HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-07-20, Page 1501- g'er- volun- anf .ar- itabte mailw X7,Ie; ram, ty tut an 4 I'M COMING, LOVE. ayF.a.Q 'THE.1 Kt) MC$E. €l ctin Ing b.ve, 1'n corning watch and: pray for Ine.; 'Axe ring is in nay 'locket, - -. _nd 1'v. a home for thee. gy coming, rove, I'nlComillg, f'ihe ship will sail to -day long, t see thee, darling- ' So- watch forme and.. pray.. 'rrl coining, Iove, I'm colmiing,-; They`wel,h the anchor now. tiunlnlg,.l0Ve Z 1n coming-, ecP. our'troth.t voW - TEIl RESPOY4 r m waiting, love, I'm waiting- , • - I watch and pray for thee ; ` Tho Weeks;and months have fled, love, . And': thou art. Hilt with me !And :thou -art not, with. me.- nian = slnpS 1 seep ; uut l an_ theme gilt. tiivu anti rio.. upon -1. 0. h stefl love, -to me f wafting, 11i;Laltln¢Y o'- kik I1a1I is.turl 1 a g1'aY , ::' 1c:es-are'gruWing _. dlmriler, watch fur -the and pray ! - R. Mcriitt; Esq., That the 'report Which - has beeii.rea4, 'be adopted; printed, 'and cir- John Morison; -Esq.; " That the -thanks of. the thareholders are dile, _and hereby ten7 dere& to_ the- President, and Directors of.the Bank. for the abie nianner : the Cashier; Managers, . Agents,' and Other offieers of the- Baiik„ '1 or their attention -to - - -the interests of .the:Bank„ _and the 'efficient -.discharge Of their resPective dtities." 'Car - Moved by iton. W. P. !-Tlowland,, second- --thie day for- the receipt " tickets-. for the -election", of -Directors,' the poll. fejowie u;roshtaini_ehersid,snbseignentit ell:tni7kint.g.°fatoh-ti6s:toofetirlin:Illidsetrlitu.htieolds: Osilibeatritt; V. -hs'svs. t Bo a, rs pen, 0 r on- Wecit4gistlaV,.4tli July; t, e:s.ale.eBonana.k_anoinucaain-gadsente_tt.whal_ ae.7m,e. ,jahe:e_rtite4ibt:inoatp- ttuilr6e.. r_i3;:elTrrittaelc. ms,ei:o.: iticHiicic.,pwcli.-.a'rd: • . baji-on-glinnse oi -the -institution, Th -ere wera lirernt, ' - ea b ohn. Ginty, Esq.i. "_That the thanks th eeting: are 4ue and. ire hereby tem - John Fisher; P. ' chair. Carried, . - - _ H., Rowland was re-elected-Preniclen4 and Mit • -.Merritt Viee-President for ck E- thxse-i0..i.Acalg,,otetahte. B- , Cashier. ''#The, chair was taken by the Presittent, Howland, and Mr,. p. :Wilkie *atl tjue#e to- act as Se retary. ;LT,,ne-ecretary, at the request' of the Clair- ol the. Directors, -and- :en, read the. report iateholders . of the iecond, annual meeting, ...da. at the -Banking- Rouse in TorOntO .on ''. The Directors beg tc, present to the - share- Aders- their -second annual report, being . 'Dr: the year which ended. on the.15th Jiine- -- :1.877-,_ after deducti.ng: charges of roan - 'rife pert_ accuracfwith Which scientiiits -are enable deduce the most. Minute .par- leveral departments appears almost millons.if we view it in the- light of the earlies. Take,. for exaniple the elecio-magt, telegraph, the .greates'ttin- degree a a5cy-that enables an Operator -cable nearl3fe thousand miles long ?---Our meneiable "It. of the weather " .-be; sit in WasIljo and aceurately foretell what -the 'Nit.- will- be in 'Florida - and did not intel between and the - of modern Sek what •ia- required is the knoWledge.0%-iii sigris. „From these the scientist defhtturate conelusions regard - lest. of .diStar4few fossils- sent to the expert gOologigb: to =carat ely. de- termine the:" Vridations te which_ they ble.. So also %fit can determine the constitution o tun as -accurately as..if that -luininarrinot ninety-five ,million and the chemist them through-- prekenceel thele -Solar sign meet, diSeases signs or 'spiv t_zurried- to contingent ae- nienihas_been- a most' unfortunate 'one for oo yourDirectors. ire _pleased to report that they have been.: able -to maintain_ the payinent- a .cliVidend at the rate 08. per Cent. per aninim, to, write off anct toadd. the sum -of -$25„000..to the credit of Rest iicmint. The Rest •now arriOuntsi, to: $50,00%, or 5'75-100 -Per Cent, of the Vaid:-;up ca_ pita). of the bank. During the peat year agencies haVe been 'opened in St._ Thomas., and, Dunville,' the ica at the latter place having been_ handed. -ver te thiS Bank.; The Direetois -regret 414 the generaV deprestion of. business re-: "erred 'to in -.their last :annual report -atilt continuest` and that:the anticipations of an' •-• early, imprikelnent then 'indulged - in haVe- -The cashier, manager and agents continne Istaction of the Board; LU CKIII N TI N E hquake, Fire, and_ Tidal Wave .Vnit- -the American 'ship Carrollton, loading _guano the tidal_ wave; on the - :Sorith . gati0.0 Coast; 'the Morning-. of 'the_ 8th Of,May I Wee forward in the kitchen Speaking lo the - c 3ok, When mid/fie-illy I heard a low rimbling noise, like -diStant•thunder; which lasted about -ffireirtin. .utes. - Then.the-ship began td shake so fear-, woill ld °bine down. - The Whole. crew made for -pie eabin. - Reaching -the deck I cast- my eyesteWard, the shore,: and the moat shock-- . inOnd-frightful scene I ever Witnessed pre- - tented -itself: The 'village ha&taken fire, tints principallY women - and -Children, rushed:frantically about, • the- stronger ones enleavoring to reach the hills in the‘rear `.of tho town. Mothers..threw their infants to the grOund, and sOught to save themselies by Iflight, Thoie - who , reached -the foot of the mountains Were- overwhehned by falling buried! alive, , ' The guano -on the Pica gave waY like- a.- great land slide; coVering those unfortunates abont the -works. Who were. yet . asleep: - Then 'came the° tidal wive,' as if to. 4,rii plithed; The. bii ing buildings -in the town,' - together With the. living :and' . dead inhabi- - fiats, Were swept into' the- sea.: . The tOtal - losS of 'ikon shore is estimated at pa souk , -4-5. Between -thirty and forty other vessels were dismantled and so nearly wreeked that . they . are -alinos t beyond repair.,_ • Capt. Ruth- - e ord of the -English bark George it Chap= n, deserves mention for his -daring in ritik- ing•hiti life in the Midst of thisterrible scene - -by rescuingthe women on board -the- differ..., ent vessels 'who were wished Overboard On our way to Callao we saw many evidences of -the terrible visitatibn:-- - Tho town. of Pisa; qiia is -half washed away. On -the 14th Cal:- • litibitantsfied,..goingto Lima. ...We brought Pica.- I shall never forget. the 9th- of May, 18717. . No .pen-, Can describe: the terrible tt . :,..,..,,eposits,,..irthg.,. g ...._. ,. -1,353.093- 24-- " infinitude of space," es' them by pasting also, in Medical rtain unmistakable by reaton of this fact, Dr.-- Pierce', VorldS Dispensary, nate and perfect a ith the greatest an- onic diseases, examining his pa-- ther pains nor. ex- pensary, large en of rare attain - has been.enabl system Of -dete --curacy, the natu Alt seeing and mun.ber of medic -, Total nobilities to the pUblie....*2.,217,156. 80 due to depositors and for ex- . ment am:181011-7 „ 'from Soule of the es and•Universi,: By; the aid. of psis, these ph y; y treat, With the them in person. mit a: personal - they claim' tek: .: Their attain. t's disease by elkestablished- most famous_ medi ties of Eurdpe an Dr. Pierces syste most gratifying su In recognizing dis examination- of t_ possess niiracul their knoWled,ge of principles of mode Silver coin 58,010 SI Notes .:of- arid' clierpies, on other - .4. Balances due from other batiks iii - -5.:-Balances due trona Agents in for-, „ - tripe Z, Loans, di scounts,. or adVaneas; for Which the bonds. or _debenture:L.__ of Municipal . or other . corpor- *: , _, eial,-"British, or foreign public: - securities; are held -as collot5ral Of metheme. -they Owe -their gine". Visill,:ihat Which this Systern li,a7daoe 37:rwleotuh7.. tation for the skillfie big: or Tehronie affeett-.1:emallo 7tg.t.aer-e the -fact -that cliseasek 1111°cm:teen: a. 'Ai itclt al Uh ee dm- `t.tb c' - c: se310:3: 'e uh.t ii fiC61 ief analysis Or synthesisiud-gment „of , Unmistakable data to -1,; undda_et7etr.mainna: : . ims 101 ihit II iile en 1 is atfrPrdoilin te. ells esuotdocw1 ifhWe_e•tva:: 'ef fi 9144:rei :37: it isfioce- i lit i' IP' : 114::: i laiilY!' e at. li:eri reet ee. :- . . _ Peupl,e's_CommoU Se of." The which is so popular. as Pages-, is sent post-paid by t oli- It dregs on receipt of one nY 04- Addrei3e R. V. Pierce;' cents. peritarY, Buffalo, N. 8 MS": '011S Old Newspaper. COTO a. ne*Spaper which _provei to be the oldest periedicaI.pf Which there ls. ROW any _certain knowledge: . It is quarto volume, '-beating date 1699, and Isiipposed, to hate . -been printed by J ohm: Carolus,.. of :Strasburg. . The -paper *as issued. weeklyeach. number . States; *hich *ere. contributed regularly,. -is interesting to note- that letters- froth; - Vienna TWere: ahout eight: days. on the. route; .froM:Venice fourteen to seVenteen days, --and with thenewt retailed -at SeeOnd:land, failed to fill the - sheet, - the -remaining Space ivaa. _ Intelligence- of every sort:font& place .14 -- the journal. Among. the moat. interesting .becurr,enOefti noted ". wasi the frianifactUre Of froin-Florence writes; pn 'Sept: 4, to the- ef: 4.--*t.that the -government of Vfinice made -a - conaiderable- present. to *Signor Galilee of -Florenee Professor of Mathematies:at' crowns., "because witkdihgent stinly he found - out a ride -and !beast*, .whieli. it is posei- 00y-were near, and, on the Other hand,„near objects to appear much larger tkan-#ey are .The -news ;reed -vett, frOm Prague: afforde. a, tOe streett- of the. City. It: appears- ithat at 'by -bandits, reobed,_ strangled, and. throWir into -the Moldau.:- Seven bociies were taken': filonit the' Water in! one .day-'. -and *at _another -tune seven, malefactors were apprehended; -confessed that on_ -the 18th of this ;month, :tifesr: ilirow- about fourteen portions :into. the- water, and. that their •band Muir_ bered, about eighty; who were, =for. the -moist Aimed; hiM. ito- -go to ,chureli, 'Where. he fell atleep. - The Minisier -was "reading' the first letson of the day, . which happened.te be the . fill -beast whieli the prophet Saw in the land Ktiarium Manager I inoVed ',uneasily : in,- his?! :ger'.rubbed his eyeal , and -the preacher went: der their -.tides; and they fmir had 064. faecal and their V41:1213,1-7. - Thp aCidarilial manager mat now Wide awake " Ai for the likeneit of thor faces, they .fourhacl the face of a man theYlattr hadthe face of- in pi on,ithe left glee?: - The, • aquarintu. --. 'manager -*as now - standing up; ..ins-wOn, Vainly pulling. atlhis :boiled- and smashed fine.; . add salt . aniV,fibtir .endlighto Toll t° landle as little- as possible.- .- that_ men are -Willing td engage -for their board:, near SOUthamPton, -England, .has been .rfined -5.and7costs fot cruelty to a. cat belonging • was found nailed to ,a fence and the bench -thought .it was- Mit Off Whilethe creitureWne t#Nt of 'Holland's MOtt Splendid art collec--.: did:portraits .by -Beinbrandtis about xi? be *eS Harness, *es -Traces. Ires Ground. AuguRt. 187i3. Sates Time. Sayes Labor. crirrenr.'accOtint tOO_drporations 224146 71 2,225..416 38 estatethe property of the - vaults. an& -.offte- furniture- at 14„- Other assets, -not inelnded under = " BREAKFAST -141:1611-7_ tatoes and Put in the- o pour overthe* some ere ed a little, and Season and. salt. CocoAXut two cupfuls Of sugar; one eggs, •one'cipfulbutter;. the -whites of three -eggs gar and -put between, the . jelly -pans. • -Braive Temale. Telegraph Operator. ployedin the telegraph office at Tithiviers during -.the war Of 1870: Upon . the arriial the Month -Of November, - -they at onee, as. _was their wont; took possessiOn of .the tele- graph; offiee,. and relegated Mlle. Dodu, the :young woman in charge, .to azootti on the • . -first- floor. -The wires-paased. through this room, *and 'Mlle.!_Dodti managed to tap them, -and 'convey the information- to the Sub -Pre- - feet. One -day a telegram arrived. from the Prussian staff at Orleans, addressed to prinee Frederick Charles, informing him -.of -.the- maroh of a French corps upon Glen,.and tug - getting the -movements to be Made to tur- 'round. it. This telegram she :took to- the Stb-Prefect, who made three Copiet- Of it.for the -eomnia:nder of the French corps; sending each. by a different Messenger. : Two of the messengers yrere. •biit the third- arrived, -and the information ena- *hied. ihe French commander to make II time- ly retreat. The _Prustians did not aseertain what had taken place until just before the armistice,1 but- fdr which Mlle. -Dodu might have -fared badly. As it was; Prince, Fred= erich. Charles, who was at Tithiviers just after thearmistice, congratulated MIle.:Dodu ion her courage; and-: offered her place- in -the : Prussian telegraph service.- -This she naturally refused, and, after being placed in the -orders of the day by theMinister of .War, was apPointed directress of the telegraph.Of- • gar, r. Coirox, Q.'C. the leader of ed. one7of the _Lord justiceS of the Courti Appeal in Place of -the lite Sir George Mel- _ The S'Peetator says lie is master .of a neat mode of expression,_which Judges and advocateswonid dewell to imitate. He is a nen-comniissioned officer in the Inns of remarked to. his 'friend, " If youw ant a ge fitting shirt, ' CoOperl makes the best.' ..Aa. dress Anierican- Shirl Factory, 109 Yonge- shirts, and get a Very low figure, in order to Please.- Sind for price and circular, free, Ito ' A. White, 65 Xing t., Toronto. CosT-It costs no- *ore :to wear . Treble's Perfect fitting Eihirts than shirts that -don't fit; by leaving meaSiire at Treble* -53 K' liVious; there being ,no -Nctliiille lees: to _strike ; gainst stninns -or- bark 'orchard, v ees: It allows: he Plonghto turn the -Sod -Close to the trees, also :-.- eliitched closer to , the plOugh, consequently re--. o LL 1- FRO.Nr-SIMEgt ''E AST, TORONTO.- WANTEW • a o6' N DYSART-AND OTHER TOWN ,HI S.- ALSO minus Of the neXfsectiop_or th6VibtOria man-, ittor- nglas , -1, in parts or divisions; will please notify thomdersi ed. PEO. VIRTUE, Puindau R,. 4-24 Box 602,1 Tor nto -ANITO BA. AND OPF-10E—FARMS -;Government land Selected and the patent p ociir ',.inade on ondoubtedreal. estate security. at 12 per 1cent. Send -.3.- cent stamp for' answer.-- .ps- Totonte Out. • greptk Operating for OtliceS opening in •the.Dort lead tent stainp for circpil;:,-. Address • • IOW White Odorkss and does net dgeeo Vekee'itiSpi:ee Ste 456-ly fpfIESE1AND MANY OTHER DISEASES ARES - 1; -- titan aciaBloodpoisoning.if., Any .pre oration. not changethe Cheini-cals of to- 1904. LystAN,I,and LY, all dragglsta, price 50 cents„ IRV Ir sSendfor f` pamphlet Rupture,'' -4614.7 ,KNITTI NO NIA0141tiE .! y -Knitting in -the heel and' narriiivinii, of ' the .10e Oompletel knits all sizes.; narrows and -Widens- at .W11.1,*- and knit$ the -Web either .Ttibirlar or Plitt, :ainMet•DOnblei'_or Ribbel,-prodneing all varieties -Ot.liint,Atiparel„- Send for eirenlaj•S -and. sample --dressed-to the .9enerali Agent, R. pA1LFIY. 205' '-'itonee-Street. TOrmito -Ont. 4.514 -1-17 To ar!Part!es-thlilirvelfduisrhecithiit$;.i.000_ in cash". _ Object -4o Increase factlities: Add eis for a. few -134 Bei -2451, • onainiori THOS. GOO CTIVE MEN SELL- OUR -LETTER: BOOK AND INK. Dees away *UV let ;and water. Perfectimpression 'gazette tenth of the cost of Letter Press. ndiata circulars. A. ELKI Church St., Toron Prese 153;022:more - Singers sold lir 1879 than lit aut. 'Other CoMPanY. Warranted to butweartwo of any other nuOte. None genaine'withotit Singer of New York --. SS TR DZ MARK on -arm: of Machine. your -agents for-NeWtOrk ai 1.4