HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-08-10, Page 7-11:11E SIJNBISEI-NEVEIt FAILED. 'US afforts Were unavailing, IThever rnet Mr. , - upon the Sadin.ss Of:the §da Tne sun -et broods regretfully ; - From- the far.- lonett spades,. slow Withdraws the wigtful afterflow. "W. illiain Waldron -again: •At -1st I resolved -to- settle Myself in twine :1 , place, ;and as -Bath offered -me manyinduce- '• m.ents-I- decidedto go there. Haying sever- al influential friends in Bath; I soon found i myself in the ,--inidst- -of.1'. all thefashionable I glitter, and participated .in all the pleasures ' attending Wealth. - : Invitations. poured in an the successful artist, and My tiMe was Con- - itantly-olconpied in attending thew *.3 I entered my studio one afternoon I found an: invitation to attend an: entertainment given y Miss Rase:Waldron. ; , :. -.. - ! •:: - - --"TPerh4outhis young beauty -and heiress is some conneCtion, Of Williatn't," I thought; _ Sc nut of -life the splendor dies • So.uarken the happy skies ; - = - gatiters twil4ht,_ cold and stern, ; - But overhead. the. planets burn. Arid"up_th'e-east another dav Snail:these the, bitter dark aw'ixy ; What thOligb our _eyes With tears be wet? The sumise n4ver us yet. .. The biusb-of dawn yet restore t)iir light and :hope, 19s, once more, _ Sad soul,- takepoinfOrti noi-forget, 1 hat sunrise never failed yet.- —SeriNler. MISSING I iwas ending lost heaniifatiart. of the ye ” al 2 the 1'0_ ant ifitering-place at Cray my- usual suninier resort, .and a. goer‘ happier company than that which was • tliOnikrottna me 1 -have 'selddin found, ' . - 4inrsiona*, picnics, and Manner of enjoy -- meats- were. continually on the tapis,..-and • never had the time passed so pleasantly. be -- fere . - - One .among rhOweier,.:Seemed to take, O interest in our gatheringi„ or . anykof.' • our pleasure -parties;. and Williatri,Waldron* coldness and reserve. were trequent subjects= 4 comment, especially anguig_the - Young and attractive he. certainly was;: :and possessad of - Colloquial. powers, which myself had often tested; for;Strange • to say; Mr. .Waldron had repelled. allfriend, ly adVaneed'from..others; and it was• only af-- ter- Many persevering efforts that I finally „-. drew hiin out of his reserve: Our 'Sameness' of pursuits had seine - influence here,. no. kubt, . were' both Artists.-- I was , • Strongly and. irteilatibly attracted- towards- --the handsome*, eqrgotie'eiithilsifAt ;and it pleased mo greatly to. tind that mk-edin, pany .at _least he wouldthroW aaidethe. mask •_of reserve. - - - • • : - . When at length I per.shaciect him to min-• - gle with our little _party.intlie drawing -room . , the, halPhoteI -hall boarding-house, where we lodged, the -fascinating young- artist soon . became a4genera1 favorite. . have noticed - More. than one fair lady* Cheek :blush. -with:- •- pleas:tire-whew Waldron* dark eye, lashed into hers; but among all. the ladies 7 Of our little sethe seeined to choose Emily 'kurni, the inerriest little. fairy. that ever - - danced -04 earth, - ,t- • - - One etortny eVening we were sitting in the - well-lighted:,drawing7rooni, -most- of us in . eainest Coriversatkni Concerning the sehere woman; -I noticed that, William: Was Un- usually: quiet as the -discussion went on, al- - , though his dark, eyes. were ,,flashing strangely. While :he listened -intently' to! Our various • idea, - - - Kiniclenly. I exclaimed-te thy opponent:. r"- Say, what yon 'i11, when:a i•VOMAlk, ha*, once lowered herself . from her proper Spherei she has 'mitered littself far in my ea,- -,timation and respect,'' - : Are I said this I turned. iiipgaze full upon.. Mt:- Waldron's. faCe,. as if AO ask his opinion: - - To my terror I saw, him Skin from. his seat- •.- -with pale face -and hands Uplifted; as thOugh: iuffering intense agony. -,--Several gentieniem: • -,,Sprang forwardt.o..aid hint, when :iiiiddenly • his arms felt ' his .sidei. and, hastily turning,. he left the TO0113.-: • 4 Poor- .felIow.r. said Emily Brans, 4 -he . works so incessantly that it is* ivondr he • - • • - • Her words were reeeive4 aeauffiCient rea- . . Sot for Waldron's and. - were verified when he returned to offer :an - apology for likiS abrupt departure,' giViiissud,. - den illness excuse: - - • - - After that,WilliainWaldron -never joined 118, draWing,roora More resolv- ed - , than ever,: he worked in his room; or,This; ,sketch -book in his hand - spent days rambl--- :ing over the I now seldorn. met him; and. whenever I did I was pained and Bur- ✓ prised=that his interest.inine seemed entirely -,gone,_ so cold and:diScoUrating Was his beha,-- _ • Mr„ Waldron has left ns,'.". remarked •- Mrs, Leon, the landlady, one inorning after we had taken breakfast.;.- --"Left: us -V' exClaiineit "Where hati. he - . • -gone, and why do not know': he gave me. no reason,':' was, the respouse. , Now: that he. had gone, - found "What a deeplioldthe-dark.-eyed.y ttli'had taken on • - affections.: recalled rageful forth; „ his musical voice and: sad Ion and keenly regretted that -I had not -taken kieuter pains -*genre his -= friendship.: •_ I -was -walking -on the promenade one day, . - - -= justasthe:twinkling eveningstarshot forth trout the sky; and hearing of Carriage wheels, returned to the hotel. . travel- -ling-Carriage drew- -up, :mut as_ Its- occupant , sprang out and eaMettoWard me, I.,was attr- prial4 to find it was-Willfain,Waldron-.. We entered the house together, but . he did not • the dinner. : Mrs -Leolkviati- Etta; • appear at . • . ing how glad She was to See Iiim,biek again; and how paleandill he 1010d, when he en--, The next day the doers were opened andi . closed carefully, and the newa. :11fr. Wel- drOn'S dangerous illness ilew-from. month -4o. Month.; Yet a- long time; his life hung -A•- ' thread, butatlast out agqii hostess told us of, his.sure recovery. -.417tiiiglity.load. seemed to leave heart, and 17.lio* waited ,anx;:. igus. for his reappearanee.. Great was my surprise and disappe' .when,. I heard • that he had again. lef dere- _ T- ta notice -My question : and I exclaim- Lentiv y. to P` 1 )urn. -vzho-sitoret11 near me, "Its very strange- why Sir. Wal- dron thus 'suddenlytakes Ifia -departure.- Have you any idea .of the time of his re. tura?'. - • -*-• and accepted her invitation. - - -t The lady was unknown to me by sight, ,12..ut by report She was no stranger. --OnTthe specified 'evening I entered the brilliant - sa- loons,: accompanied by a friend who prOent- etkrne-taithe- beautiful hostess I noticed that the lady a turned hastily at the mention of my name ; and LfAirly started with aur - prise, for William Waldron hirnself eemed • it0 attract .pefore..-ine!;.- only that the sad, Worn 71.Ook :did not rest ups* that 'face, and amid her surrOundings: Mistj7.Waldron seemed. an -.enchanted' Venus, She17Must have noticed,- • my long glance at her face; for hr cheek was • crunami,,and.rnerely prOnouncing- she turned away. • provoked at niyself. for allowing a mere resemblance to have - Carried me away •--sa ; and then,drawn irresistiblyiIturned to look --at her again and Met her eyes fixed full. upon me:. -• • She was very pale now, and..a strange thrill ran through me as I once more noted the strikingresemblance to iny. liam.Naldron. . _ = - - "Pshaw-!" I" said to Myself, sholinint have.a brother by :that ,,That is. the reason of- it. 1 sha.11 certainly ask her if that Is the case.'' *, - . During the_evening I foundan opportunity of presenting this, question, and I ,was assur- ed.- that she had no brother. - _i• " That'a my.Sister it the: piano, Mr.:Lo- mas," she said,- - - I felt rather .foolish, and, to relieve My- -self, -I teld the .story of my' deep interest for -listened _pOlitely—I - thought interestedly—to the end and then, , after 'a few inerry,commenta„. she :reqnested" Me to return to. the :room which wehadleft.-- .7 I gYiiiegd at the burning:6 4e.,k.anct sparkling " . -eyes andthem did as she requested. I returned home that night strangely hap- , py; with the permission of Miss Waldron to call again ringing in My ears. I,did visit her againi-andrinany timesatfirst' becauseshe reminded me sa much Of the last William .Waldron, and finally„ because my heart had been -stolen: by her... - - • Inthis pleasant Inaii7ner a year flew by without noticing it, and then.I.- aokedi -Apse - Waldron- to, be My wife; Shesatvery quieti while 1 was speaking. - I could not help-rne! tieing how tightly her hands -were- clasped), and haw eXcitedly•She,dievvilier- breath, `At - -times it.. seemed that the atmosphere- was too close, or that she WASabout to swoon Away,. . • •Finally she leaked fill' into trhy eyed, and said: • . - • "*fore I • answer-'yeni_Ili.. Lomas, I shall - tell you something.that- may -Change your inind.)! • : ;- - - „ Here. she . Stepped suddenly, and. after a great effort she continued: . • ' In a small country tillage,' four, years age; 6:gentleman:died; Ileaving two .datigh- • ters to the care of an: uncle; who had One: son, This nude, .miserly as he was, allowed. - his nieces, and, indeed, this own son only the - barest necessaries :The youngest Of the sisters was aninvalid, and needed-, more , than these. ; This the other aeon discovered as she saw her Sister.- day-- after , ap- proaching the. grave. Clue day she -applied to her: Uncle for assistance,: but was roughly - Old that if she would cansent to -:marry his son, -.more. Woad be Onefor thein than had :been hitherto.- *.The_propasition,. of -Course,- was firmly and instantly refined, But pee- : ing that the persecution of father- and -son would soon be unendurable, ,the : sisters one :-.• day left -their= uncle's rod; and betook thern- selvesto a place _where they were Utterly unknown. Ft& a longtime the, elder .I Sister_ sought in Vain for employment ; -and,* last, to avoid those persecutions whieh. are Usually • offereda. helpless ,wenian; the.high-stiirited., - girl was driven to anovel expedientthat of donning male- apparel," _ Here the . thrilling voice again wavered, and alight gradually crept Over --my but I7kept my eyes -resolutely -fixed on- the floor until she recovered her courage and pro ceeded. -.7 • •. _ young 'girl now engaged 11-.TOCItt for - an artist's studio, and, to her joy, found that her -talents and productions were t appreciat- ed. After. a short time She Was enabled to . place her sister at a good school, where her healtk.wonldsbe, sure to- receive proper at- tentiou. For a long time the young lartist- labored incessantly,.. soarcely-, leaving her canvas, and giving herself but .a 'few_ lour' recreation.: Part of &Summer wasspentat a pleasant little place called Crayness, from WhieliJhe was. recalled by-the:dangeraus ill- ness of her sister. When relieved of ankiety. on her. aceraint she returned. to her "summer resort, but only to suffer many days of nesS brought on by over-exertion.-.' During this illness the landlady of the house proved to, be *true _Christian. anda noble, disinter- ested *Minn:: Day by dayshe watched by the sick bed; and -to --her and kviarmaearted girlin the same house was confided- the etorY, of the: stnigglinelaung artist: After her, recovery the young girl learned that.* large. -fortune had been left her by a _distant rela- tive: Once mere the charming semidry- was, :-left behind -v. -and -Ay -kith thankful hearts -.the`- wo sistemw _t_k_p—ostessiou of their -743 ,1- .ton earnestly'. desires-IMr,_•Lomas' good_ opinion, and knowiuthat-helais not appre- inheritance. Ana' now, -though Role. tclie_e will _ not return_i4ffinagr forh - Here.Emily--aliddenly Stopped; and casting . a quick; confused_glanceaf my face, . turned away.. flooked after the. little .nymph in surpnse, _ -- "Why -should she bud* anything of Wal- dron's affairs?" 1 -thought; -" aid -certainly -; she does; for she appeared atringely-canfus- _ ed„".- ; • ' Al' - The next week I packed my valise, and • - started off also,: with, no:particular determi-. nation or destination -in view. I -visited ,every studio and art gallery I Came across,- ; half in search of William Waldron; and half despairing, of ever fleeing, him Again. My ciate a woman who has once left her pro= . • per sphere,' yet she his told him her story, and is now ready to hear him speak for him, -Self." .- • "And I, Rage having heard your story, and understanding it, wait patiently to hear yew answer to my question,?. I- answered; quietlY holding out my hand. - _ *" Then you are satisfied with me ?" she asked, tremblingly. - •- • Perfectly," I answered.- • d- her hand Was lightly laid. inmine. I had my answer. • - et SPFIAING of dancing, a clergyman, hits the nail on the head with the lemark that "people usually do more harm Witktheir tongami than with their toes," • Iam of 'Dealing with Pauperism. - . The folieWing 'Ran of 'dealing With the .:pauper classes is. suggested- by Nicholas Min= turn;in Dr: Holland'is`-novel, of thatname, in Scribner for August : would like to see every charitable or- ganization existing in including my own enterprise, Swept out of existence. 11 would like to see eStablished in their Stead tingle organization whose grand purpose it is to work a radical cure of: pauperunit.--- woUld like to see thecitygovernment, which: is directly responsible for more than hall the: .pauperism We have, united in -administration ,.With the chosen representatives of the bene- volence sif thecity, in the working out of :this -grand cure. I would like to see theeity divided into districts 'so small that one Man " can hold iii each; net only -a regjetry'd.,every family living in it, but obtain and preserve a knowledge -of each fainil?.s. oirenmitinceS - and character: I would have a labor bureau in -every district, - -ra- connection with. - this . local shperintendent's- -Office,- . I Would have . the record of every Man and wain= even More complete thin any that has ever been Made by your inerbantile Agencies: - 1 would' bave:sueh:vagranckas we -find-illustrated-by 1, the tramps and dead -beats who swarm about the city, a sufficient crime for condemnation to hard labor in - prisons and faCtories built . . for that purpose. , ".I- would make.lieggaryfon the street a misdemeanor -pimishable by im- prisonment. I weal(' have ...esty helpless person understand where help in:emergencies can .always. be had by a. ri3presentation'-of -facts, subject to inimediate and competent examivation.-.. I would see the matter So ar-.- ranged that -a premium would. be pul upon the truth, and a ban Upon falsehood. ' I Tem- perance and intemperance should alivayabe considerations in ;dealing- -With.the :poor., There is no to the, benefits .Which such • ..an"organizatioa, as this would have the power inaugurate and perpetuate, and, gentle;_ men, 1 very- believe that Under itsintelli-,, . gent " and faithful administration we could banish beggars -from the streets; introduce a new.-leri_Of. prosperity_ and Virtue among:sall the Suffering poor; - and saye-Mirielves forever from. the terrible pauperization : that Curses - and almost kills the Cities- Of the old World." , • ' - Tanners, Mechanics, ' _ and all people - who .appreCiate the value of .keeping a memorandum of busipess .tyiniae:„ tions daily events and items Of interest or importance, for future reference, should call on their druggists and:get.Dr. Pierce's MeM- orandum., book free. The Doctor's Grand -Invalids' Hotel at Buffalo, which costs„, When - finished, .two hundred thousand' dollara; will be opened -early in -June next, for the ;recep-,:. tion of patients: afflicted with ;chronic:dist' Kens ;and .deformities:. It will . afford- the most perfeet facilities - for the 'cure Of such affections, and its Faculty of physicians and. `Surgeons will embrace. "graduates _frain both American And European Medical Schools who have became distinguished by their, f The People's Common . Sense Medical *filer, by. Di. R. V. Pierce, . a work .Of over nine hundred large pages, illustrated by two hundred and eighty-two engravings, and-ele.._ gantlybound in cloth and gilt, is sent to any addresaby the Author on_ receipt of one dol- lar and - fifty - cents. Alinast, one hundred thousand copied have already been sold.... S. A.. -Craig; Esq,, druggist, of West, Alex- ander, PA., says Biellraore of Dr. Pierce's, preparations thanallothers combined. ' They. give _satisfaction in every case,: and II; Cau. cheerfully. recommend them to the . . • ONE of the most tittractiVel-featurea,in the Centennial Exhibition was the how of trian Bent -Wood FOrniture:inade by Messrs. -Thonst Bros,; of ',Vienna; fAustria. -- The gradefill and elegant shapes into 7whiCli the Chairs, .Rockers, - .11OCkin:g _Lounges, Eask,, Chair*, Sofas,. Toilet Stands, etc., ete;_; Were foiined- by the- Skill- of artisans living, thou. -sands' of niles distant in &foreign...country; Was the .theine' Of -universal -admiration.' Even Americans were Compelled to *Unit- - that for - beauty and- artistic Merit, they hied . -.nothing to compare with the Austrian, Bent. Wood Furniture. Messrs. Thonat Brothers have taken the (Old Medal- at Loudon.: in 1851 and -1862; at Parris. in 1867, at Yieinia in 1875; and at Philadelphia last year.. The Senior of the firm his been thrice decorated by his sovereign, the gniperor of Austria, and Mr.. Francis Thoust, who had charge:Of -.- the-Philadelphia exhibit; has -just received the_Grand Cross and- been --knighted for hie --distinguitiked. ability there. - While *jolting the. Centennial dmember of. the well-knownFurniture House). the Oshawa Cabinet co* panY, succeeded in Making aspecial arrange.' ment with Mr.'. Theust, for the . exclusive- sale ' of this elegant furnitnie in this part. Of the DoMiniOn, By this means lOVers Of true art in furniture Will have an opportunity very shortly of supplying themselves at a moder- . ate cost --a censigninent is new. con:".. the -Way , from Vienna direct, and 4ue notice of its ar- rival _will be given', at the Waiertionng; 97 Yonge.Street, Toronto. PHYSICIAN not a thousand 'miles from . this city recently took a soil* of l.itOsigirlif to ride with him.- They visited meld the :cenieteiies and while leaking. at.theVationa _ - . • monuments the doctor remarked that he knew - One person buried in a lot very well; he having been one of his -patients. Onel of . the iittie .girls, looking. round,: waved her - hand toward the athernioniiments-aud.inno.. .cently inquired, . And were all these your -Patients,- too f.” - - .LAst year. the _Prince- of Wales:i laid the foundation of the new- Glasgow Peet Office,, and now the bill Of coati has been published- - The "expenses seem to,.have beettl alinost entirely, for decorations; stands„ plat - tonna, and ,#miaphal . arched. : -Eating, and 1, •.drinking itima do riatimohntio-$1000-- - • A nephew ;of a priest 'recently:stabbed him .while -officiating at the altar at Ferrara. The priest recovered,- but the nephew vont outandhung himself. The cause of this at- tack was a -fear thatthe imele'wortld not Mention him. in his Will, •- • AvrtoN—We would all -who. anticipate. this Spring to get new shirts to send for price list with,. instruction for -seltIneatittre ment, to A. White; .65 Yonge St., Ter -onto:, A mtnit; It isa neat-treat:0 Wear one of Treble's -,:perfeet-. fitting- shirts;',:'!Madis to measire at King Street West,' t, r. • . - ..:Wasav you visit. Toronto don't fail to Call at " Cooper's " and Seethe -sia-pos. for 1877, in shirts, ties, scarfs, ,Silk pookethigdhert -chiefs, 'etc., 109 YOnge Toronto _ 1 I 1. 4. •.' r. is*erRAN., •wle r's fa err • s recainnie . ed by aye . for peedy u r 8 I 0 Ces'openc- ARI,T.T.xt4 LAMB icnits a • . .=i _ Knitting in the h complete: -.hints-all .• will : and knits -the Singlet Double. ;or Of --Knii _Apparel, Send. -f01`..:•1 - 'stocking.'" All eallidfail tortes - dressed to .the !Gentili) Agelk. 'rouge StreeL-orontri,- -••• use 6 • 1. - CONOIVErf v Special - PateAt 0 'Got up expressly for A Has no equal either in Econ of Demi?, or Dnrabilily„ given with all new Engin taken, Improvements carr el guaranteed: tan! Water Powei; - my of-FnAg Shflphch hree years' -guarsn'tt, s.. • Indipator diagrams ed out and $aving _of : . . 1,1410DCINS,.- :2S7 & 29,King 'ot-East, - • • • 'Toronto: -MAN17 AC ITRED BY TIM thiploix Wire Win* • _ QOODMAN Totko.N.To, 467-13 'Sep stamped'addess tof CANADA...POULT ' ANITO BA.-- .LAND - -.0.FFibE ' iCity p•opertyll•for sale—.tit Government land selected. and'Ith teithont trouble Or ,risk tol h-e-buY Made on undoubted. :tiii .,. pz.: Otte' Se tent; 143.end 3. cent„-3#tainp.fOg :a Manitoba -3d cents. ':Painphiet-f- ,postitie.:- -ARCH'S- 1L1/ TOVNil- Toronto -.chit- - - - - A - 4. • farn:,-.., ii.ozs.. .:11.11..4risiALR. jts•_Aiiii: tD4:61,),77ir,att.:Et.;,T.ft-2.). terniinnsof-thenext ketioni if t4 14!!liSri .. 4PPIY,' "tt.:-.(L: .J. BIcloMIPI P....ii, lio,264.• . ' ]: ' :-. .1' A- 4664Y-:', - .: • :- . ,.• : "'SO Front : St. itHEuclikATiiivi.,-L-Cil fplIESE AND NIAY, (OMER p .. 1, --freirnacidElood P01,4;44.01.4. • thatwili not eh 'ago ue_914eniteal , Y-...ito, R • L., • . 't --I'' wino.' 1 . 1. -00. -1..A. . AND ea:giu1, eseCL--- -P4;q:t 1) .0e!ll'ed - • r..1- Jnirds puts - 1 grit :ftt :12 per- sWer !. Maps of Eis onreceipt Of . 37 CO bo tie. St.,: 1: 1 • ' '512- .NaliK, ALSO, alp) ni the _ v4,0 n Iai1- LD, eri,1 East, To onto. SPEOSiA SEAS! ' ARISE ny pre -Atkins of d are simply injurious. BrUntOn's and D44estiv have never faded to lire• , o :heurnatisrpi Pysp psia, -. ll — or any of thoDise.aaeg.known as. In nifew hours. ..-Alholesale -hy LYMAN; and LYMAN 13408; of 811 drigg.ists, price Nicentsi.: -. bent onings QP & gad by: . 517 - • _ Authorise&C pita, • Head mentdeposit, auttnis hainw prepir .. Tfiti Company as Rile the RAL IRE INSURANCE DUSFNL BLE RATES.. . ' ' - i TeMpOrary ::Ofr e_ :- t . . . .. ALPHEUS REA.MER Esti., Man - A.dj aster, H. VHEOD4R.E.:cAAW Hariltfo, April 10, 107'4 UY THE BEST ton. equired Govern.; to do aij GENE. SS AT QIIITA- ng St. es . Esq., r stdent: ging Director and - 3. 8 BA.Y..§_rft ToRmsy-To:- . -NA*-Reiereitefar to ersens- who have been ‘di; • :cally ciired after 'baying been r uptured for manY years,1 Send for `! Pamphlet oi Ruptiire,'! FilE&. • • - ENTEN 'AWARDED TIE - .e.qr Q "IsT .L,Y. 0.0 I, D MEDAL- - " ie ' 'Saws- t For . _ 1 .Philadelphia; .• ALSOAN • 7' E. /?„IVIA .T 1/ 0 IVA :-kirE D • Fully establishing the welt -known. reputation of our : goods.: We mantifactitealt.kinds of Saws at Prides - equallyaslow as the -sepe quality of geods can be by any Other:mann/4uImre& . -Patronize home Production; andkeepYou?! money in the country... 1 , .' R. H.. SMITH..it 'co-., ..-__. Stieeeissovit6 J.:FLuir - St. Catharines- Ont . . ...._ ED ! N . SAW TE'rOR ntstri() king- -'owders • nd i-dolet -net i.fiscolor. • - -stanifFe.'orunnti 1.1 - Ontario Coffeei& &doe. Steam BY4 1. SMI.11121.- MLSTONES). B0,14111N(31- CLOTHS CALIFOR- ITt NIA: separator and stautteri !portable mills, paint inills;and Shell! ' -'stones; R. H. OATES-, Millstone -Lane, Toronto.- 488 ood.,•--BI:tuijiiiiSs fr-Opektillt I , • .. . . Toany partiesthatwill -furnish $7,000 in :cash, or 1 • - - ' ; :. . .::. part;.ii(icl security : A First-ast-Paying,--Old Established - - . .- .-1.' ' --. . ' - -T- .. ' - ' i Manilfacturitig- Business. - ' • -:. -' .-'. ' :':I.:- :',. -- • -.7 - . ' . , . Object—to increase faeilitieSi :Address for -a few 1 days.WithTeal Afillie, -1 ' 1 '' - - ' .• -- - • - - ' - - A. B., )10i.2A5vi : .-. _ . .. 465.4v1, '? .. '' . = . . 1 ' Toro, to. - . ,. : , , "NON STA fOr./jA MAN USED% (I Et 'If ,153,022 more Singersi sold in 3.876 than by any other Company: • _ Warranted to outweal two of any other make:. None gelmine without Singer of New York BRASSTR on arm Of Machine. Ask your a-4.enta forrieviYdrk Singer, and take no other. The Singer Manufareturing.Company, • Over'iom auiiur& uffrent HAY , COI:7N •., Aar EVERT 4t' 461-1v1 1 - • s. . , _ , Toronto Street, . .- Toronto; • -. tie 401'1) ,m1101, Jiro 1111:111111 it rj fiend for il1ustr4; -once *W. UttllEt tOn„: Oct., ts'7. klaini1to49 ()nt. 476 . W N&5-REEfcAM„ HAMM- VY .6- TO*, ONT., Wholesale and retail Importer and detiler jn ORGA3114; ORGANETTES,- and PIA- NOS of the leading celebrated makers, - Beth` Stools,, CoVersil Nevi Made, book and sheet, always ID Stock. • ” . 15Q4 "