HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-04-20, Page 4; • • i'r11/41'1i14, off Calla a- ..-.1:71` 3 drawu on a11 -point S in. 0.ntari 1I iLtitebee, aud on Winnipeg ; • Sterfin Nsw-Y-or.L.Exoaani.;•e and - .47....c.r DAD BOUGAT,A.ND.SOLD, -Tflt33t pul on Si..?:-,,eia.1.15eposits, Say; ns* ankDepartnient ntere„--t 'on DadlyT.003;ces E‘t fuul: Ores Fire St. Lovia. • ABOUT 40 LIVES LOST. re broke- out in the third :storey of the. Southern Hotel, St: Louis, about 1 o'clock on Tuesday morning_ faSt.Be- fore theenaines arrived the entire up- per i • stories were n flames.- At two: o'clock the_scenes were indescr.ibable. The windows in the lipper 'stories were 10 a.m. to 3 -p.m. - On , froia 10 -a . -in. to 1. p.m -pEprIuW .: .Auert.•- - TIMM ,TIO- d-61N.G•SOUT ; o, a: m: alixe ...\-iei-naudzaibn 3.25 p. - . • (101...`G NORTH. , • . . . ;-; -Aceor-doilati:on, 4:29 p ' - • 1. PZL TLT EDITOR. - LtCIiNOW April 29th, - T/IE- WAR airs- 111- trie -fast have -assumed Man. threatening _attitude, . ther -Seeins- now-- td be settled conviction . _ - that iv_hr- caiindt be li,verted. On Satinr a. daV last the 'cable 'flashed .the 'startling. - news that Turkey mad. -a' large nia17 olity refused to -- sign 4 the protocol; Signed by ItusSi4. l• and ,England, incl snbrn1tted;t3 her for apprOval. Smiul- tineon1y It was _Said that Russia 'had. declared- - • Althor-gli "- this. report ' - was premature, itThatisedi, •great-. excite Merit not only in the inaikets: of Eu. ...tepe but, also in.the United:States. We • tiny new look fdir-a leclaration of . war • • any. day:•, Turkey. haS an .aainv of. over iaO:OCtO in the. .field - while . the • -tetr itsstate thp.tnine.new finny .... • _ • • . coips are:61i the .,-,inarekr.. avfity ou the; fron*r... , The .shock of). these in ightv-2: nests. armed thtli:the :latest improved engine.sof de;-: grtiction when theY meet will be ter - rifle -arid the -4estruetieri of hfe:.:terril?lp. to contemp1at From the ;tone -of,. the de spat-Chesit.seerns as .if the Inuit_ ef,Eii.7. :rOpe.. will: be , dirawri:. into the Struggle,' :aid what the end Will- be no man :can -feretelti Que. fling wc may ; safely ••pr,dphecy, that it effect will be highly belie-P.:dial on this.. 'Continent., tveTv "uirenue. of --trade -Will .be- ztuiiiulatod, cornmerce-la.aid all industries. Will -pros:- per -price-Of all grad,i)s and. most . , -manufactured goods will advanceMon- eyheedine plentiftil,•andrau: era :Of Pidsperity dwn,. of: ;Which but few' haye.:;aiiy ctinceptiou..: •In the face of -.these: factsprties..ahOut _td- enter into - eentraotswill:reqiire to I be extremely eautieusiir--they will _And- themselves might in a snare. • .W From the ann.-tali-report -.-of. the :National Grange it appears that b.othiu ...-niimber of:Grangers ani Gi-apg.e8; • the Order 'has-- suffered a serious deeline, een.States:rep-resenti-i.ig: every section of the United St tt"o'vri-rf. .00.-4.0rantto§liave ...„ gone out OL exILic€1,- :and the- . . . - „ . . • . • eport of 18T5 was made 1 Thc decline _Trios t maiired -.Where the mo.vement is, in thez Weste.r11Sates In i1issonn 974 ,. ot'S-- ,a, trembershiri•- of412. 52.9.-- -report :from- - • ‘1'.. - 18G 'waii;t .,gtaftge,s.;.*Ith- Sonthivest . . . . ss. . • - - • - • - • - ..,„-_64-litmr."erst---are ...neit.-fb-Sho* -Weak, neSs. In the.:easteru, a:n-4 seine of the - • . ... • • • . -•middle StateS,where. the movenient was Jater in appearing,..„ it , remaued a..lost in 187.6. •I15. .1111111•!7.•••-•=r7=,.. t a .-recf.nt- conference • it Ottawa a • _ the 1hu1: I Fiends: -of -prokibitio-ii trijiii various partS"-Of the 1)orninjon, it was de.ei a fid .that in .06. imeettatia- -state . . b„ot the lawan at-tern,pt.. at legislatibli -ironic' 'be irn.destratile....- •Sonie. - -eat!er temporan(e eh no. -el oubt Aut. view, : hitt Were •••• • 7 • ' ,rnexcliatit of d 8, was kiit:01,ced deisiii..and robbed -hy two men, as he WaR goiig -home- late „crowdell. : men, whoni it seemed inipossible to .s4i6k0.4(:1;Irstiy7 . itlienifiratorS; it had,: as- (:ende( the elOVatrOta a11d-rOtOda,'6114- -..syiTea(1.4461f over :-:tde sixthIloor was: OCCUpIed entirely by CIpIiOyCS, the .Wonlen aWehildrefl flU) througli._th6- itv.th0: lieattremling Inahn er in ,their -Wild. -,and.. deenerate tO:::eseape.: The. Smoke Was ...se:, Seine partspf the ei:' rooms, .f1J4-7-„they rpn rpost`.14-i- :-V-5..t1*--J,ie :building; niest The density-Io,f.the -Sineke drOvOilOiaty. i gnits backiptottiiT rushed to.'-th'e.-*VidOw.s::::. Ladders •Were.. .),aistel,:0'.$o0ii. as: pOSsibic,-,and (AIN ren with 410 -thing but tlieir m - : •-• - - .ahtieloth-Ps-err.•were rescued. • Some. - fainted -.It:toil: others saniS .exlianst64". -the oronird -Seine -frietttill scenes- cc- .eurred:, • Of( niati. Who- hadlie:en ;06-.- capyi ng a rodin- 'the .Wainut--street..front•lbecone•tlesper-.: atea t.the .delaY; the 'sheets. . . .intd-stripS,-.tiedi.thein-Jpgether fastened • • this rope .6), -the-3,yindeW,-, si!1 disregard- ing thefact that.: it not reach mord than . -twenty feet._ himself .,. doWn-liand---eVer• hand till be:readied, --the end of the.--slieet; .,an di ttheri seeined to ..realize=bis:,•17tee*•-nng slow- ly.teo dind-;.f,o;.:.-zsT4yed . tbef.- liTOzo;:- Stiiving to 'eateh, :seAnething. Thew :he let. go, • turned' ronrid-. and ronneb,and finally struck :On the -.Stone'fiaggingiVitliarSiCk.'ening-tlind. Ho:.iliect: seen-..aftei%- 3*Q other .men . . . jtrinped froni: • One seeMed:to be liot:',datigerOu§ly -hurt :while the other died....1„:' A 'woinitii ist-th4- . _ .,.fittIk storey beebnie Sitiekin•'"4-Pd jninped:out-alghting on herfeet. She • is -still alive. .Her husbancl tere..upi:the bedding..:and. let_ it out o the To this :the.: firemen attached a ;00 i7ohiek. the .niaii---banled:npxinade it fast 144 and. safely-.decended .by. it, ininped.._froin the. :fOnrt,4 'atotey.window and was ki11ed. - Andre* Ensmen......: and Ms Scott inet •'.The anieng:thelfenialelie:pftlier:heitet was: very great,.. -There 'Were two hundred ofthenj. all Of *horn- Were " • -lodged inthe .= - • --,upper -stdrek: The pallic arnong them'„ was perfectly te#itij* and. a nurnber: --jaugjec.U.A.b.xti t:46" upper windows. Kate narrow escape' s un- . . ; ; hariued-. lost his life: izi attempting to Sat..'e ,others. Philjp .- • 5 -Gerald.-- boarder --iiias-biOliaht oiit alive .htit• Crated:',. The Iosses - s „QU the. !. and: content § to •7clergyni:40•'. -froth: ..BerkShire,....:England, 4nd. 4 iiieinhe.,.df the -;;Britislrji.464sk. of Wi0 i$.18aid t01141-.4-60.11101itt - , - ed-..suiCide, in despair at losing his -wifc. ' pm. - • IWT D tiring the discusion.• the rn�tiou forlhe third I, reading of Mr. .Blake's; Bill to • amend.-the.-irsoly,16.nt • 4.4., 'itiOeirt4i.,refet .1,DaCk:tdittie:-COMmitt4e,- for thi)• purpose of inse;ting:0;:aniqndkeiitis the'-effe et 1,0 ieh -ivaS to rnike- (.10#4 duo to flOflm :•-• 1 taders' claims, -.to be:Tait:in : , • • . . /full... ..- The 91,1,ject- of *I„this.,-„- ani,eticlment was-toreni-dve far,i-u,e' ii frcilin, :the - disad-- -.. : • : •• „yantages. under . which they at i• pre -sent labor by the- operations of, the lit.W regu- cl, lating insol 'ency.. - -Yariners aip: not al- lowed to g into insolvency, but - nins pay:all -theii:.debts in fluil-;ther..efere Aff. -Caron bon -tended Mg they should -.also- be 'Paid. in. full7by; any -traders becoming bankrupt. ' -414. -amendment ltd,,--- give - them- this tlglit was lost by 56_ tp, -101. . . _ . , • -1 ,-!0--•=.-0=-4•...-----7-- ,==--041,-IkTonday, Gedite. IPatterSolviind • Watt left Guelph about thirty hol,se.;for.AireAngp,sli,44-1, They will go byd.Xe*.: and - - • -1.-. exi*ct. t.he,...••stea.ipshj?-.Qr,eeCe.' :The -horses: are . Said ..foj to,i: if not litttei7;. -440, to • Britain.- . • 4 : , ,oecurred -at r George, on :Friday marning last!, completely :de- strdping the foundry, Machine Limp of -.fiee and store rooms -of Mo_sisk .-Bell '.Son.. 'Loss between -$30-000‘ and $35 - . • 3 0!: Insured in the Manufactuters' and -Merchants', Mutual of Canada,. 'for- $2,000.- C,ause.oHire unknOwli. has broken --bute.exten- .:Avely in•the. .of VV'S,t011.! and, the tQWliShipof. 14o hicok.e,,_ York-. ipoutity,,,, Ontaria,, as -741 as at ,Cape 1,Ohul :-C94-JAY2--$.0a • 010.0.:of the . • -mail and a Child in Tcii•entO on Tlintsday a mad.- doi; was finally, caught:and killed. - -During a fight on 0,:pe.6_irga? be een ....na.nied:.-Monagliaii and ..1arLer-had.14Seyeslitei,-.• ikeng. is .11ow •1:• 1313'.Oke •close secson• ..for..bass is troM 'Hef 1-5tli... _ .• h 5th -of :thi8- month' till tlie itne,:'andifor trout -T'-from --the 1 5t 'cif S pteiOber till the 1.st of Tauiiry. i• Snit has: :been - entei'ed- -.p.e dmce of Barlianient Act. • • ' th 1.-dt 17) - toa. • . . -On the eVerring-ot•ilie 51h -inSti . - - thermometer regr-t-ered Oyelvei der, below zeth in Fort- 'Garry, Maui- Pi6v: Th(.1.. Watson, of Ba- -fi6lill- Id a .y§- ago '. ii.ti-s -0'-$1,:iltec.t iby'lliis co 1117 gation (..qi.tlie-• 'Goshen line -. • wiTi'-fi :a of ii,oilet and..ar:Tialiti t -y of oats. - . . . _ , ; , . There are five ' ladies-,,' ih . -N-V-..41lik -: -',..,6• N.Vh.ose.., caiii.b, i.ned--;weighit is 1,0) inds-.'- GoOd thige are4:nbt-'alw'ray$ ile tl:, in Small-pareels.... ' I -Se ie :few daVs a.c.fe- five aerilln-ii) 1 10 Hine ale ii=ei.i.2,11ed.-- ori the acreirelate' , ..i. °rinds; or• aii,aVerag,e• of 267: ..1b.= , , , iede - -----•:Good..:Wo:ight fcir 111,0gs. ' ow' Yolk ...butcher -boi.i.vbt Alis Ica tie-. b 1 Uri), ty:da.?-0-. tithe, Sent tbern to i- - IR1 61an ,-..old tti'dinV mila the ea.ble- - told ?"-i hi. rt:'.tti-lhi: tty-hoe4byViicaldea6r*.epri.iti-cip_.-ii.9001.)eforth•, . i : e,;,enteen;p141.1sliave biteenllantled . in -i or t re new ,AIMa•Cellegel, in doll -feel, ' Ale w..th- :the -111ethOulist ' Epise(11.5a _ • ) - . _ - . . i : - . . Irch-1. :to:be built a - Si. Thoinas::--1. * , -I . . ' . _ i ' - . i I . Or y County _Cditriicil, by ..a yet?: .of 3 t _9, decided -4o. cleienti. the 1411-iil, lii .4c, should , its validity 13-4- ,att Cked„..-by :the licensed vicfn'iliers - .M-1-. GAebei,:olltitchellis„ so1i three pars 'of 1 pigeons. a : *eek :ago 3, est erda31 to ' gentleman in NeVir:Yoil 1 eceivirig- t efor tlie hand.Soine -sum of $70..- ::• - 1 lt 8_•piopOsed touse the-Stc;ariiihi r *at _Easternfor coriveying,:leattle: from= thi country to England-. ••1.8lie _will 4- fitt rd u to riii.Eet modern regniremehts cos 1 $9-'0,000. ' • t Th Centennial medals- takeni by; , a atr.. • --e,XhibitOri.-at 111i144e1 Phi4 0:be .distrihnted---4 the Departi- the t-OfiAgriculture.- -1 't LII,A131 , - - - . twenty of the ;prominent lad es o -Listowel have formei thP10-1-_, ehes xnto a Womeres•-:Tern-perauci ,htiaiuUnder the patronage of- he xi lebrated. rtemperanCe advocate, Mr. Youmans: adtWedn &di* night :: Henderson's 7 on' -the M -1? WaS....tUriieetfo,th' #1.1(1 Cort and a traveillincrtinSriti named! Luhn wore biii'nel to -- crl$) in the GOTA, of thia Ciiha, is -AntilLes,- throes:ot a- t!,attgionary civii *a- - anc While the growing er.onsare ing leSti oyed: byfire;the inioti.fai.,of the. in Oita its::are -ingteased,by,thelevyrng Of • Olpe cont.• , tiOA..bp-_fher:0efitPowerS-seenis a1uost - „ airkees ary there as i•Turkey.. ' .(,)0 Fiidaynight two burglars cn -ter•td:- of wpon- h4tha And gatTded..Wehard, his sonwh hai!, -.gone to sleep, taking svnty-;ve cioilars from bis hureaii Thy ie • went o k do own 't' . , . roonl an, ; Wok r-frei.74-i-;his ppeklu t_ for.c.16114rTs.. T1;ey- also took .-etT.elerv- and eqCaped;.-. ' 4 -,-Alressrs 3.ieeland dud. C . bers ot the House of -Comi ns, liavirig - _ violated the Independened of Tarifa- . ment Act, have both 2 `res fined their ;seats. confidingw ana un ophisticated, man in Parkhill, has managed to-, get.. rid of about .$15,000. withi i twO Years,' lbYrulley-ndailsigaditeix.oahniiPlielnotife_eni_1114, p°11a1C91:11.ile-enit fidence.- -=-Rev. T. , Alacpheroon; I -:Stratford,, warns ininistOs and-26tliPrs no-aniist ..:.a.1.. per,son calledi T. Veerkoga -.f.i 7.-1?.,Oy, cynyeTted -Br Eon) i p., wl,C pr 'ached .44 ...Idettireil. them retelitiy;ayt• o_ltainea a; -rq oymji ei 1 d at ipii tro M - huiii. 1 :Coital u IT- ; p rtS in -a Detioi t :pine r_ and of her, rebiii- i niunications induee,-Iiiin.-"t withdravi , :Ills .rOonimenaatio.u.. -1'. G reclil), of fi0,1-1,•eli-:, to be (lead. , -1.is body- was 4 . ..., .: v4Utt two 'weekkago, ' A. FO'.V l'escapedl bn.rial Wil, le , . stveral .y.ear.i., ilgtT, lliS •Afil6--;\ -(.4(4 to .visit 11IS bOCIV-1111t-iliil ,ISted. -1-1-; IS ..ii-P\Y -S-141ted •1114 • f..14y Si,T1S of. Iffe -were '..notie body 1Vcis ',TO -loved.... 601. . 4 . • ribyician-$. prdnounce'itsus Mation. - - ' -4-- - - '--A..1i UT111.8uftl -stroi6-61 ,O- elation. *is • , ,-, .- peTior*-0, iii Al op treat rece, 'al v, -riri the : '- '--- ' .- f I ' " .1 ...I" 6 = - . pei.:,, on 0 .11 q. A.lexam er , _A c ree-or, .. pr. _J. T. iFinnie.. The operation - waS- the ..exc;Sion of a p -rti-dn- of the , - _ .- . , - 7 . - .spine; :the patient having b . p- a*suffere,r ' ' from -epilepticfits.f. -ir many:, years,-, 'The I 0 e„TtitiQ11 has- been successf. 1 in cheek- _ ing: these titS'. 1 - ...lt is said --' hat --Otis is tlie first -onera ion..6-f ilie:kii U on record. --;'------T-Ine Alcrolin" a Pionecii.' t --Canada. -• ' -• NV I/ an --Abbott bus: return viiit to t116-. . ill- diail.s 'A. -1i litip cirlailli Alas. upward- the lake Je ke Superior:-4n.cl:-.7.4-3por 1-.4 Of a: Very viti,ng ••Charti vas placed in: a 7t ad _-nar ju a,- 'trance as- -re-quest- . -doubt: ex- t,..:6n Sat lir- . ' and -the - _ - -tve - , •ended , . ,, . tni- th iep.. i., i the ,:l.),a.ys. is '-ts,.lery- . . , • fe* days of Warm - weather a Freat.riortiot of• if. - .Wit - weather ,:t the upper end-,-,:* bpdy,--of . he lake- ,fie: 6.-fr0Tn'. visit -el the steamers to .. T , inlayli‘reasoi..414y expected •. .--The--Ber.I.W. R Clark- . .. - with 4 faintino°:fli whilst , rp - .-I .prayers in the phurch .iof P.a,Inierst-on oii -81.`indMrthe ys -that *Mr. d frorii asttolpart •the ice to ter:. From Olen and 4. ,111- remOve -te't,:laendj4-fi4:1111.1-e -.-ery earlv nder. -Bay -was seized. ading the - at 1st. For a:s,e.in..t_ente Or two his voice- altered,And- , . -,.... . . .. , . . ........ then all was silent. -, - Or ,gln Cr . tO: f kith .. p .. it. lyfi':.(1,i8c016-ied :h?"14d..fa., 'ate& -1._ For- tunately, Dr. :0414-iiii, was ,.- fit' church,. .a.ce.f. (TT his assurance that.th tOi.--.golltie--' -man :oftld*SoOn _taine-rOlin bUt,'WoUld not beableto -tontinae the vice, the - ton6reziatioli -Felt the ',Chtlirdb '-• • .. , -A very Very rehiarkaMe:- .in yernent has just ilOsed_in-lancheSter„.. the _Church., . . -Of ,Piglaml iii _the. 'city and istriet - has licol holdipkiNvhat*-,called- 1,s1p,ireiSeslaiej-7rf,"'.,- 1.3.,- t..What--the Methodists 'R , .. : . . .-ifiyal'i 84-n1:Cps:. . The '....ish)p of .:-.A141i7.: ; ehlester has or.ganized...Iii0i0-." j.,atit ..ip...0.et-77. ino.s,.cf the AmployeeS ,Of. -.:th. -,„:-prilitipal. s.4-ciftri:Ssed s in a $.4 :ni eetinis' p. 711P.i.li --p'e'pw. i 1; ,A1r i).ei,Ef- establiolgits'; has:,.also .. , .f - -,. - le -of ,all manners ot frao s.:-7' at.-.,-thei -' =different.faetories, 0.-hd ,e-ven, e - :•aCtiorr, - _ at their theatres, -•:T,lio Colfax, rC41. - tapb :.state :that ,...,..... ). , , _ - itis ;_geOerally believed that . 011-1,0 et nt..- -men who are, ifipiing. ilif:Ali 1-iafvefonnd-kli*jp. a .',(.-ad 47 -other eVerlidisc*erect. have-taughf-aOimpse of it weight at three hundred:1:16.: 'Could i-liakii it iyerth '. $50. thi Chinamen are so-,sn-spIA . ., .: . , . . . nelghbors that lthey try! tro.'': aita its exact value Will 1::iro. be kno*11.-,-, -Miss: Annie Goodall -T-Tli law ' giReeila.-, of the --,CrOwn fill died in 1.-4ond°11, about '-a nibl , pigja-nti 1,..d,ve ,e.e. ide, d, witiii refe•re.dc.ei, late report .sayS] : - "tip to -y(..- to, the at:vat &gal of Nova Scotia, -thati was not burled,e-- Th° ecirPse as PkP -Queeil'i -warrant granting thel:,..iannoablilie'PaPs'-,-.waldohie-nreiaifteu.rce.s.ao Seal was merely directory., non-cempli-1 !I . . - ; - i • 1- -.1 - .: . b ' - of the o11 Sea ,- ille041 nor laffect Abel arictheJjewithidoes net render the iis ' -1 . - , i - el validity lido tinents on whibh it wasf• used. I - . - _ 1 . , • f. Vidinity pger.: than " *Men- , who stiniat'e its ndp,. which though . _ us of their Onceal ably. .never n actress, th ago. - A erOay' She is -Ai-arm :Soft* and. era, _doc- tOrs -haVe examined: her, have -ordered:that the body tau .Nyalcir&I night and .day..r The poor ,y -Ss. ; „-ilently in a- trance, but -whet ..deltined to coize to life qt. is - ' - 6 I , ' ressed '4°1210 °f ' ahriut 36 .Years ''nf ' .-,--At the As4ize Con'iltqii- i age-, _was' Oen reeling drunk -con ilarrie.-1 In" tsday Dao-rnij'ng, gi-.._-s-rlisp- I 6,itie -te 6 the. afternoon of Tu-Isday last, .ii iiiiints. h6d.;cextaffi .parties,:i..oun : at,nd fell: own. veral tirbes in the nme. ,i i nem tamperink4with the jur t cow& she aittracted, a great animnit - case in which tile fornio! were, _ . . . . (.1f -itttenti°2].-;.• :esP-eil'iallY- am.°41-gst sth-- 'all- Before the jeurtwere.disrhis. s BOY ,. • was, in-debai 4 • sadir. sightto night -thy were..t. warned l' -.1y - seei, wo an; 80. debased tb-i0gh-_,Stiong •stiipl? a,g- ain,5t 4istu* ssing c -,-the c -drii4c:, lather good4 cling •ftuit well- to say. _ Jury -Under .con).sideration;, - an4,fata1z,--aceident occurred not -observed,:lipweveras,0t1 to e.el. est dift4/4070t. Mi W Cas:- t444-Pliva:to --Ptcwiecutpt • - sell s- of he'."-TsOotld CObeessiOntof,..Eidr- (- the jury * is. _;c$unty, aged,-abOut,:nine after-- having -'1;106-nyea s . Viiiler--:*.iirkine.''aid'und the at the Anierican- :Hotel; - • -1. v: - • - - stove.he drels ; somehow -eaAghtefire, that the, case would cro. all, 11 witliliop - of slippresing., the flames, .-hrought -to- he :She,* alarm, and. The nal,pa;dtesrbiplasvT- illed-'-hlrsOf in the !assi8tance. 'Thursday. - n]oinin.o. was at _ha: 0,-. and' trieanzifornewhat: sne, 41-13r;_-.Iised irte te :the painsof. Coptiz--tO Iter. Ad..$119-rth. -•4,14.••• • Uel -ph on e Wilson to have men in • a Titerested. - for. the Lord ie. of per.;• his was at one of of ated I- by- = ht,' or in ii ;been-- attenti6it ssed- -• the-, • = •, opeF.:And : 131-.0 be thni waT1 'gat,* A young -manreinaOced ' the other Aven • - 4-- ing SOrry the days iveFe growin; - e past two w‘eks there havelieen tivel trains pass verthe 4 & IB. Bail 'Y for the east. e 1)er at this was shipped this week: -11Why:?" enquired a -bystander. "BL - he time for TiSitillg 31:1-$--:f0ve-otlaea-y.t. . . con1P'.fr3o soom." 'Pity 'tis, re a inoribo• of yu»g men Similarly; - - • is statedfliat: A hay t : Wroxeter, eiy ,beconw.--beire$•$ to - we 111 the lists we :should atce ip:Etitatieep-: qui- t. as to tilAt mar or sIngle.„ .A.s•it is we recohnnem our' frie' tf • f the BrusiFels.-PO.!t to turhhti-Atte ' • Annett 'wife ofMr,„ NV -m. Aiplett at,,oMine A itat4-lcepp.ez:(2f PrTsels; but now_ of P died- last week. irt the laFe, nadai.44 i)lace,, and hurifd in Blussels ('cm tror Sonday=nfternoon„."- ifile _body arri,zp.d. -by tr train. -on .SatuTclay eirenilg. • - • =ono= ouT more enteipris,ingMizelatts mentiom.Atessrs: Geo. icerr ▪ o_ck:of dry vocd•S, ke.*. is now eoin- i)let nd is 1)oth :large and. well The • pro- ng•hi_y heliel,e ithe ..efflea-ey of - prinee s iirk, iva ,their advertisenae_ntin anbtlier • • den. roa T.13-01131 If, Mettardy., invites tbe -plihi.' -11-.and-in-spea his -stock AA be says thai es -not -blow so hard as Safile:'tiei, he . ed he :ah-olve as gool.vaine for the' 5 UPI oflier-Merehmitin tom)... See -a - harleS :Stiff, -General- Super:Intel-Ir.' the :Great' :Western - Railway; is • entlApecting the oflices of the station. e 2e relates that a :young rnariL vini! /I:ear GOrrie has been paying: - h is ntionSifid. a young „girl for sonie time ck firmf. _Teton t ly was foi-ette d. - In, miger.`Ale circulated scandalous taIes etut her. and du a reteut. slot,. len-Orel young maii -visited the • -had* 'her revenge •-• by (1ehiiig liini with a can of boiling:va• t :51 ter. , his is said to be an 0--V.,ettive hy- -drop le cureforcand at mongers, • hot4 _suf. - Siiti on --the Lucki sOn te there' -Shot‘r. -WhiTe-h [A-Dvirdyr1sE3rENT.] itoi• of the „Selz NOt-beincr-satiAed-with: the-d-eeialorf ghlared bnlls at the late slow held ill: - Iv, I herebychallenge Mr, Wm.:Ander- ring lug bull- to •13onnyl3r_oolc. and - - - pete again with mine at the Spring be held. -on the 25th of April against- _ will .iakike • • -GR0A073, • sinessirned on by the late rill LUCK known -;:afi't e WATAkii,t ;PLANIAC_MIL fn future *Kicaliled on.1),y Who s ow and will- eepcontstantly 111 )184(1.'large -stc.)cx .9T - - , _ Made pine lu BBR o sold che The eg -their fo attenti glymg the sana Havi expediti -an( NI)S e very best thoroughly seasoned r. Also, a large stock of LUM- kinds always on hand and to be for eash. eriber in thanking the public for r -patronage, hopes by strict- olaUSillesS to merit a cAntinuance of .0a11,-aati see for yourselves before/. order 4 elsewhae. very la4iiity for lining out work arid heitztilmself a thoroug y pr I and y and in the best manner,. experierip'& mechanic;--theundersigued is pre- pared to uarantee.Batisfaptin. to all,comerts. _ Fromi Well* knoWn and long tried ability as A C0I.tictor.in Lu know anth d vicinity e SUbsCri}ii i1 pzeiltared io leave that part of the busii, vs ln. the cli of a *discerning pull- . lie, -fedi, as.§uma--th t a fair ProPQrtion, . will always le iis share • - )' Partje rom a ,distance - can )gtvo- thefr planing-htne ;vith them. - '- - PIA TNS LAIO. ° p'_pdred re - Iv). neatness -and digpatch. Specia,i advanages,given to•the trade. • li AND SCROLL SAWING all kinds a speciality. \ • eome-A.Lfor youlnOw ethe. - %EBB • 172-3vx.„,