The Sentinel, 1877-04-27, Page 12lanowifte sank of Canada
Kincardine Agency.
F FS drawn on all points in Ontari
44eriec, mid on Winnipeg. Sterlin _
au. SOK iork Exchange. atd •
fre_11) 8 r ATES' QL.T13,-trE;NCr-
- --'.713O1JG1itrAND SOLD;
Iaterestrvaid �nSpecial Deposits,
. Savings' -Bank- Departnient.
:.-intereSt eiti_DailY -Balances at fonrIer pent
- Lop:. Liu uks-Fiogi 19 a: rn. to -3 m On
Satard,kys, foim 10 a.m. to 1 •
- Aublt
. •
A.ecoznodati n, 5:18 a. m. ; -Mixed, 1.45.p.
111 ,,Acomoc ation, 3.25 p.
Nixed, 11.30, ; Accomodation, 4.29 p.
.-; AceoMoliation, 10j5 p.. m.
‘LITCIENOW: . y 4th... -1877:
The first serious engagement Of.; the
war Commenced oh- Sunday,. Mornino-
s.last,-but asytwe have -no reliable .par-
tieulars of -the , battle althouoli it
• , - •
appEars--to be generally credited- :that
--the-Turks Were conipletely. victorions;
. .
- . .
and that the Russian loss -was consider-
a• ble. The Itukt are,a1s6; said to be..
.- -
Moving-supen:Ibraila,,wtich is bocupied
by 15,000 Rtissians, and it s more than
-probable- that an engagement- has • al-
ready taken place them:- The, .RUasiah._
....ferces are reported is -building a. bridge
over the Danube with the intentiou of
ciolitting* and fightingthe Turks On their
- own soilRiiiisian forces appear to be
- .
. Steadily advancing into Asia Manor, but
frora thtk statements from that quarter,
we are led to believe that they . will
soon_rneet with a severe repulse. : Ser-
MOntene,s,rro.and Bosnia are catch-
ing the war fever, and are 1ik1y soon
-to range themselves on the R
side of us-
sia. The Greeks, 'too, are getting up-
roarious-, and are said to be only wait-
ing fir the Russians to cross the Dan-
ube to declare war against Turkey, On
..- the - other hand the Hungarians sympa-
. .
thise per)* strongly --with Turkey, and
eubscriptions arebeing taken up a-
- inongst them for aid to the ITurkish
-wo` unded. There are -indications that
tII the European nations affectedby
the u'ar, are .prepaiing for.the wers;--.
France,:it is said, has sent a commission
to- Amerida for the'purchase of a large
-- •
,rtunilier ofhorses.
To .uS), England'i. position is of• al-
most AA- •tiug-h---interestias'the operatiou-S.
• B
.tif. the opposing armies, .and seneationall-
,__ !stories -of'. -all kinds are. afloat.. We -are
informed on official.-authoritfr,- that. the
-Britith. Government has Made prepara-
tions- to send .to Egypt. a. forge of fifty
, . -
thousand, Inen, twentpfive Alroiis.and
. ,
of wilemi. will be drawn feomIndia-and
. -t%Venty-five thousand ' from : England...
The official character of thisintelligenoe
is reasonably open to questign, - The
„fact that. the it turning'
.• - . _ •
inen.s exarelation -is hard
at :Work. The ruinor, ni all probability,
- could..he.--2traced .to the repert that,RiiST;.-,
sia Will.'deniand the .ridlit passage
_ - - .--. - ,
ftvonglt-phe 'Suez Canal of :.her--..fieet,
now returning from the ChinaSeas As
the Piine$ ii.o.i!ita out; -however,.' these
alarmist ,criestare. quite.-put„:,of place; in-.,
asmucir as England can. -afford to . re=
gard...the- present contest calnily, nt ,the
t.49*1-edgct.that she is. perfeetly. able to
defend her interests ifrand...when, .ttey.
.i.trp.attacked..: That the old SAVF: *1-fiChi
vreciumuen18 preparation:for time
of PO4.o.e.- 4 Hot, 'on the :other handy
be -
1 lietsieeted,lit.tiVident iron the fact
that wbile England .has '--declared _ her
neutrality every effort is being made to
put the fleet On a -firm tooting,-. •
- Accordingto latest , :.,despatches the
ituss:aana hive now reached Butco. The: force in Bonin' ania is now esti;
mated. at -60,000. - All the -:disposable
:lteuniantantroops have been moved n
the direction -of ICalafat..=-.The.neutrab
. ,
ity.01, 8.erviais to be respected : The
-rews- of the. battle_before ICars on Shit-
_da.i.and,..Monday has been confirmed,
inferniatioir4" 'hat beer'. -
given as' to the rosnIt.-__ The reperts...i.:if
• • . _ 4
the pilitary ...prenarations 111
7- '46.•-•;77-r.
England- are coming in 80 fast that it.*
• _
impossible to tell.thetrue:fronalielfalie,,,
An .Englith steamer while. entering.; :the
•harbottif .Kertglifnegleated . to Observe
the .necessary Keeatitiong nd was
blown _up' by a-tibirterged torpedO--.,
•ing the excitentent attending. the., *et.
_Outbreak-, Of hostilities, i it 1 iiiipoSsible
.to :font any true : idea, 'Of the attitude.
of the -different ,POwers,. se each -reader
must just forni his own opinion..
The breidstutrs markets ir1-2the. Vnitr.
• ed Slates' and Canada .Were very exeitl-:
ed fOr a few 'days. after the recipt" of.
the news Of. the commenceMent Of war,
• ,
and fall'Wheat readhecl $2,60 -iter bush
in Termite.-- Siplendid".fertunei were
. - , ... ..:-. _ , .?,... .
ade by -.Sdine'dealers _n , the course of
a few day's. - i;iy latest -advices a quieteil
feeling seems to preYail, and as -holders'
, - .1-, .1
tilzno• on .their stocks; a
slight-decline:in piices and :demand re
,observabl . - There... ean be------r,o doubt
however, • ut if the,_War Continues, lin
ces of pro uce will rule exceptionall
high, ancl with the present: indications
of an abundant harvest in Canada, the
farmer has a bright prospect for the fii-
ture. With the mechanic 4nd laboring!
.1 •
man the ease is different. The price of
all the necestaries of life will be materi,.
ally inereased) while employment is
hard to find al..d WagEtS verY low. We
trust that this state of affairs will soon
be" changed:- -
- v.* as •
The London correspondent of
the Liverpool COUltIgR telegraphs on
• i
the highest authority that England, in
conjunction with Austria, will insist
upon the observance Of the treaty guar-
anteeing the integrity -of the Ottoman
-empire. and that a joint demand will
be made upon Russia to explain the ob-
ject of her armed. invasion :of Turkey.'
Should Russiareturn a defiant reply,
which is not iunlikely, England: and
Austria wi.t.1 in all prOliabiliyte forced
to back up -their demands by armed in-
tervention. . ••
J It is .prObable "..that theie are-
-Many ininisl‘rs :and Itiy.-..vorkera-.Who
have *0111(1i:4:d licW it •ia thA Such. wetii
. - ;
'ShCTU14',. reward 'Mr:
Moody's. :lab-a;rs',' and comparing t114'.eir.
_own .app.arentlirucagre'success-With
• 1.
May bediscouraged thereby. That
• t,
forge-. or., seliareteristie. Within . a
which makes hrni difTerent fiom all
othera-,, it is impossible to .iiiiitate but
. • - r.;
each one ean-,proelAin?. the simple truth
. , •
•. .., • •
as.unfolde. :Ili the_ sacred. Scriptnres,. in
his own ..feeble maii.ner, witljent.ady :of
the :sophistries. of .-inankind,1,. and .trust
,God - for the ivesulL
gar A New York &spa* refers to
the sudden isailina from that'port early'
on Saturday morning' last, of the
stearner John Bramall, with a consign-
ment n f
of arnis and ammunition or. *T ur-
n i
, - 1
key; and adds that t was owing to the
fact that a .nunaber of men who had en-
gaged passage had conspiredloseize the
ship and land the cargo at St. Peters -
burgh. The ship' slipped off, leaving
o'er thirty, booked passengers behind.
This looks almdst like another ilabama
case in embryo.
. •
igar.Ati Oider in Council', has been
ti •
passed. :kr- thozi. ...Ontario GOvernment
.[.,Troupitag the -counties .61- Lanark and
-Itorifreww for thtl'- tirposes of their local
Courts, so that for the future each of
the judges of these two); counties will
have -jutiedi4iO4, and perforM judicial
duty over both gOuntiet, . This "Union
is to go into. effect on the1st clay -0
. i .
July... •
gig' We: were 'informed, a . few -days
ago, of a- .person, who has .so -strong a
. belief in.-the-fitlfilment_ Of thetprOp.hecy.
Of Seripture; in relation to the - tiniei,of
trouble that: shot-lid:precede 'the ',second'
coming of our Saviour, that he -Male a
r three -years' Cetitisct-for fiour Isome tinie
since, when it Was _ionly . worth- about,
.$.5,54, wholesale, •The: _stipulations - ef
thocataract iare that he should have a
barrel of flour eVery-month for $.5:50;*
..With , a penalty' Of $10 forfeiture .if
either. party failecr16, fulfil. his 'part :of-
-tte ,agreenient. ..; That - MEd* -..head it:
level. •
--.Mrs. Annie Warren, now.ii. resident-
-in the Statelvf-filitiOis, has -Irpplit-d to
--the Circuit COurt-pf :t:State .for a
- I s : '
divorce - froin her ' 'husband, Opinai G.
Warren, a aveilp0, Oat .i.
. ., cas,r wheiwas .recently tried
i tr tfordlfor COntietioit'Y in .ati1 abor-
ion -eal3.-, e,'2wqp:honota.bly*-. acquitted.'
motjlet.-- .81-e wat-inarriedf
...r-- ircrinia woinan9f-g8it
.1 --.-1' e, tih.eroughbred . .i'acer
the .age
auctioned' itt'' Termite on -
silay -10-11800. -
- ---
t e John -!,f6rii .4:went
. p -
,,,4340k of Montreal :,,at Neiv!
r- for $500.
m inch of snow at °ma-
... ac
t - - . . .
-Fri,lay, and a lard 'frost prevail,.
1' 1 T -1- ;.. '''. -
••Nii4i.ern.,IN eora. sia.-.. .1, • •
.1.,..,,(.n tin Picard,. who wot ld. have
e , r -;10;..years old: on the:.24th-Marek
1,1--, _ . , f ' • . 1 .
.. . . 9
the the _18th. • of that -.-Month-, at
, . . .
-Roe les er; . N. Y.
. _ : . .
GOVernor. Hampton's . message is
reka .1.41: lis: .foreg-had9Wilitr' - wholesale
repi citation -of. the State -7bonded and
floating debt..... - . • -': .- i
4'-'- - - , ... I
•• . Two ' thoittaml people- halve 'Been
. • 0 - r - 1 ' i ... . ,.
rendered homeless. by thei overnow or
-4,te-• Dnieper: At. , '1(renieptelnug, in the
TProiinek ;of Pultava. . ' 1' - - :1 • - - ' :
It isistated that as .soon :Rs: former -
4.1 ., - ,-.. ..
o e.otithe Turkt>Rusian . war. Is _re-
:.ce d. l'at . Washingt.on - the President
vil issir a prOclaniation:-.0t , ne itiality..-
.1' ArehbishoP Wool and . a nuMber -
,. .
.of pi:04-iinet4-$ Catholic' ..cleitlimeti, con-
:stitt (ink -the -Philadelphia. eontingent.ot
;the:Pilgrimage, -have. sailed, for _Rome.- ,-
he Great .Western- Railway meet:
• ini. intpndo-n pa'Ssed' .o'ffsatisfactorily.
.1u..1-1-: COnfid epee .: Was' expressed in the
• I •
pres,.nttjboard and the: nianageinent -lir
• 'Chtnee.ft - -..'
.. - :.f - .-- " ---.
that .citY:. operated ," by the "Heathen
-1:Ait...1,:tirer --Celestial laundry has basi
, . .
i It ITS.:$Aid that 'ffinalltp0x :jigs. 4t..:
lpsti nade its - appearance. in Windsor.-*
So f'' rtlere is 6.-i1y one .caSe_ reported..,-.
ie.1 is -in an isOlated build lig•
..- .- • ,. . -. ,
'1‘o: blunt] red employ ees o tL
read. ofengravino-..and printina- of. the
_ .0 : , , ri .
TreaOiry''i Department' at. -Washington,-
arebeinkdisMisSed to be-'! followed • it
.the '. n'- -!')f .the, month by the additional
i.- - . . . .., - ,
-distil sal Of two hundred -more.; '.
. .,- - . . . , .
. iv.
Lowe, --.' Secretary:I-Of ---.,-- he 'De:-
, ' i - - l' -'-' -. ' - .-A'-'
p,rt.. ii-io .0 Agrio4 ture, has receive . a
teleg amllfrorti. Mr.' Wine, of Wi.gees.ter.
.Mass,' saying tat he: had 'left: '"-viith..- a
part li :loc-.371 ' French : Carialiani for
-3-11--4-±-'4ii:b114,11.'.11Y- . t qn Vecoiki: leaded. - bY
1 1 ' 41 . - - - ' - ' ' - -
-W...I -.: Vanderbilt 'Wert 4 tier the Cana -
I: - - . .- ,!-- '. - . -
cl-s Atiorn. raor9411, -en . Friday :-._laet:
They. did 1 fa- miles in- .tw i - hours-- and.
1 . .rio- - -- - - -- '
two. inutes, . and Made -a_ spurt of
mile: n 05 setionds.. - . . .
- -.- -.
1. . ..•
1 —A..iman , named ...k5tilliVan,ithile
Iwork-ln,„a.`On the. canal: at POrt balluiti-
sip., -h ape bank4;..aie in ever lini..
He ii- 4 to. beilug,- pat, and iwlieti res•Cu7:
e4, ..IV:• sis10:1,terriblY .fil Angled' that
.. he wi.11_.
-like]] die:
. v
ford, ot Co
, Nichol; a:youtig lady obee
recently. engaged at works
Which contains .the eiiortnous- nUra!ie-
Of 65-000 pieces. Oh, 1, -hat a
- ,
—A disastrous fire:. .oc
1-1Coye1ty -
Montreal early ;Sunday
1, of firemen an
buried by falling wAll$,•.
were lost, Some of tho
Mit1ant.1 Pal
house, station -house and
Pete:borotigh with all
store four CaiS. an -hotel
vate dwellings, Were
early on; Saturday. Morni
is estimated at a35,000;:
lin -incendiary Atte
to deitro'y the llethodi4
tin -vllaae :
I'ttc(1 with 'kerosene,. 'Fa
e "pulpit: The i vbront
extingnished the flaines
Mage haci'been .done.f.
- telegram was roc
ineuth onMl11esi1ay fr
• troner of -the Navy,. ord-f3
ticulars- to be sent - 6 *all
serve at -London port 11,
could be'made ready -for.
of Jnne.-
• .-qhe, trial for libel. h.
:Clerk erFore4-agaiiist
0f the Forest EXPRESS, 1.
Thin's:day, and resulted
-aniMadVerted-rather tor..
defendant for hissubse
to the ease Which.ah'4
tence. -
More thaii 1,0000O copies oft
Bible are printed.,yearly This is equ
to more than 19,000 ev ry,wea,
than 3,000 every day, 00 every lieureo
or 5 every minnte of f'werking tirne
More copies of the:. sacr4d-seripturss are
„demanded -in theEiig1ish language thtuil
in the linguagekot, alil the other Ali-
tiorts of -the. W_dyld.
erred . at th
17 Wan street
oirnifig: •
others- werc
tid ten liye-
vict cps:, -bein
way .enzine.
storehouse a
40 -freiotil
pd. thr&e pri
'NYeit by lirc
g.-.!, Tilt:, 108
was niad
Chapel. iti Sea
:-found nude.
*fire -brigade
ivedi,• at - -Ply
in the -Cow
int pa -r
ship 111 re-;
inch, possib
-ea, by. the 1
- •prOpfieto
st(,td. nearly -al
-a -Verdict forTh Coui
rely 'Upon -the..
tient '.allusionSrfts
-A 1ar nuinber of dead fish'wer
oatinii on th surface •or fife- 1.You • &It
Ito -
ritred-in%lelzaeSId:inaYt01-: _ se river lii. en_ Glreoci:fdtileii_lritaluil.
\Vert's -dist llery: .31any item: .peo-
ple collected t e fish; and took thent
home; -
To (he ic4itor of the *warier:
DEAR' 'SJE see by von; la4t issue- that.
.)Vm..Ande.rson; instead of _:.4neeting me in a.,
-.Jai: trial at Donnybrook, -10-08-ine in orm.lp--
titiiia I)ydeseribillg 'iLis bilil In the--volunins uf
your paper, and ati-2 by acensing ;joie of a -
using the judges.-.:whix.fh ii-uet the ..,-.03se, as
id netsay the Judges did not act -according to.
their conscience -_,n.-otzat all but I said tey-
id go aCCO-rding to my -opinion,- and I -say-
so yet, neither did the -y• go aeciirding to *the
eeneralopimori-ofl the • by-standers. If. the•
points_th '1I-nron Boy" do not for
them 1.1P:4 e, AO:f •
,As for lus eiiallengp. He'wen .14101e -ho*.
to chall ewe: not to -:he aecepf.ed. Poes he sup-
that I .;*illtro,iel My-bullto L-uckncW- to
met hiiii WlrOis on the ,.bordeva-of the .viilaget -
not at all; but as -I gave hin afair Chance -. -.
:meet in in-i'Oblinybrook; I will r„giVo hint 416.
game -yeti-t6 meet me in St.. 'Helens, which is:
pretty -neaVIOg Nay between ns,:anY day be
chooses. •The-Tiitlges to . be the eatue. as at.
the looser 10 Epey their -
-bonses. leir;' Anderson -may bear mmind that
these juog-sosla-v-gr!A my buil none, as be dlci.
itot•get A Di* at Doimybrook.- -
- -fat°. WEesTER.
May ts187
Is published evely *Friday morning, :at the
'trouble over thotentlit
"nances.' On Friday.:
ireading of a series pf
sure ahopted at at pan
1.ochs. the:Council Cha
ed by, a mob,: who con
the ; and wile
windows of the bandit!
"117 -Batteryi
no steps to kilielikthe-ri
17—It is ,statekr- that
011 �f the chy
ight after the
ohitions cen-.
Ineeting ..S4
..41:iclIsji-f herok
, men
ed.-out; but took
Humphrey; the
iturderer;-now.;onflue in Sandwich
gal; andiinaer eliteil for. eiiectition
•for the 224.1 of ,..this :11. °nth, expresses
tinitelf as being". resigned_*- to iiifate. s
He says that ho is prep ring "to - meet f
his God," .and`-tiaat he . ould not cosi-
mit suicide if hei had- the
opportunity of
doina so - 3 Ilia lite WORI net send- his
I 0 . . ,
OW 14 soul to ittlidition b such an -act.
Ile passes hity" time in sibging . hymns
. 1 ,...
and like relioms exert eS. , , •- , -
CamPbill Street, Lueknow.
. reui..-adirce; $1.50 per
till -all -arrears are paidoencePt- at. the
iop4onof thepublisher.,' -
Fiistjuser;t4)ign, eimht cents Per line; - one;
ubsequent inser4on, twocents per link,
-Busies cards not exceeding eight lines, $I:
er 1111$111:11. • - -
The number of lines to be reckoned the,
ace _keelipied, 'measured by a scale of :solid;
Advertisements without vitt& directions„
ill_be inserted -Until forbid; %bd. charged ac
idinWyg- = • - .
All casual advertisenaints must be paid -for--
-Any pecial tOticeIthe Object of which. is te•.•
romote the.peouniary benotit of -any individu-
all -or conaltany_, to be considered -an advertise -
and -charged Room:dingy, •
AdvAtigements of strayed; Arc., insertea*-
ee- *ales:for L. Property for sale,
efirsilmonth,-and 75, cents each ensuing-
' - • -
:rates will heehawed to -these-:.
ho advertise by the year 1-
One.coluitilki,_ I year,
One ceilum* motths, 35.
One co1ninx6:! ' -3-inonihs;-
Half do - 1 'year, 35.
Il- 1 =-
•Quarter 40, .-1 year. 20.
r. d6
In no casewill.thuse rates1e
assey llanufacturingi, Com-
ny, ofNewcist1e,- 'ant/ )ave shipped
'horse taket.qo British Colunibia,, and
are ill ing orders for Russia!, Germany,
_Scothind'i Kansas and Cali-.
fornit4 -•- •
• appli
onclelet, of Montreal On -z
t. -- --,
Of labdrLcting.-•and seducing his.4
fniene, -aged .14.- years, was last
fo4nd. guilty : and -,..-sentenced; to
ibiitts" i trtprisonnient., and it -
11M right, His wife„.has since
-16r. u hill of divoice.
—1his Week scitni 60 4-4}tiottlturiets,
who, aye • disposed of their farms ,ifi
t1ie-0 talta DiStriCt, left , for Manitoba:.
They ook with them five carload: of-
freigh valued At - $15,000,' including
litqrses "faint impleMents;
. 4arnes.liattertbir; _Of -Ingersoll;
*ho as Ito have taken $10,0061 ,stOck
fill the new foundry, ond man-
age t e financial 'departnient- lot the.
Olio -ail rapped dead from!. aho'oplexy-,
ew , ago. _•
-."--lit -, be., PandWiell - Assize, on Ole
th-ii St.i'Aistin,.11imirihrd-1,-Irjed for
the. in ..rderof -Frederick- .Aptiel,--. was
Sento iedi to be hangedowl, the; * -22nd
lsilitiy--. li , # -1 •Lepentry-,for rape...; O lir:14S
-brethe "S wife, was senteneCtl,:to'SeYen
.. , . .
Ye)t-.T enitontiary";, •' •- •
abellal A. Hutton, -- _as tyoung wi-
(1ow,1L suing Robert H. 'McBride. in
on an, ifer , O ina.rriage. , If McBride got
ut i,or he recoveryof$600 iWhich
he Sec --!e4"...-from her _to.' Start : bUsineas.,
=Pie -4:t.eizreceiviii&_the-n'itonei. -
—01i 't-n-,sday A .yOuiig, eliid:01.f-Mi.
Jac�b . iitor, of 'Clinton,-. :Managed.. to.
obtain bottle oflaudainniuthat wasin
t'i 'hi-) kelais• id drank a-- quantity. -Be,;-
__ ... 4 . ,. - .
fOtO ID ' didat aid could be iobtained the'-'
t ia0 h, 4 taken deep.-:eifeet 1 and - great
_., , . , ‘ _ ).. .
i mil y _Was-- Ocpertenced: in. :- keeping .
thechi dii-iA'qtke -/- ho they Teceededin
_. . ii .. : _ . . . . .. .
t Ps. an t u A -.-feiV:honrs was out of all -
little!boy-about seven years of
age named Art.hui AIlei got on board
a train at Galt,' aii-d 'beforii the little fel-
low had time to get -off gam the train
started. 1-lo`was--carrie t Woodsteek--
ancitheilce to Mamilt in lopes of
iinding the liome and.-ir ends. of tne lost
boy. keintiincyihe ther,
tracted, had.heen makin encinirifs .by
telegraph and Otherwige, and at last siicf
4eeifed rn tracing hi to Hamilton,
here she-Ibund him se - and sound.
• crair. - Vetrzior -pro
e month of May.isfe
• -
-suinmer-like; rather -.t
. -
"'jacinthI - •with 'If early dust
- • .. -
There are. iiidleations,Of
ram.for t ie approac
this will in.all-probabilit.
p •
in the season:i-.. The -Mon
the whole A-14kariii one,
of:.uogetation*ill-be ra
. _ . ,
n- the -roads.
reed ot
. deal.
sninmerY.• btt
• set..,:irt10.44--
will be on
d the advance
the winter
frosts not having -entered.!the groui4 to
. _ -
he privilege of Sellink refreshments on the _
ving Park -during the two days ofthe races,:
-be let by -Motion at McCarroll's :romper'
a e Hotel, Lucknow, on Tuesday, May 1314.:
o'clock, p.m. OnlY four- stands will Le .
&now, May _ ,,ELLIS, Sec.
- • 174-21.
any great dei,th..
—The "fiftieth an:niv4;sazy of .the
founding .of (itt-elph was helebated On
Monday on a Scaleof-great magtiificenee.
-Hon. austiee IGalt, -.A0E1 ofl- the founder_
of Guelpb,, a3eon4anied by his two
sons,. Were guests of-the'c rperation;be-
-9dee a -number 'of -the first set.d -second
yeais-settlers.. The. main ,eaue of the
Celebtation Was a Proces ion' by --the -
Ilielki l3atteRY. and..- iollokved by the
e4 _nages, Town Council) otird
Mayor• ionsan:.,:ue(esrgstse,s.o.: oriprojerkat,sioinssint.
-nvierE15-tiSAGIEITV'FCURDRiP7-. 01):1;;;OLA' 7119----0EtttY R.A.'9111Nit'
FAL1014t: :FIT-PowDruits*. To -convince:
rs that these - powders will -do. all we.
for thew-, we wiLl endtheniby mail,.
id,,TamtEg-IsuLzizi Afilttr-
only ,Rtlyilician that has ever made .thie,
taieqial Stay, and:* t� our khow-
tbRithAnds••'1ave been - pitamixelerrt.
.1Ve use of theselkiwiAxAsiwe
ar Atoft a -.PEritmostm Cure in .everycaae, or
LXt0ilitr PowdersnxilENDan.earlyED.-Al•
0- Ci)riyinced-43heie curative powers.
for largeibex., 3,or 4 boxes for. $10,
• mail a on t4141of1)-: P:or.States4J ed express,
receipt or
Address •
4811 44 BOB 1iFULTN
'BsooKr;rx, N.Y.
senteit.'.., The 4t: George's °cietir;l'eld- 8
standard ;iseveial trades were _repro ' 'they
the number of 2,900:,.. Th first * male(1,;L,,ci
child Urn in kitielph, earri 'crthe RoYal I fliTt'''
AindreVe ahd;aledokiati Societies • to Pow
, .‘ 1 , - - - I t . ill
their - aphaa). rlditufei,:ln. .t e - evening.
The procedingsteemiiiate with -fire-
. . .
, •----A- di astifing faiMine i
works an a WI h_ fire. _
the Chindse Provinces - 'or
. - . .
Shaptun4 Tilloite,Ands are
reported in
eiers fritithhi disease who are anxi
cured, should try DR. KiSsNERIS
are the only preparation known that -
e Oorlfgaiim0/4 and all cliseasesof the
AND LuN0s,indeed, so strong is our
4 thein, and ulsO to conyinee , you that
re no humbug forwardto every
.; by'rnag,•pOlt paid, .alluzic TRIAT.E01.
n't want your money until you ale
satisfied of -their curative powers. If
is„wortlitaviiig, -don't delsy in giving--
ownicas .a trial, as they will Bluely cum
for -la esent to any part
riertSe. ess :-
or ana4 by mail on re•-•