HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-04-20, Page 7gE..DYI.XG1 R.OSE, TO THE NIGHTI AtWa: SttoTHUTON; Via N.1ere the gifts of a thonsanalaieris To: that one perfect song of thine- .. whose- liana cadence art:IT:lama hovers Steepingmy soul in bliss divine? - i11 -01t .61 live anti-jo tore -ferever tyik of my petals -fades Elie- red • • Thenight and thy song, ()lave etd ove ; • - I am dying, and th-ou art fled. ' • ... - -Pled I Live on then, -7 -and love ,anothext Thafeappot rob me „otray blisa. - .Thohrrli thou shouldst witi a hundred, otherit ' N1ever a one wilt thou like this 1 _ . .. #16-0 too, mut pass death's shadowy vati,4 Netight win remain._but this song otthi ' r-re hi fleeting, but SODg 18 immortal; th'Y fameis also-. Mine . - - .tnot weep thongh I-Tade forever;: 3,4ere..front a Ceitory -none -could- Win. =Iltis-is-rny joy,that never; oh, never sa,velitSor me., love,. thy sting -had been ,rap'dinients h Torpedoes. = Ij- .. • . some, very interesting experiMents :Were niade feW- weeks ago at Cherbourg, Wititthehttle . snbniarine vessel called. the • it Was- the firstoccasion of testin in French_ waters whether, a- torpedo Coal be lainicheil against a --ship in_ full sail Acdrc1. Adiniral Jaurez, who cothmandsLthe — ordered_ a disabled ship, the tlay. oiaist.-; during a-. rather rough Sea,, " be _ teiva Out., by a_ steamer- belonging to the; A see-ond lieutenant,. M., belonging Ite;, Se34 for, and, informed that he had • eei). scied to -make -the experiment of 'la •On- ing the Thdroe-Oret aga-art.st. - the 1Bakon whil6 bothwere in full sail, Ija aced ted. the -a-liasicat without hesitation, pickecl 00, _ tvie-ven-OneTmen and a.pilot, andwent dt iij them into the ulterior of ithe Theey.. otwhich.only a smallpart was a tive,-.? wa-ter; this iblO_PorbiO111-11iethi- gait=of- agreyish calor, - -to be eaSily -con sed •--With the sea. _The. rpe,do was. placed •as- to_rofeet from thebow of the vessel, a the-: ..,:extreni4". of ;Which - were two lateen ail.. yardk about three-. metres JPlength. the to-wing'stearaer then took _up its' osithj in froa Wale Squadr-on, and. the Thorne oft.- ats6 a-somed the position - 'assigned for i ;art InterVal. of three or fourinarme miles epa— rating the torpedo and she Bayon&oi.o. ;On. a.4gnal being-givepl both•were setinincion, the downer advancmg in a straight line,rand___ the. Thorp-ewe/t obliquely, se as, to takilP.'phe -.Royanidie- in -flank._ r.The steam -tug 1"pm- -4 14 knots an hour, :going at fuii- speJ in - order to escape.The Thorrie.yclojt: The 0,ter iirentAt 19- 'ku.ots mi. -hour, a- rate 'fiat atthin-- . eff- by'• any, vessel • in the squadron. he an$6 4aateci about an hour, : the squa . eeping in the rear,: so akto witriesi the, titi011& At the end-F.6f that time the 41E1.7: ree, between. the Thorn-eyirofi_ andi the isynnnc.nge- had been sensibly dimmi1ied,- - sod at a. given. moment the former, in .kder to'conie up4ith the latter at the req.* site _ distan4e, had to slacken._ speed to 8 knats. an .The.. *hole _ squadron watchecli1, this la,Ift. phase . of the struggle with breat ess -interest, and people..?asked. theinselvesi he - titer the - sh,e6k:. of the -1torpedo : -won11 not - infallibly destroy ,the httle vessel Which Ore It Was feared that the lives of the sbond iieutetfint,1, Lemoinne, 'and, hiS:three ) ••:.• 441 - .VICTOEJA itYPOPlieiSPHITgUs. pre! pared strictly from the original' forinnla of the discovererr, Dr. J Francis Churchill of . ....- Paris; and while being specifielor the1:pre- yention and cure of lung disease, 'tan& nfi- .parellelecl in efficacy as a general nervous -tonic and:blood:agent, and consequently as., a -remedial Agent in the many .diseases de , pending on .want Of nerve toneand. blood. P.urity. ,DISEASESAMEliABLI1 TO111Y-,1- ,POPHOSPHITES. 11- Consumption; • Bron- chitis, Asthnia, Scrofula, - DyspepSia; Anw- -mia; Debility, Paralysis, Neuralgm,' Hys- teria, _Molanchbiy, Nervousness; Rickets, Laryngitis, Loss of Voice; Ohlorosis,.Wast- ing Mnseles, Sluggish-LiVer,- as well is Loss .of Appetite, Chronic Diarrhcea, C_hrenie Con- stipation, -Feeble Heart Action, Feeble.Lung Action,. Female_ Disorders and Debility, whether of Pregnancy, Nervous Eiliattstion:_ or the result of Low -Eevefs. °In-_ paiton.s„ -Were absolutely -sacrificed iffew.•:- eventhe tive vessels got visibly nearer 1.A11,. -i.at on, c4-,th .T#orilekeraft:Pl_it- 01-,& last- rt; and struckthe Bayotinaie1e: with all...itat, rce on the starboard. bow, ..:The sea was y . - -4tated„ a;1_ deafening_ report" washearcl; cr, . Via -..Pytinnaiso!, with a ,rent as:: bigl ,4s a ' house, d a saiik7With, Wnerfia raPidtiy... . . . , for Thmiernzt4 rebounding by the shock . Out' 1 fifteen!niettes off, even before the ek0Osion,. -. occurred, it went -round and .rortud. fof,a few - *101114tSe and then quietlyresumed:the_ di-- ti reetion.fof the;squadron. No traCerern rl'ned. . 'the .40yakozaiser i it wh,g_litrall_k in tra4 ' I v ed * srby th-ea; Unanimbusplauclita gri8eited- :the - eouyageons, salters as they joined Fthe , Aditirarksquadron to report on the Mission- gy . had aceomplished. - . The experiment . was, r peated two 40,,ya la.ter;„under tke same -conditions., With another disabled ship,,; 1 and:: - -i-Nitlitike; Sap*: success, ` and,. in the opinion (Co ,ropetent ;men,this ig one : of the Most . decisive torpedo-eiperimentswhali hi*0 yet - b:.Cen1. 'made.- This -little torpedo, boatfWith lateen sailyaids, resembles _a small grek lizatk and is scarcely discernible in the: wateri-` ltis evident that a inee boat afthis , kind Wciuld be unable to -approach_ . ah ene- my's , ship unless at dusk or when it would be : -nupoiSibie to clistinguialt it a distande, for . 1*(1-__ a ,.eli an. attack bee - bilipted in, broad dayli hi, the Titorraiy, or ..- Iiiould.. manifestly' ., bave-beetEkitocke-d, to pieces: by the Mina. 'of ; the threatened shipbefore-it could have car7. ried ontits project.: - On tile; -other boTcvit ivuul, impossible, -b-n quite for one or, even, , sever 1 ships. to 'defend- themselves against a: simulta-neons attack, 'say, by --twenty .- or . / twenty-five Thoriiey.crofts-I and as these :post ouly 4, fiftieth part of the expense: Of a _ . - of-fwa4 this experiment presents; *si .farMid- aide problem ta-State navies. ,- What la cer- tain iP -,1 that those wha vitapasect ,the : ff4it. were greatly impressed.: by .it, - al,a A.,;:k per. anaded.. that it is the - starting: -point I t an iliait1- 1bIe traligformation7 in., naVal, tacti ' -L-----.---:*--=-2.4"«.—:a--... SPRING STYLES •Americah Stiff. And • Soft English Stiff Felts • in all th-cSlebrat. ed- makes. 11 Orders by Mail Solicited." W. & D, DINEEN, -• cor. King & Yonge Sts., Toronto. 467-131] • •46 WEE- MUSEUM." IRON- FENCE a & CREST • 1lug. W. C. COMMINS• 199 Yonge Street, To ronto;Ont.• - • •454-1-31 ILLO,CIK:‘ di:-.KENT—PIN, AND • HardwOod -Lumber; Lath' and Shingles by thetar. Fa,ncy Woods, Mouldings, ' Veneers. . 103 Albert Street. • •• 461-3m-eow ; - -•• Middlings Purifier -Requires less* rower, .LeSs-,Space Less Convenient, - More Ecodomicat; -1 And Reiter Adapted • To all kinds of Milling than any •otlier machine. Sieves can he changed without stopping; . To prove that this is the best machine Made we re- fer to the `following parties : . - • - • P. es. F. A. lioViland, Geo. Phillip,. - London. • THOollowing: story: may amuse that in- - terestedin the, vagaries of fashion....„- , :.a. inner party given lately in Paris,. one ady -.. was *nuked abov-e. all -others for- t elk.- = . , ganc:4 of.her figure and the perfection_ a her toilette:, "During. the ntauvali lifart.theure- before ditilior: she was sur unded. by host tis() -dec. kers- - : - el " bashin.t.th4 . the t re' enthral'. to. err -her lieflfi_Wer-64 his 4 i 1 - - • . . .b.dttirAlde.. it ; . accepted, A.,nit a 6: egM. robe "- Worn. by the graceful tine as heed -behind it was necesi - fasten the flowerto the front -of her dres whhia pm . The operation ' was. -stieceSSfally Perfornied, and the fair lady Was led in to: :itintir. by -thedonor of the flower.-- 'They • wefethardly seated -*hen he heard -a_curieuti: . sound, like the gentle sighing of the Vvira; - ai`urcjaturning toward his partner, he Saw wiltiOlorror thatthg lovely figure was , "getting . 'f:sindt by _degrees and? -heantifuliY ,1.eds..: Vie Irounded.-form had disa,ppearedfbefore . the sell"): -1,Va's: over, and long before the -first' onfrk'.rethe once,creaseless gam -Pent hung ;fl. •--t:,r' e -t ftlids- aboni. a scraggy lyame-AV9rIE. It seen -i* that the newest dresses for " Slight l'. Ia1t' 't -t4. are -made- With air -tight linings and: ;.; ittftarT1e(11, wile* on, till the required degree, Of ' "Ittbonpoint is attwined.._ - The tinfOrtimate- . -laity `5.theiltioned palOve- had forgotten this ht- - the 464 *hen she fastened the fatal -flower- te Lt bosom -With a:pin -1- hence the-66114Se" . . , .. • Warcup, , Oakville. Jas. Goldie; . Guelph. Jas. Norris, St Catherines. H. S.11owland' Kllmberg. J. C. Cunnings, Milton. Watts, Brantford. MASON & CO, . . . 31 Hayter Street,_, _ TORONTO. 4470. • -41 0 :ant 9t1C Hotel -Keepers, . _ - 014: others oritidatig their: -houses, or SPOitite:- , - places - of-busin ss -,1 cwill And it to their dvantage, • - . _ to -make thew purchases,7 of Carpets, -Floor _ -• 4fattings ,and' altkinds of Ho?* FurnishingS;- at our - . - - . establ,ishment, as saving of , litientpufive - per: -cent will be made by so doang. •They only require to„inake a pitrchase .amounting $40.06. -to $a9M • morethan iohole expensesi., pro- vided they come -4 distance Of one .hundred miles, be- sides having the largest , stock -in„- the _ _Dominion- to» choose from. Orders by; mail.' • :_carefully. - executed.,, 'Persons ----sending a dia- gram : or limasarOmeiit, can.' - have an eStimate-.Sent-Wore • • , --•making :their pureheoes:. •.T.E..xy'Scf*DX11tEril„ Managers. CRIFFN - King St. East, Toronte;,, . • 1 ire e„01 (1 UR "TORONTO N URSERIES " CATALOGUE 13P mailed free to all applicants.; full of information for planters. Our nurseries are 200 acres in extent, stock unsurpassed in wility ; satisfaction guaran- . teed -to purchasers. Cot respondence and orders by . Mail solicited. GEO. LESLIE &SON, Leslie P.O.,. Ontario. • . -469-%* - • Le el WTiter W1eeiS THE ITTEYNIAL _SILVER MEDAL. 1E_ MACHINERY A SPECIALTY. Steam Engines & Wood -Working Machinery. KENNEDY- & SONS,_ OWEN SOUND, ONT. 463-131 Farm: ,iLcits For_ bale f N DYSART-AND OTHER T,OINTNSHIPS. ALSO .1 -Town Lots in the village of lialiburtm, the terminusbf the next section of the Victoriailiall-t e.s way. Apply to - _ , • • - - • - C. J. BLOMFDELD,. . I'. 0. Box 2614. • Manager, • 466-1y] - ' 150 Front St East Toronto. emical Manures TOR SALE BY THE BROCKVILLE CHEMICAL' .0 and Superphoiphate Co. (Limited.)—Have -agents in every county in:Ontario. ALEXANDER • COWAN, Manager; Brockville, Ont 464-3m FEED THE LAND AND IT WILL FEED YOU. Iamb's Superphosphate of Lime $30 per ton. bine Bone . . . 30 per ton .4- inch Bone -Dust - - 25 per•ton inch Bone” 20..per ton: • S'endlor. circular. • •'- • - PETER, LAMB & CO., , • . -• ...Manufacturers, • - Box 7o6, P.O., Toronto: 465-m] RK sNGE Hit- -AC • 187a. • : - , -Warraiitedf to outwear twb of any other make: None genuine without Singer's Brass Trade Mark, on arm. . _ , • = Ask your agents forNew York„Singer, grid take no other. The -Singer Manufarethring ComPaity, R. C. HICKOK, -• 1.= Manager,: 22 Toronto Street, - Toronto. 461.4y1 • CANADA WEST LAND. AND AGENCY " Company,, Union Block, Toronto street, To:-. ronto, is pro:Oared to .e end its. list of valuable farms and uncleared Ituni. and ,timber lands for sale,‘. to- those applying for it.' In order to be in tune for -insertion in the next list parties • having farms ,for - sale 'should send -,,particalars 800n. W. G.. ScHREIBER. - 468-411 •- Managing Director.. -J9K, A.:,BIDDELL ooranxissioN MERCHANT, And-d-ealer in FillAT AND-,131-ENEitiT, PRObUCii. No s.- E. corner City Hall •Buildings; adjoining -.new-Drill Stied, Jarvis St. - - _Marge stock of best :Early Roie,Potatoes, for Seecung par s 5,- on - _ To_Conntry Merchants--Consignnients of Eo-gd- .• . • • ntairio rin ers' Emporium. • _ Our supplementary sheets of - are now ready. -Parties not supplied can have CODise thailedthern by sending three -cents to "cover post-. . Acre , Apply to _ • - ;--. - - 0 . CWA & 'SON. 0874i] - ' TORONTO. ' UTTON WHOLESALE DEALERS IN [ILt4EJ BridgeTimber and Billattiff. Timber shipped b - rail orveesel to all points. - _ . - - ADELAIDE STREET; HORSES:,:GREAT Sl!R CRYSTAL PALACE, 0. To Farmers_, Breederq. i3.nd:others to n - • sound young Dra,Ught idOrisesd_,_. Driver . well-bred.Carfiag-e andSaddle HOreeslo hIessrs: GRAND intendholeing an exteneilv -tion Sale on TUESDAY, APRIL -24TH, -andtli 1 following dais, of 1 1. •-• r ., . •• •1 600:11_,Otses. .'and-: Stall • . . At the Crystal 1Palace; -TOroWto - . :The abovesale will be widely adVertisedin .. - land, Ireland, 'Scotland, Framee; Ge United States, and.CE414da, and from conini Ili, cations receiied from Etiropeati and Ani,eri buy -ere, a large attendance is confid,ently -sued. This sale will 'afford an Opportunity. -never,. iefore_ offered to farmers and. others to .dispose of t eir stock; Entry books ;are now ()peril,- and [W11 be 'closed when 5(10 entries acereceived4 NO un o id or inferior horses. will be received .1,feri tlii le. The above sale has beeniinstituted- atthe 'in nce -of a neMber-of foreign .buyers, who purp94e b ing present to pnrehase hordes for their traribu Mar- aet s..- Sale Conamencing- each -day. at :ten io 91ck. Nor-coraraisgetort- ch & arged if not Big , . :Parties living at a disfauce, and Who Hite i 'd or - Warding horses by rail; Can reduce the transit O. a mere triffe, . by joiningl together in, their ly r' ous • neigliflothoOds to . defray tne cost of -a tar, * ich, wiliT hold from 12 to 16 horses: .. For further 'ante.] ulirs apply to ' 1 1.- - - .1-,..: .1 . 1 - 1- , 1,6601-3i . •T., GRAND &SON, Auction e s. .1 :fictario alktrig. ! Vovv . Office 35_ Adelaide Street East, opposite -the Post 'Office, Toronto. • Improved Variable, AdjUStaple, Cut-. off, 'High Pressure SteamiEngines, •C - - guaranteed equal tothe Fitchburg, Corliss, or airy sother grade of -U. S.Expansion lungines, and three tinir ies theSuperior in Durability. ! =1 ecial- .1.,)atentl Candensi nes, , up expressly forAtixillary Water -Potrero, Has to equal eitherinEconomyrof Friel, Simplicity , ofiDesigu,.or Durabiliv. Three year!? guararitee giVeu with all new Engines. Indicator diagrams • taken, -Improvements carried out and Saving of Fiiel guaranteed. 1 -• - -1•Yl • •; • C. HODZINS, • 237 & 239 KinglSti East, - L Toronto. ' = FIANIILTON- _1 GOWNIAKER, YONGE ST., TORONTO. - Having a heavy stock of gnus on. hand .which - must be cleared•Out to- make room for Spring im portations, I hereby annexe greatly reduced -price iist Now is the timeto proctire, agood gun very cheap, as we cannot continue thesehgares for any length of time. _ I will bny a good dingle barrel -Shot -gun: Many parties who have lately ben supplied with.this gun are greatly pleased with it.' will buy a - superior single gnu paten breech; stabb twist barrel, B. A. foek. • - will buy same as next above, but with Bar Lock -and scroll guard. -700 Dozen Sold since Aprillast ofBrun- ton's Rheumatic Absolvent and Digestive Enid. HE RHEUMATIC 4.13SOLVENTAVILL11" SI- cureAlt Pains -of' RtienniatIsm, or o her Infiammaary- Swellings in 12.lio,urs. The Dige tive • Fluid- has never ladled tocure Dyspepsia ; relief : is felt= in a -few hours.. Tnemost obstinate cedes- of dydpepsfa, cured in a week. A -lady iikttes,: -a have been saved from life lingering pains; - _I had Bron- chitis, Catarrh and Dyspepsia,,aral was Uagad in a -few days by its use." -Sold byidrhggiktal. ;13:rice * 50 -cents. Advice for particular etteed free. . ,.Addrese .== 4' • o t' - on on n 465-1y1 will buy a thorottili good double gin, patent Breeches, stabb twist barrels, B. A. LOOK; will buy 'Emilie as next above, but with -.Bar lock and scroll guard. • _ , • will -buy a very superior double gun, laminated steel barrels extra fine steel ,ished. _ . eh T fladers at equally_redneed prices. tire -atm' ,tv-vwgtar-'•ar-antwthatgusri make, steer locks, English Walnut stock, and bar- rels well bored. - - - • _ -Any of - these sent C.O.D. with er - . miSsion-to Examine, and _ .keep or Return. 468 1311 - This is a bona fide Advertisement. (Alorlees, and otOes not diseolot 11ANtIFACTIT1ED AT THE ntario Coffee & Spice Steam BY W J. SMITH. To to CO -R, YORK Aii-D E3J01-14 , EEI:1• • ISTOItt at af 311 tn A factured by the above Tirol Aonraitinias. in variety from $5 to *30 - ; sTmos in greatNarietY, tilicissi Of Wrought aral Cast Iriin.„[. llican_L_y_ new • -Patterns. WEB STANDS, Cheap antihi 1- I- WEB- VASES, large and small. carratirs from $40 to $1500. • • TiTuany, lite size and painted:U.) nature, CHOOt SEATS and Dzsirs. . , Birdti, Doge, Fawns, beer, Lions,and Human ures in ginc or in Bronze. • USICAL EMPORIUM. WESTMAN & . • _• ]. 119 BAY srr:,. TORONTO-, Ogioeers-65.MachinA AO Printing presses:set and adj Us ted, d_ all 9-3m - ---.-- 111tI1Hi1 ... „ is of printing machinery repaired; ; SAFE I NVESTME r- . on AND :UPWARDS sAntylINIVIAS Oki) Banding, Society Bank and other 'S paying front 7 to -10, per cent. dividends.1 M and Building Society debentures and Mertga sale. BANK BUILDING SOOIETY. .TELEGRAPH samiEs, berightl,an -Send for circular. J. E. THOMPSON& 00, ers-and Brokers, 35 Adelaide St.,•TorontO. r ' I - OMmion-- -fit I . NO. -4 KING -STREET EA . TORONTO,. T. OODKAN, -Propr. t r. DI oc • es.fOr CE; auk- 1.61z3ni.. -4 PLAIN, ORNAMENTAL, AND,CRIMI3E WIRE Work,1 WiiidairJ Guards, ',Wire Ilene fig for leemetary Plots, flower'Stands, ete.; mannictured- tnorder. ; • • .1. • 11 467431• - = -AND- B Money ..Loaned: on Mortgage. ; A fCW- hoice -.Farms for ,Sele., Si King St.lgast," Toron1b; 459-3m ' • ' • IGEIESTPREMIUM AT THE CENTENNIAL : A -WARDED' TO THE '1, • .; - _ - - LANIB .KNITT1:110.'MAOHIjilf.. I - Knits a sock 10 15 minutes: „ Knitting. in the heel and- narrowing of the toe -comple. e knits all sizes • narrows zind widens- at . . 4 1 . • widl•;,and knits .,the web' either'''Pu.billar-. or Flat, • Single;1D6fiblk•orRibbecl,- prdacing all varieties -6111. Kul Xrilititel,1`.$ end: for- bircnlaep: and sea e Qanadiau norrespondeacertovbe -dressed to„.thattlent&ii`_A4ent,'Ati4lAtt-4117,1.-45& .-VOnge Street Toronto Ott • -458 -13r . , TIIORNER, 29 Ong 'Street East, Tor •ITY-T. lEf BEST I 1 (411.:1;. -AVL DO3111VIO2T STANDARD ISO L ' * • eruBED BY GURNEY HAMILTON; 'ONT.; Over. • ne hundred different modificatio -.0 AL, • . . : COUNTER- SCALES. PLA TFO 830 T 4rEVEE.r w virry4 - -t encl for fil.natrated price - GURNEY & WR . , 111amilte Ont.. _ Hamilton, Oct. 21... 1875. . - LLAR ? 11- 1:= - ,FLEXIBLE:IRON.HARROWS:-. CUL+ I TORS,- and IRON COMBINED- HORSE- 110E nufac- . , tured b :- the undersigaedi ". , : - Can be pare -lased. froth - he -.Inantifa nr II- or his - agenis.-. Oirculars-seht fr e. • .1- - •f • - ' :GEO. _G 465 - .-3m] ''. ' • ' - = TCT. POW ti:14- NO. 5 :REBE6CA'-ST„,HAMIL- - TON, ONT., -WhOletiale And retail:dealer in _ORGANs, ORGANETTES; and PEANQS of thelead. ino: celebrated makers. •Stools, Piano Covers,: always on ;hand, 452-17 ninoque 16 fgONillA EL1 1j PR 4111 44-iytter -101s.64.11:44.4t ts'etra•tTetoripR '‘tN7,..Thr_cibreaski4.7.0ro,. N,:oras utmbot. oerfiniVi.63de_idir. • ELKIN, 02 King S 7 ' 1.t., West, that 4 'fiENTENNI1A1) S. I . 1 - .0V4T1-1AiTHES I - -SA jV, WORKS AWARDED THE ONLY 1,Pr.OLD.1 MEDAL le* 1. For _Sawki. at .Phaadelphitil 4 - , • [TNTERNATIONA iMEDAlFuU-Z - - 1 y. establishing the well-known reputation of Mir . oods. We manufadture all. kinds of Saws at prices': equallyBs low as the same ,quality. of .goods can be producedby any other manUfauturel. • . 7 Patronize home -production, an4 keep your miner in the country.- - - • 1 -1 . - IL SMITIT --tt CO., Seecessora to J. Ras% 1445] • • ; St. Cathirines, get YORKSHIRE CATTLE FEEDER Fattens Horses and -Cattle dne-fottrtit the mina' 1 - time and saves food. • - 1 - ' - JU1 n rice '25 cents and $1.00 per Box!_, , A dollar tiox contains 200 feeds. HUCH MILLER kCO,_. A.GRICITLTUB,AL CHEMISTS, I L 1 1 Teronte. HE -BEST' AND ! CiEAPEST. - TORONTO WI -RE WORKS, f . • 465-1311 MOE. Eing Street West.: BLOOD AND -BONE MANURE'. 1The undersigned have_prepared from the refuse oftheirPacking Hodge and Slaughter House, a very valuable Fertilizer. - It is al powder, very dry; is available for plant food at once, and is invaluable , for Root Crops, Top Dressiligslor Flower Beds. and quite inoffensive. It is-putuplin barrels; price $20 per len; .can be 'obtained of Iseedsmen or of thel- manufacturers WILLIAM AVIES & CO., To. 1 . ronto Packing House: - .469;5 ANITOBA IJAND NEAR CITY OF WDINE. PEG and Ihilrouls, 40i to 63 -cents. Bend stamped tnvelope for particulars, aud 25centsfor map. Altt.:111.BALI.) YOUNG,i Manitoba Land Of. - fice, Toronto. 461.11y TELE.. AND11.1.:0ENNT_TIstmEaluil. Nt:.T.J830' EmIN • - ,graphoperating for offices opening in the Do- minion. Send 3 cent stampjfcircirCular. Address /11ANBG ..Bo± 955, Torente . I - 4654y 1 = Dir4WORTIV-§' PIETICAltURE POTAST,1,- -produces s perfect , a;ma [instantly,' on ,Pianos and all=kinds•of:ki tn1ture.1."-It covers alt -t-he-marks and seratcne... not, -sticky or gietto,- .Etej.sakIV:r4i4g:E0.1,(00:40lig. 25c. a-bottle.- ritYOur Vag ;1st for 'tr:J'HJIfVq441H3: -163 Kinfr• St East TO o... la ' VIS -m 3.-eow . . ')