HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-04-27, Page 1• • sol. Imo;: No_ '. .Professsional_° ard-s. LEGAL. MAePHERSOI` , AMRNEY, -So- licitor, So ''licitor &c,; Queen-Str'eet,Kincardirie ` f 11A MPAIGNE,; r Law Chancery & Conveyancing, 7FFIC E In Uorrigan's. $loek, . nj, stairs, -test Ualedonian Hall, • LUJCKNOW. • MIO;NEY TO. LEND.,- . . II' 'ORD RIALTO T;•, . JC Law Office, Crabb's ;Block, GODERIC] . Feb D. -1QUIER & MCCOLL, ` Barristers,-- Attorneys, -- Solicitors in Chancery_ , oonF.RiCH & BRUSSELS.• Money to lend T, R Squint, Ar -J :NIcCoLL,, Coder cli.: fen •9 • Brussels.-- DAVISON & JOHINSTON Barristers, Attorneys -at -Lain, Solicftorsin... f`han .erc, . Conveyances, &c:' Office; --',West Street urodericb . ` Money_to lend. 1I! JOHN -t iso' FRED .': -W-. JOHNSTON.- Aug. 17th., 1876. dii .ttES SOMERVILLE, Conveyancer • Iey t -roan on'easyterms on Real Estate. V'altator for; Trust and Loan: Co- - .Luck" -w '-)ct: l4th; 187:1.: ft:...: ARIi OW E�� EIi, RADENHURST, .,Barristers,; Attorneys -at -Law, Solicitors. n ')fiancery; Conveyancers, &c., &c., &e.: J .G -ARROW. 1 H.W G METER 1 G. A.BADENKURST: H :W. C. 11MSe''er .Solicitor- for the Consoli=_ dated: Bank, Wiinghem:. Oiiiee' Godericli_atid. Wingham Money' to loan at reasonable rates of interest, and on term s= to suit borrowers. Dec. 22. '76.. • MEDICAL. }-1-0A1 AS'BR:ADLET , -PRrsrcIAN, Sura . ` neon and Accoucheur, Licentiate of the r )ince, Bez vie,' County Bruce, Ont 59 Dn. ' SECORD IuS•ICIAN, Surgeon and •Acoucheur,`. K ncardine_,<Ontario... Jan -.1875: tf. • CENERAL, t3NEY- TO 14 IND on easy: terms. of !1_ -payments apply to JOHN-COOKE, Agent, June 1,-76 _ .Dungannon. 1 ,ONR-717:. TO LOAN" at 9 per for any . time from 2 -to 20 years. Apply to - ANGUSSTEWAB T :. Lueknow: June 16 ('.,WALKER, :V S.-, GRADUATE OF ONTARIO- -`iETEEN4AB-COLLEGE.- May. be cansulted on diseases of -_Horses and: Cattle.: Horses examined- as to soundness,. bought and sad on commission. Farmers. will - ,:d0 well to give him call, Terms cash. ; Offiee above: the. Medical. Hall:: 2-tothipiat 'Land.: Surveyor- LITCKNOW _LODGE, Ait-,,41111-,3-AimiL No. 112 Meets every,Friday evening at 8 o'clock, in • Dr Tennant Rec. Secretary. L OXNOW Miscellaneous Carc EADESTHairdressin .Parlor,, FOR. A-- SHAVE' 'HAIR -CUt;. SHAMPOO, OE -A `DYE; Upstairs: opposite the Post Office .i) a nay at home._ Agents :wanted. Outfits and term free. TRUE`: and -CO. Angusta,_Maine. ` Robert Casnginghaiz, Inszl xn e Agent; Gieelf la' LLIAIVISON Land Agent and C►nveyancer--$24,000 to Loan on .Farm property at low rates . of inter- est --no fines ---no payment in advance. Costs Loaniever than any office in _ the County. Good -Mortgages- purchased.:. Agent for. the Gore, -liastinp,: Western bf Canada; and Merchants Insurance Co's. Offiee Mai Pher-_. ,goo's •Block; Queen St. Kincardine:. B RG. :INS, I GAINS TAILOR,Locknow,-,.I have just.' received a large and first elasi -Steak -. READY-MADE CLOTHING And have marked my stOck very lo -w. Farm.- ers, call and see !or yourselves what -bargains we are giving.. Our coati very cheap. 'Piles I' weed -to selec t from for ordered- clothing. ANOTHER SILVER MEDAL The undersigned received' :a :SILVER MEDAL at the CentennialiEXhibition, this beingthe HIGHEST- AWARD io Canadian Other medals for or*cra. ns merely brOnie - Noxte. of our organs had over four" setts of reeds„--; ,Several. -ether- Canadian inakeri had • instritmente with. from _seren to twelie Setts.: The bronze medal ergan- had _twelve Setts. - the-Weitern Fair for 1876, our LOndon. acre* eXhibited-Only:hiS ordinary gtoek,. and over all eompetitoro. • •A -five years guarantee aceonapames. eac orean. This * from j/a well established firm.' 1 kely tor - Continue in the business . ie. -worth tf- LLAR RR1AGE- LICENSES. NDER 'THE NEW ACT CAN BE. Had_ as: fOrmerly -it the Pest: Offiee:oi HAS 11.- MitES, Troluneial Land' :Sur-. yeyer;Valuator and -Laird Agent Office, erdere by mail will receive. pronap_t attention.. - 0 Fir/Tiers .and LandoWnersi Do you want, to borrow money ? To buy • more to,'M '-tgage Or. other debtit - Or for. any other .., las made -ih-O-re loans to Farmers 'rprioe paid for Good Mortgages. For- further linformation aPply to the manager,- Toronto, I.LANUFACTillait oF. ALL X13.100 OP TRUNK Intending purchasers:will find it to their -ad..: Vantage to gall and examine iity'stoek. , broth. 'frig but the beitlgradesOf leather - are kept, - and Workinanihip segond to 'none in the county Chas. Mooney begs to infOrni ',the that. -he has _insf -received a large and ex- eelIent stock .of' Fres. h Groceries- con- si§Rn o ea&-- lbs for the dollar— the brieleisfather, Mr: -Joseph .0 anston, - Satne,*at the residence 0.4t the bride'S father, Mr; Robert I. SprUngIci" abeth Mo4;1..*--A3VitrzoN.-TAt the !residence the bride's fatifir:MaralS-29thi-b,k v. -J. -Moran; of the - Orate -A° Ceraf4e • -I3Owey.ef this village; 4ed 42 Years.. mexAr.—A,t.Winghamt on Fnda ,1-13t inst.,. Jaines McKay, aged 132-. years d 4' Within the past few- days t•Wo . rts dents coraveyeld to his grave, at httantfdrdi has been, a *iesideil.t of the: Colfrati _for ov era„tr: spouses for 1877-8. on- Tuesday and —after the re-eleetion- of -lie B. O'Connor as -president John _BruceJ chairman; and; D. Cameron, secretary,-7tho repeats et- the InspectorS weie received and tbk.- : KINCARDINE , TOWN. OTEL.i-,--Alex. McLean .Thos. Mordan- JOhnitora, Ben.- Carter. :Sit' EiP7f-A, KINCARDINE TO1SHIP... aree-Tirne. .; John BradleY. HO • ci.coaTty, xAleoii;;IriSseiiigaiet-,.,Tehiii. McCue, 1-- 4ABilerff. 1-... h ears- f last resting.-PlaOebY -._th bre ! ern- of. the. -Ma; . - • a..year0 •the. office ef Division,. COurt --el r ' ' - •ta-7 The- ladies ef St,_ Paul r.-.ChurCh i prOyidinii- a dinner -for viiitorr to *in' ha ...Aar: Tenders are -mite(' for y*thie :Fos as ter General ter tbei cenveyan eof -, dilly mail . eennnence en the first of nex Month. Ki Oia,„ la betweeraTeeswater -and -Win bare.' 'Contr et -to dint have receive" the ' Used awarded herai ell strS,W hats ; linen coats; gar en7Mak• 'cr.; sun shades ; "sucker fishing.; and eVening ro en, 31 -XIOTEL-L:W. Clark, W. _Kelly, IV.. Farqiiar7 Aar Farm work in thisneighbOrhOod w tilt „weather for the past fortrafight. en; la ially fay re.ble tor the husbandman - • LW We never saw the fall rhes,A an look better at this season, than.it 6&s throughout -as it has thus far, our ern be blessed with. -art abundant Sivest. sdr We seldbm criticise the d ver ladies' .fashi ns, but we mnstsay that lu ouropinion miaow - gauge dress. -on a broad -gauge' feint, • 11.43t .--/gr' Mk, JohniArMstrong as leased the GreatVestern Hotel in this 17,1 age 'from -_, lir. -. ire sonil of 9ur ladies have adoptet style of Parting their hair on the sidEJ. Th. is prObably done by way of retalhation for he liberties token by those idiotic Ilmen,, w re addicted tO parting their hair in till ilar A small hand hipp, left 1 burning b hoarder in the Royal Hotel • Cardine, -a few nights ago, exPloded, an -caused amount ot about $40, -nowio et hat ••;sUR.li tam leamit Pleted November next, sand will be n of -A span Of runaway horses mug. at the days ago were unoereinonionsly st,Ped 13Y astonishment they were -seirsedliby \ he head* and sieured:. rat accos, ver ingp se in the Grocery line. Parties train the ,country would. do well to call: it J‘is_ grain; when they can get a good. riled. for only 15 'cents. If you wish tO have "feed7 of oranges call arounti, -they are Cheap and Good. Give me a call -and see what Iiaigains I can (rive you, .Pliparation-an4peaapiast.sent: rat tmitilat.09.. Bag. • i‘dietaitlgv;--c- heaply and expeditiously ' We hear _there is a match rage on t e tapis between two "steppers!' iithici town for digtance Of eighteen miles mil the Priv. Park: We would stggest to thie parties inter- ested that they do not start their horses -until, say three p. se our citizene eners.11y of Mr Ilk" afterfAs. • urg Finnerty • Base Ball. 'he anntial meeting, for the-eleotion of o_ ters, etc., of the3."SweepawayTimior. -Base- 11. Club, will be held on Monday evening ilIlie village of Imcknow is pre-?ared-to give slible person w4o will -establish a foundry. Ther, e is no betterlepeniralT in Canada that we. kngdw -of fOrthe-eitablis. hineut oil such an in- Furnitilre : Furniture.: ,, • it -comes. -jnit_ readied, , wither 'car-. lo Of handsome Furiiitiire Int latest styles 407F andri_ledroom suites ver pheap, Sprus Beds:rand mattreoes, p, splendid assortment of Wool and Seagress;- in Pick . and - Hesinan, Calf Oxiy. -4nd aeonie bargainS. Oiiriaotto is ciiessels that lave wintered' in 'Zinear-; are neW in. readiness. ,for sailing, - '-The a which Was load -ed with salt in the fall, nral be. lighted: helfoie she -e- an.14 got out- Ci '.1. 114. from the basin; has filled/y.1:N', so . that e new Driving. Park at Kincairrline is now Qom leted and the inaugral meeting Nal be held on 23rti and 24th of May, livhen over $1., will be offered in purses. These • days e sometime agoi we consider ho .Kinear- s rare to blame in thextatteri as in honor ise for Australia. da go a :set of harriesi best. Gor- to speaks*611 for Luc ow - Gr* sigh in particular. 'frail the iiipUt.-q-Overn- Lot 2 Lake Road.West, • "Wait for he wagon and we'll ride: •That those_ who . are before purcha ingi.and we are co any: fond mot "will be perfecti Fire- fit Rine iciiienrdine 0. klaxbor street HOW Some _the .nanies oft Companion ai We have re ical,for the co selected. With *- both to truste mailed freeio. apply for it, ing Company, Ont. Served •lihn. -Revenne, and in t [Until the fine iS f thee every. hoe 1lMore to feed An Pall On the othe ; spent Waiting r J he can't Tuesday night las in dose proximity five. or six buildi &sufferers, or the ived the number c ent month. its 'and are of esp and teachers. :A_ ny teacher or tits*, 527 :Richmond . incardine, last wee &house of one Oa -fined 8100 Ithe aid. --It waS paid' tly worked them_ iniproN,e matters, 6 glean and sight h Play -with his d girl; not to.Menti. professional call, • fleets.' Chnrels: thi.4 Village; .e (nigh. money has The rrienibeis -grateful to .1 y subscribed, aid of the build4 A hen lielongi g• to Ale*, HisloW atter 'end Of Fe Ataxy. _IP -aim -el n. the nakiim t l!The early bird polity of.recelii g the full benefit taisloP chic ens in' the. :beginni - horn- lamd3e ;dein ding his -attell#0‘. ruar3r-this year:- *lad- .ACeidenti backWards iota, -pot Of -hot Water,: . • by its father; wh happened to be p- tieverely scalded; he is doing welt - Grey Ox. 1.1 The following Xcers were -eleete ensuing quarter *Northern Light ald McDonald,; Dep. -Marshal--: Dearmid.; Guar —John Johnsto —L. 1VIcDounall 'The qUart6r1 election f;:af: dd. aeyn mn p 2a ri t ieni t; :San MeKenzi Financia S' 1;eetUref-,./Vliss McGregor.: Tjr17411:11sths' try few pec-pl julst the trials :and :do relif.,odr * ,sation _wine "puffs" in e Charge. Now w gilt_ stoia that we are taint -114 this 3) 1:nac:intejliOti'c°:,.nineteWsn 0014217p;lanDrdilitii-AW.Je..4 • ave ck :of d as Cheap E tock dent that tisfied. ccuired in was off the Royal were de- ount of cried tentszlre sr wilt be who mai Losidonc ef Inland - of nting 0 remain ladY four.- to en recratiOn t May r friends, -o. liber- und. Turn - n f FFeebb: _ • ad new - of SV-iik. ch the seized nt II hOligh is nct even- berS teen aplain Tad er-