he. PlaY•?" "'Rfe
not . - madame he is the re -
remember !" cried Catalani delightedly •
turning to the poet, she exclaimed, " Oh,
-sir lam atteat admirer Of Werter.' I never
.reLl Anything 86 laaghable in all 1/13r life -
What a capital farce itits lir I" " A farce
madanie r __said- -.the . astonished:.. Goethe:
"a, yes, -and there never waa-anythingio
laughing heartily at the remembrance. Cat-
. alam had seen -a parody Of -the "SorroWs of
Werter " at Parisian- minor theatre. .ind
had l_lever heard of the ..Otigifiale—Botirgida•
'The Story of his marriage was. romantic,.
hia wife being, as. was told -yesterday, au
early love, whom he had not seeif for ferty
years,_and who had, been twice married- and
-twice widowed inthe meantime. She:acme
to NeW York, and .stOpped- at the. Union
%Place Hotel; and While- there le:arned 'that
. Tom Plaeide. was also ih the lease:. well
- known NeW York lady --was- with her When
she learned it' who was an -acquaintance of
Placide s also. "Why, Toni and -I are old
sWeethearts,7. said' Mrs; _Davis, and the ---
other lady ' told- her that_ Pheide was . in-
straitened- circumstances,- "„Send to
:me, won't you ?".. said Mrs. Davis ; there .
is no reason Why we Shouldn't spend thereat .
ney.". ' The_ pleasant niesSage was -taken to
marrieds.. The marriage,. as' wait .searcely
hive been expected under the'circuitistannes„:
was' an eXceptionally happy one, and Mrs. -
Placide is stricken. with -sorrow At her --hus-
band's death.
fice one day, after -a,:asubstantial lunch, i
- complacently to his assiatant, " Mr. Peet n,
the world looki different to the man- w en
he has -three inches of rum in. him.7 Y ,"
replied the junior -without a, moment'S .hesi-
. tation, "and he looks different to the world."
am no .piace - like hate." Colored lady at
the window—" Well, you jest better_ git _
A RETURN has been issued of the expendi:
eats, If the groandli fairly clean, the seed -
may- be sewn broadnait at the rate of three
-pounds per'acre. Ail it is better to low:
-with One of the small hand drills, in rows
27 to 36 inches. aparti,when- a Pound and a -
half to. two -pounds Of Seed will be sufficient.
100- to 200. pouncls'bi guano Or a fertilizer
prepared expressly -lei turni'R.,,s should be
sown immediately aftii the seb'd,
THE Rn Balm army' sis. v4'ary scantily supplied.
'-with bands, the melt Marching to the music
of their own songs, We should think when
a man had been conipelled to listen to a Rus -
Sian eon he would. Want to fight somebody
if he ha to walk a kindred miles to find the
total costs; -charges, and -expenses 'of the
-prosecution_amountedto £60,074; .19s. 4d.,
of which. £23,67617s. wentin cOunsels'lees,
•.printing, £3,637 10s., 4d. for,ihorthand. wri-
TnERK is a freshness- slont the Stock of
furniture. which the- Oshawa Cabinet. Co:
have .in their warereoins NO: 97 Yonge.-
atreet, that cannot -be found- else*here. By
constantly- reneWing styles and- receiving as
they do -clailysiipplieS --of, every kind.of fur-
-ititure from their factory at Oshawa,, this.
.concern is enabled to offer buyens..the"-newest.
'styles . at very. lOw- prices. - Their assort-
ment is the. most coi.pplete in Toronto.- • 504 .
pool! are in the hot- weat erahe oilliauff- ere. '
and have aione what
lot The actual faet is very mucht-the rei:
-verge, Except among t, ose whe ire actnalJ
.Scanetimestheir Mothers May '-be aWkwarci
andliignorant, -but,. -at, any:Irate,' tbey -are,
Mot era. ah4 to their -care.* a general thing
these little folks, are committed. .1latural
affeetion Will in all 'ordinary a piaci do its
'parti and th&babY. will be-' Made as eonifort-
able as Circumstances wilt possibly' permit.
It is very different with -these:of- a different
fuls who. -ate understoed...4.1be Carefully
nurs d and to *ant -for nothing, aretori often
literally- terrible. We have lli) dot bt i good
many. nurse girls dO -their dUty so far as they
, Which is often little suspected; and , treating
their Youthful charges 'when font -of sight in
a *a.Y. that -fills merely onlookers with indits
nation and Pity: : ...What treinendonsiihakis
thb. little Creature:4 that ban' walk, often get,
if they are net favored with actual cufff4- and
. the 'peor little things in peranibulators -when
out; as their - mother's think, .getting! the:
frealr air, have often a very lard tinie. Who -
left -to Shift. for theMselvos; i while the.: clain
Bela in -Charge are ninch mer&pleasintlyem)
com itted to their carel? 2. Her& it May, be
in a way and-, for A .,time sufficient, one 1
woul think, to give -sun-Stroke ;.: there the
little thing is . hanging\ over- tlie. belt that
. instead of being .the open air at All, - the -
of th 'nurse May .be feund4 and
whoi seine place. where -Bogie- acquaintance
linty Very likely 'be ;favored With some cheap,
unwholesome .sagar itiek keep it -quiet.
, many of the name girls are, besides; thoUght- -
, lees -young creatures who . are fond of play,
. And take ill to what they.. begin to, think irk-.
some 'confinement, So that they aresready to
. shirk their ality whenever they have an Op- '
-make a great fast: when their .mistreSses see,.
or when it is understood that they:are .with.
Mothers sheuld:-be- very sure , of the char -
ac ter and temper of their- name " girh -' before
they trOst theni far or long out Of -their
.., if it couict Write. or speak, be able to .show.
that it hail not_ so envie* a lot .as Some .
seeth to imagine: :13nt, as we hive siid, _of
.allbabies We are incline& to ipitY most those'
whose parents' can provide them with per--
imbulators and send theM lout-' every day
with nuries. , In. whatever_ rank of. life :pm, .
thers ,inay be placed, if they! are not siniply
willing bnt not rejoiced to spend. a. gOotilleal
-of'..eVery day with their .bal4s, :mid -take a
good deal Of trouble with - them,. it *otila be
in eVery- Way :better that they.had no- chil-
'Irishman who, thought . the ciruggist ...-
stingy because -his...emetic Wag fie :'at,nall,
.onlysrpassed in his parsimenieus drollery
by tho e who persistently adhere to -the, nse
of -those nauseating; disgustingly. large and
Ow:Ale...pill-a, while Dr. Pieirce'S-' Pleasant
Purgative Pellets, which 'are sugar:coated,'
. and -little larger than_ mnstaid :Seeds,. will,
by their steady and -gentle actien ;:en ,the -
liver, Correct all torPiditY thus permanent7
.1o.vereoming eonstipatiOn. In. South
seded all other pills,: and:are-relied -On hilly
of -the , various affections:- of 'the stemach, .
ire given:away at, drug -stores,
Dear *rite to infO in you -that I
- haVe _used -YOur Pellets- for Some time, and
ever -used, .1 have. &lab use& your Favorite
Prescription in my &hilly siiith entire. satls-
faction.' 1. -have seen- your Peeple s.Comirion
Sense MediCal Advisier„ and I think it -is -the
beet thing -that I- haVe seen. .
A NIUE has patented An !electric lock:
And does -it cost anything extra- if my son -
Wants te- learn to read . and write as -wen -as .
Shirtsla gentleman in Termite remarked,
_" they t splendidly." The bestin Canada..
Order at once.. ." Ameriean Shirt " Factory,
. To parties off the line ef rail. Send for
printed instructions for shirt measurement,'
and we ban send you shirta by • Post. You
White, ,65 Xing St. west; Toronto.
_TRY Treble's perfect fitting shirts and yen
-will wear -no other. Made to measure at
Treble's, 53 King Street West, Toronto..
Pver one hundred di
NT. •
Saves mess.
Saves Traoes.,
Saves Gronhd.
Saves Tune.
Saves Labor.
Saves igoney.-
'Hamilton. oet. MA
graPh operating for
-arriyed and is rimn
s opening in the Do -
knits asOck't
pitting. in.theli 1 an
S Deifble, or Ribbed
-or nit App.arel-;
otobking. • All- Canadian
dreSied to-- the General
to the West Point.
foot of Ycirk street:
f Captain.
rrowing of the toe
rows and-vridens_ -at
er -Tubular or F_Ilat,
r)dticing all Varieties
irculara and. sample
pondence to be. ad -
We -beg -to. call ti e- attention of .tho Ruiners of
-The great advantages of Ibis IlarnesS versons
shaVingrards. _uncleared er stumpy eronnd, are
-.obvious there. being no ...Whiffle ,T.ree0. tO etriker
tile;p1Ough to, ,tarn the 'sodelose to the Irees,
ground -close -to fences, .now wasted by:
plongOing With Wbitile trees:. It allows horses -W.- -
-difeing-thedrang14 one-third, which we eannroVe
acthal test • The 'mit Of -4. is appliance' is riot
MoMpRi.9Y • FITliti‘
For Saws at
Fully eitablishing the
goods; We. manufacture a
equally aglow as the same
produced bY any other man
.1 :Patronize home produeti
reputation of- our
ds 0 Saws at prices
ty of goods can be
ind keep yohr mousy
to J hut
St. Catharines. Ont
J5S,022. more Singers
other company. -
.Ncine genninewitliOuti
_o any other make..
of New,±ork.
on arminf
,. -Ask yottragents for New
no other.
or Singel; and ta e
The singer:14411We
T onto Street,
Toronto. •
le; Odorless,
93 8 di
tbatwill not change the Che
and Digesti
have never fail
or any of the Diseases kno
:in a fel', -hours. Wholesal
all.druggnits, price 5p centso
. Any preparations
ears of theBlood are
cie. Toronto, and b
081 SoreenI
Birct .04geS;
Wire liadOW Guar:
116 KINd
S Few
terminua of the nexVsectiOn of -the 171.0trikria'Ritil,",
prt, ONT., Wholesale and retail- Iinporter
.and deal r In ORGANS; ORGANEITES, and -PIA- .
NOS of . the leadinejc.elebratedf makers. 1- Piano -
Stools,„ , vers, New,Music, book and sheet. etc.'•
ed many yeatii
Ref eee- to:ipersons who have been •radi..1
Government land *elected and the patent prOcurodl -
witheut trouble or risk -to the buyer.' -Investmenis
.made on undotibted np.1 estate eecurity .at
.cent.`-, Send cent p. for answer: -Maps af
Minitel:a 30 dents,i-- ramphletta, -on- receipt ft