HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-04-27, Page 9a 4 • • rofessio'naI Cards: LE EADES---HeArtlressino Parlor. &c Queei. Street Kincardine , SHAV E * HAIR 'CUT SH A MPOO upstairs. opposite the Post Office. Law Chancery &Conveyancing. . :Law Rice; " _Solicitors in Chaneery,:. ittl'40.11AT*TON. Chan -eery, ConVeyanees, &e. -Office,. West - Street; !Goderich. Money to lend; - D.tyisor. FRED. 'ValuatOr for -Trust and Loan, Cp. Barriaters, Atte -.s-a.t7Late, Solicitors (1,-. ',Meyer SOlicitcg.,ffer the Consoli- - to -lama at reasonable rates qif interest, and op: geon and Accou4hetiri:Licerittate of _the Dn. SECORD. • Kincardine, Ontario.. 6) -(1W 4-ieOMei Agents., -Wanted. and CO;, Auf.tinstik, Maine ober/ Clime ig-hani, " :Lean On Fora- prOpertv:-it law rates of inter.. eat-- no fines- -no payment in advance. Costa of Loan lower than any office in the County. Good MOrtgages purchased: -Agent for the Gore-, Hastings, Western of Canada and' son's-131ock, Queen St Kincardine. :" -BARGAINS • TAILOR, L ow, I have jnst received largeailid first class stock of READY" E CLOTHING, And have markedini-stock very low.' Term-. ers, call and see..,!or:yourselves :what bargains -Tweeds to seledfriai -for erdired ANOTHER. SILVER --MEDAL • etV Wawinnah, on- the'2,3rd. nit the _wife of Mr; Jahn-'.rpwnsend, of a SO PARR.—Ali Tees. ater;on:S:n4: ; Wife of Mr". john'Martin, COlbOrne Hate the bride's' mother,- on the 12.5 h _ Ilia, Rev. Rtirat'Deen" Davis -Lit- Z.Ors•_Tuco; all Of Winghani.-t- Rusti—GAinuArilt.—On the -17th lilt., :MiSS:Margaret -A.- bo .on the 22nd ult.; at -the -residence t . father, Mr. Wesley .-HenderSon bf-Mr.-- John -Irwin; all of Kinlosei_ Colberne, 'oil the ifith " rat the residence of her • -son-in-law, The undersigned received a SILVER -MEDAL at the Centennial Exhibition, this beit4 the HIGHEST •AWARD to Canadian "- Other. medals -for organs merely brOnze. None of our vraani had- Over four seAs instruments with fre`14 seypll _to twelve setts_ 'rhe- -breifter-Auenteks:stih.:14,4-levelvttetts4T," At'thci:Wisstern Fait -for- 1876, our 'London, went exhibitedonly his orcpnary stock, and payment. appli to- < 0V -el' all competitors. time from .2 to 2p years. ..tkpply to Isticknow. junto 16,1876.. May be eodsulted:pn diseases pf Horses and. Cattle. - Horses: ex-sifimQd as to sOutidness, "de wellto giTe. hini c411. Terms cash, Office. above, the Me .dieal. Stity..eyq LUC NOW.- 1.1TOKINT- OW Meatekeve the Masonic A„. five years guarantee accompanies ear.th organ. This from a well established firm likely' to continue in the business, is worth Guelph, nut. -iday evening at 8 o'clock, in: Visitingbrethreircordially Dr Tennant Rec. Secretary." Pioneer Store. HARNESS, SADDLES, SSIC We regret to learn,.of the deatkcf, The --decleased Was.the youngestlaugh ter of lit." every one in the village- andncigliiierlioed, le- '. , ing,reniarkable for het i-itelligeilee,1- .1- charity,': :and andrable diSpoSition.;.--- She•--texiivei.s-ea -2,' Siting desire-th.live nntil-the 'arrival -.- -Of lie . 4 dicleek train; bk.whiCh sheexPected liier on, : Mt'', Dvid:Hornell; from 1.4citnoW.: "The is,:. -t et and brother -arrived but. -'. nuhlappily ab lit t. With the approac of the`openinv-i of navi- g4ion the salt hnsinesein Gpderich is reviving and the International, Tecumseth, Hanley aul Dominion works are in operation. to -the War: We are informed that Dr, ?3arkwell, of this the medical Staff Of -the Turkish army. We wish him everrinciess and a safe retiirh. -1)vui41 P°thsies3r11°bartY-13:7P-rectin.'044eda a3"a' nwl_isithrlYwhvirecllk situ- atedlot, and ate now asking for tenders !FrePitintlice°Irsntrac- torly. reco.tly_inipeoteAthe working: of • The Directors at -met* TueSday:eve 29* and 30th -Of M Tue'sday _evening, of selling refreshme Bruce) and inAnstice must say, that we lieve it willItoall that is claimed for it, and Would recomineildparties owningfeaiher beds have theni Clesied.by- this process. agreed to cloee that places ofbilsinemst Sera Aka' each-e4inm** - Saturday, after. e first of IVI'ft4. t_he Ant *- day of Oct - their clerks, anaVe treat all customers will make it a poinf xla their _busineta before that -- hour. sy pat ming friends .o owed_ er_ ..remains their laat roating plaae; he_ infant child • ook out for the :larae -iiektietv tacei next week. Stere kir Twenty-six perspns Wee confirm_ e the'Bishop_ of IIuron at Brus`sel ;last Wed ea' Wingham people want the L. H. & trains rein through to Kincardine, to coil with the W. G, & .13. IL -We are willitig. *e annual meeti -Junior Base:ball CI were present. The ected for 'the ens WaSI changed from' and -no 'doubt Will boring innior clubs 11. Hip 1 Our friend' of tic blelhes;" and all t that pe glorious. scene. .Who° ead,. Virtue ;Auld 't a just rewa ect hoeit Or'; gaiter; :A.: "dgeintyre .Cant On -very cheap.:.k1 yet not inebriates'? tit McIntyre'S •Cie • era and ood Fraser -a no tack:, breeder, -o.V Deimfries,. • 11111111111110111111:1 HAS F. MILE§ Provincial. Land - Sur- veyor, Valliator and LAndAgent._ (Vice, - All ordera-by mail will. receive prompt attention. . land for. yourself or your sons ? •T6 build a I 'use or barn ? To fence, clear, underdrain, or otherwise inixs-roye 'your land! To pay off a Mort; be oi-Vher debts ? Or for any other 14;- -purpo If yoV. dii, the reduced terms of the - -Canada rmanent Loan and Sayings Com! - pally, which has made more Liana t6 Farmers . :durin. the last twenty-one years. than- other • afforefsuperiorfaeilities both for affecting the Loan and. for -.its 'rePayment. The highest - _twice paid for Good Mortgages. Yor iiirther information apply to the - manager; TorOnto, IMPORTANT TO NORSE OWNERS. Tlicatfach Fa U.. ICAtinVict) within si 1101=4.11'1W a•W out camping rutin or leaving -or. a trace of -.he operstion. Alen, Urania to ao tthentoatic Pains. etc.. instantly relieved erBELLAMTSGRILAT RICAIRDY Ilan and Beast. lilfeyeratialland patoptt. et iont-on receipt of .$11,00. Send • ing been.:P/Inted•iii.red.and blue law.-- On paying 'allying visit to Wingham,recent- acif surprised let the evidences ieTfh'sewureLawtreanere,twiame1443-: re-syseii ty el,eiywhere visible! -believe, about 150 buildings of "Lrious kindi in -process of construction lage on its proiress, and trust the Most san- guine anticipations _of its inhabitants may Shortly be realized, and we will with pleasure ' the Nat; otwingham," (fi A few evenings since- we noticed some -boys- whose size. would indicate that they. had lc- ved at the years of---7we almost said/ dig,- '..retion, but we *ill say responsibility, cruelly:- frorrs withi stones- and callin fu weuld impress upon these boys the faCt Ihat true .sport is neyer , To take the life -or -to torment the -1cwest ,ereature. for fun,ris a wickedness from which a tine --Yap Patrick Rooney; of who."a • _4,1201' 4. Intending g_urehihers Will find -4 t4 their ad- vantage to calIanclixamine My Stook.- Noth -and workmanship _e4cond to none in -the cpunty NEW GROCER±. Chas. Moone . begs to inform the inhabitants Of Lucknow- and vicinity that he has lust received a largo and ex- cellent stOck of Fresh Groceries, con- Sugors, raisens, currants, pickles. can- ned fruit, tobaccos, and everything else in the Grocery line. Parties trom the country would do' well to . at MS _EATING 110IISEI when in --selling their grain, when thoy Can get a good meal and a cheap one. If you- wish to hive 'leed" of oranges call around, they are theap awl Good. - Give me a* call and see what -barcraiks I can uive you CHAS._ MOONEY. rinth)g, plain and- fancY. executed neatly, cheaply and. expedition:11 at the SANT.4NEL office. cita- To- the correspondent: Who as s as ice SOlIth Huron Ref Reforniers ton on Tuesday, a which Mr. D. D. t ry. In spite of e attendance w specially gerry-m it could be carrie the next Doininion election. '' rT0-11-:eLTdiagite,ellibr.T.Aec,t,iotoon °Itf Flat:mon° i Fpn* dP wa y -- . Richards ; Chaplain -3.B. Riehards-; Finan- 'tier- R. Murray • Recorder—kiss - Maty pt frhis lodge is now' ina,tiriving ccuidition. They intend hrlding a social in a couple of weeks. a good time is exp-ected.—Cou. I anaie.eding 'the he reed . tie orp the. .ground g of the "Swee ameron, s. The name of; `SweePawa3r"" to Promising YOM1 -et aWie with WC ted the ege ring trusiels .Past n "covered with at kind of thing, 'aiX , (when he gets the- ta thewedding. list imagine -We k passively on the e -Hurrah 1. it ma of it, Go on; if it d.oes:not alw for seate pos- g the ant- emal f South Huron met lin- of the Prcevineial socia - S. -good, and the Ay' mous- Amply, that. in_ 4?7-LThe great. /Or haTe Oka lad, ahem* easing a good e fr. Onnto pc Kincardine Wire. .q The fire at Kincardine on Wednesday, t planing mills, and soon spread to -.'adjoinifig midings. At-_cne timei -was feared that the. . hole business part a the tOvin WOUld be de; stroyed, but by the•active exertions of the peo- iple, aided- by the calm- stateof the atmosphere, -"Suers's calamity' was "ayerted.. The losies are II -silted for $3 500,', Win C011ins 41'200. The ereniamder.falling pa Mr. _McKilibm.'and five tools were burfitlit the planing mas. two -miles. ::The work .. Was perfOrmett tw wet: loOm; at the- factorrni Paisley .1- = gir_,We think the Licease,Conitiitssio ere of tell,' -of 1,0 erWingharas an botq lice misear,natsi_ 6,043;ries of he,Place, and will be" air stem- -*as- landlor c_meiterit;_gill 11: 11. Ci 3 iCet:01::: nal te7e. t:n_ Miii41431 1 iC9r CiliPh: 1;:11: :V: • ftd- 21 .:1191e:61411;17Y:::::. oti., 11:1134: „latt;7b °alai 1 :II: 3 ea I :1 Of Whinair_:, er husband's eye loeA is the scarcity c per pound, an O :yet become pOkie intelligent: in -fteen years -of age, oTel ouFe- beef. ig cation. can find e 'meet 'any tinle. New ..much more t tater, will tiaink 1411y to -a tide in min, Dr. Gamier, - land's Hotel, on .the pleasuieof be ant, and enjoy ng a- genuint, feal goose, sometlu a rare m this re -art eif 6V-6111- • e - ey," toOk fire, . 1,1"i4 four' ' horsai *era •,7,Shannon; - Thi) noise made < by•A 'I Sir The-Va "-bolit are -finish r-presecnt a, mo* rat present:: tidy sideW. rued to' will , 07 • • ASV: Medal! NEL —A dau of Listowel aractei Of the ..citi _has- PoPu increasing. . er of Mr. nu ber, of Elo will tietini call from, 0 filk when- iv