HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-05-25, Page 7IbEAL- A 7.4•1`.R., intric.7i. tic lacTY, locitaof deepest fb.- e,• -- A silken drys -$.1 who,egorge.eustilizs Delieht,- no Other eye, ._ • ."./k• pretty little cottage, • With ivy covered o'er, • And she, iny. pride, • EXPCLa11C 1LL- the door. -t " !Fort musie:in the jIoan.j n • • _Ebb8 gurethg froin htr rilenat _awl drink iny fi. Of each lavt.4inrdened note. Days- spent in gweet, corriniunion-7-' „*Neatil shade of leafy trees- : • • •We Woo' and sing; and evcrytuing 18 poetry andease-..` • A tiny fairy' be hg - Lies nestling on my I resf.: As, tired of play.. she seems to say, • This 'is rily iightful ,rtst " And in those heby features-, , o hvattia elm mild. Ms -thinks I trace another face--•- T..e inotherbf-myciritd-. - , THE .R,E-41;. A „tit but COMely ripoing.chestint. war,. - cotton- dress, --in which. no less, •she looks eXtremely fir ; : A. busy, bustling b cab CY, . un household duties -bent; Who speaks the while %.% ith hippy" (if kindneftanst co4tent.: A- little:house. London; - Nolv:y and no fiewers. But what are we for botany': :That little .1iOnse is ours. When we heai-iome well known cry, Oitr:rogii6oinr f..:feetwalif.engiitidlieLstreet, vv • No little fairy danithter -Nestled confidingly Four healthy bqs. whose .4eas4cssiaSe Bi ings childhood back tome. Yt t these prosaic blesSings; which I have my shate;.- , in eace and lova, sear far.ahave. My'. castle blue :gr.. . • • I Bologna. " - - A lent writer on Bologna speaks: of the well-being of the people, -an(l' the -absence of beggars: Ile adds that, accordirtgt ,tothe les _c emus; the popuIation14,mbers 86,100 souls. -The *reCeipts frpm Octroi and other municipal _- axes amounted, in 1873- to 1 39'7 784fi••3. • - •E874 tO 1,-823,050,fr.i , andin1873, -1,834,919. 173 the carfimune paid for Whit We should call poor rates, 133„810fr.;-,in. 1874; -158,53,31r4 and • in. 1875, 156;560fi... The • .maintenance- of the Streets and .roada. of the city and suburbs oOsts.about-150; 000fr; -.Per- in-num, and the lighting about- _ 4;i 2, - • . The -publie elenientatyl tlay schools, tirban and suburban, nriMber 192; witli an attend--; • Mice, including both the boys, and the :of 5987, besides which -there Ii4ietY •eveni-ng and_ SiuularschOols;:,with, an attendance of -3272. hi additiOn:to these are. the higher - technical, ,sehoot the gyinnasimn„ - and --the' higher school ki ir girls, n part „supported- by the Governinent, but towards whioh the corn- mune.-contrrbutes 2,000fr„ per annum. The • tipendiariei of the con:undue- from secreta- ries to street -sweepers, .nuinber 979; -their -total. pay ,atnounting-. to .1408,492fr., with. • 102:*-pensiorters_,draiving:'8_5,302fr,_ per -annum; TiL18.73 the Municipality spent- 156,314gr. in public works_ ; in 1874,. )97-,-066fr..; and in, 279,84file.-; and at thepresentmoment is en= gaged im-preparistig. an extensive public -gar-- den immediately outside the walls, at the sontheast corner: of the city„ between the Castiglioni and St. :Stefano. gates: 150,000fr. has been expended. an the purchase of the ground, and 165,000fr.:ia to be spent in lay... it out, in addition tabounteonSclonatiOns Irse,S andplants in large numbers- made.by the Many rrobIeS andeitizenis„ of whom, porn7- • mencing-With. Signor Mateo: Minghetti, )30-- - Iognalas reason to be proud. . The site of the,publiagarden,.whichwill be opened next• spring, is a- gentlytrising. ground, affording-. - Admirable opportunitiesfOr- the purpose, and having an extensive Vie* over thecitY.On-one side, and a. background formed by the Well - wooded hills, on which stand San :Michele in. Bescois„ the church Of the Madonna di 'St. ani 'a number of subnrban, Villas.: The drives in -the new gardeii (r, as it will. be, half garden, beg park) will have. an, extent of fivellilometres,_;„ And, in the part nearest -to the- city, a...very pretty sheet. of ornament- al water, with rockwOrk and rustic bridges, _ ha:slit;eu " 1 Miss-, Btadden. Where and. how. '‘-`.:Aliss-.:Braddon?"7, (Mrs., Maxwell). does her literary,:work is _thus' gra- phically described by :one who haa_ been to •btiks 'Seeiler, e4e _rites probably by permission, as he.dau ._ e ' lipeS: by the card :. --"Above fire-.pretity., diAwingl-room,- itajacent r to the grounds *iiel:e: ooed. Pagoda House, a ',-cer••-: fain blue chamber, , from which the 'profane - are' rigidly exelu4ed, .-- Thisisthe literary workshop.-. In the 'centre. of the room is`a. igegt. ware- tWO0' :covered with books of re-• - tet:enCe and &litter. -of .paraphleta and papers.: ..---bilds "nct ends_ of :,,--every -imaginable kind. There is alsoa huge Office tableand an OP.._ right:do*, With,. A,. regiment of drawers Opening and:shutting; simultaneously.. But not one of these aid'sto composition is favors ed by mire. mexwdit ivbck prefers an an eeeent- - trie attitude of her own. - Bylhe ffreside is a particularly low;- uncomfortable chair, In • this the-n,vQist Wadies- jhercelf7up, with piece "of thic - d -board restin Oa her la and, a little- -bottle .:-lirraly against it - , ....t".._ .,. .:- . ;with: the left:ftaliwaiiikidg‘. e —ed, position, aipearil, sition, for the pen- .111avesi swiftly over `gieat square' Slips. Of paper; and the correc- tions a ..!--._. felk and, tar- betiveen... If .We are not" mis b.er. 10 _ that the cal,igtaphy • of literary . folk viy..... en;lt was once article of popular . an . :was af the worst. possible quality., and that . they took -a -savage delight in. leaving• Smile -- thing to the compositor's imagination,--- This ' has ceasd to be, at lekstunivorsally,the case now, • Thosewho.Write a. great deal ought to know thatit jaVes, time to be legible ; and MTS. -, Maxwell, who has written ' more thaii.--- thirtr three-vat/MOS: since she. penned The Trail . -of the, Serpent, writes -e. eilveletly Clear . hand; _ on:. the inner edge of the _pen, and. punetuatei 'nod. exactly.- in the handWrit- • 'log itself there is nothing feminine—it- might- isv&-..„-J3e-en, writtenlv the adjutant of a Cav- ,'ay-'-±eginient ;:.- but woman -peeps out -in -.die tailoeathimblkShich. protects -the raid-• - 'die- finger: from the brand Of ink: _Mrs. Max- well has by pra.ctrekr'edaced copy -the Mere • production of cstipyttr: a science.- FrOm -the • outer' edge of tile .pen-She.'has, turned- to the -inner, as affording j :More teat for the hand, -. 444 has systematically reduced the size- of• . -because she has discovered a truth ,- which.- deserves: to be Published—that the.. : .. . • r .• massive -character now: Tn,faiihio4 takes. more-- - time. than . sirialer style; because . the wylter Must covet- more grontid: -Hziving been ad- 'I:flitted-kr 7 the privilege of seeing 'Mta; Max- -well at Work, we hardly feel justified . re- vealing the Secret, without which the -infor- 'nation We have supplied would be worthless„.: - There is -."--copy.' all; Over the rootri, as there 'are pictures,.; as there are books,:ak. there are reeeipted bills. and-hutlokeeping accounts; but the .-`; Copy -merely the Out -Ward ex- pression, the-visible-siku,.. of work. - 'Where is the hidden 'spring - In. a .sufall :drawer, - Carefully locked,-. repose the 'skeletons' of the novelist. TheY-occupy very- little Space; .these dry bones to be afterward - 'Clothed Mr. Tennyson has it,- With 'flesh .And blood, light and . warrnth, life -and atmos-. itiet.es.:Shoe in the i skeleton hardly ,coVers.a couple 1' of _pages,. andthere has -evidently - been -Much- resetting Of fir bones. and: re -arrangement of the vertebra." Deceiving Children!Is 1.. itanywonder that So many Children grow up -to be liars; when the _eXample -is set them - daily. in the deeepticinS practiced. on: 7therit. by parents ?' A doctor, who had been - called to visit A sick boy some• twelve • years . old, was told by the mother, AS he entered the house, that she Could not get the-boY to take any medicine_ unlesp she _deceived. him;' to: whiehthe, doctor' replied that. he would 'reason With hint.- Going. -to the boy, he said he Was very Sick, and must:take_stririe eine,which would taste badly; and would. .titake him feel badly for a little While; and then it would make hiin feel, better.'.He then prepared the...medicine,. and _the boy took it like a man; without any resistance; and he would take from his mother anything that the Tthysiciati had -prescribed, but would take: no else from her.: She had so Of- ten deceived birtiAnd told him it Was good; whenshe _gave iliith Medicines, . that he Would notlruat .to- anything she • said.. Honesty with children,. as well as 'with:all-others, and in all circumstances, is the best policy: A. mother's feelings under such circumstances must be anything but enviable, and -this in- . -cident should teach .theni t� never lie to their - • .•-• ,D.• • • 4. Down in the Mouth. Where there is a. continual dropping down.: intO the- backof the mouth, with -irritation- . andinflatnina.tien of the nasal --cavities.. and: threat, with -hawking, 'spitting, -and a Senao of sfullneiaabout_ th.e--head, betiiot 'deceived, or fancy it a simple -cold, You aie afflicted'• with_ that-sceUrge Of the: country,'-- Catarrh, the forerunner Of constrinption, In its early stages a -few of pr.- Sage* Catarrh Remedy will effect an entire . care. When confirmed,Dr.. Pieree'S-Golden_Medical Dis- eo'veryshouId1 be used in connection with the '.- Beinedy„ These - standard :medicines . have been before the public for. many .yearsand. their use has been . attended With the most gratifying suceess. -A. full discussion of Ca,; ta,rfli and. its rational treatment is contained in The .Peoples. Senie -.Coininon Medical AcIviser,7.a„book. Of over tinehnnelred•pagek illustrated with two hundred and eighty-two engravings, boun&in clptk and _gilt,- price; post --paid, -$.1. 50. Address,.Publishing De-. pirtineriki World's DispensarY,'_. Buffalo, - M -TRY Treble's perfect fitting shirts and you will wear no, other, -Made -to measure .at Treble's, .53 King:. Street West; Toronto., GrigiT satisfaction with. ft Cooper's7--shirt-8, 7 No bulging in the front ; require 10 pinning coilar to.c.` neck -band. Order at once: 109. YOnWe; St Toronto. . sSuOn is the strong feeling in.. :England . as to the ill;litok Ofmarrying .4i May,. that a laip , dignitary of theelnirch never would 'perform .a marriage in that inonth;f0,r-fziends. TO. parties eittLhe.)ine Of rail. "-, Send for printed. instructions for shirt. nieaSurenient, and we can send:- you shirts by Post. You can remit us by P. Q.:- order. . Address A.. :-White,-.65:King-.St. *est Toronto. What is .1Ianlan .and -his- Mph& about? Important matches ' are being daily inade, Yet iive,hear of no. Movement c•tr.:the•-part of our -charnpioo,., .Where are.. those.: eathnsiastit ones who Shouted themselves hOLITSe• over Ifinlen!i3,returat Echo answers, where? _ - • TIIE Subscription 'System is•practiCallY-the Only inethod.of reaching thOusanda of people 'who rarely visita bookitore. Ile benefits the: public who introduces geed..books- and is: handsomely paid for his labor. - Greenfield and Bale,- agents in IfaMiltan, have some of the best selling and valuable booksin- the. market, and.will..give largecommissions and steady work to ank:nuMber or .faithful- can- -Creasers. Write to theta fpr :terra.. = THE Oshawa Oshawa _Cabinet, CoMpany, No. 97 Venge St., Toronto, i have an immense Stock ofFurniturefor the Spring trade,. - Parties visiting the city:and. who may be in: want of furniture furniture will find the steck. complete in every; respect. - All- the styles are new,; and special attention given in the manufacture to produce a:line: of goads that is unequalled fOr. value.. The Oshawa Cabinet Company warerooma are -centrally_ located near King Street, and: everyone should examine their • fin-010re -before buying: . SEwmo-Alachine repairing now has become a profitable business, and there are -a number of inechanicatravelling. through the conntry or the .purpos ot- repairing any:'kincl of , . . • , ,• , • , • Lacrosse, Crie.'ket. • .ana-itaie)jal! mets ariak qp.ps, iri all the -new shapeS • adet(ierder. -Club supplied at low " rates. -Letter- Orders promptl-V, Attended to. 467-434 • It D. IN , Yonge.,Sta., - Toronto.; - . Flan Foa..sALIE. fiR FOR TO. RO3TO PROPERTY' (Hitt GWILLIAM‘BUR LOT 18 ' CON -CESSION. 130 acres beautifully situated on the shorei of Lake_simcoe e mile west of ton village_ House,. barb and stables. 40 acres clear- ed, balancevaluabletimber.. ,Eatcy terms.: Offers wanted: J. E. THOMPSON 456C114:TorOnto. 461-3m. - IffILLSTOXES, 0,Lu_Tne. CALtpoft-; .m . -TkTTA separator 'and stinifte4 .ptirtable mills, ! . valet stonesi R. EI; OAT.Ext, MillstoaeLsne, Toronto: • 488'. t IJ ' iitttrio J.' POI WE 0, 5 RE BOVA ST,. TON,!ON W lesele and rkinl•dealer in . PRGAN-ORGA.NBTTS, lidi pi ANO.- of the 108(1- ciflogTercse.1_aeibwiaalvtdonl itnkels. Mimic stop. ls, 45P12.aniyo ImprovedeVar off, nigh Pr guaranteed equal to . other grade tif U. S. times their Superio Special_ -Azle* i Got up expressly: -Has no ititial either of Design, onDurab given with .a111:11,7 taken; ImproveMe File! guarantieel. I 465 -1A - Ole, Adjustable, Cut-. tire Steam Engines, the Fitchburg, Corliss, or •any Expansiod Engines, and three _in '..Durability.. • aniderZetny • 4ngine,91 ' or Auxiliary Water Powers, n Economy of -Fuel, Simplicity litY. Three Years guarantee Engines: Indicator diagrams s carried out and Taxing of DC!' $ -tit 239 big, Si, :n to MI 1 • ADits ANDTLEME TO LEARN TELE- .: graph oberating feirjeliflices opening in the Do- ,. Send 3 e'en stamp for circular.- AddressXANBGIER, Box 95L, Tdronte. .4654y iow White,. Odolkss, an Idoes not doo . MANUFACTURED AT THE, Ontario Coffee & pice Steant • BY; fin PER M. °NTH.— L.51A.bE BY SELJLIN- OUR - j tY -letter-copying book. No press or %water Used. Send Stamp for circulars. Money - ided. A.-ELKIN. 46 Church St.,. 'rdiesto. Ont. CP-Ia3D 311 X 1.0111' -REGIwt.TNI) ANDREU:M- . By -hand,and warranted equal to new. -application GRAtialf, 35 eherbo Torphto... • - • . 0S-. .comgissiozi_XEIZOH And dealer in Twit AND -.GENERAL PRO No 1, S. &corner Pity Hell Buildings, new Drill Shed, Jarvis Bt. . - A large stock of best EarlyRose_PO Seeding- purposes, on hand, To Country, Merchants—Consignaients of Butter, ac.1 solicited. - Patent .Egg .Cases ped to any address. Advances inade on co ments. en 71421 • 790 Dozen Sold since April last Of Brunt. ton's Rheumatic Absolvent.and' • - • • Digestive Fluid: • PHE RHEUMkTIO. ABSOLVE:0 WILL POSI- - 1_ -tiVely care all reins of Rhedinatiam, Or: other InflamMatory. Swellings- in 12 hours.The Digestive' . Fluid has neverlailecFtO care Dyspepsia; is felt in a feW. hears. The most 'Ohatinateleases. of -. dyspepsia cared in a Week. A ladywrite§ I have bet,ii Baited- from life lingering painsI had Bron- chitis, -Catarrh and Dyspepsia, and was . 'cured in a- . few dayabkits Sold hy driliggiSts.. Price 50 cents...... Advice for particular oaf* free., • Address Y. BRIT 0.14; ; • . - ' London, Ont. . 465,41 Effectually Dastroysi .Tick3 on Sheep-, Cleanses iiicrprolnotesihe growth of the wool, and " ImproVes the condition of the animal . Price 35 ,,cents, 70 emits: and $1,00 per box. • -1 4u,•atli KILLER a co., • Toronto. • •••• • co- ikoorly and cheaply made Sewing Machin -0'a have been thrown- On the Canada Market; and intending. purchasers .should 'know the: reputation of a Sewing -Machine.. before bny- ing. We learn; that wherever_ a Wanzer F. - Machine is used in a family no repairer need ; apply for a job,. These .machines are well - Made, solid in.ConitruCtion,,andtheir reputa- tion' is well established, and every purchaser of the Wanzer.F. Sewing Machine May rest assured that he will fedeivela first-class .ar- fiele,:-and full vabie_for his Money. • CERTIFICATE AS TO PURITY' OF THE HYPOPHOSPHITES,--4roni HENRY- CRekr, Esq.; • D. .G. L. S.; Professor of Chemistry; -Univeriity College, -Toriinto. Laboratory, University College Toronto, December 4t11, 1872. TO Oe, Victoria Chenti-- eql. co: have.eiaiiiineld. the articles. employed -in: the Yr-m.0E11A Glum-, CAJ; WORKS; in the preparation of , the V1C.- TORIA SYRUP01?HYPOPHOSPHITE_S, The several sllypophosphites Used. Are cagy pitre,: _and- the •Syrup - Also. :quite free' fivit,ahy in:purity: .Your,:_StRUPi PHOSPHITES will undoubtedly .prove 4 very valuable Medicine...- HENRY -.H. CROFr, Pro- feSsor of Cheililitry; •iTHI.1..;141111g) - 4e : ominiort Wire Works," NO, 4 KIIG STRiRT EAT, 1 - pim,ONTo. THOS. GOODMAN -Proi3 eter. , 101LAIN, ORNAMR. TAL, AND MOPE WIRE \ - Work, Window i Guards, Wire:Fenct ts far - Cemetery Plots; 'glower. Stands; etc., -Manufactured to brder. - • - - , • 467431. 29 -King - 111101./8. ti*f • _1 . arnA. Lots _. For- DYSART AND -OTEIER TOWNSIIIRS. :te T•917tinLot in the s evcio i iticlec; the Vilic3tb ria -way. Apply to •• -' - • . BLOXFIELD, • P.O. Box 2614. -,Manager,: .-466-1.Y] " ' 50 Front .St: -East, -Toronto:. ItT (1;',:.1INV:. -.The-dbov'6- - r. -- any otik WHITFIET,D-4.& • • A Er I ii ES ORTI1 .1 ENTS.) •chine- superior to in. the rizarket..: tql.iY,_s le Manufacturers, rke,t;:146 FrontTS0eet, East: IORONTO. ::-., - . '•,- .471,4i LVL,:=4.7.40"...4t4d.R:LA Toads. 49. fr., 63 cents. Send'- . - stamped enveIone f ir -partiCulari„atid 2.5 cents ,for - NEAB LCITY OF WIN[ map. ARCHES -YOUNG, 'Manitoba Land Of- fice. Toronto.- • :461-ly - • = _ • • IGRATB:DFARD ar follm.Stir4AT ..••[4:1E 04NTEN'N-1..A.4. LA !VIA . KN TWO' ACHINt 1'. - -•- • 'Knits a ock in.15 nunatet.4. " •'Knitting in .eh el eand narng irowiof the -toe •-. eomplele.; ,knits all izes ; narrewa and widens at - will :- and knits the 'weti either Tonilitr:er Flat, .- , Siagle,..Doithle...or R bljell;rodueing all varieties , of 'Kim Apparel, end, for eitculars- and .sample - stocking, All Cana ian 'correspondence to :head-. - : dressed to e . Gen ral ' Agenti•_ It. BAILEY, 205 ii -- 4 YOnge Street, Tor to: On, •• -- ' -.; .-r- 458 ,1v • - • •e le 11 • -1. allures OR. SAILE BY T E BROCK- ILLE CHEM.B.:AL and Superpho phate Co. (Limited.)—nave, agents in every con t3r., in Ontario. .ATATAWDER WAN,*apageri rockville. pnt. 464-3m • iMQE FRECKL,E- . _ •• . • , , -.-• .. I . • " ABEL•S FREOKLE "LOTION " - . Ver fails in renil3ving Freckles .- If used. in . tiine, it will i prevent them -fdrming. It is the only reliable prep!Vation yet discovered, - - _.. Sokr. by Drit ts,..eyerywfierel and Whole7 . saleby Er,LioT.& O .., and -LicritiAN BROS. _Jo,: Co., Toronto, 1 I . - 467,3m-boW - . . : ridge Ti ) - WHOLESALE .DEA: ERS, IN e and ra4lor v ce 35 Aci Oppolite th - Tjik SIL VER AWARDED Tct US XS/ - *lack/is/erg a rsp:eci Stearn,. Engines .:8.4.W9od.- ICENNEDY & S OWENSOUND, ONT. _ . 243.2,ax r. Wiirranted-:.tO.Mitwest-twO of -411Y-other ma None genuine without"Singer•eStasa Trade ar oii.arm. - • Ask 'your -0,-„aenta for New York •Singer,- :take: no other. • - - • • , , The Singer Marinfarcturingeompiney, . .CHICKOK,- = 2.2i Toronto Street,- i4-,111HE IVIU3E1334." IRO' )* FENCE.* tYz C . _ing. W:C..001111INS, 199 Youge Stre rptitp. Ont.. - _ uy THE BESTI &St t; To 501- 4; sfnff, : imber:shipped by ssell to. all 1p&nts. laidegtreet East, ?4,tpifieL:Toronto, -416- MAK• ER, • • 123 YON E TO ONTO._ : Having a heavy tock of ,g103on hand which - .must be clearedout o make room' for Spring tin portatioiui;tI hereb - annex a greatly reduced price iist. Now 18 the tii e to-procufe: a good gun very -Cheap, ea Ave tatapt: ontinue these .4 fl,-itires for any 13 length of time.. will bay a good 'aingl With_this,gu wth• I buy bre ell,"st par Many who have I -are great' uperior 81 twist- bar barrel Shot -gun; tely been supplied pleased withlt. „ale ,-gtm, paten el, B. A. lock. -DaliZZITIONWTA.NDARD SCA -- MANUIPACTITAND BT flTRNEy - FIAMILTON, ONT. - 4 • , • Over -one-hundred-different Modiflcati HAY COAL, rLATFoB will buy sa Lock and s • will buy patent B- A. Lock. - wil bo, Bar lock laniinat- loc shin Breech LoaderB- • N.B.—All the -abo Make,. steell locks, rels well bored. - Any of these • - eti,s4ion ke 4684311_. ,` , r -1 ilSe— This is, a: bon d.017XTER SCALE • 558 'next a oll guard. • - a -thorong eches,stu anie as nex ad.s'croll g ove, but with Bar i,arEVERY _ good double gun, b _twist barrels; B. - " _ _ aboirei. but:With -&4tLbJ ft' .verY superior double' pm; - steel barrels, extra -fine steel.: wifely engravedanditnished. eonalirreduced prices. guns ere warrauted English glisli walnut Stock, and bar- Onwtea.rnalneD; with. per fide Adiertisement. r ' • • • Send for illustrated price lis‘ ciONEY & WARE gainiktekt; Hamilton, -Oct. 21 1875; • - ENTENNIAL gED4 qAmARrATE$ - _ ;SAW AWARDED- THE - 01s7LY GOLD MED' ...For Saws ati Philadelphia,ALSOAN 141TPEtitrAtIO YA.t Mg Fully-esta,blishing the well-known 'reputation of ur • goods.. We manufacture all. kin& of say-MIA-1Ft equally as lowas the -mine .quality of,. geodsi-can produced..byany ether manufacture/. — APii,tronize home, prpdnetion, and keep -Fciurnlo in the eountry. - • - •.11. SMITH tc CO... - 9 •SueOeSSOrs to 3•. FLINT; • St. Ca.tharines, 446i 58 j• ADA.IY(S-?. BAY STREET -TORONTO. N.B--Referencea. to persons. who liVe been'radi- • mily cured afterhaving, .been ruptured for many years, Send for “. Pamphlet qn Rhpfure,r -FBEE. 401-1y ' .4.:tsrge Varie TORONTO WIRE W Selllng-Ver Cheap.. azi , tig.Street West.. 4.• " ARD -FLEXIBLE IRON BARROWS. CULTIVATO andIRON -COMBINED HORSE 110E3,,mait lareal by the undersigned. - _ • -- T-gan- be purchased from the manufacturer or h a agents.LeirCalars sent free, _ • - aLian-oci , • :GEO: -GILLIE, 4