HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-06-22, Page 1P 3 - .Airs. IV, __No. G6 B Propr ietres 1' { rofessional Cards.,_ 6 A•zGNE` c t � `Law` Chancery & Conveyancing. ancing. " . OFFIC fes.- In Lup oivigan's Block, stairs, text Caledonian: Halla LUCTNOW MONEY TO. LEND. ELLIO O1, [ ` Law c.e,: .Craoh's Block; Feb 9. - tf - GODERICH, QUIER & McOOLL, . Bariisteis,; Attorneys,. Solicitors in Chancery, GODERICI ' & BRI.7 SELS. Money to lend: - R. SQUIBB., A. J. D1CC0LL,; Goderich.. feb .9' Brussels.' Barristers, :tettey's at Law, Solicitoriii.= ttl encery, Conve antes, -:&c. Offiee,` West - - .. 5€reet, G �deiicb. l\fionty to lend.,' - ' Joa :� DAVISO:? -FRED W JOM,STO1�. ig.Ilth.,187f JAMES SO 7,1 ENV] Conveyancer. t )ney-to loan on eagytermson Real Estate. V.._ua,ttir for Trust and Loan Co. E icki,,,`v tinct 1-1th 187'5 ft_• � dY r. -sp11. 3' '' y ARROW,MEYER •&-R .DENHUP�S2', : Barr-isters,.Attarneys-gat-Law, Solicitors- �haficery, Conveyancers;, &c &c , &c J.1! 1RROw .t 'It. W. C. MEIEII { G. A. ,1 DE\ iL RST: :. H W...(1. Meyer Solicitor for the, Consoli- dated! Ba.nk,Wingham. i _ Office in LiugtIa' e B ildingz,oP-oosite Scott"S- Ban1., •Wf inghc ni. s Oilices Goclerich _Money. tdl:. Dail at. reasonable ra=ttis: of interest, andon terms t.5 suit horrinver3, Dec. 22, • Jat itiTew Y:or -Loo nthis we Dog Blyth thisy a v'snew advertisement rain'afikr en -Bennet has returned to.;• 3: Smith's newadv'ertisement ie is: tobe celebrated in arge-scale;• :. Theirs races take flare on Mo a d T ,-July 2nd andt3kl , Dait't the Strawberry Festival': and 0once e evening of the 2nd inst «� a: rune." Put it on the back Of a°inch you will be'likely to find. mit,` • :erred - at 'Marblehead "ff. S last Tues3r troyin,propertytothe ainourtt of $600,00( BuilPei'ations are being carried on briskly oieW buildings: beina-.erected . in: the ` the • Acr Un lay last nearly 5,000 .pounds`. of wool l;�d in=Guelph market, at 20 and=: • 4 Lot 3� -cents pi►d'. . Thioceanvessel everbuilt in:King- ston was eek sent to- Montreal.- It is •named tl 'den River" arid•cnst- $so,ogo• Mticliffe Offers four, sale cheap a se- leet stocliantles infant' -robe's, = ladies' and chih;dohs,; etc P xties in want of such w oivell to give.her a call - r. Di OA L._ T1 in the t,e nnin of the week 1171E7has: don, little- damage, nothing "being iOMI:4S BR ADL4 Y F r .ICI _N SUR.damage- Y great -extent. The 11(y -tato �; 511 ail tr -kcca :a e � It Liciin to of the Vines tine'''•:host-bitten, buy -the fail s heat 17'r v%nce Barvie,. County price flit,- 50.. e3caped.t inatii•-y.• • :SEC ORD. . cost $4nd a 1,0. . feet. of :rabbber•-lose,- Kincardine, Ontario. an . 1875. tf. tegr the election of. two pew- .iron bridgeshe -Grand Rimer;:costing 625,000.• • VINTETt- TO LIINT) on , easy terms . JOHN COOKE; Agent,: ONEY-TO LOAN at 9 per cent for a_1) Kti:C; WALKER V. S OP_ 49-Xt-,t410--VETE.lax-ARwouiE6-E,, -.2itayr be o•->nsulted- on' diseases Of Horse's and • tovingial tiand iSur.veyor • ine-0 Work in any shapon any terms Of .the 'Union. This? - Harrlright•royal style. 'An. attra.ctiye iuni; 26t0 *ill De' .awalded Meets e% ery Fiiday !Arming at 8 O'clock, • invited. Dr Tennant- Kee. Secretary.. NDER _THE- NEW 1K -CIT CAN 'BE Had as formerly at the Rost Office oi dAiliPBELL. Issuer. 11-1A.S. R. MILES; Provincial Land Sur- : veyor,- -Valnator and. Land Agent • Otlice, AJI orders by mail. ,A-11.1- receive, pronipt IVIlscellTheokis FADES -Hairdressinz stoSlrYthing- in the hardware line, and well him', a call& as „promi.ses same. rartng- 41,e last pararcpl3: Of the notice inlast, the.take immediate proceedings to linye- orreeted to law." havi :1mi:to. woman ‘Vas stabbed on Main la!t• Yriday. • No -less thaninine ii•: -..Vere- -inflicted; son* of -them very- The- thedieal • men dO-iiet despair :of th.--lady's life.; although one of the lungs . The .watild-bei murderer 'ivai Reform-nte: t' That There will be a Reform picnic in Clinton -ft. the 5th of July. Brr. ks. pieces 'and a. u p .pP3" ior-.'i �pei4 1 There When• Chas ' ingho Several:errors -:occurred 'in our ,last issue'. throttler -some oveisi h . ' i g,t.. Tanll r � a h. The e hi hest. rice Will be ' for I 0 g p 1 paid. , 00dords of tan bark... Apply to S. Robion,;Lucknow • Tannery. 179-2in eow. I rare, The elling house owned.by W a: Kernish, • on lit 30, •3rd concession, East Wawanosh, was burned on}the`.1Qth fust: ; Insui ed'for $175. Conference., . The .Bible Christian •Conference will be held in Exeter,: commencing ` on ' Thursday, June 30th. / About orie hundred Wthisters • will be presciit, p Falai tcckdlent. • . At Howic k, last Friday evening;;Isaac,-rson of James Galbraith, w instantly killed • by .his -horses running away while he was unload- ing •,wood. R?tn Storni. -.. Ai terrible wind'and rain; storm .passed::over the Western fart of. the United' States - last -Monday, doi=.damage .to .the: extent of. over .nrd s ham ing wo kilns 's. re -�ared rhe under i;ned �, t p p -. to supply all who may favor him with their eusttoni; for12-4c huShel. Wal ERASER la 21, con: Centre �'�'e1lington. . The- Premier`will'address the electors�of .Cel tre VTelling„on on Saturday, , Ju� y 7th. The nzeetna rill take ,place in the grove. at: Iain=. nettles *here tine Tory:'picnic was; " held last: The': London.G,tioL The Grand Jnry in their, presentment refer di Mend to be doiae fortwith; Dominion Day. 1 -1 The eaminittee have went to great troiible 4.nd expense in Pre-Viding-amnSemeati,- and a first clasi day!s fun inaThe expected. There will *little boy, son of Mr, John Rraser, of AT:- -..thUri, rim' against the Wheel of 'a buiroy. which sharp edge of the tire of the huo, mflicting _a :cut about 1.4 inehes long; and the 'hind wheel - At/Galt, on Thursday evening list, A, Hut- ton,1 a young man about twenty-two years -Of afit..6, who had been brOught to this' country by Mi.'s§ MC -Pherson; and has beertworking for Mr. I Allen Goodall, a farmer, opposite 'the • lIonae, met his death by • drowning. At •the ;;;•ie Montreal Methodist Confer nceh -• Seeing that 'Mr. Boy had al- •ithdraWn from the Methodist. Oh:114 the forin of kicking- a Man. out of hia s) month atter -he -hail sr.-g-pn. put !,:if nday one talled„ at a. hocse Apar at she had iust fed One nianivh61. had . -FOR : t-sqme tering, •Ile said that _he would pine& Where the. deCeased was-, drowned; the water waS nat more . than eight feet deep: ; is Slrosid that. death Waa aiiied by heart • ease Or sonsethink that natnie. as if - it had called out. "Relief for St. ..loblia• Sufferer's. The followino. Sums- hayebeeneolleeted for '560 ;,-PartIarid, Nc-4 86.606.; 'Chicago 'Change 'Whitby, $200.; Hainilton $2 506- INeWBiniii:' wick -Government; $20,000 'Loh an- $5 000 ,Domuno.g -Ci-oyeKtun, [- 829,000 -.Carleton. Coitty, .$500 Lee* CounOil,42.00_; Philadelphia, $3,600 ;: Boston, title's towns and -villages have -forwarded act jA, coming daily 4om all ,c44.44. a iE ionVe butIth • Extra The donsid an in Toronto bad a: quilt 573,291 She spread it out in- the yard tc air, ppy dog paytd it was a bear, The as beenunwell since, and"the woman good deal'of time in the ,yard waitin to hkcomely_ be e ii tsome 'from undreerof:• th.thie . s` housitem e. 111=mo:• but and •es ,apedi• With- shlhl injuries; ng the prlpriety of opening 11,04 - sed thel-event of such negotiations , being ugurated.;L It does not appear;, how- romptly 'et 'by the „Rime Geaern-f men Th erito s, Pres the TuEtsc t4ieete s 411 Of th wh District:4Exeter, J. W: Batbirer, n, G. DOkl3r; ITsborne,g. n;I. Ashley (Supernumerary); Palm - W. 'utt; Wiarton 11. Allen. lence :of ihe Jan Walker -last :eyennig,t1.. During the ey:e7.4.11g.:4'ort, s WereAellyered "by the IT :Treleaven , Mr.'- ThornasT. School Exanatiaafion. "• The Public School 'on. v► ill held on Friday next, July -"'.6th, 'Crowded• Ba%, .4•46a}imunic4ion was reel v cell . in. for put lication' in this `week's °SEN . EL.+ n answer to a � an s pinion ion , om :, n, hi<,h , vel ably =crow led`out, t .. appear,: in - • Black IForse- ooi Sections 103 take. r art in and. time is e. -not lost a championsh-ip- game, this ,seaso and in the - one rinr-whil;lhey scored fiftee Friday June 15,-j..Arthun aytnakers,_ kora Athletics, 20. 'Friday June 22. --At Handl Tecumsehs' of London. 15; :Thies .ot-Eile, • lu..1) was held last "Wednesd y- evening, at• which ,the folio -wino. officers- ere. elected: .2 - Was resolved to meet for prac -On Tuesday anicl'Thursclay evenings of eac week at 7 pan. The regulaz meetingavd11. be held on .the first- - Thursday of eacl Month. It - as moved; :see": of the laick.now Crieket Chi be tendered' to T. -Harris. Esq., for his prese tatihn of a ball - and the Sec'Y Was -instructed -'o'send a copy of" inotion-to Mr., Harris, Oth business transacted, the meeting adjo The fiillOwin address to Mr as read. by Miss Mary Ann Trelea.'veni- tleth odist'discipline to : tart with. wile have b,.en. formed and developed. which can ,:erase ilitat is engravedon. our hearts. While bier admi ua and, n der.glated anirjtharmedlay.ykt; SOci l: ill ve Won a' Place in .ont affections. 'Yin d On behalf -Of Luau:ay Circuit :. '• Clarke' r: plied -to the: -address as fol -t - lit kaisiw a past yonr toke Yak cra fre your On Tuesday of week- Rev, . -Leitch was inducted. t Presbytery - of: ::YoUng; :Sie,y.liklat 'took part call to- Mi. Leitch. was "un nimous, 'and he entersnpon his charge with - il-e.ulffsettiitlilp.6easiss.:--t.r.A:onirfea,chl!pq::4 daV 'evening, July . gieeie/s; ate expected to to aid in paying for the ph, urday last. Helwaa riding by some Meani he get. -c.1_ugf4 "'Was drawn arOund it;:lief Ire received SeV =ini his forehead'. and on the - lOWs with serva , nesse of M 010 Of a rifQk Socrety:hatro'voted two Silver medit1S tor threw., Robert Cunning' izanz, WILLIAM SO N ono;:talias.to..1:431-Tbir- from ,some "e'ckf 1:44 -wt hope te :th visit -the fair one,-, tipt the -m' Caled43Mak* 4ournamentslo: be • held. VomItz?n-..Farre -property at lOw rites ofintertv ----A-114. there- f 1! t,,O;.stay hOniejL-- the: hai6 (4;Idau lower flan any Offici? in the Cotnty!„---,When. hat get a fel.t, Alec, and xy,. 09,11_ hc.g.ad to`-.-hiar -that tlie 0,0pd -,Vfortgp,gea:ppte. Agent,for. tit 'of- --(3 bi4 .ou 6001 evenincr aud baug.-aud- clistrlioliteck.4t e„Lucikno:iv 130._ ma,nV_Ptasant Inemorkel of.-piy, igay 'In tr..„•34/ litei)Vre:asypeernits til--1):a.altiitta:-.i ''.bctesiapreinfibm4F-...,::. a; -11Tovxdenc.e, May. test .UPon - :On; that 'XS Work. -- if -revive and'Ohriit'Sidn'd ;;-a.71.clArY"':hthiell'Ot_11:-idie:V:11- ii;tit-Wliag-tedd'e*Ab°teOlat- Cellent prospects abont four alingg3i When" lay -the wheel, and'? ack :of the load. scarlet Iibbon at Ilia' neck,. - „his 'ago,": was tlie KeSliCin hile he to whom sAl-thi tood-with ft: bearing As in tap beat -to-aCtiiin, -. rid the -bnys -Went. of conyersation, hontir` Was paid' -Patti appears aa„Caterinatgn NI94,4435 ine4 Atilt -2tIhqet t will 're rn e a ri ge id ?lc; G1 Fialauclis;t,?•'1,14128 im the nth.' `if will be siVen la tiVeriortbAdelinkPitilg4 'ears on -the 20th and the Feeolleeti94. Of: '11.uesday long bereiriembersd-bpthos4 who were e_cootents of the, vurse---exceeded nd We. Sincerely. hope lig" fliture labOis • rr C4-0Orgre 4" - es; got a pair of Serewed boots' n. $enn 'em advertizedhaven't your Rubinstien and Wagnir have isken:fire: ells Of London audie0ei. 4rnings were- 00;000. - Wagner's' efforts lily ended in-fiaa,ncial Ware, owing to 13 anagement.