HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-04-27, Page 11s
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• •
Gond-bye,• sWeettefirt: .
leave thee with the.loVeliest things .
The bring - •
The aneaione in Lano-wy hood, • •
The wet arbutus inthe Wood,
• And to the smiling skips -above
- .t say, Bend brightly o'er my love -
And to tie perf nine -breathing lireeze
T sfgh, Singsoften, iyinpuothest
0OuteAlke leavers of laden trees .
- Beat nil your sweet -.refrain to, film.
tw the anne,thne tiligh _waits-
' Re= thinks or me- aS 1„ or. '
And So t„„ood-bye sweet be-krt,1.-
- „-
Goo&b.ye, sWeet heart! -
- 1 leave, thee with', all iinrest-,thing$,-
That-whep. some fair temptation sings:
Its luring song,y_tb a' Sore beset*„ -
.Thoult stranger be. Then no regret
„ wilt follow after thee
With teaches: lighter than the air,'
'1 kiss„your forehead brave and
And stiy to.God last deep pryer
(.}. guard him -always, night and dair,-..-
80 fromi thy- ppace tie -shall- not. stray.
A MI-. sot`GO- bye, sweet heart; - - "--
.,GoodiAo;-; eet'heart, We E.teetalOparq.
Tet Stx/fw _thin -mine inmost heart
.Thou goestwith me. _Still my place
• .1 hold tn thine by -love's dear grace---:,
Yet air My life seems gel ng out.,
- As slowl-turn ray face about,
'Po,go alone another Way,
TO be alone, till life's_ hist day,,,
Unless thy grail e 'can_ light my Way.
7 Good bye. sweet heart. The dreaded ilawn
That tells our lovOt Wag'. tryst, s gone,
Is purp:Ing all the pallid sky,
s,gii,- Sweetheart-, goodbye!.
. -
-•••• • -44111I• II; •
• X$.-rou-n, *41:=-1crs --..- PA it ii.-
- And he Prorie-,npon his back this, warm
Septeraber day; read this long -:letter ,frpin,
his new wife,.,n; laid it down,jand, closing-
his eyeS,Inu ' itrad softly: :""%at a strange .
little rmsit i.:7 Lying in :014 dint ' light -
her hand had created, for'him„ he thought of
. „ -
_ his own troublesand-hera---just. ta'r she had
.stated them: His -blood wOnlit flush up to
• •...his'brOw as • her ma iguOrinkot :his' surpasi-
nig attractions ter- Will& 411„ 0 -her ,, women
. 'accorded their follitteed:ef • praise, rOse up -
beforaliim.., Ile, -of whom it had been said,
• if he beckoned with: his ';fiiigeri, wonien. left
:,- -their duties—gave _iip their very life to., do:
his,preasure He to have the girl- he :had
- _honored by making his wife, a , little .brown,'
" *oiiiiani. (he was man -enough not to care' for .
her poverty} show she cared.: no .more for his
• love than he did, for hero ; Was as indifferent
. to him as he to her.. Indifference .frein a
woman was!.a- new 'experience to him; and .
,,allnoeci:, hinu - -_ - - : , ,.- • . " -
Yetherquaint, frank letter tonched him:
' What. did she mean by dying.,O6on and let, -
ting litin-be4ree_ again. ? Poorilittie midge!
- Was, -She dying of a-: broken_ heart bepause - a -
--1 - treacherous WOMan had fooled her out- of
part of her life? Poor little 'robin ! she- Was
his, wife- now, and he couldheal the. Worst
heartache woraaws: hie -4t.. •He -had. , . . ,
•- triedthatthing before,: and `enCeeedec4 even
- it he broke the. heart- afterward.. Dip, in-
cleod I - Net if he -knew , it; even. Death
should not have -a little *Oman he-meant:to-,
be good to. ' - - .
, .
And as remembered- all her faithfulness
,".1.iim, during these Wee . :weeks- of pain he
„thought, "By ioVe- I: beauty's iibt all, for no
__ : Woman,had, herfade been-like:that Of Phryne.
or Thebes; Or her,ehahn4; as betviritching as
intales,, MA& have been -India' lovely in- her
kindness to me. ' = How -brave and strong She-
-, has been I :What. a faithful little Sour it .iS.1
alwaye, ready, day. anktilighqtadojust-What
• 1.- want- cl6iieTanclin the way,.I, Want it,. never
,: knooking things about or fidgeting, round, .
- . but . jnat ready -handed,, neat and bright
•, God knows, . a liancloome, woman wouldn't ,
•- 'have -risked the spoiling her :beautyby all
----,' theSaWeary-sjaapjasa itiglitksiespecially for a .
. ..manshe did not love." Afitt then to-_thirik-
-9--she was actually willing -to Work and Blair&
fpr him, and support -him out of her share of
• the booty; and let himfool: away his own on
- other-WOmen I- 46 Wonder *hat the -little• .
_ -• dame means to buy her QW.n4e-thiritgaivith,-
- -- for even:robinsMust •get. clothing?. ' I'll ask
•her that. . Bless the little wOrnaressoul l she• -
A : makes me thinkof her sO, ranbh that I believe..
I'M half in,love 'with her.. .. Iliii !" ' aml he
,-; stopped t . ""..Thri - getting Sentimental-- and:
- 'poetic,. I. swear! But if. it :were in me to
• --_,..- love anything that was not beautiful,. I be-,
- - _neve I could. love - this: little girl, . who has-
comeinta ray life so strangely. ::- She ()Villa
-up, to havi4 loved, andttrie with all the
stale farce. L. Some _feehit__ i.fcl‘ he felt very
- indignant;- " slighted her h‘ecanset she had
no beauty.though,. upon My . soul,now k
•. think, of it,: I'm not so certain about that.;
- -There's Something- in her face takes .a. man's- .
breath.-.;-scanethingthat one *ould rather die
. than lose if he once loved it; and, -.Which once
• loved woad , be better than any beauty.
What's that Spencer -.says ?,-,--=,.. . - -'
_ - . .
• 'K. sweet, attractivekincl of grace,......
.rhelineamentsor gospel;books: - :
. . ,
- That's just it ;-', it's a book that inakes one
= think about prayers, if one only knew
them. But whether the man slighted her or
:net, he Miasedit-confornidlzini I ----fn losing
Siieh, love. : Ill Make her tell me his name.
And as for being Jmy sister,- that's all:i .4011 -;-
-Skeane, ofceurse,as, she's my Wife." Then
more thoughtfully, ''" Well. maybe _ not; :a
household *here there is no love is cruel—I
knew that in _niy early hone—and children
are a beastly trouble, andae•e2cpohaiire as.'a
.3.;naea wines. , - She's a-: b -ch, this vile; a
mine and as sensib!aseL I 11 put my-
self inherhandsfAhetter. orfor worse, '1
0Th._ellolly way she manalecIthat Relliii!S
aairTwasproefrpoz of her ability.- lIer-cool
-asenniption, of wifely ..ilignity—lier- actually
bringing them upt� see7ine:Vrithout-Atinima-
, ping their coming -to. Me, and • never, letting
_them -have one bout at me, Was beyond. any.
.! It's like a_ dipinthe_oea to ;_recall it
all. Her breezy voibe COM** before them
was all the Warning IThad ;y.' Oh, Certainly,
you can coine up- and. look at him," but not.
talk to'hira; he's_ nervous and feverish, and
I 'cannot permit even such old. friend's as you
• doubtless are to say anything to liini. - You
know of cburie" the doctor thoughthe- need,
• ed constant attettion, and CanoecloS to -hurry.
our marriageina.t.Moof Gretna -Green style;
; ',bit 1 could not nurse liiin -,,,noless ,We were
• Mai -tied., And it did. not matt tr SO ranoh
after all, since we had loved '—and she hesi-
tated with the prettiest affeetation of having
said something sheought not --4 we had cared
for each other since we were quite children.
Ross's sister Bell was -my school -friend.'
Then slie brought them Straight to the bed,
• 4..
and stooping down gave Me the only kiss with
which she has honored me -----her Oho*. kiss,
call it—saying, 'My .darling"- , soft' shel
said it,. too, :with a...little thrilling cadencei
upon the old word !)4- My darling, you are:
riot to speak, or even look, • Save this once_.;
now I mutat cover-up .d.earie's .eyes and
She laid her cool hand over My eyes andheld
it there while they stayed; These.areSome
kind Netv. York friends, Mr. Rollins and his
uod wife,' and a faint pressnre .ort- my face -
emphasized the joke-. who are -come to - see
•yout I cannot understand all they Mean,
except that-. you have t been - behaving badly;
Making these good -people's- daughter believe,
• you meant to - marry. her, when of course you
were only going.- to :Marry your little „ugly
Percy. , Oh, my. bad boy, what shall I ever
do with Oktheihearts you ha.Vehroken
while yen" havebeen Waiting for ! -Ah !-
-dear bad boy r and, as if eVerconie. with
tenderness; . she _laid her Cheek - down on
. _
mine. -
_ ".I clasped arms about :her, the trst.
and'last time I've had a Chance by George!,
huf she sprang away with -a -laugh ;. "NO; ,yolt
shalt net be petted for, being__bad. - - Why, ..
Ross, thew dear . people _dame to take you and
martYymttotheir-hosittiful_daughter;'fer I .
knew she's beauty, since -her -mother is Still,
So handsome: .
Oh, it WAS gorgeous, to See the Rollins
standing - there in her Cleopatra -like
splendor,. utterly upset and put down by my
little brown berry ! And. the iinpossibility
of " correcting such miatakeWithout putting
herself in an absurd positioni.adtually stopped
-the Rollins . speech, ' and, -Lbrd help I
thought -that Month Could_ Only be stopped
by bon -bons and a :man's kisses, any Man's
: /jar er,einple._ And -her poor. Old- cal Opaw of a:
palter stood helpless before My little hurri-
. cafie-a_ very reed shaken by the wind. .2
mrsea-breeie-- spake- 'again _ 'But
the doctor will Shed vials of 'wrath' -upon - me
for lettiogyou. see strangers,'. (it have
t the Rollins sore to be Called a stranger -
cu _ - ,
to Me 11.. iThit these. kind friends could not
realize your being ill, So I was fainto let
them 'see,iny Apollo in his box;but we Will
go -now if you please.;. ..eand she _positively.
ushere& them out- wordless dismay,. bid-
ding the* good-bye. at Once, and seeing them
.- more, I thought she Would- haVe. rushed
hack tolanglithe scene eVer. with - but
that shows how little' knew her. When, in
the course,of an_houri. she -did .come,„ it was,
with such an atterignoraneeTof having, done
a smart thing, waving _aside my. adnuration,
of her finesse, that tives taken. aback. : She
said, sadly„' ! I -am unused to falsehood, ' and
finesse of any --,Sort is distasteful to _ime. -
quenched this woman this time, but, in spite:
of• her bad, hard face, I:pity her Very much.
You, and such. men as you, have; I" suppose,
ihadeher what she is; God help her!'
" So_by- this good little girl's- Management,
I am rid. of nay-' troubles. I. -declare .11.1": do-,
just what She Wishes,. and be thankful my _
; follies .have worked no more harm:" -- • -
- Then-he.beganto- wish. She *quid:genie:in,
and to feellagrievect and, neglected because -
'ohedid. not. come--"---to'feel-ari-eager-desite,to
pee her an , e ma et o eletter over.
h th it f th
with her. But he had read it through again .
. twice .ere (She' appeared; - and.. then, to his.
dismay, equipped for a jOurney, and. saying,- -
_- in the Most matter -of- fact, nonchalant man-
ner -"Ross, Mrs; Keller has Conie
say- goodrbye. I anitoing_ With her to•NeW- .
: port; where she Makes. the only perilous part
of the trip+the, lie her, -dreadful change from -
cars to boat, - So -1 shall - away. all night
ofgeourse. _ _ _ : -
- Then Mrs. -Keller came forward with—"
. hope you don't mind My her off, Mr.
Norval ?"
"But.I aa mind it deucedly, madam he
Said. • 6C Why, Percy, I don't like your travel-
ling -alone this way at all. Why can't James
go with Mrs: Keller?" - - s. - •
- - -
= "Not -for -the World- :Ross- _ thank, you.
Fm used taking Care of Myself; and of
Mrs..Keller tcio,.for that matter. -I'm :not .
rancliTef a traveller, because I haVe not had -
ranch of-alchancenone,incleed,.exceptwhat
,She. '8... given: e—bu, t:' _somehow ;:I ralways
manage to come out right. You are very
kind to offer to,siaare -James,- but he's your
necessity, -Thave told hint about the -*INS
eines, and liow.to loosen the bandages*. at
_night. -So I.expect to .find you better. than
_usual: when 1, :get. back 46-• lEnoWS your
ways SO IiMeh better than I, aud I shan't be.
.here tainterfere-;". and She. went-, about ar-
ranging little matters as , she spoke :and ,not
--leoking at him.
But Mrs. Keller saw the look Of annoy-
_ .
;mice -Upon his -face, and -said, "But,- -Peroy,
Mr. Norval dislikes your going,..: and you're.
hound to stay.". - - •••..
"Oh, nonsense, Mrs.' = .0.f. course
he don't care particularly, as I ant going to
be away but one night,. and he's. got to spend
:all m3r,lifewitli flier and her face saddened, •.
.he thotight: sure'te:-.come back t� -
morrow; my- Conga 'Shelton- says,. >Percy.
.-alWays manages to be' -at at haticlriwhon. she's
1- Wanted_ . Am l_to..-Write-te._Ilarry -that., We:
will take the rooms? IMnot do it at. mice;
. or he may let sOmeoner•have thein and. she.
Came and stood beside him: - -
He ansviered sullenly, "Do just as you
• about it; it'ano concern of mine."
",Of bourse I -allalr do nothing of the kindi'
r if you had the idea been very Much
pleased with it; it _euldhavebeen different.
- only threw out the: augge..:-..
---,,, .,..or.,
ler,attang.. , licesaw-tliam,Abut-liercalm c
and voice Madehim:half doubt if it -Meant
anything. -" Are you--,qiiite Sure, or are you
only saying it Because you thiTilr Ili have a._
wish togothere? I thonght. you did not seem
to like, it -just now, and indeed Ido'n.ot.cate.--
'I shall be quite content with, whatever ' you
arrange when you are well."
. "'No, Percy; Write and say we will, take _
-the rooms from the time he leaves thein. -1"
--Avith a -half -abashed laugh—"
1 was Only
-Cross be -cense you are going - away. _ I shall
Miss you sorely, dear, and I'm witty yenriek
going and are - s�. glad le so, that's -all, .' . •
Her faceturned.crimson to the very teni-- .
.. pies, and she said, "I'niTiorryImide my ar-
rangements - without: consulting - you; I . Will
not dci- so in future. I did 'net- think you. would
care One wayor the. -other."
"You've been se good to Me, little o
and I'm so unused to. being cared for -.e
celA as a society ornament,. that . I -think -I . •
shall he able to, -get along without you --:
agalie - - : .- • --.: - - _ .
-- Her eyes filled with tears which she Would --
.not let fall, and . she Said, "You are very
kind say so: . I-- will be more careful . in
• future. - But I must go now." . He waited- in
Oita an eager. expectancy to see if she would
kiss hiiii.- "Take geed Care Of yourself, and
be sure l I Shall come by the first train' ;". - and
she started to leave the hedside:
• He caught dress drew her Itoward
. him, holding her hands: "Iii that all; Percy?
Is:there nothing else r'
, :“--i i think. not, Ross," she -said doubtingly,
but col- ring painfully:
7 "..Kis 'me good-bye, Percy." She held
down her faee instantly and when he, had
- kissed her; drew herself . away without . a
- - 1. - .. _ 1
word; -,-buthe clasped, his -.arm -about her
".f-Vou have not kissed me after all, .iny
• . . . .
darling." . -, - ' - . ...' , ,-,- •
. "My kisses are nothing Werth. now, Ross;
their sweetness - died out years ago-_,.. -Yonrs.-
. are good enough for both ; ' and...she laughed
and lefthiin. : ., .. .: • -- • - . - ...
- .. He was bitterly chagrined; if -Seemed -a
, . ,
little thing to make him feel SO. mortified.
That She -would :leave - -him - willingly, that
doing so she should refuse to grant him so
. _ .
small a favor; when almost all other women
Whhni. I am hound.? Will it'll
life? Ah there'S:the rub.11,1:
:to,win.his faithful, a 1 g ove.
-- ' ' --- -•Vd'11"'
ituti,sesnitijatk40:coirixietit' aC40:41jtao.bd, ,e. to r 5i_4 I.,w- ,00
whethei011 try- to 'keop.,a Inire lifeHan .1.n
honeetpurpose to Walkobefore hiiiii- werthily.
ievery day, 1 may not Arlit front. im at least _-
a lied of respect and -friendship bat , will itilie•
twit , to ,; love? . I Will . Seine . , me let :100
know Of the friends my literary, efforts have
T'brenght me. :.'-I know he will b... proud of the
kidgmentthat seliolarlynien„w otieetini?ns
he hewn, have placed upOni th .. WA, Orn„Of
intellectual ability that: h'as, b n ii;iy' 4610
-1-- . ,!
dower from my dear -father and - his ; learned'
ancestors. ' iAna When .I.,ani R -ss :-- Norval's
'wife 1 Will reveal niyiell to thes latter
. - . 1
: {
friends "of my inner life, and, ni- etin .thein,.,
:17ctohilifildesrn;e,gtehArtiini.tilthhiee4.y.a_sei).hitiria:se4'Otniht3-rtfi'..1,1e:i: le,n, iiiyos.kiti::,041.7,1015ines .
;angrily, - Called Me; r A husbaiiikl K.hand. shall'
-{rive the rock in which their cry talh s - been ,
:for years enibeddecl.
- 1Qh-,- Ross; -I shall be glact-to eome' to my
inheritance through you -.-,..to,- a_ et*y -band
of eliaseli ones into my aietnal, SI have long -
ihoia-th'ehl ihirty ih4of.lifo!: --to ikho, ' these -
at list :wheal. My:Unprotected omai's State -
has hitherto' forbidden Me Fto ow: 11 And if
Itake: him,if1 giVe-Myself to ,.'mm, I I:14n1,11.
at last havetheof mf lite ;Ai -Ross!
you ' will never -koove :thatE: - our boyish
. -flattery, which meant nothing to you, and.
Ishould have meant nothing tol-, e,:, Old really' -
Mein se inuch that it ainiplyhr ke my heart, .
leaving me atsixteenoe utterly incapable -=of -
loving any man but yourself th t:Oincelithon
110 hand has ever touched.-.- th sea_ - which
closed the fountain of - love . .Ein • passion in .
ms.TI heart ; forever. Ah !:-I I yonder rwhat
penalty_ there. is for ' those w o: carelessly
, destroy Our hopes and blotiall iossibftities of
' love -fromla I What Would ,y ur say, Ross
:Norval, if You knew that the I st kis that I
-:- ever gave to any man was ,give to you that
cold-, darkdaytheyburiedMy ether ..01 7 Ygq.-
cane.With a note from -13,e1lah was dying,
she said:. after tbday.ne one b t her family.
We lcl- be admitted to her: we Id I comeand
' oay good bye to her: evenl:fre -iiik! father's
grave 1 :- I wont with.you,- ands Yectaai hinr.
wi0i her; Then you brought e_;AIM , neau.
= 1, _,. ,
than "alive, back to My '.deSor .t - hob:0, ' and -.
taking mein/our arms carried me from- the
Carriage to my bed., -As you 11 id ne,]! down
you- said, 'My sister's -little -fri nd, I, ani glad
to have seen you again. ,,, Bell tells: Me - all
these Yeats I -have been. absent mi have been :
pleasant . friends to each 'ether': You are clear
,never.see yen again perhaps, fir when She
arid -sweet because she loved- - anuiaci.:siiii.dii,jsd.th, ga. 110_ .
die S 1- shall have no ties . hero,
elsewhere. . Kiss me good , bye,
alone; then
neat ' 0,roeokticio:_hanedd,ri -.-
d net.
Eniggestion,- But
think -of it Aio
mere." "-
- - All this in her_ taiglit, quic way, withiltit
. &shade of annoyance.viiiib14-and- She began
talkingof something e-Iseas iftheinatter WaS
:1Settled. • . " „. "
.11 hotel -keeper will -put Sofa -boa
aressinkroain to-nforraW, ' I
- Shall lie- quite `..out. of :the -WaY When your
Callers are -here. ha.Ve. telcl tliem. abeut
- bringing.my trunk in -there froin-Mis: Keller's
room.; James atterid ta it all for me.. 50, --as
- ' long -as Yonfare `1PrisOnet of &TO!. hcre,-
I'll'. reign. -supreme in the,- 'dreasing,rooni.
Now- Good.=bye,' • Niro: Keller ;
janies w -ill put- in the coach while finish.thy •
"Dit, peray, you, mi.stalth," he said quite
t humbly, When 'her- old _friend was, gone. ;
f‘ you. do talk -a- tellovi-doWn
-1y,". with klaugh. your id4a about-.
the ropms racist indeed; Ilike-
your id*, all your letter, .6x.Pettf--witer6 goti
are- se severe. upon-. ine.;- :but even, -that
true, ..and likelt--when you tell.rno-pf it. I
.think.your managcnient the best . in..every-
- thing, and I:, expect.to be asbalipy ai it; king,
or --rather good sUbjeet, with little,
Tieento:tule over Me 2_44 Iceep me- -in otTcler
' mit new donlaiir." :
- She Cla.sped her hanas in. 4uiOk,.
ate sort:of way at hia.. Words; aoif the .gaVe
her own pretty -cousins -among. them, had
denied nothing he blioie to- ask; it- waS-'7:in--
-Coinprehensible !.-
"By Jove! --.1-never -cared Much- for a
lilitlething in my as her leaving ine, and:
not caring to kiss:me. - I swear, -Irni • la .-peri
feet baby about her.: truthful,
est soul! I believe she could Make another
-Creature of the if she cared enough for inc
to .try. *:Thereis something restful tritt h
and honest purity, after all; one feels safek
and grounded aute.plaioe. It good .t�
_have a little fairy lying ClOseto one's bosomt
and I yew I'll have my little:- bto ie. there
yeti though I have to go as sinter reg.!
ular. courting expedition- to. my own Wife
beiore her heart, ,Quise thisold lover:
oftiers, who bars her heart against e And .
clirkiny own past follies, which
good woman fear to trust me Ma
sellgenerly, even when a Nast amount- of
so-called- love brought to the sacrificial -
altar.; An perhapip_I shall not Make I. a' bad
-thing of it if.I win my wife's heart after she
knows the du fond, instead Of i* the edit:160r
. of gas -light fiirtatione: sPeer , little heart4
What a pitiful story it is !' Ho* quaintly she
writesher pathetic desolate history! - What.
a ready pen the. little woman._ holds and
he 'took out her letter again. "1 declare,
child has. better attractions_ than beauty—a
lovely, faithful Bout"- =
But though he was tender of her in MS
thoughts; he was -a hard.ineeter that night;
everything went 'wrong, 'nothing _pleased. or
epotented-him„ and the - much -tried
servant at last announced that with the -
i . .
garding his state, and. with . some such Words ..,
-as. ' 1„will be backi in an hour or so, Ress,"..
-WOuldleaVe iliii iiil
- Thus le ,Wairntte, rlye unaware of what- her:::
abilitiWWerei."''' .Whether-'01ie Wai'*apable, fit‘
-koldhig a conveitatioo„er'berildhold herlown.
rin society,* could not Opine -; :arid it aunoy.-:. -
ed him keenly, for he was, like Meat seCietg. i
Men; 'very punetillions regarding the manners •,:
' of, the:particular:tWoman 1 who -belonged. to,. :
him. - Thatilie Was„-iiitlfaet, an elegant teon•;-
, _.,
-versationalist„-quick and brilliant at repartee, .
a fine linguist, andan_intelligent thinker. fin- '
a--wiinian, he aid not.dreaM. - - _ ..'
isteverthelesEi'lhe mere having her about ,
- hini-r. day- after day, with her dainty,- little-. ,
tways, grew to be a pleasure -him': the
, - ,
:making. her grave little face,.into
its. haunt.,
-- ing lOok.of sorrow,. breaking Intosmiles;. the -
. light.coine intO hersoftgrey eyes became -a .
. real delight him., ' Then the color finehel, -
ever her cheek :at his lightest word, and -he' .,-
1 .
•:- found Ta. real interest in witching it glow and •:-.
fade from her pale face. i -. ',' ----..
- . "'She's the Sort .cif, rr-nr4,. that colors Welt"'
..lie thought. . Old Sir John's fancy of:--- ...1'..- .
,.!_ifei. -.Cheek :was like a _calbrine pear,
- The side that's next thesun"— " •
Suits=her exactly.' - ,And. her .hair, with the
glint of geld in. the clieStn#t hue, woad he
a- glerir in a beautiful '.ivoinan. --Every' Mo._ *
-, tionief her heart shows in her face:. She'd ..-
'never Make -Si:woman of , the world: -- she '-
•• Cannot hide her 'feelings, : but lets one 'read. :
them like an -apex.' -book.P. Which was 'air
--he . knew -: bent it, si,ficel "spite her teache:
- t 1 ' - .
rem color, 'those. years tof . hard -duty had --.
trained. her into ' !the:. most perfect self -Con-
-. trel elifrall.liwedful and great :oicaeions and.
Matters.. ' ' i , ,
How he misted her light step ! how he had _.
, anted her all these two days!!for, though! :
it was scarcely pastinoen,L and she had gone =
late the day betdie, he I was sure it. - was
that—" And -selenislike six; :by George l' -'....-
Bat, as holler feverish,-. and fainiShed for - a
- drink, a *ory ill-used. Man, she opened the
. door, and ithe :air aeemed lightened Of:. its
troubles a • once. I - i - . 1 -
, , -
.0074- 11,---'4,- . • ON:
. 1 I
• For- a y ar after that 1 w
- - 1 ,i , . , , . - .
Esther Hopper caw, and I -was
I have had My share of le:Vets.
what girl has not?—have had
-pal tings; and Shared their pi -
makes a - .; nip with an jattlilidiathr‘: 'Ifil91.1i
../ . . ; y • , "
-nage is a I, ben very contented.:- .--.
But now _I ani desolate a
th - darkness you have - Come -
me to folio* you and Stand n!ea
rest Of My life. -:. It Veillihe .114
se:Much as is good. for me - to
even if Tam:nothing to you, f
you very faithfully P.'
And so, you know, they ,
. Witli-only:the doctor and Miii,-
.. -
nes the :cerem-ony ; . ana, at .6
little decide&Way, the Sort of -
years of self -dependence give,
nurse; attend* to him.atk. p`er
she had been bor.n was -that: -r.
Froin the first service she re
bathing his head and face thro
--mbrning he would leave his. master to his
own devices. r___
"Go, and be damned . yo -u -!" was the, -
savage reply; and man took him at -hist
word; decamping, after making -a few nec-
essary arrangement, as soon after breakfast
as he could. .
Aha I hame'been so goodto . that fello
the year he has lived with- the as . I could,'
thOught -Miss. Norval aShour after_ hour- he,
lay - alone wanting everythiogwater, the i
:papers,: a; handkerchief. There was nothing
he did not *ant, and he conld reach nothing
n, a
_Ont of :
nd eekoned-
yen-lall the
I love
ere- Married;
eller tb-wit; .
ce, with her
ertapity that
ily :and
Pr which
• en
indefatigably, as if 'the -Oole:p
.,Anguot day -With iced Water a
der d
gh , intense-
lica ely per -
o that the air,
freely to him,
gene, and
fumed arranging thecurtains
thenglithesiare of the sun W
his room in dim; Soothing shad
ed a blessing to him. - Some h ors
Came with her bright .quick me,
his disordered_ room; bringing- kir('
chaps on his dressing tableiL. ver
info things, and yet getting 1.1r4
ful order, and wonderful to re t
them so ,.. the air seemed to
his medicine less bitter, the tim \
but those -nauseous medicines.. • "Service 1 his broken letand weary back to
:when there was a breath, cam
cannot be- bought ; in- every truth love'
and patience must be a free gift. .However,
now even love a-nd_ patience seem. to have
fleclirontme. I want My Wife -r-, I want her
- =
Percy; with her Sad little- -..heart lyiog. as
heavyasa *millet in her breast, was just -
as bright and useful and entertaining. to her
-cranky old friend as if lifewas a boon instead
of a;bane to her. - You know from her letter
how bitter IifeWas to.het ; and: I think if
you have ever known sorrow - _And a great_
disappointment, you will comprehend- how
it waspossiblefor her, withthefear of God,
before her; and .a desire to be - His faithfill-
• child to ,niakethis.match for herself.
Anything was better than the dull stag-
nation into which she had fallen; .she haJ
felt this year, Unless some great Change came
to her to take heroutof this Weary groove
in 'which she was set, she Must go melancholy
mad. She had laid out a hundred schemes, -
all of .them, she knew; impracticable;- and:
now, In a strange, -providential 'Way; this
change every thot:Igh4-and-acition of
herwhole life had . come to her. , Doyou
she accepted.
was notTsage. • ,
• That night, after his offer; :(the night- she,
had asked for in -which to decide, -although-
she said to herself, with a bitter little' shrug
as she Made the • request, "A *amen_ Who
hesitates is lost), as she lay awake ,ponder-
ing the whole matter, she thought: It can't
be Worse than it is, and it Won't be very long
either way, I think. • I can be faithful to
him, make and mend, dig and delve- if needs
be, for his henefit,in return for the -honor he,
does -mein giving me hignameandprotections
I -shall expect nothing, - literally nothing;
from him that Wives usually demand. I, Who
. have borne fel... . years with the caprice of
school -girls; can surely hear the humors Of.
one man, 'especially -svhen his name.- shields"
nieirein other sorts of ills. I have rather
• plunied.myselftliese last few' -Months upon
haying learned the depth of meaning " and
force et truth there is- in that expression from
Sailor Reeartus I used to. think so wicked:
Say to happiness, 1 -can do Without you, --in
self-renunciation life begins.' ' I can try it
now., I.need not be_a spaniel. or fawn upon
my lord, and yet I. can obey a4d honor; if he
will let me, this Man to whoni -I . shall Vow
-myeelf for life. • For life , Can I endure- it
all years I May have to live:, an .unloved
wife -7 -so near and Yet so far from him to
One day, she Said in la shy- Way, "-Mr.
Norval, if you will let James ay 'pia. your.
kwill see what mendin thy .need,
a,nd will,sit here and do thein, yon_ohan't*
Spend So 'many hoiraalone. Itelleri
madesome friends in :the lieu e, and they
kindly'sit with her 80 Much th t's she not
APO Me."- •-, -
.0.Bitt, :Percy,- what's the f James
having a hand* it?- Here "a my keys,"
With a• laugh as :he handed; h her:
"iyou know they were -a_part o - the,worldly
gciods-which I did thee endow andIthe keys
.always :belong to the ,feinalkd ppient by
right, don't they
She took them With aNiVid. "-Shalt
he seem‘,-;
Iter she
out of
' bea,uti-
tter, and
he less
, • . ;
Illeok over your trunks and b rean;Ithen.?"-
ohe - :• ' • -
- Certainly,While,ligo-to al ep itcl dream,
-What-a., jolly thing:it is to yoli'liere."':;-•
• Then, -pretending to 'sleep; watehed. her
with careful hands. examine • belongings
with contemptuous little let thie-
ioeHaf---bungling--4-menaing- anxious
frown over that frayed place._how
- neatl she folded -and -f ' *the good,
. and seated-lierself-witiva-pikr fere her and
. began to Bevil ! •When he opens eyes. she
:handed him the •keys. 1 -
No; Percy; keep -them-. I
land, title-themover toloul" h
1. -From that day he seemed t
in her . - •
companionship, reach
after hem' While she sewed; al
,sonle.Toetical or .light bit of.
-snit my eapaCity,-" she though
iso :they -I+,& gone on Week
...With- the Single exceptionoft
eodowithout any -change.' --
favorite in society, and -eve-;•Y,
beot of.;Calls from .gentlente
fruit's and -flowers; frcint:' 1 I i
When a fcard was sent up, she - 111' ber Wonianiali "traps"! to
to WC: Keller—this, tee, sp
'nest invitation to her to reini,
no ladies preSenOn&Mrs3Ke
P11be back in time for -your. ni
all right
•, .
feel 'delight
her hoar -
aye choosing
To .
after 1Week—
AS a -rare
reCeived a
laskets of
. .11' Always,
woold. gather -
ether and.- go
ite 4 -if his ear-
I, Once or twice some some one,. Mai e intimate or
free than usual, woul& run lup unannounced.
and catch her there. Her aoce tation ofthe
situation was, he thought, perf et. Without
a :shadow of embarrassment she -acknow-
ledged the introduction "My 'fe '? did the
honors of the occasion sai s a v.r, words re-
- • •
• of. 01111fing.
. . .
. .
. We may venture to make a- few stigges..-:..
_ tions in. behalf e those who Adesire toacqiiire ,
• the art. ' if. you ' are a.laWyer, whenever the r, :
name of a celebrated -menthe!: of the bar -is. .
- mentioned, you must immediately hint that.; --7;
ithat -lawyer is Overrated; and that Mr. So .
ata:So; a whom yea- must 1 be .sure your..au-
dience has never heard, is really -. a ." strong:
_er man. If you are an artist, you MU say „
Of some artistthathe 7iis .4,- Very 7kood.
:fallow', but -What a pity he can't paint; " or if '.
the Other artistniiderstande tone and you do
not ‘ - then-, you. .ean.,say, that -tobacco " or .
- .5! lamprblack,':! I If, you are,' poet, you can
. do.-ncithing ,More le- the. point, in the pre-
..sence at yjoung persons, than to mention • in'
-:"Cenfidehce,.:anclwitlya, deprecatory air,- that :.
your verses on 'Nova Zembla, containing that
Simile 6f.t*elily and7the!heAr; Nit6rP printed
:.six monthsbefore'-. Tenrivian!s- famous, ode-.
containing exactlY:the iMile simile. - If yqii ---.
are. a Man of science; -..you-.Wili-gainzgreat re- '
.. Potation' by ,.mercly, shrugging your shoul-
ders at the mention of some famous special-
ist. This -moiroa ' will work ,admirably in
medical, or in fact in any ofthelearned pro, .
.fesSions: - BiltAt'_yed are net a writer, ..or a
. profeosieital Mao ,of ang -kind, hilt Merely a
- an'engraying. or photograph is - shown. you,.
. person Of taste,.. yen Can increase ,your . repo.-
- tatiozi by -many et very Costly -devices,: If
cover a part of the -picture with two fingers
of Your . right hand; and say that it is Very -
well-41111nd that. , If itiiitee large -tot treat ...
'ilishutth:isonewreYie art lia-Otd:t...ixa-e tiPiirg"Zrordiatwao46aetk:
arm's length, first perpendicularly- and then
horiion` t'aIlyi 'al's) - as 40, hide now one and- now
..another part of the painting—after . the: maw .
-.ner.of.some artists.,:- When you hal* done •
this, you can either say that the picture is
-geed,- of 'thafit s bad;_ Nit- remember that
you will gain :most - credit by giving an opiii-
- ion.opposite`.,Otthat which you suspect
held by the personi present. If you go to 4
.public entertainment, like Dickens' readings
Ora.BeethOven symphony, not lad to . re- . - .- -
:-port that You 'had- te. knoelt your feet against :
•. the 'chair to keep awakeHaltliough in the
&Se- of the symphony. be careful not -to. lay
the blairie upon the composer, hitt upon
.whatever orchestra may i happen -to render.. -
the piece .that might.. But if. you „inspect, -.
-f it the music .waSpartibularlY Well render:
ec it Will be Safe to f declare that it was.: alto•:\ .
-.g:titt too well prayed; land. -that , for your -
par you prefer ito hear Beethoven given by 4 -
the H-*--; Society, Where;.-:A."everything iin't
out and dried,andsOmething.,ie . left to the
i014 ' tieM.r --" The Old Ccibitiet ;'i. Scribner .
:..Faqhionablo Womon'siDregs in London.-
In -the -;wildest days of the tie -back
pin -back Mania," writes Olive - Logan- from
London;" there never was such a tightness.
in the -matter of Skirts as now prevails"
what is a11ed ".the pelskin.dreso," What- r
ever tie' --paucity of -- folds in the pin-baeli-
hi the irOnter, part, in the 'enormous exiiber--
_an:ce-of the papier or bustle the balance was ,
-Amok.- IRO now, not, 'Only. is the bustle _a.
thing .•-• Of horror, but .even the necessary
..underclOthing is considered d8 trOp. To..
lengthen! the Waist 'far beyond the natural
proportions, a stiff Webbing Of - elastic is
--fastened:Ito the stays te-the-xlepth-of -half a
• foot; and to,thio, it first, narrow skirts were:
• buttoned. But eventhis is now abandoned
for another- schen* to -acquire- slenderness::
Mrs-S*IsshelM's much -ridiculed chemileon,
is in-denland,:and garments made in this Way
are sold inthefatnnihiligsholis, and patterns -
of it pasi. eagerly _front hand: to hand, among
• lady friends. ladses have had regolar.
Stage tikht0 4inade; in thick -webbing, - and
over this they war nothing -hut the outer
dress, -.underskirts heingSiiiinilatedhypleat-
ed ruffles of „v4ite, sewn to the -edge'
•of thedrese, . which .is then tied batik, until'.
the - *ankh' within shaelriled .almoit like 'a
1 - -
convict i
ict n a chain; gang. '10 more uncom-
fortable !:!faehio:iiever :was ;devised, for not
• only areithe -Iiinhsconfined,bY the binding
areas, but the, wearer -Must' ,constantly 40n -
cern beiSelf.abblit the bea'ditien: ofthe bodice,
that ;portion 'being in- incessant danger of
turning itself up behind wrong aide. out, like.'
anumbreUa inia- Wind. stOttn,
- .
is as trueaisospel that the better look-
ing a won*Iiis the less -trouble she will have -
to get heitruillis past the custom house offi-