HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Sentinel, 1877-03-02, Page 5• Kinloss, `e . 21st:, 17 Council: x iet .All -he " -members Air-eetnt. -3 e,Reeve do t o e - • The -minute -oft last:meetii g were- - rear-ancl-)-ign€a. .Ree'e -stated_ *.that. thy: ;gravel -1ros�ag: is the t Uunty -ol 13ruee, .had, ))'. the action or tho- County Uuunc been-- , tito,w_n.cupou the tovmphi1). (oui oils. $I vecl .isr J eo. \delr i!?s, o-�of2c eci_ eitdersou, that the I' ve be . retnibursec the Dun . l .63, _bang for <<-taxes; :paid: to redeem ; Lat; o.- .& .LucI , the sae e having . been. sold' der. THE MA!ItRK� ._ Lucke , Fall SVheat .' -$1.30 1,40 _Spring. Wheat = --! Pease. 3a.Iey. . ?Ms : new Jats:o1 Potatoes .' Butter;:.. .. Taeob Nieholl that Mr Henderson- let. Ilenr Barley - Smith-, that, _ther-.Audttprs-- lx.e7- Petition and •::-.others: for aid -on the ,20' line; 'Ordered KT/4th; .se_5alx.1.-0111:1)15.3to that, AVM. Mapona the sjim MDS for Imuber..-=-Cartie,(1. -franq:fo:r the nimil?er- of tav- ern lurenses in the. townShip-.of goy -eel -1y j. Is_rieholls, by • :Potatoes.— ipley, Feb: 27, 1877. 147: 0.5a 0.3a 0:35 ery ea ac nt • WANtED IMMEDIATELY. A. boy abbtit fifteen- years of acre, io learn the art 'of printing. Apply at thit's office. - TI Three lbs, tobacgo (Good •Solace) for .26, a THE ON PERFECT FITTIN?- CORSE It will give you entire- sittisfaction in every'," " respect, -and prove far more durable than_any aher corset ever ntanufactized. The wearer will not beshbject to the torture of 'shaping the -eonlet to the figure ag is the Case irrall ordinary corsetsi as the bupLgx is perfectly shaped, has nifbones oVer the hip* - annoy the wearer. , Warranted double hone and' steel: Sold by- -M. CAMPBELL at the oneer Store.- PIONEER ;and pqrOns- for the 'very --liberal Share Of sup, port accorded Ani for -THE -t4ST `SEVEN- TEEN YEARS -that. he has been doing•-bnai- - my cuStoniers... with goOdlgoodS at thp-. lowest --- ..7 possible -,price. _-±0 MoOMpl_103 "ehiS :no pains. . Markets. This a---daty honestly deVolving On - me in My_ relation to_ you ; While your duty in relatiqn to Me is to 134. promptly at the ericr of the year...YenriandWill net alwayi yield ,, unless stimulated - WY Onie fertilizer. .YOur tittle will not -always serve Yon- for -..naught; neither is it pOssible kr theinerchantto always' give Without a- return. Those ,-Whq ,:haie 4t- , ready paid -Will -accept ',My thanka for .:4:Leir - Promptness. Those Whoiltive not Yet done , so- :. will please giVetheniatter th ir .attention ant- -.= The tonal complete and*aried assortment -Sealed Tenders will be received f by the' _undersigned. (Ulster, P. O.) up to -March the _13th, --1877 for titikling au addition of 20 feet - T. the Presbyterian Church„ White Church, Blain and _speeificatiors can be seen - iiiiished-v the 1st of June: Cash on comple• tion of work. The lowest. or any tender not The Connell , adjourned ,ito.--..Meet: itailway Th4 in-anber of op the Toil of GOODS ROOE RIES, Came into the promises -'of tlie -subscriber; Lot 10-. Con.. 13„ West WawariOsli,- on the 25th *of J.anuary, a three year old heifer.-Whe owner isrequeSted to prove property- pay -e-epenses; mill:is' to 'built at Thorn-, posecl tcy exist in. the nerthborhoocl of -as uilt 1.41 PI GAUNT'S SAW HE Sah.scriber in thanking the public gen- erally for their pa:tronage during the past three years, would...remind them that he has ote hand about 400060 feet of pine lumber- -of di widths and thieluiesks,.consistingof IA and 1 . inch floqring, block Siding 10 and 12 incl;', half inch siding, 142-- aid 2 inch filank, and 1 hitt lumber of all quantities; all of Which will be sold cheap for cash. A qnantity of seasoned sleigh or waggon poles on hand. Shingles and , constantly on -hand or cut to order on , shortest possible notice. Bili. stuff up to25-: JAMES GA1.3 Kinitege,Oeenber 4th 1875. 6m. FOR SALE.. -The.gub criber offers for Sale alarm,- Coin - acres: -of the farm are elearod, -and'., in a good. state df Gultivatioir,abont ten acres" is seeded down, There is a hewed log-,.hottse., 18:(20,: on twoltood- orchards: This farm is situated about two. aud -a hall froM For particulars apply' to Onsthe premises. provements and4discovents of the age. IT PAYS the head of every family to intro.- •••.„ duce into his honsehold neWspaper that is instructive, oneithat fosters a taste for _intee- tigation, and promotes thonght and encourages - discussion among .the members: - 13;:a7;813, tid130 1111:4$.7i14. yond thatof -any other Publication .; ae theonlyeveekly- _paper Published in the • :euhnaintit Sitantveet, .tdioinvsotileudd.it;io the Arta and. Sciences: i& • its contents linderace the latest and most inter-• 'esting inform -alien pertaihing to the Indus- - Mechanical ' and Scientific ProgresS, of the World; ))eseriptions„ :with beautiful en- gravings of New lnyentionst: NOW Irnpltr0;Piitsi-:-..-.. New Processes add ImProvedinduStrieS.of 'all 111 kinds e. Useful Notes, _irReCeipes, SUgeestione. .and Employers; -in all the Various arts, forming - only of the -progress of the Industrial Alta ' been the foreinost:of '411-inatistrialpublieations•-;-- .7 -for the pita tl-airty-one years.- Itis the °iciest. , Merchants': Farmers, Mechanics; .Engieer.i.. InVentors 'Manufacturers riernists 'Lovers of -Science, and PeOple-ef lirofesSionS, if at -Dam- e unclersigneitbskts receiyed. P-0- v' 1.1P.T'f#: !the, ccioric)11•140samrslevilia..1Q-i‘e%ib.eipritoefgliisoen ,ice,,rtt ti-se.e.:3.1,1•!5.p.ebit,:_,.. 1. I ,a.,1\_Ict enr141.1, and' -Murdoch' --.14174einn64,1'. ao eluding postage;--: Discount! to cl. S,,- SpeCia _.. , TEN: ncl- ow', F b: 1•6,. '.A:1731''b'e 9:;r11GPIlk :are SelicitorS of -Ameri an ana .:Forei;gn Tat- ' the •SdiENtIFIC. Am_En,r N., g.sssrs Munn -0,- Gs World: . Mere than lift .-1-,1liptsia ..i)j).iio*i-tioii.5 . ! have: --been Made -:..-for -_Patents through '1•their . .amineii. and: advice, `fitie. -.-k.Spedial -notice is ern :-Qrayel -ROad.: Thera i -- a- gbod ... frame. _ Pinephlet„-contairdinng full ditectionsthei . ob• •••• . (livening - house; about. -•25x39. ;-. ills°. -0', :good.- taininig, Patents" Sent -'/- freLl..;:The SCientifice -:•• 6 ood welt on the premisei - 'two .1 cies- Aift+-Ite, -iii.eloth and gilt Coirtaininz theiPetent -TAWS. - - - _AT.,E.x. r..A....,7D...i,41.19,13,S0.,,tile preta.. iseit - 1:-:341I.B.- :,a:NI:lhbTre8ttafelre():,..h.:6,e3.0-7:a:7v1:jaelic:_o.itiscojviiiti!::T.i.:Arawg:P-r-::: it . Spring jata !le Pork; yerL-oxit5,, 0,45 0.47 Apply to . • CO Make only otfe Style arid have only'. one. pre .. SENT 4:5005- No Agents.: =. Diseounti.... o qpian4ssiona, .BOOT AND -1 -.Where yob.. can piirchase 13o.ots. and Shoefe-at Price that will' astonish yod. ' ,He is deter ' .thinli tO dent off his Stock; and .as -Ne;essity is. th mether of-Inention;•he belie :es that by .satel,i)iniglphiii_tisaSthc7.:asaeisi,rloe.ss . ,::than val. e-, he ban - The snbScriber takes thIs Opportunity of iii - fain -ling the publie that:he will: .carrY on -the business'.of•the -late .firm • at the_old stand, lent at greatly reduced prices. - • Come one, emne all., and you will Iliad this is the rage. JOHN PEART. - N, Bet -All accounts dne to 'the late firra. mu.st be paid before the 20th Of this month, as at that tinie they be placed_irkoth_er halide ALUABL