HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-07-20, Page 5-P be held at_- th, loth, Prizes• to the am ttk rton .T _p ERN` ExHIBITfo[ will a1kertcu ,. on. the Ltla - 3.2th. -of Oct.; iit of $5,600Will -be offered. for Prize List* JACOB-SEGbMILLER ;- 10; lb -i_7 184 •--:" ocher aucla ;en Y. n on all point. in Ontarl and()n Winnipeg: Sterliii (:J�I. L l eand�_ 7� f 4F klrENC Z 1 1 (11,1` ANO SOLD, Si)ecr I l� posit = an k. Dela,artrnerft tact t ( u> i .] perant- a.m.. of) 111„ E On -in. to l win; • j...1T'1-E k t1(iii t . 0 Yc# NOW S N' rea uct on- of Pries Summer > Shawls, Parasols, Shirts. Gents' .Summer Clothing, Straw 'Goods,- Sun Shades, .3 Lace Silk- and Cashmere !Jackets, - Shawls, &e. & &c; ASL Paint& and- Cottons, - Very Low.. - 20 Yar 11' Yards -Good Fast Colored _ :This is- the Placa- far chca 1 Dez. Good llarttwtl R ooakes--.Maple` l andles...$ , I_ary"e_st <Glo i es per paar- 2:5c and T E A:CS---Fixe 02.4..: . --4O Comas:` and-oO C�nts _- a1I su � l T- of General Gro ries : per?:: l p ce a to Vie �� the. owes • possible prices. - CALL and SEE' my. Gomm, HEA Itlay prices; = TA T 1Il2y Tues: •, FEEL 111iy cottoits.t FBA EkiaPU-i1 ATE my P a1s; =Toy myf_Tobaceoiss iizl` BUY ilSopease. •• Ne« STON But • terts, FruitJars, Pc I wilt'try,: is always, oidc the Nr,ery. -best for you" T' can, .present stcut;k. of u -v •lob prices: 3':e:.111rm 1` r hid o;I'Iargaitl5 "world do- well as t e stock be ruse 1 off {Gs fr tr. ~su <tirr-. 1111 this disease: whOare> �.�«<'s-"'Ee . - E utrt.@1, �llt> ih1 tek e%.- DIL iL 7 I..tt'b , i s t � �p ��§ ri Paw r i.s ` •'' >•:, c t ^a aE:� : tiItI L4))° 1°Lt1t'O11 1x11()lvn- �t1�aLt:. < I..b,C,frertstXand a Zl disezbses of tile` k x@r.4 -i?1(Iet It,. so: ' tr )nom is Ufa r.') i �E►EkFti1,. ftt'!t c tha t) titfli .ince J t,tl': 4h`ti i 81�s-hum ng;. we -iv a.1 font itrJ to every F i t i c. p,,,t paid, c`.ir j• RIri TRIAL BOX c Ettags«cies )'-.rmoney iit1 3,on are of elk -1r mnative powers: If •ioin't aIs`1Ef--3 In �t ? lb tied,. r., they .`Ill- surely- cure • ��♦ 1) <�� R. -k, sent to- any 61-f •. !,,"t .. A o :t: 1,y mail On • r •'_ E I ' . < :‘,l(il E tig ;.) s'l i°l k k'.l Nk 'tk,. Bitook11�I-.,:.�,yF- 'SUIT [MEL cs,^ f �ti .r:° •i• _ SL- I L\ U is €S(,) A r EN -67 BEtS'I`ON, c: zrtst'Fit CF. .' ft ."034!I.-al:P'AU:1TIQ ;, Tr>;ri.tkt:-E,),.ir. `lt I tllt;olltuury l)y \Villain Grace, r-zt'otl iri Kiti4,;"•Iaanee army,. `1'I1roug;its' ,:_<=i). a h>_;.e'are.1 thou:Ands of the must serious "Se Rte" «+I:ts. awl .Vctcrll(i• that; haffiea t!i'e skull i g : 4 . t ttinv31t physicians of `. i - day, and. EEn'a Y•: !. r 1 ''V aLil CrIlf) i,..11. 1tr 111n a :public 4-aei )tart r♦z: : t r ;<\ ergTi's " -_S- i3.O.c tr. - GARS •r .. ;:eiti,,.. F'r):E•il•Lim-> , Srat-. .Cfreti iL,.. Cyr l c F r` • ( tips' ` If t L;,1 , i 1:°�IYI Ic'(a , - t(k _ G °df l wes,_ L a(L :Jecld,: to l,I'tl<ccls, tr .f(JC.)ls, tTleery 8ikifiges,n St res, If''1 es,- fidils,. .1_. T1T 111 :i's_ $di.ry sr Ral • Lueknow• July • • s • -c DS l eat eClttct�on, in P ies I.. Seer• Tatcli GoId,;: Si:hler; a. o- O:- - 0 from $7.00 upw:ar cis - t - CIO r ver ate, A•T _I1fV_1+;�'-SE'� REDUCTIONS—. ,11 I 71 Campbell Street, .*Lu-cKNC)W4. -0- 0 : -0 00=0.0-0-0-0. C Ea -SILVER '-MEDAL -TO '1'Hh: •i`A LO14, Lucknow, I have dust received large _sandfirst class stock ctf - as The undersigned _ received a SILVEJ EED '_I, at the Centennial Ell [litson; this' ;situ g the ILIUIII STT AWARD to Canadian !organs. - .Other inedals for organs merely bronze: ' • ; - None -of our...organ:3 hail over four se,;ti of, And have marked thirstobk very♦Iow. - Farn-l- er$, call And see + or yourselves what bargains gut: are giving. Our coats eery cheap. Piles, 1`; zaa 1 i select fr:rin for` ordered: clothing. .,.1-tro aISON;' �Lxicl�no�v Sept8:18ih., T E .have juS't received a- large : and coin- plete-.stoek of the latest: style's is And as we, have -bought dose We 1. " Le`11 don'tt fail to see our stock of neck ties, collars, and everything usually kept in a good store 3f ev•rykind. Sugar, Tea, Canned friit, ti r.-_: ruts, -P cklf-s,, and every thing else sold HE2-IPER- THA TUE c;HEAPBST: Don fail to see my, stock of "reeds; •Several other Camidian makers had' instruments -With from seven to twelve setts.: The -bronze medal organ bad twelve setts:: At " the western Fair for; 1876;. our London `stock, -; k is a_b e exhibited only; his. nt xhub ted y ordinary `etock, with oar' fine stop organ- got [+'IRST .PRIZE over-all competitors - A. five 3, ears g uarantee ;.accompanles. organ: This from a - : Well :. established. firma -likely to- continue in the busin ss is =worth considerable. Foi:Prlce.List,..ac}dress • BELLSrde. , Guelph• ; «ilt :Jan; 5th, tf. Pl, 0-S:00: 250- _`Acid :: ll other st_-y es in the sam:e_proportion, clueing Grand; S' care -and Unir ht- -daissold direct : o the people (it fag -,142 y prices'' SR) -agents; 110 .con4raissio is �, no •_d1S�ouu'ts.''. These: Pian s made one of the .finest disnlays at the Centennial Exhibition,-_ ^..!ui were n an- ,iu otiisl'reconin ended..fo"r-the: :IGIIEST 10N-: oli5 Regularly incorporated :Manufacturing G`a iNe.y .NI°aiuifact ,ry= one of the largest and finest in the world.: The Square; - Gr uids-: contain Mathushek s new:patent Di -ETA -ex Over strting Scale, the greatest improvement: in the history -of-piano. snaking.. '1'iuef Up -rights are :tlie•nest in America. T.L'iailu'' sent on . trial. It fad to write for- Illustrated`: and -Des- cript ve Catalogs e, mailed free. - .:MENDELSSO.J-7_\T PIANO CO:, • c.i 1 dt '" rlltllUlhll w: 4.7 • rp Prunella= shoes an: Extra', Young flys Extra fine Bfack Extra good areen Fancy Print. wolf A comp • gaiters worth: -$1;00 for, 75 cts_ Te 8worth _ 70c for 5Oc. a _worth: 90c--.for:-75c._. . ea 3 1)ounCs for $1:00 J 1-5c for 1 2. •-t a sortittent of G GADS, ADE C 1' TIES, °CROCK ERY R O'UTS SHOES•_ SZlia 0 P` N , tics i, - alstiiIg iu h!T?r7 c/ `ties;, XPi t c i(•)W t1S $'11.-._1 -`d Visit i0 01. -..- the custorJ]e = prettiest a. tOUII(I iII tw fir, ha' Iire 1''a: and -..eIv+aesrIyjfn r�4me n« ; rtea.u4ifili �t � i Italian "►�11.' h1 ti IIs ; • Cat', 3 sold; a.t bi.)t` n Otz- S rtoe complete, Litickn t(it:rio...exttdon' =Rata tild -Coo --iiiii er SO 0 Reetqf y-411 ado: -boys :Yea..L% • -.W4-1- po,pdtal-: in Silk iwy eall oosls and: -1874 irrocers and It, all ti;avinces: _Vrice mall 3() cads. gmtt.h.T.Ialf. of the north hall of lots, 79 itselp,te barn, young orchard inst be- Sittiated -within three(' Miles of with- cold waiter. NOVELTY. CO. XonttgEsi- tzu. GIVE ME A. CALL. an se 0-R SALE niNVO First -Class BuilAing Lots, suitable -for Ingles-st., one of the principal streets in the fourth of:an-aere -each. (Title 0-ood-.) Terms to suit purchasers. For fiarther Particulars ap- hen Saturday curstons HE 'GR.A.r.r 'IATESTERN RAILWAY .00., are issuing ahem; Saturday excurfion tickets from Lucknovi to Kincardine; Fare, !MERCHANT TAILORS READY-MADE CLOTHING .20 :CIRDZItt • ROBE • Fashioable.Sgyle and on Short Notice pecial attention given 0 antlf on ham