HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-04-27, Page 16.J. . ADJUStABLE. QRST. TI LOWEST {dill Stick -of G�18EN�EB'S::T Of the: vers best: nnanuftcture` ;Our Suck. �-DES, SHOVEL ,an be 1 Cil tll be foam- complete. 'Wehave a large Stock athitS, 's • =25 "cents:. Per gallon: McINTYI THE ONLY CT FITIING = CORSET MAN1'`FA CTURRD.` It will_give you' entire satisfaction in every respect; and prove far.more durable ttban a nes other corset:ever manufactured: = s The wearer willjnot besubject to the -torture of shaping the .corset to_ the figure: as" is the case in- allordinary corsets. as the ..DUPLEX is perfectly shaped, has no bones over the hips to break and wear through the fabric, :and annoy'thewearer. Warranted double bone and steel. Sold by= ; Attie Pioneer Store.: =TH=E 44 IONEER .: Y eturns his sincere thanks to his many friends patrons N customers ets: onl, w her P� th� And p. rons: for the very liberal share. of sup - Port _ .:'ded him_ �Zor' HE ?AST SEVEN- TEEN YEARS that he has been -doing busi- ness' Lucknow. As in the. past, so in`the future,it will always be my ail n:to furnish my ci mers ' witkgood goods. at - the ' lowest possibleprice.: To accomplish this no pains will bespared to reach the best acid cheapest mark * Thi ,.a d�tyhonestly devolving on me in. my relation to you ; while your duty in relaLi iw_ me is to pay promptly at the end. of the year. Your land will not. always yield unless stimulated`. by 'some fertilizer.: Your cattle will not always:serve..: von for naught, nett �' is=it possible for the merchantto always give'without a -return, _ Those who have al - ,ready paid will accept :nay thanks for their from ess.. Those who have not yet: done so; will please give the matter their attention dur 5' ing ; present month. . 1 am -yours respectfully . CAMPBEU-L: ae G-reatestwonder.of' modern. Tini s. _ The Pills i'urifythe'Blood; correct all._'-dis. h. -.Sirs of the. litrer, Stomach, - Kidneys and 1= iwels, and Are invaluable: in all- complaints i wottlentai: to Females.: • The ointment is the only -reliable remedyfor Legs, Old Wounds, Soree.and Ulcers, of (Wever long standing:- For Bronchitis, :,Dip- t;ieriii, - Coughs, - Golds.: out, Rh elwaatism, sed -a11 Skin- Diseases it is Ao equal-' UEWL 3 o YORK CGUNTERFEITS;- Apurionsimitation of "'Holloway's Pills:: an 'nufacture'and- sold �:� Ointments"- ere m� -gip ler the name n "ilolloway & Co. -1'' by J.F 13 .ury, Cierra t & Co.. T)ruggists,.; and also by • ale _Metropoli- :tau - Medicine t f�7nrany> . -of New f Y o r witk an asssum-_ : ed ..trade `mark; tt us, :. - — Again one d.+-ephHaydock. of New . York, Likewise: passes off' counterfeits. of his own.. make under the name of Holloway & ,-Co., having for a trademark a,Crescent and 8 rpent.: McKessen and. Robbins of =Ne'W 'York are agents - for thesame. • NER :OGERIES nougat on the best terns, ami selling aW- the smallest 'living profit _ Examine and be Convineet .aneknow. March6 1876 IVI 1{VHQOL .; NOW LOST, HOW REGAINED. Or CASH: Skins. A es anc dstpublished, a new edition of DR. CUL-. VERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on - the radical. cure (without.:medicine) of ; Sper- matorrhoea or. Seminal Weakness, .Involun- tizzy Serninal Losses, Impotency,' Mental and - "Physic- Incapacity, Impediments to Mar-- riage,-Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits, in- duced nce.etcby s.elf indulgence, or sexual ext,rava- - -• t Price,• in a sealed envelope, only6 cents.-- The celebrated author, .in this• admirable - J�ssay: clearly de vn onstrates , __ from a = thirty:years' successful practice, that the alaruiin consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use .'of:.interi,al .mediclin or the- -application of ; the knife ;_ ,point.g out a mode of cure, at -once simple, certain: and effectual; by mea_ ns•of whichevery sufferer, no matter what, his condition -may' be - May cure.himself cheaply. 'privately and rash.: cnllp. .. AE' -This. Lecture should be in the h .nds of every youth and every man in the land. gent—under—seal, in a plain"envelope, to , 1y addi ; on receirt of 6 -cents - or two postage sta . Address, 'l`heCe=:ppeersons; the better to deceive you -bfuihitgly-caution-Hthe--publiin--Lthestri 13f6ak' of directions, affiled to their Medicines, arereally the spurious imitations .to be: w sre of Counterfeits.: ; , - > {7nscrupnloas.:dealers'obtain them ' tit. very l q, prices.andl sell them to: the 'publicin Can- a a; as my genuine Pills and Ointment,: I' most earnestly and respectfully appal _ to- .41e. Clergy, to mothers of families and other es, and to the public generallvof British **erica, that they may be visaed': to- nounce unsparingly e,fratitis. ,;.-Purchasers:sIiou !Irak a, :the Label: the. -Pots anti Bove; If the_address 'lilt 533,_-Oxfo d Stet, London, they 4R ---the Counterfeits: Each Pot and Box of tilt tenuine Medicines +ars therit�=h o i meat Sump, :with the_ . ,vorda. "Holloway s .and Ointment, Lon taxi," engraved- thereon. ` On the label is ` the :i idrese; 533 Oorcl Street, -London,. where`- t. one --they are p-annfactued _ . = - - _ „ .dad h Teti- :41r en- tor Parties �'artieKt �viio..ina� be clefran �Y - l� Ira selling spurious _ `H&&loway's Pills sa id t.� ntiiien.," as of my genuine snake, ' aha11 on .c' : p i nnieatting the particulars to me: . be *in- ' remunerated, and their nattier haver d - e+:dKad 'Signed TAOMAS HOLLOWAY. L ' aLSTT. t ;Jan.1s #. n T > E CULVERWELL MEDICAL Co.,. _ 41, Ahn'St., New York',Post-Office•Bot ¢586.- CALL: AND SSEE : I' 1i -4, IS D FOR AND .4.w41. -KINDS OE LA htl3. as they, can be m anuractur �:..j,. �'t •'C. a -. • MIS ARE SELLING AS FAST and leave -:.:your order - ear - Of all kinds - t cannot fail sad of rices; std t purchasers Everything AND M0611' We deal in.:all kinds HAIR CLOTSCANE-$, Sofas,, Loun Bureas :etc.. Hew and:: lin A VERY up in the newe ROVED STY: f Eucuiturecon C i tM N CSA] Oupbu all azd•:see:the Yi LL I�Ir$� James Joni anc 1)4: ; :Want Ross says ;that Mrs.Rb es mother -.in law -'-s daughter •sa ever r going to TRE Sewin _ Ma -c ne : Mrs., s " that Mr. McDonough's best1 machine she a sr • MME corn a I ED1ES �sorrtm'en CARE CLL Atmoderaterates >tioa 1TE#TLg .D NEARSE in hissdepart*sent. DA VI$O 1 ALWAI rf3 awing -Machines .Yep*rec SCK A' Ts' OP W Yoaij Org4ns isnted_at-reasnale sates: If. M rill open, on MERCHANT, TAILORS • MABICET SQUARE, 146 Mete .o xis Asa: Gbntaatly .on hand a larve-assortment of st . DY M , D-� ._C TIII RSA _- A E LO And GentsFurnishing- Goods. Alendid aasorortment of C o tment l t,k . E. Fashionable Style ;and- on Short Notice R►. SMITH & Qo MILLINER' -SS AN A large dna wel aseurted Stogy rTLE 'Mese+Goods .have been purchased; CASH::liar One case: Pattern -HA BRQs. of. New. York. :I S PECT1 NTLI NIA_ERI INGS, u a `?a ety of FANCY ` G001)S. eNew York a1 Toronto > Markets A11t D° BO ITS from LEBouriturn I: N INVI'I AK N( 0 Nei co forst% :La�ln�w: