HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-05-25, Page 5mord .twks are of tragi aka women .in ; rrported o halre. died Mut& a tew days sii •e, Ur: . r {rrr-r.caret, t '. evangelst, htrs . f i r gltrnd for nS alio, -and • .he N. !I r ;ttr,rr- by Why o1' Sal r_Francisco, • b F ancisco,b TI areJ rown. is 1x{ : e opened. •in:.' �rrrf c} 1¢t rr. with : the Ale hangs' �`�r1rt .:111tRtis rli C3lmraei`g ets • as a° sectL �tEf�tfl;ltit z 1, • vV t titepfl Anta4Oii, <'t r�►rte t a$'oce rrIe(1 `fra€ira lr=rreQ 611 VEt "f ffi€`145f > 44 �{qtr rL�al�ttst 04 $hing E44 gen 'Ilk iC t \ L14flt, r1 �x {'14' fi t1t� Hr i{g ti • i . • •t • ;1S (If tl i • • 1.1t4:k �Ft 1 y r;` 1..• •ys 1{ tk1 11»`1:1ort: ey i". xCt�' a1i tO- x� z i •: " a *!~t•; t : ' t t <� 1. Et� E"3 E aF s4" i : f t�. • 1 YLI t • t 1i ttE 4itio -1 G1?.: Tk Iit' frOJA tit r_c tI's_ •: ick•- t1e.41 i }p T t ''e.-.==. �<ci�'1Ar i:�es, 4•t� +„{ ti ff letirk144.V-lead - that' tleitt si, teen. I1L t t '+sftl&<C `=- mt. Ai3rtI tiF'tioll ril Ultt.. Statmi fF' tt (Alai. L'n{'.} - resienteel ibf never r german er *tte. tr nave r sure po t, ,} r DIY: of `er rte 'rtc; t: l-ttr e' t h the, res4gUU; t€e;. -yttr r:rl.. $400 a year, man on . a 'Q pope for a girl who at -Sabatlell;- � (..`arlistsancI:: it lively guar;NV ith u t . i} tet, tipfroto;-. 1t ttCll�s;rc- t1 f, ..1•O -`t . of `t . ,..+ per itirb- e1'- tt'rb` ry has 111 1,1-10 tr the pa- iii” 1-16 7 v :tTr r4011 J. u11t '-- 8x0O.�� tai u1k t' ,0 :the '•'f L111Ct8 lite- tLth{'It_ (l[ nt,tftrTl4 i'. i� :Tt s:11T t,T_ .e1 tli;.re fill.. et .o Gil e reg ences,_' • a the 1>faltef [)n5 ofi the r'$ of United_ G+uitstaZllll` eflc tnption. 1 Vl1ue: .0y- 740*, its Oft l'<:• fight ,.fV)0_ ESSEIJ 'TO_ .ti -hude2 `'i oed and cin.ed t' Tender Vel <2I1*t 4c2F sx l l � .2. t'ceiVed at ttic ,.u.ati the , k<$'i l a.1 fez th 1..a�steru . an - ..ite r1t''21 <lek E i1= t` rted �cfi; `: -T. t!tit• 1 . of the f. t 11;1,1 on kxx dile,' .OE.t fkty <, :art' Pond 7tTi , .t riLtlol.bbtl;. ilT )11- . fItzt Itgteat.•.et'its f`itetii ii of d vEliF4 if f 1 C t* .fie t•(Tai• • T.. t`eltts,•._p ers =tut t <Etk �tfu*tror rwr gC. NOTICE ! The Court of REVISION. for the Township'of p AT. 1-10LYRO-013, -on Friday, • !Art 10+o'clockin ithe forenoon. -of which all ISS j_ Town:Ship:CI Th6 'business carried on. by the late. fi.7.-in of Will, in future- be ea.-rrie.d oh by Who has now and ,,vill. keep coustantIST on Sit BLINDS A.m.-de- a the, very best thorolighly isensoned '6all and- see -for. yourselves. before .giving order elsewhere,- • eVery facility for tin -fling 'opt work nisly and .thebestpossible manner, pared to guarantee satisfactiok to all:comers. Frain -Well known andiongtriect-uhilifir the luiliiess in the hauds of discerning pub-„; lic, feeling, asiured: that a fair. proportion will always. lie hisishare._ planing home, with em., PLANS and S PECIFICATIONS pre - Pared With neatneSs and dispat ch. - -- Special advantages -given $he trade.. . BRAokET AND SCROLL 8A.i,.ViliNG Of all kind a speciality.-' heartily, welcome. _ - GESli .* ,i.•t`-t-- k".triat.i. Irv, ',1-. til.L. Junz-...tion i ti-Inicard:,! to., . PRINCIPAL OF -11figiiiLTO-11± IIIFigIli 'S HAUL! LTON., . -E-tatir,le.7„ . _ e -7.-.t. --r.....'eaten t liT -t1.,(4. cual. : fr.oni.,.. .1:3,2f;,., to svate that Hatiiiitczn--c4eneralizthriaary-:- Port. Col:Lai:1J ...- incladna4'. was established in March,..1807;_ with ..the : in, ps, i,..e • the- (.1-_—,e \-.. rt localiti ‘s, tt)ge.th,L!r. 'in-,0.-innection with flip rti.6-irmiary:has- led. ' us. -v-. --* 0:1-'tt'k. "t -. sl'ei-tliz'atil'Ills 4 i the . Ni'.:(rlii-b's to tlie .00110111 -Sion , that. not orrlyhave - We been f-•,--'11 a - &liF'z °I.:1, -!-e 06 -R,6-iit••' aft .m.' -A-LiOn- of ironrens4. benefit th the- suffering liortion-, 'of "'-'lef'-"Flul'I'41ti; it'd f--'-'1.:' ll'ark'i sQlttli 'of' "'tort- eases-, in the. haildlitv• Of .`m'hich, lie acknow7. ... ledges lid .superior on this . contihellt-:.-r—Ab-, i • at .1, . ,-Et. et•; -5-1-a (.1, irDis---4.1.,tcept there Zreek..; Hair Lips, it_ every fora). ; DiSease of !,-.tx an.-,-t•-.11,..il th.f..1. •t•-•.iiti :-.Is.ci at:Li-C.44s Lite naL4re.-;the Hair S -66.1p; Polyptses t.if the 'Nose -arid -zi nil -till_ .'' r--..7;.idence io-t- Lor . pauy ;. 1,;heirmatism of alt. _kinds sno- .1.1\1 -ENS' °et l!";,,tn_i_arged Veing ' White----S-weili c.i• • • • OW Have. their Stodi Cdm ete- in • • IN' ALL COLOR AND PL . Will be (c•iisic;cred and F Liver -mitt.; aviaries 1-4anire- -Back' and . ;. .7";entralgia and all Nerrous easCs -; Pain. in th.e. side ;.- Palpitation: _Of_ the: cessfldly treated, •• single question. - -with such -accuracy -as tO. defy. detection; and without pain.. TheDootor be at COPE -LAND'S MOTEL LITCKN 0 NY, on: Tuesday, June 5th, '77 uto, 6Yt Ah ,771.-10TEL, Wm' gham, Wednesday" ROYAL HOTEL, Kincardine, 3:urie 2nd A Srd and 4th, 1877. .L..liCknOW May 18t1 A Lar- e Sto cloth •r--7.... .7._=t7.-.--- ---r--.-'..---1.:7.:•:?-t-7?:-:___r-e' ecial 4.411144111 • Extra, You Extra finp Fan'cy 'PH a SOI (Liters woith „o. for 75 ets. Tea worth 70c tOc' 3_ poiantis for 5c fbr • or ora itt 13, • E ases of „-sislit,cy- in . : 1,Vtjrik7/ 43; . :i35IisLit---. to .2o4-1. bt11274:131Z.e.t°%;1.11'ir'et:nt-eilint. lei .':„.' - -P6P_II'ltaiis.:S.,:r.6),,,,A ..:.0.(it'-t,t.t-sief.;:ii.:-.s.11,1._.7-g.o o. as.. -f4. --.'h6 .- WZ--- knye-, -also. -Openpil: SI --x- . cases of,_ 1.6ila.441103'' ri,itti, '42iii.::01-13i. --ili:' •eiriy- style., nd s ;tape .:to ne •worn this E-. • Lea, 6:114 84 ek -i, 113.041343, 'in-. 6 -ilk, li c. -- sollat: at, in. pliceS.-for--- ail SR - Wi-- - art'. tit ,Uotton.8. icktittp,_ Floders; :/11.017, • "be found LacknOw "G7iotliP‘24:-::C.:41117.11_11i1:27i;ier • 081 • • He prepa ea. to .slipi3ly the wants and wishes of P OF URROUNDikaCq TEIL BEATON As- now-- -prepared :. es& '• -.--Ati37. liersen. te,17.Tilg -Dig wi:01- It., en- .,,a ,- 1. .,;1.ri ft7:,• '., 'watt toro. a,d 4; -. ":;a6ntdh ta,ii rito well ii -ii:)!" _aaS.:$. an:, ..(6t. On d ei in '.;y0.iirselves,i.totnttpce-VriCea.and.'swe 7.1,f Iv rk- ;;11 8 - •.1 ' iTitii4. it iikT- -014' ; ip facture any 'article. in -the. shap. 1 per week rti llom j plea and Watch fro • • mde.Boots,ani. Shoes, for Ladies and- -0-enkietheh--.:at the- very. lowest pos:sible- araile from Lane's P.-0., the n Lot 5, Con. 11,;_ Fhb: Ashficld re,. -acres • 45 actes cleared arid! fenced.-Atkho, • lxiOHy7.7,00maz.:•OICE, - •